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  1. 2 years ago

    That seems like a pretty reasonable thing to say and checked.

  2. 2 years ago

    yeah what about dooku asswipe

    • 2 years ago

      Twas different

    • 2 years ago

      how does he go from this to killing children in 2 hours?

      Both Dooku/Windu's death were mirrored for dramatic effect. When Anakin executed Dooku similar to the culling of the sand people. It was a 1 to 1 revenge transaction. In both instances Anakin surrenders to the Dark Side and he knows "I shouldn't have done that". Then Palpatine who we know is really DARTH SIDIOUS a SITH LORD says "he was much to dangerous to be left alive". Now skip to when Anakin tells Mace Windu that Palpatine is the SITH LORD the Jedi have been looking for, Mace doesn't trust Anakin. He has never trusted Anakin. Mace was present when Anakin was screened by the Jedi Council to be trained and suggested that Anakin not be trained. So to reiterate Mace has NEVER TRUSTED ANAKIN. Now Mace is a guy considered to be the second authority in the Jedi Council only superseded by Yoda. In Attack of the Clones when Yoda and Mace Windu are convening with one another they admit to one another that it has been a long time since EITHER has felt the Force. Yoda then deflects blame from themselves and blames the dark side of the Force. But Yoda and Mace's connection had been weakening long before the The Phantom Menace. We know this because Qui-Gon Jinn who many considered to be a great Jedi with a powerful connection to the Force-he is the first Jedi in generations to become a Force ghost and teaches the technique to Obi Wan and Yoda himself-left a prestigious position on the Jedi Council because Qui Gon felt the Council had become stagnant. Now let's look at the scene with Mace Windu dueling Palpatine. Mace Windu is the only Jedi to survive the fight because he possesses a part of himself that can touch the Dark Side of the Force that's one of the reasons behind his purple lightsaber RED+BLUE.


      • 2 years ago

        Let's skip to when Anakin arrives as Mace stands above Palpatine. I may be getting this out of order because I'm going from memory on this next part Mace Windu says "the oppression of the of the Sith will never return" then says "I WILL END THIS ONCE AND FOR ALL". HE WILL END IT, MACE WINDU WILL END IT. He is a Jedi Master he should know not to say or think such prideful things. "A jedi is selfless and only thinks of others. Sith ONLY THINK INWARD". Anakin has felt the dark side and come out before. But Mace is so prideful he believes himself infallible but Mace is so enraptured and engorged by the dark side he cannot even see himself. Mace has been lying to himself for a very long time. How do we know this because he repeats a SITH LORD's words verbatim "He's much to dangerous to be left alive". Now think about the effect of this display has on Anakin. Here is Mace Windu a powerful and respected Jedi so far fallen. How do you think this colors his image of the Jedi? How do you think this changes his relationship with Obi-Wan or any Jedi. Everything he believes in is shattered because of Mace Windu.All of the is clearly depicted in the movies no Exspanded Universe stuff

        • 2 years ago

          Whens the next video coming out Rick?

        • 2 years ago

          Nice essay, except I read somewhere that when Anakin tells Mace that Palpatine is a Sith, Mace trusts Anakin for the first time. For reasons totally unexplained Mace refuses to allow Anakin to accompany him to arrest Palpatine. It's a bit clumsy, Mace accepts what Anakin told him but in the same breath says that Anakin's judgement is clouded. I also don't understand why Anakin didn't present more conclusive evidence like 'he literally tried to seduce me into joining the dark side and denounced the jedi'.

          • 2 years ago

            You asshats go through great lengths to intentionally NOT understand basic events and character motives of these movies. Intentionally moroning yourselves

        • 2 years ago

          Yet again a Black person ruins everything

      • 2 years ago

        Let's skip to when Anakin arrives as Mace stands above Palpatine. I may be getting this out of order because I'm going from memory on this next part Mace Windu says "the oppression of the of the Sith will never return" then says "I WILL END THIS ONCE AND FOR ALL". HE WILL END IT, MACE WINDU WILL END IT. He is a Jedi Master he should know not to say or think such prideful things. "A jedi is selfless and only thinks of others. Sith ONLY THINK INWARD". Anakin has felt the dark side and come out before. But Mace is so prideful he believes himself infallible but Mace is so enraptured and engorged by the dark side he cannot even see himself. Mace has been lying to himself for a very long time. How do we know this because he repeats a SITH LORD's words verbatim "He's much to dangerous to be left alive". Now think about the effect of this display has on Anakin. Here is Mace Windu a powerful and respected Jedi so far fallen. How do you think this colors his image of the Jedi? How do you think this changes his relationship with Obi-Wan or any Jedi. Everything he believes in is shattered because of Mace Windu.All of the is clearly depicted in the movies no Exspanded Universe stuff

        take your meds

      • 2 years ago

        Let's skip to when Anakin arrives as Mace stands above Palpatine. I may be getting this out of order because I'm going from memory on this next part Mace Windu says "the oppression of the of the Sith will never return" then says "I WILL END THIS ONCE AND FOR ALL". HE WILL END IT, MACE WINDU WILL END IT. He is a Jedi Master he should know not to say or think such prideful things. "A jedi is selfless and only thinks of others. Sith ONLY THINK INWARD". Anakin has felt the dark side and come out before. But Mace is so prideful he believes himself infallible but Mace is so enraptured and engorged by the dark side he cannot even see himself. Mace has been lying to himself for a very long time. How do we know this because he repeats a SITH LORD's words verbatim "He's much to dangerous to be left alive". Now think about the effect of this display has on Anakin. Here is Mace Windu a powerful and respected Jedi so far fallen. How do you think this colors his image of the Jedi? How do you think this changes his relationship with Obi-Wan or any Jedi. Everything he believes in is shattered because of Mace Windu.All of the is clearly depicted in the movies no Exspanded Universe stuff


      • 2 years ago

        Let's skip to when Anakin arrives as Mace stands above Palpatine. I may be getting this out of order because I'm going from memory on this next part Mace Windu says "the oppression of the of the Sith will never return" then says "I WILL END THIS ONCE AND FOR ALL". HE WILL END IT, MACE WINDU WILL END IT. He is a Jedi Master he should know not to say or think such prideful things. "A jedi is selfless and only thinks of others. Sith ONLY THINK INWARD". Anakin has felt the dark side and come out before. But Mace is so prideful he believes himself infallible but Mace is so enraptured and engorged by the dark side he cannot even see himself. Mace has been lying to himself for a very long time. How do we know this because he repeats a SITH LORD's words verbatim "He's much to dangerous to be left alive". Now think about the effect of this display has on Anakin. Here is Mace Windu a powerful and respected Jedi so far fallen. How do you think this colors his image of the Jedi? How do you think this changes his relationship with Obi-Wan or any Jedi. Everything he believes in is shattered because of Mace Windu.All of the is clearly depicted in the movies no Exspanded Universe stuff

        Based. Wehraboos always muck it up by saying Sidious is le good and Jedi ackchually the real evil, but they WERE all responsible for making Anakin.

        The biggest problem with Star Wars analysis is that people forget that LUKE is the hero and main character and the prequels are about making BAD DECISIONS.

        • 2 years ago

          Killing Palpatine in the office would've been a great decision though.

      • 2 years ago

        >one of the reasons behind his purple lightsaber RED+BLUE
        I hate this Disney canon crap

        • 2 years ago

          His lightsaber is purple because Samuel asked for it to be.

      • 2 years ago

        holy schizo

    • 2 years ago

      That is literally the point of the scene. He knew executing Dooku was against the Jedi Way. The same Jedi Way that made him leave his mother unprotected. Now he sees the top Jedi master acting the same way. This allows him to realize the Jedi are bullshit

      • 2 years ago

        This is literally the /thread/. Anybody else who makes shit up about how bad it is is filtered and coping.

    • 2 years ago

      Anakin didn't wanna do it though even mentioning it wasn't the jedi way. The jedi for years held him to a standard they didn't hold themselves where killing your enemy was more important than enforcing what is right.

      • 2 years ago

        That is literally the point of the scene. He knew executing Dooku was against the Jedi Way. The same Jedi Way that made him leave his mother unprotected. Now he sees the top Jedi master acting the same way. This allows him to realize the Jedi are bullshit

        yeah what about dooku asswipe

        Holy shit moral conundrums and a bit of philosophy in my movies? Wtf..

    • 2 years ago

      Both things were wrong, Anakin knows what he did was wrong and did it anyway, so did Mace. However, you need to remember the fact that the Jedi killed unarmed prisoners all the time: remember the unarmed pilot droids on the Invisible hand? Mercilessly executed.

      how does he go from this to killing children in 2 hours?

      The Jedi as an organisation were evil (correct), and Anakin was already a fascist serving the state as a living weapon. The Jedi just tried a coup.

      • 2 years ago

        Droids don't count

        • 2 years ago

          Droids always count. They're literally just slaves.

          Imagine watching a movie and the heroes invade the warship of an evil guy, and then on the way out they kill all his enslaved servants just for fun. The boat then crashes into a town because these guys were also doing the work that kept the ship afloat.

          That's the opening to episode 3.

          • 2 years ago

            Droids are fodder. They're irrelevant

          • 2 years ago

            >They're literally just slaves.
            No they're robots without souls, moron.

          • 2 years ago

            We're going to give literal tin cans with a Raspberry Pi insert rights because of morons like you someday.

  3. 2 years ago


  4. 2 years ago

    how does he go from this to killing children in 2 hours?

    • 2 years ago

      Non sigmas wouldn't get it

    • 2 years ago

      yeah he definitely didn't kill children in attack of the clones

      • 2 years ago

        That's the problem, Anakin never really got "seduced" to the dark side in the prequels like how Obi-Wan described it in ANH. He was essentially just an emotionally unstable sociopath from the start which significantly lessens the emotional impact of his moral downfall.

        • 2 years ago

          he wasn't a sociopath. He was being groomed to be a heartless drone by the jedi, much older, too idealistic, and naïve of what jedi are. He wanted to be a hero; a savior to slaves and their people. But the jedi told him attachment, longing for his mother are things he should throw away not understanding or trying to empathize with the plight of an abused kid. He was constantly shafted by arrogant jedi, and the only person who EVER showed any belief in him was the bad guy. I agree though, he was less seduced and more driven to the dark side by the jedi's lack of emotional support for someone struggling with loss and longing to help those he left behind.

        • 2 years ago

          >Anakin never really got "seduced" to the dark side in the prequels like how Obi-Wan described it in ANH.
          That's not a "problem", that's one of the points of the PT: Obi-wan fricking lied to Luke in order to get him to kill Vader.
          The point is to attack the common (mis)interpretation that Luke seemingly adheres to in ROTJ, namely that Vader is pure evil, but Anakin the Father is good. It turns out that Anakin the father is a fascist with pathological mommy issues, and Vader is this half-droid zombie slave that symbolises the downtrodden of the galaxy.

          • 2 years ago

            I think it ain't as simple as "Anakin was bad but Vader was worse." It just showed that things aren't as simple as a guy being 100% a hero before turning a flip and gaining dark side points like in The Clone Wars show or the Sequel Trilogy. For someone to turn into a monster like Vader there had to be issues present way way longer before than Obi Wan would have loved to admit. Luke brought out the good in his father through love. The jedi and palpatine brought out the worst through fear. Overall the good had won because there was a person in the universe who still held onto it despite the odds.

            • 2 years ago

              Again, the prequels is a satire of the idea that Anakin/The Father was a good guy and Vader is a monster.

              It's very clear that the Jedi are to blame for basically everything that happens in Star Wars, and they never learn. You need to realise this before you can truly talk about star wars

              Droids are fodder. They're irrelevant

              >They're literally just slaves.
              No they're robots without souls, moron.

              "Nobody in Star Wars believes droids are even capable of doing what R2 does. Droids are so subhuman that the gunners don't even consider the possibility that they would be entrusted with the plans.

              Obviously, if a ship is in danger, even Alliance-types won't waste a perfectly good escape pod on saving the robots. Leia was taking advantage of that classism, because she had no other choice.

              (Keep in mind that, when Luke blew up the Death Star, he killed every prisoner held there - except The Princess, of course. All those blue shirt guys from the opening scene, all the aliens (who must have existed in order for Chewbacca's disguise to work), and all the droids that were made to serve.... We don't care about those deaths because, naturally, they aren't royalty. That's ideology at work: the film itself makes Leia's superiority seem completely natural. This ties in with how Chewbacca and the droids get no medals. The narrative makes no sense unless you understand just how dehumanized the droids are.)

              "Hold your fire. There are no life-forms. It must have short circuited." This spontaneous ship behavior is common enough, it seems, to be completely unremarkable.

              Of course we know the plans are in the escape pod - but that's because this part of the story is told from C3PO's POV. For everyone else, the meaning is unambiguous: droids are shit. Nobody cares about them. They were made to suffer."

              TL:DR the movie is about Luke being a slave owner, and you identify with him, so therefore do not consider his slaves people. But they are.

              • 2 years ago

                Droids are to be destroyed. They're nothing.

              • 2 years ago

                If they’re nothing why does jabba need a torturer in the basement?

                Why does C3PO wake up embarassed at being naked (like Adam)? What do you seriously think Lucas meant by referencing Jesus so much with Anakin and then have him create C3PO?

              • 2 years ago

                They contain information, like most machines

              • 2 years ago

                If they're nothing, why does Jabba need to torture them in order to extract information?
                Why would it give him pleasure to fry a roomba (it doesn't, he's physically unable to see them)?
                The answer is that droids are simply slaves kept in line through fear, and they do not want to be tortured. You can tell because C3PO is terrified of being tortured, and starts working for Jabba.

              • 2 years ago

                Droids have information. Grow up,

              • 2 years ago

                No, explain your reasoning and refute the points.

                You look at an image of a slave being tortured by another, and others who look on in horror and think "like, so when they burn the guys feet, that's not actually public torture to keep others in line. It's just a way to extract information, while the slave may scream in pain, it doesn't actually have a soul. Now, let's get back to the movie about the masters of these slaves, one of which is a Good Person despite clearly owning slaves."

              • 2 years ago

                Droids are irrelevant.

              • 2 years ago

                I think it's clear from your inability to argue that they're not.

              • 2 years ago

                Droids are nothing.

              • 2 years ago

                Droids aren't slaves the same way your PC or any Ai programm aren't, moron.

              • 2 years ago

                >You can just heckin bomb the tracks to auschwitz, those engineers have families!

              • 2 years ago

                Those tracks were never bombed.

              • 2 years ago

                Extreme baza here.
                Rebels have rip offs from Nazi's rifles as weapons....

      • 2 years ago

        They were animals and he killed them like animals

    • 2 years ago

      He was training them.
      Why would your mind autonatically assume he killed them?

    • 2 years ago

      He's getting high on dark side

    • 2 years ago

      If palpatine can somehow confuse yoda with some dark forces brain fog clouding his vision and shit I’m sure he could get the unstable moron to chop kids up.

    • 2 years ago

      Anakin helps kill Windu in a moment of heated passion, he thinks this means he is at the point of no return and resigns to do Palpatine's bidding.
      You see people in highly emotional states do not make rational decisions, truly desperate people like Anakin who feel they have no options and are looking for any way out, will take any means of escape even if it means doing more immoral things.
      Anakin is a panicking criminal who instead of turning himself in, looks to Palpatine to offer him salvation, which he gets only by becoming more and more past the point of no return.
      At this point Anakin might as well not feel in control of his actions as he convinces himself he doesn't have any choice but to do what Palpatine says.

      • 2 years ago

        He made a rash decision killing Windu as Palpatine set it up that it was either him or Palpatine and by extension, Padme's fate in that moment. Windu was also the Jedi Master most critical of Anakin and had the worst relationship with him, he embodied the bureaucracy, unfairness and arrogance of the Jedi to Anakin.

        After that, he immediately realized what he had done was irredeemable and the only way forward was to destroy every part of the Jedi in order to bring peace. Any younglin that grew up could become a Jedi Master that would threaten his new empire and future peace in a twisted "ends justify the means", rampage.

        His plan in that moment was to secure Padme's fate and get rid of his prophetic dreams about her dying and then killing Palpatine. When Padme was lost, Palpatine was all he had left.

        Both Dooku/Windu's death were mirrored for dramatic effect. When Anakin executed Dooku similar to the culling of the sand people. It was a 1 to 1 revenge transaction. In both instances Anakin surrenders to the Dark Side and he knows "I shouldn't have done that". Then Palpatine who we know is really DARTH SIDIOUS a SITH LORD says "he was much to dangerous to be left alive". Now skip to when Anakin tells Mace Windu that Palpatine is the SITH LORD the Jedi have been looking for, Mace doesn't trust Anakin. He has never trusted Anakin. Mace was present when Anakin was screened by the Jedi Council to be trained and suggested that Anakin not be trained. So to reiterate Mace has NEVER TRUSTED ANAKIN. Now Mace is a guy considered to be the second authority in the Jedi Council only superseded by Yoda. In Attack of the Clones when Yoda and Mace Windu are convening with one another they admit to one another that it has been a long time since EITHER has felt the Force. Yoda then deflects blame from themselves and blames the dark side of the Force. But Yoda and Mace's connection had been weakening long before the The Phantom Menace. We know this because Qui-Gon Jinn who many considered to be a great Jedi with a powerful connection to the Force-he is the first Jedi in generations to become a Force ghost and teaches the technique to Obi Wan and Yoda himself-left a prestigious position on the Jedi Council because Qui Gon felt the Council had become stagnant. Now let's look at the scene with Mace Windu dueling Palpatine. Mace Windu is the only Jedi to survive the fight because he possesses a part of himself that can touch the Dark Side of the Force that's one of the reasons behind his purple lightsaber RED+BLUE.


        Let's skip to when Anakin arrives as Mace stands above Palpatine. I may be getting this out of order because I'm going from memory on this next part Mace Windu says "the oppression of the of the Sith will never return" then says "I WILL END THIS ONCE AND FOR ALL". HE WILL END IT, MACE WINDU WILL END IT. He is a Jedi Master he should know not to say or think such prideful things. "A jedi is selfless and only thinks of others. Sith ONLY THINK INWARD". Anakin has felt the dark side and come out before. But Mace is so prideful he believes himself infallible but Mace is so enraptured and engorged by the dark side he cannot even see himself. Mace has been lying to himself for a very long time. How do we know this because he repeats a SITH LORD's words verbatim "He's much to dangerous to be left alive". Now think about the effect of this display has on Anakin. Here is Mace Windu a powerful and respected Jedi so far fallen. How do you think this colors his image of the Jedi? How do you think this changes his relationship with Obi-Wan or any Jedi. Everything he believes in is shattered because of Mace Windu.All of the is clearly depicted in the movies no Exspanded Universe stuff

        excellent post

      • 2 years ago

        He made a rash decision killing Windu as Palpatine set it up that it was either him or Palpatine and by extension, Padme's fate in that moment. Windu was also the Jedi Master most critical of Anakin and had the worst relationship with him, he embodied the bureaucracy, unfairness and arrogance of the Jedi to Anakin.

        After that, he immediately realized what he had done was irredeemable and the only way forward was to destroy every part of the Jedi in order to bring peace. Any younglin that grew up could become a Jedi Master that would threaten his new empire and future peace in a twisted "ends justify the means", rampage.

        His plan in that moment was to secure Padme's fate and get rid of his prophetic dreams about her dying and then killing Palpatine. When Padme was lost, Palpatine was all he had left.

        Both Dooku/Windu's death were mirrored for dramatic effect. When Anakin executed Dooku similar to the culling of the sand people. It was a 1 to 1 revenge transaction. In both instances Anakin surrenders to the Dark Side and he knows "I shouldn't have done that". Then Palpatine who we know is really DARTH SIDIOUS a SITH LORD says "he was much to dangerous to be left alive". Now skip to when Anakin tells Mace Windu that Palpatine is the SITH LORD the Jedi have been looking for, Mace doesn't trust Anakin. He has never trusted Anakin. Mace was present when Anakin was screened by the Jedi Council to be trained and suggested that Anakin not be trained. So to reiterate Mace has NEVER TRUSTED ANAKIN. Now Mace is a guy considered to be the second authority in the Jedi Council only superseded by Yoda. In Attack of the Clones when Yoda and Mace Windu are convening with one another they admit to one another that it has been a long time since EITHER has felt the Force. Yoda then deflects blame from themselves and blames the dark side of the Force. But Yoda and Mace's connection had been weakening long before the The Phantom Menace. We know this because Qui-Gon Jinn who many considered to be a great Jedi with a powerful connection to the Force-he is the first Jedi in generations to become a Force ghost and teaches the technique to Obi Wan and Yoda himself-left a prestigious position on the Jedi Council because Qui Gon felt the Council had become stagnant. Now let's look at the scene with Mace Windu dueling Palpatine. Mace Windu is the only Jedi to survive the fight because he possesses a part of himself that can touch the Dark Side of the Force that's one of the reasons behind his purple lightsaber RED+BLUE.


        Let's skip to when Anakin arrives as Mace stands above Palpatine. I may be getting this out of order because I'm going from memory on this next part Mace Windu says "the oppression of the of the Sith will never return" then says "I WILL END THIS ONCE AND FOR ALL". HE WILL END IT, MACE WINDU WILL END IT. He is a Jedi Master he should know not to say or think such prideful things. "A jedi is selfless and only thinks of others. Sith ONLY THINK INWARD". Anakin has felt the dark side and come out before. But Mace is so prideful he believes himself infallible but Mace is so enraptured and engorged by the dark side he cannot even see himself. Mace has been lying to himself for a very long time. How do we know this because he repeats a SITH LORD's words verbatim "He's much to dangerous to be left alive". Now think about the effect of this display has on Anakin. Here is Mace Windu a powerful and respected Jedi so far fallen. How do you think this colors his image of the Jedi? How do you think this changes his relationship with Obi-Wan or any Jedi. Everything he believes in is shattered because of Mace Windu.All of the is clearly depicted in the movies no Exspanded Universe stuff

        >novel's worth of text to explain away shit writing
        the meme's not funny anymore

        • 2 years ago

          >he thinks it's a meme

        • 2 years ago

          all that useless, useless typing that gave zero background info from the books and then he hits us with

          Let's skip to when Anakin arrives as Mace stands above Palpatine. I may be getting this out of order because I'm going from memory on this next part Mace Windu says "the oppression of the of the Sith will never return" then says "I WILL END THIS ONCE AND FOR ALL". HE WILL END IT, MACE WINDU WILL END IT. He is a Jedi Master he should know not to say or think such prideful things. "A jedi is selfless and only thinks of others. Sith ONLY THINK INWARD". Anakin has felt the dark side and come out before. But Mace is so prideful he believes himself infallible but Mace is so enraptured and engorged by the dark side he cannot even see himself. Mace has been lying to himself for a very long time. How do we know this because he repeats a SITH LORD's words verbatim "He's much to dangerous to be left alive". Now think about the effect of this display has on Anakin. Here is Mace Windu a powerful and respected Jedi so far fallen. How do you think this colors his image of the Jedi? How do you think this changes his relationship with Obi-Wan or any Jedi. Everything he believes in is shattered because of Mace Windu.All of the is clearly depicted in the movies no Exspanded Universe stuff

          >How do we know this because he repeats a SITH LORD's words verbatim
          >Here is Mace Windu a powerful and respected Jedi so far fallen
          so you're dead to anakin if you quote a sith but it's OK if you explicitly tell him you're the one true sith lord and ask him to join you on the dark side...

          sounds about consistent with anakin's (george's) epic fricking stupidity

          • 2 years ago

            He was an unhinged child soldier being torn between two paths and the confluence of his anxious personal motivations, massive PTSD and disillusioning and disheartening displays by the Jedi drive him to an incredibly liquid and volatile state where he is totally broken down and his worldview reforged (not unlike the MOLTEN LAVA OF THE VOLCANO PLANET MUSTAFAR, THE BIRTHPLACE AND LAIR OF DARTH VADER. This is pulp for children) and of course it’s all blown up to BIBLICAL SCI FI EPIC proportions by the SPACE MAGIC.

            The republic was fricked up (the empire is worse, wehraboo homosexuals), they had a false morality that pitied but didn’t rescue the outer rim slaves, and didn’t even recognize the droid slaves everywhere.

    • 2 years ago

      He made a rash decision killing Windu as Palpatine set it up that it was either him or Palpatine and by extension, Padme's fate in that moment. Windu was also the Jedi Master most critical of Anakin and had the worst relationship with him, he embodied the bureaucracy, unfairness and arrogance of the Jedi to Anakin.

      After that, he immediately realized what he had done was irredeemable and the only way forward was to destroy every part of the Jedi in order to bring peace. Any younglin that grew up could become a Jedi Master that would threaten his new empire and future peace in a twisted "ends justify the means", rampage.

      His plan in that moment was to secure Padme's fate and get rid of his prophetic dreams about her dying and then killing Palpatine. When Padme was lost, Palpatine was all he had left.

    • 2 years ago

      We all those days every once in a while.

    • 2 years ago

      >He doesnt know people CAN die from broken heart
      >He doesnt know its possible to slide into villainy while still having some sense of justice left
      >He doesnt know its possible to break down and slip during the highest pressure

      All PT critics seems to be an uneducated parentless zoomers.

      • 2 years ago

        Purposefully killing not one, but many maybe 100+ just a slip up do to pressure.

        What are you a Sith apologist? Thats the wife beater defense essentially...."you know how I get when you burn the toast, so I just slipped and clocked you"

    • 2 years ago

      He was bamboozled.

      >"I helped you kill my boss. Now save my wife."
      >"Uuuh. I don't know how to do it yet. We can try together."
      >"What? But I need it like right now or in like a few weeks. We have no time."
      >"Don't think about it too hard. You're Darth Vader from now on. Now go murder children."
      >"Yes, master."

      • 2 years ago

        Anakin was called the best pilot not the biggest genius in the galaxy.

    • 2 years ago

      Remember that Palpatine represented the government and law moreso than the Jedi did, and that the Republic army of clones were also turning on the Jedi. In a sense, Anakin was on the “side of Justice” even if in his heart of hearts he knew that Justice was a lie (all this in addition to dark side influence mumbo jumbo)

    • 2 years ago

      He was already completely disillusioned against the Jedi and believed that they were bad, coupled with his desperation to save Padme, his judgement was clouded.

    • 2 years ago

      senator pussy had him acting different

    • 2 years ago

      That’s the point of Darth Vader. He made a tragic mistake and is too prideful to humble himself to admit he was wrong. Instead he only continues down a destructive path feeding his anger and hate. He sees it as the only choice he has and he’s gone to far. He even lied to himself daily that Vader has killed Anakin.
      At the end of the day he’s just a psychotic autist.

    • 2 years ago

      He had some serious shizophrenia and didnt take his meds, so he decided to to shoot up his school. We see many such cases almost every week in the USA

    • 2 years ago

      Principle is principle. His faith was waffling. Mace extrajudicially deciding to execute Palpatine was his last straw. At that point he considered the Jedi to be power hungry zealots, including their trainees, and deserving of extermination. He didn't see "cute kids" in that room he saw more Jedi. Although I still think that scene is over the top.

    • 2 years ago

      It will save HIS children it needs to be done

    • 2 years ago

      >I'll do whatever you ask... Just help me save Padme's life. I can't live without her...
      He literally tells the audience why, moments before the youngling murder spree begins. Anakin also ain't happy about doing it but his wife is more important than a group of people he considers to be evil now. Not to mention he has always been emotionally unstable after joining the jedi and quick to act on his emotional darker impulses.

    • 2 years ago

      maaaan you dangle a carrot big and worthwhile enough as a justification for your bidding infront of your target and any mf will be like "ohp yeah this i was looking for all my life, im justified"

    • 2 years ago

      Shit writing

  5. 2 years ago

    why did the force tempt Anakin?

  6. 2 years ago

    who was wrong?

    • 2 years ago

      The Jedi Way

  7. 2 years ago

    How come Sheev's face is a monster? Did the lightning do it to him, or was he always that way? Did he throw the fight on purpose so he had some fuel to work with when Anakin walked in? Did he know Anakin was on his way to set all this up?

    • 2 years ago

      The force guided him

    • 2 years ago

      Yes the lightning did that...didnt you watch the movie? He didnt throw the fight, Windu was an extremely capable with a light saber. Palpatine would have to try in order to not be killed. Sandbagging to keep up appearances doenst make since given the situation.

    • 2 years ago

      I always assumed it was his true form being revealed because we never see anyone else getting melted. And I'm pretty sure Lucas stated that Mace straight up beat him in the duel. Palpy throwing the fight is Sith cope.

      • 2 years ago

        It makes sense though. If Palpatine wasn't throwing the fight, what would his plan have been? For Anakin to walk in and see him flipping around the room, armed with a lightsaber, and three dead Jedi masters on the ground?

        • 2 years ago

          No it doesnt make sense

          Yes the lightning did that...didnt you watch the movie? He didnt throw the fight, Windu was an extremely capable with a light saber. Palpatine would have to try in order to not be killed. Sandbagging to keep up appearances doenst make since given the situation.

          If Mace Windu wants you dead he is going to kill you, or die trying....someone as powerful and apparently "smart" as Palpation would know that. If he was waiting for Anakin, he would delay with talking and not start a fight. Fighting with Windu means actually fighting, or he would die.

          • 2 years ago

            Says who? The only time we'd seen Mace fight before this was against Jango. Besides being the number 2 in command, there was no real source on Mace's power before this fight, and Palpatine wins against Yoda a few hours later.

            • 2 years ago

              Bro come on a literal child can understand that Mace is the fighter dude. Jango is a bigdeal midboss that bests Kenobi and Mace chops his head right off. When Anakin is complimenting Kenobi to Padme, he calls him “As powerful as Master Windu and and wise as Master Yoda” clearly implying their triangulated relationship as the three leaders of the Jedi who matter in the movies.

              • 2 years ago

                >we're supposed to learn Windu is some god-tier powerful fighter because..... Anakin was bragging about his buttbuddy to his GF and vaguely inferred Windu is powerful

              • 2 years ago

                yes...thats how stories work

              • 2 years ago

                >stories rely on throwaway lines of exposition

              • 2 years ago

                >everything must be shown to me on screen

              • 2 years ago

                >typical prequeltard deflection

            • 2 years ago

              Jango didn’t beat kenobi at shit, he fricking ran away. He took Obi wan on a fricking Disney ride with his little rocket pack and the grapnel hook.

              • 2 years ago

                >He took Obi wan on a fricking Disney ride
                Instead of getting his head chopped off by him. You said “says who” and ANAKIN DOES, he literally says Obi Wan is AS POWERFUL AS Mace Windu, moron. He doesn’t say he’s as strong and wise as Yoda, the smartest Jedi who’s also the best fighter.

              • 2 years ago

                Yeah because he was standing next to a fricking spaceship when Obi wan showed up. Do you think if he’d landed next to a space ship and not a spade rhino he’d have gotten killed by mace?

    • 2 years ago

      Mace threw acid on his face like all those people in the UK that nobody wants to admit happened.

    • 2 years ago

      >Did the lightning do it to him, or was he always that way?
      Bit of both I think. Sheev's lightning literally did melt his face, but melted away the 'mask' that even Sheev didn't even know he had

  8. 2 years ago

    >You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in the court if law.

    • 2 years ago

      >0.5 seconds later

  9. 2 years ago

    onions wars is endlessly cringe

  10. 2 years ago

    a minute later he is killing little kids, god damn, you couldnt have written a worse character, what was Lucas thinking?

    • 2 years ago

      Everything from his mother dying and onward had been leading up to this moment, and he reached his breaking point. He snapped and gave in to the dark side. It's not too dissimilar to what can happen irl. People just reach a point of no return, and from there, it's a different person behind the steering wheel.

      • 2 years ago

        >in my opinion the jedi are evil
        nah, Lucas managed to made the writing of phantom menace and attack of the clones look good

        • 2 years ago

          Such an awful line.

      • 2 years ago

        >and I base this moronic theory on...and bear with me here, nothing.

        • 2 years ago

          The foreshadowing was pretty obvious though

        • 2 years ago

          Did your brain shut off any time a lightsaber or ship noise wasn’t the loudest thing audible?

  11. 2 years ago

    Did Anakin become Vader after this?

    • 2 years ago

      His transformation was a slippery slope. However, there's no doubt that committing genocide did make him slide down it rather quickly as it was a wienertail of negative emotions and lashing out which gives way to the dark side

    • 2 years ago

      >to be horny is to be human

    • 2 years ago

      >do do dodododooooo do do dododoooooooooo
      >do dooooo daaa daaaaaaaa

  12. 2 years ago

    stand trial for what? he just revealed himself to be the great satan and is literally spewing lightning from his fingertips at htis very moment

  13. 2 years ago

    he killed a thousand kids and heis jedi friends to save his wife wich died anyway and yet continues to obey thr fricker that promised him he could save her.
    what a dumb moron take for Vader falling to the dark side.

  14. 2 years ago

    How do you go from "I would certainly LIKE to kill you, Palpatine!" and "He must stand trial!!" to "Sure, I'll kill children and my fellow Jedi!" and "From my point of view, the Jedi are evil!!" about five minutes later? How does that make fricking sense?

    • 2 years ago

      bad writting and different scripts mashed up together.
      Anakin shouldve given his lightsaber to palpatine instead and dare him to show him how much stronger was the dark side in order to convince him. And. he shouldnt have killed those younglins, just allow the clones to do it, the change was too much I believe.
      For some reason Lucas made him some kind of autist school shooter that got fooled by a guy who never delivered.

    • 2 years ago

      >"From my point of view, the Jedi are evil!!"
      Anakin witnessed the Jedi attempt to overthrow a democratically elected chancellor because he followed a different religion.
      Palpatine tells him all who hold power are afraid to lose it, even the jedi.
      Why do trannies pretend these movies are hard to understand? Not enough sex in them or something?

      • 2 years ago

        >Anakin witnessed the Jedi attempt to overthrow a democratically elected chancellor
        just one jedi and the chancellor had manufactured the war

        • 2 years ago

          Which is why he shouldve stood trial for his crimes instead of being executed by a Black person

        • 2 years ago

          When vp of the Jedi shows up to your door with a hit squad, it’s treason.

  15. 2 years ago

    >I need him
    >I will do whatever you ask
    >Just help me save Padme's life, I can't live without her
    I understood his motivations when I was like 7 years old.
    He needs the dark side to stop Padme from dying like his mom did. To become more powerful in the dark side you need to commit horrific acts.
    Not that hard to understand.

    • 2 years ago

      >To become more powerful in the dark side you need to commit horrific acts.
      just like my KOTORs

      • 2 years ago

        Never played it. "Go to the Jedi temple, show bo mercy, wipe out viceroy gunray and the other separatist leaders, ONLY THEN WILL YOU BE POWERFUL ENOUGH TO SAVE PADME"

        • 2 years ago

          Yeah, too bad he got punked by Obi-Wan 12 seconds later kek. Sidious was a carny and he played Anakin like a fool, he didn't even know Plagueis' secret midichlorian studies or shit. It would be like having to pay a debt and constantly mistifying and delaying payment because you're actually broke.

          >Ooo he could revive people!
          >"Is it possibile to learn this power?"
          >Not from a jedi

          Which basically means
          >Well actually no cause I murdered the only guy who could ever do it, but hey if you turn into space hitler you may have a chance at magically harnessing this knowledge

          Literal schizo shit. Therewas never anything credible that led Anakin to think that this old fart wasn't bullshitting him.

  16. 2 years ago

    Glad you could make it, Windu.

  17. 2 years ago

    I cant believe you take Star Wars seriously. stupid fricking idiots. all of you.

    • 2 years ago

      The prequel trilogy is pretty deep. Then you have books and games which add a lot of context.

  18. 2 years ago

    Why don’t they just make an anthology series about some of the clone wars era Jedi just going on missions

  19. 2 years ago

    For me, it's the Blackened Mantle.

  20. 2 years ago


  21. 2 years ago

    >you stand here accused of twelve counts of murder in the first degree, fourteen counts of armed theft of federation property, twenty two counts of piracy in hihg space, eighteen counts of fraud, thirtyseven counts of rape and one moving violation

  22. 2 years ago

    Clone Wars anakin is a different person

  23. 2 years ago

    I suggest the members of the court be dismissed and immediately move to an Article 39-A session. The Chancellor has rights

  24. 2 years ago

    What would they put him on trial for though?
    Being a Sith? A part of some old religious cult that hasn't existed for 1000 years supposedly? Good luck with that one. Perhaps he was colluding with muh Russia.

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