Nothing after the original season of Total Drama Island was anywhere as great.

Nothing after the original season of Total Drama Island was anywhere as great. Action was nothing but endless destruction of characters like Owen, Trent, Heather, and Gwen. World Tour existed solely to destroy Ezekiel so they could have a Lord of the Rings reference by turning him into Gollum. The cast of Revenge of the Island weren't very interesting outside of Scott, who was just a slightly smarter Ezekiel, and Mike, who existed as a sort of rehash of Trent, with Zoey being his Gwen. All Stars further ruined characters like Duncan and Courtney solely for the Mal subplot through the season, and if you're defending Pahkitew, the reboot seasons, or lord forbid Dramarama, then it's clear you're just trolling.

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  1. 2 weeks ago

    Island is boring as frick. World Tour is when they finally learned how to structure a 26 episode season and not have half of the episodes be a fricking drag to get through.

    • 2 weeks ago

      I hated World Tour, almost all of the songs were annoying and seeing everyone be dumbed down so that Alejandro could be a shittier version of Heather wasn't very interesting. That's not even mentioning how insufferable Sierra is. The one moment of it that I liked was seeing everyone trample over Alejandro after the volcano erupts, including Blaineley who was in a full body cast at the moment. Gave me a good laugh.

    • 2 weeks ago
      heather kasuga

      on the contrary island is a perfect encapsulation of 2000s summer campy nostalgia. im guessing you just didn't grow up with it and don't really get it which is fine!

      world tour is still good but the characters only feel real in island.

      • 2 weeks ago

        This anon gets it. Characters like Owen, Heather, Duncan, Courtney, Geoff, and Brigette were at their best in the original season of Island.

        • 2 weeks ago
          heather kasuga

          its because early seasons are less prone to executive meddling, id assume. thus the story and characters had room to breathe, the romances felt natural and had real chemistry. now its all about the challenges and characters getting hurt, like compare the ice cave episode of the reboot to basic straining.

          • 2 weeks ago

            Oh man I loved Basic Straining, the ending of it with Harold finally reaching him limit with Duncan, Geoff, and DJ's bullshit, and getting Courtney eliminated is one of my favorite moments in the series.

    • 2 weeks ago

      It's a shame the OG cast stopped at World Tour. Felt like they needed one more season to truly finish off their characters (though I guess what they preferred was stagnation or descent into the hell that is fame.
      Real big thing though is that I wanted Cody to finally win Gwen, like Gwen's VA alluded to that one time but I suppose that will never happen now that we're on the fourth reboot cast and the original cast is in their 20s-30s in universe.
      I guess I can still write fanfic.

      • 2 weeks ago

        qrd? I don't remember Gwen's VA mentioning anything like that.

        • 2 weeks ago
          • 2 weeks ago

            Well damn, good for Cody. My man deserves it after being mauled by a bear and having to endure Sierra for the entirety of World Tour.

      • 2 weeks ago

        You Codygays are so pathetic.

      • 2 weeks ago

        The biggest shame for me is that we never got any season with a mixed cast besides All Stars, which was shit.

  2. 2 weeks ago

    Action gets a pass from me because they kept the chill vibe from island where the challenges were the backdrop for the character interactions and that Gwen's elimination up to Owen's return was a great run. Seeing characters like Lindsay, Beth, Justin and Harold shine and new sides to people like Leshawna and Duncan was cool to see.

  3. 2 weeks ago

    Ezekiel was never good anon.
    You are only fooling yourself.

    • 2 weeks ago

      It's almost like that's the case because he got booted 1st in both Island and World Tour. He never got a chance to become a real character because the writers seemed dead set on using him as the punching bag. Even then, he was still "destroyed" as they took what could've been an interesting character if they bothered to let him stay, and instead reduced him to a mumbling and growling mess who's functionally identical to the mutants on the island, just with an added hatred of Chris.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Eh, honestly I can't feel mad that the one-note joke character was made into an one-note joke character.

        • 2 weeks ago

          The point was that he could've been more than a one-note joke character in World Tour if they'd at least let him stay for a second challenge, thus giving him more time to prove himself, given Duncan quitting.

          • 2 weeks ago

            I'm not going to lie and say I would be very excited for Ezekiel in World Tour, but it would save us from fricking Duncan Drama so I would accept it with open arms.

            • 2 weeks ago

              I think that's about the most I could ask for. I hated Duncan, Gwen, and Courtney's characters from World tour onwards. Especially in All Stars, holy frick they're miserable on screen in that season.

  4. 2 weeks ago

    Pahkitew may very well be the worst TD season.

    • 2 weeks ago

      The reboot is a strong competitor for that title, I mean holy fricking shit have you heard that new intro song, ugh.

  5. 2 weeks ago

    >The cast of Revenge of the Island weren't very interesting outside of Scott
    revenge has the most consistently entertaining cast, the frick are you talking about

    • 2 weeks ago

      >B, Anne Maria, Staci, Sam, Dakota, Brick, Jo, Dawn

      • 2 weeks ago

        >>B, Anne Maria, Staci, Sam, Dakota, Brick, Jo, Dawn

        well not staci
        but the rest yes

        • 2 weeks ago

          Shit opinion literally everyone on there expect Staci and B are funny as frick. You can't say the same about the Island cast.

  6. 2 weeks ago

    Did the demise of reality tv as a popular genre affect TD?

  7. 2 weeks ago

    Island >>> World Tour > RebootS1 > Action > Reboot S2 >>> Revenge > Pahkitew >>> All Stars

    Is this correct? The reboot probably receives a fair amount of criticism, but I thought it had the 2nd strongest cast right after the OG group.

    • 2 weeks ago

      reboot s2 is a tremendous pile of shit

  8. 2 weeks ago

    >Ezekiel remains a one note joke
    >Duncan continues to get forced into the post-merge, even in the game he leaves outright
    >Harold gets a ton of new characterization in TDA and is forced out early in WT (which works for the same reason I'd prefer to have Duncan out early and not come back, he's done)
    >Bridgette and Leshawna are wasted on boring cheating plotlines, and them + Lindsay are wasted on the "Team Victory never wins" gag
    >Izzy overstays her welcome after being so dominating in TDI+A
    >DJ completely wasted and turned into a whiner
    >Noah gets a ton of great characterization similar to Harold, but is tossed out early in favor of keeping Owen to the merge again
    >Tyler also gets a lot here, but suffers the same fate as Noah
    >Gwen is forced into a shoddy love triangle plotline that ultimately makes everyone involved look terrible
    >Owen is just obnoxious three seasons in
    >Courtney's character has reached the complete opposite end of where she started, which is interesting, but her selling out for Alejandro is a waste
    >Blaineley is a filler gag for two episodes
    >Sierra is way too over the top and one note with her gag
    >Cody suffers thanks to Sierra's suffocating characterization, which leads to him getting some fun new characterization, but also stops him from ever feeling like he has a reason to be there beyond him and Sierra being a package deal
    Really, the only compliments are for Heather and Alejandro, but the whole season feels designed around them to the detriment of most everyone else.

    • 2 weeks ago

      if you could what order of eliminations would you have had for World Tour?

      • 2 weeks ago

        Well it's less about order of eliminations and more about what would be interesting.
        I think doing the Ezekiel fakeout with Duncan being the one to just quit the show is a more interesting start. Ezekiel doesn't have much going on, but I'd prefer actually doing something with him as opposed to just dumping two characters. If they want Duncan to be interesting, have him play a bigger role on the Aftermath.
        He's fine.
        >Bridgette and LeShawna
        Stretch out the cheating/manipulation across a couple more episodes.
        >Lindsay and DJ
        Instead of DJ going solo, have them actually end up working well as a team and gain soft power while Amazon fights with Team Chris.
        >Noah and Tyler
        Eliminate at least Owen before them, again, they had some good stuff happening with their characters.
        >Gwen and Courtney
        Find a more natural reason to break up their small alliance. No idea what that would be, but the love triangle was so half assed (despite having some of the best songs in the show).
        If you're going to bring someone back, bring back either a past eliminated contestant or someone who could add interesting drama. Blaineley is one good song with a one note gag attached.
        >Sierra & Cody
        Just tone down Sierra, give Cody more moments. Now, I am a Codygay as this anon says

        You Codygays are so pathetic.

        but the big issue with Cody in WT is that he literally does nothing. He has about five noteworthy moments in the whole season, barely sings, and is barely a factor in Team Amazon "politics". Heather makes a soft alliance with him once, and he fails to help Gwen vote out Courtney, and his biggest contributions to the team are the Japan challenge and making Sierra stop crying. It's an absolute waste of a character who is in EVERY SINGLE EPISODE.
        I'm not even a "Cody should've won" gay because he did nothing to justify being there at the end. TDI's final four were all prominent, and TDA's final four all got insane development.
        Cody sticks out like a sore thumb.

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