One hit from a blunt and this movie makes sense

One hit from a blunt and this movie makes sense

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  1. 2 years ago

    Lebowski should have been Australian the way he bludges

  2. 2 years ago


  3. 2 years ago

    Why are people who don't have sex also so anti-drugs?

    • 2 years ago

      They're jealous that others are willing to engage in risky behavior like casual sex and drug use

    • 2 years ago

      >why are people who dont do this thing that makes sex feel even better also against doing that other thing that makes drugs worthwhile doing
      what a mystery.
      It all gets boring after you have a kid by the way

    • 2 years ago

      They aren't this is just a stereotype. Most people I know who don't have sex are huge potheads and girls won't date them past a few dates when they learn this because potheads don't really have aspirations or goals they're just kind of riding the wave of life and coasting and women don't like that they want a guy with a 5 year plan and all that shit.

      One hit from a blunt and this movie makes sense

      Its a funny/good movie regardless. By the end you are like jesus christ what is going to happen next. Lots of people just don't like it because they need slapstick/laugh track type movies like "We're the Millers" or "Step Brothers". It takes a degree of cynicism and dark humor in your brain to understand why Lebowski is great

      Or thats just like, my opinion, man.

      • 2 years ago

        >They aren't this is just a stereotype. Most people I know who don't have sex are huge potheads and girls won't date them past a few dates when they learn this because potheads don't really have aspirations or goals they're just kind of riding the wave of life and coasting and women don't like that they want a guy with a 5 year plan and all that shit.
        Accurate to my uni years but was still able to score some decent average quality puss. Definitely could've done better without pot, which is why I quit smoking that garbage

        • 2 years ago

          Same anon; women smoke weed on occasion like a party or something but rarely are they ever bonafide potheads like dudes.

          >be anti-drug
          >don't smoke, don't vape, don't drink any alcohol, don't even drink coffee
          >but, only once semiannually, ingest 5 dry grams of psilocybin mushroom alone in an empty, dark and quiet room
          >completely blast off and use trip to reevaluate my current standing in life
          >still absolutely hate druggies with a passion
          Whats this mode called?

          Paul Stamets pilled

          >Sometimes I feel like the dude. I'm just trying to live my shit life, but weird moronic stuff keeps happening around me and I end up shaking the hand of the governor in front of hundreds of people or getting my ass kicked by an old guy who looks like master Shifu. My life is pretty weird for a lazy incel to be honest
          This movie is literally made for weird incels
          I've basically morphed into the dude even down to wearing a snuggy hoodie around town and in the shops

          It's a peaceful life

          I already walked around in grocery stores wearing what most people could consider 'embarrassing' clothing. I have a t shirt that says '2 seater' with an arrow pointing up and an arrow pointing down. My wife has banished me from wearing it in public after we went to the grocery store one day and she was like people are looking at you and they think i'm with you and we're into 3 somes. I also sometimes just wear shirts with stains in them because my gut is hanging out like Phil Collins on TPB. I am 5'7 285 lbs so its pretty easy for it to bloat out. I also have worn my wifes sandals because I cannot find mine. Some people gave me weird looks and I'm like yeah its womens shoes frick off. The people at the store that is only 3 minutes away know me. They know I come in for lotto tickets and black and milds and to grab a few things for dinner all the time and think nothing of it; its the other customers that give me weird looks. The worst are the stuck up b***hes that seem like they actually get dressed and wear nice clothes to go to the grocery store

    • 2 years ago

      People mainly get into drugs through having friends that do drugs. If you don’t have friends, you usually don’t end up doing drugs and find yourself in your early 20s never having done anything bad or “wrong”, yet with nothing to show for it. You envy people who broke rules and still ended up with a better life, so you hold sobriety as a point of pride that sets you apart rather than a consequence of your lifestyle.

      That said, I really envy people who don’t feel the need to get fricked up. The ironic thing about incels is that it might genuinely help them. I doubt I’d have had sex if I never drank in college.

  4. 2 years ago

    popcorn in bed loved it and i'm pretty sure she isn't a stoner

    • 2 years ago

      good. now messily eat cookies and drop crumbs on sheets.
      see if she thinks the same later.

  5. 2 years ago

    Sometimes I feel like the dude. I'm just trying to live my shit life, but weird moronic stuff keeps happening around me and I end up shaking the hand of the governor in front of hundreds of people or getting my ass kicked by an old guy who looks like master Shifu. My life is pretty weird for a lazy incel to be honest

    • 2 years ago

      >Sometimes I feel like the dude. I'm just trying to live my shit life, but weird moronic stuff keeps happening around me and I end up shaking the hand of the governor in front of hundreds of people or getting my ass kicked by an old guy who looks like master Shifu. My life is pretty weird for a lazy incel to be honest
      This movie is literally made for weird incels
      I've basically morphed into the dude even down to wearing a snuggy hoodie around town and in the shops

      • 2 years ago

        It's a peaceful life

  6. 2 years ago

    It's basically a film noir with the grizzled private investigator replaced by an aging stoner,. Basically, all the revelations that should flip the narrative on its head are met with complete indifference by The Dude.

  7. 2 years ago


  8. 2 years ago

    I have hair just like the dudes and it makes me happy.

  9. 2 years ago

    Someone recomended me this movie because I like Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas but this boring ass movie doesn't have half the comfiness and fun Fear and Loathing has. They are nothing alike. I got bored halfway through it.

  10. 2 years ago

    >be anti-drug
    >don't smoke, don't vape, don't drink any alcohol, don't even drink coffee
    >but, only once semiannually, ingest 5 dry grams of psilocybin mushroom alone in an empty, dark and quiet room
    >completely blast off and use trip to reevaluate my current standing in life
    >still absolutely hate druggies with a passion
    Whats this mode called?

    • 2 years ago

      Being a hateful c**t

    • 2 years ago

      monk mode + entheogen experience to spice it up

    • 2 years ago

      A homosexual. You use shrooms to reevaluate your "standing" in life? That's a waste of shrooms

      • 2 years ago

        once grew double digit pounds of the frickers. likely gave away close to that much for free.
        stilll think you homosexuals need a good kicking

        • 2 years ago

          also shrooms got my ass into Monero when it was pushing 6dollars out of sheer luck. I had to use that shitty Command Line because no decent wallet existed. thanks for the money Fatty Pony!

    • 2 years ago

      the pretentious twat

  11. 2 years ago

    if this movie came out today it'd be considered peak reddit. you probably only like it because of nostalgia or some other cheap excuse

  12. 2 years ago


  13. 2 years ago


  14. 2 years ago

    ive watched this movie two times, once not high, once high
    still cant comprehend whats going on

  15. 2 years ago

    i think a hit from a blunt object to my head would make me enjoy the movie more yeah

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