>only film half the book. >don't explain any of the lore. >remove most of the side character arcs

>only film half the book
>don't explain any of the lore
>remove most of the side character arcs
>2 and a half hours


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  1. 2 years ago

    idc timothy chalamete or whatever was cute in this

    • 2 years ago

      >the twink is in it
      I was gonna watch it but now that I know, I won't. Thanks.

  2. 2 years ago

    Hey Leto wanna go practise creating the Kwisatz Haderach after school?

    • 2 years ago

      Is there such a thing as a Reverse Wall?

      • 2 years ago

        Nîcė läzy ėyê

        • 2 years ago

          Oh frick off.

      • 2 years ago

        She's 38. Most swedes I've met have aged fairly well compared to other white women, but her time will, unfortunately, come soon.

  3. 2 years ago

    This is one movie that the actors couldn't save, and yet beyond all logic & common sense, somehow made a profit overseas, but did not make it's budget back domestically.

    It was just not any good...though it did have good parts. Had it been done with a competent director and not on a greenscreen shitshow, it may have been a real hit.

  4. 2 years ago

    also everyone was water fat

    look at these chubby cheeks

  5. 2 years ago

    Have you seen the first movie? Adapting the entire book made it a rushed mess

    • 2 years ago

      This one is a rushed mess too despite adapting less than a half of the book

  6. 2 years ago

    sneak peek of the scene where Jessica would fuse her mind with the past reverend mothers

  7. 2 years ago

    So this is what they think a mujahideen and jihadist leader looks like

    • 2 years ago

      >mujahideen and jihadist
      Forbidden words.

      The casting isn't bad. He is supposed to be a twink.

      • 2 years ago

        Paul is 15 when the book starts, he's not exactly supposed to look masculine when he's barely started puberty

        • 2 years ago

          So they'll be recasting Paul for part II, then? Because I don't think Timmy the Twink is going to be able to bulk up to sell the character.

          • 2 years ago

            actually they're gonna pay him millions of dollars to work out a bit

    • 2 years ago

      Its crusade, you kafir chud!

  8. 2 years ago

    It had some pretty cgi but was the worst adaptation so far. The messed up on almost all aspects. The stilsuits look liked cobbled together rubber scraps, the worms are horrible, the harkonnen are super lame, there's very little that I liked. The shield effects were ok but they didn't really use the slow blade pierce thing, the ornithopters were neat, i guess the sardaukar were ok?

    • 2 years ago

      >i guess the sardaukar were ok
      Were they? They just had white armor. The fighting didn't really show how or why they were so superior. The Salusa Secundus scene looked nice but didn't explain the nature of the planet.

      The fighting choreography in general was really bad. It didn't convey any elements of being extremely advanced or otherworldly. I laughed out loud during the Jamis fight, it looked so slow and basic.

  9. 2 years ago

    Movie was based af. If you'd actually read the book you'll find that he didn't leave that much out and pretty much followed the book throughout. He made a couple of minor changes but nothing groundbreaking. Imo he kind of fricked the Suk doc's story. But that was it. Only thing I'll agree with you is that he quit half way through the book.

    • 2 years ago

      >you'd actually read the book
      I did. The viewers who didn't, couldn't even tell you what a Mentat is. Among a thousand other things the movie left out.

    • 2 years ago

      they cut out the entire thread about Jessica being a suspected spy. I enjoyed the movie but a lot of important character stuff was cut in order to shorten and focus the story around Paul

    • 2 years ago

      As a movie, it really didn't make me feel anything, as an adaptation, it left me confused.

      >butcher the worldbuilding
      >remove literally every single relationship
      >pare every character down to nothing
      >due duncan idaho lmao
      >piss through the story at breakneck speed
      >give everything the most grey, lifeless, drab, military sci-fi design
      >create a generic soundtrack to top it off

      It's fricking shocking how badly they fricked it up in every single way. No vision, no drive, no flair or dynamism. As a film unto itself (which it isn't, and shouldn't be critiqued as such, it is an attempt at bringing another story to visual life) it's really bland and bloated. The only good scene which felt remotely Dune-esque was the HRRRRRMMMOOOOOOOAAAAAAGH Selusa Secundus scene.

      I hated what Lynch and the execs did to the story, but they got the casting, look, and feel of Dune down to a T. But the Sci-Fi miniseries still reigns supreme as the best adaptation, and also has breasts.

      Book wise I kinda enjoyed Lynch's film, despite it's shortcomings. Is it the miniseries good, or is it just the best, meaning compared to the rest?

  10. 2 years ago

    >butcher the worldbuilding
    >remove literally every single relationship
    >pare every character down to nothing
    >due duncan idaho lmao
    >piss through the story at breakneck speed
    >give everything the most grey, lifeless, drab, military sci-fi design
    >create a generic soundtrack to top it off

    It's fricking shocking how badly they fricked it up in every single way. No vision, no drive, no flair or dynamism. As a film unto itself (which it isn't, and shouldn't be critiqued as such, it is an attempt at bringing another story to visual life) it's really bland and bloated. The only good scene which felt remotely Dune-esque was the HRRRRRMMMOOOOOOOAAAAAAGH Selusa Secundus scene.

    I hated what Lynch and the execs did to the story, but they got the casting, look, and feel of Dune down to a T. But the Sci-Fi miniseries still reigns supreme as the best adaptation, and also has breasts.

    • 2 years ago

      Yeah but slow-mos and
      >"ancient lamentation music"
      makes it sophisticated and deep you know?

  11. 2 years ago

    it was good except the black people

  12. 2 years ago

    soundtrack carried this. Also thought Zendaya is a completely awful casting choice

  13. 2 years ago

    >>don't explain any of the lore
    Dunc did an infinitely better job at pacing and explaining lore than the lynch movie.

  14. 2 years ago

    Suk Doctors or graduates of the Suk School were the pre-eminent physicians of the Known Universe. They were highly valued for their advanced knowledge and for the mental conditioning which supposedly prevented any betrayal of patients or the possibility of taking human life. Since it would appear that Suk doctors were only ever in the employ of wealthy families and organisations, it could be assumed that their services came at a high price. Moreover, their conditioning against taking human life was of particular importance for Great Houses and other high-profile organisations, as there would supposedly be no chance of Suk doctors ever being used as assassins.

    No Dunc watcher knows any of this. It's kind of important. The entire movie must make no sense whatsoever to non-readers.

    • 2 years ago

      >kind of
      Not so much, which is why they didn't bother. Mentats are far more important, and this wasn't explained either. It's only relevant insofar as it makes you not doubt Yueh, and wonder how they managed to flip him, but the betrayal is pared down to the minimum in the film.
      >must make no sense
      My friends not familiar with the book followed it just fine; the story is quite simple, since they left out about 90% of the complexity and depth. They are curious about the details that aren't really explained, but they are details, not significant aspects of the plot.

      As a movie, it really didn't make me feel anything, as an adaptation, it left me confused.
      Book wise I kinda enjoyed Lynch's film, despite it's shortcomings. Is it the miniseries good, or is it just the best, meaning compared to the rest?

      All three adaptations have different high and low points. The miniseries is the best adaptation from a plot and accuracy perspective. Unfortunately, Paul's character is tweaked considerably. He seems older than he should be, yet his personality is that of a petulant child, so he comes across quite at odds with how the book presents him. Some of the actors don't really sell their characters (and it's not always the no-name ones).
      If you like Dune, and I don't see why you wouldn't, you should watch the miniseries. They also continued it with a second series, one episode for Messiah and two episodes for Children of Dune. That miniseries also did some things well and some things not-so-well, but on the whole I liked it.

  15. 2 years ago

    This movie was the nicest possible adaptation of an unadaptable book.
    You can dislike it because of Villeneuve's very static style or some other stuff, but if you like the book, it's really the best you can do.

  16. 2 years ago

    The only scene I really cannot believe they cut is the dinner with the water merchants.

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