People think THIS was a disappointing movie? excuse me? This is easily on par with the first Incredibles movie.

People think THIS was a disappointing movie? excuse me? This is easily on par with the first Incredibles movie.

Fricking love the action choreography in this movie especially, god damn those are some good fights

> But.. but... muh villain was predictable
Actually, the first movie had an even more predictable movie and it didn't stop people from loving it, lol

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  1. 2 years ago

    No. The Incredibles had such subtle real world writing that if it was love action instead of animated it would have still worked. It has heart, telling a story of a semi-rocky family relationship (one that I'm sure many people find relatable at some point in their lives), thought out twists, fantastic visual story telling, and I can go on. Incredibles 2 was a retread of the same story, this time switching between Bob and Helen as the conflicted "celebrity", and her story doesn't cover anything that Bob's hadn't already done better. The action sequences are very well animated, and the world building was appreciated, but over all it fall just short of being great

    • 2 years ago

      yeah it was
      >too late
      >too similar
      otherwise it was good and i wish they'd found a different storyline to get Bob doing dad stuff

      I will always appreciate the generous amount of violet getting absolutely beaten on by grown men though.

    • 2 years ago

      yeah it was
      >too late
      >too similar
      otherwise it was good and i wish they'd found a different storyline to get Bob doing dad stuff

      I will always appreciate the generous amount of violet getting absolutely beaten on by grown men though.

      I agree on the point that the story is too similar to the first movie.

      However, it does not make it a worse movie. if the order of release was somehow reversed (with incredibles 1 being a prequel to incredibles 2) would that have made incredibles 1 a worse movie because it "retreads of the same story" ?

      • 2 years ago

        The time line in-universe does not matter. Had they explored more female centric issues, like when Bob was made out to be a cheater. Maybe Helen turns into a business b***h, or gets really self centered to point of "I'm a celebrity damn it!", Idk I'm not a writer. They didn't have to rehash is all I'm saying. Also I feel a prequel couldn't add anything that part 1 and 2 didn't already. It explains the Supers industry to an extent (how they deal with the media etc), and now they're accepted in society so that conflict is also gone, and they back story for the main characters is basically fully explored between flashbacks across both movies

      • 2 years ago

        If we reverse the two, Incredibles 1 would still come out on top. The gap would be widen even further once we take the technological differences into account. 1 had far better action scenes and set pieces and the boost in visual quality would further elevate those sequences if all the shots were done the same.
        2 also just simply does not have a memorable antagonist nor anything as cool as Omnidroids, which were machines that were specifically built to counter the supers. They had a purpose to existing in the story and weren't just a random obstacle to fight which just added more weight to their sequences. I honestly can't remember much about 2's fights or action scenes outside of the seizure battle, a rough recollection of the train and something about a yacht against other supers.

        • 2 years ago

          I strongly disagree.
          First of all, Syndrom was a really predictable villain, so was ScreenSlaver. but honestly I liked both of them despite how predictable they were.

          > nor anything as cool as Omnidroids
          A bunch of new superheroes in action is cool. getting to see jack-jack powers is cool. mind control is cool.

          >They had a purpose to existing in the story and weren't just a random obstacle to fight
          Same with Incredibles 2 fights? except for the underminer none of the fights were just "random obstacles"

          • 2 years ago

            Being predictable doesn't make something bad. You're intentionally throwing away everything that made Syndrome great for absolutely no reason.

            • 2 years ago

              Bruh, I said I liked the main villain of both movies.
              But you cannot deny both of them were predictable af

          • 2 years ago

            >A bunch of new superheroes in action is cool. getting to see jack-jack powers is cool.

            Those superheroes barely looked like humans with their atrocious designs and we already saw Jack-Jack's powers 15 years before Incredibles 2.

          • 2 years ago

            Screen slaver was cool. Hypnotized supers fighting each other is great, the problem with the movie was that those parts were squished into the last 30 minutes when they could have been over half the film.
            Just make screen slaver part of a super villain team who was secretly pulling the strings in the background. The move stays pretty much the same but you get more super hero fights throughout.

            A villian being "predictable" is not a critique. In fact, im not even sure what that is supposed to mean. Syndrome is a great villain because he represents an ideology, that life simply is not Fair and that its his duty, his divine retribution, to carry out a plan which he believes will right this wrong, make things "right", by positioning himself as the true hero of earth. This ideology is interesting because we can recognize it in so many people in our world, our lives, including ourselves.
            Screen slaver is a hodgepodge of several villain ideas that never really come together coherently. You get the sense that there is technology-bad commentary, but also she's a rich guys daughter that doesnt like heroes because they didnt save her dad in time, so she made heroes illegal so she could make them legal again to prove they are bad again with mind control, or something. It's just not even close, i dont know why this conversation is even being had.
            Then theres just the simple fact that Incredibles 2 is a wholly unnecessary sequel. It picks up exactly where the first one left off and retreads the exact same familial arc as the first one but with Helen and Bob switched places. Its actually almost embarrassing how lazy it is. The dialogue is strictly worse, and because the plot is a pointless retread that nullifies the first movie it dampens every scene with a sour taste. None of it works.
            Your main point in favor of I2 is that "the action is good". Okay? It is in the first one. Go watch that again instead of defending the pillaging of classic stories for cash gabs like this. You get nothing out of it.

            • 2 years ago

              I don't think she meant technology is bad, but that people being too lazy to defend themselves and rely on superheroes instead is bad

              She def represented an ideology

              • 2 years ago

                I said "you get the sense", mainly from her name being "screen slaver". I was just pointing out there seemed to be an idea there that wasnt elaborated on. She absolutely does not represent an "ideology" because you don't understand what that word means. "when everyone is super, nobody will be" is an ideology, its a simple idea that suggest a social and political upheaval, a New World Order if you will. "People are too lazy to defend themselves and rely on superheroes instead" is not an ideology, its more like a banal observation, ESPECIALLY when the movie takes place in a world where heroes are currently outlawed. Screenslaver works with her brother in making heroes legal again, so she can brainwash them into being "bad" and getting them outlawed, again, because her dad wasnt a 2nd amendmenter and had to call for help instead of pumping his killer full of lead himself. This is all to say, shes fricking moronic and doesnt represent an "ideology" whatsoever, she represents the writers need for "someone" to do "something" so that a plot can happen and they can do their gender swap cash grab with the same characters and avoid writing a real story or doing any work

          • 2 years ago

            All the new superheros looked moronic wtf are you talking about. They lost all their design foundation and inspiration from the first film

        • 2 years ago

          Screen slaver was cool. Hypnotized supers fighting each other is great, the problem with the movie was that those parts were squished into the last 30 minutes when they could have been over half the film.
          Just make screen slaver part of a super villain team who was secretly pulling the strings in the background. The move stays pretty much the same but you get more super hero fights throughout.

      • 2 years ago

        Also forgot to add that if Incredibles 1 came out second, it would definitely be the case where they took what they had, and improved it definitively. Going from 1to 2 doesn't work the same because nothing is improved, just retreaded with no narrative payoff

  2. 2 years ago

    dude same, I love baby food media

  3. 2 years ago

    Taken on its own it’s fine but it feels really lazy compared or the first one . All the new characters are forgettable with ugly designs

  4. 2 years ago

    >good fights
    It's nowhere near the first movie. Action scenes in the first movie had narrative importance and character development rolled into the scenes. Flawlessly dipping in and out of action and quiet moments to show character's thought processes and motivations.

    2nd movie was just flashy lights. Ass.

  5. 2 years ago

    >Heh you know that shitty movie? Well I grew up with it and now am old enough to post on this board so that makes it good!
    Zoomerbro please...

  6. 2 years ago

    It was fine but honestly just not very memorable.

  7. 2 years ago

    Didn't feel like like it had any stakes or intensity compared to the first film, in the first film itself shown that almost all the OG supes were fricking murdered by a death machine built by a psychopath, i can't even remember what the main villain in the second film was, also some of the new supes had horrible immersion breaking designs

  8. 2 years ago

    It doesn´t feel like a natural progression of the groundwokr laid out by the first movie, Mr Incredibl in particular is a completely different character, which wouldn´t be so bad if there was some time gap between movies, but this movie begins inmediatly where the first one ends so it doesn´t work.

  9. 2 years ago

    It wasn't bad but it wasn't great. A fair 7/10 when the first movie was a solid 9. It was disappointing that the movie picks up right where the first one ended. The characters have no room for character development because they are literally just coming off from full character arcs in the first movie. Should have been a time skip, at least a couple years if not 10+ years later.

  10. 2 years ago

    The entire “movie takes place right after the first one” just seems lazy so the artists didn’t have to make new costumes and age up the 3 kids slightly
    New villains didn’t look interesting and new heroes had boring designs
    I still think it was “Brad bird getting out of directors jail after making tomorrow land”
    His heart wasn’t in it

  11. 2 years ago

    It's the only good Pixar sequel. It's a decent film, but the first one is actually very good.
    >inb4 Cars 2 ironically.

  12. 2 years ago

    I enjoyed it.

    • 2 years ago

      I wish I was cast to play her in-soles

  13. 2 years ago

    Villain has a weak motivation and is obvious
    Feminist angle was tiring even in 2018
    Mr.Incredible's character is assassinated
    New super hero designs are terrible
    No time skip was very questionable
    Not edgy enough, i know this sounds like a silly complaint but the Incredibles 1 had a very different feel to it, the sequel is very much a Disney movie. The sequel really needed a superhero villain (someone like gamma jack) instead of syndrome 2.0.

    • 2 years ago

      I thought the sequel was okay (definitely not memorable tho).

      But I agree that one of its major weaknesses was precisely the fact that it felt like a Disney movie. The first Incredibles was family-friendly enough to engage kids, but otherwise featured adult characters dealing with adult problems throughout an extremely dangerous and suspenseful thriller. It did not hide the fact that children could die from a fricking bullet or decapitation. The stuff with the baby was pretty minimal, and surprisingly intense.

      The second film followed some of the same narrative beats of the first film, but aside from the seizure fight and maybe some of social commentary there wasn't really anything that felt realistic. Even the family stuff became much more innocent and dialed down.

      The first felt like a unique addition to superhero history. The second felt more like just another addition to the Disney canon.

  14. 2 years ago

    sorry for your low IQ anon

  15. 2 years ago

    it was better than Ratatouille at least (Bird's worst animated film)

    • 2 years ago

      Ratatouille is literally the peak of Pixar wtf are you talking about

      • 2 years ago

        shut up with that revisionist bullshit. Ratatouille was one of Pixar's weakest films at the time, and it still is

        • 2 years ago

          Ehhh, no, it was probably their best movie when it was released (with Monsters Inc and Toy Story 1 closely behind) and it still is one of their best movies

          • 2 years ago

            >rat who loves cooking is separated from his rat colony (due to an incident with an old woman using a shotgun) and ends up on the french restaurant of a late chef he idiolizes. He fixes a soup ruined by a human dishwasher (who takes credit for fixing it) and, after befriending said human and learning to control him like a puppet by pulling his hair, helps him recreate the soup, land a job as a chef, and start a romance with the sole female cook. Also, the actual chef finds out the dishwasher is the son of the late chef and will inherit the restaurant if he finds out, so he hides the truth (wanting to start a line of frozen food). The rat also reunites with his family and they don't approve of his new life (yet beg him to steal from the kitchen locked room for them), plus there is a harsh food critic who announces he'll visit the restaurant for a review. Dishwasher eventually finds out about his biological father, inherits the place, fires the old chef (who now wants revenge) and becomes more successful than ever, yet his friendship with the rat is in danger because he's angry about not getting any credit
            i don't like the story. It lacks focus

      • 2 years ago

        >every living creature in the Ratatouille universe is either a human or a rat. No other animals are ever seen
        boring film

        • 2 years ago

          >Ratatouille is so near perfection that this is the kind of "criticism" people who don't like the movie have to come up with

          Go watch Zootopia anon you'll love it

  16. 2 years ago

    Why'd they wait nearly 2 decades to make a sequel?

    • 2 years ago

      Pixar used to have standards, and outside of Toy Story didn't want to do sequels. After the Disney acquisition they became a sequel factory. Now there's no difference between Walt Disney Feature Animation and Pixar, and the latter didn't even produce the Monsters at Work series.

    • 2 years ago

      Pixar had a supposed no sequel policy at the time. Disney forced Pixar's have with TS2. But Pixar was eventually bought by Disney as we all know.

  17. 2 years ago

    Megamind is better

  18. 2 years ago

    Jack jack is the fricking worst and Incredibles 2 was practically Jack Jack centric

  19. 2 years ago

    While it isnt as good as the first I think it's a good sequel. The story is kinda simple and samey but I love the character interactions. The action is amazing too, the motorcycle chase is easily on par with anything in the first movie, and you get to stare at elastigirl's ass which is a plus

  20. 2 years ago

    All the action setpieces involve a out of control vehicle,kinda got repetitive

  21. 2 years ago

    I haven't seen the second movie, but I simply never got the idea of having no time skip past the intro scene. Little 5 year old bastards who watched Incredibles 1 would have been 20 when it was released. The slightly more developed 10 years would have been 25, and so on. Seems appropriate to show the family after a significant passage of time.

  22. 2 years ago

    I want the incredibles 3 and I want a time jump. Make Bob and Helen grandparents, violent is married to a black man with 2 black kids, dash is married to an Asian woman and Jack jack is a teenager and they all have to come back together again for "one last ride". Make it happen Disney

    • 2 years ago

      The movie should start with Helen and Bob divorced. Helen is married to Frozo and Bob is an alcoholic fat recluse who lives alone in a trailer park. The movie is about Bob learning to love again. I want there to be lots of bmwf relationships as well. Dash should be gay and violet definitely needs to be BLACKED

      • 2 years ago

        Imagine violet going invisible when her black bull is fricking her and we see his wiener thrusting in and out of her visible body and his semen blowing up inside her pussy

  23. 2 years ago

    I hate disney adults

    • 2 years ago

      I love the creative freedom animation allows tho

      • 2 years ago

        I just love pulling out my dick and slamming it back and forth too anon.

  24. 2 years ago

    >shilling Disney shit

  25. 2 years ago

    You're a homosexual in a thread full of better opinions than yours. Shit tastes from the fricking underage Black person you are.

  26. 2 years ago

    >This is easily on par with the first Incredibles movie.
    because its a mindless genderswapped copy of the first incredibles movie.

  27. 2 years ago

    >we could have had a movie that takes place 15 years after the first one
    >where Bob and Helen are retired
    >where Violet and Dash are young adults that took their parent's mantle and Jack-Jack learns to hone his powers
    >instead we had a movie that takes place right after the first one with the roles reversed, with helen as a gyper comptetent woman and Bob as a useless dad that can't do anything right
    Thanks, feminism.

  28. 2 years ago

    Absolutely not on par, not even close

    • 2 years ago

      You could say, it's absolutely not on Parr

  29. 2 years ago

    I wanna frick Violet so bad

  30. 2 years ago

    Bigger mom ass = better movie

  31. 2 years ago

    We already got Incredibles 2, it was called Rise of the Underminer.

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