period pieces

This is fricking GREAT and I want to thank my fellow anons from the thread yesterday to recommend it. I am not American, but I see now why they like to jerk off the founding of their nation this much. It turned into an utter shitshow at this point but by GOD they had the right idea

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Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    glad you're enjoying it fren

  2. 2 years ago

    Are we going to start having John Adams threads on here? Good, it's high kino.

  3. 2 years ago

    Some of the best work that Giamati has ever done.

    • 2 years ago

      Laura Linney was great in it too

      The whole cast really nailed it

    • 2 years ago

      Laura Linney was great in it too

      The whole cast really nailed it

      Dillane also was especially good.

    • 2 years ago

      For me, he was miscast. He doesn't seem like he is from that time period
      He sounds and feels contemporary

      • 2 years ago

        Perhaps that's your subjective interpretation of the actor based upon other films you've seen him in. I thought he performed remarkably well in the role, so much so I am giving you the benefit of doubt and speaking politely to you in the reformed English rather than just calling you a stupid c**t.

  4. 2 years ago

    >It turned into an utter shitshow at this point but by GOD they had the right idea

    Great show. Liberty is beautiful.

  5. 2 years ago

    Interestingly enough there is a direct correlation with the state of the US as a country and the frequency of wigs worn by their presidents. When JQ Adams (no, not “israeli Question” Adams; that would in fact be his grandson Henry Adams, proud antisemite) never wore a wig the US’s days were numbered really

    • 2 years ago

      Brooks Adams and Henry Adams were both amazing figures

  6. 2 years ago


  7. 2 years ago

    Great series.

  8. 2 years ago

    Best miniseries ever? I wish there were more like it.

    • 2 years ago

      >Best miniseries ever?
      *blocks your path*

      • 2 years ago

        No. Bullshit show peddled by a lefty author who used realistic banter to feign authenticity to it's viewers who can't tell shit either way. Several members of The Battalion have come forward and ripped into Wright about this.

        • 2 years ago

          by several you mean 1

          • 2 years ago

            >I can't google

            • 2 years ago

              >Major Shoup, an augment Forward Air Controller in the battalion, posted a commentary on the book in which he contrasts the events he witnessed with Wright's descriptions of them. Shoup also states that Wright based his account on one group of enlisted Marines' version of events without including the perspective of others.[7] Wright replied to this blog post citing his own extensive interview with Shoup that directly contradicts Shoup's later version of events. Wright also cites interviews he conducted with other Marines in the unit that differ from Shoup's account, noting that Shoup's direct superior, Major Eckloff, claimed to have single-handedly killed at least 17 insurgents with a shotgun fired from his truck. Wright states that he reduced that number to 1-2 after other sources contradicted Eckloff. Wright states that his book had to take into consideration interviews from a wide variety of Marines in the battalion, including officers, and could not advance the perspective of just one person.[7]

      • 2 years ago

        >generation reddit

        • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      Yes best ever. Also John Adams “good day sir” > willy wonka’s

      • 2 years ago

        Non-camrip version if anyone's interested.

  9. 2 years ago

    I remember this thread. It was good. And John Adams is kino, one of a kind mini series. Might be due for a rewatch. now go watch picrel

    • 2 years ago

      glad you're enjoying it fren

      This is fricking GREAT and I want to thank my fellow anons from the thread yesterday to recommend it. I am not American, but I see now why they like to jerk off the founding of their nation this much. It turned into an utter shitshow at this point but by GOD they had the right idea

      these are about as good as it gets when it comes to 18/19th century Kino. Here's another one.

      • 2 years ago

        Nice, haven't seen it. Gonna check it out. Going abit further back in time, picrel is a must-see

  10. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      Pure kino.

    • 2 years ago

      What is this?

    • 2 years ago

      What is this?

      Barry Lyndon, every scene, a painting. Also no electrical lighting used in the whole film, just natural lights and candles

  11. 2 years ago
  12. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      More pure Kino. His Nosferatu too.

  13. 2 years ago

    Some of you haven't seen this and it fricking shows.

    Scott's first and best.

    • 2 years ago

      >Scott's first and best
      not exactly a high bar

      • 2 years ago

        I mean, it's that or Alien, and Alien is pretty great too.

        • 2 years ago

          never cared for alien
          pic unrelated

          • 2 years ago

            Eh, as long as you like The Duellists we have no quarrel.

            Rob Roy is great too, one of the all time great sword fights at the end there, good early Neeson performance as well.

            For those who have not seen The Mission, great period Catholic kino, and also another early Neeson but in a minor role.

  14. 2 years ago

    It's not great, but it is a good adaptation. I love the 1776 episode which totally paid homage to the musical. Love the casting for Franklin and Jefferson. And lel Hamilton is obergruppenfuhrer Smith.

    I was at military officer boot camp and played this on the tv and NOBODY gave HALF of a shit about it. They were obsessed with Top Gun and Band of Brothers.

    The military doesn't give three shits, in America, about our founding values. It's all WWII and Cold War tough guy bullshit. America is NOT America anymore.

    But kino AF. "This one we call LIBERTY, and this gun, INDEPENDENCE"

    By the way, the Ticonderoga capture which provided those two guns to Bunker Hill was thanks to Benedict Arnold. Arnold also won the war at Saratoga by defying orders and actually winning the battle.

    The entire revolution would have failed on two or three accounts if not for the literally indispensable intervention of Arnold. And there's a very good reason he turned his back on the revolution.

    So when John Adams kowtows to George III then gets all this big erection about it and Hamilton and his bullshit that's all you need to know. However, John Quincy was a halfway decent statesman and he's forgotten too.

    Frick modern America.

    John Adams is a great man, and the fact everything begins with him DEFENDING the Boston Massacre perpetrators as a matter of INTEGRITY is all you need to know about the USA. What once was.

    • 2 years ago

      Arnold is a tragic figure, fricked over by politics and Washington's(admittedly necessary) servitude to them in the name of unity. Hard to imagine anyone not being bitter as frick in his position, add in some prime pussy, it's traitor tango.

      If I got my leg blown off and had to watch some well connected fop get the credit for my hard work I would be murderous.

      • 2 years ago

        Becky Akers had a badass book on him.

        Basically, her interpretation of the evidence - which is pretty strong - is that Arnold knew that his effort would fail to secure West Point for the British. Instead, all his effort did was earn him position in the British Army, fail to give the West Point, but then throw a spy under the bus (who was executed).

        This spy? He probably had been boning Arnold's wife. Master play.

        But Arnold was right. The Philadelphia council told him everything he needed to know about American "democracy" which Hamilton later exemplified. Biden today.

        But the truth about Arnold was that his very victory at Saratoga - which convinced the French to join the war - also provoked the panicked British to offer terms that represented EVERYTHING the continental congress had at first demanded. Full autonomy in Dominion status.

        Anything but supporting the hated, Catholic French. Arnold realized the revolution intended to use the US as a private israeli counterpunch to British power. That the design of the USA was to create a military empire in America. One which might punch back against Europe someday. It was obvious.

        So Arnold figured that had to be stopped.

        Had the colonies accepted Dominion status, there would have been more liberty as they would have been ignored by Britain and off the global stage. No massive immigration Yuro trash from Italy etc. Ireland couldn't be helped.

        California and Japan probably would have been British Dominions as well. World history would have changed.

        • 2 years ago

          Going to have to pick that up, thanks anon.

          • 2 years ago

            Sell out your shit "country" without actually doing it all to get your wife's lover executed?

            The thing is that Arnold had been so superhumanly badass by that point it's totally believable.

            He's buried in England, but at his deathbed he requested to be buried in his Colonial Army uniform, not the British uniform which his rank still permitted him.

            Arnold literally saved the revolution, twice, in addition to doing other great things.

            Washington wailed, cried, screamed when Arnold betrayed. It was the most true moment of the whole thing and no one ever asked, but damn if I bet it stayed with Washington to the end of his life.

            Hurr durr Arnold is a traitor is the gayest idea of American history.

            The man is probably the most quintessentially American individual in all of history.

        • 2 years ago

          On one hand, considering the UK now can hardly be considered superior to even the shitshow that is my own US, I doubt.

          On the other, you are correct, that would have changed everything. Maybe even for the better, who knows? At this point the only things worse I can imagine is some kind of existential catastrophe like nuclear war or fricking alien invasion.

          • 2 years ago

            Washington gave New York its freedom from London to exploit America. Dominion status would have kept New York in its place. That's my concept.

            • 2 years ago

              I'm from South Carolina, relatives died at Gettysburg, Antietam, Cowpens, and God knows how many swamps in our shit smelling low country. I believe you, and am no fan of my country as it stands. Or has stood for about most of it's history.

              • 2 years ago

                Well, read Becky Akers' book about Arnold. The man was a real badass and saved America and was the most pure American there ever was. In a weird way it will give you hope. He's like the Don Quixote of America.

        • 2 years ago

          It's not great, but it is a good adaptation. I love the 1776 episode which totally paid homage to the musical. Love the casting for Franklin and Jefferson. And lel Hamilton is obergruppenfuhrer Smith.

          I was at military officer boot camp and played this on the tv and NOBODY gave HALF of a shit about it. They were obsessed with Top Gun and Band of Brothers.

          The military doesn't give three shits, in America, about our founding values. It's all WWII and Cold War tough guy bullshit. America is NOT America anymore.

          But kino AF. "This one we call LIBERTY, and this gun, INDEPENDENCE"

          By the way, the Ticonderoga capture which provided those two guns to Bunker Hill was thanks to Benedict Arnold. Arnold also won the war at Saratoga by defying orders and actually winning the battle.

          The entire revolution would have failed on two or three accounts if not for the literally indispensable intervention of Arnold. And there's a very good reason he turned his back on the revolution.

          So when John Adams kowtows to George III then gets all this big erection about it and Hamilton and his bullshit that's all you need to know. However, John Quincy was a halfway decent statesman and he's forgotten too.

          Frick modern America.

          John Adams is a great man, and the fact everything begins with him DEFENDING the Boston Massacre perpetrators as a matter of INTEGRITY is all you need to know about the USA. What once was.

          Fren, what do you think of the recent upsurge in people being interested in classical republicanism, like Powiener's? Or people interested in Jeffersonian agrarianism, kind of trying to fuse it with Southern Agrarianism to conceive of a "base" for the restoration of classical republican virtue in America. Proudly middle class in the original sense of the term, self-sufficient + political equals + civically engaged.

          Some of the paleoconservatives are also fusing this with an "America was always a white European nation, not the 'propositional nation' propaganda of the Straussians" view.

          Ever read Pound's Jefferson and/or Mussolini?

          Or Quigley's Anglo-American Establishment, and Tragedy & Hope.

          • 2 years ago


            15 years ago people were very hard into Calhoun. And the other guy was John Taylor of Caroline. These Virginia dudes had America political theory down hard. But they made some concessions for slavery which weren't great but it doesn't matter because the Yankees were not doing a damn thing for "American" political theory.

            Even the pope wrote Jefferson Davis because of sympathy for John Calhoun's ideas.

            But the main man of American political theory is John Taylor of Caroline (county, Virginia). Dude was on point.

            The Neoreactionaries bought into the genetic-ethnic concept of social/political strategy where race and politics are innately linked. I dunno. Doesn't matter.

            Taylor and Calhoun's theory is the basis of the inadequate "Popular Sovereignty" of Douglass. It's that states are inherently populist. Necessarily populist. They HAVE to take for granted the "traditional" sympathies and norms of the their people. And where these clash, you need separate states.

            America is meant as a "republic of states". Where diverse political outcomes collude for mutual benefit and no less.

            Well, it's all fricked up by israeli leftism. We have to Tikkun Olam even though the worst problems are just simply caused by israeli meddling. They'll never see or admit to it.

    • 2 years ago

      Arnold is a tragic figure, fricked over by politics and Washington's(admittedly necessary) servitude to them in the name of unity. Hard to imagine anyone not being bitter as frick in his position, add in some prime pussy, it's traitor tango.

      If I got my leg blown off and had to watch some well connected fop get the credit for my hard work I would be murderous.

      Becky Akers had a badass book on him.

      Basically, her interpretation of the evidence - which is pretty strong - is that Arnold knew that his effort would fail to secure West Point for the British. Instead, all his effort did was earn him position in the British Army, fail to give the West Point, but then throw a spy under the bus (who was executed).

      This spy? He probably had been boning Arnold's wife. Master play.

      But Arnold was right. The Philadelphia council told him everything he needed to know about American "democracy" which Hamilton later exemplified. Biden today.

      But the truth about Arnold was that his very victory at Saratoga - which convinced the French to join the war - also provoked the panicked British to offer terms that represented EVERYTHING the continental congress had at first demanded. Full autonomy in Dominion status.

      Anything but supporting the hated, Catholic French. Arnold realized the revolution intended to use the US as a private israeli counterpunch to British power. That the design of the USA was to create a military empire in America. One which might punch back against Europe someday. It was obvious.

      So Arnold figured that had to be stopped.

      Had the colonies accepted Dominion status, there would have been more liberty as they would have been ignored by Britain and off the global stage. No massive immigration Yuro trash from Italy etc. Ireland couldn't be helped.

      California and Japan probably would have been British Dominions as well. World history would have changed.

      That was a pleasure to read.

  15. 2 years ago

    For the high-iq anons who can handle subtitles. the sequel is great too

  16. 2 years ago

    The video cuts off the last line of his speech where he says "But anything other than for-profit privatized healthcare is unconstitutional"

    • 2 years ago

      You know in his day you payed out the ass for doctors to even see you, right? They usually travelled to you, as well, inflating costs.

      • 2 years ago

        >You know in his day you payed out the ass for doctors to even see you, right?
        Is that why he signed a single-payer law for sailors?

        • 2 years ago

          ... are you a sailor? This kind of shit was reasonable even then for veterans, especially of a rather small navy.

          Are you people constantly this fricking dishonest?

      • 2 years ago

        Yes, and the video cuts out the part where he explains his vision for the future where its 100% possible to care for every citizen in the country on a whim, in which free healthcare for every citizen would actually save us 2 trillion dollars a year from our current federal "health" budget, it is our constitutional duty, in the name of liberty, to pay monthly fees to a private israelite insurance company that decides whether you get to see a doctor or not, then makes you pay thousands anyway for care thats free in the rest of the world. As long as my taxes dont help other people, including myself, even if I pay less taxes than I do now, THAT is liberty.

  17. 2 years ago

    The knick is kino and short

  18. 2 years ago
  19. 2 years ago

    Nobidy saw the good lord bird but Ethan Hawke is fantastic in it

  20. 2 years ago


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