Peters body producing web is kind of nasty. It's like he is leaving bukake all over the city what is it even made of?

Peters body producing web is kind of nasty
It's like he is leaving bukake all over the city what is it even made of? At least if it is some chemical thing synthesized in a lab I don't have to worry about having it on my face

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  1. 1 week ago

    better than a Tony Stark level genius only using one single gadget all the time rather than being more like Batman

    • 1 week ago

      thats why he invents other gadgets to help beat the bad guy of the week.

      • 1 week ago

        No reason to not carry them in his utility belt before getting his ass kicked again, he only fights the same 8 frickers over and over anyway

      • 1 week ago


      • 1 week ago

        Most of the time he will just throw some random object at the bad guy, he does not use inventions very often like Batman or Hank Pym or Reed Richards or Mr Terrific or Ozymandias or pretty much every character on his level. It feels like most writers don't even know he's one of the top 10 smartest scientists on earth.

    • 1 week ago

      >that one gadget does more than batman entire arsenal. I assume you're a fart level genius

      • 1 week ago

        That gadget does not even work on half of his villains.

        • 1 week ago

          Better than batmans track record.

    • 1 week ago

      Batman's arsenal are boomerangs and a hookshot most of the time.

  2. 1 week ago

    It dissolves after an hour anyway.

  3. 1 week ago

    I'd rather he just be a regular type of smart than a super genius. Smart enough to do well in school, but not smart enough to invent shit on the fly.

  4. 1 week ago

    It being weird and nasty is part of the appeal

  5. 1 week ago

    Why shouldn't he be able to produce web? He's fricking Spiderman.

  6. 1 week ago

    Personally I want to see a version where the webs are coming from cybernetic implants that are underneath his skin

    • 1 week ago

      So you want him to be Kamen Rider?

      • 1 week ago

        Maybe, but I never thought of taking it to the full "give up humanity and become a full cyborg" direction

  7. 1 week ago

    >run a DNA analysis on the web.
    >track down Parker Peter
    >kill him

  8. 1 week ago

    It's kind of dumb though.
    He's Spider-Man, but doesn't produce the web himself... so why is he Spider-Man?
    Is it the super strength?
    >Very common super power, no real association with spiders
    Is it climbing on ceilings and walls?
    >Many, many insects can do this
    Is it the famous "Spider-Sense"?
    >Spiders do not possess precognitive abilities
    >Most spiders cannot see well in the dark
    Enhanced reflexes?
    >Nothing particularly limited to or themed around spiders
    Healing factor?
    >Spiders don't possess noteworthy healing abilities
    Super intellect?
    >Spiders definitely don't have this and it's arguable that most Spider-people do
    >Some spiders use this, but it's hardly unique to spiders and they're not well-known for it

    Hmm... So is the only thing that makes him "Spider-Man" that he got his abilities from a spider? Because... that's just really stupid. Whereas if he makes his own webs, while that's not 100% unique to spiders, it's something spiders are very well-known for, practically their signature, and would justify naming himself as a superhero after them.

    And if the web-shooters don't require spider powers, doesn't that really mean anyone with enhanced strength and precognitive abilities could just put them on and be Spider-Man?

    I don't know. The whole thing's just kind of stupid if you ask me.

    • 1 week ago

      >Spiders don't possess noteworthy healing abilities
      They molt, but we don't see Peter doing that.

    • 1 week ago

      >He's Spider-Man, but doesn't produce the web himself... so why is he Spider-Man?
      He got his powers from a spider. He would be Spider-Man even if his power was shooting lasers out of his dick.

      • 1 week ago

        Captain America got his powers from a serum. Should that make him "Vaxman?"

        • 1 week ago

          Maybe, but I imagine Vaxman wouldn't do great as 40s propaganda

      • 1 week ago

        >even if his power was shooting lasers out of his dick
        Or becoming invisible
        Or discharging electricity
        Or creating energy weapons

        • 1 week ago

          Miles/Spin will never be the true Spider-Man.

      • 1 week ago

        >peter never notices the spider
        >becomes shrugman

        • 1 week ago

          >Peter assumes that he was bitten by an ant instead
          >Gets sued.

          • 1 week ago

            >peter never notices the spider
            >becomes shrugman

            >What's your name, kid?

    • 1 week ago

      >Is it climbing on ceilings and walls?
      >>Many, many insects can do this

      You could simply point out Spider-Man "electrostatic" bullshit is very similar to Superman "tactical telekinesis"

    • 1 week ago

      >so why is he Spider-Man?
      Because he was bitten by a radioactive spider

      • 1 week ago

        So Dr. Manhattan should be called Labaccident-Man?

        • 1 week ago

          You think you're being clever but this is a Kirkman-tier observation

          • 1 week ago

            He's an irrelevant dullard like you, one would think you'd respect him more.

            • 1 week ago

              Maybe make smarter observations if you don't want to be compared to Kirkman

              • 1 week ago

                Smart observations like "he calls himself Spider-Man because he got bitten by a spider and gained non-spider-themed powers as a result, then had to manually create the only spider-themed aspects of his hero persona so people would 'get it' ".

                Do you not know what contrivance is? Or do you think it just doesn't apply because you like Spider-Man and thus can't accept any faults?

              • 1 week ago

                >he calls himself Spider-Man because he got bitten by a spider
                That's just literally what happens. That's not a "smart observation" it's what happens in the book. By your logic the webs could also be attributed to a silk worm therefore they are not related to spiders at all and he has literally nothing to do with spiders.
                I get that you grew up with the Raimi films but don't act like they're the only true version of the character

              • 1 week ago

                And by your logic, what I said wasn't an "observation", I was just applying the same naming scheme to another character that you argue fairly applies to this one, and you took offense to it and started throwing around the name of some buttlord you're obsessed with.
                >silk worm
                Thank you for contributing to my point, though I already talked about how spiders aren't the only critters to produce webs, but that they're best known for it.
                >I get that you grew up with the Raimi films
                Half-correct. They were around when I grew up. I watched them. Wasn't a big fan. The Spider-Man I grew up with was pic related.

              • 1 week ago

                >and by your logic, what I said wasn't an "observation"
                It was. You thought that you were being clever by saying that all heroes should be named after their power source. That's you trying to make commentary on the nature of Spider-Man's name relative to his origin.
                Meanwhile his name actually does come from his source of powers, which is my point
                >Thank you for contributing to my point
                Your point is that his other powers "don't count as spider powers" because they can be attributed to other animals. And by that logic web shooters do nothing to fix that. Spiders don't shoot webs out of their arms either, or is that where we arbitrarily draw the line on what does and doesn't make sense

              • 1 week ago

                >It was. You thought that you were being clever by saying that all heroes should be named after their power source.
                If that was your interpretation of the point, you were mistaken. The point isn't that other characters should be named this way, it's that Peter shouldn't be. He named himself Spider-Man but his primary spider-related ability is artificial and was developed after the fact. It's contrivance. Deal with it.

                >And by that logic web shooters do nothing to fix that.
                Right, which is why I'm arguing that the webs should be organic. Glad we can be on the same page for this one.

                >Spiders don't shoot webs out of their arms either, or is that where we arbitrarily draw the line on what does and doesn't make sense
                If you're arguing that Spider-man should have spinnerets... then yes. If Spidey's web was organic, and produced by spinnerets in the abdomen, THEN harvested to use in his web shooters, I'd have less of a problem with it, because then at least the webs would be his power, and the shooters would just be a conduit for that ability.

              • 1 week ago

                >The point isn't that other characters should be named this way, it's that Peter shouldn't be
                The point is that you think it's a clever thing to point out, just like Kirkman
                >It's contrivance
                You don't know what that word means. Peter named himself, and he did so because a spider gave him his powers. None of that is contrived
                >which is why I'm arguing that the webs should be organic
                But that wouldn't fix anything. Spiders aren't the only creatures that produce silk. What if they mistake him for a silk moth?
                Here's the real contrivance: You've made up a problem in your head about Spider-Man being spider themed, made up a bunch of reasons why his current powers arbitrarily don't count, then again completely arbitrarily decided that organic webs fixes this imaginary problem

              • 1 week ago

                Miguel's literally half-spider so he has every right to call himself Spider-Man.

              • 1 week ago

                But he picked it to emulate Pete

  9. 1 week ago

    I think it makes more sense for a SPIDER BITE that FUNDAMENTALLY CHANGES HIS BIOLOGY to make him be able to shoot out webs from his own body. If he has super strength and the ability to climb, what sense is it that he needs machinery to do what spiders can do with their own bodies?
    >But the comics–
    I don't care, it doesn't make sense, the comic industry is dead. Most modern Spiderman fans can't even name five things from the comics. It's over.

    • 1 week ago

      Exactly. It's just nonsensical and frankly dumb for his webs to not be a part of his natural powers.

    • 1 week ago

      It's a bit confusing yeah, just like how people assume his spider-sense is a 360 vision similar to a spider having eight eyes rather than a vague psychic ability with several different powers such as being able to predict any kind of future threat or shoot the weeb in the right place without even looking at the target

      • 1 week ago

        >just like how people assume his spider-sense is a 360 vision similar to a spider having eight eyes
        Like Toph from Avatar?

  10. 1 week ago

    >At least if it is some chemical thing synthesized in a lab I don't have to worry about having it on my face

    If Peter is smart enough to invent an entirely new, totally untraceable chemical compound that can be stored in compressed canisters smaller than a AAA battery yet expands into literal square miles of hyper-resilient ultra-strong microfilament, then how the holy frick is this homie still poor? He sat down one day, invented web fluid, invented web shooters, invented tiny tracking devices, invented all kind of other wacky spider-themed shit, and he can't invent like a fricking flavoring additive or something to patent? Why the frick is he taking freelance pictures for a living? If he's so smart, how can he not figure out that there are thousands of companies out there that would pay him an insane salary to make use of his skills in chemistry?

    • 1 week ago

      Maybe he's just awful with business

      But again, you can say "Tony Stark or Reed Richards could hire him" and yeah, I don't see any reason why either of them wouldn't want Peter to be on their companies.

      • 1 week ago

        On top of that, both Tony and Reed know he's Spidey so they'd definitely give him shitloads of flex time to go punch Vulture in the face or whatever. Everybody wins.

    • 1 week ago

      Unironically because he was a dumb kid who didn't know dick about business and the Scientists he pitched it to had little vision for a short lasting adhesive. Eventually Pete does go on to actually make his inventions lucrative but....status quo is a b***h.

    • 1 week ago

      Maybe he's just awful with business

      But again, you can say "Tony Stark or Reed Richards could hire him" and yeah, I don't see any reason why either of them wouldn't want Peter to be on their companies.

      Unironically because he was a dumb kid who didn't know dick about business and the Scientists he pitched it to had little vision for a short lasting adhesive. Eventually Pete does go on to actually make his inventions lucrative but....status quo is a b***h.

      >The only scientist that ever insisted on Peter joining their company was fricking Norman Osborn
      >The only person to ever point out how it makes no sense that Peter is not massively rich is fricking Norman Osborn
      >The only person to ever say that Peter is the most underrated genius in the world was fricking Norman fricking Osborn

      • 1 week ago

        Frickin' affirmative action, man.

  11. 1 week ago

    >Spider-Man threads up
    >The shitposting one is the one that gets traction
    You fricks deserve every shitty thread you get

  12. 1 week ago

    No one ever gives Miggy or the symbiote hosts or Ultimate Jessica any shit for this
    I can understand disliking organic webs because they detract from Peter's intellect, but this just stupid.

    • 1 week ago

      Symbiotes are gross
      Miguel's organic webs are gross

  13. 1 week ago

    I really enjoyed The Other storyline and hated what Spider-Verse (the comic) did with it. There, I said it.

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