Pitch me your <$10,000 budget indie film. Anyone here ever try to make a movie?

Pitch me your <$10,000 budget indie film
Anyone here ever try to make a movie?

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

Yakub: World's Greatest Dad Shirt $21.68

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 2 weeks ago

    obviously I don't want YOU to steal my idea, anon

    • 2 weeks ago

      Found footage film of a professional killer tormented by ghosts in a jail cell. All the movie is him seeing and talking to some of his victims, making him question his sanity.

      Like there's this scene in which you can tell he hasn't been able to sleep for days because some kid is bouncing a ball outside his cell.

      I could probably film this with 2000 plus 3000 for actors and use the rest to frick prostitutes while I edit. I'd throw 1000 more for a few songs made by some third worlder from Fiverr. Synopsis for short indie movies are just pointless because unless you go full "IM CREATIVE AND I WILL MAKE SOMETHING SUPER NEW AND DIFFERENT" the key is how you direct it, not that much what it is about.

      Which is why
      is a moron. Ideas are not "good", talent cannot be stolen.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >tormented by ghosts in a jail cell

      • 1 week ago

        >I'd throw 1000 more for a few songs made by some third worlder from Fiverr.
        Why not just use ai? It's free and no one would be able to tell the difference
        If you have equipment (camera, tripod, mic, pc to edit on) then you can probably make this for less than 2k total to be honest.
        But I'm guessing you haven't actually written a script?

  2. 2 weeks ago

    not going to jinx it bro

  3. 2 weeks ago

    I take the money and record myself fricking ur mom with my phone

  4. 2 weeks ago

    A sci-fi movie about man whose shits only happen in a fibonacci sequence So he's shitting constantly as a baby but by the time he's a teen he's shitting only once a year. and by the time he's an adult he's figured it all out with the help of some biologists and mathematicians and he's planning entire years around the one moment he finally gets to shit his brains out. he becomes famous for it and it becomes a national event. he sells tickets to it. "shit with me" or join on the live stream.

    • 2 weeks ago

      I had a shit-themed sci fi story too but idk if I should share it here or flesh it out and try to publish it as a short story first

    • 1 week ago


  5. 2 weeks ago

    a black cop and a white cop with opposite personalities must work together to defeat a southafrican apartheid diplomat who's smuggling drugs into Los Angeles

  6. 2 weeks ago

    10000 Trump dollars is like 40000 Biden dollars
    I don't have 40000 to spend on a shitty youtube film

  7. 2 weeks ago

    A mechanic is going through schizophrenic episodes. He thinks he himself is turning into some kind of mechanical being. He tries to convince everyone around him of this, saying his vision is improving or his sense smell is beter. Minor improvements happen to him that actually happen because of explainable factors but when he cuts himself he believes he is leaking oil except blood. The viewer also sees oil, the viewer is made to believe this shizo is correct and changing.

    The end scene is the mechanic cutting his stomach open to convince his friends that cogs and gears will be visible. After he sees the cogs and gears in his stomach and smiles/laughs, he falls to the floor and the viewer finally sees blood and guts.

    30 minute short film.

    • 2 weeks ago

      So tetsuo

      • 2 weeks ago

        No idea what that means

        • 2 weeks ago

          Go watch tetsuo the iron man, its essentially what you described
          And its prime low budget jap kino

          • 2 weeks ago

            And I mean go WATCH it
            Don't read a synopsis or reviews or watch a YouTube analysis of it
            WATCH. THE. FILM.

            • 1 week ago

              He has obviously seen it. He just wanted to steal the idea.

  8. 2 weeks ago

    Freaky Friday with an FTM and an MTF

  9. 2 weeks ago

    It's about a boy who falls in love with a girl, but she's a total recluse so he can't find a way to talk to her. Then he meets her little brother and they become friends, the MC tries to design a plan to make the girl fall in love with him using the brother as an unwitting mediator.

  10. 2 weeks ago
    ࿇ C Œ M G E N V S ࿇



  11. 2 weeks ago

    i made a art house movie that's basically a people-hanging-out porno. the tapes are in my mother's attic cause i cant be bothered to edit and put the thing together

    • 1 week ago

      What does “people-hanging-out porno” mean?

      • 1 week ago

        people doing everyday kind of stuff mixed in with sexual shit. it's like you're there just hanging out with the characters, long takes and shooting-the-shit dialogue that goes nowhere included

  12. 2 weeks ago

    >Fat badly dressed angry incel on messageboard
    >He takes anon's advice
    >Starts exercising
    >Buys new clothes
    >Goes on Tinder dates
    >Lies on the internet about the dates
    >Women show him they are not evil
    >He meets a gf

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Women show him they are not evil
      the film has to believable otherwise nobody will watch it

  13. 2 weeks ago

    Mockumentary about a guy who says hes 'double trans'. Hes a male who believes inside him is a female, but that female is themselves trans. So a m2f2m. . The film shows his journey as he begins taking estrogen pills to grow breasts, only to have them cut off as he completes his final transition back to male. He also has bottom surgery having his penis turned inside out in to a 'pussy', but then gets skin grafted from his arm to make a newer, bigger penis in it's place.

  14. 2 weeks ago

    a biopic of chris chan

  15. 2 weeks ago

    Half muzzie and half israelite joins IDF and sells secrets to Iran, ending Israel for good

  16. 2 weeks ago

    Thick empty day. Tired ditches gently chirp in the flames of fire, pushing oaks into mossy abysses. The insect crumbles at the sight of a mad bull falling clumsily into the giant's giant pink mouth. Before the darkness comes a blizzard. She takes everything with her. Only dust with a gentle spark will pierce the boar in the crumpled sky of fire. The mossy oak grows mossy in the moss of bright empty silence

  17. 2 weeks ago

    Das Boot but good and large sweeping stills illuminated by lightning in a slideshow of Thor battling Jormungandr when the Submarine is fighting the Destroyers.

  18. 2 weeks ago

    My idea is a film where I have sex with hot young women.

  19. 2 weeks ago

    A liberal white woman is forced to confront her own racism when her and her black African Uber driver witness police arrest two young black men on the streets of New York

  20. 2 weeks ago

    I wish I even knew how to start making a movie. I don't know anyone interested in it and I have no idea how to find people in my area who might be into that sort of thing. Man I wish I made friends in college

    • 2 weeks ago

      You need to rent a space and hang up a neon sign that says “We Make Movies.” Then invite people there who are interested in it.

    • 1 week ago

      I had a script that I liked but it requires an animatronic monster that would have been 25K and that's not happening for my first effort. I've also got a Slasher script that could be shot for a true shoestring but I realized that the script was ass. I've got some pretty funny ideas for comedy skits but I can't get any of my dipshit friends to act them out with me. But my ambitions towards filmmaking still exist. I will give it a real try when the script is good, I swear.

      This too. I don't know where I'd meet people. There's some local Facebook groups but they're kinda dead and the would be actors seem to be insulted by the low-ball wages I'd be able to pay them.

    • 1 week ago

      Well first you need a script, so just write a script.

  21. 2 weeks ago

    TITLE: The most misogynistic movie ever made

    2h compilation of things I hate about women, short stories, videos, movie scenes

  22. 1 week ago

    Across the country, winners of sizable lottery payouts are being murdered. Different cities in different states, but same M.O. in every crime, savage stabbings.

  23. 1 week ago

    >Pitch me your <$10,000 budget indie film
    A goth-lite drugdealer and his bpd emo/scene qt gf go on the run in a violent adventure of neon madness after he accidentally witnesses gangsters murder a dude
    >Anyone here ever try to make a movie?
    Yeah. I've made a ton of shorts. One feature. I'm editing a second feature.
    It's a frickton of work. But they're right when they say that the best way to learn how to make a film is to make a film

  24. 1 week ago

    From the other thread,
    Here's the list of movies made for under $10,000 that are streaming on Tubi. Most are decent. Are there any more? A couple thousand is all it takes to get on Tubi and call yourself a filmmaker.

    Sect - Budget $2K

    Ente - Budget $2K

    Settling Down - Budget $3K

    Eradication - Budget $5K

    Bedridden - Budget $5K

    Lexi - Budget $5K

    Let Me Be Frank - Budget $5K

    Creep (2014) - Budget $5K

    Following - Budget $6K

    Cosmos (2019) - Budget $7k

    Red 11 - Budget $7K

    Borderland - Budget $7K

    Primer - Budget $7K

    Butterscotch Chocolate - Budget $8K

    The God Inside My Ear - Budget $8K

    Joke Book: The Movie - Budget $8K

    El Mariachi - Budget $8K

    Homewrecker - Budget $9K

    An Assassin Walks Through the Trees - Budget $5k

    • 1 week ago

      >El Mariachi
      >Production: $7,225
      >Post-production: $200,000

      • 1 week ago

        >>Post-production: $200,000
        That just means that a distribution agent bought and signed a predatory deal with Rodriguez to make sure he never saw a dime of any profit the film made.
        If you broke that post budget down, I would bet money that a lot of it is "expenses" for people working at the distribution company to fly to film festivals, stay in 5 star hotels and order expensive wine while maybe trying to sell the film.
        It's a really insidious industry that people don't talk about much unless you're a filmmaker. It's also the reason why so many indie filmmakers struggle to break into the mainstream.

    • 1 week ago

      I could throw a few grand at a project but I don't even have an idea. I just want to hold the camera

      • 1 week ago

        Cameras are pretty expensive. Why should anyone let you hold theirs?

        • 1 week ago

          I have a really good grip. REALLY good 😉

  25. 1 week ago

    Two groups of students, independently and unknowingly to the other, plan a school shooting. By chance they pick the same day, so they end up fighting each other for the spotlight. Hilarity ensues.

    • 1 week ago

      >Seth Rogen plays the police chief on scene who decides that the best course of action is to not intervene and let the shooters take each other out
      >Michael Cera plays the newbie rookie cop - it's his first day
      >Anthony Mackie plays the local senator running for reelection who's trying to figure out the best way to use the shooting to help his campaign without it being distasteful
      >Emma Roberts play his pr and campaign manager
      >Sydney Sweeney plays the recent high school graduate who's started an onlyfans and keeps plugging it during tv interviews outside the scene
      >Paul Dano plays the tv reporter on the scene conducting awkward interviews
      >Eva Green plays the studio news anchor reporting on the situation
      >Ella Balinska plays the shell-shocked weather girl
      >Jason Sudeikis plays the network head who decides to run the story 24/7 until the situation is resolved
      >Lian Neeson plays the school's principal who can occasionally be reached by phone

      • 1 week ago

        Who plays the shooters?

        • 1 week ago

          Fifteen years ago, I’d have said Jesse Eisenberg, Michael Cera, Jonah Hill, and Kal Penn

          • 1 week ago

            >Jesse Eisenberg and Michael Cera in different shooter groups
            >people keep confusing them for the other

            • 1 week ago

              >Michael Cera actually isn't one of the shooters but he finds a gun the shooter dropped and tries to save the day
              >He keeps slipping on blood and accidentally shooting kids
              >Everyone thinks he's Jesse Eiseneberg who is actually one of the shooters

  26. 1 week ago

    White man kicks the ever loving shit out of a black family in their own home, they escape at the end but it turns out the entire town was in on it.
    Easy 100 milly

  27. 1 week ago

    Me having sex with 50 $200 hookers footage shot with my phone

  28. 1 week ago

    A boy has to help his dying wizard great-grandfather escape from a castle for aging wizards and travel to a wizard graveyard to die under traditional rites. On route, they switch between alluding the authorities and swapping stories with concerning the wizard's tribal upbringing vs the boy's farmer culture. The boy learns survival techniques, but starts doubting whether loyalty to family is worth guaranteeing that he'll never be able to return to his society.

    Assuming AI/Deepfake can’t magically fix everything for using minimal actors (preferably friends/family) to portray as many characters as possible, use front/back shots and make shift costumes to portray desired populations. Use differing camera angles, day/night shots, establishing shots, and different audio to use the same areas as much as possible.

    Assuming creative practical effects aren't possible, embrace shitty CGI. It's a shitty comparison, but a Newbraska tonal film with Who Killed Captain Alex style visuals should be cheap. If the plot/dialogue are good and main two characters have chemistry, viewers may be lenient on the rest.

    • 1 week ago

      Why are the nazis trying to kill the wizard israelite?

      • 1 week ago

        The thought process was that wizards are like nukes and with old age/dementia makes them potentially more dangerous when exposed to new stimuli, but are still necessary as a deterrent from other lands/races invading.

  29. 1 week ago

    I'd like to adapt any classic sword and sorcery short story. Finding buff dudes and chicks is easier than ever and I bet they'd love to show off their gains, maybe try to get an influencer sponsorship from it, so they might work for cheap. I think the most expensive part would be building the set or finding a place to film that doesn't look like a backyard or the same river all those 80's argentinian fantasy movies were filmed at.

    • 1 week ago

      Name 5 classic sword and sorcery short stories
      I like to bring a hammock into the woods and listen to audio books while watching the clouds and birds

      • 1 week ago

        Start with this or any other collection of Robert E Howard's Conan. He's the gold standard for a reason. Some other big names off the top of my head are Michael Moorwiener's Elric or Corum and Fritz Leiber's Fafhrd and the Grey Mouser. There are also old Weird Tales magazines or S&S anthologies for cool one-offs

  30. 1 week ago

    A movie about a group of gangsters with colors as codenames hiding in an abandoned warehouse trying to find out who is the snitch among them in a bank heist gone wrong. Features 1970s rock songs.

  31. 1 week ago

    The plan for my movie is to wear a rubber suit and chase my friends around in a forest for 90 minutes and to use royalty free effects for the bullets, music and explosions. Fund me plz.

  32. 1 week ago

    Ok, it's a movie about a heist but the protagonist is a really bad frick up so he keeps fricking up and the heist doesn't go smoothly and gets worse and worse so by the end he's lucky to escape with anything at all.

  33. 1 week ago

    Are film courses worth it? Not entire semesters but maybe weekly classes on technical aspects like cinematography and whatnot. I've been considering signing up for one if only as a way to meet more people interested in making films but I also always hear about such classes being a waste of time and money.

    • 1 week ago

      no, you can learn more on YT or by going out and shooting/editing yourself with friends

    • 1 week ago

      The best way to learn is to do.
      Buy a camera (or use your phone). Get your friends (if you don't have any, use puppets or film public spaces). Try to recreate your favourite scenes from your favourite films.
      Download an nle (resolve is free and very powerful). Edit your footage. Review it and decide what worked well and what didn't work.
      Rinse and repeat.

  34. 1 week ago

    data mining thread
    im sure they steal ideas from here
    do not post them

    i made a suggestion and theres a tv show pretty much exactly like it now

    • 1 week ago

      what was your suggestion, and what's the show?

  35. 1 week ago

    >Film idea: Al Qaeda carries out 9/11. To find the terrorists, George Bush orders them to make a suicide squad with Ted Kaczynski, Timothy Mcveigh, Charles Manson, the Zodiac killer and Ted Bundy.
    >Charles Manson - the leader who manipulates everyone.
    >Timothy Mcveigh - the gun expert and racist.
    >Ted Kaczynski - the voice of reason. Math geek and bomb expert.
    >Ted Bundy - melee expert, uses crowbar and choke hold.
    >The Zodiac Killer - keeps to himself, has a mustache.
    >They come to Afghanistan and fight with terrorists. Ted Bundy and Charles Manson compete to see who can rizz the best. The Zodiac Killer manages to escape and disappears. They end up in an ambush and Ted Bundy fights several Taliban at the same time. While the others flee, he sacrifices himself.
    >The gang is sad but Charles motivates them. Lots of Taliban coming. One is a suicide bomber and blows up the building. Manson says something incoherent and dies. Timothy and Ted sneak away and manage to confront Bin Laden. Bin Laden and Timothy have a fight where they fight for 20 minutes. A Taliban kills Timothy with a knife in the back.
    >Ted has gone into hiding. Osama Bin Laden opens a letter he thinks is from his boss but the letter explodes and he dies. Ted sneaks up and has the real letter. He is rescued to the United States. As the only one left, he gets an audience with George Bush. Ted says that he read the letter and found out that Mossad had assigned Bin Laden to carry out 9/11. He thinks the US should stop supporting Israel.
    >Bush laughs at him and says that everyone in their gang was amateurs when it comes to killing and the real ones are in government. He mentions that he plans to invade Iraq to destabilize the Middle East. Ted says he's totally crazy as he's being led away by guards.
    >Marvel post-text scene where the zodiac killer is inspired by George Bush and decides to become a politician. Takes off the loose mustache and it's Ted Cruz.
    >Director: Quentin Tarantino

  36. 1 week ago

    Guy journals. His journal is stolen. He falls into psychosis. Thinks he's being gangstalked. Meets a girl who illuminates his life with pure happiness. She doesn't know he has mental issues. He is torn because he suspects everyone of plotting against him but not her. He goes to a psychiatrist who fixes him. Climax: He tells her "I don't know why... but I always knew I could trust you." She replies "Probably because I'm actually a man. You know men are more reliable than women." The end.

  37. 1 week ago

    A stop action movie with plastic army men fighting over their owner’s house while the family is out on vacation

  38. 1 week ago

    It's a burly Black person, a Mexican carteleño and a old israelite getting pegged in the ass for three and half hours by Uncle Sam while they take turns apologizing to white America for all the horrible things their people have done.

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