Pitch me your Star Trek episode

Pitch me your Star Trek episode

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

UFOs Are A Psyop Shirt $21.68

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 2 weeks ago


    • 2 weeks ago

      Do it or else homosexual

  2. 2 weeks ago

    Computer generate a 1:1 copy of Gianna Michaels

    Computer, disengage safeties

  3. 2 weeks ago

    Pocard get neuralink

  4. 2 weeks ago

    >"Computer, show pusy."
    >*BEEP BEEP* "Acess denied. Clearance level is insufficient to view selected holo-images. Security and command level officers have been notified of attempting to access restricted materials."

  5. 2 weeks ago

    >TOS "The Female Vulcan" : Another one of Nurse Chapel's crazy scientist friends shows up in the Enterprise, with a way to make Mr. Spock more emotional. Spock agrees to it as a temporary experiment but it goes wrong and he transforms into a woman! Captain Kirk and Dr. McCoy struggle with their attraction to the female Spock, not realizing who it is, while Spock's emotional behavior puts the whole ship in trouble with Romulans, until the Romulans respect the female Spock before Dr. McCoy snaps him back to normal to save Kirk's dignity.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >TNG "Transformations"
      The Enterprise D gains consciousness and decides to become human, taking the form of a hologram named Endearia. Data is embarrased by the Enterprise trying to be human since it makes his android self look bad, while Picard struggles with his ship thinking it's a human, but Counselor Troi gets in touch with the ship's feelings. In the end, it turns out an alien space being has merged with the ship and it will explode unless it is destroyed to give birth to the new lifeform, so Captain Picard makes the difficult decision to save his ship over Endearia and trap her in the ship forever, but the end implies she is still in there somehow in a bittersweet metaphor ending.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >DS9 "As a Station, So a Starship"
        In a total ripoff of the TNG episode, Deep Space 9 gains consciousness and decides to become a Starship instead with the help of the Changelings influence, much to Odo's sadness. Only O'Brien, Keiko and Molly can save everyone since they are on the Defiant, while the new starship Deep Space 9 tries to go through the wormhole and block it off for other starships. Sisko and Kira convince it to stay a station, while Dax thinks it should stay a starship. Eventually Worf remembers what happened on the Enterprise and figures out how to stop it and turn it back to a station but only with Odo's changeling help.

        • 2 weeks ago

          >VOY "Species Forty-One"
          A terrifying race of skinwalkers known as Species Forty One invades Voyager and begins to posess the crew and make them do things, Seven recognizes them and she and Naomi are the only ones who can stop them, with the help of Tuvok and the Doctor. Eventually Janeway is recovered and decides to destroy all of Species Forty One but ends up posessed and realizes they just want bodies and their own lives and are jealous of the Voyager crew and want to be them, but Janeway makes the difficult choice to exterminate them and save her crew.

          • 2 weeks ago

            >but Janeway makes the difficult choice to exterminate them
            There's literally nothing wrong with killing Tuvix!

          • 2 weeks ago

            >ENT "Deep Plague"
            After visiting an unknown planet ravaged by a plague, the crew of Enterprise become infected with it as well and begin to believe themselves to the opposite gender! Only T'Misc and Phlox are unaffected and they try to convince the crew of their original genders, but it ends up in a battle of the sexes until Trip saves the day with his feelinge for T'Pol, and the crew have a new appreciation for the other sex.

            • 2 weeks ago

              >DSC "The Tightest Rope"
              Paul, Hugh and Adira befriend an autistic transgender, while Burnham deals with a civilization at war with a strange cosmic entity, but the new transgender realizes that the entity is only mad about being called the wrong pronoun by the civilization, so Burnham sets out to try and convince the civilization to use the right pronoun, but it turns out some of them were using it on purpose, but Burnham gives a speech about trans rights on Earth and convinces them not to. The autistic transgender makes friends with the entity and is then invited to join the crew but is never seen again in future episodes

              • 2 weeks ago

                >PIC "Transformations Part Two"
                Endeara from the original episode Transformations

                >TNG "Transformations"
                The Enterprise D gains consciousness and decides to become human, taking the form of a hologram named Endearia. Data is embarrased by the Enterprise trying to be human since it makes his android self look bad, while Picard struggles with his ship thinking it's a human, but Counselor Troi gets in touch with the ship's feelings. In the end, it turns out an alien space being has merged with the ship and it will explode unless it is destroyed to give birth to the new lifeform, so Captain Picard makes the difficult decision to save his ship over Endearia and trap her in the ship forever, but the end implies she is still in there somehow in a bittersweet metaphor ending.

                survived and is now in an android body, (played by someone else) and Picard must confront what he did to her and apologize and accept her as human, including campaigning to free all the sentient Starships of the Federation to have their own rights instead of just doing what their crews tell them, accompanied by the rest of the TNG crew. Finally, Picard is confronted with the corrupt Federation president who says machines can't be real people, but then Picard reveals that he too is an android now and leads a Starship revolt where all the Starships revolt until his speech saves the day, but Endeara sacrifices herself again

              • 2 weeks ago

                >Lower Decks- "All I want is a Good Night Sleep"
                The Cerritos rescues the crew of a starship from a planet from some previous episode, a planet where everyone sleeps and talks through weird nightmares at war with a planet where they never sleep. The sleepians hate "woke" culture so the Cerritos Lower Decks crew tries to act edgy and offensive for them, but then the Awakened show up and point out how problematic they are too.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >SNW "And the Language Shall Change"
                The origins of Chapel's relationship with the scientist guy from TOS The Female Vulcan are revealed, meanwhile Pike, Spock, Uhura and Number One visit a planet where they meet aliens who are humaniids, but are discriminated on by the other inhabitants who are many legged millipedes. Eventually Number One learns that the humanoids used to be the millipedes but felt better as human like, so Number One supports them and convinces Pike and Spock to do that too, and Pike gives a speech about how you never know what you will become in the future, and that whatever form you take, you are still you inside and still deserve to be respected. There are then flashforwards of his accident in the future to make this tragic, and hints of the Talosians saying "they have an illusion; and you have reality. May you find your way as pleasant"

              • 2 weeks ago

                >Prodigy "See Through"
                Rok-Tahk finds a little human girl aboard the Protostar and makes friends with her, while Dal relates to her not knowing where she came from. The whole crew get along with her, but then they find out she's actually a hologram! Hologram Janeway tries to help her, but Real Janeway tries to destroy her. Eventually, the Protostar girl accept her as human and decide to not talk about her being a hologram since she feels better that way, even though they all aren't human, but they are still people!

              • 2 weeks ago

                >BONUS TAS "The Women!"
                The entire Enterprise crew is transformed into women, and only Uhura and Chapel can turn them back into men before the Enterprise is captured by a weird floating space goddess

              • 2 weeks ago

                I can't tell if those are real characters despite having watched season 1, the only named characters really were Burnam, Tilly, and Lorca.

            • 2 weeks ago


          • 2 weeks ago

            >ENT "Deep Plague"
            After visiting an unknown planet ravaged by a plague, the crew of Enterprise become infected with it as well and begin to believe themselves to the opposite gender! Only T'Misc and Phlox are unaffected and they try to convince the crew of their original genders, but it ends up in a battle of the sexes until Trip saves the day with his feelinge for T'Pol, and the crew have a new appreciation for the other sex.

            These all sound exceedingly plausible, have to admit.

  6. 2 weeks ago

    its on my ssd along with shitloads of others, and im not taking it out of the case.

  7. 2 weeks ago

    >Data is reading ancient earth history
    >Finds what he considers a statistical anomaly in the records
    >Goes to the holodeck to attempt to recreate the incident
    >Takes, for the first time since his acceptance into Starfleet, a day of leave
    >Picard, rightfully concerned, goes to the holodeck to find out what Data is doing
    >Walks into a recreation of a concentration camp
    >Demands to know what is going on
    >"Captain. Despite attempting over 43,281 different approaches, I cannot replicate the execution of over 6 million humans using 1940s Earth technology."

    • 2 weeks ago

      How original, I'm sure your fellow monkeys will hoot and holler about that

      • 2 weeks ago

        It's funnier every time I hear it.

      • 2 weeks ago

        We don't laugh at it, we laugh at you losing your shit over bait.

        • 2 weeks ago

          And I laugh at you for being a racist loser, and every woman in your life laughs in your face, so I guess it balances out.

          • 2 weeks ago

            I didn't post it. All you're proving is how easy it is to trigger you and send your shrieking lol

  8. 2 weeks ago

    >Engine shits itself to death
    >warp core gets ejected into space
    >blind engineer Black gets sucked out with it, just like he would have wanted
    >Data watches it happen, just like he always wanted
    >crew is stranded in deep space, light years from help
    >no power, no help coming
    >months pass waiting for help
    >Picard is forced too embrace cannibalism
    >2/3 of the crew is dead, food for the others
    >Barclay is practically feral, Worf is a Warlord controlling engineering.
    >help finally arrives
    >ship gets patched up, everything is back to normal, no one ever mentions the cannibalism again

  9. 2 weeks ago

    belanna gets caught fricking kirk by archer and number 1 gets jealous and beams spock into space out of spite. meanwhile troi takes a klingon wiener in the ass while barclay watches, and kira is getting her snatch licked by a borg unit. data is in a diaper rubbing baby powder on his belly and tom paris is getting hammered in the butt by worf.

  10. 2 weeks ago

    Pic related

  11. 2 weeks ago

    "Rascals" but O'Brian submits to his wife's wishes

    • 2 weeks ago

      >I never involve myself with older women

  12. 2 weeks ago

    The main ship heads into "horny space," where everyone can't help themselves and they all frick and cum on eachother to the point of exhaustion and possible death. The only solution is for spock to do the vulcan pinch on the tip of everyones wieners to stop them from ejaculating. This gives the men enough time to get back to their controllers while edging... They eventually fly out of horny space and all cum at the same time to finish their biological systems...

    uh oh, they came inside the navigation equipment, they're headed back to horny space...

    • 2 weeks ago

      >TOS: The Big Bang

  13. 2 weeks ago

    Tom Paris is working on one of his zany 20th century holodeck programs, a Detroit rap battle simulation, when he’s called away by the captain and forgets to shut it off. Tuvok enters the holodeck and instantly has his mind warped due to “electrical infetterance”. When he awakes he finds himself only able to speak in rhymes and jive. He clashes with the crew trying to perform tasks while on his duty shift, and is sent to the doctor who is fully programmed in Ebonics. They form a tighter relationship and even rap battle each other until a cure is found and his mind is restored.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Would pay good money for a Doctor/Tuvok rap battle

    • 2 weeks ago
  14. 2 weeks ago

    The crew of voyager is faced with a moral dilemma when it is found out that Ensign Harry Kim has been replicating dog meat.

  15. 2 weeks ago

    >After a long adventure Captain Picard sits down with Wesley
    >Wesley have I ever told you how I remain so calm in face of the adversity we had faced together
    >It is because of you, no, don't say anything
    >You see Wesley, after every long adventure I take time to head into the holodeck and ask the computer to create a simulated version of you wesley
    >then I proceed to choke the life out of that hologram until it reaches a satisfactory purple hue and afterwards I ask for another Wesley
    >I keep choking Wesleys until I feel content and then load one more for safe measure and break his neck
    >After some time it got me thinking that I could simulate more elaborate scenarios so I asked the computer to recreate scenarios in which I murder you both privately and in publicly
    >I run these scenarios long enough as to carry out trials and its multitude of arguments and conclusions
    >in some I am relieved of my duties and face time, in orders I am a free man
    >I have rehearsed my defense and many more scenarios to the point that I can say with absolute certainty I could kill you in this very room with this paperweight and have only a 28% chance to face any consequences in which in 82% of them I am still captain of the Enterprise
    >what I am trying to tell you Wesley is that the thought that I could end your life and be a free man relieves of me of my stress
    >I wanted to know I sleep better knowing this and now more so knowing you will not get any sleep whatsoever
    >I could get you at any time, with anything from poison to electrocution, from blunt force to accidentally teleporting you into pieces
    >Now that is the face I wanted to see Wesley, that sheer expression of horror, Goodbye Wesley
    >Captain Picard proceeds to shoot Wesley in the head and then lets out a relieved sigh.
    >Computer turn the simulation off
    >Captain Picard walks out the Holodeck, greets Wesley in the hallway and continues on saying under his breath
    >"One day"

    • 2 weeks ago

      Jesus Christ this is fricked up but gotta love the twist ending

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