Pitch your ideas for the perfect Alien movie.

Pitch your ideas for the perfect Alien movie.

A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

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A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    So you have a movie for me?

    • 2 years ago

      Actually it'll be super easy! Barely an inconvenience!

  2. 2 years ago

    A Zoomer remake of the original Alien, but they're all gay and the xenomorph becomes gay when busting out of them resulting in gay aliens.

    • 2 years ago

      The Xenomorph is a metaphor for colonialism.

      • 2 years ago

        I thought it was rape. Not like I care THOUGH, just want to see some cool aliens.

      • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        I’ve seen the movie a few times, I think it’s more like a metaphor for aliens

      • 2 years ago

        Bait. It's (interracial) gay oral rape.

      • 2 years ago

        i thought it was a metaphor for Black folk

      • 2 years ago

        rape, forced pregnancy and death at childbirth more likely.
        very real stuff for women, not so much for men.

        • 2 years ago

          The alien using sexualised violence and imagery does not mean that the alien is a metaphor for rape (??)

    • 2 years ago

      this xeno's lookin kinda sussy ngl

    • 2 years ago

      Aliens but wheat.

      But as a zillenial I like original Alien as is. Also Aliens too.

    • 2 years ago

      Only if the chest burster has that shitty haircut.

    • 2 years ago

      The Xenomorph is a metaphor for colonialism.

      What the alien is a metaphor of is spelled out in Alien.
      Ash: You still don't understand what you're dealing with, do you? The perfect organism. Its structural perfection is matched only by its hostility.
      Ash: I admire its purity. A survivor... unclouded by conscience, remorse, or delusions of morality.

      The alien is then a transformed/xenomorphized (like anthropomorph) human, stripped of a conscience, remorse, and morality.
      This can also be seen visually, the alien, with its bulbuous head, looks like an astronaut.

      The story of Alien is a story of a worker who dies in a workplace accident after middle management (Mother, you b***h!) coerces the crew into doing something dangerous (go into the spaceship or we’ll take your wages), with no care for safety, and is then transformed/driven crazy and starts killing his crewmates.

      The story of aliens is then the story of the US military being sent to destroy a revolting/striking colony, it’s inhabitants being perceived and regarded by the soldiers as subhuman.

      >completely gutting the mystery and horror of the xenomorph for "frick le capitalism"
      what an awful idea. you could work in hollywood

      alien 1 is a "frick le capitalism" movie, deal with it. the android and the ship's computer, as agents of the corporation, plotting to frick you over behind your back, are just as much of a source of horror as the alien.

      While correct in that Alien is an anticapitalist movie (the alien being the manifestation of labour dispute over overtime pay, and the company doing -way- more damage structurally than what is plot-wise a space panther), the corporation is not involved in the specifics of an alien conspiracy.
      What happens is that Mother and Ash implicitly have a basic directive of ”study cool alien shit if you find it” and then decide, autonomously, that the Alien is an improvement on humanity.
      Mother and Ash then resolve to study the creature out of sheer curiosity, and deem the crew expendable to accomplish this goal.
      As a character, Mother represents the company in that she was created by them and reflect their priorities (or what is deprioritized, the crew), but she is not motivated by profit here and goes beyond what the company wants: the creature is worth less than the cargo the Nostromo is hauling, so why risk it?

    • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        Kek based


        A Zoomer remake of the original Alien, but they're all gay and the xenomorph becomes gay when busting out of them resulting in gay aliens.

        The original and aliens was already gay as frick balanced out by Sigourney and Mexican israeliteess larp

    • 2 years ago

      They're already dick monsters so it wouldn't be a huge stretch.

    • 2 years ago

      Finally a movie for us gay monsterfrickers

    • 2 years ago

      That xeno bustin out of Ayden’s chest not bussin senpai fr fr

  3. 2 years ago

    Alien gets loose in future earth city
    Slightly cyberpunk atmosphere
    Reminiscent of aliens

  4. 2 years ago

    Ok so
    >The year is 1999
    >Windows 98 came out last year
    >A new character, a 10 year old boy named Norman Stromo, lays out in his yard gazing at the stars with his parents
    >His dad points to the moon. "Do you know which one that is, son?"
    >"Da sun!"
    >I forgot to mention Norman has down syndrome
    >Norman's mother smiles and says "time for bed"
    >Cut to Norman laying in bed, eyes wide open, the sounds of his parents furiously fricking playing in the background
    >"I wish I could go to space. Then I could have sex."
    >Cut to the year 2038
    >Ellen Ripley is training to be a space cadet. She's 24, but still played by current day Sigourney Weaver.
    >She farts and says "oopsie"
    >Cut to the year 5555
    >We're on LV-426
    >A 17-yo asian girl in a bikini sits in a lab, slowly licking an ice cream cone
    >She catches something out of the corner of her eye
    >It's the fused xenomorph from the end of Alien Resurrection. Resurrected.
    >Our bikini-clad heroine jams the bottom of her ice cream cone into the eye of the xenomorph
    >The alien screams and acid blood shoots out, hitting the girl in the face and melting her skull
    >The alien and the girl collapse. Dead.
    >Cut to the year 2000
    >Norman Stromo, now 11, is doodling the xenomorph in his school book when the teacher comes up and scowls at him
    >"drawing stupid fricking bullshit again, are we?"
    >Norman spits on his desk on accident
    >as the teacher escorts Norman out the room, pan the camera down to reveal the spit beginning to melt through Norman's desk
    end of Act 1.

    • 2 years ago

      You literally made me laugh out loud. What happens in Act 2?

    • 2 years ago

      What the frick homie

    • 2 years ago

      go on

    • 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      please go on

    • 2 years ago

      >I forgot to mention Norman has down syndrome
      I will watch your movie

    • 2 years ago

      >I forgot to mention Norman has down syndrome

    • 2 years ago

      Act 2.
      >Norman is brought into the principle's office
      >The principal looks at Norman, eyes narrowed "getting up to TROUBLE again, are we?"
      >The principal and the teacher both pull out paper bags, blow in them and then pop them in Norman's face, and laugh hysterically as Norman screams and cries
      >Close up on the principal's desk
      >The name thing reads "Principal Ripley"
      >Cut to the year 2038 again
      >Ripley is on a spaghetti dinner date with a man. His face is hidden but his voice is clearly Mark Hammill. She's circling the rim of her wine glass with her finger
      >"So..." the man asks "A space cadet in training, eh?"
      >"Yeah." Ripley replies. "I guess you could call it that. All I want is to work on a cargo ship and have nothing bad happen to me."
      >The man stands up. "Really?"
      >Ripley's eyes look on in horror
      >He's actually a xenomorph
      >He grabs handfuls of spaghetti and starts tossing them at Ripley while doing his epic joker laugh from phantasm.
      >Ripley screams as the camera zooms directly into her mouth
      >Cut to Los Angeles, 2014
      >An obese man is buttfricking an 80-year-old latino man
      >fade to black
      >Cut to the year 2022
      >Norman, now 33, is eating spaghetti while watching an erotic video of, you guessed it, the asian bikini girl on his ipad
      >There's a knock at the door
      >Norman answers it and to his shock, finds Karl Bishop Weyland, his cousin
      >"Norman, it's time to go."
      >Bishop throws a sack over Norman's head
      >Norman awakes strapped inside a space shuttle heading for LV-426
      >Norman smiles as his space dreams are finally, FINALLY coming true

      • 2 years ago

        >Cut to 10000 BC
        >There a man stands, gazing
        >But he's not a man.
        >He's a xenomorph with a human's head
        >the xeno screeches at the camera
        >Cut to the year 2022
        >We're on LV-426
        >The land is desolate, harsh gusts of wind permeate this uncomfortably barren landscape of nothing
        >Norman's ship crashes down and Norman springs out
        >Licensed music kicks in
        >Norman skips and gallops through, tossing seeds which grow into beautiful tulips which dance to the beat of blue
        >Camera pulls back to reveal Norman is being watched
        >2 shadowy figures stand in the dark
        >"It seems the boy has entered the atmosphere"
        >"Yes. All according to plan."
        >Light slowly illuminates and we see these two new characters. We don't know who they are or what they want, but they're sharing a long strand of dental floss which is abound with green and blue chunks
        >Camera swings around them to reveal Ripley, Newt and Hicks all in cryosleep behind them

        • 2 years ago

          >Okay. This is where the story really starts
          >Norman is out one day, tending his tulip garden, when suddenly, without warning, surprisingly, unbelievably, crazily, suddenly, the clouds part and a giant ship hovers over LV-426. The Derelict
          >Norman shuts eyes, covers his ears and begins screaming angrily, as he's very noise sensitive
          >The Derelict touches down and one of the engineers from Prometheus steps out, played by Josh Peck
          >"Hello." He says. "We couldn't help but notice your nice garden."
          >"NO! NO NO NO!!!" Norman yells. "NO NO SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP, NO!!!!"
          >Norman is still in a fit of uncontrollable rage
          >He runs up, screaming and flailing his arms, shoves the engineer aside
          >He runs up to the Derelict and flips it like a coffee table
          >It crashes down on top of Norman's tulips
          >Norman screams at the top of his lungs "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!"
          Cut to 10 minutes earlier
          >Back on earth
          >Norman's mother and father are signing divorce papers
          >"Frick you" Norman's mother says
          >Norman's father gives a weary sigh and responds "That's how we got in this mess to begin with."
          >Their lawyer looks over the paperwork. "Yep. Looks good. I now pronounce you lonely and sad. LOL"
          >Norman's mother and father exit the office, when suddenly a drip of something lands on Norman's dad's shoulder."
          >"Huhhh?" He says before looking up
          >cut to black
          End of Act 2.

          • 2 years ago

            Resurrect Norm to play Norman and get Tarantino to direct and it's a masterpiece

      • 2 years ago

        I can't wait to see what the 2014 arc will lead to.

      • 2 years ago

        >Cut to Los Angeles, 2014
        >An obese man is buttfricking an 80-year-old latino man
        >fade to black

    • 2 years ago

      Act 2.
      >Norman is brought into the principle's office
      >The principal looks at Norman, eyes narrowed "getting up to TROUBLE again, are we?"
      >The principal and the teacher both pull out paper bags, blow in them and then pop them in Norman's face, and laugh hysterically as Norman screams and cries
      >Close up on the principal's desk
      >The name thing reads "Principal Ripley"
      >Cut to the year 2038 again
      >Ripley is on a spaghetti dinner date with a man. His face is hidden but his voice is clearly Mark Hammill. She's circling the rim of her wine glass with her finger
      >"So..." the man asks "A space cadet in training, eh?"
      >"Yeah." Ripley replies. "I guess you could call it that. All I want is to work on a cargo ship and have nothing bad happen to me."
      >The man stands up. "Really?"
      >Ripley's eyes look on in horror
      >He's actually a xenomorph
      >He grabs handfuls of spaghetti and starts tossing them at Ripley while doing his epic joker laugh from phantasm.
      >Ripley screams as the camera zooms directly into her mouth
      >Cut to Los Angeles, 2014
      >An obese man is buttfricking an 80-year-old latino man
      >fade to black
      >Cut to the year 2022
      >Norman, now 33, is eating spaghetti while watching an erotic video of, you guessed it, the asian bikini girl on his ipad
      >There's a knock at the door
      >Norman answers it and to his shock, finds Karl Bishop Weyland, his cousin
      >"Norman, it's time to go."
      >Bishop throws a sack over Norman's head
      >Norman awakes strapped inside a space shuttle heading for LV-426
      >Norman smiles as his space dreams are finally, FINALLY coming true

      this would unironically be surrealist kino

    • 2 years ago

      I smell Jordon Peel

    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      >"drawing stupid fricking bullshit again, are we?"
      Ngl this got me

    • 2 years ago

      Act 2.
      >Norman is brought into the principle's office
      >The principal looks at Norman, eyes narrowed "getting up to TROUBLE again, are we?"
      >The principal and the teacher both pull out paper bags, blow in them and then pop them in Norman's face, and laugh hysterically as Norman screams and cries
      >Close up on the principal's desk
      >The name thing reads "Principal Ripley"
      >Cut to the year 2038 again
      >Ripley is on a spaghetti dinner date with a man. His face is hidden but his voice is clearly Mark Hammill. She's circling the rim of her wine glass with her finger
      >"So..." the man asks "A space cadet in training, eh?"
      >"Yeah." Ripley replies. "I guess you could call it that. All I want is to work on a cargo ship and have nothing bad happen to me."
      >The man stands up. "Really?"
      >Ripley's eyes look on in horror
      >He's actually a xenomorph
      >He grabs handfuls of spaghetti and starts tossing them at Ripley while doing his epic joker laugh from phantasm.
      >Ripley screams as the camera zooms directly into her mouth
      >Cut to Los Angeles, 2014
      >An obese man is buttfricking an 80-year-old latino man
      >fade to black
      >Cut to the year 2022
      >Norman, now 33, is eating spaghetti while watching an erotic video of, you guessed it, the asian bikini girl on his ipad
      >There's a knock at the door
      >Norman answers it and to his shock, finds Karl Bishop Weyland, his cousin
      >"Norman, it's time to go."
      >Bishop throws a sack over Norman's head
      >Norman awakes strapped inside a space shuttle heading for LV-426
      >Norman smiles as his space dreams are finally, FINALLY coming true

      I kneel...

    • 2 years ago

      >I forgot to mention Norman has down syndrome

    • 2 years ago

      Sick Cory reference. Definitely reads like their AI stories.+

    • 2 years ago

      Act 2.
      >Norman is brought into the principle's office
      >The principal looks at Norman, eyes narrowed "getting up to TROUBLE again, are we?"
      >The principal and the teacher both pull out paper bags, blow in them and then pop them in Norman's face, and laugh hysterically as Norman screams and cries
      >Close up on the principal's desk
      >The name thing reads "Principal Ripley"
      >Cut to the year 2038 again
      >Ripley is on a spaghetti dinner date with a man. His face is hidden but his voice is clearly Mark Hammill. She's circling the rim of her wine glass with her finger
      >"So..." the man asks "A space cadet in training, eh?"
      >"Yeah." Ripley replies. "I guess you could call it that. All I want is to work on a cargo ship and have nothing bad happen to me."
      >The man stands up. "Really?"
      >Ripley's eyes look on in horror
      >He's actually a xenomorph
      >He grabs handfuls of spaghetti and starts tossing them at Ripley while doing his epic joker laugh from phantasm.
      >Ripley screams as the camera zooms directly into her mouth
      >Cut to Los Angeles, 2014
      >An obese man is buttfricking an 80-year-old latino man
      >fade to black
      >Cut to the year 2022
      >Norman, now 33, is eating spaghetti while watching an erotic video of, you guessed it, the asian bikini girl on his ipad
      >There's a knock at the door
      >Norman answers it and to his shock, finds Karl Bishop Weyland, his cousin
      >"Norman, it's time to go."
      >Bishop throws a sack over Norman's head
      >Norman awakes strapped inside a space shuttle heading for LV-426
      >Norman smiles as his space dreams are finally, FINALLY coming true

      >Cut to 10000 BC
      >There a man stands, gazing
      >But he's not a man.
      >He's a xenomorph with a human's head
      >the xeno screeches at the camera
      >Cut to the year 2022
      >We're on LV-426
      >The land is desolate, harsh gusts of wind permeate this uncomfortably barren landscape of nothing
      >Norman's ship crashes down and Norman springs out
      >Licensed music kicks in
      >Norman skips and gallops through, tossing seeds which grow into beautiful tulips which dance to the beat of blue
      >Camera pulls back to reveal Norman is being watched
      >2 shadowy figures stand in the dark
      >"It seems the boy has entered the atmosphere"
      >"Yes. All according to plan."
      >Light slowly illuminates and we see these two new characters. We don't know who they are or what they want, but they're sharing a long strand of dental floss which is abound with green and blue chunks
      >Camera swings around them to reveal Ripley, Newt and Hicks all in cryosleep behind them

      >Okay. This is where the story really starts
      >Norman is out one day, tending his tulip garden, when suddenly, without warning, surprisingly, unbelievably, crazily, suddenly, the clouds part and a giant ship hovers over LV-426. The Derelict
      >Norman shuts eyes, covers his ears and begins screaming angrily, as he's very noise sensitive
      >The Derelict touches down and one of the engineers from Prometheus steps out, played by Josh Peck
      >"Hello." He says. "We couldn't help but notice your nice garden."
      >"NO! NO NO NO!!!" Norman yells. "NO NO SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP, NO!!!!"
      >Norman is still in a fit of uncontrollable rage
      >He runs up, screaming and flailing his arms, shoves the engineer aside
      >He runs up to the Derelict and flips it like a coffee table
      >It crashes down on top of Norman's tulips
      >Norman screams at the top of his lungs "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!"
      Cut to 10 minutes earlier
      >Back on earth
      >Norman's mother and father are signing divorce papers
      >"Frick you" Norman's mother says
      >Norman's father gives a weary sigh and responds "That's how we got in this mess to begin with."
      >Their lawyer looks over the paperwork. "Yep. Looks good. I now pronounce you lonely and sad. LOL"
      >Norman's mother and father exit the office, when suddenly a drip of something lands on Norman's dad's shoulder."
      >"Huhhh?" He says before looking up
      >cut to black
      End of Act 2.

      Positively Lynchian

      • 2 years ago

        >He cares more about his tulips than his life. I have to admit, against my better judgement, I like this moron.

      • 2 years ago

        I'm not sure the last two are from the same guy. I feel like something's missing.

    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      creative genius
      I will watch your films

    • 2 years ago

      >>I forgot to mention Norman has down syndrome
      ok you got me on this one anon, well done

  5. 2 years ago

    Now, this air shaft may work to our advantage. Here. It leads up to and comes out in the main airlock. All right, there's only one big opening along the way, we can cover that up, and then we... drive it into the airlock and zap it into outer space.

  6. 2 years ago

    continue from Aliens, they can de-age sigourney weaver with CGI

  7. 2 years ago

    >open on desolate asteroid
    >ominous music plays
    >camera slowly zooms out
    >steam fogs camera
    >upbeat hawaiian luau music starts playing
    >fog clears from lens and protagonist (played by jonah hill) is sitting in a hot tub with 3 supermodels (female)
    >he's explaining why jackson's lotr trilogy is a masterpiece and they're all into it
    >bell sound effect/truck backing up sound effect
    >director comes over and talks to jonah about the scene, jonah gets pissed off and goes to his trailer
    >director looks for a minute as he walks away then just shakes his head, turns, and starts yelling at staff
    >sound of set fades out and cut to jonah plopping down in his trailer's laz-e-boy chair
    >something drips on his shoe and starts to burn though it (alien acid spit)
    >he freaks out and kicks the shoe off and looks up
    >there's a hole in the roof and nothing above it, just sky
    >rob schneider, working on some other project swings by with some weed (because he's still cool and relevant) and they both look at the hole
    >cut to NASA building
    >important looking man walking fast down hallway
    >bursts into room full of generals
    >gentlemen, have you seen this? [passes out copies of official report]
    >at 0200 hours last night we intercepted a sub space transmission on one of our hadron colliders. 30 pico-seconds later we tracked a meteor the size of a schoolbus scream through out atmosphere but it never impacted. we don't know the source or where it went, but whatever it is, it's somewhere near LA county, California.
    >God damn it.... we'll get in touch with the president
    >fade to jonah and schneider smoking weed watching fellowship of the ring, laughing
    >jonah tries to mimic Gandalf blowing smoke ships. they both laugh
    >raise camera above trailer window. see quiet night scene. but then! bam! alien foot lands on trailer and trailer shakes
    >they notice and get paranoid and grab jonah's baseball bat from Moneyball
    >they hear noise at door and anticipation builds
    >but it's only ku

  8. 2 years ago

    Aliens somehow end up in 16th century North America and lose to a 14 year old Comanche girl.

    • 2 years ago

      slight fix here:
      It's the year 1000+- and after she killed the xenemorphs she has sex with handsome vikings who just landed on her shore

  9. 2 years ago

    >turns out the xenomorph was a top secret chinese military project that leaked from the planet "Woo-han"
    >3/4 of the way through the movie we reveal the true antagonist as a mad and egotistical scientist called "Dr. Faux Chi" who was funded by the Americans the whole time

    • 2 years ago

      Don't forgot Weyland Yutani is building an alien wall

  10. 2 years ago

    earth war would have been a pretty good sequel to aliens

  11. 2 years ago

    Xenomorph lands on Earth and has to fight native Aboriginals

    • 2 years ago

      If they landed in Australia they'd go extinct because the facehuggers would die from alcohol poisoning.

  12. 2 years ago

    they actually manage to make the xenomorphs into controlled killing machines, rather than everything going horribly wrong all the time
    the movie is about a researcher leaking this and horrifying footage of the testing done to make this happen, with criminals that were supposed to get mild sentences being used as live subjects for breeding and training xenos
    after this goes public, there is a massive assault on the Weyland-Yutani corp HQ, with our protagonists (an elite squad of macho elite soldiers just like that in predator) infiltrating in the middle of the massive battle and having to fight both corporate security and trained deadly xenos on their way to the boardroom.

    • 2 years ago

      >completely gutting the mystery and horror of the xenomorph for "frick le capitalism"
      what an awful idea. you could work in hollywood

      • 2 years ago

        thanks anon

      • 2 years ago

        >mystery of a creature that's been fully shown across multiple films and games that everyone knows almost everything about

      • 2 years ago

        alien 1 is a "frick le capitalism" movie, deal with it. the android and the ship's computer, as agents of the corporation, plotting to frick you over behind your back, are just as much of a source of horror as the alien.

      • 2 years ago

        >one bad megacompany = frick le capitalism
        weyland-yutani employee detected, not falling for your tricks this time gaylord

    • 2 years ago

      like cops but following around soldiers doing routine peace keeping shit and part way through a raid they find a basement full of eggs some nut was planning on unleashing, after investigating it turns out it would have been a false flag and then it transitions into this anons idea

  13. 2 years ago

    Reboots etc are gay.
    It either trades familiarity for novelty or novelty for familiarity. You either get less of what you already had and wanted, or more of the same lacking the novelty you hoped for.
    Instead of asking for more of what you already had, ask for a new scifi horror kino with cool aesthetics, a great atmosphere(nopun), and genuine talent and effort instead of mass produced garbage.

  14. 2 years ago

    By your own pic, an alien film with Bob Hoskins as the unlikely space hero lead would have been kino.

  15. 2 years ago

    the alien queen and me have sex for 1 hour 30 minutes. those who leave the theater are shot

  16. 2 years ago

    Remake Alien, but make Ripley a man and Jonesy a dog.

  17. 2 years ago

    I did
    >Colony of few humans in space. Human population on the colony: about 13
    >Introduce new alien cosmic horror squid or something, far away from our colony
    >I'ts a sleeping Yautja God of Hunt
    >He and the yautja chosen ones, Are traveling on a ship to obliterate xenos on a massive hunting ritual, on the original xeno planet (ties to prometheus origin world, humanity is aware of this planet existing)
    >1 smart xeno hits the human colony in (another ship's) space debrie, some shenanigans and deaths.
    >Humans find out about the Yautja god traveling on the Yautja ship.
    >Smart xeno finds out about the threat.
    >Humans want to destroy that ship, it's too big of a threat for humanity in the future.
    >Smart xeno hears this, stops his attack.
    >Smart xeno team up with humans to intercept the yauyja god+ elite yautja group.
    >Human battle ships or something can't get in time. Human population on the colony: 10
    >First time ever: humans actually volunteer to die and increase their xeno numbers
    >1 men, 1 xeno teams in the end
    >fat xeno, coward xeno, speedy xeno, female xeno because why not, smart xeno
    >They all crash and board the yautja ship
    >Everyone dies at the end, blasting the ship
    >coward xeno scapes in a pod, drifts in space

  18. 2 years ago

    Europe has been overrun with aliens and covered in huge oak forestst where said aliens hunt. They are numerous but the population is stable and doesn't threaten the existsance of people. Think wolves. People live in fortified medieval-like towns. Connected with rail and helicopters. We are following a man who's banished from his town or has to run to another one after breaking the law. He meets metal scavengers, alien cultists and merchants. There's an apocalyptic event incoming when aliens gather into Zerg rush to escape winter or radiation or something.

    • 2 years ago

      I'd watch that.

  19. 2 years ago

    I'd make a movie about a space station that gets hit by an out of control space ship (because it has an alien on it), 90% of the movie would take place among the space debris as the crew struggle to put the broken machinery back together so they get oxygen and artificial gravity back again. there'd be no sign of an alien in any of the promo, it'd be titled something like "dead orbit" have them die one by one in ways that could be seen in the wrong way, so like someone gets stabbed by its tail through their torso, but when they find the corpse its impaled by random debris. make it a murder mystery movie with the emptiness of space as the primary horror element.

  20. 2 years ago

    >fat alien milkers
    >juicy alien ass
    >tight alien pussy
    >my eternal
    >rock hard
    And then we get married and live a happy quite life

  21. 2 years ago

    >Squeal to Aliens
    >Ignores Alien 3 and Alien Resurrection
    >It's been 45 years since Aliens
    >Ripley and co were in cryo sleep for about 3-4 years
    >Since then, there have been a handful xenomorph incidents on various worlds and colonies
    >Thankfully most of them were mopped up by the military without the company getting their hands on specimens or genetic material
    >Ripley is leading a quite life
    >She lives with a repaired Bishop and raised Newt as a daughter
    >And she's still good friends with Hicks
    >Somehow they learn that another company (not Weyland-Yutani) has gotten their hands on some xenomorph specimens and are breading them/experimenting with them at some weapons testing station in deep space
    >They put together a rag-tag team of fights and sneak on board to try to sabotage the facility to stop the program
    >However, they end up trapped on the station
    >While trying to escape, they cross paths with a group of facilities researchers and boss of this company who are also trying to escape
    >Ripley and co confront him about using xenomorphs as weapons
    >The boss reveals that they weren't making the xenos for weapons, they were making them to test weapons on, so that they could find better and more effective ways of killing them
    >He goes on to reveal that more and more new colonies are finding pre-existing xeno infestations
    >They've been collecting eggs from these infestations and using them on brain dead human clones to make xenos, which they then test various weapons on
    >They've also been researching other things, like how to save humans that have been implanted with a xeno embryo by a face hugger
    >Both groups are then forced work together to escape
    >Their slowly whittled away and killed off by the xenomorphs, one by one
    >In the end, the boss of the company sacrifices his life, not to save everyone else, but to ensure that the research the station had made, including how to save someone from implantation, is saved and sent with Ripley who does escape

    • 2 years ago

      Actress is like 70yo dude
      And recasting already marks your movie as shit

  22. 2 years ago

    so, when did they started using the gay ass name "xenomorph"?

    • 2 years ago

      Aliens. one of their many mistakes

  23. 2 years ago

    for me its Alien
    but it takes place on a spanish boat in the 16th century
    and the alien is an aztec warrior that goes around killing the crew one by one and no one know who or what is doing it
    im still working on a realistic way to have the female ripley character, might just subvert expectation and have her be a man this time

    • 2 years ago

      Aztec warriors wouldn't operate like that, they had to be seen by their enemies and capture them alive for sacrifice

      • 2 years ago

        this one is on a one man mission of revenge cause they took his wife or something

  24. 2 years ago

    Aliens vs Robocop

  25. 2 years ago

    >Pitch your ideas for the perfect Alien movie.
    Duke Nukem vs Alien.

  26. 2 years ago

    You know I recently realized that the Alien movies are a metaphor of how dangerous homosexuality actually is. Xenomorphs represent gay people, they look like they are made of leather bondage suits, attack with dicks inside their mouth and their tail which is another phallic elements too. Xenomorphs are unable to reproduce with each others. They can either kills or facehugger contaminate people by literally raping them inside the mouth: it metaphorically represent people becoming gay after the chestburster go out. Homosexuality is provoked by parasites who alter behavior and also by rapes during childhood. Aliens are parasites and rape people. In fact their mother is a female queen representing the source of the parasite but also how feminism spread homosexuality. Her opponent is Ripley, a mother who wants to protect a child.

    All along the movies Ripley is contaminated by homosexuality, she has less hair at every new movies. In Alien III she's basically a lesbian (not a real one but a representation) but still christian, all because of the alien she has inside her. That's why the only way to destroy the parasite inside her is by killing herself which az the same time is commiting an abortion. Representing the two terrible paths homosexuality lead you.

    They were aware about what they were doing. When there is only xenomorphs the society is destroyed. It implied they destroyed the society of the space jockey.

    • 2 years ago

      Why are the dicks here so small?

  27. 2 years ago

    Alien I: there is no queen, gays are coming from parasitic rapes, it's implied they destroyed the society of the space jockey and will now destroy another society. They are defeated by a mother. In the 70's gays were considered like a mental illness without any questions.

    Aliens: it's the 80's, gays are now more numerous. They have a queen who represent the fact that they have now an ideology who artificially bring more gays. The gays attack an orphan little girl who imply pedophilia, she is defended by strong mens, a mother and positive technology (Bishop). The mother defeat the representation of feminism.

    Alien III: its the 90's, everyone else accept gays and pretend they are normal. Ripley became infested, she's symbolically lesbian and behave like a dude in a place of dudes. However she has not forgotten tradition. The only way of winning is killing herself and aborting the child. Showing what gayness do to womens. And also something like christianity could stop you from gayness. In this context the gays rape animals.

    Alien ressurection: Late 90s just before the 2000's. It's total degeneracy. Ripley is now openly gay with the android chick and try to emulate male behavior, she defy masculine males. She was created by an artificial process implying in vitro fertilisation and made an abortion of the Newborn by killing it in the most barbaric way possible despite of having feelings for it. The gays are still agressive and raped people who were kidnapped in human trafficking.

  28. 2 years ago

    Their blood is acid, it represent having aids.

  29. 2 years ago

    A trilogy. It's time for the alien to win. It's time for Earth to be overrun with them.

    First of three is out in the woods. People don't know what this thing is.
    The second is in a small town. The xenomorphs have reached the suburbs. Government denies they exist.
    The third movie takes place in the ruins of a big city. The xenomorphs are firmly in charge everywhere. The world is converted. Even ocean life is xenomorph. Protagonists follow rumors of a secret super weapon, which ultimately doesn't exist.

  30. 2 years ago

    > Rob Schneider is
    The Alien

  31. 2 years ago

    Alien wieners. Lots of them.

  32. 2 years ago

    My brother looks and sounds exactly like that norfman except he doesn't have a staffy.

    • 2 years ago

      yeah i got a pitbull and I got a staffya you will get texas chainsaw massacre

  33. 2 years ago


    Aliens land on Earth... and they fricking win. They murder everything and consume most humans and animals on the planet. There's just a couple of humans left and they have to survive and scavenge for food while evading the xenomorphs that inhabit Earth now.

  34. 2 years ago

    An animated anthology like Heavy Metal or The Animatrix.

  35. 2 years ago

    Xenomorphs do battle with the critters that were growing on Shin Godzilla's tail and humans don't fare well.

  36. 2 years ago

    >Three weeks after Aliens
    >Ripley, Hicks, Newt and Bishop wake up from stasis to an emergency signal that another ship is approaching
    >Engineer warship WARPS in front of their ship-dwarfing it a hundred fold
    >Engineers take Ripley prisoner to their utopian homeworld
    >They use translators to talk-explain that they've come to finish what they started with Earth and destroy it as seeded organisms were forbidden from waging war. Holograms inform Ripley of everything that occurred in the prequel timeline
    >She learns that 75 years ago a human developed robot destroyed one of their satellite planets and absconded with their bioweapon to Origae-6
    >Today, David's Planet is hell, an abomination that is an affront to their entire culture. Even if humanity didn't kill Jesus that was enough to exterminate them
    They'll spare Ripley and Newt is young enough to teach in their ways but Hicks must be executed for being a colonial marine and Bishop is AI (a cardinal sin in their culture)
    >Ripley demands an option to free Hicks and Bishop while granting Earth clemency
    >"You want this android? I'll take him from his planet and I'll blow it the hell away"
    >Engineers concede. Ripley has five years to make it to Origae-6, bring David back to stand trial and destroy the planet and all traces of the xenomorph
    >Bishop confides to Ripley that humanity has been dying from a rapidly accelerating cancer (same reason Ripley's daughter died) and that researching and unlocking the key to the xeno's evolving cell structure is likely the only way to save humanity and why Weyland-Yutani has been chasing it
    >She can no longer just nuke it from orbit-Ripley must fight a satanic android, survive a planet full of evolved xenos new and old, and somehow get a sample of their DNA past the engineers. She's facing...


  37. 2 years ago

    How can I even compete with the fine quinoa posted ITT.

  38. 2 years ago

    They already made it, in the 1970s

  39. 2 years ago

    Short film in the perspective of a cat.

    >Crew talks to the cat as it explores the ship.
    >as the cat wonders events unfold
    >cat encounters the chest burster either small fight or hisses and runs, depends on director.
    >cat sees a few crew die
    >cat ends up with a crew member in hyper sleep

    Another I only have an ending written.

    >movie has no name to do with Alien
    >movie not advertised as Alien movie
    >starts as sci-fi
    >crew start dying normal then turns to weird, then all out alien
    >movie portrayed as only 1 Xeno on board.
    >crew kills it
    >escape pod had another and kills crew
    >turns out there is two
    >movie ends with alien in pod floating in space

  40. 2 years ago

    Something other than Space Marines fighting Aliens while corrupt businessmen frick them over.

  41. 2 years ago

    Throw the whole series away and make some actual body horror Giger surrealist films. Giger’s design is wasted on some thriller shit

  42. 2 years ago

    a young girl thinks she is Ripleys daughter but she learns she is a clone of Ellen Ripley and has been bred for one thing- to destroy the Xenomorph. but she isnt a badass like her mom and has a hard time living up to her. her ship crashes on a planet and she becomes lost where she meets a young Xenomorph girl. the two of them must put aside their differences to get off the planet and escape the Exomorphs- giant aliens who attack them. they flee into space but are pursued by a young boy who later learns he is an android created by weyland yutani to destroy the girls. meanwhile ripleys clone daughter and her new xenomorph bestie must hide from ripley and her crew who want to kill the alien no matter what.

  43. 2 years ago

    Coomer plays Newt. That's it

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