
how is no one talking about season 2 of this kino, it just dropped, this board is a fricking disgrace, nothing but capeshit

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  1. 2 years ago

    Wrong board

    • 2 years ago


  2. 2 years ago

    who the frick are you to judge? You watch fricking cartoons lmaooo

    • 2 years ago

      cartoons are more adult than fricking capeshit, even sponge fricking bob is more adult than your pathetic capeshit

      • 2 years ago

        >cartoons are for adults
        oh no no no he keeps going

    • 2 years ago

      >REEEE muh Capeshit
      Do everyone a favor and back to watching floating cgi heads in Snore Chud and Blunder and never have any opinion again.

      • 2 years ago

        I don't watch capeshit nor do I watch children's cartoons, keep seething

        • 2 years ago

          animation can depict everything a movie can, it's just a medium
          both of you sound moronic tho so it doesn't matter

          • 2 years ago

            a gay medium that is

  3. 2 years ago

    I'll check it out tomorrow, got to get some things off my checklist first.
    I have no doubt genndy delivered kino.

  4. 2 years ago

    My first night of prison i watched this. Was fun. Took my mind off being in a horrible place.

    • 2 years ago

      The frick you do

      • 2 years ago

        What did you do

        Probably got drunk like a loser

        Raped my mother. Chris Chan out.

      • 2 years ago

        What did you do

        Probably got drunk like a loser

        Had a knife less than 3 inches that didnt lock in place, used for work. Police searched me and found it. I also had a baton from my days as a security guard in my car. The judge said the possibility of violence was present.

        Possession of an offensive weapon. 4 months.

        • 2 years ago

          that's such fricking bs, they really throw you to jail for that? frick that

          • 2 years ago

            First time I'd been in trouble, judge was in a bad mood. This was when they were letting people out because of covid. The guards said it was the harshest sentence they saw for a long time.

            Dude what frickin state you in Cali cause that's just bullshit unless you were actin the foo then it makes sense

            Im in England. As i said, was working as a regional manager on a government contract, good money, responsibility.

            Had an awful solicitor. Prison was terrifying. Next time i will kill myself before going back. No im not built for prison, no i cant fight, yes i am a pussy.

            • 2 years ago

              >Im in England

            • 2 years ago


            • 2 years ago

              Aww yeah. Makes sense now. Frick the queen.

              • 2 years ago

                Yeah frick England id leave tomorrow if i could

                Can't you sue the state? Sounds like you went through some shit for nothing

                Cant sue, its a joke. I did get compensation from my work place since they were the ones that set me up

        • 2 years ago

          jfc, american laws are so weird
          practically anyone can have a gun but a large pocket knife can get you behind bars

        • 2 years ago

          Dude what frickin state you in Cali cause that's just bullshit unless you were actin the foo then it makes sense

          • 2 years ago

            Or Nevada shit they still arrest people for bud i think

        • 2 years ago

          First time I'd been in trouble, judge was in a bad mood. This was when they were letting people out because of covid. The guards said it was the harshest sentence they saw for a long time.

          Im in England. As i said, was working as a regional manager on a government contract, good money, responsibility.

          Had an awful solicitor. Prison was terrifying. Next time i will kill myself before going back. No im not built for prison, no i cant fight, yes i am a pussy.

          In England we dont have the prison/ jails distinction. Those awaiting sentences are housed alongside those who have been sentenced. My prison had very serious criminals, me, and people unconvicted but not granted bail

          HOLD MY POCKET

        • 2 years ago

          First time I'd been in trouble, judge was in a bad mood. This was when they were letting people out because of covid. The guards said it was the harshest sentence they saw for a long time.

          Im in England. As i said, was working as a regional manager on a government contract, good money, responsibility.

          Had an awful solicitor. Prison was terrifying. Next time i will kill myself before going back. No im not built for prison, no i cant fight, yes i am a pussy.

          Yeah I did a bid in the slammer. What you do is start shit with ANYONE who mean mugs you. If anyone gives you a look, you walk up to them, grab them by the shirt and hold them up by their collar. Say something like “You feelin’ lucky punk?” or “You lookin’ at somethin’ punk?” or “Give me one reason why I shouldn’t shove my fist up your candy ass right here and right now?” Most people will be caught off guard and instantly have to respect you. Word will get around that you’re tough and you’ll start getting bids from all the gangs. Time in the slammer was actually kind of fun, you basically can sleep in everyday and have hoes come through for sex in congestion visits. Shit was cash in da big house.

          They hand out condoms in prison, tue guards turn a blind eye to a lot of evil events.

          Really? I was the opposite. I let people push in queues in front of me. I cried a lot too, uncontrollably. I would just burst into tears constantly. The female guards were really nice to me, most of the male ones were shit

          Can't you sue the state? Sounds like you went through some shit for nothing

    • 2 years ago

      What did you do

    • 2 years ago

      Probably got drunk like a loser

    • 2 years ago


      Had a knife less than 3 inches that didnt lock in place, used for work. Police searched me and found it. I also had a baton from my days as a security guard in my car. The judge said the possibility of violence was present.

      Possession of an offensive weapon. 4 months.

      prison <> jail

      • 2 years ago

        Real big difference. Where you been?

        • 2 years ago

          In England we dont have the prison/ jails distinction. Those awaiting sentences are housed alongside those who have been sentenced. My prison had very serious criminals, me, and people unconvicted but not granted bail

          Yeah I did a bid in the slammer. What you do is start shit with ANYONE who mean mugs you. If anyone gives you a look, you walk up to them, grab them by the shirt and hold them up by their collar. Say something like “You feelin’ lucky punk?” or “You lookin’ at somethin’ punk?” or “Give me one reason why I shouldn’t shove my fist up your candy ass right here and right now?” Most people will be caught off guard and instantly have to respect you. Word will get around that you’re tough and you’ll start getting bids from all the gangs. Time in the slammer was actually kind of fun, you basically can sleep in everyday and have hoes come through for sex in congestion visits. Shit was cash in da big house.

          • 2 years ago

            Hahahaha that sounds like a movie i watched. Shit when i got remanded. I guess its consider the same as being held with convicted inmates and people awaiting their trail to like i was. Luckily i only had 2 days being remanded while others like this other foo had 14 days i have no idea why didnt really care figured there was a reason. But imediately you get questioned by inmates about your affiliation and what you came in for. Im a graff writer so and got caught up for "vadalism" i ran a bit not long because of how the scene was situated. So when you get in they give you a paper with all your info and you are just expected to take well care of that paper even though you have no place to put it but your hand cause you aint got pockets in No town cali. But i kinda got laughed at not cause idk im a b***h or something but cause what i did was considered some '09 shit by some black guy from no town(im not from there i live in a small rural town near by) and well i guess i wasnt considered a target especially after claiming no affliations cause i got none.... May be a lil but im nothing to be considered. But it was pretty frickin chill for me. It actually happen to be "complamentary fight night" where i guess my rep for the "others" was goin up against some other foo idk who or why and well i guess "my rep" won and well i just watched the fight from my bunk cause i wasnt about to catch anything so i just enjoyed the veiw and slept for what the rest of the time being. The food was absolute shit and i was probably considered a b***h after giving it away to the first giy who ask who looked like a big ass gang tweeker but i wasnt about to eat shit besided a half spoiled egg and an small orange the size of your palm or smaller even but say what you want i cant eat fruit cause texture so i juiced it and drank what i got. Ultimately wasnt a bad time as long as you know how to stay in your lane. But beleive me the lomger you stay the more shit your gonna have to deal.

            • 2 years ago

              Oh yeah the real kicker to this story is when i ran it was down by like a river bed and a train bridge and there was basically a trail leading down away from the bridge where i was but when the cops got called they took their fricking time and set up a whole ambush and got a frickin boat out in the water and may be over 3 cop cars worth of pigs and may be more in some sort of vicinity but i started running down the hill and away from the bridge which happen to be a cop running down the trail and heres where it gets interesting. I look up the hill and see the cop running down and i keep going but i guess i was to slow and just ended up watching him run down and when he got to the end there was a bend and he started looking at my and whem our eyes locked he frickin tripped at full speed and slid a bit and at that point i just thought frick he is gonna get up and beat my frickin ass for that so i just stopped and he got up quick amd said his bit and i had my heads behind my head the whole process what ever i fidmt resist so it went smooth but shit dont i just dream about runni g over him amd steppimg on his back and running into the thin trees and out but such is life. I jist didnt a week of community service after all that bullshit.

              • 2 years ago

                The reason i got remanded is cause i missed my court date cause i had work and just got distracted and forgot about it thoyht it was no big deal and went and rescheduled a court date and all and thoyht nothing of it lile ok i'll just got to my new court date big whoop. Welllll i have a friend eho became a cop and before it was officiated he happened to be living just a few houses down from me and one of his cop buddies decided to drop by and i just happen to come home from frickin idk but it was late and im just chillin and i guess he was excited to see me so he tolf his cop buddy hey my friend (says my name) just got home and his buddy goes wait what was his name.... All i hear is stop right there put your hands up your being arrested and i was just like whaaaat and didnt believe what was goin on but yeah i got arrested and thought i was going to jail then and there but no just took me in to the town holding cell and then just reschedules another court date amd im like wtf i already did that and what not and systematic bullshit process talk and what not and i just got let go and had to walk back home and yeah the systeme is full of shit even when they are doing they job right.

      • 2 years ago

        In England we dont have the prison/ jails distinction. Those awaiting sentences are housed alongside those who have been sentenced. My prison had very serious criminals, me, and people unconvicted but not granted bail

        • 2 years ago

          did they touch you bong boy?

          • 2 years ago

            They hand out condoms in prison, tue guards turn a blind eye to a lot of evil events.

            Yeah I did a bid in the slammer. What you do is start shit with ANYONE who mean mugs you. If anyone gives you a look, you walk up to them, grab them by the shirt and hold them up by their collar. Say something like “You feelin’ lucky punk?” or “You lookin’ at somethin’ punk?” or “Give me one reason why I shouldn’t shove my fist up your candy ass right here and right now?” Most people will be caught off guard and instantly have to respect you. Word will get around that you’re tough and you’ll start getting bids from all the gangs. Time in the slammer was actually kind of fun, you basically can sleep in everyday and have hoes come through for sex in congestion visits. Shit was cash in da big house.

            Really? I was the opposite. I let people push in queues in front of me. I cried a lot too, uncontrollably. I would just burst into tears constantly. The female guards were really nice to me, most of the male ones were shit

  5. 2 years ago

    Its like a caveman take on deathclock and i barely found out about it because they advertised it so heavy. Idk i thought it could be cool to watch but just forgpt about it. Until you reminded me.

  6. 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      Wrong board

      Wrong board

      suck my fricking wiener marvelisraelites

      • 2 years ago

        Yeah frick marvel.

  7. 2 years ago

    Wrong board

  8. 2 years ago

    anyone watched that primeval tv show?

    • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        i just saw this thread and was like "huh wasn't there a tv show called that" but it was primeval not primal.
        either way don't remember much of it. just random british(?) thing. something about time traveling . primal and future species appearing and whatever

        • 2 years ago

          That's wack

          • 2 years ago

            not that wack but thanks for reading my blog

  9. 2 years ago

    It's because we know Genndy is a hack.

    • 2 years ago

      go suck taika's wiener then

  10. 2 years ago

    LOL. You're no better than capeshitter by any means.

  11. 2 years ago

    did he frick the dinosaur yet

  12. 2 years ago

    It's cavekino of the highest magnitude, but sadly something about the no dialogue minimalist angle just doesn't seem to have much mainstream appeal.

  13. 2 years ago

    This second season is going good so far, might end up with a better overarching story than the first. I worry a little about what they can actually do since there are only so many fighting and landscape visuals that can be done before it gets too tired. I suppose we'll see a bunch more homos this season.

  14. 2 years ago

    thank you OP I didn't know
    hope Moira, or whatever her name is, will be killed!

  15. 2 years ago

    I made a thread the night it premiered on cable, got pretty low numbers

  16. 2 years ago

    what the frick, seriously? how did i miss this, i loved season 1

  17. 2 years ago

    we have to go back to the coom cave

  18. 2 years ago

    Earlier today someone was asking "Why does no one talk about this supposed influential thing? Guess it was just hype and shills!". My answer was because it is now impossible to discuss things due to low iq needing to shitpost and no ability to hold an educated opinion. Look at the state of this thread and see how it is true. You'll all instead go back to your marvel, dc, or pol threads now.

  19. 2 years ago

    Because it is a boring cartoon.

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