>raping a maid?

>raping a maid? he is .. PURE EVIL!
>killing hundreds of peasants for no reason? she is .. A STRONG WOMAN!
Here's your consistent and mature writing, bro.

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

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It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 3 months ago

    Based. Frick the poor

    • 3 months ago

      Realistically I don't care about the peasants in GOT either but the show can't seem to make up its mind whether it cares about them either. The Bad Guy™ molests a girl and the show makes a huge fuss about it as if it's concerned about the plight of the common man, the Good Girl™ kills hundreds and the show completely ignores it as if they don't exist.

      • 3 months ago

        If you read the story harassing the peasants ends up biting the blacks in the ass

      • 3 months ago

        Female writers. The smallest slight is horrifyingly evil but atrocities are just glossed over when it's "their side."
        I used to see this shit in fanfiction and now I'm seeing it all the time on the silver screen. What a world.

      • 3 months ago

        Hack writers overly rely on tone and framing to steer the opinions of the audience rather than writing well. The contrast in the coronation scenes is a good example of this.

    • 3 months ago
      Stranger Things

      I mean the maid was probably poor

    • 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago


  2. 3 months ago

    Peasants work the fields to produce food. There are no peasants in King's Landing. There's some craftsmen, some merchants, some prostitutes and an endless crowd of people just laying around doing nothing. Anyone in that arena was pushed in there because they were laying idle in the middle of the day. She did the realm a favor.

  3. 3 months ago

    I wish someone actually made a movie or show about an actual strong woman who did horrific shit to people all because said people murdered her loving husband.

    • 3 months ago

      A24 adaptation of Olga of Kyiv will probably work.

      • 3 months ago

        Yes that could work. The producer should also be from New York and have atleast one israeli parent, now that would be great!

    • 3 months ago

      Why is she always depicted with a b***hy expression?

  4. 3 months ago

    Nowhere in the story was it said that what Rhaenys did was right tho? Like they provided the scene and that's that, it was left to the viewers to make of that what you will.

    • 3 months ago

      It was presented as a badass moment and later 0 attention was brought to how her antics killed hundreds. That pretty clearly shows the writers thought she was being a badass strong woman, because consequences are only for the BAD GUYS.

      • 3 months ago

        Lol the producers themselves said that she killed a bunch of innocent people. Hell they said in the original version she was shown killing much more, but they felt that would have been too much.

        >"[The coronation in episode 9] was changed a little bit. Especially when Rhaenys exits, because we initially had shots where she exits and plows through thousands of people. And it was just like, “Well, that’s not really into the feeling of the character. There’s definitely a feeling like, “Is it okay that she’s just going through all this crowd?” We went high and then reduced it down. But in all that dust, there’s also people flying and somersaulting. I think if you paused it, you might be able to count them. It’s hundreds, maybe thousands."

        -VFX supervisor Mike Bell

        • 3 months ago

          They also said "It's not her war" that's why she didn't kill the greens, they dont comment on the horror she commited and that peasants don't matter, But they do expect you to hate the greens because uhhh a peasant was raped

          • 3 months ago

            Please link me a quote from someone in the team that matters making any statement's where they outright state or even imply that they expect the audience to hate the greens for Aegon raping a maid? Like you are making those assumptions based on the simple fact they simply had Aegon rape a maid.

            You seem to be under the assumption that they should have made Aegon to be a good guy so that they would be in your opinion impartial. Like mate no. Also it follows the book in that we'll be seeing the more heinous side of the blacks in the coming season, where the scales of morality tip away from them.

            • 3 months ago

              >Please link me a quote from someone in the team that matters making any statement's where they outright state or even imply that they expect the audience to hate the greens for Aegon raping a maid?
              sexual violence is a much bigger no no in western fiction than injury or murder
              when you make a character rape a teenage girl of course you're vilifying them more to the audience than a character whose murder of hundreds you completely brush over and pretend it never happened

              • 3 months ago

                And the made Allicent thousand times more sympathetic, Aemond's killing of Lucerys accidental instead of callous and intentional murder, Otto less mustache twirlingly evil etc.

                And in turn yea they made Aegon, who wasn't in any way portrayed as a good guy in the book, more blatantly slimy. You win some you loose some. But to try to make it seem like the producers had somehow made greens worse than in the books is ridiculous when one takes the former into consideration.

              • 3 months ago

                >Otto less mustache twirlingly evil etc.
                it has been a while since i read f&b but isn't it the opposite?
                in the book Otto is considered a very competent hand who even impressed Jahaeyrs. Viserys is an incompetent king and Otto kinda runs the kingdom for him, and Otto lobbying to marry into the royal family is just viewed as normal politics in the book, not as some kind of evil plot
                i feel like he's made more evil in the show due to his competence being toned down and more emphasis being placed on his family ambitions, especially because most of Alicent's ambitions got transferred to him

              • 3 months ago

                Yea realized that I might have been a bit wrong about that right after posting, but still Otto in the show is in no means portrayed as evil and is much less so than similar character like Tywin.

                My point still stands that they made several green characters more sympathetic and some of their infamous actions in the show like killing Lucerys were turned into accidents. So I do not agree with the implication that they had somehow made the greens LESS sympathetic than in the books just because Aegon is portrayed to have been more slimy in his youth. Hell even in the books he is mentioned to have several bastards so that might have been the case for book Aegon as well. Now we just get to see it.

              • 3 months ago

                >i feel like he's made more evil in the show due to his competence being toned down and more emphasis being placed on his family ambitions
                That is done for most of the male characters in the show. The real division in the TV version isn't black vs green it's man vs woman except one or two exceptions.
                >Criston ruined
                >Otto vilified
                >Daemon vilified even more than in the book
                >Aegon vilified even more than in the book
                >show is mostly focused on Alicent and Rhaenyra, both immensely whitewashed
                >all of Rhaenyra's evil dumped into Daemon's lap or outright deleted
                >all of Alicent's evil dumped into the laps of Otto or Criston or Larys
                >Rhaenys fellated by the plot constantly
                >loads of MEN BAD WOMEN GOOD scenes
                The only man who got whitewashed was Aemond.

              • 3 months ago

                Exactly. Pretending the show is impartial and don't prefer the Blacks is moronic

      • 3 months ago

        >badass strong woman moment
        Hold off you biases for a bit, before she even done that dragon through wall schene these green fricker is keeping her locked in the dungeon and probably going to killed her soon since she didn't support their idiotic coup of the iron throne. The only thing that she did was just a retaliation.

        • 3 months ago

          >no reply
          >at ALL
          Yeah, I thought so. Ya'll frickers are full of biases towards the show just because it didn't follow your political narrative

          • 3 months ago

            There was no reply because you're too oblivious to understand the topic of conversation.
            Nobody minds the actions of Rhaenys in universe when she decided to burst out with the dragon through the masses. Lords not giving a shit about the smallfolk is normal, and the Dance is supposed to be violent and full of peasant casualties. Her choosing to kick the door down regardless of civilian deaths is normal and in character.

            The conversation is about how the show is clearly biased in choosing when to point out the suffering on normal people based on which side does it. In terms of how much harm is done to normal people, Aegon fricking an unwilling maid (which honestly is pretty normal for Targ kings lol) is far less of an evil act than Rhaenys killing hundreds of peasants with her dragon display. And yet the show makes a huge fuss of the former while ignoring the latter. It's very hypocritical storytelling.

            BTW Rhaenys' actions don't make much sense in universe either, because her grandchildren are bethrothed to Rhaenyra's children. She is ALREADY on the side of the blacks, she is already against the greens. Refusing to burn them and trying to talk about neutrality is moronic.

    • 3 months ago

      >Nowhere in the story was it said that what Rhaenys did was right tho?
      It clearly was, because there's already an observable pattern of how the showrunners want you to feel about something by how they frame it.
      You can show a protagonist stabbing another man in order to kill him. If you don't want the viewers to think about it too much or make them wonder about the protagonist's violence, you just show a quick cut of the protagonist hitting the man with a knife sound, filmed from behind the man's back so you don't see the knife, the man just falls to the ground and the camera moves on. No emphasis on blood or injury. Maybe even add some cool guy music over it.
      Or if you want the viewers to be disgusted by it then show the injury, show the victim's legs and arms twitching while he bleeds out on the floor, or show the knife entering the man's chest, or show the protagonist making a cruel facial expression while stabbing the dude. Or add some foreboding music.
      It'll be the same exact act as before except the show can manipulate you into seeing it as much more sinister if it wants.

      HotD does this a lot. When Rhaenyra and Daemon conspire to kill some innocent bystander in order to cover up their schemes, there's 0 emphasis put on that bystander's fate. Whereas Aegon raping a maid is given a 10 minute tearjerking scene of the maid's ugly crying and Alicent's heart breaking over it.

      • 3 months ago

        The whole Alicent is “a woman for trump” and Rhaenrya is “punk rock for Westeros” from the writers, it’s blatant that there is a bias going on even though there shouldn’t be.

    • 3 months ago

      >it was left to the viewers to make of that what you will.
      It's also very clearly going to be a motivator for the storming of the dragon pit. Not all consequences have to happen immediately.

  5. 3 months ago

    Did we finally get kicked off /tg/?

    • 3 months ago

      Aye brother. To be fair, the threads there had become stale (after months of being the highest quality ASOIAF discussion you could enjoy online).

      • 3 months ago

        Sad. I don't want to go back to shitty Cinemaphile threads and jannies won't let us have a general for another two months.

        Anyone read any good fanfiction lately? I think I've made my way through all the Stansa that's worth reading. I don't know why that pairing works but it just works.

  6. 3 months ago

    It seems like Ryan and Miguel have different philosophies towards the writing, so I'm glad that Ryan's the sole showrunner now. His comments regarding the Velaryons being black are cringe but unfortunately he has to tow the line. He's a super-nerd about ASOIAF so I hope him having more control will lead to a better season 2 and giving more attention to Aegon

  7. 3 months ago

    How will ~~*HBO*~~ ruin it?

    • 3 months ago

      Taking away Aegon's comeback and making him seethe like a baby while Rhaenrya gives a long heroic speech

    • 3 months ago

      They already have by making the Velaryons black.

    • 3 months ago

      They put Black folk in it and made the greens le bad guys

  8. 3 months ago

    The books:
    >Rhaenys and Corlys support Rhaenyra and her children, fully believing that the kids are Laenor's, and that Laenor died in a tragic accident.
    The Show:
    >Rhaenys and Corlys support Rhaenyra and her children, fully aware that they are Strong bastards usurping Corlys' family. Also they fully believe that Rhaenyra brutally murdered Laenor so she could marry her nuncle. These facts never get brought up again and you shouldn't ask why Rhaenyra is being painted as "the good guy" just because she's Maegor with Teats when not even her closest allies have reason to stand by her and her brutality.

    What the everliving FRICK did HBO mean by this?

    That being said you should support the Greens, who have Vaemond Velaryon's bastard, Eddard Waters, claiming Driftmark in the show.

  9. 3 months ago

    Both Targaryen sides are evil, and that's the point.

    The Maesters are the heroes of the story, and they heroically killed Viserys' first wife and firstborn son so that the House of the Dragon might gorge upon itself.

    Alicent Hightower or Laena Velaryon wasn't a choice, it was a choice between an adult woman and a 12 year old. The maesters were the ones who provided this "choice."

  10. 3 months ago

    This c**t ruined the show more than the nogs or gays. Total nonsense character.

    • 3 months ago

      It's OK. She'll get her just deserts soon enough when the smallfolk rise up against T*rgaryen rule and kill all of the dragons

      • 3 months ago

        Was talking about the c**t on the left

        • 3 months ago

          Everyone in this show dies, some even of old age!

  11. 3 months ago

    Thats literally your interpretation of it, tf you getting mad for

    • 3 months ago

      It is also the interpretation of the writers and actors.
      A writer talking about the Rhaenys girlboss moment:
      >HESS: She looks Alicent in the eye and Alicent walks in front of her kid to shield him. It’s one mother to another. Rhaenys is angry, but in her previous scene with Alicent, she respected her, even if she doesn’t agree with her. So she’s not going to kill another woman like that.
      >KILNER: We talked to Eve Best about this, and in the previous scene she felt that Alicent really saw, Rhaenys for the first time in a long time. In that moment, they’re mothers in this terrible world created by men and she can’t do it.

      Actress Eve Best who plays Rhaenys said pic related.

      So it's clear that scene is meant to be a girlboss empowerment moment for Rhaenys and nobody involved even considered that she kills hundreds of peasants.

      • 3 months ago

        >The most merciful and most grateful act. Forgiving
        Jesus Christ this people are evil unironically
        >So she’s not going to kill another woman like that.
        She probably killed a lot mothers with her dragon right there

    • 3 months ago

      The show, the showrunners applaud Rhaenys for her actions while condemning the greens, i suspect season 2 will be more of the same

  12. 3 months ago

    So many baffling moronic scenes in this show
    >OP's example
    >Daemon's first wife falling off her horse and breaking her neck and continuing to talk shit to him
    >the whole "burn this innocent guy's corpse to make them think it's Laenor" plot
    >every scene with the White Worm's horrible acting
    >the half dozen birthing scenes to establish that medieval birth is le bad

  13. 3 months ago

    stop watching western garbage

    it's literally all israeli mind poison

    there's not entertainment value anymore even. it's just social conditioning garbage for the goy feminism,degen,corporate approved hate,etc

    • 3 months ago

      Is eastern garbage better?

  14. 3 months ago

    sounds completely in line with leftist thinking

  15. 3 months ago

    I don't know how she's supposed to be seen. She fails to prevent the war then and there to avoid being a kinslayer but kills smallfolk and advocates war anyway.

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