Realistically, can she recover from this experience? Or she's fricked up forever?

Realistically, can she recover from this experience? Or she's fricked up forever?

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  1. 1 month ago

    It's just sex, women should get over themselves

  2. 1 month ago

    Not under current therapeutic models. There is an ideological block when it comes to overcoming rape trauma, as any attempt to overcome it can be seen as contributing to a rape culture that supposedly undermines the seriousness of rape. A rape victim will spend the rest of her days having people affirm how serious what happened was.

    • 1 month ago

      this can really be applied to anything
      >if i move past my experiences in the war i'm implying war isn't that hard and other people will underestimate it.
      I personally think the most fricked up thing you can do to somebody is tell them they'll never get over something.

    • 1 month ago

      this can really be applied to anything
      >if i move past my experiences in the war i'm implying war isn't that hard and other people will underestimate it.
      I personally think the most fricked up thing you can do to somebody is tell them they'll never get over something.

      >I personally think the most fricked up thing you can do to somebody is tell them they'll never get over something.
      Thats not what it means to treat a person's trauma seriously, like you should. Inversely though, placing the unreasonable and the most stupid of expectation on a person to 'just get over it', or worse, make it a moral expectation, is whats fricked up. If you don't think it causes damage to a person to have others downplay or dismiss something bad that happened to them, then you should not ever put yourself in a position where someone places their trust and expectation on you to help them. Because you'll only be causing harm. It may be different if its a situation with a person like yourself who *wants* to 'get over it' (I put it in quotes here because thats not actually whats happening as it cannot happen, you can't just undo or move past the effects of something so significant that has happened to you, you can only learn to no longer 'see it', which is not a good thing for many reasons, but ultimately a choice for the individual), but forcefully subjecting people to this sort of thing when its not suitable for those individuals, all under the dangerously and disgustingly arrogant pretense of 'we know whats best for you' is plain wrong morally. And thats because it causes harm.

      >There is an ideological block when it comes to overcoming rape trauma, as any attempt to overcome it can be seen as contributing to a rape culture that supposedly undermines the seriousness of rape. A rape victim will spend the rest of her days having people affirm how serious what happened was.
      You sound like you have an empathy problem. And a messed up way of thinking about people's trauma, believing that its not the trauma or traumatic situation itself that is the source of the problem, but others around the person affirming his or her experience of it.

      • 1 month ago

        >if I label an event bad and sufficiently significant then that means it is in reality
        >if I behave as if an event is harrowing and one cannot get over it, then that means it is in reality
        yes we know the mind is capable of labeling things and behaving in a delusional manner in which they mistake their beliefs and mental phantoms as real. that does not mean the ghosts that you create in your head are actually there. there is no such thing as "trauma" that exists outside of your mind, and as a figment of the mind, you can make it disappear as easily as it appeared. you simply do not want to and now you're here selling your ghosts and goblins to others and offering them a lifetime of delusion

        well I am not interested in buying your mind virus, thank you very much! you can keep it

        • 1 month ago

          >well I am not interested in buying your mind virus, thank you very much! you can keep it
          Only reasonable thing you've said, and you're more more than entitled to choose how you manage your problems and live your life regardless of what I or anyone else thinks about it. Just keep yourself far, far away from people who are suffering and/or are in need of help.

          I completely understand your reasoning and agree to a certain degree, however in the end it's not up to you, or anyone really for that matter, to judge.

          >however in the end it's not up to you, or anyone really for that matter, to judge.
          Why? If you're causing harm to others, then you will be judged. And those judgements will be valid unless the people making those judgements are hypocrites, which is what I assume you have in mind. 'No one's truly innocent' and all.

          • 1 month ago

            you are a corrupting influence on people and your game is to prey upon the weak and gullible. you sell yourself as an angel of light but you are in fact a devil selling eternal despair to anyone foolish enough to take you up on your wickedness cloaked in charity. no sir, it is I who bids you to stay far, far away from those who are in need of help. you are the worst kind of person, the ones who do pure evil while believing they do good

            • 1 month ago

              And you're accusing me of delusion? You have a problem with empathy. And you lack the basic understanding that there exist people in the world who are not like you. For people like you who don't want to talk about their feelings and would rather embrace a more hardheaded approach to things, you are free to not go to therapy. You can choose that for yourself, no one will force it on you. Especially not if you make it clear to them that you consider it harmful. The same courtesy can be reasonably expected from you to keep your way of thinking away from those to whom it is similarly putrid and harmful. Someone like you trying to help people is gonna drive a good chunk of them into becoming worse or even killing themself. So reserve your help for people who you KNOW for a fact are like you, and have the basic decency to not force it upon those who are not suitable for it.

              • 1 month ago

                empathy is helping people get over trauma. Niggetry is making a big deal out of it and making them live with it for the rest of their life. Now write another essay that says nothing.

              • 1 month ago

                You have a twisted way of what empathy is, which is not surprising. You will not help anyone who isn't already like you to get over anything. You will make the problem worse. This is not supposed to be an insult, and a genuine message sent out in the hopes you will understand it so you don't end up causing harm that you later end up blaming on the person themself for, as I've seen happen often with people who think like you. Keep your help for those who have values that influence how they see the world similarly to you, as thats where it will result in any kind of positive outcome. Outside that group of people, you're not gonna be helping anyone. Just the opposite.

              • 1 month ago

                This guy is incredibly based and the other anon is just a fake tough guy/sociopath

              • 1 month ago

                Why, yes indeed I am quite based. Thank you for noticing.

              • 1 month ago

                Why, yes indeed I am quite based. Thank you for noticing.

                this is the gayest exchange i've ever seen in my life

              • 1 month ago

                Youve not helped a single person in your entire life. You're a self serving homosexual who wants to feel good about himself and pat himself on the back rather than actually do something to help people. Youre the worst kind of person there is, a person that weakens instead of empower. A person who brings people down and tell them its ok for them to be weak, and drain them of their bank account for years in meds and "therapy". Frick you.

              • 1 month ago

                Most of the things you're accusing me of are things that hold true for yourself much more than me, of that I'm not even a single bit mistaken. Whats wrong with your way of thinking is that you think pretending to not see a problem is a sign of strength and acknowledgement of it is weak. I don't know how you personally put your beliefs into practice, but I have seen people with your worldviews going to psychotic lengths towards doing what I'm assuming you're calling 'empowerment' which is really just shaming people, calling them weak, and just overall treating them with contempt and derision which is justified by saying its for the person's own good. When in reality people who treat those in need of help like that lack the brains, patience, empathy and emotional intelligence to offer actual, genuine help. The kind of help that actually makes a difference in the person's life instead of making it worse.

                And I don't have a good view of medication as a solution and I think therapy in its current form in the present day is largely useless unless you're able to find the rare, actually competent therapist who is actually suited for being in the profession. So that is something that I can agree on. Although I doubt its for the same reasons.

              • 1 month ago

                No, niggetry is where they grow the black man in my country

          • 1 month ago

            I'm not religious but I try to believe causality exists. like I said I do hope there is righteous judgement for everyone and it seems its all in vain, so, in the end, maybe? heh.

        • 1 month ago

          >it's all in your le head bro just choose not to be traumatized
          That's just not how it works. I'm not saying that you have absolutely no control whatsoever or that there's nothing you could do about it, because of course there's ways to deal about it, but it isn't as simple of just going "well frick it I decide not to have trauma" and then you flip a switch and it disappears instantly. People don't work like that, despite what a lot of moronic boomers think, people don't have full control over their behavior and thought patterns. Not no control, just not full control. People don't have true free will, we all have programming that dictates our actions, and sometimes things can happen that can "reprogram" us. It's part of our brain's ability to learn and adapt, these are very primal and instinctual mechanisms and not something you do consciously. The trauma isn't just a "figment of the mind", it is literally programmed into your brain.

      • 1 month ago

        You sound like a damaged roastoid

      • 1 month ago

        Nta but I have read about this and anon is right, this is a problem with rape and child abuse victims, because the effective therapy is in such contrast with how society views the abuse. A key element of therapy is forming an image of the abuser that the victim can be at peace with, and that usually means overcoming the idea of the horrible irredeemable monster that the media promotes.

        • 1 month ago

          Do you know where I can read more about this?

          • 1 month ago

            Sorry, it's been forever, and I was reading stuff on Google books instead of downloading anything. Look up books about abuse therapy and such, and if you find a title check the internet archive and the open library project for it, they may have it available for free.

        • 1 month ago

          >A key element of therapy is forming an image of the abuser that the victim can be at peace with, and that usually means coping

          >oral HSV-1
          isnt this the one nearly everyone has? kids can get it from getting kissed by grandma.

          >isnt this the one nearly everyone has?
          A israeli lie. Half of blacks have it but only 10% of humans.

          • 1 month ago

            >Half of blacks have it but only 10% of humans.
            source? I live very far away from America in a white country and it's still considered as "everyone has it"

        • 1 month ago

          There's a lot of ideas in psychology and among therapists that actually cause harm even though they're heralded as being effective or useful. This sounds like one of those ideas. Which should be obvious to anyone who has the capacity for the most basic of moral reasoning to realize how messed up it is to force a person to see their abuser as any less than that. Also something to realize is that not all people are the same. This idea might work for some, but for others it won't. The failure to account for this subjectivity that takes into account people's variations in how they respond to the same approach is something that is responsible for a lot of unnecessary suffering when it comes to human affairs in general. But you expect to see more foresight from psychologists, people who are literally supposed to study and understand how humans think and behave and all the accompanying nuances. There's just not enough space for nuances, or anything that doesn't match their personal assumptions about things. As is the case often with people.

          • 1 month ago

            sounds like you are pretty staunchly anti-nuance tbh

            • 1 month ago

              You wanna elaborate why what I wrote made you feel that?

      • 1 month ago

        t. butthole who makes people who suffered abuse in the past relive and feel like shit for it for the rest of their lives

        • 1 month ago

          Its very ironic of you to say that. I promise you, between the two of us, the chances of your description applying to you are much greater than to me. Especially with regards to putting people through something that causes them pain, and especially against their consent. That would be the people who want to force people to 'just get over it' by either manipulating them while dressing it up as challenging their beliefs, or shaming them into silence by alleging that the person is weak for not being able to cope or move on and that its a sign of moral failure, or just failure in general as if they're the one in the wrong for having been affected by something.

      • 1 month ago

        whole post reeks of projection and judaism

      • 1 month ago

        I never meant to imply here

        this can really be applied to anything
        >if i move past my experiences in the war i'm implying war isn't that hard and other people will underestimate it.
        I personally think the most fricked up thing you can do to somebody is tell them they'll never get over something.

        that the significance of it should be diminished but also not made as insurmountable. I've had 2 traumas, not as bad as rape but pretty bad, and the general mentality that helped me was
        >You WILL get through this, but you're not through it right now. What happened to you is awful and you're going to feel bad but you won't feel bad forever, the road is hard but there is an end.

        • 1 month ago

          Thats really good that having someone tell you that things were gonna be alright helped you. For some people though, it can feel really empty and become forced positivity where its like the person is talking to a brick wall, so they eventually stop talking and seeking help due to not being taken seriously. So care must be taken into trying different things to figure out what a person responds best to and what they don't. Some people really benefit from having someone tell them that things aren't going to stay that way, it gives them hope that the cloudy skies will part and the sun will come out at some point. For others, that sort of approach can have the opposite effect. Everyone's different like that and there's really no one solution or fit for every single person.

      • 1 month ago

        this is the dumbest fricking thing i have ever read.

    • 1 month ago

      this can really be applied to anything
      >if i move past my experiences in the war i'm implying war isn't that hard and other people will underestimate it.
      I personally think the most fricked up thing you can do to somebody is tell them they'll never get over something.

      Everything can be "overcome". The whole point of Morality is precisely NOT to "overcome".

    • 1 month ago

      psychology is a meme
      all therapists and psychiatrists are quacks
      no refugee immigrant goes to therapy after surviving genocides and war crimes

      • 1 month ago

        >no refugee immigrant goes to therapy after surviving genocides and war crimes
        free phones, housing and weekly stipends can heal all wounds

    • 1 month ago

      There is a bit of inner monologue in one of the Expanse books, maybe the first one, from Detective Miller, who says that women who go through that kind of shit respond in one of three ways.

      1. They can't cope and completely break down, and are pretty much fricked for life

      2. They bottle it all up and try and pretend it never happened, they're still fricked up but can (barely) function

      3. They use the experience to feed their anger and desire to grow stronger and overcome it mentally

      I do think a lot more women would recover from that kind of thing if they were encouraged and pushed towards option 3. That means not beating around the bush and treating them like a delicate little flower, but encouraging them to bring it to the front of their minds and confront it, and be strong

  3. 1 month ago

    Depends on the woman. Imagine if it was the real Monica Belluci? I think she'd shrug it off. Go home, have a glass of wine, hit the town the next day like nothing happened.

    • 1 month ago

      incel moment

      • 1 month ago


        We get it, you're trying to pretend you have sex. You're not fooling anybody

        • 1 month ago

          this is literally what every person who uses "incel" looks like.

        • 1 month ago

          the amount of times i have probably you this is insane. how long have you had it saved now. it is like you have been conditioned so that every time you see the word incel, you post. it is quite the Pavlovian reaction. i am going to try and summon future by randomly calling people incels to see if you appear

          • 1 month ago

            >he doesnt have a 50tb reaction folder

      • 1 month ago



  4. 1 month ago

    Most women enjoy rape.

    • 1 month ago


  5. 1 month ago

    Is her ex-bf fricked or could a good lawyer theoretically trim down his sentence?

    • 1 month ago

      he killed an innocent man, he's fricked

      • 1 month ago

        Wasn’t it the same guy that was beating the shit out of his friend and had literally just snapped his forearm? Couldn’t he claim he defending his friend and just lost control? I’m sure he’d get some time but I feel like a good lawyer could get it down to France’s equivalent to manslaughter.

  6. 1 month ago

    didn't he basically kill her by smashing her head

    • 1 month ago

      She was in coma. Potentially she may not wake up and even if she wakes up she will have:
      >fricked up face
      >probably lost her fetus due to stress
      >psychological trauma that she'll never overcome

  7. 1 month ago

    The straightforward cut was shown in Paris a few days ago, and Noé was there for a hour long interview. Not bad at all, both versions are actually worth it even if I prefer the original reversed one.
    He explained how rougher the movie is in the second cut because the pregnant scene with the 2001 Space Odyssey poster is cut, which initially implied a "better" future for Monica Bellucci. It's also made clearer how the rapist got away with it, like the flick stopped in the tracks to give you the middle finger. The guy sitting next to me ran to the bathroom, I didn't do that but I almost gagged.
    After the showing, Noé was available and I could ask him some questions of mine : he personally confirmed a restoration of I Stand Alone was in the works and that Vincent Gallo is involved in new projects.
    >inb4 you made it up

    • 1 month ago

      is it actually more violent in the other cut? first I'm hearing about a straightforward cut

      • 1 month ago

        it has been released last year or so, but Noé felt like showing it to us for this one night. don't know why but i won't complain

        • 1 month ago

          it kinda looks like the backrooms

    • 1 month ago

      >I didn't do that but I almost gagged.
      Why.? did she shit on his dick? i remember him asking her politely to refrain from doing so..?

      • 1 month ago

        yeah i think Jo Prestia shouts that at some point but it wasn't quite it. the physical abuse Le Ténia gave to Alex was already nauseating enough but it's all his insults that got to me. so mean-spirited, unjustified and yet completely spot on.
        Noé and his team were right on the money, what's disgusting isn't just the rape itself, it's all the degradation that comes with it.
        same thing with the Rectum sequence or the one where Markus (Cassel) insults the Chinese cab driver with Pierre (Dupontel) trying to save face, everybody is facing a rough time and you know it's going to blow up in their face anytime soon.

    • 1 month ago

      >It's also made clearer how the rapist got away with it, like the flick stopped in the tracks to give you the middle finger. The guy sitting next to me ran to the bathroom, I didn't do that but I almost gagged.
      Explain. What is the difference?

    • 1 month ago

      >It's also made clearer how the rapist got away with it
      I remember the friend killing the rapist and then getting apprehended by the cops

  8. 1 month ago

    She died in the hospital. That's the real tragedy of it. Her two lovers go to prison and the guy got away with everything and goes on to live his disgusting sodomite life uninterrupted.

    • 1 month ago

      real life is not a fairy tale. shit like this happens most of the time and true justice rarely serves. just move on and cope with something. maybe be the sodomite if that helps.

      • 1 month ago

        Are you seriously telling an anon to become a homosexual because a homosexual won at life in a movie?

        • 1 month ago


        • 1 month ago

          get redpilled on sodomites:

          • 1 month ago


            homosexualS ARE 60X MORE LIKEY TO HAVE AIDS THAN NON-homosexualS BROTHER


      • 1 month ago

        Maybe real life is like real life specifically due to people being like you and having such fricked up thoughts.

        • 1 month ago

          it's called being pragmatic and it just works.

          • 1 month ago

            For you, not so much for others. Which was the point I was making. Your conscience, whatever exists of it, will remember. Even if you choose to not acknowledge it. So in a way, you will not truly be happy either.

            • 1 month ago

              I completely understand your reasoning and agree to a certain degree, however in the end it's not up to you, or anyone really for that matter, to judge.

    • 1 month ago

      People are weak and form attachments despite having no modality of self-protection behind relying on police

      I don't feel sorry for many victims of crime.
      Many victims of crime had already decided the risk of not knowing how to defend themselves was worth the convenience of not acknowledging real danger

      It's like nature. Sometimes you see a wildebeast just humbly standing with a glazed look on their face while hyenas surround their young
      Other times, you see a wildebeast with a gleam in its eye, and it's effectively sheparding its offspring and minding the surroundings

      People as a collective don't want to acknowledge that most people naturally act like prey items. Because most people have their instincts like that

      • 1 month ago

        If anyone is interested in the topic, there is this book called "the gift of fear" its really good. Many people are shielded from danger for most of their lives, so when harm comes they fall, and those who have been harmed and survived are either selfish or too stupid to put their experiences to good use

    • 1 month ago

      >She died in the hospital.
      Didn't you watch the film until the end?
      She's clearly alive by the end of the film.
      It's as close to a happy ending as one can expect from a Noe kino.
      Also this

      The straightforward cut was shown in Paris a few days ago, and Noé was there for a hour long interview. Not bad at all, both versions are actually worth it even if I prefer the original reversed one.
      He explained how rougher the movie is in the second cut because the pregnant scene with the 2001 Space Odyssey poster is cut, which initially implied a "better" future for Monica Bellucci. It's also made clearer how the rapist got away with it, like the flick stopped in the tracks to give you the middle finger. The guy sitting next to me ran to the bathroom, I didn't do that but I almost gagged.
      After the showing, Noé was available and I could ask him some questions of mine : he personally confirmed a restoration of I Stand Alone was in the works and that Vincent Gallo is involved in new projects.
      >inb4 you made it up

  9. 1 month ago

    There's literally no difference between a woman getting raped in some dark alley and some dude getting physically assaulted in some dark alley.

    • 1 month ago

      Long story short stay the frick away from dark alleys

  10. 1 month ago

    Considering her brains got bashed in...imma say nah.

  11. 1 month ago

    eventualy she will dream of haveing that again as its the only thing that will get her off

    • 1 month ago

      >Last episode, on The Shield...

      • 1 month ago

        what's michael chiklis been up to since that wrapped up

        • 1 month ago

          Uh, ever heard of a little show called Breaking Bad?

          • 1 month ago

            he was in that? never watched it

  12. 1 month ago

    Women that are raped never truely recover that's why rape is so based

  13. 1 month ago

    Elle got over it and even welcomed it again and again.

  14. 1 month ago

    The most traumatizing aspect for her was his manlet status.

  15. 1 month ago
  16. 1 month ago

    Is this movie worth watching, or is it just another instance of psychotic pseud bowel movements being passed off as "art?"

    • 1 month ago

      It’s kinda like Funny Games, plays with the viewer’s emotions and makes a point about sexuality being both manifestation of violence and love. Enjoyable for a single watch

  17. 1 month ago

    I know four people that were raped.
    >buddy was raped repeatedly in the ass by a male acquaintance to their family. Still haunts him to his day with nightmares, depression and substance abuse. Told his family what happened as a teenager.
    >another buddy was raped in the ass once as a boy by an older boy in the neighborhood. Seemingly has no issues from it though he hasn't told his family.
    >previous gf went home with a guy she met at the club, he suddenly started raping her in the ass while she screamed for help. Her friend was too busy getting down with a friend of the guy doing the ass raping. She told her mom what happened the next day and got tested for STDs, had issues for a year but got over it.
    >girl I've been talking to that's aspie like me was roped by a normie friend to a party at somebody's place, she was ditched by the friend and then dragged into a room by some friend of her buddy that then proceeds to start raping her veganally using his fingers. The rape was interrupted and she managed to get out. Never told anyone except me and she recently discovered she has herpes which came from him since she's a virgin. She's mentally ruined and constantly thinking about suicide.
    Blows my mind that none of them reported the crimes or murdered the perpetrator.

    • 1 month ago

      They often think that they're not gonna be believed, which is something that does happen often. Even in cases where they were raped as a child by an adult. Reaching out for help and expecting people to believe them and show kindness, and getting just the opposite in return is also traumatic in and of itself. Its like taking on additional suffering on top of the actual incident itself. Murdering their abuser doesn't really get them justice since then they'll be labeled as psychotic or insane if they never revealed to anyone what the person did to them.

    • 1 month ago

      I'm always surprised to see a Cinemaphile user with irl friends.

    • 1 month ago

      >Blows my mind that none of them reported the crimes or murdered the perpetrator.
      Yeah we spend about a third of our lives having any thoughts of self-actualization or violence beat out of us through the system and big daddy government is always there peaking at us and testing us with humiliation rituals to make sure we're being good goys or else it'll murder us.
      The government was way more beneficial to my psycho stalker than it was to me because the government sucks dick and psychos can just lie. She wasn't even good at lying but since the government is a moronic 3rd party they took her seriously.

    • 1 month ago

      I got to hear some stories through some group therapy shit and it kind of haunted me. Incels who post in moronic threads like these should talk to a guy or girl who actually got raped.

    • 1 month ago

      I don't think you can catch herpes from fingers bro

      • 1 month ago

        He has oral HSV-1 and transmitted it through spit on his fingers into her vegana. He was very violent and caused profused bleeding with his fingers. He was in the process of undoing his pants when other party-goers entered and interrupted him. So he repeatedly spat at her bleeding vegana and on his fingers which entered and spread the virus.

        • 1 month ago

          >oral HSV-1
          isnt this the one nearly everyone has? kids can get it from getting kissed by grandma.

          • 1 month ago

            oh wait maybe not everyone has it in their genitals though. its everywhere orally

    • 1 month ago

      >a guy she met at the club,
      > roped by a normie friend to a party
      my daughters will not go to parties and clubs . if by some chance this happens, i will kill the rapist myself.

      • 1 month ago

        I have seen guys going for revenge and end up with same fate or worse.

        Hope you're dumbass will be smart enough to spread cheeks

      • 1 month ago

        I have seen guys going for revenge and end up with same fate or worse.

        Hope you're dumbass will be smart enough to spread cheeks

        Just run the prick over with a car or get a gun. Only morons actually confront someone, ambushes work.

      • 1 month ago

        Your daughter will go to parties and clubs because they don't give a frick about your paranoia, they might even do it just because you told them its not allowed

      • 1 month ago

        daughters can only be protected from this kind of shit through mentoring by a strong father, not distrust.

        Teach your daughter boxing or a combat sport, be an example of the type of man you would want her to date, talk to her about drugs and alcohol and the dangers they pose. You've got to do it while they're young and curious about the world

    • 1 month ago

      Feels good that I wasn't hot enough to rape as a child

    • 1 month ago

      >herpes from a finger

      • 1 month ago


        He has oral HSV-1 and transmitted it through spit on his fingers into her vegana. He was very violent and caused profused bleeding with his fingers. He was in the process of undoing his pants when other party-goers entered and interrupted him. So he repeatedly spat at her bleeding vegana and on his fingers which entered and spread the virus.

    • 1 month ago

      >Blows my mind that none of them reported the crimes or murdered the perpetrator.
      I mean, yeah, but then again, a rapist is literally invading your body. I suppose an act like this will always permanently frick up your self-esteem and therefore also your willingness to stand up for yourself. I really can't blame rape victims for not going after the attackers. They are defeated on a level (thankfully) unknown to most of us.

    • 1 month ago

      >she recently discovered she has herpes which came from him since she's a virgin.
      I’m sure she’s scarred but that smells of bullshit

      • 1 month ago

        Nah, herpes spreads very easily through spit and body fluids. Oral and genital orifaces are very vulnerable, even eyes can get infected.

        • 1 month ago

          I have herpes, it doesn’t work like that.
          Anons been duped by a woman’s charm.

    • 1 month ago

      The first two are sad, the second two are whatever.

      People are adults, they know the world is dangerous. Unless someone breaks into your house while you're asleep, then that's on you.
      Nature is eat or he eaten. Too many people know that police exist and they're mind goes "that means I'm safe!"
      That happens because those people have weak survival instinct, their urge to resist is secondary to their urge to be comfortable

      • 1 month ago

        Lmao moron.

        • 1 month ago

          >I can't emphatize with women: the post

          >be you
          >know you can be preyed on
          >be preyed on easily
          >be you
          >know you can be preyed on
          >dedicate your life to a system of self protection
          >dragged her into a
          This only happens when you aren't figuring at all

      • 1 month ago

        >I can't emphatize with women: the post

  18. 1 month ago

    This usually goes 2 ways:

    1. She will be traumatized her entire life and will flinch whenever a man as much as raises his hand or taps her shoulder and will have major trust issues and panic attacks

    OR 2:
    She will get wet by rough degrading sex and will crave a man that slaps her around,chokes her out and just uses her as rough as demeaning as possible.

    Seen both. The latter is of curse more fun.

  19. 1 month ago

    Would majority of men cum faster doing a rape than just normal consensual sex ? It seems kinda hot (in role play ofc)

  20. 1 month ago

    Ultimately, it's up to her. She can decide to be a victim for the rest of her life and live in fear or she can decide to acknowledge that it wasn't her fault and to simply move on.

  21. 1 month ago

    >board full of forever alone autists pretending to be experts on sex and trauma

  22. 1 month ago

    recover from what? cumming?

    • 1 month ago

      fricked up face and lost baby at least

  23. 1 month ago

    Within a few year she'll be the typical "rape survivor" who can't shut her mouth about it, she'll still dress like a bawd though.

  24. 1 month ago

    If I was a woman, about to get raped, I would beg to suck the guys dick. Im talking on my knees beg the guy, call him sexy, tell him I'm into this shit. Just repeat over and over "please let me suck it, please please please".
    He would either freak out and leave or he would let me suck it, then I would bite his dick off and squeeze his balls. He would be in so much pain that you could get away.
    Best part is, he could never report it to the police.

  25. 1 month ago

    She could just defeat his wiener then pull out and leave him cumming on the ground like a moron.

  26. 1 month ago

    >Gets laid
    >Cries about it

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