>Reed raping Reed dressed as Doom

>Reed raping Reed dressed as Doom
What level of fricked up is this? I'm starting to think that the Richards/Doom line is the most psychotic and generally unstable if you look at all the characters connected to it. Screw Batman, Joker and whatever else, forget the Summers and House Of M, they're just Soap Operas, it's the Richards/Doom where you meet true, genuine, unhinged autism.

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  1. 2 weeks ago

    is this the same one thats picking at tonys brain or is that the guy from house of x with the new rules of krakoa?

    • 2 weeks ago

      >is this the same one thats picking at tonys brain
      >or is that the guy from house of x with the new rules of krakoa?
      ...That's Xavier. Goddamn normalgays. moronic Black folk. Learn some punctuation at the very least. God, I hate you.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >normal gays
        i dont think any normal gay would know about the ultimate series. you cant deny that they look similar. and considering the shit marvel tries i would be surpised if reed was running the mutants.
        you can hate me though youre allowed that

        • 2 weeks ago

          Oh Christ, you're that ESL who keeps spamming Inhumans threads. Whatever, you do you anon.

          You know how the writer was asked about Doom/Reed's eyes being blue and then brown and teased it wasn't a simple artist mistake?
          Current fan theory is that Doom is Ben and Reed sharing the same body and the eye colors change based on whoever's in control

          ...That's moronic and I don't like it. It fits as a theory, but I hope it's not true. What I'm wondering is where the actual Victor Von Doom is. He's not been seen, teased or even listed as captured/killed/whatever in the datapages. It's weird.

          • 2 weeks ago

            i dont think ive ever made an inhumans thread, but whatever helps you sleep at night

          • 1 week ago

            >What I'm wondering is where the actual Victor Von Doom is.
            probably in the balkans

            • 1 week ago

              What if the maker killed all ff members and brainwashed doom into thinking he's reed

              • 1 week ago


                Oh Christ, you're that ESL who keeps spamming Inhumans threads. Whatever, you do you anon.
                ...That's moronic and I don't like it. It fits as a theory, but I hope it's not true. What I'm wondering is where the actual Victor Von Doom is. He's not been seen, teased or even listed as captured/killed/whatever in the datapages. It's weird.

      • 1 week ago

        Fricking homosexual ass ESLs is right. There's no fricking way anyone other than a moron could think that Maker Reed and Krakoa Xavier even look REMOTELY similar in any respect, at all. Their costumes are totally different colours with wildly different designs and their helmets are totally fricking different.

        I bet that fricking ESL homosexual wouldn't be able to tell the difference between Frank Castle and Jesse Custer.

        • 1 week ago

          Krakow Xavier being Maker would’ve been based. Maybe don’t even have him be maker, instead make it so that Xavier tried to read Maker’s mind and when their brains were connected Maker turned Xavier into a puppet that he controls.

  2. 2 weeks ago

    You know how the writer was asked about Doom/Reed's eyes being blue and then brown and teased it wasn't a simple artist mistake?
    Current fan theory is that Doom is Ben and Reed sharing the same body and the eye colors change based on whoever's in control

    • 1 week ago

      What if Reed was horribly fused to Ben, Johnny and Susan?

      • 1 week ago

        Wasn't there a What If that went like that

        • 1 week ago

          Like in the fly?

          • 1 week ago

            More like that one episode of Spongebob.

            • 1 week ago

              Sounds like a fun read

        • 1 week ago

          Do you know which?

    • 1 week ago

      >and the eye colors change based on whoever's in control
      I fricking hate this stupid trope.

      • 1 week ago

        If you need a visual signifier because it is a comic book, the eyes seem ideal.

    • 1 week ago

      do they change colour mid issue or is it consitent througout

    • 1 week ago

      he doesn't look like a rock though

      • 1 week ago

        Maybe other place that rock hard

        • 1 week ago

          you dont hide a rock that hard

    • 1 week ago

      The Theory was Victor and Reed, makes more sense tbh

      What if the maker killed all ff members and brainwashed doom into thinking he's reed

      nope, not according to maker`s own files at least, see pic related

      • 1 week ago

        5 nodes, that must have been a lot of time fighting and capturing him

        • 1 week ago

          What are the nodes referring to here?

          • 1 week ago

            Maybe a number within the pod

      • 1 week ago

        >Jack Monroe.
        Holy frick, that's niche. Also it seem like we are getting Quasar sooner or later.

      • 1 week ago

        >World Experiment 6160
        This imply Maker is planning to do this shit again on ther worlds.

        • 1 week ago

          could also imply that hes already done it before

        • 1 week ago

          There’s still someone important to the Nu-Ultimate universe, from the original Ultimate universe, and he possesses a symbiote. Guess what he’s been up to?!

          • 1 week ago

            >There’s still someone important to the Nu-Ultimate universe, from the original Ultimate universe, and he possesses a symbiote.
            Who, that Jimmy guy?

    • 1 week ago

      the maker's eye color also changed

      He already has in Cates Venom.

      At what point did he give up on the big head thing

      • 1 week ago

        Its a different Maker. I think I was the only one to bother reading that massive summary anon posted but.

        The Ultimate FF are formed with Coulson, Tony, Sue, Falcon, Machine Man (Danny Ketch), and the now revealed to be alive Dr. Doom. Ultimate Spider-Pig, Miles Morhames, arrives from his now destroyed universe. He reveals to Sue that he has witnessed many universes die and the ones that survived always has her and Reed together with a child. This child will have the power to save the universe. Sue goes to a now fully changed Reed. Reed wants to win her respect and love back, but Sue isn't interested. She goes to forcibly remove his seminal fluid from him, but chickens out. Ben impregnates her instead leaving the universe to die.
        Hickman decided that Reed didn't have a turn of heart, he was just pretending. He wanted to get his tools back and get back to being a criminal mastermind. Nick Fury recruits him to help at SHIELD and rebuild the Dome. He learns of the incursions happening in Hickman's Avengers series and teams up with the Cabal to figure out how to survive. They are able to build a lifeboat to survive and end up in Battleworld.
        Thor Corps find the raft and free them, but Dr. Strange teleports them away to save them from Dr. Doom. 616 Reed teams up with The Maker and they defeat Doom. Maker betrays Reed but Molecule Man splits the Maker's body up and spreads him all across the multiverse when it rebuilds. This caused Maker's single mind to be in several bodies across the multiverse.
        In 616 Maker creates a terrorist organization known as WHISPER and attacks Paris. The Avengers stop him. He tries to take over their base but fails and then attempts to kidnap the president but is once again thwarted. Reed then uses another universe's body to 616 in order to escape. He teamed up with the High Evolutionary to recreate 1610. He then brought the Ultimates to 616 and convinced them to work with him. The 616 Ultimates were able to defeat him, but 1610 Captain America died in the process. The 1610 Ultimates leave to hunt down the Maker across the Multiverse.

        >This caused Maker's single mind to be in several bodies across the multiverse.
        He is all throughout the multiverse, but all the brains lead back to the same guy. Like a giant hivemind.

        • 1 week ago

          wait so what's cates' maker up to then?

          • 1 week ago

            He was last seen in 1610.

            • 1 week ago

              damn wtf happened

  3. 2 weeks ago

    Maker making Reed dress like Doom is my favorite part of the new Ultimate universe. So funny and fricked up

  4. 1 week ago

    Is this world's Latveria in Central Asia?

    • 1 week ago

      In Kazakhstan to be specific.

      • 1 week ago

        I wonder why we haven't seen the South American reps to the council yet

        • 1 week ago

          Sunspot's dad is part of it.

      • 1 week ago

        but why?

        • 1 week ago

          Might be related to Doom's strange absence. Could also just be change for the sake of it.

  5. 1 week ago

    Maker is such a wasted potential, Reed Richards without morals had potential but he's just a non character without any point of than being a jerk plus he's nothing like Richards.

    • 1 week ago

      How can he be like Reed Richards except both like pursuing science and explore new worlds wich both do.

    • 1 week ago

      He's a reed that got cucked and told he was moronic by every other reed in existence. They're stretching his potential as far as they can because "reed but evil" alone is just dr. doom.

      • 1 week ago

        I've never thought I would read a tardwit-take but...

  6. 1 week ago

    Doom looks so good in blue

  7. 1 week ago

    Why is his head so big?

    • 1 week ago

      He stretched it.

      • 1 week ago

        He looks like a conehead

      • 1 week ago

        My favorite part of this reveal is around the same time Fantastic Four Season One came out where Reed specifically says that stretching his brain doesn't increase his intelligence.

        • 1 week ago

          Also ult reed technically doesn't have a brain since he's more or less just bacteria so stretching his head shouldn't do shit

          • 1 week ago

            I can't remember if this is before or after he figured that out

            • 1 week ago

              Sue told him that like right after he got his powers

        • 1 week ago

          Also ult reed technically doesn't have a brain since he's more or less just bacteria so stretching his head shouldn't do shit

          And yet despite all that he still needs glasses

          • 1 week ago

            Didn't he stop wearing them? I think he just liked the look

            • 1 week ago

              And yet despite all that he still needs glasses

              He stopped wearing glasses and also figured out he can stretch his eyes to get telescopic vision (when they were flying over the atlantic, he could spot some dolphins in the ocean from miles away).

              Keeping them at blowjob level. Question: who gives better head?

              Hard to say. Loki also has the advantage of having millennia of experience, but on the other hand Emma may be the one person on the planet who spent more time having sex than even a millennia old god.
              On the other hand Loki is a trickster so she'd probably do some stupid thing like prevent you from orgasming.

              I've have to guess Emma is better at giving head. But she'd also be very heavily used goods, while Loki can shapeshift, so Loki could be the better lay.

      • 1 week ago

        >imagine the smartest nanderthal to ever live being faced with the simplest of modern men
        >what could would he be
        Smart enough to know Brawn > Brain in that scenario.
        Fricking moron.

        • 1 week ago

          Neanderthals were 5'6 moron, they weren't giant muscleheads.

          • 1 week ago

            Its funny you know they're 5'6 and yet dont know they can bench press 500 lbs compared to the humans today of the same weight class who can only do 281.
            All you had to do was just a little bit more research and you wouldn't have embarrassed yourself.

            • 1 week ago

              Dumbfrick moron, go read a modern paper. Neanderthals aren't anything unusual for human standards, they only had a slight physical advantage over our ancestors. A modern sports player could throw a spear better than they ever did.

              • 1 week ago

                homosexual did you read said modern paper? You think i pulled 500 out of my fricking ass?

              • 1 week ago

                >ran away like a b***h
                Thats right, learn to fricking read next time you fricking embarrassment.
                18+ year old man who cant do basic research. You're a joke.

      • 1 week ago


  8. 1 week ago

    I remember the Maker needed the helmet because his head got so fricking big. When did his head go back to normal, and why would he still wear the ridiculous helmet after that?

    • 1 week ago

      Maybe the helmet has special technology? Or maybe he just got accustomed to it

  9. 1 week ago

    does 6160 reed have doom's powers or is he just larping

    • 1 week ago

      We've seen ReeDOOM running around with guns

      • 1 week ago

        i guess this cover was clickbait then

        • 1 week ago

          It might be legit, we just haven't seen it yet.We know on other future covers he experiments with cosmic rays and we see a Thing Rat and a Super stretchy rat too

          • 1 week ago

            i wonder if the experiments work whether he'd take all powers for himself. although they have a time machine right? couldn't reed just bring the others to the modern ultimate universe and give them their powers?

            • 1 week ago

              as of this point they can't go back farther than the 6 months where they started

              • 1 week ago

                oh. i suppose if he wants to recreate the fantastic four then he would have to get 4 3 random people then or try cloning

              • 1 week ago

                At the same time, it has been teased that Reed want to reclaim the life that was taken from him.

              • 1 week ago

                >The Maker is a Reed who wants his idyllic, classic Marvel life back, but evil
                >Nu!Ultimate Doom is a Reed who wants his idyllic, classic Marvel life back, but anti-heroic

              • 1 week ago

                i really do wonder how he would do it if at all

  10. 1 week ago

    poor reed

  11. 1 week ago

    Since we're talking Doom, does anyone remember a picture of him sitting on his throne with Scarlet Witch and Emma Frost at his feet? I think it was made by Adi Granov. I can't find it anywhere, does Marvel scrapped from the web for being to mysoginist or something?

    • 1 week ago

      >scarlet witch and emma frost
      Wasnt that sue storm and loki?

      • 1 week ago

        I think you are right, that helps. Still can't find the damn pic tho.

      • 1 week ago

        Emma Frost and F!Loki. He was also kind of a dick about it in this imagination spot.

        • 1 week ago

          Weird i remembered it as a cover. And doom was sitting on said throne.

          • 1 week ago

            maybe you mixed it up with the secret wars cover?

        • 1 week ago

          Thanks, I could swear it was a cover with Doom sitting on the throne. Memory is a fickle thing.

        • 1 week ago

          Keeping them at blowjob level. Question: who gives better head?

  12. 1 week ago

    Can someone refresh my memory about why the frick Ultimate Reed turned into a genocidal maniac?

    • 1 week ago

      Been ages; Bendis had Reed turn evil out of the blue, committing various terror attacks and murdering his entire family because he was pissy that after Ultimatium, Sue decided to dump Reed and become a full time prostitute, with her first-post breakup frick buddy being Ultimate Thing, who's rock form turned out to be a chrysalis that cracked open post-UItimatium with Ben once again human but now possessing ionic powers, causing him to become the Ultimate version of Wonder Man.

      Hickman then gave Reed the makeover to make him the Maker and gave him a new gimmick of building giant dome cities where time moves super fast to create super super advance tech and super evolved humans to serve as his army to enslave humanity. He killed off Asgard and nuked Washington, but Hickman quit and someone (Humpries) took over and had Ult Sue show up and one shot beat Reed like a pathetic incel.

      Another writer (forget who) tried his damnest to dial back the character assassination, revealing that Sue's destined to become evil and her future self was the one who killed Reed's family and that she told Reed he had to start committing mass murder, to create infinity gems out of the mass death energy, to use to save Earth from Incursions. With this, Reed reformed and started working with Nick Fury to stop the Incursions....

      Then Hickman got his hands back on Ult Reed, had him go evil again and this time quadrupled down by having him betray the Ultimate Marvel Universe to escape with Thanos and the Cabal and turn on Reed at the climax of Secret Wars. And since then he's been irreversibly evil and has a hate boner for all variations of Reed who actually got Sue as a wife and had kids.

      • 1 week ago

        >Been ages; Bendis
        You could end the sentence there, at least Hickman's keikaku Maker is entertaining, Benis's writing is always author self insert vs a character that he hates.

      • 1 week ago

        >Bendis had Reed turn evil out of the blue
        Oh frick off. You got so much wrong here and jumbled up because you read some homosexual cliffnotes instead of the actual comics. Ben isn't Wonder Man, Sue broke up with Reed twice before dating Ben, etc. Let me tell it properly.

      • 1 week ago

        Fialkov is the writer that made evil future-Sue the mastermind behind Reed's heel-turn. In that story arc Reed was villainous towards the Ultimates but in general he was doing beneficial things for the planet (Like a Phoenix Five situation without the stupid "let's give whales legs and seal the San Andreas Fault"). This seemed to be part of a larger redemption arc planned between Bendis and Fialkov, which continues during cataclysm and the Ultimate Future Foundation comic. In cataclysm Reed agrees to help stop Galactus and to that end takes a trip to 616 and sees what his life could have been. In Ult FF it's super rushed at the end because the book got canceled but basically he gives Sue a pep talk about her relationship with Ben.
        When Hickman came back he said this was all a ploy on Reed's part so that people would let their guard down and give him access to a lab again.

  13. 1 week ago

    Here is a full autistic rundown on how the Maker was created and what he's done.
    Reed was born into an abusive household and always had his friends, mostly Ben, by his side protecting him. He was always incredibly emotionally unstable and irrational because of this. When Namor attacked Reed got incredibly jealous and overprotective of Sue, to a toxic level. After beating the Endless Resurgence Reed had Thanos controlling his mind for months on end making him obsessed with building the Cosmic Cube. This created a rift between him and Sue because they're fricking teenagers instead of adults. Sue breaks up with Reed and decides to get back together when him after they defeated the Salem's Seven.
    A future version of Sue arrives and its revealed that her losing Johnny during Ultimatum caused her to turn evil. She went full anti-mutant and created a prison inside the Negative Zone. She also broke up with Reed and trapped him there. She went and hooked up with Namor and created a new F4 with Ben and Firestar. She tricks present day Reed into creating a machine to strip away super powers but Nihil, future Reed, arrives and the whole thing is resolves. However, future Reed warns them that Sue has to make the right choices or the world will end.
    During Ultimatum Reed once again abandoned Sue, this time after losing her father to the Ultimatum wave, because he's an emotional teenager. He thinks Namor attacked New York again and goes to confront him leaving Sue while she is in critical condition. Sue has had enough and breaks up with him again, this time the entire team disbanding.
    Much like Hickman's 616 Reed, 1610 Reed decides that he wants to recreate the world and "fix everything". He begins targeting what are, to him, the biggest obstacles to his goals creates a false flag on his own family to make it seem like he's not involved. Around this time Sue and Ben begin growing closer and Sue discovers that Reed is behind the attacks. Reed is left trapped in the Negative Zone.

    • 1 week ago

      Reed builds a portal out of the NZ and creates the Dome. The Dome exists as a time chamber where he and some volunteers live for thousands of years while time moves normally outside of it. This creates an ultra high tech evolutionary society and they attack the world with it. Asgard is destroyed and Washington is nuked. Sue basically one-shots him and he's locked up.
      Another future version of Sue arrives after Ultimatum as Kang and warns Reed that a Cataclysm is coming that will end the world. He eventually convinces the Hulk and Quicksilver to join him creating the Dark Ultimates. They take over the world and create a totalitarian utopia where every major world problem has been solved, but there is no freedom. Reed has also learned that upheavals in reality such as the Cosmic Cube, Gah-Lak-Tus, Ultimatum, etc. create Infinity Gems. An alien race once collected them all and was able to survive, becoming the Watcher, and he intends to do just the same. Tony's brain is so toxic that its manifested one and in the process of extraction Tony is killed. Reed has also brainwashed Johnny into joining his team. Nick Fury creates a new Howling Commandos team and they free the Ultimates. Tony has secretly uploaded his brain to a machine and Iron Man returns just in time for Quicksilver to discover that Reed and Kang want to rid the world of mutants. He betrays the Dark Ultimates and sacrifices his life in an attempt to stop them. Age of Ultron happens and the entire multiverse is shook, Kang declares that they have failed and leaves Reed at the mercy of the Ultimates.
      The events of Age of Ultron causes Galactus to come to 1610 where he fuses with Gah-Lak-Tus and a full invasion occurs. Much to their dismay the Ultimates decide to team up with Reed. He and Miles go to 616 to find an answer to how to stop Galactus. The F4 aren't home, but Reed meets Valeria. This shakes him to his core and he decides that he has been in the wrong. They beat Galactus.

      • 1 week ago

        The Ultimate FF are formed with Coulson, Tony, Sue, Falcon, Machine Man (Danny Ketch), and the now revealed to be alive Dr. Doom. Ultimate Spider-Pig, Miles Morhames, arrives from his now destroyed universe. He reveals to Sue that he has witnessed many universes die and the ones that survived always has her and Reed together with a child. This child will have the power to save the universe. Sue goes to a now fully changed Reed. Reed wants to win her respect and love back, but Sue isn't interested. She goes to forcibly remove his seminal fluid from him, but chickens out. Ben impregnates her instead leaving the universe to die.
        Hickman decided that Reed didn't have a turn of heart, he was just pretending. He wanted to get his tools back and get back to being a criminal mastermind. Nick Fury recruits him to help at SHIELD and rebuild the Dome. He learns of the incursions happening in Hickman's Avengers series and teams up with the Cabal to figure out how to survive. They are able to build a lifeboat to survive and end up in Battleworld.
        Thor Corps find the raft and free them, but Dr. Strange teleports them away to save them from Dr. Doom. 616 Reed teams up with The Maker and they defeat Doom. Maker betrays Reed but Molecule Man splits the Maker's body up and spreads him all across the multiverse when it rebuilds. This caused Maker's single mind to be in several bodies across the multiverse.
        In 616 Maker creates a terrorist organization known as WHISPER and attacks Paris. The Avengers stop him. He tries to take over their base but fails and then attempts to kidnap the president but is once again thwarted. Reed then uses another universe's body to 616 in order to escape. He teamed up with the High Evolutionary to recreate 1610. He then brought the Ultimates to 616 and convinced them to work with him. The 616 Ultimates were able to defeat him, but 1610 Captain America died in the process. The 1610 Ultimates leave to hunt down the Maker across the Multiverse.

        • 1 week ago

          In another universe the 616 Future Foundation arrive and find Maker trapped in a prison. They think that he is Reed and free him. I don't really remember much about this story because it was awful, but I remember that one universe's Maker begins researching symbiotes.
          Spider-Men II reveals that the real 1610 has been restored.
          Maker attempts to join the Council of Reeds who give him the mission of restoring the proper 1610 instead of the facsimile he created. He builds a portal to 1610, but is only able to pull out a sample of Richard Parker's symbiote. He believes that if he can get it working again it will protect him during the interdimensional travel. Reed learns of Knull and extracts a sample of a 616 symbiote and merges it with his. This sample was stolen, however, which led Reed to Eddie. Eddie's symbiote is basically catatonic at this point and Reed helps Eddie reconnect to the symbiote hive mind. He's unable to because when attempting to extract Flash Thompson's codex. the last one connected to the hivemind, the symbiote panics and escapes.
          Reed figures out how to separate symbiotes from its host using Normie as a test subject. Eddie's son, Dylan, helps Normie escape and the Hybrid ends up taking over Reed. The Avengers defeat Hybrid and Reed escapes. For whatever reason he starts watching over Spider-Gwen, I don't think this ever went anywhere though. I assume this was supposed to tie in with the whole symbiote plot because I think Ghost-Spider has one, I don't read that comic though so someone else would have to tell you. It could also just be showing that Reed has plans on plans on plans.
          Reed is eventually able to get the 1610 Symbiote working and bonds with it. Eddie comes by to keep an eye on him, but they are attacked by Mac Gargan who is wearing a suit of armor he made for revenge. During the battle Maker's portal malfunctioned sending Eddie to another universe and Maker to 1610. Only 1610 is a disaster and the Ultimates are missing.

          • 1 week ago

            Another Maker is in a 616 prison and escapes. He tries to recruit Miles to bring them home, but Miles rejects him. Reed decides to create a portal and goes to Earth-6160 where he rewrites history to his liking. This is the start of Ultimate Invasion, which I assume everyone has read at this point so I will stop here.

    • 1 week ago

      I haven't read this rest of this yet, but this definitely doesn't sound "out of the blue" like that other anon said. It also doesn't sound like it was set up, but rather a happy coincidence that all the pieces came together in a way that made sense.

    • 1 week ago

      Reed builds a portal out of the NZ and creates the Dome. The Dome exists as a time chamber where he and some volunteers live for thousands of years while time moves normally outside of it. This creates an ultra high tech evolutionary society and they attack the world with it. Asgard is destroyed and Washington is nuked. Sue basically one-shots him and he's locked up.
      Another future version of Sue arrives after Ultimatum as Kang and warns Reed that a Cataclysm is coming that will end the world. He eventually convinces the Hulk and Quicksilver to join him creating the Dark Ultimates. They take over the world and create a totalitarian utopia where every major world problem has been solved, but there is no freedom. Reed has also learned that upheavals in reality such as the Cosmic Cube, Gah-Lak-Tus, Ultimatum, etc. create Infinity Gems. An alien race once collected them all and was able to survive, becoming the Watcher, and he intends to do just the same. Tony's brain is so toxic that its manifested one and in the process of extraction Tony is killed. Reed has also brainwashed Johnny into joining his team. Nick Fury creates a new Howling Commandos team and they free the Ultimates. Tony has secretly uploaded his brain to a machine and Iron Man returns just in time for Quicksilver to discover that Reed and Kang want to rid the world of mutants. He betrays the Dark Ultimates and sacrifices his life in an attempt to stop them. Age of Ultron happens and the entire multiverse is shook, Kang declares that they have failed and leaves Reed at the mercy of the Ultimates.
      The events of Age of Ultron causes Galactus to come to 1610 where he fuses with Gah-Lak-Tus and a full invasion occurs. Much to their dismay the Ultimates decide to team up with Reed. He and Miles go to 616 to find an answer to how to stop Galactus. The F4 aren't home, but Reed meets Valeria. This shakes him to his core and he decides that he has been in the wrong. They beat Galactus.

      The Ultimate FF are formed with Coulson, Tony, Sue, Falcon, Machine Man (Danny Ketch), and the now revealed to be alive Dr. Doom. Ultimate Spider-Pig, Miles Morhames, arrives from his now destroyed universe. He reveals to Sue that he has witnessed many universes die and the ones that survived always has her and Reed together with a child. This child will have the power to save the universe. Sue goes to a now fully changed Reed. Reed wants to win her respect and love back, but Sue isn't interested. She goes to forcibly remove his seminal fluid from him, but chickens out. Ben impregnates her instead leaving the universe to die.
      Hickman decided that Reed didn't have a turn of heart, he was just pretending. He wanted to get his tools back and get back to being a criminal mastermind. Nick Fury recruits him to help at SHIELD and rebuild the Dome. He learns of the incursions happening in Hickman's Avengers series and teams up with the Cabal to figure out how to survive. They are able to build a lifeboat to survive and end up in Battleworld.
      Thor Corps find the raft and free them, but Dr. Strange teleports them away to save them from Dr. Doom. 616 Reed teams up with The Maker and they defeat Doom. Maker betrays Reed but Molecule Man splits the Maker's body up and spreads him all across the multiverse when it rebuilds. This caused Maker's single mind to be in several bodies across the multiverse.
      In 616 Maker creates a terrorist organization known as WHISPER and attacks Paris. The Avengers stop him. He tries to take over their base but fails and then attempts to kidnap the president but is once again thwarted. Reed then uses another universe's body to 616 in order to escape. He teamed up with the High Evolutionary to recreate 1610. He then brought the Ultimates to 616 and convinced them to work with him. The 616 Ultimates were able to defeat him, but 1610 Captain America died in the process. The 1610 Ultimates leave to hunt down the Maker across the Multiverse.

      In another universe the 616 Future Foundation arrive and find Maker trapped in a prison. They think that he is Reed and free him. I don't really remember much about this story because it was awful, but I remember that one universe's Maker begins researching symbiotes.
      Spider-Men II reveals that the real 1610 has been restored.
      Maker attempts to join the Council of Reeds who give him the mission of restoring the proper 1610 instead of the facsimile he created. He builds a portal to 1610, but is only able to pull out a sample of Richard Parker's symbiote. He believes that if he can get it working again it will protect him during the interdimensional travel. Reed learns of Knull and extracts a sample of a 616 symbiote and merges it with his. This sample was stolen, however, which led Reed to Eddie. Eddie's symbiote is basically catatonic at this point and Reed helps Eddie reconnect to the symbiote hive mind. He's unable to because when attempting to extract Flash Thompson's codex. the last one connected to the hivemind, the symbiote panics and escapes.
      Reed figures out how to separate symbiotes from its host using Normie as a test subject. Eddie's son, Dylan, helps Normie escape and the Hybrid ends up taking over Reed. The Avengers defeat Hybrid and Reed escapes. For whatever reason he starts watching over Spider-Gwen, I don't think this ever went anywhere though. I assume this was supposed to tie in with the whole symbiote plot because I think Ghost-Spider has one, I don't read that comic though so someone else would have to tell you. It could also just be showing that Reed has plans on plans on plans.
      Reed is eventually able to get the 1610 Symbiote working and bonds with it. Eddie comes by to keep an eye on him, but they are attacked by Mac Gargan who is wearing a suit of armor he made for revenge. During the battle Maker's portal malfunctioned sending Eddie to another universe and Maker to 1610. Only 1610 is a disaster and the Ultimates are missing.

      Another Maker is in a 616 prison and escapes. He tries to recruit Miles to bring them home, but Miles rejects him. Reed decides to create a portal and goes to Earth-6160 where he rewrites history to his liking. This is the start of Ultimate Invasion, which I assume everyone has read at this point so I will stop here.

      Good going, butthole. You killed the thread.

      • 1 week ago

        He doesn't know he's supposed to turn this into an argument that last's 75 posts

    • 1 week ago

      Reed builds a portal out of the NZ and creates the Dome. The Dome exists as a time chamber where he and some volunteers live for thousands of years while time moves normally outside of it. This creates an ultra high tech evolutionary society and they attack the world with it. Asgard is destroyed and Washington is nuked. Sue basically one-shots him and he's locked up.
      Another future version of Sue arrives after Ultimatum as Kang and warns Reed that a Cataclysm is coming that will end the world. He eventually convinces the Hulk and Quicksilver to join him creating the Dark Ultimates. They take over the world and create a totalitarian utopia where every major world problem has been solved, but there is no freedom. Reed has also learned that upheavals in reality such as the Cosmic Cube, Gah-Lak-Tus, Ultimatum, etc. create Infinity Gems. An alien race once collected them all and was able to survive, becoming the Watcher, and he intends to do just the same. Tony's brain is so toxic that its manifested one and in the process of extraction Tony is killed. Reed has also brainwashed Johnny into joining his team. Nick Fury creates a new Howling Commandos team and they free the Ultimates. Tony has secretly uploaded his brain to a machine and Iron Man returns just in time for Quicksilver to discover that Reed and Kang want to rid the world of mutants. He betrays the Dark Ultimates and sacrifices his life in an attempt to stop them. Age of Ultron happens and the entire multiverse is shook, Kang declares that they have failed and leaves Reed at the mercy of the Ultimates.
      The events of Age of Ultron causes Galactus to come to 1610 where he fuses with Gah-Lak-Tus and a full invasion occurs. Much to their dismay the Ultimates decide to team up with Reed. He and Miles go to 616 to find an answer to how to stop Galactus. The F4 aren't home, but Reed meets Valeria. This shakes him to his core and he decides that he has been in the wrong. They beat Galactus.

      The Ultimate FF are formed with Coulson, Tony, Sue, Falcon, Machine Man (Danny Ketch), and the now revealed to be alive Dr. Doom. Ultimate Spider-Pig, Miles Morhames, arrives from his now destroyed universe. He reveals to Sue that he has witnessed many universes die and the ones that survived always has her and Reed together with a child. This child will have the power to save the universe. Sue goes to a now fully changed Reed. Reed wants to win her respect and love back, but Sue isn't interested. She goes to forcibly remove his seminal fluid from him, but chickens out. Ben impregnates her instead leaving the universe to die.
      Hickman decided that Reed didn't have a turn of heart, he was just pretending. He wanted to get his tools back and get back to being a criminal mastermind. Nick Fury recruits him to help at SHIELD and rebuild the Dome. He learns of the incursions happening in Hickman's Avengers series and teams up with the Cabal to figure out how to survive. They are able to build a lifeboat to survive and end up in Battleworld.
      Thor Corps find the raft and free them, but Dr. Strange teleports them away to save them from Dr. Doom. 616 Reed teams up with The Maker and they defeat Doom. Maker betrays Reed but Molecule Man splits the Maker's body up and spreads him all across the multiverse when it rebuilds. This caused Maker's single mind to be in several bodies across the multiverse.
      In 616 Maker creates a terrorist organization known as WHISPER and attacks Paris. The Avengers stop him. He tries to take over their base but fails and then attempts to kidnap the president but is once again thwarted. Reed then uses another universe's body to 616 in order to escape. He teamed up with the High Evolutionary to recreate 1610. He then brought the Ultimates to 616 and convinced them to work with him. The 616 Ultimates were able to defeat him, but 1610 Captain America died in the process. The 1610 Ultimates leave to hunt down the Maker across the Multiverse.

      In another universe the 616 Future Foundation arrive and find Maker trapped in a prison. They think that he is Reed and free him. I don't really remember much about this story because it was awful, but I remember that one universe's Maker begins researching symbiotes.
      Spider-Men II reveals that the real 1610 has been restored.
      Maker attempts to join the Council of Reeds who give him the mission of restoring the proper 1610 instead of the facsimile he created. He builds a portal to 1610, but is only able to pull out a sample of Richard Parker's symbiote. He believes that if he can get it working again it will protect him during the interdimensional travel. Reed learns of Knull and extracts a sample of a 616 symbiote and merges it with his. This sample was stolen, however, which led Reed to Eddie. Eddie's symbiote is basically catatonic at this point and Reed helps Eddie reconnect to the symbiote hive mind. He's unable to because when attempting to extract Flash Thompson's codex. the last one connected to the hivemind, the symbiote panics and escapes.
      Reed figures out how to separate symbiotes from its host using Normie as a test subject. Eddie's son, Dylan, helps Normie escape and the Hybrid ends up taking over Reed. The Avengers defeat Hybrid and Reed escapes. For whatever reason he starts watching over Spider-Gwen, I don't think this ever went anywhere though. I assume this was supposed to tie in with the whole symbiote plot because I think Ghost-Spider has one, I don't read that comic though so someone else would have to tell you. It could also just be showing that Reed has plans on plans on plans.
      Reed is eventually able to get the 1610 Symbiote working and bonds with it. Eddie comes by to keep an eye on him, but they are attacked by Mac Gargan who is wearing a suit of armor he made for revenge. During the battle Maker's portal malfunctioned sending Eddie to another universe and Maker to 1610. Only 1610 is a disaster and the Ultimates are missing.

      Another Maker is in a 616 prison and escapes. He tries to recruit Miles to bring them home, but Miles rejects him. Reed decides to create a portal and goes to Earth-6160 where he rewrites history to his liking. This is the start of Ultimate Invasion, which I assume everyone has read at this point so I will stop here.

      Thanks man. Had no idea what was going in the thread.

  14. 1 week ago

    616 Reed will show up, defeat The Maker, and look down on ReeDoom, telling him he can be better

    • 1 week ago

      any ending where a multiverse deus ex machina shows up would be so ass

  15. 1 week ago

    Imagine if Howard came back as Iron Maniac and Tony has to defeat him.

  16. 1 week ago

    tfw no retcon by chartman having maker!reed meeting the council of richardses

    • 1 week ago

      He already has in Cates Venom.

      • 1 week ago

        yeah nah homie

      • 1 week ago

        >the core characteristic of Reed is that he's always clean shaven and professional, or grows a full bushy beard at times of crisis
        >cast a guy with a giant beak who can only grow a shitty mustache
        I am still not over this casting. I would've taken Oscar Isaac, Rami Malek, literally anyone bar Pascal. This isn't Reed, this is Tony's alcoholic uncle from the country doing a Clark Gable impersonation.

        • 1 week ago

          >natasha lyonne she-hulk variant

        • 1 week ago

          >paul walter hauser
          mole man
          >john malkovich
          puppet master
          >natasha lyonne
          obviously alicia masters

        • 1 week ago

          might be cope but i still have faith that he'll be clean shaven for the role

          • 1 week ago

            He looks fine there, although he's obviously younger, and he's aging like milk. But with some makeup, some facelifts, he could, theoretically work. That is a 60s-esque face. It's not perfect, but it could work. Yet they keep giving him that shitty stache and I just cannot get over how bad it looks. The promo art has him with it, so I doubt they'll shave it, unless it's a pull and switch. Maybe in later movies, but I doubt it. I just don't get it. He looks literally the same in every single role. Why aren't they trying to make his look more unique and close to the character? It boggles my mind.

        • 1 week ago

          Their all ugly

          The frick?

          • 1 week ago

            >mfw the galactus and thing actors dont look like gods

        • 1 week ago

          >John Malkovich

          Hauser looks like he has a big enough head to play the Watcher even without CGI.

          Their all ugly

          The frick?

          Being good looking doesn't get you ESL points. I bet at least one of them is gay or bi or an attack helicopter or something.

  17. 1 week ago

    At what point did he give up on the big head thing

    • 1 week ago

      doesn't seem like a good idea to walk around with a weird looking head amongst the general public

    • 1 week ago

      When they need him to LARP as a normie. It's probably still huge as hell but stored in his entire upper body rather then just his head.

  18. 1 week ago

    but to answer your question, he's drawn normally in Ultimate Invasion #1

    • 1 week ago

      Why is he naked

  19. 1 week ago

    Maker with the Hybrid symbiotes was pretty cool ngl

    • 1 week ago

      he will never be as cool as the original Hybrid

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