Rick and Morty

Well I liked it.

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A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 8 months ago

    Drop link

    • 8 months ago


  2. 8 months ago

    I don't believe you.

  3. 8 months ago

    It wasn't nearly as bad as I expected though I wish they took more chances with the formula. Maybe instead of just drinking beer it was some sci-fi thing? Maybe not hinge the plot on an existing character? Oh and NO fricking celebrity cameos
    I actually like calm Rick as my favourite Rick is episode 1 Rick

    • 8 months ago

      >It wasn't nearly as bad as I expected
      how? it was the definition of a boring nothing cartoon plot. if by chances with the formula, do you mean chances with the formula of an average late season phoned in family guy episode? because it didnt have the formula of a rick and morty episode surely.

      • 8 months ago

        scratch that, more like bad big mouth or something in that sphere.

        I liked it because they actually went on an adventure and we got to experience cool interesting/ weird alien things. I hate the celebrity shit. No cartoon should ever have a celebrity in it. It breaks immersion and makes life not worth living.

        What alien things? you mean the 3 3 second scenes of taking shots out of belly buttons, drinking sapient bears, and being in an alcohol cement mixer? kinda lame dude.

  4. 8 months ago

    was it full of rape and women beating jokes?

  5. 8 months ago

    The entire episode was really off, like I wasn’t watching Rick and Morty. The voices didn’t even bother me so much, it was the writing.
    >Weak, surface level characterization for everyone
    >A-Plot had a weak set-up, boring conflict and plodding resolution
    >No B-plot
    >Lesson of the episode was dumb and forced
    >Shitty jokes that just kind of lay there
    >Celebrity cameo wasn’t funny or interesting Elon Tusk 2.0
    I’m pretty forgiving for Rick and Morty but this is probably my least favorite episode in the series. No major “frick this” moment, just a boring poorly done episode. I really hope this is an anomaly and the story circle or whatever it is that usually makes the episodes work returns for the rest. What a weird episode.

    • 8 months ago

      I strongly suspect that this episode was a casualty of the recast. If I imagine the tone of the episode with Justin Roiland doing the Justin Roiland characters, it'd be a nice comfy laid-back low-stakes warmup. But that's completely dashed to the winds by the episode being turned into the proving grounds for the new VAs. Everything that was supposed to feel familiar and nostalgic felt uncomfortable and tense instead; the value of meeting back up with the characters ruined by effectively having to meet them again for the first time. Maybe if the show manages to survive long term, this episode will be fun to revisit once we're already used to the new VAs. But I wouldn't be surprised if it didn't manage to survive long term. They'll probably finish the original ten season order, so I guess that's four seasons with the new voices, and that is certainly something, but if I were Adult Swim right now I would be rolling my eyes at Dan's apparent belief that he's getting another renewal.
      We may actually finally be in Zombie Rick And Morty, though. I know people have been b***hing and saying the show's gone zombie mode since season three, but I've never been on-board with that. I think season five was actually my favorite season. Season six was showing signs of wear and tear, though, and season seven has a much harder job to do just to survive. Good luck! I love this show. Hope that doesn't change.

      • 8 months ago

        >so I guess that's four seasons with the new voices,

        This'll be as unpopular as Whatever Happened to Robot Jones? When the show gets canned after redubbing with the kid voice

        • 8 months ago

          Is that what it was? I never knew what happened to whatever happened to robot jones

          • 8 months ago

            Nah I just made it up, I assume it was cancelled due to low ratings or because everything got cancelled after 2 seasons around that time.

            Personally I tapped out when they redubbed everything with the kids voice, I liked the old synthesized voice.

      • 8 months ago

        >I know people have been b***hing and saying the show's gone zombie mode since season three

        It's the Harmon Curse: first three seasons are phenomenal, then it's all downhill from there.

        • 8 months ago

          Seasons 5 and 6 of community were still good. It was a little depressing for a comedy but it was better than season 4

        • 8 months ago

          season 3 was also bad

      • 8 months ago

        >finally be in
        Nah frick that I felt this shit had schizophrenic writing for a long time about whether it wanted to be some Bojack Horsemanesque "dramatic" thing with dabs of existentialism or be le wacky scifi reference joke plots

    • 8 months ago

      >Squanchy's years-long disappearance from the show and Birdperson's daughter are completely glanced over.
      >Weak and cliche jokes galore such as the "character repeatedly hears something in their head only for it to be another character repeating the phrase over and over again in their ear" bit, the typical drunk shenanigans with only a slight Rick and Morty flavor, straight up "member this" jokes involving callbacks, Hugh Jackman's entire eccentric "I created that even though I really didn't" schtick, "haha someone attacks the antagonist even though we've already made up" gag, etc.
      >Hugh Jackman completely stealing everyone's thunder when some of that wackiness could have gone to Squanchy or letting Birdperson's straight man nature play more into the comedy.
      >An unironic Breakfast Club parody ending and the whole lawnmower stinger being an inferior, drawn-out version of the man vs car Interdimensional Cable scene.
      Took the words right out of my mouth, anon. What a weak start to the season. I'm still a fan of the show and have a higher tolerance towards its more controversial bits then most here as well and I'm sure later episodes will be better but boy that was rough.

      • 8 months ago

        >Rick and Gearhead being friends again despite Gearhead telling Rick that he wasn't his friend and that he hated him, and even snitched on him to the galactic federation

        • 8 months ago

          Remember the end of vindicators 3.

          • 8 months ago

            I never finished the ending to that one, but what happened?

            • 8 months ago

              Rick says he has so many enemies he even goes out drinking with some of them, then Gearhead shows up.

    • 8 months ago

      Roiland couldn't polish this turd. Rick and Morty is in freefall.

    • 8 months ago

      Dan "Cuckold" Harmon's moron story circle isn't going to fix dick. It's a fine tool for writing movies or whatever but it's the absolute worst thing you could ever do for a longform tv show. The fact that every episode has to have a character go on a transformative journey means that there's absolutely no way for those lessons to stick with them or mean anything over the course of the show. It's a death knell to serialized story telling and is the reason that characterization in this show is so shit and inconsistent.

      • 8 months ago

        >The fact that every episode has to have a character go on a transformative journey means that there's absolutely no way for those lessons to stick with them or mean anything over the course of the show. It's a death knell to serialized story telling and is the reason that characterization in this show is so shit and inconsistent.
        Sounds like Thor.

      • 8 months ago

        I don't understand why a formula meant for heroic epics is being used in a comedy that's also family drama. It makes no sense

        >for those that don't know: the story circle that Dan Harmon uses as a writing aid is a simplified version of Joseph Campbell's hero's journey

        • 8 months ago

          Because it's not meant for heroic epics and he also used it for comedy before.

      • 8 months ago

        >The fact that every episode has to have a character go on a transformative journey means that there's absolutely no way for those lessons to stick with them or mean anything over the course of the show
        Also it's just not something men are interested in watching.
        >oOoOo I have to go find myself!
        It's such a fricking feminine thing. It's why fans keep crying about wanting to "return to form" where Rick and & Morty and sometimes Summer go out and do cool shit. None of this "oooo I have to find myseeelllf am I a clone or not abloo bloo muh daddy issues Rick have therapy ;-;" bullshit. Men just 1000% don't fricking care to see it and continuing to add that kind of writing will see more apathetic responses to R&M as time goes on. Because he's the truth: there is no demographic that has the numbers to replace the interest of straight men. Once straight men go "ew, frick this"? Women, children and gays sure as shit won't pick up the slack. MCU is the biggest example of that.

        • 8 months ago

          You sound like a very angry, very depressed person, who thinks they are constantly the victim of some grand "everybody hates me" scheme when actually it's just your own shitty behavior making everyone else dislike you.

          • 8 months ago

            Nice counterargument. Watch as the ratings continue to plummet and more of the fanbase flee to better opportunities.

          • 8 months ago

            >You're just a angry miserable loser if you point out an harsh fact about society.
            ..This was really all you had, huh? Not shocking, given how your probably stupid enough to think "everyone else" means people with your viewpoints.

          • 8 months ago

            Sounds like projecting

          • 8 months ago
        • 8 months ago

          This is Cinemaphile where the T levels are through the floor so expect some buttmad responses but you’re absolutely right.

      • 8 months ago

        >The fact that every episode has to have a character go on a transformative journey means that there's absolutely no way for those lessons to stick with them or mean anything over the course of the show.
        Man, I never even thought of it plainly like that, but yes that's a huge problem I had with Community. Every episode had a character "learning" something life changing, like it was the climax to a movie or something. But it makes no sense when everyone remains a piece of shit in status quo.

        • 8 months ago

          >Every episode had a character "learning" something life changing, like it was the climax to a movie or something. But it makes no sense when everyone remains a piece of shit in status quo.
          Welcome to women.

      • 8 months ago

        > but it's the absolute worst thing you could ever do for a longform tv show
        Yeah, they should use it for the whole season instead of singular episodes

    • 8 months ago


      Well I liked it.

      They have nothing left
      They pulled the big plot point shitty resolution so many times and they had Rick go through the same ark over and over
      They literally have nothing left, what else could the first episode of season 7 have been? They have nothing

    • 8 months ago

      it wasn't good, but also not as bad as something like "rickdepence spray". lazy cameo and overall mediocrity, but at least there was no forced fetish shit and not too much obnoxious meta humor
      this series has been pretty bad for several seasons now, this isn't a new low or anything

      • 8 months ago

        >no forced fetish shit
        Anon it was literally an NTR episode

      • 8 months ago

        Eh, the premieres specifically aren’t usually that rough.

    • 8 months ago

      Yeah, the tone felt way more like some other animated sitcom, not for this show's style

    • 8 months ago

      it's a rick and morty episode without morty or the smiths, presumably because they're really expensive now

    • 8 months ago

      I kind of liked it but I have to agree, I hadn't thought of that, now that you mention it
      the only funny part was the unresolved business ghost and the finger tip moan chorus

  6. 8 months ago

    The anime is gonna mog the main show so hard.

  7. 8 months ago


  8. 8 months ago

    I wish this show would stop ruining American Dad by proxy.

  9. 8 months ago

    Mega since Mega anon abandoned us


    • 8 months ago

      Your doing God's work anon

    • 8 months ago

      tank you

    • 8 months ago

      Can I get a 1080p version?

  10. 8 months ago

    its not terrible but im taking this + the voice change as my cue to drop it. cant believe its been 10 years. will probably watch a clip of the series finale on youtube

    • 8 months ago

      It’s been 10 fricking years???

  11. 8 months ago

    This episode felt the most like a committee written episode out of all of them. I hope they get better, because sheesh, that was a smelly one.

  12. 8 months ago

    boring first episode of a new season

    this should maybe been the mid season break episode

  13. 8 months ago

    Rick's delivery sounds like AI.

  14. 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      >Rick and Morty fans post-Season 3

  15. 8 months ago
    • 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      Porn when?

      • 8 months ago

        I could whip something up since none exists yet.

      • 8 months ago



        • 8 months ago

          Finally. The first of many, I hope.
          Also, nice trips.

          • 8 months ago


        • 8 months ago

          Can you make her, like, way younger?
          Like... on model

          • 8 months ago

            I was also thinking this but I thought the guy deserved some credit for being the first one there

            • 8 months ago

              That's true.
              It's the first ram S7 thread I've visited and it was the first drawing of her.

    • 8 months ago

      Yeah, this character was the highlight of the episode for me too.

  16. 8 months ago

    Is it me or they stole the ghost joke from adventure time?

  17. 8 months ago

    According to the credits that actually was Hugh Jackman. Either I don't remember what he sounds like or they had him do a voice other then is regular speaking voice.

    • 8 months ago

      People only really know his gravelly Logan voice

  18. 8 months ago

    >"I knew you'd say that so I didn't even bring a cup"
    whole episode was mediocre but that moment made me smile

  19. 8 months ago

    Why is he such a fricking cuck

  20. 8 months ago

    What's with Jackman and adult cartoons lately?
    First Big Mouth, then Simpsons, then Koala Man, and now R&M

    • 8 months ago

      funny how he only cameos in shit series
      I guess it makes sense because celebrity cameos are the lowest form of "humor"

      • 8 months ago

        To be fair it's not like there are any good series atm

    • 8 months ago

      Staying in the nerd spotlight until his curtain call in Deadpool 3.

    • 8 months ago

      Easy paycheck?

  21. 8 months ago

    Didn't ask

  22. 8 months ago

    I don't care that he was "innocent", he was an autistic unlikable frick to work around. That's enough of a reason to get him blacklisted.

    • 8 months ago

      I'm neutral on the matter. I don't think he "deserved" to get blacklisted for what he did or for being an autistic unlikable frick, but put it all together and he lost my sympathy. He shoulda known better. He coulda had it all but he blew it all

    • 8 months ago

      You will never be remembered.

      • 8 months ago

        Given enough time no one is remembered numbnuts.

        • 8 months ago


        • 8 months ago

          Given ENOUGH time, everything is remembered.

          • 8 months ago

            This is a wild take, I'm curious as to your logic

            • 8 months ago

              he probably just watched Pantheon season 2

        • 8 months ago

          lol, same, im an equal to napoleon to anon, I understand.

    • 8 months ago

      >he was an autistic unlikable frick
      Where do you think you are?

    • 8 months ago

      you worked with him?

    • 8 months ago

      And yet the less he was involved, the worse the show became, and he's the one who created it in the first place.

      • 8 months ago

        I don't care if he was pissing in the office, he made the better product.
        Whatever he was doing the show was better with him than without so far. Even episodes I hate weren't so boring as this one.

        Roiland isn't the only reason those first few seasons were so consistently good. The whole vibe was just different and the older writers must've had their own comedic sensibilities and their own shared vision for the show that Harmon took a big shit on and failed to recreate. Stop giving Roiland so much credit.

        • 8 months ago

          If he was part of why it was good, he is worth keeping. Same with the old writers and all involved.
          I don't care about Roiland, or the writers individually just what they create.

        • 8 months ago

          Roiland could have been sequestered for the whole show and it would have been worse off if they replaced his voice at the end of season 1. The voice is a lot of the point.
          That being said, I heard he dipped about 2 seasons in, and season 3 is when the show started to have cracks, like that godawful therapist episode.
          What a coincidence, they hired a “more diverse writing team” around then. I’ve got an idea that maybe it would have been better if Roiland reined them in.

    • 8 months ago

      I don't care if he was pissing in the office, he made the better product.
      Whatever he was doing the show was better with him than without so far. Even episodes I hate weren't so boring as this one.

    • 8 months ago

      Then cancel the damn show lmao. Justin Roiland IS Rick and Morty.
      Yeah, credit to the OG writers but the goofy and memey voices were what drew people in in the first place. I don’t care about some irrelevant shit like how he doesn’t have range. His voices worked for the characters and he’s not really replaceable. These new voices are like vegan meat and the most annoying people you know are trying to convince you that it’s exactly the same.

      • 8 months ago

        Unfortunately actors are currently throwing a shitfit about this, but I think they should have switched to AI. People say that the AI wouldn't be able to do the voices well enough, but they're thinking of the consumer-grade AIs that are publicly available to make memes with. Hollywood has access to much better ones. This would have been the perfect moment to ring in the new age where actors aren't worth shit.

        • 8 months ago

          Eh, it still would have been soulless but I guess it’s just another flavor of shit that I would be more interested in seeing than pretending along with the rest of Reddit that these new voices are “just as good.”

          • 8 months ago

            I don't think the new voices are as good yet but I'm looking forward to their growing on me, assuming very optimistically that they will. I feel time will breed familiarity and with it affection.

            • 8 months ago

              You’re way more optimistic with me. It would have been less of an issue if it was some side character imo

      • 8 months ago

        >Then cancel the damn show lmao. Justin Roiland IS Rick and Morty.
        It's Harmon's show too. They're both co-creators.

        • 8 months ago

          Yeah but it gets a lot shittier without Roiland’s voice.
          Do you think South Park would keep limping along (more than it already is) if we lost Matt or Trey?
          Would Family Guy continue without the voice of Seth McFarlane?

          • 8 months ago

            I wouldn't call Rick and Morty as iconic as South Park and Family Guy. It hasn't even existed as long as those two.

            • 8 months ago

              That’s not the point.

    • 8 months ago

      All signs point to that being true but it was still his show that they stole from him. Cant work with him? Leave him and let the show crash and burn.

  23. 8 months ago

    Episode was shit because it was about Mr. Poopybutthole. Who the frick cares about that character? Why would anyone think that of the sea of characters we had had over the years we needed a Mr Poopybutthole episode?

    • 8 months ago

      yeah, idk why they're pushing that guy. bird person was the one people cared about and he barely does anything in the episode. if he was removed, nothing would change. same goes for gearhead and squanchy

      • 8 months ago

        it was a cheap attempt at nostalgia baiting. Rick's friends as we knew them from s1 and 2 are reminiscent of great episodes, so when the writing turns shit, they add in a bunch of old characters just to have them there, while making them do nothing particular to their character. It's a turd masking itself as the delicious burrito you ate

        • 8 months ago

          so exactly like zombie simpsons. trying and failing to recall past glories, relying too much on being self-referential in a vain attempt to make people care again. "member birdperson?"
          meanwhile, they could have tried to make a birdperson focused episode about his relation with his daughter, which people would have actually cared about. I don't think anyone is invested in mrpoopybutthole as a character, so why base an episode around him?

          it's so bizarre to see the writing team struggle so much with what the fans want from the show, to the point of openly hostile and frustrated metacommentary about serialization and "fun old school adventures". this series really is a trainwreck

          • 8 months ago

            >I don't think anyone is invested in mrpoopybutthole as a character, so why base an episode around him?
            completely agree, he was funny as a one off character that then closed off each season. I'm pretty sure he wasn't even "canonically" a part of Rick's old gang
            even Bird Person's memories episode had stuff like this. I liked it, I don't think it's a bad episode, but do we need to know how he and Rick met? do we need to SEE blood ridge?

            • 8 months ago

              it's just so absurd to me how disconnected the writers are from the fanbase

              • 8 months ago

                Remember when they decided to portray fans of the original season as a literal Nazi Morty? The Please Please Pleese Get a Life Foundation was practically heartwarming compared to that.

              • 8 months ago

                yes, they're painfully aware that everyone says the series took a nosedive in quality
                it's crazy that they acknowledge this criticism but still can't do anything to fix it or don't want to

              • 8 months ago

                I had to google that second one.
                I know writers are overworked or whatever but they can go frick themselves if they can’t take criticism.
                I would like for them to keep their wattpad revenge fantasies out of professional television shows, unless they’re being cheeky and good-natured about it. You can tell when they’re having a little fun vs pissing on the fans.

          • 8 months ago

            >I don't think anyone is invested in mrpoopybutthole as a character, so why base an episode around him?
            Dan Harmon and everybody at Adult Swim want Rick and Morty to last forever, so how else are you gonna stretch out this premise? At the rate they're going, Rick Prime won't be dealt with till Season 10, IF WE'RE LUCKY.

            • 8 months ago

              What is that pic

          • 8 months ago

            >it's so bizarre to see the writing team struggle so much with what the fans want from the show,
            Dont forget these are the Harvard A class writers Harmon hired

          • 8 months ago

            Bro I think I’m going to go insane if Rick and Morty goes as long as the Simpsons.
            At least that show kept the main voice actors, even if Marge sounds like she’s bleeding every time she talks.

    • 8 months ago

      also because the new va can't do his voice for shit. i'm sure they already had this one written by the time justin was fired, but you're telling me they couldn't've re-written it in 10 months?

    • 8 months ago

      This has the vibe of when the goofy sidekick character gets their own show that sucks.

  24. 8 months ago

    it was actually really good

  25. 8 months ago

    I thought the performers were really good in season seven of Rick and Morty

    • 8 months ago

      You’re definitely a shill

      it was actually really good

      Maybe a shill

      • 8 months ago

        Definite shill post.
        AS needs to stick with Reddit and YouTube. Cinemaphile is already astroturfed enough as it is.

        • 8 months ago


  26. 8 months ago

    Super weak start, but I guess there's solace in knowing that it's not on the new voices.
    Handing an incredibly important episode for a new season after such a massive shakedown to the status quo after last season's finale and it being even more under pressure for being the first post-roiland episode, and giving it to fricking Rutherford of all people is an absolutely moronic move though.
    Sure man, get the dude that made the incest baby episode to do this premiere, that'd go well.

    I'm not asking for capital P plot, that's also fricking stupid, but I'd like for them to at least establish what the dynamic for this season would be for the fricking titular characters.

    • 8 months ago

      In season eight Rutherford will write and direct every episode. By season eight episode four the plots will be, like, "Morty discovers that if he concentrates really hard, he can shit anything, like a Star Trek replicator. he becomes a celebrity for this. meanwhile, Rick and Summer run a three-legged race but cheat by surgically combining themselves into a single body that actually has three legs"

      • 8 months ago

        that actually sounds like a much better plot idea than the horse cum episode. you're not trying hard enough to be moronic and unfunny, anon.

    • 8 months ago

      So, I'm not a professional story writer but I have some technical writing experience. I would guess that they did that on purpose. He's their worst writer by FAR and I'd imagine the "PR" megamind move by Dan went something like ... "If the writing is atrocious then at least it'll distract people from the new voices". That's almost certainly not how it actually went, but it makes a sort of moron sense in my head which means it's probably not THAT far off the reality lmao.

      To write a character like Rick you actually do need to be fairly intelligent, creative and capable of some degree of self-awareness as to the limitations of the collective intelligence of the audience. I think that the best written episode was without a doubt the Pilot; followed by Rick Potion #9, Close Rick-counters of the Rick Kind and then the Rickshaw Redemption. Every one of those episodes plays with some fairly esoteric existential philosophical propositions about either the nature of consciousness or the relationship of the present moment to infinity (any fraction of infinity is equal to 0. Rick seems to be the only character who understands the full implications of this).

      You can actually pull apart the meta-structure of the show from those four episodes alone and take a pretty good stab at reconstructing the original intention of the people who put together the intended overarching narrative. That being that Rick-c137 is legitimately evil. He subscribes to the principle of evil and weaponizes his intelligence against the structure of reality itself, yet not solely in service to the glorification of his own intelligence. In fact, he's clearly the only Rick who actively despises idolization of his genius.

      • 8 months ago


        However, this is only as a consequence of a tragic encounter with the personification of his own untapped potential in the form of Rick-Prime. He was completely naive to the possibility of that evil within himself, and thus was unable to escape the material pull of his family. They kept him from his true potential. Something he was fine with, but his alternative selves clearly weren't. Rick-C137 marks the boundary beyond which every Rick would refuse to abandon their family. Without that encounter, and their deaths, he wouldn't have had the intellectual freedom to transcend himself and pursue his shadow.

        The original story team clearly wanted Rick's ark to be that of a man who grows to love and care for Rick-Prime's Morty. Obviously, eventually choosing to retain his humanity and his connection with Morty over achieving total nihilistic narcissistic psychopathic detachment from empathy. Something Evil Morty illustrates as being necessary to defeat Rick himself. Evil Morty SHOULD have been a catalyst for Morty developing an interest in science. There are hints here and there of this being intended in season 1 and 2, but it never materializes after the writing staff change of season 3.

        Every single episode post Season 3 episode 1 completely fails to take any of this into account and goes off the fricking rails right up its own ass. Just absolutely the laziest, shittiest writing I've ever seen in a TV show after that point. The drop off in quality is truly breakneck.

        • 8 months ago

          You have somewhat of a point. They feel like they’re building up to certain consequences at the end of season 2 but they are very in-your-face in the first episode of season 3 about how Rick is so God-like that we shouldn’t even be assed about over-arching plots.

      • 8 months ago

        >So, I'm not a professional story writer but I have some technical writing experience. I would guess that they did that on purpose. He's their worst writer by FAR and I'd imagine the "PR" megamind move by Dan went something like ... "If the writing is atrocious then at least it'll distract people from the new voices". That's almost certainly not how it actually went, but it makes a sort of moron sense in my head which means it's probably not THAT far off the reality lmao.
        Unfortunately, it doesn't even make moron sense, because by all accounts, nothing about the writing has changed yet in response to the recast.

      • 8 months ago


        However, this is only as a consequence of a tragic encounter with the personification of his own untapped potential in the form of Rick-Prime. He was completely naive to the possibility of that evil within himself, and thus was unable to escape the material pull of his family. They kept him from his true potential. Something he was fine with, but his alternative selves clearly weren't. Rick-C137 marks the boundary beyond which every Rick would refuse to abandon their family. Without that encounter, and their deaths, he wouldn't have had the intellectual freedom to transcend himself and pursue his shadow.

        The original story team clearly wanted Rick's ark to be that of a man who grows to love and care for Rick-Prime's Morty. Obviously, eventually choosing to retain his humanity and his connection with Morty over achieving total nihilistic narcissistic psychopathic detachment from empathy. Something Evil Morty illustrates as being necessary to defeat Rick himself. Evil Morty SHOULD have been a catalyst for Morty developing an interest in science. There are hints here and there of this being intended in season 1 and 2, but it never materializes after the writing staff change of season 3.

        Every single episode post Season 3 episode 1 completely fails to take any of this into account and goes off the fricking rails right up its own ass. Just absolutely the laziest, shittiest writing I've ever seen in a TV show after that point. The drop off in quality is truly breakneck.

        season 7 was written long before justin got fired. season 6 started writing in april 2020 so they probably started writing season 7 sometime in spring 2021.

        >So, I'm not a professional story writer but I have some technical writing experience. I would guess that they did that on purpose. He's their worst writer by FAR and I'd imagine the "PR" megamind move by Dan went something like ... "If the writing is atrocious then at least it'll distract people from the new voices". That's almost certainly not how it actually went, but it makes a sort of moron sense in my head which means it's probably not THAT far off the reality lmao.
        Unfortunately, it doesn't even make moron sense, because by all accounts, nothing about the writing has changed yet in response to the recast.

        >Unfortunately, it doesn't even make moron sense, because by all accounts, nothing about the writing has changed yet in response to the recast.
        this. the fact that poopy butthole had so much dialogue despite the VA clearly not being able to do the voice shows it was intended for roiland.

        • 8 months ago

          Justin stopped contributing to the writing precisely at season 3 episode 1 by his own admission.

        • 8 months ago

          To be fair, if I didn't know that it was already written and they'd decided not to do any meta jokes about Justin, I would have been basedfacing the frick out about how the episode about Mr. Poopybutthole hitting rock bottom ends with him committing a kidnapping (explicitly called "kidnapping") during a domestic dispute, and admitting that in doing so he crossed a line.
          >the fact that poopy butthole had so much dialogue despite the VA clearly not being able to do the voice
          I thought this when I heard the first clip, but after watching the entire episode, I think that the Mr. Poopybutthole VA is, bafflingly, more able to do his voice than Rick's new VA is.

    • 8 months ago

      I have no idea who Rutherford is, I always blamed the incest shit on Dan Harmon. I guess Harmon did greenlight that trash though.

      • 8 months ago

        Rutherford's hallmark isn't the incest, it's terrible clearly-just-stoned-and-trying-to-be-funny-and-doesn't-care-if-it-holds-together writing

        • 8 months ago

          I thought it was nuclear physics.

        • 8 months ago

          Makes sense. If other posts here are to be believed, these writing efforts are more collatorative and someone gets the credit for each episode.
          If that’s the case, then my suspicion is still on that fat frick Harmon for the incest shit. Does anyone remember if it showed up in Community a lot?

  27. 8 months ago

    I thought it was funny, the voices seemed weird at first but by the end I didn't even notice, Had some laughs, the lawnmower at the end was really funny, I wish they would have kept it going and have it pop up again at the end of the series or something.

    • 8 months ago

      Definite shill post.
      AS needs to stick with Reddit and YouTube. Cinemaphile is already astroturfed enough as it is.

  28. 8 months ago

    They killed off Rick Prime in a throwaway line.

    • 8 months ago

      Do you actually believe this? If so, you're moronic

    • 8 months ago

      The new Rick VA might be ass but he's still able to project sarcasm.

  29. 8 months ago

    We're in the Rickor Mortis era now.

  30. 8 months ago

    I'm gonna laugh when it turns out AS didn't actually replace Justin Roiland they just credited him under fake names to avoid controversy and everyone saying the new voices are bad is full of shit.

    • 8 months ago

      It's going to be funnier when he never gets another job in the industry and dies a heroine addict under some bridge :^)

      • 8 months ago

        You've been reading too much meg mogg and owl.

        • 8 months ago

          does meg mogg and owl end with that? wouldn't even surprise me, it gets pretty depressing

          • 8 months ago

            Not an ending, it's just the canonical death of Werewolf Jones.

      • 8 months ago

        Go back to tumblr

    • 8 months ago

      If you can’t tell the difference then your ears might be moronic.
      Yeah, okay anon. I’m waiting them to reveal that Tim Heidecker was actually Sam Hyde in a gay suit.

  31. 8 months ago

    I liked it because they actually went on an adventure and we got to experience cool interesting/ weird alien things. I hate the celebrity shit. No cartoon should ever have a celebrity in it. It breaks immersion and makes life not worth living.

  32. 8 months ago

    I think it was the right call making the first episode with the new VOs focus on other characters. Easier to get used to Rick's voice when he's only chiming in a few times.
    I wonder if they'll do something similar with Morty next episode. Have it technically be a Morty episode, no Rick, but have most of the dialogue with supporting characters.

  33. 8 months ago

    That Mr. poopiebutthole voice actor does not land it at all

    • 8 months ago

      The only true loss of recasting Roiland.

  34. 8 months ago

    I thought it was alright. The kind of entertainment you can switch your brain off and enjoy.
    I fully expected reddit to overanalyze and pan it entirely though, and I was right. They hold Rick and Morty up a standard it can never achieve and will be perpetually disappointed as a result.

    Ricks voice sounds AI generated though. Like an RVC model of him talking. It can't get his inflection right. That being said. I don't think I would have noticed right away if it wasn't for the drama surrounding the reason for the change.

  35. 8 months ago

    No you didn't

  36. 8 months ago

    you're israeli or asian irl.

  37. 8 months ago

    Good fricking God, I give absolutely zero shits about all these characters. Just find Rick's arch nemesis or have Morty go on a tangent to get a gf like normal.
    Painfully boring.

  38. 8 months ago

    I couldn't stop seeing Mr. Poopybutthole, as Red Goobler

  39. 8 months ago

    Squid games Plus Rick Sanchez. I hope it's seen cus the sun light blocked a few pixesls

  40. 8 months ago

    Squanchy leg's mesh loose at 12:22

    • 8 months ago

      caught lacking fr

    • 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      i hope someone gets fired for that blunder

    • 8 months ago

      Korean sweatshop bros…

    • 8 months ago

      I had almost wilfully forgotten that animation is all puppet rigs these days, i am now reminded

      • 8 months ago

        Lucky, I can’t not see it. Objectively it’s improved since the Foster’s Home days but it all looks the same to me.

  41. 8 months ago

    I'm surprised any of you morons is still watching this garbage that stopped being funny after 1 season. Then again Cinemaphile has extremely low standards when it comes to anything animated because they're desperate to talk about anything.

    • 8 months ago

      >stopped being funny after 1 season
      it was never funny frickhead, you just thought it was because it was the hot new thing and you wanted to fit in

      • 8 months ago

        you have clinical depression

    • 8 months ago

      If you thought Season 2 wasn’t at least good you never liked Rick and Morty to begin with.

  42. 8 months ago

    Reminder this episode was a dub, so it was much more strict in what they could do.

    Theres an interview that shows they went about the recast the right way
    >went through thousands of candidates over a process that took 6 months to find the right preformers
    >But also had an extensive callback process to make sure the candidates really had the versatility to maintain character voices
    >As Scott Marder said "Anyone that we felt had pure moments of either character, we had to bring back and see what they could do on their feet."
    >"We brought those guys back in with a save of people a ton of times and made them go through a bunch of sides and do all scenes in a way we wouldn't even do normally...."
    >"... just to see what their stamina was and if they could stay in voice. We put them through a pretty rigorous process."

    Sounds like they were really serious about who they casted, and made sure they got the guys who could sustain it over time and length of the project. Do you honestly think they could've done a better recast? I mean how would you have done it.
    Seems like they really put in as much as they could to nail the right people.

    • 8 months ago

      >I mean how would you have done it.
      Cast Justin Roiland and credit him as "John Doe" so the Twitter mob is placated

      • 8 months ago

        Justin Roiland is not gonna frick you

        • 8 months ago

          Funny how you immediately went to imagining gay sex as a response

        • 8 months ago

          Okay tard, keep projecting.
          He’s still the best voice of Rick and Morty.
          The writing went to shit long ago but with the iconic voices so altered that you can’t even just play the show in the background anymore, what’s left?
          Justin Roiland may not frick me (thank God, you stupid homosexual), but Adult Swim just fricked all of us.

      • 8 months ago

        They will figure it out sooner or later, let's be serious

  43. 8 months ago

    Squanchy covered himself in shit like he deserves. What a little homosexual.

  44. 8 months ago

    What is the appeal of this show?

    • 8 months ago

      turn off your brain and enter a zen state as the fast paced low quality jokes flow past you. you will not remember this episode in a month's time, but for now you are free from the pain of existence
      it's like a nihilistic, edgier family guy for zoomers in a sci-fi setting

      • 8 months ago

        Did he put on a Walter White mask in the second pic? Why is his head suddenly so fricking massive?

        • 8 months ago

          I think it's just camera distortion from a small lens

        • 8 months ago

          lil' biiits~

    • 8 months ago

      Fun sci-fi adventures but that hasn't been the case in a long time, now it's just snarky meta remark: the show.

    • 8 months ago

      It's like older Simpsons when they were still edgey but with Sci-Fi paint. Sort of what people thought Futurama was going to be like before it aired.

      • 8 months ago


      • 8 months ago

        What did Futurama turn out to be instead?

        • 8 months ago

          Friends, if they all worked at the coffee shop and delivered coffee in the future.

  45. 8 months ago

    Man, I miss Planetina.

    • 8 months ago

      Who knows, we might get a glance of her latest genocide one of these days.

    • 8 months ago

      I bet you recycle, you cuck.

      • 8 months ago

        I reuse.

  46. 8 months ago

    It was nice to see that BP had found his daughter, though I thought BP was still in pieces.
    What are the chances we see Bird-Daughter hook up with Morty?

    • 8 months ago

      But the same episode where BP discovered he had a daughter was also the same episode that gave him a full recovery?

      • 8 months ago

        Oh, seems I forgot.

        I hope we learn more of Bird-Daughter.

  47. 8 months ago

    >Ruins your show.

    • 8 months ago

      People give Summer a lot of shit, justifiably so considering her infamous moments during the later seasons but damn, Beth was an unlikeable b***h in the first few episodes upon revisiting them. Snapping at Jerry in the same episode as your pic, telling him that loving him was work in the Rick Potion #9, and generally acting like she had a miserable life for no inexplicable reason. This was even at a point where flanderization hadn't kicked in for Jerry yet considering that he constantly stood up to Rick and even had a job. Beth seemed to really resent him for some reason and despite that, he was nonetheless devoted to her.

      • 8 months ago

        >Jerry even had a job
        Did he? Hungry For Apples was a simulation.

        • 8 months ago

          Yeah, a simulation of the advertising job he had hence him getting fired when he presented that pitch for real.

        • 8 months ago

          Could have sworn Prime Jerry had a job in Season 1 but when they hopped dimension after Rick Potion #9 new Jerry was jobless.

      • 8 months ago

        Ok, just say you wanna hatefrick her

    • 8 months ago

      People give Summer a lot of shit, justifiably so considering her infamous moments during the later seasons but damn, Beth was an unlikeable b***h in the first few episodes upon revisiting them. Snapping at Jerry in the same episode as your pic, telling him that loving him was work in the Rick Potion #9, and generally acting like she had a miserable life for no inexplicable reason. This was even at a point where flanderization hadn't kicked in for Jerry yet considering that he constantly stood up to Rick and even had a job. Beth seemed to really resent him for some reason and despite that, he was nonetheless devoted to her.

      IDK I usually like summer. She actually seems like a b***h "I dont care I just want to get fricked up" teen and gets hit down for that sometimes and she is vindicated others. feels natural.

      • 8 months ago

        This. They generally use Summer well, even in the later seasons. She's competent but still has her fair share of amusing frickups. I just didn't like the camping rant. What was that about?

        • 8 months ago

          >What was that about?
          A very clumsy attempt at showing how being a Rick fangirl is taking her down a dark path much like Morty but ends up being undermined by the fact that nothing comes out of it and very likely ended up being idolized by the anti-male "YAS QUEEN" portion of the fanbase that fantasize about doing that to some unfortunate man in their lives while everyone witnessing it claps.

        • 8 months ago

          dont remember that.
          Yah, I much more am tepid about mom and space mom. Though the former has some good moments. Summer is largely entertaining and has good chemistry with the rest. reminds me of my sister. It has that thing down where shes a totaly b***h, but depending on her mood, shes not a complete jackass, or is just more playful then outright bile. or shes sometimes caught in the headlights and gets way over her head. really kudos to the voice actor for really getting that late teen girl thing.

          • 8 months ago

            >Summer blowing the conch and making Nimbus even buffer while he's kicking Rick's ass
            Good shit

          • 8 months ago

            >don’t remember that


    • 8 months ago

      Who do you think is better in bed?

    • 8 months ago

      What's wrong with Summer? She doesn't take over the show or anything

    • 8 months ago

      Not even close. Summer is funny just underutilized. Beth is the worst family member but not show ruining tier.

  48. 8 months ago

    It was okay? I didn't hated but it was mild at the end, the voices also were okay for the most part outside a few moments were I noticed how off they felt and kinda take me off the entire episode, specially rick. The premisse was weak and each character was just there. Is kinda nostalgia bait about the second season but doesn't do much about it.I think just bringing the cat back for no reason is a really moronic decision, they completely ruined all the weight the end of season 2 had by making everything that happening in that moment just no matter in the slightest. Everyone that died came back and season 3 premiere made sure the galactic confederation was a non threat all together.

    What upsets me the most about it is kinda the meta things related to the show and the show itself than anything with the episode. I don't know, is hard to explain. Knowing all the things going on behind the scenes and being so burned out of good will towards what the show now is really hard for me to find any real enjoyment in watching it or trying to laugh at any of the jokes, is like eating a mediocre meal of someone you hate, you can't help but find nitpicks here and the more because you hate the person than the meal itself.And Is kinda a miserable experience because I kinda want to stop watching but I'm just curious to turn off completely and just not check it out, even knowing I'm not going to enjoy it 100%.

    Normies have it easy on that regard, they can simply accept any truth and enjoy any goyslop and just nod and accept without even thinking because is what they were litarily breed to do while I have to take in everything that the show is contextually, sub contextually and meta contextually. That is just a gay ass experience 70% of the time.

    • 8 months ago

      yeah, I don't think it was the worst episode yet, but it might be the weakest start to a season yet. just very mediocre and very hard to get excited about. it felt phoned in

    • 8 months ago

      >Knowing all the things going on behind the scenes and being so burned out of good will towards what the show now is really hard for me to find any real enjoyment in watching it
      >like eating a mediocre meal of someone you hate, you can't help but find nitpicks here and the more because you hate the person than the meal itself
      I feel this. It's hard to enjoy the show when you know Harmon and his writers love sniffing their own farts and stretching out the show far longer than is necessary. They have the gall to set up and ongoing timeline and multiple character arcs while also priding themselves in trying to make this the next Simpsons that literally runs for 100 seasons. Not even the biggest fans want this. We're TIRED.

      yeah, I don't think it was the worst episode yet, but it might be the weakest start to a season yet. just very mediocre and very hard to get excited about. it felt phoned in

      I almost refuse to believe this was intended as the season premiere. Unless the theme of S7 turns out to be Rick communicating with his friends and loved ones better, it does a shit job of setting up the new status quo like past openers have. Where the frick was Morty?

      • 8 months ago
        • 8 months ago

          Hey where’s Justin?

          • 8 months ago

            Hes gone, nonny.

      • 8 months ago

        >I almost refuse to believe this was intended as the season premiere
        I had this thought as well, it's just so unexciting as the start to a season. just feels like a random wacky hijinx mid-season episode that got moved to being the first for some weird production hell reasons, maybe caused by the fact that they have to redo the voices or whatever

        • 8 months ago

          That Rick Prime mention at the start is the ONE thing that gives it "season premiere vibes." But the overall episode was disappointing after a year-long wait. This is the first time a season premiere from this show left me feeling empty, like I'd just sat through 20 minutes of nothing. All the other ones were either plot-heavy or just plain cool concepts that got you excited for the episodes to follow.

          • 8 months ago

            This a "two episodes before the finale" kind of filler that you barely remember having watched. As a season opener it was not good.

            • 8 months ago

              It doesn't deserve to be called a season opener. Frick Wayne. The Predator payment joke was chuckleworthy tho

    • 8 months ago

      This is a good point. Modern writers are so terminally online and these writers would rather air their grievances through their work because they think meta = good. Frick all of them. At least Justin stumbling in with a stupid Dickface Fart Man character is closer to what comedy is.

    • 8 months ago

      I really do wonder what kind of person it takes to watch season 7, not out of morbid curiousity, but out of actual excitement for the show anymore.
      I mean I guess I can see them all over Reddit and Twitter but still.

      • 8 months ago

        I'm continuing to watch because I'm eagerly waiting to be proven right that the show has been bad on purpose for years as part of a stroke-of-genius setup for a plot twist

        • 8 months ago

          I don’t know if this counts but some of the episodes seem like they’re bad on purpose but I don’t detect any genius behind it.

          I want to see how they conclude the evil rick plotline, but going by how they did the evil morty one, they'll probably leave it on some moronic cliffhanger this season, ignore it completely in the next one, and then hastily resolve it in the last two episodes of the 10th season.

          Fair enough, just seems like a slog to get to that point. Don’t know how long I’ll stick around, I’m probably done once the buzz of everyone caring about the new voices is up. At that point, with Roiland on the cast, it would have been boring, soulless filler but now it’s boring, soulless filler with completely new characters in my book.

      • 8 months ago

        I want to see how they conclude the evil rick plotline, but going by how they did the evil morty one, they'll probably leave it on some moronic cliffhanger this season, ignore it completely in the next one, and then hastily resolve it in the last two episodes of the 10th season.

      • 8 months ago

        The writers made it clear they want to stretch out "the plot" for as long as they can get away with, so I'm mainly just watching to see what they do with Morty. He's the one I'm most invested in and there's always something cool they do with his character each season.

        >Narnia pocket dimension
        >taking out all the Planeteers
        >stealing the portal gun to go clean up Rick's messes
        >eating shit for abandoning his Prime family
        >Roy machine splitting his consciousness across a million vessels
        As a Morty fan, I'm always eating. I'm sure we'll also get some good Jerry moments too. The writers have done some good with him lately.

        • 8 months ago

          >Roy machine splitting his consciousness across a million vessels
          They've teased that this plot is getting a very direct sequel this season, so you will indeed remain eating.

          • 8 months ago

            jfc why??? that was one of the few good modern R&M episodes, why do they need to touch it?

            • 8 months ago

              Personally, I'm really excited for the Morty's Mind-Blowers sequel. I'm guessing it's going to be a fair bit more canon-oriented than the first one.

      • 8 months ago

        There's no big mystery to it. No matter how much Cinemaphile memes about the show being an irredeemable inditement on adult animation, if you like the general setting then the show is mainly just a comfy way to kill time even at it's worst. You just have no way of truly knowing what an episode will throw at you and older episodes age well in hindsight (see pic related now that we know Rick's backstory for example) considering that regardless of whatever you have to say about it, the writers are clearly trying to make things as consistent as possible. That and the fact that it's pleasing to look at but it leagues above the monotony of shows like Bob's Burgers, Family Guy, and other various failed Adult Swim shows like Teenage Euthanasia or The Jellies.

        • 8 months ago

          *That and the fact that it's pleasing to look at puts it leagues above*

  49. 8 months ago

    While the show has had an overall downward trajectory, I’ve still enjoyed it up to this point. In fact, I thought Season 6 was a bit of a recovery where they addressed some of the issues I had with the series. It’s not as good as its best era (Season 1-2) but it was settled in a place where I would have been fine with it. This episode really shocked me, a new low. It felt really fricking generic and lazy, not like Rick and Morty at all. It was like they dug up a rejected Family Guy A-Plot and ran with it (but without cutaway gags). I hope this was just a weak showing of trying out something different and not indicative of the rest of the season. If it is, we’ve actually hit Zombie era.

  50. 8 months ago

    It felt like a very boring fan-made episode

  51. 8 months ago

    The manatees wrote this one.

    • 8 months ago

      For as shit as Nu-South Park can be, I will be forever grateful that it gave us that analogy for shitty writing.

      • 8 months ago

        i'd take 500 million nu-park episodes over a single nu-familyguy, simpsons, or r&m episode

  52. 8 months ago

    Rick and Morty isn’t high art, but Rick and Morty is above this episode.

    • 8 months ago

      That’s a good way of putting it. We’re not being neurotic for wanting more out of a show that made a name for itself by being clever and creative with its episode ideas and character writing. You've only got 10 episodes a season. Make each one count.

  53. 8 months ago

    no jess
    no like

  54. 8 months ago

    I enjoyed it. I just like seeing random shit happening with Rick.

    Not every single episode has to be some high stakes plot driving shit, it would be exhausting for a full season. This series has had WAY fricking worse episodes.

    • 8 months ago

      I don't need lore 24/7 and I also like seeing the show do silly shit. I just found this boring. It dragged because there was no B-plot. I'm also way more interested in seeing what Morty's up to than spending an entire episode—let alone a SEASON PREMIERE—with Rick's friends. I was never looking forward to this episode tbh

      • 8 months ago

        Yeah cause Solaricks was gods gift to tv

        • 8 months ago

          Not even the biggest Nu Rick & Morty haters can shit on Solaricks. That episode was golden. It's why it was a shame the season never captured those same heights again. Night Family was cool tho

          • 8 months ago

            Night Family was my favorite episode of the season, and we’ll never get another episode like that again. Anything that good or better will be tainted by the voices being “off.”

            • 8 months ago

              Night Family is deeply mid, and it says bad things about season six that it seems to be so many people's favorite episode from it.

              • 8 months ago

                What didn’t you like about that episode?
                I’ll admit that the visuals are what I remember the most so if there were some moronic jokes then I may have forgotten them.

              • 8 months ago

                The podcasting subplot gets a check-check for moronic jokes, but mostly I feel like its core premise is fundamentally under-thought-out, dumb, and uninteresting. It's like a downgrade in writing from the very similar early season one Meeseeks episode (this time, it's Rick whose pointless and extreme obstinate stupidity has led the supernatural helpers to turn against them). It makes a pretense of being a horror episode but it's not particularly spookier on any level than any other Rick And Morty episode, it's just an extremely light aesthetic sprinkling. (And Rick And Morty can do good horror when it wants to.) I wasn't able to see any narrative logic of any kind in how the night people relate to the corresponding day people; there's no particular reason for Night Summer to be a mastermind and Night Rick to be relatively useless; Spencer just wanted a chance to do an Evil Summer episode. The escalations and payoffs are dumb and bad, we get a sidetrack into space partway through the episode for a gag sequence but then the final dumb brawl is some low-stakes Earth chase action. It's just all-around an episode that accomplishes very little. I'm being harsh on it because you asked, but in truth I didn't have really strong feelings about it - it was just one of very few Rick And Morty episodes that I had no particular urge to rewatch. (The second time I watched it was actually last month in preparation for the new season.)

              • 8 months ago

                Fair enough. I think Summer was the leader because other episodes had established her wanting more of a leadership presence or something, and I guess it’s part of what she feels deep down. I distinctly remember another episode saying she’s been spending too much time with Rick.
                Not sure why Night Rick is useless but I’m gonna stretch and say that it could be related to how Rick has shown multiple times that he hates himself, but I could be giving more credit than the episode deserves.
                I do think the final brawl being low-stakes makes sense. It’s a contained family episode that doesn’t need to deal with galactic stuff at all like you mentioned in the part where they go to space. I think the stakes are there. The family could end up killing each other, but they’re not going to end the whole world. I think that’s fine for a fun filler episode that isn’t driving forward any of the lore stuff.
                I agree with your other post that it’s no Total Rickall.

              • 8 months ago

                Fair enough. I think Summer was the leader because other episodes had established her wanting more of a leadership presence or something, and I guess it’s part of what she feels deep down. I distinctly remember another episode saying she’s been spending too much time with Rick.
                Not sure why Night Rick is useless but I’m gonna stretch and say that it could be related to how Rick has shown multiple times that he hates himself, but I could be giving more credit than the episode deserves.
                I do think the final brawl being low-stakes makes sense. It’s a contained family episode that doesn’t need to deal with galactic stuff at all like you mentioned in the part where they go to space. I think the stakes are there. The family could end up killing each other, but they’re not going to end the whole world. I think that’s fine for a fun filler episode that isn’t driving forward any of the lore stuff.
                I agree with your other post that it’s no Total Rickall.

                Oh, and I’ve gotta say I love that moment where they’re on the ground knocking each other in and out of sleep. That was such a good moment in my opinion. Not substantial but just a fun concept to watch for a couple seconds.

              • 8 months ago

                >there's no particular reason for Night Summer to be a mastermind and Night Rick to be relatively useless
                Those points are interconnected. Night Family, like a lot of other season 6 episodes, is a subtle exploration of Rick's relationship with each of his family members and the family overall in the wake of season 5's revelations, in this case it's Summer and their repressed attitudes towards each other. Night Rick is subservient to Night Summer because deep down he wants to spoil her like the loving grandfather he wants to but won't allow himself to be, and Night Summer takes charge because she has repressed resentment towards Rick for withholding that grandfatherly love from her so he can be a dismissive, stubborn dick instead since he feels safer in that role. I made it sound more substantive than it really is, but you get the point.

              • 8 months ago

                Nice to see some quality season six analysis. I never really got into season six like I did into season five.

              • 8 months ago

                Season six is middle of the pack for me and nowhere near the first two seasons, but Night Family's solid. Season 5 is my least favorite so far, not gonna lie.

              • 8 months ago

                The thing with season 6 is I generally like the basic concepts that underpin the episodes or the season but I'm not wild about the execution.

                I'm almost deluded enough to allow myself to think the writers can pull some Moral Orel-esque character writing out of their hat, but I know they're not skilled or gutsy enough to really do it. They've already fumbled good ideas like Rick wanting to be a hero but thinking he's been the bad guy for so long it might be too late for him (Piss Master episode), or antagonizing people as a "safe" means to fulfill his need for connection (Tony in the toilet episode). There's plenty of stuff about Rick that'd be interesting zoom in on for an episode while keeping him funny overall since they're leaning into the continuity aspect more these days. I wasn't hoping for that much back when we were still in the first few seasons even though I was more invested in it back then. If you're going to drop a bombshell like "his family got murdered and it destroyed him lols" you better be ready to examine that once in a while. It's too bad Morty's character has been so neglected. I'm not even sure what they could do with him anymore. Maybe that'll change this season.

                Well I don't know what this thread just turned into, but I think it's worth mentioning that Adult Swim shared a complete timeline of the dimension-hopping throughout the show: https://youtu.be/I1Q4FQNSb5c

                What's interesting is that the backdrop for the timeline slides uses the same teaser art for "Unmortricken," the fifth episode this season. Some anons assumed this would be a big episode, but this pretty much confirms it.

                Neat. I didn't know that.

                Yeah, it seems like the likeliest episode this season to feature Prime.

                >Unmortgiven, s7e05
                >title parodies the movie Unforgiven in which an aging outlaw comes out of retirement for one last bounty hunt
                >just in time for the mid-season finale before a likely hiatus
                Yeah, it's something to do with Rick Prime.

                >season 6
                >a subtle exploration of Rick's relationship with each of his family members
                Morty, Beth, Summer, Jerry, then dinos fix portal travel. You just gave me a greater appreciation for the season, anon.

                Lol thanks anon.

              • 8 months ago

                >before a likely hiatus
                We actually know they're not doing a hiatus this time.They explicitly said they're releasing the episodes weekly through the whole season without breaks.

              • 8 months ago

                Unforgiven is such a kino movie. Even if you're not a big Clint Eastwood or western fan I think there's enough Morgan Freeman and dark humor to keep you invested until the big cool action scenes.

              • 8 months ago

                >season 6
                >a subtle exploration of Rick's relationship with each of his family members
                Morty, Beth, Summer, Jerry, then dinos fix portal travel. You just gave me a greater appreciation for the season, anon.

    • 8 months ago

      >Not every single episode has to be some high stakes plot driving shit
      it isnt and it doesnt. Its like 2-3 episodes a season which I think is a good distribution. This one sucked because the concept wasnt particularly interesting, the writing was crap and the energy was phoned in.

      unironically the best parts of the episode were Gene, and thats like background smirk stuff.

  55. 8 months ago

    Early reviews of the next episode sound better at least.

    • 8 months ago

      Makes sense. It features the characters we actually come to the show for.

      • 8 months ago

        The Smith house looks so comfy

  56. 8 months ago

    The voices or the episode? The voices were all good, I felt little to no difference. The episode, especially for a fricking season opener, was painfully boring. It really does feel like all the good writers make their mark and then move on to greener pastures, and we're just stuck with the shitters who CAN'T leave.

  57. 8 months ago

    The new episode felt like an extra episode you'd find in a dvd special. It should not have been the opener to a new season.

    Honestly, they should have just made the new season into a segmented movie finally centered around Rick Prime and then just ended it there because obviously, the series isn't going to survive without Roiland.

    • 8 months ago

      >the series isn't going to survive without Roiland
      It literally will. And that's why it's so stupid that he was fired only for the people still running the show to want to keep it going past the ten seasons ordered. Justin is still getting paid from merch sales or DVD sales no matter what, Adult Swim will just never admit it.

  58. 8 months ago

    Bird Person's daughter needs rape correction.

    • 8 months ago

      She needs love and understanding from the one person who knows how she feels. Morty. Also his dick.

  59. 8 months ago

    Nick Rutherford is just not a good comedy writer. Of the three episodes he's written, the best one (dinos) is just mid, and the other two (this one and sperm monsters) are the worst in the show. But it's not entirely his fault when Harmon shouldn't have rubberstamped it in the story-breaking process in the first place. There's just no way this is the most interesting take on a "Rick and his friends go on a bar crawl" story. How do you even mess that up this bad?

    • 8 months ago

      >How do you even mess that up this bad?
      you just have to write his friends as totally generic, flanderized versions of themselves with no impact on the plot that could have been replaced with 3 of mr. meeseeks and nothing would change
      and then force in an unfunny random celebrity cameo for half the episode. and the Predator for some reason.

    • 8 months ago

      I do think Nick Rutherford stands out in a bad way (though I suspect that he's some kind of intentional PR hate sink), but I don't take the writing and directing credits that seriously anyway. The episodes are fairly obviously mostly done by committee, with the credits treated as a reward to be distributed for social reasons.

  60. 8 months ago

    It was shit

  61. 8 months ago

    Jackman cameo should have ended when he went to shit.

  62. 8 months ago

    Episode was fine but it really should've been in the middle of the season.
    Season premier could've been about Rick helping Birdperson bust out Bird-daughter out of prison.

  63. 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      …is best girl

      • 8 months ago

        Now is the perfect timing for a Morticia episode

        • 8 months ago

          Dunno if Morty is ready for the perfect girlfriend.

          • 8 months ago

            Don't worry, it will be a "Rick and Morticia" episode, Morty won't see her at all.

        • 8 months ago

          A female Morty and female Rick ep could save this season.

          • 8 months ago

            What about a male Summer episode?

            • 8 months ago

              What about a full-episode length Beth and Summer POV JOI/moaning session?

              • 8 months ago

                yeah I'd watch that. Kelsey Grammar has a hot voice.

              • 8 months ago

                Wrong Grammer but it's too late to fix it we already made the video just for you based on your feedback

              • 8 months ago

                She can do “condescending but I really do want to use you like a toy and look down on you but kind of enjoy it” energy VERY well I bet.

              • 8 months ago

                Wrong Grammer but it's too late to fix it we already made the video just for you based on your feedback

                She can do “condescending but I really do want to use you like a toy and look down on you but kind of enjoy it” energy VERY well I bet.

                Spencer, frick I meant Spencer. I guess Kelsey has a hot voice but Beast is the last person I want giving me JOI

    • 8 months ago


  64. 8 months ago

    it's like zombie simpsons

  65. 8 months ago

    Bring back Roiland

    • 8 months ago



  66. 8 months ago

    Keep Roiland out

    • 8 months ago

      Bring back Roiland

      Roiland for some, miniature Pickle Rick figures for others!

  67. 8 months ago

    Distinctly 5/10/ Not particularly good or bad. Watchable, but not memorable

  68. 8 months ago

    I turned it off after a few minutes. The first scene instantly put me off. Formulaic diner table scene but I stopped caring about the characters years ago.
    Justin's voice was the last bit of soul the series still had. Now even though he's cancelled it sounds like some guy is doing a mediocre Justin Roiland homage.

    I remember in 2017 the series got refreshed for seven seasons. Back then I already knew it was a mistake. Should've gone the Gravity Falls route.

    • 8 months ago

      >it sounds like some guy is doing a mediocre Justin Roiland homage.
      That's because he is. The voices for this season were recorded years ago. The new VAs had to redub all of Roiland's lines, so their performances are gonna sound like shaky imitations until maybe Season 8 or 9.

      • 8 months ago

        I don’t even want to imagine how shit the writing will be by then.

  69. 8 months ago

    That was probably the worst episode yet.

  70. 8 months ago

    Season 1, 2, 3 and 4 really were the best shit. This show was fricking ahead of its time and is legitimately one of the only CARTOONS ive ever watched and enjoyed.

    RIP Rick and morty.

    • 8 months ago

      The problem with being ahead of your time is when time catches up then you're just average.

    • 8 months ago

      Bro really tried sneaking season 4 in there

  71. 8 months ago

    I can't make it past 4 minutes. Holy shit this is fricking terrible. I'd rather watch Family Guy and I am not joking.

  72. 8 months ago

    The behind the scenes of season 6 gave me a lot of hopium after this week’s episode. The real message that the video conveyed at its core is that the writers feel free to try any kind of story in Rick and Morty now. This leads me to believe that this genre of story (hanging out with bros and having a messy night) was just a failed swing at something rather than an indication of the whole season. Episode 2 has a lot riding on it, but based on early reviews it’s a lot better.
    A-plot Rick and Jerry adventure
    B-plot Morty stuck in the mob, but the mob is terrified of Rick ala John Wick

    • 8 months ago

      is referring to


    • 8 months ago

      >feel free to try any kind of story in Rick and Morty now
      kinda a bad thing tbh. since season 4 the writers have been pulling out bottom of the barrell family guy-level premises...
      >season 4: talking dragons (also grossly sexual)
      >season 5: talking horses (grossly sexual as well)
      >season 6: talking dinosaurs

      • 8 months ago

        >talking horses
        I still don't get the joke, that ep was all over the place

      • 8 months ago

        I felt like Season 6 was an upswing from 4 and 5. Dinos was my least favorite (same writer as this episode) but overall I liked it. I’m hoping this was just a bump in the road.

        • 8 months ago

          >I’m hoping this was just a bump in the road.
          Yes, but at the BEGINNING of the road??

        • 8 months ago

          the first two episodes of S6 were great. everything after was either meh or just absolute dogshit...
          >writers' lesbian cuckold fantasy episode
          >talking dinosaurs!!!
          >another hecking le meta episode!!!
          >another hecking le therapy episode!!!
          >knights! but with sci-fi!!!
          it's just so tiring because the only good thing the show has left is the canon arc, but they force you to shift through hours of pure shit to get to it.

          • 8 months ago

            I liked all of those, some more than others.

            • 8 months ago

              no you didn't

              • 8 months ago

                But I did.
                Night Family > Solar Knights > Jerry gets a threesome > Piss > Dinosaurs

          • 8 months ago

            Everyone always forgets about Night Family. And while Fortune Cookie's incest joke wasn't funny, the crazy story that formed out of that was cool. Bethcest really wasn't as bad as people made it out to be, and I love how Jerry saved the day. The rest I could take or leave.

            • 8 months ago

              Night Family felt like a classic episode to me. It’s wacky that some people hate on it.

              • 8 months ago

                Did people hate it? I thought they just ignored it so they could complain about the 2-3 incest jokes out of the whole season.

              • 8 months ago

                I’ve seen at least two posts declare it as the worst episode of the season, which is insane to me. Maybe it’s the gross out? I really liked it, one of the few episodes that hit that Season 1/2 vibe for me.

              • 8 months ago

                odd to call it the worst of the season, especially when it's right after the space beth lesbian episode

              • 8 months ago

                I agree, it's probably my favorite from season 6

              • 8 months ago

                My theory is that those are Adult Swim shills so that they can create ill will around good episodes so that they can keep creating slop.

              • 8 months ago

                Bullshit. I don't think Night Family is bad, but I have no idea why people are so effusively praising it. It doesn't compare to classic Rick And Morty, and it's not one of the season six episodes that come across like it's trying to compare to classic Rick And Morty, either. I love Total Rickall, and Night Family is no Total Rickall.

              • 8 months ago

                No other episode is total rickall, but it’s at least an Anatomy Park.

              • 8 months ago

                I mean, sure, granted, but Anatomy Park was never a standout episode of the show, just serviceable. Night Family is competitive with that, sure.

              • 8 months ago

                That’s all my point was. It’s not a game changer, just an episode that can hang with the best era.

              • 8 months ago

                Night Family Feels like a better version of the toxic Rick and Morty episode to me. I can understand it being overhyped because everyone was really impressed by the visuals, but I’m curious where you think it may have dropped the ball or what it could have done better.

              • 8 months ago

                Okay, that's fair. I always hated that episode (the toxic one) and felt like I had to force myself to like it because everyone else did. It has a few cool gags and concepts but overall feels distinctly midwit to me. I'm not sure if Night Family is better than it, but it definitely parallels it and I could see a solid case for it being better.

              • 8 months ago

                As someone who considers Night Family one of the best episodes post-S2, it’s more than just the visuals. The story itself is just a cool sci-fi concept and makes great use of the family. There’s solid jokes here and there, some of Summer’s resentment toward Rick surfacing that I found interesting, and just a great ending to an episode that can stand on its own unlike the lore episodes.

              • 8 months ago

                Yeah I was agreeing with you more, just trying to understand the people who are indifferent to it or find reason to dislike it. I understand being annoyed at people fawning over visuals when the end product isn’t good. Just look at Cinemaphile.
                That being said, I remember liking the episode a lot and the visuals were one of the things that stood out to me.

              • 8 months ago

                Also Jerry getting hard there and Night Beth rolling her eyes is hilarious

              • 8 months ago

                I'm having trouble wording this correctly, but I think the episode feels more classic because it's an episode revolving around one sci fi issue that the family has to resolve, like in Total Rickall for example, and wasn't a random adventure or all over the place in terms of elements and plot, and from S5 and on the show has been consistently filled with overblown episodes that go too many places

              • 8 months ago

                One solid sci-fi concept executed in a Rick and Morty way. Honestly I wish they’d just steal more from sci-fi short stories nobody’s heard of instead of pop culture references. I listen to 50’s sci-fi radio all the time and I always catch myself going ‘this would make a great Rick and Morty episode’

              • 8 months ago

                >I listen to 50’s sci-fi radio
                Time traveler?

              • 8 months ago

                It’s all on YouTube

              • 8 months ago

                Nice, thanks

              • 8 months ago

                Ignore them. They're just chudding out because of Summer being the leader of the night family. Granted, it would have been much more fresh if Beth or Jerry got to play the role of an cunningly diabolical version of themselves instead of handing it to Summer but Cinemaphile takes it to obnoxious culture warrior levels and hopefully she'll stop getting sucked off so much down the road. Other than that, the episode's atmosphere, action, and good storytelling did indeed make it on par with something out of seasons 1-2.

          • 8 months ago

            ' lesbian cuckold fantasy episode
            Are you talking about Jerry’s threeway with Beth and Clone Beth?
            Because that’s fricking based and hot.

            • 8 months ago

              I think it's a decent episode as far as season six Rick And Morty goes, but I do think it's weird that they tried to play it as cheating for most of the episode. Hell, it's not even consistent with continuity; the season five premiere already demonstrated that neither Beth nor Jerry cares about faithfulness in the relationship anymore. Your wife fooling around with a literal high-concept sci-fi copy of herself is significantly less degenerate than the two of you having a threesome with Water Frank N Furter.

              • 8 months ago

                All very fair criticism that I agree with.
                I’m just saying that I want to frick a loose b***h and her loose clone.

      • 8 months ago

        >talking horses

        That was the only saving grace of that episode, IMO. They went too hard with the movie cliches, meta commentary, and the punchline at the end being a meme nobody's heard from for like 15 years (the Easy Button from Staples).

  73. 8 months ago

    Let’s be honest fellas, Justin wasn’t saving this episode.

  74. 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      As a Rick and Morty apologist, this is actually the worst episode in the series and it isn’t close. I like Dr. Wong, Space Beth and didn’t mind the dragon sex episode. I’m pro story train, and even found a laugh or two in the sperm episode. This is legitimately rock bottom (not even the voice actors I’m not a roiland fanboy).

      • 8 months ago

        Same. I'll be the first to defend most recent episodes, but this newest one was just not it. This better be the worst of the season.

  75. 8 months ago

    Season 5-6 have to has to be some of the worst writing and ive noticed really became less edgy and more "edgy".

    It feels more fleshed out yeah but the lack of plot or consistency was fun. That Planetina shit would have been played as a joke in season 4 there's literally a joke where he has a more meaningful relationship in that episode with the save/load remote

    Also clearly written by women.

    On S6E2 rn and it just feels like that generic Harman meta commentary. I used to wonder what that mean because I never watched Community but I get it now.

  76. 8 months ago

    Any episode that includes Gene is a good episode.

  77. 8 months ago

    Lets be honest its an episode about alcoholism (based) and had a fricking predator in it. Oh, and wolverine.

    Just give it the 3 episode rule. If it sucks after the 3rd episode, drop it.

    It really wasnt that bad to be honest.

    • 8 months ago

      Bottom of the barrel.
      But I’ll stick around for the season.

    • 8 months ago

      Predator and Wolverine isn’t a positive, it’s fricking lazy. Where are the original sci-fi concepts? At best we got the long multiple belly-button shot gag and (another fricking blade reference) bee people. The celebrity cameo objectively got in the way of the returning characters too. We had a whole ass A-plot no B-plot story with them and the character of focus (aside from poopy) was Hugh Jackman.

    • 8 months ago

      >had a fricking predator in it. Oh, and wolverine.
      god, I can't understand how easily entertained some people are. all it takes is to soullessly insert some big name properties or celebrities into the otherwise horribly mediocre and badly written episode to get you excited?
      the episode didn't tackle alcoholism in any meaningful, funny or novel way either. it was just "wacky drunk / drugged-out hijinks with joke character that no one asked for"

      • 8 months ago

        >god, I can't understand how easily entertained some people are
        That's not a positive thing m8, for the record. Dunno what you want me to tell you.

      • 8 months ago

        Sounds like you're just jaded and overly-negative.

  78. 8 months ago

    Rick and Morty is dead. Move on.

    • 8 months ago

      You people will pronounce anything dead the moment you don't see a chest rise or a nostril flare.

  79. 8 months ago

    what happened to green portal productions? why is justin's vanity card still in the credits?

    • 8 months ago

      Yeah it is weird how quickly that stopped showing up as an end tag. The Mike Mendel memorial kept taking up space as late as Season 6. I get that the guy was important to the show, but you can't keep that circulating forever.

      >why is justin's vanity card still in the credits?
      He's still credited as an executive producer for this season I guess.

  80. 8 months ago

    Why do people hate this episode so much? It didn't really feel any worse than the last seasons...
    >no uncalled for shitting on jerry
    >no summer
    >no beth
    >the celebrity ass kissing wasn't as ham-fisted as it has been
    >Gene wasn't the buttmonkey and didn't even die
    >no crappy meta episodes like that train storyline or whatever the hell that Full metal Jackrick episode was
    I liked it. I even enjoyed the post credit scene.

    • 8 months ago

      >Gene wasn't the buttmonkey and didn't even die

      Gene's only been in a total of two episodes, not counting this one. First one was Morty telling him to mind his business, and the second one was whatever Rick's computer was asking him to do.

      >But they ran him over in Night Family!

      Show me the body.

      • 8 months ago

        They didn't run over him, he tried watering their plants and they ruined them in the fight.

    • 8 months ago

      >I even enjoyed the post credit scene
      It was fine but went on for too long. The "five feet back" punchline kinda saved it, but I didn't care for yet another gorefest this show loves to do for no real reason. Literally could've cut it at the shot of the lawn mower approaching and it would've been perfect.

      • 8 months ago

        I'd prefer it if the lawn mower ran out of gas right when the cop shot his last bullet.

    • 8 months ago

      >Gene wasn't the buttmonkey and didn't even die
      I like Gene too. He genuinely seems like a nice, chill neighbor that I wouldn't mind interacting with much like Al Tuttle but simply having likeable, interesting characters appear on screen isn't enough to make people clap like trained seals especially if they hardly get to do anything. Why wasn't Birdperson allowed to play the straightman considering that he's relatively more down to earth than the rest of the group? Why couldn't we get to see more of Squanchy's personality? Gene's scenes were funny and I like that he plays the innocent lame one of the group but he along with all of other Rick's friends got completely sidelined by that fricking celebrity guest star. The episode is textbook example of why people detest effortless nostalgia pandering. That only makes the episode even more infuriating because as people here have already said, the concept of it would have been a lot of fun had it been executed better.

      • 8 months ago

        I'm not exaggerating when I say American Dad is a better Rick and Morty than Rick and Morty. A literal shitpost of a cartoon is outdoing "the smartest comedy on television."

      • 8 months ago

        Gene's become the new Jerry.
        Jerry has become the new Morty
        And Morty is basically Rick 2.0.

        • 8 months ago

          I hope they're serious about Morty actually being treated like an equal now. Rickmurai Jack implied that but then S6 backpedaled and made Rick go through a whole arc to learn how to open up to people. I appreciate that, but the season ending really hammered in how Rick won't leave Morty out of the big picture anymore.

          • 8 months ago

            tbh i don't even think the writers care about that shit anymore. for the last 3 seasons it's been...
            >7-8 random goofy standalone adventures
            >2-3 canonical lore episodes (if that)
            the character dynamics stopped mattering after they did the soft-reset at the end of s3, and if they do they're only brought up for that specific episode.

            • 8 months ago

              >for the last 3 seasons
              Because the first three seasons weren't like that?

              • 8 months ago

                Not that guy but no, not even a little bit.

                Are you genuinely stupid?

              • 8 months ago

                Please point out every "canonical lore episode" in the first three seasons and highlight why you chose those episodes and not other episodes

              • 8 months ago

                I already did slightly further up the thread, you colossal spastic.

                Imagine talking about TV shows without having some sort of education in literature. What a homosexual.

              • 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      >hes only merit he gave is things NOT in it instead of anything that was actually good
      thats the worst inditement someone can give. In other episodes I can say something substantial I actually liked. But I cant in this one. some background Gene things and the very end credit are the only actual pros.

      Literally none of your greentext is a good thing in themselves.

      • 8 months ago

        I liked that they gave Mr. Poopybutthole his own episode. I just wish it was a better episode.

    • 8 months ago

      because justin wasnt in it, probably. it was actually perfectly fine and perfectly in line for what fricking rick and morty has done in the past.



    • 8 months ago

      Because it was beneath Rick and Morty.
      >Weak ass hook, no interesting creative idea, just a generic plot that could fit into any mediocre adult comedy
      >Continuity ignored, all of Rick’s friends team up without any fuss (Squanchy in particular) also skilling bird daughter and the beef with Bird Person
      >Stupid ass jokes that fall flat (echo in head gag, hugh jackman shit)
      >Bender wasn’t even fun or creative, didn’t feel like actually hanging with the boys, just a montage
      >Weak characterization, it’s like Birdperson, Gearhead, Squanchy and Gene were barely relevant
      >Hugh Jackman which was unfunny, boring and took time away from the characters we actually care about. Lazy and stupid. (Elon Tusk but longer).
      >Contrived dumb conflict with a contrived dumb return only to say that you did it for Rick and MPB.
      >Predator is dumb and lazy and boring (pop culture killing original ideas).
      >MPBs lesson is forced and awkward, does not feel right at all
      >Ending gag goes on for too long and is just something they’ve done before but worse
      This episode was a rejected Family Guy script without a B-plot or cutaway gags and they just said frick it.

      • 8 months ago

        wasn’t even fun or creative, didn’t feel like actually hanging with the boys, just a montage
        I wonder if this episode was written primarily by women.

      • 8 months ago

        Yeah that echo gag was weak

  81. 8 months ago
  82. 8 months ago

    grass tastes bad

    • 8 months ago


  83. 8 months ago


  84. 8 months ago

    Oh shit this show is still going?

    • 8 months ago

      100 years

  85. 8 months ago
  86. 8 months ago

    I used to watch Rick and Morty either live or through DVR but now I will pirate it since they fired Justin. The show has sucked for a while but I don’t want to give them money or ratings anymore now but I want to continue to shit on it on Cinemaphile and Cinemaphile.

  87. 8 months ago

    Well I didn't.

  88. 8 months ago
    • 8 months ago

      I don't think she would say this, personally. Not because it's incesty, but because it's incesty in too nice of a way. I feel like Summer would be much more likely to aggressively femdommily mock Morty than do whatever it is she's doing in your pic.

  89. 8 months ago
  90. 8 months ago

    In a recent interview, Harmon let slip something that I think is the biggest disconnect between the writers and the audience. When asked how the show might end, his response was Morty turns 15 and decides he wants a normal highschool life apart from Rick.
    This is in complete contrast to what the show promised. From what I understand, the audience wants Rick and Morty to become closer, to grow together, and to go on adventures. Harmon and company have seemingly written off Rick as an irredeemable, doomed character, and suggest that Morty is better off being a normie. This is truly the disconnect when people ask for “classic Rick and Morty adventures like the old days”.

    • 8 months ago

      Oh man, I can already see the series finale from this and I don’t like it. What a shit idea lmao.

      • 8 months ago

        To be fair, I'm pretty sure Harmon was explicitly putting this forward as something he wanted to do at some point but had since turned away from. He wouldn't spoil the ending of the show in a random interview lmao

        • 8 months ago

          It does reveal where his heads at.

          • 8 months ago

            Oh, absolutely agreed.

    • 8 months ago

      That makes a lot of sense. Rick and Morty have seriously been growing apart and I really just want the show to go back to them being adventure bros.

    • 8 months ago

      Huh, I'm not sympathetic to Harmon's view, but I'm not really sympathetic to yours, either. I think Rick should be a doomed character, and Morty should be doomed right along with him. They should keep going on adventures forever and forever and Morty should get worn down more and more with each one of them. It's always been, like, an Orel and Clay dynamic. And yeah, yeah, I know Orel got a happy ending, but Rick and Morty going on adventures is fun to watch, that's the whole point of the show.
      On the other hand, if Morty does escape and get a happy ending, which I could see a decent argument for, I certainly don't think it should be towards being a normie, I think he should grow into being someone more on Rick's level, sort of like Space Beth did, but hopefully happier.

      Oh, and I’ve gotta say I love that moment where they’re on the ground knocking each other in and out of sleep. That was such a good moment in my opinion. Not substantial but just a fun concept to watch for a couple seconds.

      That was probably my favorite moment of the episode, yes. I wish there was more of that energy through the rest of the episode, though; it's a great note but not a great thing to be confined to the climax.

      *That and the fact that it's pleasing to look at puts it leagues above*

      There's no big mystery to it. No matter how much Cinemaphile memes about the show being an irredeemable inditement on adult animation, if you like the general setting then the show is mainly just a comfy way to kill time even at it's worst. You just have no way of truly knowing what an episode will throw at you and older episodes age well in hindsight (see pic related now that we know Rick's backstory for example) considering that regardless of whatever you have to say about it, the writers are clearly trying to make things as consistent as possible. That and the fact that it's pleasing to look at but it leagues above the monotony of shows like Bob's Burgers, Family Guy, and other various failed Adult Swim shows like Teenage Euthanasia or The Jellies.

      I think I broadly agree with this, ESPECIALLY about the art being great to look at. People who compare Rick And Morty's art style to something like Family Guy are moronic. Rick And Morty is a visual feast.

      • 8 months ago

        I think Morty can “get away” but choose to either follow or not follow in Rick’s footsteps, and I think it happens after Rick dies, either from sacrificing himself for a really selfless reason (but maybe a tiny bit self-serving as an end joke), or because Morty finally kills him. I think Rick has to be doomed and for Morty it’s a tossup.

        To be fair, I'm pretty sure Harmon was explicitly putting this forward as something he wanted to do at some point but had since turned away from. He wouldn't spoil the ending of the show in a random interview lmao

        Like the other anon said, it’s where his head is at. I know it’s a lot to ask for but I really don’t want a lot of “Harmonisms” for the finale, whenever that is. So far the only other idea I’ve heard from Harmon is that he apparently actually wants the show to go on forever like The Simpsons. If it wasn’t some misquoted joke that was referencing the end of the pilot, then that’s not really a good sign.

        • 8 months ago

          If you want to know where my head's at as far as utter schizo theories, I think a lot of the character development and backstory in the past couple of seasons has been fake. Rick fricked up really bad and released a plague of memory parasites on the Earth when he was trying to fix Bird Person. The Two Crows were among them, and separated him from Morty. Now, the real Rick is still wandering around space with the Two Crows like a dumbass, while Morty is now following a memory parasite version of Rick around, who represents an idealized version of him. The Rick Prime backstory was stolen from some fake shit Rick made up (as we should have already known), and it's now being honed to make sure Morty will kill his real grandpa if they ever make contact with each other again. It's entirely likely that Morty will kill the real Rick and not even realize he's done it for seasons to come - he'll think it was "Rick Prime", a fiction sold to him by the memory parasites as a demonized embodiment of everything bad about his relationship with the real Rick.
          Obviously this is utter nonsense but I'm all in on it

          • 8 months ago

            I can see Morty accidently killing the real Rick. Whethere they dwell on it or treat it like “meh whatever, I’ve got another Rick right here” is anyone’s guess.
            Though didn’t they already do a version of that with the Christmas Rick robot? I think it was implied that the robot Rick was the one we had seen for quite a few episodes filling in for the one who is obsessed with Rick Prime.

            • 8 months ago

              Whether *

            • 8 months ago

              Nope, they explicitly say that the robot Rick was only there for a single episode. I feel like it's a setup for a significantly more extreme and sinister version of the plot sometime later down the line - by the time reveal drops, Rick will have been replaced by an imposter for multiple seasons, maybe half the show by then, depending on when they reveal it. And that imposter won't have been put in place for wholesome reasons like the Rick bot supposedly was, he'll straight-up be an evil psychic alien leeching off of Morty and eating the world. A literalized embodiment of seasonal rot.

              • 8 months ago

                Would be cool. If they unfrick themselves with the writer situation then it would be like the Community explanation of the “gas leak” season but on steroids. I like it.

              • 8 months ago

                The thing is that I think they've been deliberately setting it up. The evidence for it seems stronger in some places than others, but just as an example, it just seems like the most sensible explanation for the sperm episode, IMO.

              • 8 months ago

                You know what? I hope you’re right. That would be legendary.

              • 8 months ago

                >That would be legendary.
                So then it won't be right, sadly.

          • 8 months ago

            I would absolutely hate that but I gotta respect your creativity and the time you spent piecing this together. Should Morty come to realize what he's done, he'll probably have a breakdown like a Lovecraft protagonist and it would fit well with the cosmic horror, "don't think about it" messaging of the earlier seasons. Since we're sharing headcanons, I want things to go down this way
            >Rick Prime's whole deal about ascending to godhood involves assimilating not only Ricks but other people so that he can live as hedonistically and consequence-free as possible.
            >Rick gives him a karmic fate that involves him suffering from all of the bad things in the universe.
            >He will do this by putting his knowledge of the talking cat to good use by tricking RP into assimilating it.
            >The cat is revealed to a Schrodinger's cat in that he hails from that same plane that the other cats from the time travel cops with testicle heads episode came from.
            >The cats are the physical manifestations of possibility which would explain why the sounds of death (the gunshots and screaming) and birth (the crying baby) could be heard coming from the cat's mind when Rick scanned it.
            >Not only does the cat represent life and death but it also shows what the in-between phase of nonexistence is like; something that truly captures what it's like to be given a small peak at true darkness.
            >This would also explain why the cat is a mysterious creature that not only talks for some reason but craves the nonsensical. It is an embodiment of chaos.
            >It also gives more perspective as to why Jerry felt horrified at the idea of such a mind-breaking creature coming across the photos of his parents (and possibly their bull).
            >This cosmic revelation shuts down RP's collective consciousness scattered throughout the multiverse and proves that he, a mortal, can't handle true godhood.

            • 8 months ago

              Oh, I've pieced way more together than what was in that post; my theory is the kind of autism that leads me to take pages of notes on how any random episode could tie into it.
              Your idea's cool too; I doubt that the cat is more than a mystery box, but it had never occurred to me that he might be one of those Schrodinger's cats. That's a pretty neat idea.

              • 8 months ago

                Thanks, anon! I just figured that it would also be a tie-in as to why Rick wants nothing to do with time travel should the cat be involved with it somehow. He may put on a pretentious facade about it being lame but he usually does that to hide his true feelings on things much like how he hated the citadel for being a monument towards his failure at avenging his family rather than the fact that he saw them as lame conformists.

                In a way, I guess throwing us a twist similar to yours shouldn't be dismissed considering that they straight up lied to us about RP not being real to begin with so really, anything could happen at this point. You mentioned that your post was just a small summary and if you're in the mood, I'd love to hear any connections you made to previous episodes.

                >>Rick gives him a karmic fate that involves him suffering from all of the bad things in the universe.
                In Rick Prime’s search for Godhood, he carries the weight of all sin like Jesus. Kino.
                >>This cosmic revelation shuts down RP's collective consciousness scattered throughout the multiverse and proves that he, a mortal, can't handle true godhood.
                Also every 10 seconds the machine stabs his balls.

                Kek, perfect deep cut.

              • 8 months ago

                It's a jumbled mess of spaghetti that wouldn't fit in a post, and honestly I don't have it organized all that well, but here are some more highlights:
                Memory parasites are probably stronger than they were originally depicted in Total Rickall. It's very likely that they were jobbing in that episode - I love Total Rickall, but the parasites' weakness is definitely very exaggerated, and the logic breaks down if you pick it apart too much. Treating the "can't create bad memories" thing too literally is a serious trap - parasites can definitely make use of bad memories, one way or another, especially if they've gotten smarter since Total Rickall or Total Rickall was just a feint.
                The opening of the Mr. Nimbus episode (the season five premiere) is probably the original frickup that seeds the Earth with memory parasites. Mr. Nimbus is a memory parasite.
                The most important and obvious parasite is Naruto. He's fricking huge, dude. Plausibly a parasite queen or something.
                The parallels between the sperm episode and the turkey episode are many and spooky, especially considering that they're only separated by a single episode. Plausibly, the turkey episode could be the real version of events that were recycled and warped into the sperm episode.
                Other very likely season five parasites include Planetina, Bruce Chutback, and importantly, Bird Daughter. (I think that Rick might have actually made Bird Daughter on purpose as a lie to give Bird Person a reason to live, but it got out of control.)
                There's some kind of tie between the parasites and the Citadel, but I don't know what the frick it is. It looks like the Citadel is coming back this season, so I'm looking forward to getting some more insight there. The "Wormageddon" ARG also suggests this, depicting an invasion of the Earth by mysterious worms originating from the Citadel, and explicitly stating that this is a secret of the Citadel (something that has thus far not been paid off).

              • 8 months ago

                Always look out for glowing pink-purple crystals. That's what parasite eggs look like.
                Memory parasites operate on something like meta logic (although that's really just a device used to depict the trippy memory frickery they do that leaves you totally ungrounded from reality); they're fundamentally creatures of something like the "meta layer" shown in the story train sequel. Previous Leon is a distant relative of theirs, and Rhett Conn is BIG foreshadowing. That was a thread that was just left hanging in that episode, much as the memory parasites are still about.
                Mr. Poopybutthole is incredibly suspicious. Don't know what the frick was going on with him in this new season premiere. Was kind of disappointed it didn't provide any smoking gun for the theory.
                Pay attention to the themes of episodes. Sometimes something lines up really well. Like how a central theme of the sperm episode was lying.
                God I'm so tired and I was thinking way harder about this a couple of years ago when season five was coming out. This is all really centered on season five, it's the epicenter of parasite activity, and now we're all fricked and we don't even know how to get unfricked

              • 8 months ago

                Oh, yeah, one of the Beths, probably Space Beth, might be a parasite. If they can make a parasite copy of Rick, they can make a parasite copy of Beth; she's one of the few characters to successfully insinuate herself into the family, and the origin story of the two Beths is extremely contrived so that it's impossible to tell which one is more legitimate, all of it locked behind, you know, a memory.
                Going back through the stockpile of older characters, the most important potential parasites that really stand out are the therapist (an idealized character entirely devoted to making Rick "healthier", who has generally been the explanation for weird supposedly-positive shifts in the family dynamic) and the president (voiced by Keith David, of The Thing fame; originally appeared one episode after Total Rickall, where he played his only other Rick And Morty character, a parasite). I don't know how it would make sense for the president to be a parasite, but there are some weird details surrounding him, and it would certainly be a huge oh shit moment if they'd literally managed to overtake the government. And he has been creeping towards main cast status ever since his first appearance. As with various other parasite characters, any bad memories surrounding the president are easily derivative of existing memories of whoever actually was the president. Obama has been mentioned a few times, but Keith David's character is explicitly someone different. Unclear what the presidential timeline is supposed to look like in Rick And Morty.

              • 8 months ago

                Obama was mentioned early in Season 1, in the Snowball episode. Snowball does a crude version of talking, which Summer records because she thinks Snowball is saying “I love Obama.”
                Not sure where else he was mentioned.

              • 8 months ago

                In the Planetina episode, Summer apparently identifies herself as "Mrs. Obama" at one of the end-of-the-world orgies.

              • 8 months ago

                Forgot about that. Very strange.

              • 8 months ago

                Always look out for glowing pink-purple crystals. That's what parasite eggs look like.
                Memory parasites operate on something like meta logic (although that's really just a device used to depict the trippy memory frickery they do that leaves you totally ungrounded from reality); they're fundamentally creatures of something like the "meta layer" shown in the story train sequel. Previous Leon is a distant relative of theirs, and Rhett Conn is BIG foreshadowing. That was a thread that was just left hanging in that episode, much as the memory parasites are still about.
                Mr. Poopybutthole is incredibly suspicious. Don't know what the frick was going on with him in this new season premiere. Was kind of disappointed it didn't provide any smoking gun for the theory.
                Pay attention to the themes of episodes. Sometimes something lines up really well. Like how a central theme of the sperm episode was lying.
                God I'm so tired and I was thinking way harder about this a couple of years ago when season five was coming out. This is all really centered on season five, it's the epicenter of parasite activity, and now we're all fricked and we don't even know how to get unfricked

                Oh, yeah, one of the Beths, probably Space Beth, might be a parasite. If they can make a parasite copy of Rick, they can make a parasite copy of Beth; she's one of the few characters to successfully insinuate herself into the family, and the origin story of the two Beths is extremely contrived so that it's impossible to tell which one is more legitimate, all of it locked behind, you know, a memory.
                Going back through the stockpile of older characters, the most important potential parasites that really stand out are the therapist (an idealized character entirely devoted to making Rick "healthier", who has generally been the explanation for weird supposedly-positive shifts in the family dynamic) and the president (voiced by Keith David, of The Thing fame; originally appeared one episode after Total Rickall, where he played his only other Rick And Morty character, a parasite). I don't know how it would make sense for the president to be a parasite, but there are some weird details surrounding him, and it would certainly be a huge oh shit moment if they'd literally managed to overtake the government. And he has been creeping towards main cast status ever since his first appearance. As with various other parasite characters, any bad memories surrounding the president are easily derivative of existing memories of whoever actually was the president. Obama has been mentioned a few times, but Keith David's character is explicitly someone different. Unclear what the presidential timeline is supposed to look like in Rick And Morty.

                I wish I could offer a more respectable critique after how much typing you put into it but so far, all I can say is that you made your initial theory, which I said I would hate if it came true, into something that sounds kind of cool the more you explain it. The funny thing though is that it would make sense considering that earth, to the best of my memory, was the mostly down to earth (haha) and any wacky sci-fi shenanigans that occurred there were either brought on by Rick or came from outer space. Characters like Planetina or the Predator would have looked out of place in seasons 1-2 (hell, even 3) and it would actually be funny if it wasn't simply because of different writers at the helm. It also can't be a coincidence that we've had multiple, multiple instances of parasites (the memory parasites, Mr. Poopybutthole, the voiceovarians, the facehuggers, and Mr. Frundles) and simulated realities (the government's methods to pick Rick's brain, Rick's red goop, the Simple Rick's cookie machine, etc.). We don't know how far down the parasite rabbithole goes.

                But how do you figure that the citadel will be coming back?

              • 8 months ago

                The season seven finale is titled "Fear No Mort", and an early promo revealed that it's specifically titled after "Fear No Evil". So it sounds like we're very likely getting an Evil Morty return.
                Note what episode the Voiceovarians are from, btw

              • 8 months ago

                >turns out evil mort is the real prime mort and he is trans btw

              • 8 months ago

                >Evil Morty turns out to be trans
                >Changes his name to Morticia
                >Rick or Space Beth does some Sci Fi bullshit to genderbend him.
                >Morticia becomes part of the main cast.
                It's all part of the plan

              • 8 months ago

                >The season seven finale is titled "Fear No Mort", and an early promo revealed that it's specifically titled after "Fear No Evil". So it sounds like we're very likely getting an Evil Morty return.
                That makes sense for Evil Morty but I don't see how it relates to the citadel though. Not only did it get destroyed but EM is outside the CFC living his life completely severed from Rick unless he got rerouted back to his original universe in Solaricks. Also, considering the episodes are likely to contain the background art accompanying their titles as seen in this video here, I'm excited to see what Fear No Mort entails and I'm hoping that it's dark. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mzo5E-n3qG0
                >Note what episode the Voiceovarians are from, btw
                The Gotron episode.

              • 8 months ago

                Another fun thing pointing at the theory is like. Consider the sperm episode and the gotron episode. You know how the gotron episode leaked simultaneously with the sperm episode? They set that up in production. The gotron episode actually has the fourth production code in the fifth season, it was likely actually intended to air in that order at some point, IE, before the sperm episode. Now, I want you to imagine how people would have viewed the gotron episode if the sperm episode hadn't come first. Where the FRICK did Naruto come from. What the frick are you TALKING about about a giant incest baby. Some people did actually get that experience, because of the "leak". (I wasn't one of them.) And if they'd actually aired in that order, then one of the only clues we would have had to go on then would have been the Voiceovarians in that episode. But then, hey, sometime shortly thereafter, we'd get the sperm episode! Oh wow it all makes sense now I guess THAT'S where Naruto came from. Except that that episode is fricking nonsensical garbage that barely hangs together if taken at face value

              • 8 months ago

                >But how do you figure that the citadel will be coming back?
                Not that anon but in a promo they did tease the possibility of a Citadel of Summers. Given her subconscious showing leadership skills in Night Family and given how the writers seem to have run out of ideas it wouldn't surprise me.

              • 8 months ago

                Frick, wetsuits are so hot.

              • 8 months ago

                Always look out for glowing pink-purple crystals. That's what parasite eggs look like.
                Memory parasites operate on something like meta logic (although that's really just a device used to depict the trippy memory frickery they do that leaves you totally ungrounded from reality); they're fundamentally creatures of something like the "meta layer" shown in the story train sequel. Previous Leon is a distant relative of theirs, and Rhett Conn is BIG foreshadowing. That was a thread that was just left hanging in that episode, much as the memory parasites are still about.
                Mr. Poopybutthole is incredibly suspicious. Don't know what the frick was going on with him in this new season premiere. Was kind of disappointed it didn't provide any smoking gun for the theory.
                Pay attention to the themes of episodes. Sometimes something lines up really well. Like how a central theme of the sperm episode was lying.
                God I'm so tired and I was thinking way harder about this a couple of years ago when season five was coming out. This is all really centered on season five, it's the epicenter of parasite activity, and now we're all fricked and we don't even know how to get unfricked

                Oh, yeah, one of the Beths, probably Space Beth, might be a parasite. If they can make a parasite copy of Rick, they can make a parasite copy of Beth; she's one of the few characters to successfully insinuate herself into the family, and the origin story of the two Beths is extremely contrived so that it's impossible to tell which one is more legitimate, all of it locked behind, you know, a memory.
                Going back through the stockpile of older characters, the most important potential parasites that really stand out are the therapist (an idealized character entirely devoted to making Rick "healthier", who has generally been the explanation for weird supposedly-positive shifts in the family dynamic) and the president (voiced by Keith David, of The Thing fame; originally appeared one episode after Total Rickall, where he played his only other Rick And Morty character, a parasite). I don't know how it would make sense for the president to be a parasite, but there are some weird details surrounding him, and it would certainly be a huge oh shit moment if they'd literally managed to overtake the government. And he has been creeping towards main cast status ever since his first appearance. As with various other parasite characters, any bad memories surrounding the president are easily derivative of existing memories of whoever actually was the president. Obama has been mentioned a few times, but Keith David's character is explicitly someone different. Unclear what the presidential timeline is supposed to look like in Rick And Morty.

                I read the theory. It makes sense in a way, but I really think it's looking too deep into the show. I don't think anyone involved is planning something that intricate and it's very likely the result of coincidences and retcons and doing whatever the frick they want to do with no much thought really put behind it. And even if we entertain the idea, what's the endgame for it? What happens after it's done? Characters and episodes are just wiped away like a reboot? MAYBE it would work as a final episode just to make an impression, but I can't see something like that happening and then the show just moves on with a chunk of its content gutted.

              • 8 months ago

                It’s a horrible idea and there’s nowhere to go with it that will satisfy an audience.

              • 8 months ago

                >The most important and obvious parasite is Naruto. He's fricking huge, dude. Plausibly a parasite queen or something.
                I feel like something has to be doing on with Naruto outside of just being a gag they'll reference from time to time.
                Crackpot as it sounds I think maybe due to the circumstance of his birth with space being his womb he's now some kind of cosmic being that like The Silence from Doctor Who people memory hole him until someone brings him up. Like how Summer didn't give two thoughts about Naruto after the sperm episode but was reminded of him by the government in the Gundam episode, then you have Morty completely clueless when Space Beth brings up looking out for her grandchild till it clicks after a second that she's talking about Naruto.

                Then again it might just be me overthinking it.

            • 8 months ago

              >>Rick gives him a karmic fate that involves him suffering from all of the bad things in the universe.
              In Rick Prime’s search for Godhood, he carries the weight of all sin like Jesus. Kino.
              >>This cosmic revelation shuts down RP's collective consciousness scattered throughout the multiverse and proves that he, a mortal, can't handle true godhood.
              Also every 10 seconds the machine stabs his balls.

  91. 8 months ago

    The team forgot that Morty is the main character. That’s the real issue, it turned into Rick’s show instead of Morty’s.

    • 8 months ago

      I've gotten the same sense. When would you say this happened?

      • 8 months ago

        Feels like Season 3.

    • 8 months ago

      Yep. Modern R&M is what happens when you make the Cartman the main character.

    • 8 months ago

      Correct, and in so doing, the only way Morty and Summer can keep up is to become Rick Jr. Space Beth is just Beth’s Rick Jr. only Jerry is kind of a hold out.

    • 8 months ago

      I've gotten the same sense. When would you say this happened?

      Feels like Season 3.

      Yep. Modern R&M is what happens when you make the Cartman the main character.

      I think this happened when they started making Morty jaded and evil like Rick. Less “oh geez.”
      I guess you can say that they set it up with Evil Morty all the way back in season 1 but the execution has had some negative consequences.

  92. 8 months ago

    >story is so shit the fans are making up a new memory parasites canon in their heads

    this show is fricked

    • 8 months ago

      If I turn out to be right I'm gonna be so fricking smug about it though

      • 8 months ago

        Screenshot your posts, anon

  93. 8 months ago

    1=2 > 6 > 3 > 4 > 5

    • 8 months ago

      This is 3 and 4 slander. Those seasons were great.

      • 8 months ago

        For me the good cutoff is 3. I like 6.

    • 8 months ago

      Only change I would make to this list is that season 2 is better than 1.

  94. 8 months ago

    Well I don't know what this thread just turned into, but I think it's worth mentioning that Adult Swim shared a complete timeline of the dimension-hopping throughout the show: https://youtu.be/I1Q4FQNSb5c

    What's interesting is that the backdrop for the timeline slides uses the same teaser art for "Unmortricken," the fifth episode this season. Some anons assumed this would be a big episode, but this pretty much confirms it.

    • 8 months ago

      Yeah, it seems like the likeliest episode this season to feature Prime.

      • 8 months ago

        Might not even be a Rick Prime episode. It just means big changes or reveals happen in this one.

        • 8 months ago

          Sure, but the movie it gets its title from is about a revenge quest, so

  95. 8 months ago

    The reason Rick hates canon and backstories is because he knows they’re in a TV show and that when the story is finished they cease to exist.

  96. 8 months ago

    >Parasite theory
    Thanks I really hate it. Just make a good show about a bumbling boy and his wacky science grandpa, you hacks.

  97. 8 months ago

    The show Adventure Timed itself.

  98. 8 months ago

    I’m tired of Morty being a mini Rick. I want them to be a real team again.

    • 8 months ago

      If they're gonna be a team again, the dynamic's gonna have to be different now that Morty's far more capable and confident than in the past. I wanna see Morty fighting alongside Rick and more of him humbling Rick. It's hilarious: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xP-Wd453wq4

      • 8 months ago

        That’s fine. I don’t really think Morty should have developed as much as he did, but I’d be okay with them being more equal if they got to be bros while doing it.

      • 8 months ago

        Making Morty more confident was a big mistake. The entire premise was built upon an awkward boy and his wacky grandpa. Making the boy more heroic breaks the dynamic.
        Morty is our window into Rick’s world. He’s supposed to be the one to gaze upon the strange things we see with wonder or fear. Morty’s become to accustomed to Rick’s tricks, and because of that, so have we.

        • 8 months ago

          It all went wrong at the very start of the show when they cut the dinosaur scene.

          • 8 months ago

            That’s a crystalized encapsulation of their true dynamic right there. Frick, what happened?

          • 8 months ago

            That’s a crystalized encapsulation of their true dynamic right there. Frick, what happened?

            Frick bros, even their voices sound different.
            I miss when Rick would stumble and stutter on his words like that.

  99. 8 months ago

    If they're gonna be this blatant with the callbacks I want someone pronouncing it parmesan this season.

    • 8 months ago

      There's gonna be a whole fricking spaghetti episode so they'd better

  100. 8 months ago

    It didn't even do the thing I like Rick and Morty to do and that's take a sci fi concept and just twist it until it snaps and everything goes out of control. It's the one thing it's good at. Like maybe Rick takes Poopy Butthole on an absolute bender but Poopy Butthole keeps wanting to ramp it up until they kill Galactus and inject cosmic adrenochrome into their brains.

  101. 8 months ago

    Bushworld Adventures is closer to a classic Rick and Morty adventure than modern Rick and Morty episodes.

  102. 8 months ago

    hey guys I have an idea for a new rick and morty episode, first we don't have morty in it at all then we focus everything on a bit character's marital problems. I also believe that we should emasculate the husband in the relationship we focus on.

    • 8 months ago

      Emasculating the husband is the specialty of some cuck frick on the writing team. It even happened all the way back in season 1 when the show was good.
      What’s the verdict, guys? Harmon?

  103. 8 months ago

    I kind of want to see rick abandoning this family and crashing in another dimension, maybe have a call back later where space beth leaves a message begging for help before she is brutally murdered by space whales.

    feel like the writing team has gotten so comfortable with this "canon" family that they have forgotten the multiverse aspect of the show.

    • 8 months ago

      Frick no.

      • 8 months ago

        Frick yes

        • 8 months ago

          The family is finally getting kind of good. Another reset would be terrible, would kill Rick’s growth as a character and ruin the momentum the show is going.
          What the show really needs to do is reset Rick and Morty, not the family.

          • 8 months ago

            so you don't want to kill's Rick's growth, but you want to reset his character?

            • 8 months ago

              Reset in the sense of their dynamic, not their character.

              • 8 months ago

                I don't know how that's possible without rolling back at least Morty's development.

              • 8 months ago

                I’d totally want them to roll back Morty’s development, he lacks anything definitive.

              • 8 months ago

                don't think you can recapture their original dynamic while leaving the family or morty as they are.

    • 8 months ago

      Ow the edge

  104. 8 months ago

    I can't take this shit anymore, what is the problem with this show?

    >the family?
    >random celebrity cameos?
    >weak sci fi?
    >the writing?
    >the self inserts?

    • 8 months ago

      >random celebrity cameos?

      That's the least of this show's problems, considering the only blatant celebs guests have been Elon and now Jackman.

      • 8 months ago

        I wonder if the creators get all butthurt that they used to think Elon was cool and now they think he’s a Nazi or something. I’ll be Dan Harmon seethes about it at night.

        • 8 months ago

          Justin made NFTs and Dan made a shitty NFT cartoon. They don't mind it. Can't speak for the rest of the crew though.

    • 8 months ago

      All of those topics have issues, there isn’t just one problem. The biggest of all is lazy writing which covers half that list.

  105. 8 months ago

    I get the impression that Dan, Justin, and the writers started out writing Rick and Morty as if they had something in mind for a "loose" overarching story for a show that wouldn't last that long, then got cold feet and backtracked once it became clear they had a cash cow on their hands.

    • 8 months ago

      Not saying they were ever thinking about DEEP LORE. I'm talking about an idea about Rick's backstory or a simple character arc or straightforward plot twist, and because they didn't think they'd get many seasons, they progressed things too fast when they had no idea they'd get 10 seasons, then abandoned it when the show started doing gangbusters. Every story has an end, but infinitely profitable sitcoms don't.

    • 8 months ago

      Rick and Morty had the original writers get ousted by Harmonites. Harmon decided that Rick is the new main character and Morty is a side character, and his first order of business is to vent over his divorce.

      • 8 months ago

        Apparently that’s a known thing.
        I don’t know why Redditors fellate Harmon so much and then act like they hate Justin because his humor is oh-so juvenile and they NEVER liked him in the first place.
        Seriously, I’ve seen so many Redditors act glad that he’s gone, and in such a way that it reminds me of a child who is 10 feeling the need to verbally distance himself from the “baby stuff” that he “never liked,” while viscously shitting on a kid who’s 2 years younger than him.

      • 8 months ago

        Apparently that’s a known thing.
        I don’t know why Redditors fellate Harmon so much and then act like they hate Justin because his humor is oh-so juvenile and they NEVER liked him in the first place.
        Seriously, I’ve seen so many Redditors act glad that he’s gone, and in such a way that it reminds me of a child who is 10 feeling the need to verbally distance himself from the “baby stuff” that he “never liked,” while viscously shitting on a kid who’s 2 years younger than him.

        Forgot pic related
        Relevant to my “apparently that’s a known thing” post

  106. 8 months ago

    Just get Roiland back ffs
    I don't care what piece of shit he is irl

  107. 8 months ago

    Should've just hired Colaws and Amerikaner

  108. 8 months ago

    Does anyone else hate it when they hear a character in R+M and it’s clear that it’s Harmon doing the voice? Like he’ll voice a dragon or something and it sounds like a Redditor trying to sound fake badass.

    • 8 months ago

      The nasality grates on me if it's not Birdperson.

      • 8 months ago

        Yup, you’ve pinpointed my exact issue with it.
        I can just picture him going
        >Yesss, nyehhehehehe
        or some shit to get into character and it’s disgusting.

  109. 8 months ago

    You guys ready for the new cold open today? Repostang because I didn't expect my pic to look so shitty and I don't have another.

  110. 8 months ago

    What was with the absolutely lame fighting choreography this episode?

    Usually they have some sort of fun inventive stuff going on in that department.

    • 8 months ago

      The choreography has been going down since Rick fought that Zeus.

    • 8 months ago

      The choreography has been going down since Rick fought that Zeus.

      I chalked it up to everyone still being a little under the influence. Squanchy literally couldn't even transform like he normally would

  111. 8 months ago

    Watched Get Schwifty recently, during the final song how quickly Justin slips into his Mr Poopybutthole voice when trying to sing as Morty is something to behold.

    • 8 months ago

      Justin wasn't singing as Morty. That was a random song they recorded for the Rushed License Adventure game they then threw into a future episode: https://youtu.be/RLOgaoLbkko&t=215s

      But it is funny how they didn’t bother updating it for Morty.

    • 8 months ago

      I’m having a hard time remembering the timeline but I think that episode was a sign of things to come. Just a shit episode and I don’t even know why I think so.

  112. 8 months ago

    I sure as frick didn't.

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