Robert Baratheon

What should he have done different?

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Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    Have a healthy diet.

  2. 2 years ago

    Not get killed by pig

  3. 2 years ago

    No sex and lift more

  4. 2 years ago

    Not been cucked by Rhaegar and then Jamie.

    • 2 years ago

      at least he killed Rhaegar, that's blood atonement right there

  5. 2 years ago

    isn't the entire reason he got cucked because he whispered Lyannas name into Cerseis ear when they were fricking? because if so he should have just fricked cersei like any other prostitute and she would've loved him because he was a literal gigachad.

    • 2 years ago

      No, cersei literally fricked jaime like right before their wedding night. The only solution is to have jaime sent to the wall, or let tywin take him back to the rock on the condition he never comes to kings landing ever again. Even then cersei is a dumb ho so she’ll probably frick her cousins or something

      • 2 years ago

        why didn't he just not marry Cersei?

        • 2 years ago

          Manipulated since he was a child by dumb buttholes.

        • 2 years ago

          the lannisters were the richest house in the seven kingdoms. if robert refused cersei, tywin would've taken it as an insult and probably plotted to overthrow him.

          • 2 years ago

            he could've probably married some girl from Highgarden after winning the war. then he would have the second richest house and the strongest one on his side.

            • 2 years ago

              The Tyrells are disgraced after the war, as they were Targ loyalists and one of the few Lord Paramount families that owe their origin to the Targaryens. They also probably didn’t have anyone of the right age. The Lannisters had to be awarded for essentially disgracing themselves to do Robert’s dirty work, Aerys, Aegon, and Rhaenys had to die for Robert to rule
              Stannis’s marriage to a Florent is also an explicit threat to the Tyrells, that if they act up they will be replaced by a House with more legitimacy
              Where Robert fricked up was being a drunken prostitutemonger pissing off Cersei and being an awful king. Should have also captured Daenerys to marry to his heir to solidify Baratheon rule and made more of a claim to their Targaryen ancestry

              • 2 years ago

                >one of the few Lord Paramount families that owe their origin to the Targaryens
                Is it really "one of the few" when half of the Lords Paramount owe their station to the Targaryens?

                >Tyrells - appointed by Targs
                >Tullys - appointed by Targs
                >Baratheons - appointed by Targs
                >Greyjoys - appointed after Targs told ironmen to choose someone

              • 2 years ago

                Yes but they also weren’t a major house beforehand and Baratheons even being Targ bastards are the continuation of the Durrandons
                Their legitimacy is the most precarious of any of the major houses and all of the strong houses in the Reach seemingly have better claims than they do

              • 2 years ago

                Fair enough, and I should have mentioned that you make a good point about the Florent marriage

              • 2 years ago

                >Where Robert fricked up was being a drunken prostitutemonger pissing off Cersei and being an awful king.
                I doubt anyone could have had a successful marriage with cersei, she had already convinced jaime to join the kings guard specifically to frick him while married to her dream prince rhaegar. Even if he was prince charming she’d be pushing out incest babies because she’s crazy.

          • 2 years ago

            In hindsight, not marry Cersei. Even ignoring what the marriage would become, I do not buy into the argument the Cersei marriage was vital for Robert in the immediate aftermath of the Rebellion. Tywin has already threw his lot in with the Rebels (through sacking King's Landing and having Elia/Rhaenys/Aegon killed) even before the Robert/Cersei marriage was on the table. Robert would have been better served marrying one of Mace Tyrell's sisters or a daughter from a other prominent Reach family.

            If you still want to appease the Lannisters either: 1) release Jaime from the Kingsguard - point either to his killing of Aerys or justify it by saying his appointment was invalid as it was under duress; or 2) appointment Kevan Lannister to Master of Coin.

            • 2 years ago

              The real issue really is it's a retelling of the war of the roses with climate change zombies and magic where George didn't also change parings and alignments that made no sense

            • 2 years ago

              Keep in mind nobody knew cersei was a crazy ho. On paper she makes way more sense than some tyrell.
              1.richest house in the kingdom almost completely untouched by war with their military intact
              2.father was an incredibly effective hand for the king with plenty of experience
     has much more prestige than the tyrells who are still seen as new money
              4.tyrell men fought against you, and the head of their house spent the war sieging you ancestral castle and almost starved your brothers to death
              5.cersei is young, fertile, and the most beautiful woman in the entire kingdom

              • 2 years ago

                You can counter by saying:
                >Robert does not necessarily have to marry a Tyrell. Brides from Hightower, Redwyne, Oakheart, Florent etc.
                >Tywin is not viably going to declare for Viserys.
                >Jon Arryn, not Tywin Lannister, is who Robert makes Hand of the King.
                >There is nothing to actually say pre-marriage to Robert that Cersei is fertile beyond presumption. If anything people may fear she would give birth to a dwarf like her mother.
                >What does Robert even need huge amounts of Lannister gold for? He has not conquered a bankrupt realm, the royal treasury is full. This not two decades later where Robert's (or maybe Littlefinger's) actions have bankrupted the realm.
                >The Tyrells (or Hightowers or Redwynes) are wealthy. Arguably they are more meaningfully wealthy than the Lannisters. The Westerlands has gold and silver. The Reach has food and from that food also gold.
                >The Reach can raise the largest army in Westeros.
                >The Redwyne fleet is the largest fleet in Westeros. In the immediate aftermath of the Rebellion 1) the Royal Fleet is still in possession of the Targaryens and 2) there is no Baratheon fleet.
                >Most of the Reach's forces are intact.
                >Robert is big on making allies from his former foes. The only House that Robert truly seems to hate is the Targaryens.

              • 2 years ago

                You can counter by saying:
                >Robert does not necessarily have to marry a Tyrell. Brides from Hightower, Redwyne, Oakheart, Florent etc.
                >Tywin is not viably going to declare for Viserys.
                >Jon Arryn, not Tywin Lannister, is who Robert makes Hand of the King.
                >There is nothing to actually say pre-marriage to Robert that Cersei is fertile beyond presumption. If anything people may fear she would give birth to a dwarf like her mother.
                >What does Robert even need huge amounts of Lannister gold for? He has not conquered a bankrupt realm, the royal treasury is full. This not two decades later where Robert's (or maybe Littlefinger's) actions have bankrupted the realm.
                >The Tyrells (or Hightowers or Redwynes) are wealthy. Arguably they are more meaningfully wealthy than the Lannisters. The Westerlands has gold and silver. The Reach has food and from that food also gold.
                >The Reach can raise the largest army in Westeros.
                >The Redwyne fleet is the largest fleet in Westeros. In the immediate aftermath of the Rebellion 1) the Royal Fleet is still in possession of the Targaryens and 2) there is no Baratheon fleet.
                >Most of the Reach's forces are intact.
                >Robert is big on making allies from his former foes. The only House that Robert truly seems to hate is the Targaryens.

                Also, if Tywin does try and declare a Westerlands rebellion then who will back him?
                >The Stormlands/Vale/North/Riverlands will not.
                >The Reach has been brought into the fold through by Robert through marriage.
                >The Dornish hate for the Lannisters will see them either sit out the conflict or send men to crush the Lannisters.
                The Ironborn? Likely they will raid the Westerlands either in the name of being loyalists to Robert or as part of them declaring themselves independent.

              • 2 years ago

                Tywin wouldn’t call a rebellion, he would most likely just insure your new wife slipped and fell off a cliff. If you are the anon who suggested that you just execute his kids without due cause then yeah your allies will abandon you over that, they literally just fought a war over that shit

              • 2 years ago

                Not the anon who said about executing the kids. I think it makes more sense to release Jaime from the Kingsguard.

                It would be a risky move to try and assassinate the new queen. Regardless if the assassination is successfully it could get revealed Tywin was behind it. The queen could die of natural causes and many people will suspect (some will straight-out accuse) the Lannisters of having assassinated her. It also assumes that Robert will still marry Cersei if his wife dies. Robert could just as easily decide to marry someone else or not marry again. Time is also a factor for Tywin: Cersei cannot remain unmarried for too long; the more time that goes by gives Robert and Stannis time to have children that Tywin will also have to remove.

                I would say, if Robert does not marry Cersei then he needs to ensure Cersei also does not marry Stannis. That is just Robert inviting an accident to befall upon himself.

              • 2 years ago

                >cersei is young, fertile, and the most beautiful woman in the entire kingdom
                Kek she was ugly AF in the show

              • 2 years ago

                nice reading comprehension moron

  6. 2 years ago

    be a better husband to cersei, she admitted that she actually loved him in the beginning.
    dont get cucked by jaime, so joffrey will be your biological son and not an insane maniac.
    raise joffrey right so he will be a decent king

    all problems solved

  7. 2 years ago

    Should have had the Lannisters killed as soon as he assumed the throne.
    Jaimie broke his oath. Tywin played neutral until one side was winning. Clearly these people couldn't be trusted.

    • 2 years ago

      He should have married a Tyrell and put the lannisters in their place.

    • 2 years ago

      >kill the lannister twins
      >tywin assembles an army and immediately marches on the capital, is able to rally most houses to his side because of this senseless act of violence
      good thinking morons

      • 2 years ago

        >Starks, Tullys, and Arryns are already in a tight-knit alliance
        >Martells fricking hate Tywin for killing Elia
        >Robert had just swayed all the Targ loyalists by being a gigachad
        Even if he gets the Tyrells and Ironborn on his side, Tywin is absolutely going to get fricked.

      • 2 years ago

        assembles an army and immediately marches on the capital, is able to rally most houses to his side
        lol no

        the Stark-Arryn-Baratheon-Tully alliance was in effect, Tywin had sacked King's Landing and killed Princess Elia so the Crownlands and Dorne hated his shit more than Robert's and the Tyrells had fought under the dragon banner and bent the knee to Robert, and had no reason to back the murderer of Targaryen or to oppose the man who had shown them clemency

        Lannisters would be alone, just like they were at the beginning of the War of the Five Kings

  8. 2 years ago

    pay attention to jon arryn's sudden death
    pay attention to bran's sudden fall
    pay attention to who your father in law is
    wonder if a woman can really be raped hundreds of times

  9. 2 years ago

    Balance the budget so he isn't in debt to Lannisters

    hire spies in every major house

    get over Stacey Stark dying and invade ASOIAF turkey continent

    • 2 years ago

      >ASOIAF turkey continent
      ? Western continent?

      • 2 years ago

        the one of 2 continents that isn't shaped like the UK is literally shaped like Turkey bro... have you looked at the map? its not very subtle

  10. 2 years ago

    not be a fat bastard incel cuck

    • 2 years ago

      Has this term mutated to just become a general insult? Bobby B is far from being involuntary celibate.

      • 2 years ago

        >Has this term mutated to just become a general insult?
        yes you newbie

      • 2 years ago

        he was basically an incel for that stark chick

  11. 2 years ago

    Did Jaime not care about Tyrion or was this just bad writing/choreography?

    • 2 years ago

      jaime's a sword-fight junkie in the books, he can't resist extending duels whether it endangers himself or his opponent

    • 2 years ago

      It's a case of natural talent (Jamie) vs a soldier with experience from multiple battles (Ned)

  12. 2 years ago

    not get cucked by his brother in law

  13. 2 years ago

    Don’t get married like Daeron I

  14. 2 years ago

    hang all the lannisters high

  15. 2 years ago

    He should of done nothing differently. Megachad based character that only died because everyone else around him sucks ass.

  16. 2 years ago

    >give crown to stannis and push all responsibilities onto him
    >become mercenary king and frick women from all over essos

    • 2 years ago

      I mean the “make fricking Ned do this shit” was a fairly solid plan if you just want to drink and frick

      • 2 years ago

        He waited far too long to bring Ned on though and all the schemes were already in place. If Ned had been there sooner though, maybe he'd have gotten Robert some help to change his ways though because they were never going to lead to anything good.

      • 2 years ago

        Yeah but you still have to be married to cersei, plus he did that plan way too late. Additionally he fricked up by letting arryn be his hand, because arryn let littlefinger embezzle literally all of the treasury

  17. 2 years ago

    Could have tried to actually care for his wife and children. Best case the kids are actually his, even if not he has a greater chance of finding out. And it may have prevented some mental issues with joffrey. No guarantees though, and who the hell would think that his wife has an incestuous affair with her brother, that's super weird.
    Releasing jaime would have gone a fair way too, and make sense anyway to appease tywin. Maybe if he took a little interest in his brother in law and bodyguard, he would have noticed he was unhappy, presumed it was because he got a shit job, and let him go to become the heir to tywin.

  18. 2 years ago

    There was nothing wrong with marrying Cersei, as another anon pointed out. It was by a FAR margin the best choice, considering what every characters knew at that time.
    No, what Robert had to was simply be good to Cersei, give her legit sons from his own balls, and most importantly, be a decent father for his children instead of an absent drunkard.
    Just playing the role of the loving husband with Cersei would have fixed a frickton of things already.

    • 2 years ago

      Cersei has severe mental issues and treating her well would not keep her from fricking her brother, she had planned on keeping jaime available for fugging when she thought rhaegar was going to marry her after all. Really the best thing you could do is make jaime take the black, but then cersei would still hate you for it.

  19. 2 years ago

    But what was his tax policy

    • 2 years ago

      Let baelish handle(steal) it

    • 2 years ago

      Mostly revenues from port fees, customs duties and taxes paid by nobles to the Iron Throne, according to the Tyrion chapeters in A Clash of Kings

  20. 2 years ago

    got is such a classless, filthy series. edge for the sake of edge. le ebin hbo etc etc

  21. 2 years ago

    As good as Mark Addy was, Robert was meant to be a gigachad who let himself go. Addy has always been a schlubby fatass.

    • 2 years ago

      he looks like a friend from high school who became a state police officer and shot an unarmed black guy

    • 2 years ago

      >Robert was meant to be a gigachad who let himself go
      yeah he played that part pretty fricking well. he's a fricking actor. who gives a shit what he looked like 20 years before the role? sounds like female thinking

  22. 2 years ago

    Realise rulling is not for him
    Abdicates to Stannis and have him marry Cersei
    Become a sellsword in Essos
    Die in war or another

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