>rogue used to be thic-

>rogue used to be thic-

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  1. 4 months ago


    • 4 months ago

      Shut the frick up.

      • 4 months ago



        • 4 months ago

          Does anyone on this board actually watch the show? Or is it all screen caps from 10 years ago and Japanese intro's lmfao. What's your favorite episode from the show anon? Any characterizations you particularly liked?

          • 4 months ago

            Nobody here watches or reads comics here, dumbass.

            I actually just started rewatching it for the first time since I was a kid, so a lot of it I don't remember. The religion episode did stick with me though.

            • 4 months ago

              Anon is a lying sack of shit because most people here actually have watched and he's just ass mad people don't just consoom like he does.

              • 4 months ago

                Making a lot of assumptions.

                Because it's not 1993

                By that logic, we shouldn't even be talking about the X-Men.

              • 4 months ago

                Says the homosexual assuming no one but him watches cartoons. Your sense of superiority is utterly unwarranted and your deflections are pathetic.

              • 4 months ago

                Not even the guy you think you're responding to, but remove the stick out your ass, you sensitive little pussy.

              • 4 months ago

                Tell you what, I'll remove the stick from my ass when you wash the sand out of your vag.

              • 4 months ago

                Why should I? I didn't say anything to warrant you getting so upset in the first place. Stay off the internet until your period's over.

              • 4 months ago

                >"Get off the internet if you so upset"
                >Get's upset with basic ass internet banter.
                Sounds like you're the one who needs break. You should use it to wash all that sand out of your vag, you'll probably be less irritable.

              • 4 months ago

                Why are you wasting time trying to cope with being wrong? No one buys that you were just engaging in "le funny internet banter". Just admit that you got called out and stop being a homosexual. You'll look better.

              • 4 months ago

                I'm that anon, and what you're saying here makes 0 sense. I'm ass mad when someone asks about whether or not a show is good and they're interested in watching the replies they get are either non-existent or devoid of any conversational value relating to the topic. That has nothing to do with consuming, which is a bizarre criticism on a board dedicated to the consumption and discussion of media.

                what they do now, (and Netflix has mastered it) is order one season of 40 episodes then air it as 3 seasons of 10-15 episodes then cancel it. this way they get 3 seasons of content to split up across 1-2 years and they avoid the extra production costs that come with filming/making multiple seasons of a show including any raises people involved in the show get for it getting "renewed"

                the loss of needing "x" amount of episodes for a show to get syndicated overseas is also a factor

                I think another factor that played into this was Netflix was on a serious content ramp up in order to retain its market share. Having a few good series is probably a less sure way to attract people than a scatter shot of all different types of series, so they spread their budget thin and went with a 2-3 season rule of low episode count.

                How come nobody ever talks about Gambit anymore?

                Because nobody here watches the show..

                Nobody here watches or reads comics here, dumbass.

                I actually just started rewatching it for the first time since I was a kid, so a lot of it I don't remember. The religion episode did stick with me though.

                Yeah that episode is certainly a stand out, as a kid I didn't care for it all that much, but as an adult it's certainly respectable that they managed to do such a plot and not make it agonizingly patronizing for any particular stance. Wolverine I think had to best focus episodes imo, I think him being such a brute, but there's this undercurrent of complexity with his past and self loathing make his stuff compelling.

              • 4 months ago

                It makes perfect sense, as you confirm what I said in the 3rd reply, as you once again make the false assumption that you're the only one on this site who actually watches cartoons. You aren't special and your opinions aren't better than anyone's.

              • 4 months ago

                I think it stood out to me particularly because around the time I watched it, I was about twelve or thirteen and going through a rough patch with my own religious beliefs. And also Nightcrawler is my favorite but that's besides the point.

          • 4 months ago

            My favorite episodes are the ones where Beast is the focus or main support.
            >Episode where Morph has to man up
            >Xavier get's kidnapped by Sentinels
            >Wolverine and Beast are the only ones available
            >Former does his usual snik't bubbing, doesn't job surprisingly
            >Hank gets his big gun
            >Proceeds to shoot big holes into Sentinels
            >All while doing it in a scholarly manner
            and that's why Beast is best character.

            >from a straight animation perspective how the frick did they manage to make worse looking animation nearly 30 years later?
            Are you actually moronic. There is NOTHING in the original X-Men where the animation is as good as this shot alone. Saying the new one has worse animation based on a short trailer makes no sense especially when they also showcase decent animation as well which is something you never see in the old show outside of the Japanese opening.

            The original wasn't all THAT bad. Sure, there were a lot moments that was QUALITY but there was also moments that there was quality too.
            I'm expecting a lot of animations shots and angles that are going to be inspired from anime in X-men '97. It seems to be a trend among a lot of animation as of late, Puss in Boots comes to mind.

            • 4 months ago

              Wolverine and Beast team ups were always enjoyable. Like that one where wolverine loses his mind and beast goes after him to help. Beast is an underrated member, a good enough straight man for the other crazy members to be erratic around, without coming off boring like Jean does often times.

              >from a straight animation perspective how the frick did they manage to make worse looking animation nearly 30 years later?
              Are you actually moronic. There is NOTHING in the original X-Men where the animation is as good as this shot alone. Saying the new one has worse animation based on a short trailer makes no sense especially when they also showcase decent animation as well which is something you never see in the old show outside of the Japanese opening.

              >The original wasn't all THAT bad. Sure, there were a lot moments that was QUALITY but there was also moments that there was quality too.
              Yeah, there was certainly a lot of stilted movements and goofy off model shots (which aged in an endearing/charming way imo) but fights like the X-force/Iceman one were actually pretty cool. It did a good job of having a chaotic scramble all while not being a clusterfrick for my eyes.

              Storyboarding wise I would describe it as erring on the side of legibility over spectacle. A difference of tastes (although I tend to prefer spectacle lol)

            • 4 months ago


              QUALITY you say?

              • 4 months ago

                I LOVE QUALITY

  2. 4 months ago

    These past day or two is the most ive ever seen this character. Was the show cool? The art looks nice.

    • 4 months ago

      The show was great, but nobody here cares about the show, just the inconsistent depiction of rogues ass that they only know about from an X-men meme.

      Story wise, it's a roller coaster of a plot and while a children's cartoon somehow manages to do justice to serious character arcs/episodes. Watching it you might be surprised at the maturity with which the show can handle it's themes. As far as saturday morning cartoons go, I would put it in the tier just bellow Gargoyles personally.
      The animation quality takes a massive dip in the last season and while the entire run has moments of jank animation it manages to capture an endearing quality that still allows it to be enjoyable.

      • 4 months ago

        Get over yourself you obnoxious puritan cuck.

        • 4 months ago

          >Whaa Whaa
          Keep coping you coomer tourist frick, learn to actually enjoy shows.

          • 4 months ago

            Animation without sex is for church ladies.

            • 4 months ago

              Seems church ladies enjoy cartoons more than you ever have or could.

          • 4 months ago

            >I enjoy corpo slop
            Glad you can admit it anon, it's the first step to recovery.

            • 4 months ago

              How was X-men corpo slop? You can't even follow a conversation. This is the last (you) I will be gracing your foolish ass with lmfao.

            • 4 months ago

              I'm like 70 percent certain that you're that same schizo that calls people corporate shills/slop eaters for disagreeing with you in Urusei Yatsura threads on Cinemaphile, or at the very least the both of you are cut from the same cloth.

              • 4 months ago

                >or at the very least the both of you are cut from the same cloth.
                more like the same discord.

      • 4 months ago

        Oh wait i remember this show now, i specifically remember the episode where Wolverine had a grudge against Christianity or something like that. I watched it ages ago. Do Saturday morning cartoons still play on TV? I haven't watched cable in years.

        • 4 months ago

          >Do Saturday morning cartoons still play on TV?
          No, that era has sadly passed. Unless you mean channels dedicated to cartoons that happen to overlap Saturday, in which case they do, but their catalogue sucks. Though Boomerang has gotten better over the last year or so. Caught them playing popeye in the early AM which was a treat.

          • 4 months ago

            Oh that's a pity, im being reminded of the all the times id tune in and watch spectacular spiderman. Cartoons have been taking a different shift nowadays. I remember when seasons were like 20 to 40 episodes, 20 episodes a season seems more rare these days.

            • 4 months ago

              Yeah budgeting and production costs have made it where ordering large batches of episodes are too risky I guess. For a network show with a more captive audience you could get away with that, but in a world where every piece of entertainment is being min-maxed for getting attention, you want to make things quicker and get results quicker.

              • 4 months ago

                what they do now, (and Netflix has mastered it) is order one season of 40 episodes then air it as 3 seasons of 10-15 episodes then cancel it. this way they get 3 seasons of content to split up across 1-2 years and they avoid the extra production costs that come with filming/making multiple seasons of a show including any raises people involved in the show get for it getting "renewed"

                the loss of needing "x" amount of episodes for a show to get syndicated overseas is also a factor

              • 4 months ago

                This is hilarious to as shills will pretend like it's some kind of own when their shitty new show gets a new season, blissfully unaware that their corporate overlords have already decided how long the series is regardless how how low the view counts are.

    • 4 months ago

      >was the show cool

      yes. beast was a wholesome and chad team player back then. he really shined in the weapon x episode and the phalanx episodes

  3. 4 months ago

    Just talking from a straight animation perspective how the frick did they manage to make worse looking animation nearly 30 years later? And X-Men TAS already had some pretty bad animation to begin with.

    • 4 months ago

      >from a straight animation perspective how the frick did they manage to make worse looking animation nearly 30 years later?
      Are you actually moronic. There is NOTHING in the original X-Men where the animation is as good as this shot alone. Saying the new one has worse animation based on a short trailer makes no sense especially when they also showcase decent animation as well which is something you never see in the old show outside of the Japanese opening.

      • 4 months ago

        I wish I could be ten years old again, because Gambit powering up Wolverine's claws would have been sick as hell when I was that age.

      • 4 months ago

        you're joking right? I can basically see the rig

        • 4 months ago

          and what do you see when you watch the 90's X-Men? Static images?

          • 4 months ago

            In my original comment I said the og series had bad animation as well. my point was that the new stuff should be MILES better give that its nearly 30 years later, but instead it's just a different type of shit.

            • 4 months ago

              I don't think it looks that bad, but something is a little depressing about the sparse amount of action cartoons that are getting made being handed off to the same Korean studio.

              • 4 months ago

                It's never talked about but there is a seriously massive talent pool problem in animation, japan included.

              • 4 months ago

                I feel that's the natural result of an industry in which people undercutting each other price wise is common.

    • 4 months ago

      It's modern animation, which is limited animation paired with digital production. It's not uniquely bad. You just notice the problems more because of the designs. Some of that is compounded by poor direction, particularly during group shots. (Everyone looking in different directions, when they should all be looking at Magneto.)
      This problem is best illustrated by Western attempts at "anime style." The only people who are successful at it are the French, students, and some indie productions like Enceladus V that's been posted about lately. Those work because the people behind them were willing to go all the way and animate traditionally. Viewers are registering qualities of traditional animation without knowing exactly what they are.
      In the case of X-Men 97, the thing you're picking up on is most likely its use of transformations - moving pieces across the screen, rotating body parts on anchor points, enlarging pieces to simulate zooming in and out. Those techniques almost always look cheap. Even when relative good shows use it, it pops out and people notice and ridicule it, such as certain flying scenes in the first season of Invincible.
      I'm going to concur with some other posters, without as much animus, that the original X-Men cartoon also had mediocre animation. What it didn't have, was those cheap tricks.

  4. 4 months ago

    Finished that for you, did you computer shut down anon?

  5. 4 months ago

    How come nobody ever talks about Gambit anymore?

    • 4 months ago

      Because it's not 1993

    • 4 months ago

      Not enough ass shots in the show.

    • 4 months ago

      Inb4 they remove his accent in "respect" to the Cajun community.

  6. 4 months ago

    Spider-Woman was

    • 4 months ago
    • 4 months ago
      • 4 months ago
    • 4 months ago
    • 4 months ago

      Built for intense prone bone.

    • 4 months ago


      Frank Cho and Pepperidge Farms remembers

  7. 4 months ago

    The wild man of Borneo...see you around.

    • 4 months ago

      I don't care which spirit ladies to what to which cajuns. I'm here to stop a wedding.

      • 4 months ago

        Love that line, this show and the other's in its vein have really memorable one liners.

  8. 4 months ago

    So, if she touches Wolverine, she gets bone claws and regeneration. If she touches Colossus, she'd get metal skin with increased strength and muscle mass. She touches Angel, she gets wings. All of these are physical attributes of the people she touches. So with that in mind, is it too far of a stretch to say that she can take other physical attributes as well? Sure, Disney flattened her out, but if she really applied her abilities, she could regain the figure she lost. All it would cost is some generous donations from other female characters. And let's be honest, Emma Frost has had it too good for too long.

    • 4 months ago

      >And let's be honest, Emma Frost has had it too good for too long.

      This checks out.

    • 4 months ago

      Emma's assets are canonically silicone.
      Rogue's powers can't absorb that.

  9. 4 months ago

    Where's Kurt??

    • 4 months ago

      He was in the character models shown at the 2022 San Diego Comic-Con and has an action figure in the toyline. So it's safe to say he'll be in the show.

  10. 4 months ago

    Why do twittertard leftard election tourist always fail to revise history?

    • 4 months ago

      Ah, yes image #5 of the same 5 constantly posted images by outrage shills so they don't have to ever watch the show. So tired of these clowns.

      • 4 months ago

        And what are YOU adding to the discussion?

        • 4 months ago

          I'm the anon that actually answered

          These past day or two is the most ive ever seen this character. Was the show cool? The art looks nice.

          and discussed the actual show. You know, because I enjoy talking about the show.
          You seem incensed, have some 'thicc' rogue ass.

          • 4 months ago

            I can't believe they flattened Rogue's ass but left Gambit's abs in. The double standards are unbelievable.

            • 4 months ago

              Yeah, what the frick, the removed rogues giant rack, but left cyclops absolutely yoked.

          • 4 months ago

            Im that anon btw, hi lol
            This thread has made me nostalgic for superhero stuff again

      • 4 months ago

        Its because this picture blows your argument out of the water. It doesn't matter how much you b***h and moan, your argument is invalid and you are a moron.

        • 4 months ago

          You aren't making any sense lmfao, tell me anon, what am I arguing?

          In what way does that picture dispute that most of the people posting it don't care about discussing the show and are far more concerned about outrage baiting some bullshit. I've actually discussed the show in this thread, meanwhile you and your outrage discord cabal can only post the same few image comps that have been floating around for years. You don't watch cartoons, you don't care about the show, you are culture war tourists and a blight on the board, go back.

    • 4 months ago

      It's easy to make this argument when you use cherrypicked.

      • 4 months ago

        That's a lot of cherrypicking anon. Meanwhile the twittertard literally only has 2 image

        I'm the anon that actually answered [...] and discussed the actual show. You know, because I enjoy talking about the show.
        You seem incensed, have some 'thicc' rogue ass.

        Yeah, what the frick, the removed rogues giant rack, but left cyclops absolutely yoked.

    • 4 months ago

      I'm glad people use this. Made this collage as I was re-watching the series and noticed EVERY single episode had a 2-3 frame gratuitous ass or crotch shot of Rogue. Sometimes they would transition to another camera angle by zooming into Rogue's ass or crotch(which is what all those close ups are about) Also,you may notice that the shading on the yellow part of her leotard is flesh colored, which I find interesting. The art of subtlety..

      • 4 months ago

        >EVERY single episode had a 2-3 frame gratuitous ass or crotch shot of Rogue
        Just like comics used to be before Disney took over Marvel and killed it in the process, shots of ass like that today are totally forbidden at Marvel today, not even Carlos Gomes has the freedom to do it, buy a brand and make it something the consumer hates

  11. 4 months ago

    Can someone post more of Rogue Hank Hill's ass? I wanna laugh

  12. 4 months ago

    I'm just saying that even the toy understood Rogue has an ass on her.

    • 4 months ago

      hot glue it

  13. 4 months ago

    I saw a lot of women complaining about Rogue's lack of ass and the man boobs she and Jean were given if you want your franchise based on comic books to be a success, never hire gay producers and gay showrunners, hire straight men who are fans of comics

  14. 4 months ago

    What's the source of this?
    image looks pretty clean

  15. 4 months ago

    the tinted glasses people have with this show is INSANE
    it was decent,if you watched it as a kid is great,now?
    aged like milk,everything is so 90s makes me want to PUKE

    • 4 months ago

      I rewatched it last year and I still found it very entertaining. I enjoyed it even more in some ways.

  16. 4 months ago

    kill shills, behead shills, roundhouse kick shill into the concrete, slam dunk a shill baby into the trash can, crucify filthy shills, defecate into shills food, launch shills into the sun, stir fry shills in a wok, toss shills into active volcanoes, urinate into shill's gas tank, Judo throw shills into a wood chipper, twist shills heads off, report shills to the IRS, karate chop shills in half, curb stomp pregnant shills, trap shills in quicksand, Crush shills in the trash compactor, liquify shills in a vat of acid, eat shills, dissect shills, exterminate shills in the gas chamber, stomp shill skulls with steel-toed boots, cremate shills in the oven, lobotomized shills, mandatory abortions for shills, grind shill fetuses in the garbage disposal, drown shills in fried chicken grease, vaporize shills with a raygun, kick old shills down the stairs, feed shills to alligators, slice shills with a katanana.

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