Say what you will, but he had the balls to go out and live his dream.

Say what you will, but he had the balls to go out and live his dream.

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Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 weeks ago

    If you die in a dream you die in real life

  2. 2 weeks ago

    And the brains to starve to death 50 feet from a river stuffed with salmon.

    • 2 weeks ago

      the poisonous plant he mistakenly ate made it impossible to hold down food.

    • 2 weeks ago

      the poisonous plant he mistakenly ate made it impossible to hold down food.

      You're both morons. He died from rabbit starvation.

  3. 2 weeks ago

    he was also supposed to be smart but he didn't wanna frick 15 year old kristen stewart

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Society's rules are all bullshit
      >A horny teenage girl is begging to frick you
      >Nope, not gonna have sex her, that would be against the rules!

  4. 2 weeks ago

    Unfortunately he didn't have any brains

  5. 2 weeks ago

    If i was him I would have secured a month long supply of meth, some bear spray, and ramen. Would have cleared that field and quest line no diff.

  6. 2 weeks ago

    Let's pretend his passion was Nascar driving...
    Christopher McCandless sets off, from California in an old car he rebuilt himself (he replaced the fenders and painted it), on a trip to the Daytona 500. He only gets across the state line when he runs out of fuel because he forgot to fill it up. Instead of simply walking to the nearest gas station or flagging down help he decides to push his car over an embankment and set it on fire. He then proceeds to walk on foot to the nearest car lot (which happens to be in Mexico for some reason, mostly because he burned up his map in the car and he's been taking backroads.) He finds an old bicycle in a garbage dump and uses that.

    He finally gets to the car lot and buys a fixer-upper for $50. Before leaving the car lot he has to change a tire, which he replaces with the solid rubber donut. He buys fuel and heads off to the Daytona 500 again. Only he's heading deeper into Mexico and eventually ends up broken down in front of, "Autodromo Internacional de la Jolla" due to no water in the radiator. The engine block has seized up. Luckily, there's a race about to start. "Alexander Superspeeder", who changed his name, pays the $125 entry fee for the race.

    Unfortunately, Alexander Superspeeder doesn't have a race car. He does however have an old bicycle still. He uses the bicycle to race. He makes it only 3 laps before he is too tired to steer straight and veers off into a race car and is killed.

    Some israelite picks up his story and writes a book about his life and how he followed his dreams. Another israelite makes a movie about it. Armchair racers around the world adore him.

    The End.

    • 2 weeks ago

      there it is

      • 2 weeks ago

        Let's pretend his passion was Nascar driving...
        Christopher McCandless sets off, from California in an old car he rebuilt himself (he replaced the fenders and painted it), on a trip to the Daytona 500. He only gets across the state line when he runs out of fuel because he forgot to fill it up. Instead of simply walking to the nearest gas station or flagging down help he decides to push his car over an embankment and set it on fire. He then proceeds to walk on foot to the nearest car lot (which happens to be in Mexico for some reason, mostly because he burned up his map in the car and he's been taking backroads.) He finds an old bicycle in a garbage dump and uses that.

        He finally gets to the car lot and buys a fixer-upper for $50. Before leaving the car lot he has to change a tire, which he replaces with the solid rubber donut. He buys fuel and heads off to the Daytona 500 again. Only he's heading deeper into Mexico and eventually ends up broken down in front of, "Autodromo Internacional de la Jolla" due to no water in the radiator. The engine block has seized up. Luckily, there's a race about to start. "Alexander Superspeeder", who changed his name, pays the $125 entry fee for the race.

        Unfortunately, Alexander Superspeeder doesn't have a race car. He does however have an old bicycle still. He uses the bicycle to race. He makes it only 3 laps before he is too tired to steer straight and veers off into a race car and is killed.

        Some israelite picks up his story and writes a book about his life and how he followed his dreams. Another israelite makes a movie about it. Armchair racers around the world adore him.

        The End.

        they did this with bobsledding, it was called Cool Runnings

  7. 2 weeks ago

    what was his dream? i only saw the last 30 minutes of the movie years ago
    kinda stupid way to die

    didnt live his dream for very long....

  8. 2 weeks ago

    >inb4 a 200+ reply thread of "He's a moron who died", "was a self-righteous butthole towards his family" & "frickin moron should've been more prepared"

    If you truly can't glean some kind of life-affirming value from this guy's story, and your only takeaway is "lel what a moron", then you are lost. And perhaps even more biting, you're spouting a reddit-tier platitude in the same sphere as "Die Hard is my favorite Christmas movie" and "Idiocracy wasn't supposed to be a documentary!!1!"

    • 2 weeks ago

      >says "you are lost"
      >then says "you're spouting a reddit-tier platitude"
      Massive projection, lol.

    • 2 weeks ago

      P.S. I just finished reading your post and found out you don't know what a platitude is. See

      >says "you are lost"
      >then says "you're spouting a reddit-tier platitude"
      Massive projection, lol.

      . Now you do.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Elevating him to folk-hero status is also a mistake because it has the very real world effect of motivating others to go off and be le ebin bush man, ultimately killing them.

      If you truly want to divorce yourself from modern society all the power to you, but educate yourself first. Living off grid is a whole new lifestyle, so unless your plan is actually to just survive as long as you can and then die within 1-2 years...don't treat it lightly.

      People who shit on him for being unprepared are just bitter wagie cucks anyways. He lived the dream, but he dreamed too hard when he should've buckled down and studied a bit first.

      If it wasn't the improper food choice and lack of knowledge on shelter and stores that killed him, it probably would've been a wild animal or just some simple infection that grew out of control and poisoned his blood.

      • 2 weeks ago

        In real life he had mental problems stemming from the fact his father physically abused him and his sister. The shit about him going off into nature to find himself is just aping a tired trope. morons act like this guy was some saint when reality is he LARPed as a hobo and died. It's sad and all but there are plenty of homeless teens on the streets at this very moment who didn't have the opportunities "Alexander Supertramp" was handed by life and plenty of others who overcame much worse of a personal history than he did.

        • 2 weeks ago

          Hobos are, in some ways, the ultimate survivalists. Especially OLD hobos, they will be the lucky few to survive the nuclear holocaust that is coming.

          I suspect it will be a lot like one of my japanese animes.

          • 2 weeks ago

            Old timey hobos are based. This guy's life story is just romanticized boomer trash.

  9. 2 weeks ago

    The book is much more up front about his shitty personality and fatal arrogance. He was a spoiled rich kid who had no love for anybody and belittled and mistreated everyone who ever loved him, and he wouldn't listen to anybody's concerns or advice. He wasn't just unprepared for the wilderness, he set himself up to die alone and helpless long before that.

  10. 2 weeks ago

    didn't have the intelligence to stay alive to see it through though

  11. 2 weeks ago


    • 2 weeks ago

      His "research" into poisonous plants was literally just skimming a library book.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Crazier shit was him wasting tons of viable meat because he was that ignorant.

      • 2 weeks ago

        you don't store your moose at ambient temperature in direct sunlight?

  12. 2 weeks ago

    But he died

  13. 2 weeks ago

    stupid tard like every other left wing freak

  14. 2 weeks ago

    He was right all along. The world has only gotten worse with time, while being already more than shitty.

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