Sci-Fi Channel

Remember the Sci-Fi Channel? Did you enjoy anything they aired?

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  1. 5 days ago

    Loved Sci-Fi channel as a kid. The bumpers they had where they interviewed directors/actors/artists were always really cool. One of my fondest memories was watching the first anime marathon they presented in 1994 with Ralph Bakshi as host. My dad was a weeb and sitting down on the couch watching crazy ass cartoons that my 8 year old brain couldn't quite comprehend will always stick with me.


    • 5 days ago

      and of course we watched MST3K every Saturday (or maybe it was Sunday) morning.

      • 5 days ago

        This is one of my last positive memories of my mom. She would drink cold coffee and smoke kools and watch mst.

        • 5 days ago

          Your mom sounds like more of a bbc watcher.

    • 5 days ago

      holy shit, dude. I was exactly thinking of this movie when i saw this thread. man, was there any anime they showed that wasn't kino?
      Besides the saturday anime block I really enjoyed MST3K and outer limits. I think there was some sci-fi original movie about a sasquatch that bites off a guy's face that was pretty good for what it was.

  2. 5 days ago

    Farscape, mystery science theater, wonder woman and godzilla marathons and early morning transformers g1 reruns

    • 5 days ago

      I use to watch re-runs of Star Trek TOS in the afternoon. Was probably 99/2000 or 2003?. First time I saw TOS.

  3. 5 days ago

    Farscape and Stargate SG1 were great, Stargate Atlantis was solid. I also really liked Face Off the special effects makeup competition they had a few years back, wish they'd bring that show back.

    • 5 days ago

      The Expanse was also great when it was on Scifi. The quality declined after it went to Amazon.

  4. 5 days ago

    The SCI-FI channel officially jumped the shark when they changed the name to SYFY.

    • 5 days ago

      I remember when they changed the name. Used to watch the channel sometimes as a kid back in the 2000s before the name change.

  5. 5 days ago

    Fantastic creature features like Frankenfish, weird and obscure late night kino like Shock Treatment, interesting original TV shows Battlestar Galactica, Eureka, Warehouse 13, etc. Even their reality shows were top notch like the one where the locked a geek from different subcultures in a house together. How did they get it so right?

    • 5 days ago

      Speaking of their creature features Frankenfish, Sabertooth, and Chupacabra Dark Seas were all kino.
      Can't find the soft sequel to Sabertooth anywhere or any streaming service or torrent.
      >Attack of the Sabertooth
      >Jp ripoff where they do a tropical island with sabertooth tigers
      >guy from revenge of the nerds is the evil rich nerd cloning them
      >end boss is a giant paraplegic sabertooth that drags it's back legs

  6. 5 days ago

    Sci Fi Buzz was great for getting caught up on industry news and it always had a section with Harlan Ellison ranting about stuff that pissed him off.

    • 5 days ago

      Forgot to post the link. An entire playlist of "Harlan Ellison is Watching" from Sci-Fi Buzz:


      • 5 days ago

        I haven't watched this yet but I vividly remember him sperging the frick out over the pronunciation of Neanderthal on there once.

  7. 5 days ago


    • 5 days ago

      Well, follow that up with the sound of steel drums and girls showing their breasts for Girls Gone Wild, and you've just mainlined nostalgia.

    • 5 days ago

      It just occurred to me that you couldnt show a commercial like this on tv or even cable now.

  8. 5 days ago
  9. 5 days ago

    I remember being home sick from school or during the summer, and they'd show blocks of shows from the 70s, like the original BattleStar, The Incredible Hulk, etc. Loved it. MST3K remains a favorite, Mike Nelson was my fav host. But stand outs:

    Sliders (loved this and knew no one else who watched it)
    Battlestar Galactica
    Lexx (Just for all the sex references and hot girls, literally all I remember)
    All the Stargate stuff
    Quantum Leap (original run)

    I'm sure there's tons of stuff I'm missing. But Sci Fi used to be great. Last time I had cable and checked it out, it was mainly Ghost Hunting and UFO reality shows. Given enough time, all things start to suck.

  10. 5 days ago

    If it were not for the Sci-fi channel airing the director's cut of Dune back in '93, I would have missed the single most formative novel of muh life. I still remember watching that kino at twelve years of age... I was blown away. A few years later, I read the Dune when I was eighteen. I thank the Sci-fi channel for not only showing kino beyond kid stuff, but for exposing my mind to literature. Good times, man.

    • 5 days ago

      based. what did you think of the mini-series they did?

      • 5 days ago

        I really enjoyed it. But both Dune and Children of Dune had two glaring flaws.
        >Costume design
        >Low budget

        • 5 days ago

          >he doesn't like the costume design

        • 5 days ago

          The Harkonnens looked cool as frick to me when I watched when it aired in high school. Its dated looking now but so is classic sci-fi from the 50s and 60s and it’s still kino.

        • 5 days ago

          I thought costume design was pretty good considering the budget
          casting was even largely excellent though I never liked the Paul or Leto choices

    • 5 days ago

      >Director's Cut
      say what?

  11. 5 days ago

    Frick this channel and Bonnie Hammer who Okay'd RDMoore into destroying Battlestar Galactica, Both of them can suck monkey dick.

    • 5 days ago

      Battlestar was great, idiot. Except for the ending. You didn't even have to pay attention to the plot too much because Six was hot as hell.

      • 5 days ago

        Frick off c**t. The fans of the original were waiting for a continuation and that israelite piece of shit just ripped off anime battle scenes left and right whit that unfinished video game spaceship look CGI and lame anti American post 911 angst flimsy storytelling techniques. Hell most the battles were ripped off from the original Space Battleship Yamato. Frick off! FRICK OFF!

        • 5 days ago

          >Hell most the battles were ripped off from the original Space Battleship Yamato.
          Funny if true

          • 5 days ago

            The whole ramming the ship with the marines was taken from Space Battleship Yamato 2 1978.
            Pic related. I hate the fricking fake RDMoroe his next generation shit writing was garbage, his bsg was garbage, he's a freemason writer sent in to destroy projects as is Kennedy and JJAbrams, so many.

        • 5 days ago

          >The fans of the original were waiting for a continuation
          You got one. Battlestar 1980. It sucked.

          • 5 days ago

            Frick off that was a consolation gift to Glen A Larson because the israelites knew they fricked up. just they fricked up at Universal when they passed on Star Wars. Im telling you this whole thing is smelling of the israelite untalented b***h Sid Sheinberg.

        • 5 days ago

          I hated the new Battle star as well. Was also major drama for them "divirsifying" Starbuck into a woman at the time. And still, to me.

          • 5 days ago

            Funny thing is I worked with Bonny Hammer when she was a producer at Warner Bros Studio in NY before she want to Sci FI.

            I worked on Bugs Bunny Invasion of the Bunny Snatchers and she was head of the studio.

            • 5 days ago

              So why is she such a deranged b***h with delusions of grandeur who can't leave well enough alone?

            • 5 days ago

              Start a Bonny thread anon. You were part of showbiz history.

    • 5 days ago

      >Bonnie Hammer
      Bonnie Hammer - Wikipedia

      Bonnie Hammer (born 1950) is an American network and studio executive. As of 2020 , her title is vice-chairman, NBCUniversal. Born to a israeli family in 1950

  12. 5 days ago

    I stopped watching the channel and tv in general when Ghost Hunters aired.

    • 5 days ago

      Makes sense.
      >around that time formerly scifi now syfy had been bought and sold a couple times now
      >less and less new scifi/action adventure/horror shows being made to eventually end up on syfy
      >the various companies are now wanting more and more to lease out the rights to their shows to channels not owned by themselves
      >current owners of syfy at the channel didn't like paying to make original scripted shows but instead wanted to focus on reality tv and wrestling.
      From the mid 2000s onwards it becomes a real trend where they would rape and dispose of the corpse of all their shows in the 5th season no matter how well they were doing for the channel.
      >absolutely got assfricked in the final season with less than half the normal budget and shorted on number of episodes, exec's wanted a focus on Felicia Days character over the other characters
      >Warehouse 13
      >quarter of the budget of a normal season and not even half a full season ordered for a last season
      >cast and crew had to call in every favor possible just to get an extra 3 episodes
      >Being human
      >Cast and crew saw how Syfy kept buttfricking everyone in the 5th season so decided to end it at 4 seasons
      >Syfy offered to give them funding for a 5th and 6th season to not do it
      >then threatened the cast and crew that they'd never work on another syfy channel show again if they did this
      >did it anyways
      >Syfy and trion fought tooth and nail over not having to fund the show
      >show creators managed to strike a deal with Dodge to help fund the show through season 2 and 3 (dodge durangos and chargers everywhere in the Arkfall post apocalypse)
      >even then the budget for season 3 was so thin the cast worked for almost nothing and called in friends and family to finish the season

      • 5 days ago

        Yup I remember all of this but totally forgot about 'Ghost Hunters' holly balls that was a terrible show, I guess i must have blocked it out of my mind.

  13. 5 days ago

    The 90s Outer Limits

    • 5 days ago

      It’s on tubi or some free streaming app. Some real bangers. I just go in blind and pick an episode. Some is garbage but it’s surprisingly good.

    • 5 days ago

      It’s on tubi or some free streaming app. Some real bangers. I just go in blind and pick an episode. Some is garbage but it’s surprisingly good.

      So its not bad? I watched the 2002 twilight zone and enjoyed a few of the episodes

      Haven't seen outer limits

      • 5 days ago

        It weird
        >1960 Twilight Zone = pure kino
        >1980s, 2002, 2020 Twilight Zone = garbage
        >1960s Outer Limits = average at best
        >1990s Outer Limits = pure kino

        • 5 days ago

          This is correct, esp the 90's Outer limits. That was the 1st series i caught now and again where, several years later, i watched an ep and it was a continuation of one from the 1st season. Blew my mind. Come to find out the entire series has episodes like that, some spaning the entire duration, peppered here and there in different seasons, seeming randomly. Purest kino. Also, some of the episodes were dark as shit too. Well worth watching.

          • 5 days ago

            >Also, some of the episodes were dark as shit too.
            The opposite was also true. Here's one that I remember off the top of my head
            >guy goes nuts and kills his boss
            >weird alien meets him at a bar and talks to him
            >killer guy is actually sad about it and was justified in doing it
            >alien (who looks human) switches bodies with the killer
            >alien now as killer goes to jail
            >killer is now free

            • 5 days ago

              Yes, there was also one
              >Strange brodcast is being picked up by raido's all over the world for some time
              >Kids seem to love it even though adults can't understand it, sounds like static to them
              >Kids keep listining, becoming obsessed
              >Kids start to develop weird skin 'lesions' that look sort of chromatic
              >Parents start to freak out
              >Kids keep listening, keep developing larger and larger lesions until it covers their whole body in a rainbow colored 'metallic' sheen
              >Parents are insane with grief at this point
              >Aliens show up and explain "Your sun will go nova in their lifetime as they grow into adults, you the adults now, will be dead, this is our gift to you/them, protection from the radiation that comes to follow.

              Or something like that. Very kino.

        • 5 days ago

          This is correct, esp the 90's Outer limits. That was the 1st series i caught now and again where, several years later, i watched an ep and it was a continuation of one from the 1st season. Blew my mind. Come to find out the entire series has episodes like that, some spaning the entire duration, peppered here and there in different seasons, seeming randomly. Purest kino. Also, some of the episodes were dark as shit too. Well worth watching.

          Now rate Monsters, Tales from the Darkside, and Are You Afraid of the Dark?

          • 5 days ago

            TftDS is very kino, I still have nightmares about picrel at times
            Monsters, i didnt catch many of these eps but the ones I saw were ok
            I don't think i saw any AyAotD

          • 5 days ago

            TftDS is very kino, I still have nightmares about picrel at times
            Monsters, i didnt catch many of these eps but the ones I saw were ok
            I don't think i saw any AyAotD

            Creepy that the bridge from TftDS is still there in the middle of nowhere

            • 5 days ago

              Thats really cool, nice find!

  14. 5 days ago

    This show scared this shit out of me as a wee lad.

    • 5 days ago

      Me too.

      • 5 days ago

        anya a cute

    • 5 days ago

      Me too.

      Oh, yeah... They still haunt me. Well over three decades later... I got into ufology because of this shit. When I learned about the abduction phenomenon back in the late 80s, I was petrified with fear.

    • 5 days ago

      I still hunt for the intro which had the bg sounds with the audio clips but did not play the audio clips in it.
      Only heard it like once or twice but it scarred the shit out of my little brother real bad.

    • 5 days ago

      I still hunt for the intro which had the bg sounds with the audio clips but did not play the audio clips in it.
      Only heard it like once or twice but it scarred the shit out of my little brother real bad.

      Do we ever wonder about the guys who made Sightings? Were they excited? Was it their dream job? Did they attempt to out spooky Robert Stack? Do they keep in touch today? Was it a big office or a broom closet? Did glowBlack folk drop by in the parking lot? Any office cuties?

  15. 5 days ago

    I remember watching The Thing and Tales from the Crypt and Sightings on there. They eventually shifted to like 24/7 Battlestar Galactica/Stargate and absolutely shitty CGI Horror movies and I got turned off. It's been even further downhill since then.

  16. 5 days ago

    So this channel will be dedicated to classic sci-fi like you might find in a college film club so typical niche stuff from the 50's-80's, it's not going to have Professional Wrestling or informercials or turn into the cheaply made horror movie channel, just sci-fi, it's in the name, it doesn't matter if you think sci-fi doesn't make enough money or something and needs to be replaced with something more relatable, no, this is your job, all sci-fi, all the time. Good luck.

    • 5 days ago


  17. 5 days ago

    Invasion America and Starship Troopers: Roughnecks were cool

  18. 5 days ago
  19. 5 days ago
  20. 5 days ago


  21. 5 days ago
    • 5 days ago

      Did they find him?

    • 5 days ago

      Kino album, boys

  22. 5 days ago

    I used to love Scare Tactics in high school

  23. 5 days ago

    The sci-fi channel used to air reruns of the Bill Bixby Hulk series. The episodes would begin just as I got home from school. Would grab myself a can of coke, hit the couch and watch Lou Ferrigno in green make up wreck shit.

  24. 5 days ago

    i enjoyed it. they got a lot better after a lot of really shitty years. in the 2000s they would show mystery science theater, twilight zone reruns, blade runner in was probably the best channel looking back on it.

    • 5 days ago

      >twilight zone reruns
      This is probably what I was watching on the channel back then. Loved those anthology horror shows as a kid. Twilight Zone, Tales from the Crypt, Tales from the Darkside, and Freddy's Nightmares.

      • 5 days ago

        Same. Every July 4th and new years was twilight zone marathon. Used to watch it with my uncle before he passed. Good memories.

  25. 5 days ago

    I'm watching 00s galactica currently
    Didn't watch it back when it was new

    Only seen a couple episodes and the mini series but thus far it has been good.

    • 5 days ago

      Be prepared for a STEEP decline in quality due to the Writer's Strike of 07. Television in general never recovered.

  26. 5 days ago

    I loved sci-fi channel. they'd do the godzilla marathons, MST3K every saturday morning, and usually follow through with a low budget monster movie marathon on weekends too. Once they started doing sci-fi originals that shit sunk real quick

  27. 5 days ago

    Besides some super low budget episodes and obvious rehashes of classics, it’s worth the time. You can kind of tell when an episode is skippable. Like watching x files.

    It has a darker overtone generally.

  28. 5 days ago

    this is the channel i'd switch to when i didn't want my parents to catch me watching Real Sex on HBO or soft porn on Cinemax. they thought i was a sci-fi nerd, when in reality i was a massive perv and future rapist.

    • 5 days ago

      Oh yeah
      A safety channel
      Mine was WQED.
      Go from softcore to Star Hustler with Jack Horkheimer in quick time.

    • 5 days ago

      Real Sex grossed me out, but Taxi Cab Confessions made me hump my babysitter. I only watched 15 mins of Autopsy and noped

  29. 5 days ago

    I still remember watching Vampire Hunter D on a Saturday morning. It was great when Sci-Fi channel would air dark adult anime like that so all the kids could watch.

  30. 5 days ago

    The SciFi "if" tv bumps always got me so hyped for whatever I was watching even though they were completely unrelated. I just fell in love with the genre. SyFy's "imagine greater" promos were cool but never reached the same heights.

    • 5 days ago

      loved these little bumpers

  31. 5 days ago

    Since we're talking classic Sci Fi Channel, there's been something bugging me since I was a kid. There was a commercial for a show that all I remember was some sort of parasitic organism and people were in barns with them. It wasn't Stargate, that's all I know. The commercial for it had the line "Eater Heaven".
    Any ideas on what it might have been?

    • 5 days ago

      Defiance was interesting, but degenerate as hell. Eureka was fun for a few seasons until they got rid of the Tony Stark CEO guy.

      • 5 days ago

        They also started to do more overarching season plots and less case of the week type episodes. And to be honest they weren't that good especially the last one with the killer clones.

  32. 5 days ago

    Do any of you bros remember Chiller?

    • 5 days ago

      Chiller was so comfy. I applied for a job there, shortly before it was put on ice.

  33. 5 days ago

    For me? Anime Week with Apollo Smile, the live action anime girl.

    • 5 days ago


  34. 5 days ago

    Sci-Fi was great when it was still called that and showed old eps of everything from ST to lost in space to MST3K. When they changed their name to a venereal disease and started showing nothing but wrasslin, yeah not so good.

  35. 5 days ago

    I used to watch the Twilight Zone marathon at New Years every year

  36. 5 days ago

    >MST3k goes to SciFi channel
    >channel exists they use more science fiction movies in their riffing
    >MST3k people don't like it, but oblige and do it
    >this decision led to some of the best episodes like Time Chasers, Overdrawn at the Memory Bank, Space Mutiny, and Future War.

  37. 5 days ago

    this channel has anime/show blocks of the sci fi channel from the late 90's ranging from 3 hours to 10 hours if that interests you.

    • 5 days ago

      ah frick riverdance commercial right at the start, memory unlocked

    • 5 days ago

      Weird I don't remember ever seeing Gunsmith Cats on Scifi. I wish he had the original broadcast of Iria from 96 or 97. That's what got me into anime.

  38. 5 days ago

    Comet was a great throwback to classic Sci Fi Channel until fairly recently. It was stuff like X Files, Stargate, Buffy, Sliders, etc. all the time. But it's like the Grimm channel now.

  39. 5 days ago

    I remember checking out their Ani-Mondays but not liking the shows. Aside from that, it was great for Doctor Who, Eureka, Dead Like Me, and John Doe.

    • 5 days ago

      Ani-Mondays were awful. "We have Toonami at home", and that's already pathetic considering you could just get more recent anime.

  40. 5 days ago

    They aired the midest anime.

    • 5 days ago

      I think I remember them airing the original vampire hunter D from the '80s at like 3 in the morning

  41. 5 days ago

    Yes we had C-band satellite as a kid. I miss Sci-Fi buzz

  42. 5 days ago

    Does SyFy even have anything good anymore?

    • 5 days ago

      The Childhood's End miniseries is well regarded

  43. 5 days ago

    This one was great.

  44. 5 days ago

    I'm still confused how I never encountered Farscape on the channel. I had been wanting to watch it for a while before I managed to find a very early tube-type site that had the episodes online (in very low quality). I don't remember what year this was
    but late night showed schlocky mostly foreign horror movies like Dagon that were kino
    don't know exactly what triggered all networks to become shit and go against their core market in the late 00's

  45. 5 days ago

    MST3K. Nothing else.

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