Seriously, what the frick is going on with Jason Todd lately?

Seriously, what the frick is going on with Jason Todd lately? What, because Lobdell turned out to be a sex weirdo, DC is trying to take a huge step back from anything Lobdell did for the character? Frick off. They should've leaned harder into the magic shit, he should be a JLD member by now, not this same boring fricking half-assed Punisher clone he was when he debuted as the Red Hood. Don't even bother arguing with me on this because I know I'm objectively correct and nobody understands Red Hood as deeply as I do. I just want an explanation as to why DC has been backpedaling on his heroic characterization and magic stuff that's been characteristic of him for nearly a decade now. Why do they continue to let Matthew Rosenberg write this character? He can't even perform the basic task of writing him as the same character as he was in TFZ, which his current dogshit Joker book fails to even share accurate continuity with. Frick DC, frick Matthew Rosenberg, and frick Jason Todd haters.

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  1. 11 months ago

    No one at DC knows what the frick to do with his character, it's insane how many times he has a new costume team or weird status quo. Fricking outlaws was the most whiplash shit after what they did to him.

    • 11 months ago

      For real if you fast forward a yuear from now Jason would be fighting some kryptonian in space b/c writers really don't know what to do with him.

      • 11 months ago

        This would unironically be better than what is currently happening to him. I still haven't figured out Rosenberg's weird "abloo bloo the Batfam are all slaves to Bruce except Steph, she's Jason's one true friend :)" angle. Is he seriously trying to pair them up because DC wants Tim to maintain his gay relationship for the foreseeable future? Why is he now on speaking terms with Oracle, using rubber bullets, and needlessly rude to Tim as seen in Knight Terrors: Robins? Literally a month before this he was violently breaking free from police custody after shooting who he believed to be the Joker.

        • 11 months ago

          He's only using Steph because she's the nicest and least autistic one out of the family, and therefore she's the likeliest one to just talk to him.
          Seriously, you frickers act like two characters can't interact without fricking.

  2. 11 months ago

    Does anyone honestly care about what Scott Lodbell did?

    • 11 months ago

      What, sexually harassing that lady on Twitter and then at a con? I don't think anyone actually gives a shit, but DC had to can him, not even Dan Dildo could protect his buddy anymore. I'm just mindblown that they're seemingly taking it to the extreme of a total reset on Jason's character, as if 8 years of Outlaws never happened.

    • 11 months ago

      He bailed on the Kickstarter book with Boothe art is word than giving flowers to Tess Fowler and telling a girl who said she realized she was bisexual watching a woman on tv eat a mango that it must’ve been a good mango.

      • 11 months ago

        Worse not word

  3. 11 months ago

    No batfamily cast members can ever stray too far from Gotham tropes because at the end of the day, the batbooks are a much bigger deal. Under the Red Hood and Arkham Knight being so notable makes DC apprehensive to let him be too different from that. But he also can't kill any major villains.

  4. 11 months ago

    Frick off Lobdellgay

    • 11 months ago

      No, you go frick yourself Winickgay

      No batfamily cast members can ever stray too far from Gotham tropes because at the end of the day, the batbooks are a much bigger deal. Under the Red Hood and Arkham Knight being so notable makes DC apprehensive to let him be too different from that. But he also can't kill any major villains.

      The worst part of UtRH being so popular is just the fact that it's a shitty, poorly-written story set at a bizarre point in DC continuity (like right in between two major events for no good reason), and they never had a plan for the character after that. Lobdell is the first writer who took the character in a clear direction, and whether or not that was a good direction is up for debate, but I think it was, and I wish DC hadn't thrown it away somewhere between Task Force Z and now.

      all i know of redhood is his 2016 rebirth comic with artemis and bizarro which was pretty good, only reason i am into comics is that run

      Based. The same writer wrote the previous Outlaws run from New 52 with Arsenal and Starfire, and the book was admittedly a lot worse back then, but please understand, this was during a reboot, so back then it made sense to try something different with those three characters. It only became an issue when they said "whoops uh everything is canon again, my bad!" and so now we're expected to believe that Starfire and Arsenal were both upstanding members of the Titans and also hung around Red Hood and committed morally-questionable acts for a period of time. Roy is technically still canonically best buds with Jason, even referencing him a couple times since his own resurrection post-Heroes In Crisis, but because DC is moronic, the two haven't actually met up since then. I mean, you'd think Roy would pay a visit to his best pal if he had heard that he was once again a murderous criminal on a spree of ultraviolence in Gotham City.

      • 11 months ago

        have a nice day, moron. Jason dealing with random bullshit is not a clear direction, and Lobdell just wrote whatever he wanted without knowing anything about Jason. What DC should do right now is kill the current Jason and bring back Winick's Jason.

        • 11 months ago

          I am witnessing profound mental moronation right now. Do people like you seriously drive and vote?

          • 11 months ago

            >no argument
            I accept your concession.

            • 11 months ago

              That's a homosexual way to end an argument which is unfortunate because you're right. The outlaws stuff was some random crap just meant to keep the character in books. It was never going to be the character's main direction anymore than Batman appearing in the Justice League books would determine his direction.
              Jason is a Gotham character. Never a fan of when they put Gotham characters on team books and they do hokey shit.

      • 11 months ago

        >Roy is technically still canonically best buds with Jason,
        I was never a fan of that honestly, just like Starfire, it felt like Jason getting Dick's sloppy seconds.

        • 11 months ago

          I'm still waiting for some continuity-obsessed writer to bring back his friendship with Red Devil, it's not like Eddie is doing anything anyway.

        • 11 months ago

          I'm still waiting for some continuity-obsessed writer to bring back his friendship with Red Devil, it's not like Eddie is doing anything anyway.

          Eddie would have made a fun member of the Outlaws when Jason was trying to fill out 7 seats like a JLA

          I think he ended up getting Creeper and Bizarro's toy?

          • 11 months ago

            Oh it was just a dream

            • 11 months ago

              Yeah, I believe it was just a fantasy made by Bizarro, and the team was a mix of the new and old team + Creeper.
              I can relate.

        • 11 months ago

          Jason's most consistent thing since he became Robin has been taking other characters' leftovers.

          • 11 months ago

            That's not a good thing.

      • 11 months ago

        >you'd think Roy would pay a visit to his best pal if he had heard that he was once again a murderous criminal on a spree of ultraviolence in Gotham City.
        The problem is that Roy and Jason only make sense as friends when they're both fricking losers, but Roy isn't like that anymore, his daughter is back in continuity so he can't hang around the morally ambiguous Jason.

  5. 11 months ago

    all i know of redhood is his 2016 rebirth comic with artemis and bizarro which was pretty good, only reason i am into comics is that run

  6. 11 months ago

    Anyone know why they gave Jason a frickhuge tattoo in the RH webcomic?

  7. 11 months ago

    Jason was better as DickBats' archnemesis. Two former sidekicks of the Bat now taking on the mantle of their mentor and their killer respectively. Jason not realizing how far he's fallen and how close he is to becoming what killed him in the first place

    • 11 months ago

      That's technically still supposed to somehow be canon and that's fine but I don't like that as the conclusion to Jason's character development.

    • 11 months ago

      I'm down with this interpretation

    • 11 months ago

      This era was the last time Jason Todd had a purpose.

  8. 11 months ago

    >What, because Lobdell turned out to be a sex weirdo
    I thought letting your freak flag fly was stunning and brave these days, what'd he do? Was it kiddie shit? Or is it just a "Hello, human resources" situation?

    • 11 months ago

      He kept trying to hookup with young female artists who'd turn around and get ass blasted about. Basically he got "frick you" money from the Happy Death Day movies and decided to frick off before he could really get canceled.

      • 11 months ago

        will all those money he couldn't find someone to suck his dick?

  9. 11 months ago

    No matter what DC has done to him, I'm glad they almost universally understand the magic swords were the worst move they made with him.

  10. 11 months ago

    Lobdell is unironically his best writer and I hate Zdarskygays and Rosenberg and Abernathy so much, I had so much fun reading Jason being a badass bro comics for years it was a highlight every month of my life during that time just something that brought me real joy, frick the haters and everything that has come since, frick Morrisongays too for pretending his comics are good

  11. 11 months ago

    He's a "Punisher clone" now? Based. Under the Red Hood was great and from what I understand everything up to now after that has been shit. Lobdell's original New 52 run certainly was.

  12. 11 months ago

    Red Nightwing Scott Lobdell self insert garbage.

    There’s not a single word on this page that isn’t incoherent gibberish.

    I hope Bob Harris gets colon cancer for giving Lobdell a chokehold on Red Hood for 10 years.

  13. 11 months ago

    They should've kept Jason dead. Red Hood is trash. What's the point of being "muh edgy vigilante" when you're pretty much a b***h of the biggest no-kill-rule autist in the world and live in a city where Ted Bundy would not even register on GCPD's radar because they're too busy catching Joker, Zsasz and Pyg (who by the way can't die because they're more or less popular villains).

    • 11 months ago

      >What's the point of being "muh edgy vigilante"
      He wasn't a mere vigilante like SHITwing or Timmy Sue. He was a crime lord.

      • 11 months ago

        >He was a crime lord.
        Well, Selina is that now, maybe that's why Jason teams up with her in the upcoming Gotham War?

  14. 11 months ago

    Why do Jasongays think him getting a reset is some kind of thing that has to do with Lobdell? All of the Robins are constantly reset and tossed on new paths. Dick has more or less received a new status quo and supporting cast alongside a character reset of trying to find himself every 2 years for the last 13 years. Jason was only shielded for a longer period of time because of Lobdell.

    • 11 months ago

      A few years of consistent Nightwing stories and people already forget how bad it used to be.
      >A Knight in Bludhaven era
      >Dick Grayson, BPD Officer
      >Tarantula + Death of Blockbuster
      >Dickie Brasco
      >Bruce Jones' Himbo Runway Model
      >Wolfman's Vigilante feat. Nightwing
      >Tomasi's Nightwing
      >Higgins Haly Circus shit
      >Higgins Chicago shit
      >Agent 37
      >Nightwing Rebirth
      >Humphries/Percy Fillers
      >Ric Grayson
      >Infinite Frontier

      • 11 months ago

        >Higgins Haly Circus shit
        >Higgins Chicago shit
        Don't forget that between this he also bought an amusement park and attempted to give fun back to Gotham.

        • 11 months ago

          I count that as the Haly Circus shit. Remember he sets them up with a permanent residency at the amusement park? Basically it's Gotham then a complete reset for Chicago.

          • 11 months ago

            They were very different in execution though. At first he's travelling all across America with a focus on those characters and the history of the circus itself. The Court of Owls and Death of the Family happen back to back so he was glued down in Gotham. The amusement park stuff barely focused on the Haley characters more or less dropping them in favor of Sonia Branch and Nightwing just doing standard Gotham stuff. It felt like a forced change because Batman was going to be an event book and Nightwing HAD to be available to go to Gotham for all the events so the nomad lifestyle didn't work. The circus cast doesn't even appear in the book for 6 months and then they come back right before Joker kills them all.

            • 11 months ago

              If you want to get that granular you can split the Grayson or Nightwing Rebirth runs up too. I dunno, I don't think the status quo shift is that big to justify it.

      • 11 months ago

        Why doesn’t DC want Nightwing to succeed?

  15. 11 months ago

    He should have stuck as DC's Punisher, but that's a ''problematic'' character so they don't want that. He can't be a Deadpool expie either because that's Harley's gimmick now. So he's stuck in limbo.

  16. 11 months ago

    lmao that people genuinely believe that Jason being the chosen one of a super secret assassin cult even more secret than the League of Assassins and having magic swords is good

  17. 11 months ago

    Did you come from cbr or something, Jasongays there love Lobdell and Countdown

  18. 11 months ago

    Jason isn't quite as fricked as Tim, but he's still pretty fricked.

  19. 11 months ago

    What would his character be like in the Harley show?

    • 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago

      Shitting on Dick constantly.

    • 11 months ago

      The current Dick Grayson personality, but edgier.
      Because the edgy daddy doesn't love me Jason Todd that we've gotten since his resurrection is basically the late 80s-to-early-00s Dick Grayson with guns.

      • 11 months ago

        He'd be an extremely grimdark Punisher expy. They'd re-do the 8 heads in a duffel bag thing from the Winick run and have people actually call him out as a psycho. They'd have him rack up a ridiculous body count of nameless henchmen and lampshade how he can't successfully kill a single major villain.

    • 11 months ago

      He would shoot with live rounds again instead of rubber bullets.

  20. 11 months ago

    The Gotham Knights KIND of tapped into his mysticism even if it was only for a traversal power

    • 11 months ago

      Elaborate, I can't exactly tell what is going on here.

      • 11 months ago

        it's nothing special but the in the game the Lazarus Pit gave Jason some magical abilities. He has magic jump ability, a magic punch ability and is able to infuse his bullets with Lazarus energy for more damage

  21. 11 months ago

    People were already ignoring Lobdell's work even before he became persona non grata.
    It was really weird too, like DC kept bringing him back to do stuff, mainly Jason, but other writers kept ignoring his work, so it was like he was writing his own micro-continuity for a while there.

  22. 11 months ago

    Maybe Jason shouldn't have a "direction". I think a huge part of the appeal is the inherently hopeless, fatalistic direction he's taken in his life. He's never going to kill the Joker, we know this.

  23. 11 months ago

    Literally who cares about Jason?

  24. 11 months ago

    His character kind of doesn't work. He is all about "doing the things Batman can't do" like killing bad guys, but he isn't allowed to kill any bad guys that are actually important. So he failed at his quest before he even started. Punisher is in a similar boat where he is stuck not being able to do anything other than shoot random white supremacists. Plus with Jason they probably don't want him to use guns when so many writers are super liberal anti-gun people.

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