>Sexy badass woman GOOD. Badass woman BAD

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  1. 2 weeks ago

    This but unironically
    >Verification not required.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >actually badass women good
      >feminist power fantasy bad

    • 2 weeks ago


      Also, just in general:
      - Attractive people GOOD.
      - Unattractive people BAD.

  2. 2 weeks ago

    >actually badass women good
    >feminist power fantasy bad

    • 2 weeks ago

      >actually badass women good

    • 2 weeks ago

      What's the difference?

      • 2 weeks ago

        kate beckinsale is believable and not a forced diversity hire

      • 2 weeks ago

        He jacks off to one of these things

      • 2 weeks ago

        >actually badass women good
        >feminist power fantasy bad

        >let me just twist the argument into my own favor and into how I specifically see things so I can be right

        Based mumbling schizo.

        Kate is cool, she's like a dmc character. Furiosa is not cool, she's just another "le subversion" character. Kate doesn't need men to be cool, Furiosa only works as a subversion.

        • 2 weeks ago

          women can only subvert and project
          i pity them more than they are biologically capable of imagining

      • 2 weeks ago

        One of them is a vampire and the other is an alien.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Beckinsale is playing a vampire so powerlevels are irrelevant in the same way that Gal Gadot not being a bodybuilder in Wonder Woman is irrelevant because super powers make it irrelevant.

        Normal women regardless of how well trained they are are not the equal of men their own size let alone men that are larger than them.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >let me just twist the argument into my own favor and into how I specifically see things so I can be right

      Based mumbling schizo.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >greentext strawman and butthurt
        yep it’s a woman alright

        • 2 weeks ago

          >it’s a woman
          There are no women on the internet.

          • 2 weeks ago

            can you prove you aren’t a fat brown b***h?

      • 2 weeks ago

        Your post is more rambling and searching for a point than the one you're replying to.

  3. 2 weeks ago

    selene was always in danger and being hurt etc i bet the other one wasn't harmed once.

    • 2 weeks ago

      this, michael saves her in the first one and that's how they fall in love meanwhile chick heroes now are usually invincible

      • 2 weeks ago

        >this, michael saves her in the first one
        And she's vastly outmatched by Marcus in the second one, Micheal is the only one who can really fight until the end of the movie where she gets her own powerup.

    • 2 weeks ago

      furiosa literally lost her arm

      • 2 weeks ago

        >prequel where we already know she's not going to die
        >where we already know she'll lose the arm
        Stakes where

        • 2 weeks ago

          >moving the goalposts

          • 2 weeks ago

            >expecting a moronic shitposting polBlack person who didn’t even see the movie to argue honestly in good faith
            You’re wasting your time, bro.

        • 2 weeks ago

          Do you watch movies about well-known historical events, anon?

  4. 2 weeks ago

    None of this shit matters. If underworld or resident evil or buffy came out today Cinemaphile would hate it for being a girlboss movie and claim Beckinsale/Jovovich/Gellar
    >literally look like a man, troony

    • 2 weeks ago

      >tv/ would hate it for being a girlboss movie
      Nope. If something came out that brought back sexiness as it was in the 2000s and before, it would be loved.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Cinemaphile is one person
      Let me guess, someone told you to dilate once and you're still seething about it because you're actually a troony

    • 2 weeks ago

      >if oversaturated, ruined thing came out today it would not be liked
      Chuds have been owned once again

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Sexy badass woman GOOD. Badass woman BAD
      Pretty much.

      >if X came out bwaa bwaa bwaa
      Cope you salty b***h.
      Beckinsale, Gellar and Jovovich are sexier and cooler than your ayy lmao zoomerina b***h.
      1990s > 20X0s

      You purposefully saturated and ruined the girlboss trope, making it all about some fricking cringe civil rights/progressivism Black person-tier cringe instead of SEXY WOMAN DOES FUN AND COOL-LOOKING STUFF and you act surprised nobody wants to see your shit movies with mediocre women (ugly women, at that) acting tough against le patriarchy of evil men tryna keepin dem down 'n shieeet.

      Like holy shit is that the pinnacle of cringe and political message within a fricking movie meant to ENTERTAIN.

      have a nice day you moronic cuck zoomer social justice warrior.

      You will NEVER ruin the 90s and early 2000s comfy hot chick flicks for the rest of us. Stay bitter with your mediocre and poorly written nu-films full of propaganda designed specifically to attract morons like (You).

      • 2 weeks ago

        Based beyond words.

      • 2 weeks ago

        not to mention:
        prophetized once-in-a-century vampire slayer with magic powers
        >underworld chick
        literal vampire with superhuman abilities
        lab-grown zombie killing mutant

        regular woman

        • 2 weeks ago

          >lab-grown zombie killing mutant

          However, it's important to note that Sienna Guillory's Jill in Apocalypse absolutely mogs Milla's Alice so much that she had to be nerfed by the moronic script. Unironically my favorite attractive badass woman in an action movie.

          • 2 weeks ago

            Sienna's Jill is god tier.

          • 2 weeks ago

            God damn she was amazing in that.
            Of course they had to make the film about Miss Mary Sue who is the wife of the director and steal her big scene.

            I think those RE movies would have been amazing if they made the sequels about the different characters of the Franchise and only used Alice sporadically as a plot device(or not at all).
            Jill should have been the main character of the Sequel, and then Claire and Chris on the 3rd, then Leon.

            • 2 weeks ago

              I want to share a cigarette with her.

              • 2 weeks ago

                I want to cigarette her

            • 2 weeks ago

              Milla is literally the only reason those movies got made and they would be contenders for the legit worst of all time without her.

      • 2 weeks ago
      • 2 weeks ago

        OP btfo so hard he stopped replying
        yeah, I'm thinking he's 42%ing right now

      • 2 weeks ago

        Well-written female characters who are feminine and love men and played by beautiful actresses are miles better than feminist girlbosses. News at eleven.

      • 2 weeks ago


        I'm very sad that BloodRayne wasn't turned into something comparable to Underworld and Resident Evil, and instead got the Uwe Boll treatment.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >Like holy shit is that the pinnacle of cringe and political message within a fricking movie meant to ENTERTAIN.

        Even outside of the whole girlboss drama, this here is something that way too many movies these days are forgetting.

        A movie is supposed to entertain and make the viewer feel good. Even thrillers or horror movies, which cause technically negative emotions in the moment (fear), still turn them into satisfaction and entertainment and enjoyment, the same way that spicy food is pleasant to eat despite it burning your mouth to some degree.

    • 2 weeks ago

      If buffy came out and spike and angel were all loser pieces of shit and never banged buffy or did or said anything cool, no I wouldn't enjoy that.

    • 2 weeks ago

      90's/00's muh feminism presented the myth of the competent women but still didn't pretend women were in any way physically equal to men and every movie/series gave women magic powers to explain why they didn't get instantly KO'd. It's nothing like current bs where all women are superior to all men in all ways, all women cannot be wrong, cannot be harmed (especially by men) and all men are subhuman and inferior to women in all aspects.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Not quite. I happen to be into ryona and similar kinks. 90s and early 00s were absolutely chock full of untouchable female protagonists easily mopping the floor with men twice their weight without receiving even a single punch. Modern productions, especially the ones during the "gritty and grounded" wave (which is slowly dying out in pop culture), usually make a point to portray the fights as challenging.

        (mind you, there's nothing inherently wrong in silly escapism, either)

        • 2 weeks ago

          Show me some examples of these "choc full of them" movies (and it can't be Comedy or B-tier movies). The rest of your post is pure horseshit as well.

          • 2 weeks ago

            Just ask yourself how many times have you seen a man kicked in the balls in mainstream movies vs. how many times have you seen a woman kicked in the vegana in mainstream movies. This alone speaks for itself.

            Normie viewers HATE seeing women on the receiving end of violence on the screen, any kind of violence whatsoever. It's ten times more icky for them than violence against men. This is something that mainstream horror/slasher movies play with a lot: they like to *put* female characters in danger, to evoke the emotion of thrill in the viewer, but they quite rarely show the graphic deaths of female characters, compared to the male characters who disproportionally get the most brutal treatments on screen. Same reasoning. You can't ick out your viewers too much.

        • 2 weeks ago

          Really? I don't remember any. In pretty much all martial arts movies women either got KO'd instantly by villains or heroes went to extreme lengths to never touch them. Any other stuff was sci fi or fantasy where women had powers. You maybe got like a Sarah Connor type that could beat up security grunts or punch out a weasely guy at the end of the movie but that was it.

    • 2 weeks ago

      This. And you just absolutely know in 20 years Gen Z boomers are going to be telling Gen Alpha and Gen Beta that Furiosa was kino and a mark of a better time with actually """sexy""" blonde cis woman starred in movies in the face of Jurassic Max 7 coming out about a dino wasteland staring a black cripple lesbian as Furiosa's original grandmother from a disjointed timeline.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >SMG looks like a troony

      b***h are you stupid on a Scandinavian level? Moron

  5. 2 weeks ago

    >someone makes a new post based on my post
    Thanks I needed this

  6. 2 weeks ago

    I need to watch underworld

  7. 2 weeks ago

    >sexy vampire mommy in a tight outfit
    >some used up ugly apocalyptic prostitute
    when are they bringing sexy back

  8. 2 weeks ago

    You just know OP hasn't even watched the underworld movies.

  9. 2 weeks ago

    Top was sexy.

    • 2 weeks ago

      I hate that corset

    • 2 weeks ago

      I still don't understand what happened here

      • 2 weeks ago

        allow me to explain it to you my north-american friend, this is an outtake, a not included on the actual film scene, she just break character after shooting the lycan and starts doing a little dance, then she handles her weapons. Thats a simple werewolf suit btw not CGI like if it was a FAKE outtake joke.

        • 2 weeks ago

          >my north-american friend
          Are you calling me dumb, you motherfricker?

      • 2 weeks ago

        she tripped herself

        • 2 weeks ago

          What did she trip herself for?

      • 2 weeks ago

        The hot brass from her gun went into her boot. Even the squibs they use in those scenes can be quite hot when they eject from the weapon.

        • 2 weeks ago

          That's what I assumed but I counted the ejected casings and flashes and none of them went into her boot

        • 2 weeks ago

          Squibs are the little blood explosions

          • 2 weeks ago

            Squibs are the charge that causes the little blood explosion, which are also used in a casing to give just enough of a kick to cycle the action of a prop gun.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Skip to my Lou, my darlin'

    • 2 weeks ago


    • 2 weeks ago

      If this was an outtake then why was the werewolf still there. Is this one of those awful "scripted" gag reel moments?

    • 2 weeks ago

      gunkata kino

    • 2 weeks ago

      Watching this outtake in 2024, I find it very refreshing to see real physical recoil and real muzzle flash, from fake gunshots done IRL, not with awful CGI muzzle flashes.

    • 2 weeks ago

      oh look she immediately turns the guns downward and gives them to someone instead of shooting at the director.

  10. 2 weeks ago

    Furiosa is not sexy or sexual. She acts like a man
    I miss Selene

  11. 2 weeks ago

    I don't care what anyone says but I love Underworld, Underworld Evolution and Rise of the Lycans. It's my comfy go to trilogy on a dark rainy day. I also love Van Helsing.

  12. 2 weeks ago

    I mean top and bottom made about the same amount of money. Furiosa did way worse thanks to inflation bur apples to apples they're pretty close.

  13. 2 weeks ago

    Yes, unironically
    Anya normally looks like a sexy Ayy but they made her ugly for this role

  14. 2 weeks ago
    • 2 weeks ago

      >that Asian vampire girl second from left

  15. 2 weeks ago

    Movies with badass women without the feminist bullshit in it wow

  16. 2 weeks ago

    I like Furiosa, I just think Ana was a miscast. Charlize is actually a hard enough looking woman to play an action role like Linda Hamilton and Sigordney Weaver

    • 2 weeks ago

      Was the movie good? The star power actors like her and Hemsworth being cast kinda bugs me, were Theron and Hardy huge actors when Fury Road came out?

      • 2 weeks ago

        Not him. It’s alright, Hemsworth is actually good in his role, ATJ is “fine” but has nowhere near the charisma as the character had in Fury Road. In fact the movie is a lesser fury road overall. Hearing that this was originally the first of a trilogy with fury road being the last makes a lot of sense due to this setting up immortan Joe as the ultimate big bad with this one being far less climactic. Overall, it’s a decent movie but don’t go in expecting fury road. I will actually recommend new MM viewer to watch this one first before fury road.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >It's very good, but it's a swerve from Fury Road. It's still wall to wall action, but there are longer periods of dialoguey/character scenes. But they typically always involve Hemsworth, Immortan Joe and Praetorian Jack, all of whom are based as frick. ATJ is decent, but she's also only in half of the movie and barely speaks. The first 45min-1hr the character is played by a little girl.

        I kind of think because of the chapters playing out her life over many years, and Fury Road's non-stop pace, played together it kind of feels like one 5hr epic with a feature length climactic chase.

        I'd say Hemsworth alone makes it worth watching, but George Miller is also just a genuine artist and can't help but make interesting and weird choices no matter what movie he's doing. Think of this along the lines of "Mad Max: Pig in the City" and I think you'll appreciate it.

      • 2 weeks ago

        In a nutshell it's fine but also a noticeable step down from Fury Road. It feels like they got a little overambitious and tried to tell a western spaghetti revenge-style story that needed more actual character moments and humanising scenes, but also wanted this grand siege battle between the Citadel and Dementus' gang. And the story suffers because the actual focus on the movie isn't really on either of the major plot points, it's around Furiosa the weird school shooter (female). Also the little girl actress for Young Furiosa is better than Anya. Things that happen to her both in the movie and retroactively in Fury Road turn out to be significantly more impersonal than was previously implied. And Chris comes across like he's doing MCU Thor but evil, which...isn't a bad fit, actually.

        If Fury Road was a 4/5, this'd be a 3.4/5.

        Not him. It’s alright, Hemsworth is actually good in his role, ATJ is “fine” but has nowhere near the charisma as the character had in Fury Road. In fact the movie is a lesser fury road overall. Hearing that this was originally the first of a trilogy with fury road being the last makes a lot of sense due to this setting up immortan Joe as the ultimate big bad with this one being far less climactic. Overall, it’s a decent movie but don’t go in expecting fury road. I will actually recommend new MM viewer to watch this one first before fury road.

        >I will actually recommend new MM viewer to watch this one first before fury road.
        This holy shit, it actually flows together really well and reverses the quality drop

      • 2 weeks ago

        It's main mistake is being tied and inescapably compared to Fury Road, a once in a decade good movie, but not being Fury Road. Otherwise it is pretty alright.

        The ending slid from edgy to moronic to me, but otherwise I enjoyed it. They didn't forget the "show don't tell" lesson, and the action is nice. Immortan Joe rocks, Hemsworth is having fun and gives a good megalomaniac performance. All in all, made me rewatch Fury Road again.

        • 2 weeks ago

          Unironically I think the movie could've been saved if there was just a little more Citadel logistics and Dementus politics. What we got was decent, but it was just too surface level to really leave an impression.

          • 2 weeks ago

            I agree. The power struggle was definitely the most interesting part of the plot. The scene of Immortan Joe btfo-ing the Dementus gang on their first meeting, was great. Especially as Dementus got a good build up himself up to that point.

            The big mistake was to do such a big time-skip, and just suddenly establish that he failed as a leader, and his fief was completely mismanaged. Instead of leading up to it, or giving it some nuance. Maybe sabotage from the other factions.

            • 2 weeks ago

              Exactly. I spent the entire movie waiting for the woman with the missing lip, and the Octoboss, and Dementus' two cronies to have some sort of banter on the level of what the Bullet Farmer and the People Eater had with Joe in Fury Road. Like I'm not asking for political drama here, it's (theoretically) A Mad Max Story, I just feel there was an opportunity to show how Dementus' gang actually works when Dementus isn't showboating. Maybe show the differences between who's treated well by Dementus and who's treated poorly, or how the Organic Mechanic thought about his old job before being poached to the Citadel without warning.

              But nope, out of them all I think the Octoboss got the most depth (in the sense that he thinks Dementus is a piece of shit and eventually went solo), and he just kind of died getting sucked into a truck drill on his first solo run. Admittedly with a sick outfit.

  17. 2 weeks ago

    Underworld wasn’t good enough to not have a ridiculously good looking female lead. The movie is carried by Kate’s looks and Bill Nighy string circles around everyone else.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Obviously meant acting. Now you all know I was taking a shit.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Obviously meant acting. Now you all know I was taking a shit.

      Agreed. And the Kate eye candy is OK but looking at the finished product, it was actually the main reason to watch the movie so it should have been amped up. The sequels fail at this even harder. Think about how awesome the sex scene in the second film could have been if they just gave in to fan service and shot it for maximum fappage.

  18. 2 weeks ago

    Too bad the delusional, old, dried up hags in hollyweird would never admit this.

  19. 2 weeks ago

    >we know what the audience wants
    >we know what the audience should want
    crazy bro

    • 2 weeks ago

      Social engineering is more important than making money for millennials

  20. 2 weeks ago

    ATJ looks so weird with tanned skin

  21. 2 weeks ago

    This board has been simping over Anya since the VVitch. Why are we suddenly pretending to dislike her now?

    • 2 weeks ago

      >pre buccal fat removal ATJ
      Oh what could have been

    • 2 weeks ago

      ooh nyooo
      what have i done
      i betrayed poor anya


    • 2 weeks ago

      the bogging killed her in our hearts

    • 2 weeks ago

      I thought ATJ was kinda cute in Split. Hated her face in everything since. She's ugly

    • 2 weeks ago

      >pre buccal comparing it to post buccal in a feminist written movie
      bad faith

    • 2 weeks ago

      >"this board"
      no, it was 1, maybe 2, schizo coomers making the same thread every 15 minutes

    • 2 weeks ago


    • 2 weeks ago

      Because Cinemaphile is now a board dedicated to anti-woke youtubers who made videos complaining about women in movies even when it has nothing to do with feminism

    • 2 weeks ago

      shes always been ugly and moronic looking

    • 2 weeks ago

      I always thought she looked moronic but her looks kind of fit her version of Magik.

  22. 2 weeks ago

    >hot woman
    >ugly woman
    gee what could be the cause of a different result??

  23. 2 weeks ago

    The men dont care about the badass part. Its just a fantasy. There is no such thing as a badass woman. The only badass women are the ones who take a pledge of abstinence for the Lord.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Cynthia Rothrock

  24. 2 weeks ago

    I watched some interview with Anya she is incredibly beautiful. Why does every director make her ugly as frick?

  25. 2 weeks ago

    At what point does it become blackface? Does it have to cover the entire face? What if just the nose isn't a black or just the lips and eyes? genuinely curious where the arbitrary line lays.

  26. 2 weeks ago

    why is this bug looking lady being pushed?

    • 2 weeks ago

      the tribe chose her

    • 2 weeks ago

      to ruin your life and make you binge watch hour-long videos by the critical drinker

  27. 2 weeks ago

    sexy mommy vampire kino

  28. 2 weeks ago

    The internet today would seethe over an OC replacing Chris Redfield as the lead in Resident Evil 2002

  29. 2 weeks ago
  30. 2 weeks ago

    I know it's more than me just being a sexist because furiosa's mom was actually interesting.

  31. 2 weeks ago

    Congratulations, you finally worked it out. Now go tell Hollywood.

  32. 2 weeks ago

    I just like watching beautiful people on screen

  33. 2 weeks ago
  34. 2 weeks ago

    >parody lmakeup looks better than original
    How is this allowed

    • 2 weeks ago

      what is the point of blacking out the forehead

      • 2 weeks ago

        If you're thinking in terms of face paint? Not much unless you do the whole face. You make the parts that pop out like the forehead, cheekbone, chin etc darker to make them stand back and eye sockets and other depressions lighter to make them pop out so you create a flat visual to help avoid being spotted.

        This does none of it and doesn't even look cool or hot.

    • 2 weeks ago

      This woman looks moronic. I know being a contrarian is cool and all but that is store bought hot topic jacket with Justin Trudeau approved makeup job. Most porn parodies put in more effort this looks like shit.

      • 2 weeks ago

        it really doesnt suit her, molly little is kinda cute normally

  35. 2 weeks ago

    Yes the SEXY part is the important part that makes me want to watch it. If she isn't wear skin tight clothing showing off her curvy body and having semi nude scenes then I don't give a shit how badass your woman character is. Both Underworld and Resident Evil got it right.

  36. 2 weeks ago

    both are cringe and soi filled

  37. 2 weeks ago

    Yes. Congratulations OP, you were the only one to crack the code and you are totally not gay.

  38. 2 weeks ago



    • 2 weeks ago


      Blade1 vs Underworld1

      Blade 2 vs Underworld - Evolution



      is nobody visiting that place?
      as some anon says pay a ban

  39. 2 weeks ago


    Blade1 vs Underworld1

    Blade 2 vs Underworld - Evolution

    • 2 weeks ago

      Blade is a good movie. Underworld is a shit movie with a hot lead actress. Are you serious?

      • 2 weeks ago

        How TF is it shit?

    • 2 weeks ago

      The first Underworld isn’t as good as Blade, but it’s at least a discussion. The 2nd Underworld is really bad. Blade 2 mogs it. Rise of the Lycans is based and is much better than Blade 3.

      • 2 weeks ago

        For me the Underworld movies go 5-4-3-2-2 (out of 10). But the 5th one is a funny-bad whereas the 4th one is a sad-bad. Somehow everyone has cheesy one liners in U5 which somewhat saves it.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >The 2nd Underworld is really bad

        • 2 weeks ago

          Not that anon. Personally I found Underworld 2 to be kinda "unnecessary". They spin it as a direct continuation of U1, happening hours later, as if it's Part 2 Of 2, but it really feels tacked on instead.

          That, and there's an extremely dumb moment where the bad guy standing on the ground grabs a chain that's hanging from a helicopter and yanks on it and this brings the helicopter down. Regardless of how strong he is, do they not know how basic physics works?

          • 2 weeks ago

            the underworld series borrows a ton from the matrix. i guess someone on the writing team wanted a helicopter pull too

  40. 2 weeks ago



    • 2 weeks ago

      Both these movies suck ass! Can't I just vote for something cool like PotC or Matrix or something

    • 2 weeks ago

      Both these movies suck ass! Can't I just vote for something cool like PotC or Matrix or something

      >Both these movies suck ass!


      > Selene is in full don't give a frick mode & will feast on humans without hesitation.
      > Most gore of the series.
      > India Eisley gives a good performance.
      > Selene's infiltration of the HQ at the end with the silver nitrate smoke is unique & well done.
      > Michael Ealy is good here as a human sympathetic to vampires but not subservient to them.

      Mixed Elements
      > Charles Dance is good but kinda wasted. I get they didn't want him to be a retread of Victor but still.
      > Heavy focus on good action but not much mythos/world building.
      > Theo James is decent but a generic pretty boy.
      > Making the werewolves the full baddies again after the nuance of the previous films.

      > Too many questions left unanswered (michael)

      • 2 weeks ago

        The actions looks terrible and story/characters are awful. That's like the bare minimum.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Both these movies suck ass! Can't I just vote for something cool like PotC or Matrix or something

      >Both these movies suck ass!


      > Selene is in full don't give a frick mode & will feast on humans without hesitation.
      > Most gore of the series.
      > India Eisley gives a good performance.
      > Selene's infiltration of the HQ at the end with the silver nitrate smoke is unique & well done.
      > Michael Ealy is good here as a human sympathetic to vampires but not subservient to them.

      Mixed Elements
      > Charles Dance is good but kinda wasted. I get they didn't want him to be a retread of Victor but still.
      > Heavy focus on good action but not much mythos/world building.
      > Theo James is decent but a generic pretty boy.
      > Making the werewolves the full baddies again after the nuance of the previous films.

      > Too many questions left unanswered (michael)


      > Desert setting is great & gritty.
      > Scenes with the cast exploring & foraging for food in dark abandoned buildings gives us some of the most suspense/mood of the series.
      > Best cinematography & use of light/shadows of the series.
      > Milla's acting is fairly better than in the first 2 films.
      > Her battles with the dual machetes is badass without being too over the top.
      > Action in general is better shot than in Apocalypse.
      > Alice's outfit is the best of the series. Very sexy but the big jacket hides how small and frail her arms are.
      > Oded Fehr from the Mummy films is solid here.
      > Ali Larter is good as Claire Redfield but underused.
      > Iain Glen as Dr Isaacs is the best villain of the series with a rational approaching altruistic motive here.

      > What ends up happening to Isaacs is generic & wasteful.
      > Final battle was not bad but kinda anti-climatic.
      > No Jill.
      > The notable digital airbrushing on Milla's face for close ups.
      > The characters making poor decisions (LJ not revealing his bite, the cast wasting ammo instead of focusing on head shots)

    • 2 weeks ago

      IDK, but I wish both were my Mistresses, and abused me regularly.

  41. 2 weeks ago

    Yeah, what makes something woke is not the skin colour or genders, but either the ugliness or prettiness of something

  42. 2 weeks ago

    Top one felt natural though. In a good movie.

  43. 2 weeks ago

    top = making a movie for young males so they put a hot chick in it so they can enjoy a beautiful woman along with their fun werewolf vampire action
    bottom = telling manoids that action isn't for them and they should enjoy the goblin because the future is female

  44. 2 weeks ago

    >attractive woman good
    >unattractive woman bad
    It's that simple. Put Ayylmao TJ in a latex suit with a corset and it would improve my opinion but she'd still lose to Kate.

  45. 2 weeks ago

    furiosa is a less boring movie than that one too

  46. 2 weeks ago

    Finally, you understand.

  47. 2 weeks ago

    Yes cause it makes sense. Powerful women exist, but they are powerful because of how seductive and/or maternal they are (daenerys was powerful cause of her sons, the dragons). So the top pic actually makes sense, its a power unique to women. The bottom pic is just trying to turn women into men, so it doesnt make sense

  48. 2 weeks ago

    >Badass woman
    That's just a tiny man and breaks suspension of disbelief

  49. 2 weeks ago

    They turn Furiosa into a man and she is a fricking stick figure, doesn't work
    Selene remains a woman and beautiful at that.

  50. 2 weeks ago

    Furiosa isn't badass

  51. 2 weeks ago

    I love Anya, man.

  52. 2 weeks ago

    which is the not-sexy one

  53. 2 weeks ago

    top is hot as frick wearing a full body leather suit
    bottom is some ugly mutt

  54. 2 weeks ago

    you could dress both these actresses in bikinis, both would be sexy neither would be badass.
    kate isnt badass because shes sexy. shes sexy because shes badass. being able to sell cool IS sexy.
    i dont hate anya, but her presence feels like the type of woman who could break down crying at any moment

  55. 2 weeks ago

    >A woman can't never be a Damsel in distress in modern Year under any circumstance.
    See how Rey subverts this "trope" on her first scene in Force Awakens, instead of being helped by Finn and then the 2 of them bonding and become friends like it would be natural, she beats up the male character. I bet those writers literally fellated themselves for writing that scene.
    See also the Mario movie.

    I think modern writers are literally Buck broken by everybody being aware of writing tropes.
    Instead of writing what feels natural for the story and the characters all they can do is SUBVERT TROPES.

    Thats why new female characters feel so fricking shit and forced.

    • 2 weeks ago

      yeah redditors say conservatives can’t make art but are basically just slave monkeys putting tvtropes into chatgpt

  56. 2 weeks ago

    >Fun movie: FUN
    >Pretentious self-absorbed unfun movie: NOT FUN

  57. 2 weeks ago
    • 2 weeks ago

      I don't know if I am happy I only know the source for one of those pics (bottom 2nd from left), or horrified that I recognize any of them.

      • 2 weeks ago

        its all anya

  58. 2 weeks ago

    TOP: Cool woman normal well-adjusted women want to be like.
    BOTTOM: What fringe minority woman, feminist, thinks women want to be like.

  59. 2 weeks ago

    I don't like either.

  60. 2 weeks ago

    Yes. I like looking at hot women.

  61. 2 weeks ago

    Of course

  62. 2 weeks ago


    >"The glamour and fun of playing a character like Jill, you've got this little girl in a tight top and a miniskirt. She's cool and she's sexy and she's fun, she's tough as nails. The Jill Valentine character does this thing when she's on wait, where she's got a gun by her side and a hand on her hip and you've gone off to make a cup of tea and she's like, "Are you gonna finish the game or what? You gonna play with me? Come on." and I love that wiggle, it's like, she's a girly girl, she's a sexy little minx, that's fantastic!"

    Why can't we have more goddesses like Sienna, who understand the appeal and requirements for an appetizing, bad-ass girl?

    >Sexy body
    >Sexy outfit
    >Feminine and girlish
    >Does exciting scenes that blend action and sex appeal together

    • 2 weeks ago

      To be completely honest, although I too love her as Jill, it's very evident from this and from some other soundbites that she approached this like a normie who was completely new to the concept of videogames, not as a nerd, like some fans try to twist these words. Like, she's fascinated and excited by the most mundane parts of the videogame experience. When she talks about all this, it doesn't at all strike me as words of someone who is confident and comfortable and experienced with games and can pick on specific things instead of the surface-level stuff that you'd pick on if you barely played games before.

      But with that said, she DID do a genuinely good job portraying Jill, far better job than could reasonably be expected for a campy production like this. So it's like, I do like her portrayal and I admire that she didn't half-ass it, but at the same time there's a certain unhealthy level to which fans idolize these soundbites by her.

      Idk. Does this make sense? Lol.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Most women don't play video games, so Sienna most certainly went into that role completely blind. They showed her the character she'll be portraying, then had her either watch or play a little bit of Resident Evil, so she could see and hear her character in action. Surface-level observations is about all she'd really be able to formulate, but that was all that was needed to get a feel for the part. She knows now how Jill acts, how she moves, how she dresses, how she talks. With that information, she could put her own acting abilities to work on portraying the character

        Feels bad that Jill in the games now, the remake of three in particular, is nowhere near as enjoyable as Sienna's Jill. Game Jill is snippy and obnoxious. She's also hostile to Carlos, who is always trying to help her. Pretty much Super Mario Bros Movie's version of Peach, but much worse. That's just how women are written now in the west. Take a woman and make her into a very rude man, then drastically reduce her sex appeal

        • 2 weeks ago

          >Most women don't play video games, so Sienna most certainly went into that role completely blind.

          Not only that, but this was filmed in 2003. Don't forget that gaming wasn't cool yet. Sure, it was cool among certain specific narrow subsets of population, but it was a nerdy thing to do, and nerdy was a BAD thing to be back then. Jocks or other well-adjusted normies were barely playing games, most adults definitely weren't, and just generally it wasn't cool. Only fricking nerds cared about early 00s GTA. Fast forward some 10 years, and suddenly it's "cool" to play games for the general population.

          I'm not in the US, but I've been led to believe that a very similar thing happened to anime in the US. That you were bullied if you were an anime watcher in the early 00s, but by the time early 10s came, it became socially acceptable and hip to watch anime.

          Anyway, an accidental tangent... but yes, I don't find it sad or surprising that Sienna wasn't a gamer. I don't even hold this against her at all. I'm just saying that there's a certain unhealthy fixation on these comments by Sienna, in the Resident Evil community, which boils down to "zomg she's literally one of us she like played the game as a fan and everything". Uh... No. She just approached the role professionally. Which, again, I applaud, because it would be very easy and understandable to half-ass a shit project like this. She's a great Jill.

          As for the Zotova Jill, I don't mind her being hostile to Carlos. It's very understandable actually. But I don't like her rudeness in general, the way she quips without class, and I don't like the voice acting mannerisms. I can't articulate it exactly, but it's a very modern, 2010s/20s manner of voice acting for female characters that is supposed to be profound or smth. I mean the actual manner of delivering lines, not the mood of the character. This breathy voice that works well for "I gotta persevere... I gotta get to the truth" kind of monologues to herself.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Almost no actor play the videogames of the movies they are working, i don't think thats a requirement to playing the characters.

    • 2 weeks ago

      What a little minx

  63. 2 weeks ago

    For me, it's Ultraviolet.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Milla's hottest role by a mile.
      I'm a midriff guy.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Where are the waist and hips?

        • 2 weeks ago

          Pronounced waist wasn't in vogue for decades. I swear it's like most people have zero memory. It's only in the last, like, 3 or 4 years at most that I've suddenly started seeing "WHERE'S HER WAIST???" literally fricking everywhere. (sounds just like "where are her organs", doesn't it? really makes ya think)

          It's just like the 2010s obsession with ass that is thankfully dying out. People used to look at 10/10 sex symbols from slightly earlier decades when having a giant ass wasn't the definition of sexy, and go "bro she flat lmao fr".

          • 2 weeks ago

            what the hell are you talking? a woman has to have boobs, waist, hips, butt and if it's possible a dedicated neck and nice legs. who cares what's in Vogue, stop having tastes that fashion dictates

            She has a *core* instead of a waist. It's much more attractive.

            you spend a lot of time looking at your fridge

            • 2 weeks ago

              >who cares what's in Vogue, stop having tastes that fashion dictates
              Vogue isn't a glamour magazine. "In vogue" = widely considered desirable, attractive.
              My tastes have been in women like Milla (give or take, with some leeway) ever since I was a pre-pubescent kid who didn't even have Internet or much of a window into pop culture in general.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Your tastes have always been about skinny women with no breasts, ass or hips? Sounds like a yellow fever gay.

              • 2 weeks ago

                NTA but you just described runway models regardless of race.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Runaway models are just walking coat hangers.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Previous anon said "skinny women with no breasts, ass or hips" must be Asian. I pointed out that description applies to any race of fashion models. You caught up yet?

              • 2 weeks ago

                I never said they MUST be asian. It's just that people that talk about "muh flatchests muh small build" are either pedos, asian fever gays or both.

        • 2 weeks ago

          She has a *core* instead of a waist. It's much more attractive.

    • 2 weeks ago

      I always get this one mixed up with Aeon Flux. Shame too because Milla was hot as frick in Ultraviolet and the gun kata action was really cool. It was also cool how everything was actually lit up so you could see shit. Sort of like a music video. Way better than Underworld's vampire and werewolf love story nonsense.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >I always get this one mixed up with Aeon Flux.
        You are literally me. Would always get them mixed up as a young teen.

      • 2 weeks ago

        > that tagline

      • 2 weeks ago

        >everything was actually lit up so you could see shit. Sort of like a music video
        good way to describe it, I miss the early 2000s idea of the sterile future aesthetic but not quite cyberpunk

    • 2 weeks ago

      kurt wimmer deserved another chance god fricking damnit. the man made devil may cry cutscenes in real life

      • 2 weeks ago

        I don't know mate. *One* more chance, maybe. But 99% of his output, either as a director or as a writer, is dumpster fire.

  64. 2 weeks ago

    Sexy badass woman who looks the part and has muscles BAD TOO

    • 2 weeks ago

      Biel is an excellent, believable action heroine

      • 2 weeks ago

        >Biel is an excellent, believable action heroine
        but she never was, she is barely a sidekick here, hollywood said No to her

        • 2 weeks ago

          Yeah... well frick them. She's a heroine in my head movies.

          • 2 weeks ago

            at least her character got her toy if it counts

    • 2 weeks ago

      Biel is an excellent, believable action heroine

      >Biel is an excellent, believable action heroine
      but she never was, she is barely a sidekick here, hollywood said No to her

      I love Biel in Blade 3. It's a miracle that she happened at all, because Hollywood hates women with even a bit of muscle, and very consistently casts absolute sticks into action roles. It started to change in the past few years a bit, but it definitely was like that in 2004.

      • 2 weeks ago

        I remember when they cast Emilia Clarke as Sarah in Terminator and she's got these doughy, chunky arms. Looked so bad. They tried to shoop some muscle on her in the posters, but then you see her in the actual movie and she looks like a little fat girl

        • 2 weeks ago

          It’s cuz she’s cute. A soft doughy princess you want to take care of. Definitely not Sarah Connor material.

        • 2 weeks ago

          Right. This is a woman who never lifted anything heavier than her lover's wiener.

          Not that I necessarily require her to be "ripped" or to wrestle against The Rock, but I mean jesus christ look at that.

  65. 2 weeks ago

    >w-where's my daddy Max? I can't watch this movie without my imaginary father figure.
    >protagonist is a woman? but women make me angry because I don't have sex. REEEEEEE!!!
    >she's ugly anyway, elbows too pointy. 2/10, wouldn't bang
    Those are the criticisms for a post-apocalyptic epic. I think I'll gradually stop browsing this shithole website for good.

  66. 2 weeks ago

    >ITT autists screeching because a female in action movie isnt styled hot

    • 2 weeks ago

      Do tell, why shouldn't she be hot?

      • 2 weeks ago

        Kate is gorgeous, but this particular pic / angle almost gives her a Habsburg jaw.

        >ITT autists screeching because a female in action movie isnt styled hot

        The lead character should be easy on the eyes regardless of the genre. Reasonable deviations from this rule are acceptable for isolated scenes.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Kate is gorgeous, but this particular pic / angle almost gives her a Habsburg jaw.

        The lead character should be easy on the eyes regardless of the genre. Reasonable deviations from this rule are acceptable for isolated scenes.

        lead actors dont need to be hot, it's enough if they're likeable. most action stars are male, im not turned on by any of them. i watch them if they're likeable and the action is good.
        as mentione, you're just screeching autists, coomers and /misc/tards and should be escorted back and confined to your respective containment boards

        • 2 weeks ago

          >lead actors dont need to be hot
          They don't need to be hot but they definitely do need to be attractive. You can compensate some percentage of physical attractiveness with charisma ("look meh in static pictures but look appealing when performing"), but you can't be unattractive.

          Cinema is escapism. Cinema is FUN. The real world is boring, unfun, and full of regular looking people and random events. The human mind desires excitement, stories that come together in a satisfying and clean way, attractive people.

          I'll never get the obsession with groundedness in every aspect that has completely dominated most of the mainstream pop culture in the past 15 years or so.

          • 2 weeks ago

            there have been countless coomer threads about anya on /b/ and here. case closed.

      • 2 weeks ago


        I love Biel in Blade 3. It's a miracle that she happened at all, because Hollywood hates women with even a bit of muscle, and very consistently casts absolute sticks into action roles. It started to change in the past few years a bit, but it definitely was like that in 2004.

        >Biel is an excellent, believable action heroine
        but she never was, she is barely a sidekick here, hollywood said No to her

        Biel is an excellent, believable action heroine

        Sexy badass woman who looks the part and has muscles BAD TOO

        My ideal Vampire Hunting Team!

        • 2 weeks ago

          Add Rayne to the list.

        • 2 weeks ago

          I'd add Mel Brooks as Van Helsing, he was fun

        • 2 weeks ago

          Will Kate hunt Kate?

  67. 2 weeks ago

    My main problem with "ATJ" is that she's suddenly everywhere after VVitch. It's obvious she had lots and lots of israeli semen inside her, otherwise she wouldn't be everywhere. Her face is not very good for overexposure.

  68. 2 weeks ago
  69. 2 weeks ago

    Iirc Selene in the first 2 at least has a pretty fun character arc. She goes from a true believer 110% turbo racist. Hunting werewolves after the other vampires think the Werewolf alpha guy is dead. Discovers a traitor at the highest level of her own society, challenges that authority, is proven correct and gets a whole host of worldview altering revelations for her trouble. Winds up falling in love and forsaking her whole world for the truth (and dick) etc. Crazy how people don't piss and moan so much when characters are engaging.

  70. 2 weeks ago


  71. 2 weeks ago


  72. 2 weeks ago

    furiosa was ruined by terrible CGI and a metric frickton of unnecessary scenes. felt like one was watching the extended release of the directors cut or some bullshit
    why the frick do all movies now have to be 2.5 or 3 hours long, cant you just make a fricking normal 90 minute movie?

  73. 2 weeks ago

    They just need to stop casting the scrawniest, most petite women they can find as their action heroes. Furiosa was better cast in the first movie.

    Underworld is basically an anime with stylistic animation and silly world building anyway, with over-the-top action, so it doesn’t really matter there. Sexy wouldn’t work as well for Mad Max movies.

  74. 2 weeks ago

    the black forehead only worked on charlize theron's character because she was bald for the movie

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