Should I waste my time on it?

Should I waste my time on it?

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A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 6 months ago

    No. It's not funny or entertaining.

    • 6 months ago

      This. The creator is a massive narcissist who cast himself as the lead, wrote, and directed it. Unfortunately, he's a terrible actor which is a problem when his goddamned character is in every single fricking scene.

      His sense of humor apparently derives 100% from Will Ferrel SNL sketches which is about as unfunny as it sounds. The show can't decide whether it wants to be comedy or dramatic so you slingshot from a really really really stupid low-hanging-fruit joke to sudden slow motion moments where a character you barely know dies and people are crying while a sappy ballad plays underneath. You know it's supposed to be a tear-jerking scene, but the emotion isn't earned nor does it feel organic in any sort of way. It's like the creator saw Rick's failed suicide scene in Rick and Morty and decided he wanted to try to do that all the time. (Odd because he's said several times that his show isn't Rick and Morty...almost as if he's super sensitive about the comparison for some reason...)

      It's absolutely fricking moronic and it's infuriating that the show went on so much longer than most other animated shows and yet the creator still acts like the rug was pulled out from under him when it was cancelled.

      Don't believe me about him being a narcissist? Check out his instagram

      • 6 months ago

        This guy's clearly mentally ill so you shouldn't trust him.

      • 6 months ago

        It isn't the best thing ever, but it has its charm. Although makes some good points, I still think it's worth the watch.

      • 6 months ago

        >it's infuriating that the show went on so much longer than most other animated shows and yet the creator still acts like the rug was pulled out from under him when it was cancelled.
        I think it's more about Final Space getting removed from all legal streaming platforms that set Olan off.

        Still, I'll always hold a grudge toward the show for being the only one to survive the TBS purge. To get a second—AND THIRD—chance at life in front of a bigger audience over on Adult Swim is not something to be taken for granted. Final Space may have suffered from executive meddling, but it was def given more chances than most new cartoons at the turn of the decade. Three seasons and it never really took off. At that point, you just gotta cut your losses, Olan.

        • 6 months ago

          > I think it's more about Final Space getting removed from all legal streaming platforms that set Olan off.
          I hate final space but getting vaulted sucks and that shouldn’t happen to anyone.

          But no, I was talking about the video he made when it got cancelled and he forced himself to cry on camera while doing the cliche “I promised myself I wouldn’t cry”. Again, he’s not a very good actor. The whole thing felt like a shitty partner trying to manipulate you into feeling sorry for them.

          The show hadn’t been doing well for awhile. It was arrogant to end his 3rd season on a cliffhanger. You’re right, it got every chance and more. For awhile it seemed like every celebrity was backing this thing. If he couldn’t make the thing go with that in his corner, it’s on him,

          • 6 months ago

            All true, you’re right. Olan seems ungrateful. Not many will ever get the opportunity he was given, and for that many episodes of television.

          • 6 months ago

            I remember that schmaltzy video he made. I think he actually posted a link on Cinemaphile too and then proceeded to get butthurt when anons were basically like "good...I hope I never have to hear his stupid fricking voice ever again".

        • 6 months ago

          > I think it's more about Final Space getting removed from all legal streaming platforms that set Olan off.
          I hate final space but getting vaulted sucks and that shouldn’t happen to anyone.

          But no, I was talking about the video he made when it got cancelled and he forced himself to cry on camera while doing the cliche “I promised myself I wouldn’t cry”. Again, he’s not a very good actor. The whole thing felt like a shitty partner trying to manipulate you into feeling sorry for them.

          The show hadn’t been doing well for awhile. It was arrogant to end his 3rd season on a cliffhanger. You’re right, it got every chance and more. For awhile it seemed like every celebrity was backing this thing. If he couldn’t make the thing go with that in his corner, it’s on him,

          You’re talking about a serialized show. Of course it would have ended on a cliffhanger, he was expecting a fourth season.

          • 6 months ago

            3 season runs are pretty standard these days. The show had already been limping along in the ratings. The show had not yet been renewed. Why would he *expect* a 4th season? At the very least tie things up well enough so if it gets cancelled (as it did) the show can feel like a complete thought even if there are a few loose ends or directions it could have gone. I get leaving somewhere for the story to go in case it does get renewed, but ending it like he did felt like he was trying to strong-arm the network into giving him one more season.

            • 6 months ago

              When thinking about this show I feel bad because I know about the executive meddling. Like people are talking about conan o brian but he was supposed to be a one off he wasn’t supposed to come back. And there’s also the fact that olan said that TBS just wanted another Rick and morty
              The way I view it the network picked up a show thinking it was something else, didn’t like it, tried changing it, and when that failed, they sabotaged it and changed the time slot. I remember finding out it was switched to a worst time slot in favor of bird girl and man, I knew it was the end

              I got the feeling that season 3 was the network kind of giving him enough rope to hang himself. He (rightfully) pushed back hard against the crap they were imposing on him in season 2. So they let him run without a leash to crash and burn.

        • 6 months ago

          I miss Echo…

      • 6 months ago

        Good post. I don’t know why Conan O’Brien backed this guy so hard early on. Olan sucks.

        • 6 months ago

          >I don’t know why Conan O’Brien backed this guy so hard early on
          I wondered that too. It's not like Conan is known to back indie creators. It's weird that out of all the people out there, this was the thing he decided to champion. I wonder if there was some weird FOMO sort of thing going on?

      • 6 months ago

        The show started out as a Family Guy styled wacky comedy, then in season 2 it shot straight into depressing grimdark territory. With Olan claiming it was always meant to be super serious and dark the whole time. Even though season 1 was wacky goofy comedy with characters that looked like they stepped off a McFarlane series.

      • 6 months ago

        > I think it's more about Final Space getting removed from all legal streaming platforms that set Olan off.
        I hate final space but getting vaulted sucks and that shouldn’t happen to anyone.

        But no, I was talking about the video he made when it got cancelled and he forced himself to cry on camera while doing the cliche “I promised myself I wouldn’t cry”. Again, he’s not a very good actor. The whole thing felt like a shitty partner trying to manipulate you into feeling sorry for them.

        The show hadn’t been doing well for awhile. It was arrogant to end his 3rd season on a cliffhanger. You’re right, it got every chance and more. For awhile it seemed like every celebrity was backing this thing. If he couldn’t make the thing go with that in his corner, it’s on him,

        All true, you’re right. Olan seems ungrateful. Not many will ever get the opportunity he was given, and for that many episodes of television.

        The man is a god damn t-shirt salesman who talked his way into getting a fricking animated series when he knew frickall about how to make or direct a series at all. He even admits he knew nothing about production when he got the greenlight.

      • 6 months ago

        olan really should've just stuck with comedic storytimes on youtube. that's where his talent is, he could be decent at standup but he just NEEDS to make something narratively driven for some reason, even though he literally cannot do that well.

      • 6 months ago

        Such a wierd show
        They gave the joke character a backstory were he was a musician but had his arm cut off by the army and replaced with a gun (why were there music instruments to begin with if it's an entire race of armless people?) And then they killed him and it was supposed to be sad but it was really confusing instead

      • 6 months ago

        This sums it up pretty well,

        I always hated how oblivious the show was, having the robot as a Meg Griffin style character that everyone hated when the lead character would consistently deliver equally as bad jokes/one liners that could be easily interchanged between the two characters, however he is universally praised for them by the rest of the cast, which makes me question if the show writer subconsciously knows how bad his style of humour is but isn't self aware enough to differentiate it.

        The fact this show managed to avoid the entire Louis CK fallout was a waste.

      • 6 months ago

        Are you the same autist who would rage on the Final Space threads years ago? how you doing?

        • 6 months ago

          Probably not. While I'm not a huge fan of the show, I also don't tend to rage-post about it. Most I've said about it before this was a "good" comment when it was announced it was getting cancelled.

      • 6 months ago

        If this show is exactly as you say, and I'm not seeing people say it's not, only lashing out at you for saying unkind things about it, then it sounds fricking awful.

    • 6 months ago

      yeah I have to agree on this one, one workmate suggested me that tv show since I like Rick And Morty (not the greatest show but I think is cool enough, way better than south park at least) and I could stand for more than 10 minutes, is not good at all.

  2. 6 months ago

    Yes. It’s gripping and epic.

    • 6 months ago

      No, and this guy

      This guy's clearly mentally ill so you shouldn't trust him.

      is being a pretentious homosexual and subverting the truth that it is trash full of wildly annoying characters, awkward grade school comedy and a plot that never goes anywhere.

      As with many shows if the first episode doesn't hook you then it never will, a 1-3 episode watch will give you a definitive answer of what to expect, constantly.

  3. 6 months ago

    Just watch its spiritual successor Godspeed.

    • 6 months ago

      Just saw it. Neat little project, but I don't see how there's too much potential for a full series. It's pretty generic as far as sci-fi concepts go, and the pilot didn't give me a lot to latch onto. Did Olan say about how long Godspeed is mapped out to be? 'Cause it can't need more than maybe 8 episodes.

      • 6 months ago

        Is Godspeed the kinda sorta unofficial continuation of final space using completely distinct and original (wink wink) characters? I thought ai remember him alluding to something like that.

        • 6 months ago

          Partly, though with the graphic novel, it might have changed.

  4. 6 months ago

    Apparently it ends on a cliffhanger.

    • 6 months ago

      That a comic is going to resolve.

  5. 6 months ago

    Hold out for the graphic novel adaptation.

  6. 6 months ago

    If you can stomach the first half of season 1 being mid then yeah its a good time.

  7. 6 months ago

    you would be supporting a fellow Cinemaphilener if you watched it

  8. 6 months ago

    No. It doesn't seem to understand what kind of show it wants to be so there's a lot of tonal whiplash. It also ends on a cliffhanger so have fun with that.

    • 6 months ago

      Yeah, it’s basically like the client from hell made a show. “We want this to be serious and dramatic yet fun and humorous. Just have fun with it!”
      It ends up being neither.

      • 6 months ago

        I thought they settled on making it a drama.

  9. 6 months ago

    what else you got goinga on?

  10. 6 months ago

    I liked this show until they completely changed KVN's design, was that really necessary?

  11. 6 months ago

    only if youre into homosexual human x anthro relationship

    • 6 months ago

      Always and forever.

    • 6 months ago

      Always and forever.

      Avocato is hot

      • 6 months ago

        His voice turns me on ngl

      • 6 months ago

        Hes peak husbando

  12. 6 months ago

    When thinking about this show I feel bad because I know about the executive meddling. Like people are talking about conan o brian but he was supposed to be a one off he wasn’t supposed to come back. And there’s also the fact that olan said that TBS just wanted another Rick and morty
    The way I view it the network picked up a show thinking it was something else, didn’t like it, tried changing it, and when that failed, they sabotaged it and changed the time slot. I remember finding out it was switched to a worst time slot in favor of bird girl and man, I knew it was the end

    • 6 months ago

      >executive meddling
      Final Space was able to be made because Olan (a guy who branded himself as a comedian) made a couple of shorts called "Gary Space" which were crudely animated comedy sketches. Through a series of people telling other people, eventually it hit the desk of Conan O'Brien (another comedian) who started helping the show get momentum.
      TBS picked up this comedic concept and produced a comedic pilot which was successful enough to create what they thought would be an animated comedy series in space.

      Then Olan decided that he wanted to do the super sad Rick and Morty emo moments like...a lot. Kind of seems like Olan tried to do a bait and switch and that ended up pissing off the people who were footing the bill.

      • 6 months ago

        I think frat-boy comedy is kind of his wheelhouse but when he saw that this was his shot at doing something big he got a masterpiece bug up his ass and tried to make something super cereal because he got high one night and cried while watching dramatic shit on Netflix or something.

      • 6 months ago

        >Kind of seems like Olan tried to do a bait and switch and that ended up pissing off the people who were footing the bill.
        Brutal but probably accurate. Did Olan try to complain about executive meddling because it seems like he brought it upon himself.

  13. 6 months ago

    I wish she wasn't so boring.

    • 6 months ago

      I wish the designs in this show weren't so goofy-looking. In a better style, Quinn would be hot as hell

      • 6 months ago

        >executive meddling
        Final Space was able to be made because Olan (a guy who branded himself as a comedian) made a couple of shorts called "Gary Space" which were crudely animated comedy sketches. Through a series of people telling other people, eventually it hit the desk of Conan O'Brien (another comedian) who started helping the show get momentum.
        TBS picked up this comedic concept and produced a comedic pilot which was successful enough to create what they thought would be an animated comedy series in space.

        Then Olan decided that he wanted to do the super sad Rick and Morty emo moments like...a lot. Kind of seems like Olan tried to do a bait and switch and that ended up pissing off the people who were footing the bill.

        He does admit that it was kind of a bait and switch. In ointerviews he wanted to make a serious dramatic show n space, but the only thing any network was buying was Family Guy clones like Brickleberry and Hoops. So he dressed up his show to be Paradise PD....but in space. Then after the first season he got enough clout to finally go ahead and make his dramatic serious show and it was terrible. By that time TBS and viewers saw and wanted more comedy.

        • 6 months ago

          >So he dressed up his show to be Paradise PD....but in space

          and then the creators of paradise pd/brickleberry actually did that with Farzar and it's even fricking worse kek. farzar is actually one of the worst things i've tried to watch since Bordertown.

          • 6 months ago

            I liked Bordertown the comedy in that show was on point.

            • 6 months ago

              you have shit taste then, pleb

              • 6 months ago

                Nah I just think you’re a boring person that can’t laugh in the moment.

        • 6 months ago

          >He does admit that it was kind of a bait and switch
          so in this case, he's the butthole?
 can you complain about executive meddling when you admit that you didn't intend to serve what they ordered?

          It's like if I went to a restaurant and saw that they offered a burger, so I ordered a burger and the chef sent out soup. Then when I ask if I can get it switched back to the burger, the chef cuts up a few small pieces of beef, drops it into the soup, then goes on twitter to b***h about how I'm messing with his vision.

          • 6 months ago

            >food analogy

            • 6 months ago

              >good catch. It was subtle

          • 6 months ago

            Basically yea. He was on the Bankroft brothers podcast talking about how he intentionally made his show look like Family Guy because that was the only kind of show any studio was going to buy, and the only subject matter they were interested in was comedy. While he only ever wanted to make a serious dramatic story, but he had to first sell it as a comedy to Turner.

            But then he gets mad at people for always expecting a comedy when he intentionally dressed his story up to very closely look like a comedy, had the first episode be nothing but comedy antics, and named a main character Avocato.

  14. 6 months ago

    It’s kino

  15. 6 months ago

    It insists upon itself.

  16. 6 months ago

    It was fun enough, but I have a high tolerance for characters people usually call obnoxious. Some thoughts stick out:
    >David Tennant was fantastic as Lord Commander.
    >S1 was the best.
    >Quinn has zero chemistry with Gary and somehow starts falling for him after being forced to watch the equivalent of hours of insane ramblings from an obsessive stalker.
    >Gary should've fricked Avocato.
    >S3 was a schizophrenic mess at times.
    >Ash was a bipolar moron and her brother's death happened in such a bizarre way I thought it was a hallucination.

  17. 6 months ago

    Nah, after the first season it turns to shit.

    • 6 months ago

      I believe S2 is where things started to fall apart, which executive meddling became heavily centric on comedy and giving too much focus on a piece of shit character like Clarence, who is unfunny and a literal moron. And also don't forget the piss fight. What the frick were they thinking.

  18. 6 months ago


  19. 6 months ago

    the comic releases this summer to end it.

  20. 6 months ago

    i thought the time warner and discovery merger costed him his show among other projects that got in the mess. aren't they still in trouble after the merger?

    • 6 months ago


      • 6 months ago

        how the hell are they in a dumpster fire a year (or two) after the merger?

        • 6 months ago

          Strikes, the economy, David Zaslav.

          • 6 months ago

            God I frickin hate that guy

        • 6 months ago

          >how the hell are they in a dumpster fire a year (or two) after the merger?
          They lost a lot of money on that deal. I'd heard an unsubstantiated rumor that the goal was never to actually make the companies profitable. The (again, unsubstantiated) allegation is that they're in a death spiral, so Zaslav's job is to strip the companies for parts, maximize whatever short term profits they can get, then either try to sell it off or burn it to the ground.

          That kind of makes sense to me but it sucks that Zaslav is doing serious damage to the entire industry in the process.

          • 6 months ago

            >That kind of makes sense to me but it sucks that Zaslav is doing serious damage to the entire industry in the process.

            It's not like he has any reason to care. He set himself up as the highest paid studio CEO in history, and will make out like a bandit and retire on his golden parachute. He can frick over the entire global film industry as we know it and still rest on his millions at the end of the day.

            • 6 months ago

              That's why you should pay those frickers with stocks AND they shouldn't be allowed to sell it until like 2 years after retiring.

            • 6 months ago

              The only real recourse that could ever happen is if employees and investors somehow decide to try and class action Zaslav personally for sabotaging the studio and profiting from it.

              Which might not be the horrible legal precedence it sounds like, if there is a consequence to intentionally harming a company for personal gain.

              • 6 months ago

                For some reason WB shareholders seem way less agressive than Disney ones.

  21. 6 months ago

    they really should have fricked off with clarance. they were suppose to give more episodes to quinn and that pink haired girl to have some mother daughter relationship, but Conan or TBS somewhat forced them to make Clarence waste episode development.

  22. 6 months ago

    season 1 is REALLY good.
    then it get slowly infected with woke and the budget cuts show.

    • 6 months ago

      I don’t understand.

  23. 6 months ago

    I miss these guys

    • 6 months ago

      Not even Tom Kenny could save this show

      • 6 months ago

        Fred Armisen had the only laugh out loud (ie forcefully exhale air out my nose once) moment for me in season 1 when his character is flying around the ship singing about repairing the holes and the refrain is “nothing but holes but holes but holes”. Dumb joke but it was unexpected. Everything else was really awful “dumb guy says snappy dumb thing through pinched mouth” patter. Late 90s Will Ferrell is an apt comparison.

  24. 6 months ago

    Best comparison I can think of is The Castle by Kafka. It's highly entertaining but you need to go into it knowing it's not finished and never will be.

    • 6 months ago

      That’s kinda why he’s doing the graphic novel.

  25. 6 months ago

    You're already here on Cinemaphile. I don't think you should be worried about "wasted time." Watch the fricking show, anon.

  26. 6 months ago

    Watch it for HUE

    • 6 months ago

      >watch it for best character who turns into worst character who claws back to meh character
      It was over when he got put in the crapbot
      Im glad anons spoiled the show getting cancelled/cliffhanger so i just stopped watching after they win, which was like 3 ep before the season end.

  27. 6 months ago

    Why does the big bad boss sound like a woman half-assing a gravely spooky voice?

    • 6 months ago

      Because it is.

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