>show about a serial killer. >very specifically, a power and control subtype killer

>show about a serial killer
>very specifically, a “power and control” subtype killer
>non-sexual power and control serial killers don’t fricking exist
>make him a non-sexual p&c serial killer, which is a fictional unicorn entity, because having him torture or necro people would make it too hard to do the “hero” part of “anti-hero”
>people are surprised when they later make him out to be a good guy and let him get away at the end
>even though that’s obvious from the single, pilot decision to make him an entirely fictional category of serial killer for whitewashing purposes
>they even lampshade it with the “nobody’s getting raped!” line, making fun of their audience for thinking the serial killer show would have him as a villain when they went out of their way to make sure they didn’t have to
People are dumb.

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  1. 5 months ago

    sad you're not getting the representation for your sex murder fantasies? YOU SICK FRICK!

    • 5 months ago

      What's this meme from?

      • 5 months ago

        lurk more YOU SICK FRICK!
        (law & order svu)

      • 5 months ago

        have a nice day you moronic zoomer homosexual

  2. 5 months ago
    • 5 months ago

      Sure, but by making him a fictional “all the ceremony, none of the rape” killer they gave away the ending. It makes it clear they see him as a “good guy” and will continue that to the end.
      Compared to the sopranos where it’s made clear he’s a total piece of shit in the pilot, or breaking bad where they hint at his impotent rage and potential for villainy with the grey matter stuff.
      It’s the difference between good and great. They telegraphed that they were going to be pulling punches from the first episode.

      • 5 months ago

        > It makes it clear they see him as a “good guy” and will continue that to the end.
        moron THE WHOLE FRICKING POINT OF THE SHOW is that he's relatable. That is literally THE FRICKING PREMISE, the SELLING POINT if you will. You really are an autist trying to improve by studying textbooks (ironically the most autistic way to try to improve)

      • 5 months ago

        >I'm mad because the titular character Dexter of "Dexter" seems to be the main character of the show. He is also presented as an anti-hero AND a regular hero with an obvious narrative bias, but with enough ambiguity to let the viewer make their own judgements. The show spends 8/9 seasons establishing a backstory that explains how rare and unusual his specific kind of mental illness is, and how his situation is likely unique or extremely rare, but I don't like this because he would have to be unique or extremely rare for this to be true.

      • 5 months ago

        I agree with you but you're talking to people who have 3 brain cells.

        If it's so obviously reddit slop why watch it?

        • 5 months ago

          I haven’t actually watched it outside of a half-dozen reruns a decade+ ago. I just get tempted into watching it once every year or two, remember that it’s going to be terrible because it isn’t actually about a psychopathic murder-rapist but some autistic vigilante power fantasy, and go back to being annoyed that the show that could have existed doesn’t.

  3. 5 months ago

    >>non-sexual power and control serial killers don’t fricking exist
    Yes they do. Also caught criminals don't represented uncaught criminals so actually you have no fricking clue what those are like.

    Get the frick outta here with your first year BSc in psychology virgin.
    Criminal psychology is even worse
    Oh yeah? You mean the ones that get caught get caught? Fricking clown specialty

    • 5 months ago

      Name a single one.

      • 5 months ago

        Dexter Morgan

        • 5 months ago


          > It makes it clear they see him as a “good guy” and will continue that to the end.
          moron THE WHOLE FRICKING POINT OF THE SHOW is that he's relatable. That is literally THE FRICKING PREMISE, the SELLING POINT if you will. You really are an autist trying to improve by studying textbooks (ironically the most autistic way to try to improve)

          They can have him rape the corpses and still be relatable. All making him a mythological creature does is make it clear they are making him a hero with no anti given enough seasons. Which is exactly what they did.

          >I'm mad because the titular character Dexter of "Dexter" seems to be the main character of the show. He is also presented as an anti-hero AND a regular hero with an obvious narrative bias, but with enough ambiguity to let the viewer make their own judgements. The show spends 8/9 seasons establishing a backstory that explains how rare and unusual his specific kind of mental illness is, and how his situation is likely unique or extremely rare, but I don't like this because he would have to be unique or extremely rare for this to be true.

          It isn’t rare and unusual it’s impossible. There are no power and control serial killers that do not rape, torture, necro, jerk off to, experience sexual thrill about, or otherwise play with their victims. The subtype is inherently sexual even if they don’t literally rape them.
          It would be like if they had an autistic person whose special interest was being charming. It doesn’t make any sense.

          • 5 months ago

            >They can have him rape the corpses and still be relatable.
            To you maybe. You've read too much True Crime you frickin' geek.

            • 5 months ago

              Hmm maybe.

              Plenty Angels of Death to pick from.

              That’s a different subtype.

              • 5 months ago

                I think that it's interesting that all these different types of serial killers are bald and have the same circular ears. Has anyone noticed this before?

              • 5 months ago

                For real though a lot (!) of them have one very slight lazy eye. Once you see it you can’t unsee it.

              • 5 months ago


          • 5 months ago

            Not according to the FBI
            >"Myth: Serial killers are only motivated by sex.
            All serial murders are not sexually-based. There are many other motivations for serial murders including anger, thrill, financial gain, and attention seeking."
            >but my subtype
            why is it impossible to believe that deviants are capable of deviating outside of our pre-defined subtypes?
            also, if we're getting really technical, in the beginning Dexter is essentially asexual - it's not as if he's out power-and-control serializing some murderers then coming home and banging his egirl4u gf/bf. he has zero sexual motivation in all parts of his life (initially). Now this changes somewhere during later in the first season, or maybe in season 2 (I forget when the tomb raider blowjob happens), but at least they gave it go - when this changes, however, it becomes convoluted as to whether is a sociopath with normie-passing abilities, or whether he is, at heart, just a normie with sociopathic tendencies. Much later he's hardly sociopathic at all - he just cares little for taking lives that meet his code. Even then he starts questioning everything.
            I think there is much more to be explored in the field, really, to say that it is impossible for new subtypes to exist.

          • 5 months ago

            >They can have him rape the corpses and still be relatable.


          • 5 months ago

            >There are no power and control serial killers that do not rape, torture, necro, jerk off to, experience sexual thrill about, or otherwise play with their victims.
            I could be one if I wanted to though.

            Sort of a joke but really if I simply derive pleasure (not sexual) from taking away the power of criminals and making them powerless before me wouldn't I still be in the same category without any sexual aspect to it? Isn't Dexter basically this?

            • 5 months ago

              >I could be one if I wanted to though
              Realistically if you did that you'd be a thrill killer, you don't feel an inherent draw to it

      • 5 months ago

        Plenty Angels of Death to pick from.

      • 5 months ago

        BTK got caught because he was a tech illiterate Boomer. If he wasn't a Boomer moron he probably never would have been caught

        • 5 months ago

          Yeah but BTK is not an example of a non-sexual power and control killer as he was a massively degenerate coomer

  4. 5 months ago

    I don't want to get into it, man but it wasn't a power and control thing, it was about loving his mom so...

  5. 5 months ago

    Harry's Code, b***h.

  6. 5 months ago

    Stop projecting weirdo. Ill call the fbi

  7. 5 months ago

    >>make him a non-sexual p&c serial killer, which is a fictional unicorn entity, because having him torture or necro people would make it too hard to do the “hero” part of “anti-hero”
    Yeah, even the non-rapist kind are sexually motivated, they're just also impotent which manifests in sexual torture, object insertion etc

    • 5 months ago

      Exactly, which moots the

      Not according to the FBI
      >"Myth: Serial killers are only motivated by sex.
      All serial murders are not sexually-based. There are many other motivations for serial murders including anger, thrill, financial gain, and attention seeking."
      >but my subtype
      why is it impossible to believe that deviants are capable of deviating outside of our pre-defined subtypes?
      also, if we're getting really technical, in the beginning Dexter is essentially asexual - it's not as if he's out power-and-control serializing some murderers then coming home and banging his egirl4u gf/bf. he has zero sexual motivation in all parts of his life (initially). Now this changes somewhere during later in the first season, or maybe in season 2 (I forget when the tomb raider blowjob happens), but at least they gave it go - when this changes, however, it becomes convoluted as to whether is a sociopath with normie-passing abilities, or whether he is, at heart, just a normie with sociopathic tendencies. Much later he's hardly sociopathic at all - he just cares little for taking lives that meet his code. Even then he starts questioning everything.
      I think there is much more to be explored in the field, really, to say that it is impossible for new subtypes to exist.

      “asexual” point.
      The entire show was weirdly sexually sanitized for cable. Virtually all of the other serial killers in the show were non-sexual (though a lot of them get a pass since they were different subtypes).

      • 5 months ago

        >>make him a non-sexual p&c serial killer, which is a fictional unicorn entity, because having him torture or necro people would make it too hard to do the “hero” part of “anti-hero”
        Yeah, even the non-rapist kind are sexually motivated, they're just also impotent which manifests in sexual torture, object insertion etc

        Not according to the FBI
        >"Myth: Serial killers are only motivated by sex. All serial murders are not sexually-based. There are many other motivations for serial murders including anger, thrill, financial gain, and attention seeking."

        • 5 months ago

          Yeah and there are subtypes for that, see

          Hmm maybe.
          That’s a different subtype.

          • 5 months ago

            >A: All serial killers are sexually motivated
            >B: No, actually, here's the relevant info
            >C: All serial killers of all subtypes are sexually motivated
            >B: No, actually, here's the same relevant info, again
            >ACX: But there are subtypes
            why am I even trying

            • 5 months ago

              I explicitly bring up the subtype in every single post from the OP on. Learn to read.

            • 5 months ago

              You have appalling reading comprehension. This thread is specifically about the power and control subtype but you keep posting a generalization about all serial killers.

              • 5 months ago

                I explicitly bring up the subtype in every single post from the OP on. Learn to read.

                NOT ALL SERIAL KILLERS ARE SEXUALLY MOTIVATED. Stop implying they are (or are inversely motivated by their lack of sexuality). Subtypes are useful for classification/categorization/research, but are as useful as taking online "alpha/beta/omega/sigma male" personality tests when trying to apply rigid archetypes onto real people with many constantly varying traits. I should have let your mom abort you all.

              • 5 months ago

                Holy shit, you still don't get it. You're a fricking hylic.

              • 5 months ago

                At this point I think you’re pretending not to get it.

            • 5 months ago

              Remind yourself how low class and stupid fans of True Crime are and you'll understand you really are wasting your time on this barely functioning, overweight moron.

              • 5 months ago

                Someone’s sensitive about their weight

        • 5 months ago

          anger != Dexter
          thrill != Dexter
          financial gain != Dexter
          attention seeking != Dexter
          power and control over living beings (framed in adolescence around "Harry's Code" of immoral decisions) = Dexter

          Rule 7 of Harry’s Code is to triple-wrap the groin area, because if you can see balls while you’re cutting them up it’s gay.

          No nipples either, he's the gentleman murderer. Now if Harry's whole angle was to normalise Dexter's latent paraphilias, shouldn't he have also taught him to relate them to his indented victim's crimes? So in the same way Dexter can kill killers, he should be able to rape rapists. Any other sort of raping would be strictly verboten and not becoming of a positive contributor in society.

          • 5 months ago

            >So in the same way Dexter can kill killers, he should be able to rape rapists
            "he rapes but he saves"

            • 5 months ago

              "Remember Dexter, the collective raping must be net negative after you've drained your balls. Make sure your victim was planning to rape again. You can do this, son."

  8. 5 months ago

    >rape, rape RAAAPE where's the RAAAAAPE can't think of anything but RAAAAAPE
    calm down, Mudasir

  9. 5 months ago

    Hey Dexter, you are one of those P&C serial killers who don't exhibit sexual sadism like me. If I was viciously biting the nipples of the trapped objects of my affection then women who watch my show would be repulsed! Just turn your brain off ladies.

    • 5 months ago

      Rule 7 of Harry’s Code is to triple-wrap the groin area, because if you can see balls while you’re cutting them up it’s gay.

  10. 5 months ago

    Here's a subject I'm curious about, serial killers who are killed by a prospective victim. It's very common in movies and TV and vanishingly rare in real life (I can only think of Dean Corll and Wayne Nance).

    Do you think it's because:
    A) serial killers select victims who are extremely compliant or unlikely to defend themselves (like the girl who had Ed Kemper's gun and his car but still let him kill her)
    B) cops don't investigate open and shut self-defense cases sufficiently to identify the attacker as a serial killer

    Or is there some other reason?

    • 5 months ago

      I think it’s A. I can’t remember the source, but they sat a bunch of violent criminals of some type, like long-term obvious psychos, down and showed them videos of different people walking down the street, then asked who they’d attack. The videos were made beforehand. They didn’t tell them, but some of them were random people they’d hired for the videos and some were people that had been assaulted/mugged/whatever (I can’t remember the specific crime) before. They consistently picked out the ones that had been targets as potential targets, saying something in the way they carried themselves suggested a low likelihood of fighting back or making a lot of noise.
      Ed Kemper would troll like that for days and gave a lot of women rides, only killing whichever ones gave him some kind of similar vibe.
      Similarly, pedophiles target kids with messed up families that project low confidence.
      Target selection seems like a big part of being a psycho.

      • 5 months ago

        Assume a) and it's a selection thing.
        Some creepy looking bastard invites you up to his loft to "play pool and maybe suck a little wiener". You say no, and think nothing of it. The people dumb enough to say "yes" are too dumb to extricate themselves when the situation turns psycho. The people able to escape / turn the tables never got into that situation in the first place.

        Yeah and in retrospect the two I named weren't actually killed by their intended victims, one was an accomplice and the other was the husband

    • 5 months ago

      Assume a) and it's a selection thing.
      Some creepy looking bastard invites you up to his loft to "play pool and maybe suck a little wiener". You say no, and think nothing of it. The people dumb enough to say "yes" are too dumb to extricate themselves when the situation turns psycho. The people able to escape / turn the tables never got into that situation in the first place.

  11. 5 months ago

    anon, non-sexual P&C psychos absolutely do exist and I know this because I am one. To be fair it's situational, but think of it this way; do you jerk off to trash, or just pick it up and throw it away? Unless the person I'm controlling is sexually attractive, I am not sexually aroused.

    • 5 months ago

      >i am one
      Get a load of this absolute homosexual. Killed a lot of people this year princess? What's your modus operandai or wait, are you Isreal Keyes mk2 (minus the sexual deviancy)?

      • 5 months ago

        I'm not the one who classified myself as one, moron, and it's not like I wear it as an identity, but facts are facts even if that phrase offends trannies like yourself.

        • 5 months ago

          You're not a psychopathic killer (as per OP's point) you deluded fricking gimp. Just because some money grabbing israelite likely diagnosed you with antisocial personality disorder with behavioural deviance/low impulse control, it doesn't make you remotely comparable to a serial killer with abnormal paraphilia.
          >it's not like I wear it as an identity
          You just did you daft c**t, OP wasn't talking about lowkey selfish homosexuals who go about life praying on the weak, treating everyone with no regard as they don't or can't give two fricks. You're not special, there's sizeable percentage of low-intelligence clowns like you kicking about (IIRC they average ~80 IQ) and it's hilarious you see yourself as some Dexter figure. Complete a MMPI-3 test and post your answers homosexual, I want a laugh.

          • 5 months ago

            >low-intelligence clowns
            lol, lmao even. Post bank account, poorgay. I never said I see myself as a Dexter-figure, but I'm glad to see you're so trigger by your own lack of reading comprehension.

            • 5 months ago

              >OP discusses 'very specifically, a “power and control” subtype killer'
              >moronic gay homosexual appears saying "non-sexual P&C psychos absolutely do exist and I know this because I AM ONE"
              You literally self-inserted yourself as a direct comparison to OP's subject matter, a Dexter type killer. You now nakedly project with this weak reading comprehension rebuttal. Now stop being a moron and hurry up with you test results, homosexual. I'm loaded btw, unlike you my life isn't so chaotic that some shrink gets forced into it to psychoanalyse me. Remember anon, facts are facts...

              >take an MMPI-3 test
              >without someone to screen the results
              >dares to call others stupid

              >I want a laugh
              I can obviously screen them from this statement. Should you need someone to hold your hand with it, perhaps try to better educate yourself.

              • 5 months ago

                you make every effort to seem smarter than you really are and it's very transparent

              • 5 months ago

                >"I'm loaded"
                poor detected lmao

          • 5 months ago

            >take an MMPI-3 test
            >without someone to screen the results
            >dares to call others stupid

            • 5 months ago

              anon you don't understand, he knows what an MMPI-3 is he's obviously insanely smart, just look he even hyphenated some words!

              • 5 months ago

                There's more intelligent people within my profession, I can assure you, but I'm clearly wading through shallow waters here.

                you make every effort to seem smarter than you really are and it's very transparent

                >"we've got ourselves a reader"
                It's not my fault that you're a dunce, transfer these feelings of inadequacy into positive steps to improve your vocabulary and general knowledge.

              • 5 months ago

                >"I am so smart"
                go back

              • 5 months ago

                >we don't like you edjewcated types round here, this is where we pretend we're psychos like Dexter
                Don't breed, homosexual.

  12. 5 months ago

    I saw a good youtube video saying that Dexter's problem was that the writers wouldn't let him grow as a character in order to milk the franchise for multiple seasons. You end up with this guy who basically came close to having to decide if he was going to be a legit serial killer, go to jail by getting caught, or run away by season 2, yet somehow that gets punted down the road for 7 seasons, 7 seasons worth of conflict, villains, close calls, and nonesense.

    Theres a great 3 season show in Dexter thats probably 10/10, they just didnt want to go that route.

    • 5 months ago

      I can see that yeah. It makes me respect stuff like breaking bad even more where they started with an endgame, got to it at the correct pace, and then stopped, even though there is more money to be made in edging the audience for a decade until they all stopped caring like this.

  13. 5 months ago

    He's supernatural. Read the books you autist. The dark passenger is a fricking demon.

    • 5 months ago

      You know those books were basically forced studio content, with the intention of "making some different", and the author hates the demon shit, right? Maybe you should try reading the books past the 3rd one, anon. The Moloch plot-point is never mentioned again, and for good reason.

  14. 5 months ago

    It's pretty clear Dexter gets some kind of sexual gratification when he kills people; the actor almost always rolls his eyes and breathes deeply when he stabs down during his ritual

    • 5 months ago

      It's most obviously a theme in the first one and two episodes in season 2 where has to go a month or so without killing.

      • 5 months ago

        It's pretty clear Dexter gets some kind of sexual gratification when he kills people; the actor almost always rolls his eyes and breathes deeply when he stabs down during his ritual

        Not to mention that he's shown to be asexual otherwise (which they completely forget after the first or second season).

        • 5 months ago

          Just like all "asexuals" he's cured of it by the Glark Glark 9000 from a hot blonde.

  15. 5 months ago

    This reads like something written by a 20 year old woman who just took a course in criminology.
    Terrible thread.

  16. 5 months ago

    If the showrunners had listened to morons like OP I wouldn't have been able to watch and bond over this fun show with my hot (thin) girlfriend who is now my sexy (fat) wife.

    Shows are supposed to entertain first of all and most of us don't get our jollies off to rape and necrophilia, fricking weirdo.

    • 5 months ago

      Those shows are for network television. It’s on cable it should be more daring than having some girl next door say “frick” literally a thousand times.

  17. 5 months ago

    >and let him get away at the end
    umm sweatie... actually..

    • 5 months ago

      New Blood is fanfiction

  18. 5 months ago

    Damn I too have read the wikipedia article intros on serial killers OP

    • 5 months ago

      That’s weird since this typology isn’t discussed on the Wikipedia page for serial killers.

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