So a rogue member of a paramilitary organization ordered the creation of an army with what credit?

So a rogue member of a paramilitary organization ordered the creation of an army with what credit? Surely the jedi council would have noticed it on their balance sheet? Regardless, why exactly would said paramilitary organization then hand off that army to the republic? And why would the republic accept said army when it was just engaged in a rescue expedition that would immediately drag them into a civil war? Why would the republic trust an unknown army to fight for them instead of listening to the terms brought by the CIS? Keep in mind, if the republic didn't want separatists factions from within in the first place, they shouldn't have let their members control their own armies.

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  1. 10 months ago

    the jedi council was in deep decline idiot. Plus they control the entire galaxy so it isn't far off that a secret clone army was an accounting error.

    Plus palpatine is incredibly wealthy and can bankroll obi wan. Plus it was just a small batch they used on geonosis which wasn't that expensive. They kept producing clones throughout the entire clone wars.

    The entire point is the jedi council have lost the plot and are a shadow of their former wisdom and power.

    • 10 months ago

      It just seems like they have serious cognitive dissonance. The jedi are mired in politics and paranoid about losing much so that they instigate a war with the CIS and drag the republic with them....but at the same time are totally chill with giving their newly crested clone army over to the republic. They behave like benevolent skitzophrenics.

      >obiwan finds a planet already producing clones
      >the clones are of boba fett
      >the original boba fett immediately tries to murder obiwan
      >boba fett then meets up with a Sith Lord
      >he is seen in person with a Sith Lord
      >he then kills Jedi and gets his head chopped off
      >they still trust the clones
      All those things should’ve been put down immediately lmao, they’re such morons

      What I don't understand is why Dooku was supposedly in the know about Palpis plan to start a war...while simultaneously surprised how "they were able to come up with an army so quickly"....while being in direct contact with the guy they cloned for said army.

  2. 10 months ago

    nothing in the prequels makes sense people just excuse it because they were toddlers when they came out

  3. 10 months ago

    >obiwan finds a planet already producing clones
    >the clones are of boba fett
    >the original boba fett immediately tries to murder obiwan
    >boba fett then meets up with a Sith Lord
    >he is seen in person with a Sith Lord
    >he then kills Jedi and gets his head chopped off
    >they still trust the clones
    All those things should’ve been put down immediately lmao, they’re such morons

    • 10 months ago

      that doesn't matter nearly as much as obi wan blindly trusting anakin despite him breaking all the jedi vows with padme and being obviously compromised by the dark side

    • 10 months ago


      They didn't trust the clones until much later. Basically they had no choice but to use them. The droid army would have btfo the comparatively few jedi.

      • 10 months ago

        So draft some of the 45 trillion people standing around? Surely the Republic had a standing army.

        • 10 months ago

          They didn't and they said as much in the movie

          • 10 months ago

            That makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. A government that large would constantly be putting down seditious activity.

            • 10 months ago

              That's why they failed, anon. Did you even watch the films? The entirety of The Phantom Menance was all about demonstrating how the Republic was primed for collapse.

              • 10 months ago

                Yet somehow it had been 1,000 years since the last major war and it took some Sith Lord to destroy the whole thing?

                For all the dickriding zoomers give to George for "le worldbuilding xDDD" the prequels as a setting fall apart completely if you to stop to think about it for even a second

              • 10 months ago

                >Yet somehow it had been 1,000 years since the last major war and it took some Sith Lord to destroy the whole thing?
                Because it hadn't been incompetent for 1000 years, anon. Please watch the films. They say, several times, that the long peace and prosperity had made the Republic weak. It wasn't always weak.

              • 10 months ago

                how was it competent for 1,000 years? We're supposed to just take it on faith that there were no conflicts or competing interests for 1,000 years before one sith lord decided to destroy the Republic?

              • 10 months ago

                There were tons of conflicts and shit. Please watch the films.

                >Boxer begins career and trains really hard
                >Becomes undefeated champion and is on top for a decade
                >Gets bored and slacks off in training

              • 10 months ago

                it took 1,000 years for the corporations with private armies to make moves against the government that was taxing them?

              • 10 months ago

                >It took 20 years for a contender to punch the champion in the face?

              • 10 months ago

                George is supreme at one thing and that is appealing to children. Kids love everything almost everything he does.

        • 10 months ago

          That was the point. You had like hundreds of olanets in the republic it would have been impossible to draft that many people from across the galaxy and make a well trained army. Most planets their own anyway.

          • 10 months ago

            No it wouldn’t. If you can clone boba fett 150,000,000,000 times you can just train normies up. By that logic there could have been no coordinated Rebellion to resist the Empire but we know that is not the case, they even had a Princess.

    • 10 months ago

      >nobody once cut a clone open to inspect the chip in its skull
      >nobody once saw one get it’s head ventilated and think we should look into this chip business

      • 10 months ago

        Yes, the chip thing is stupid we know.

      • 10 months ago

        Supposedly order 65 and 66 was a failsafe for the senate to kill off the jedi or the chancellor if they became rogue. Somewhere down the line the Jedi were a) cool with the senate hanging that sword of damocles over their head and b) letting the chancellor of all people have the ability to send that command. The jedi were grade A moronic to allow the senate and the chancellor have a kill button on them with zero due process to enact.

      • 10 months ago

        That chip business was such a stupid retcon just to justify why some clones didn’t obey the Order 66 call. It made way more sense that they were all subconsciously conditioned to do a Manchurian Candidate on a level that was so deep that even they weren’t aware of it

        • 10 months ago

          The chips became necessary as soon as they decided to humanize the clones. In the movies they're mindless flesh droids with virtually no personality, in the show they decided to make them individuals who serve the Republic out of genuine duty, they wouldn't have turned on the Jedi willingly

        • 10 months ago

          But they weren't subconsciously conditioned in Legends. The Battlefront journals all have the clones talking like they already knew what they were going to do that day.

    • 10 months ago

      Clones would have rebelled and joined the CIS. Republic gets BTFO. Palps still gets his authoritarian dictatorship. GG.

      • 10 months ago

        This. The clones weren't just going to lie down and let themselves be slaughtered like cattle by the Jedi lmao.

      • 10 months ago

        There is an argument to be made that Dooku would have actually won and killed Sheev. Dooku wasn't power hungry and actually cared about corruption and his constituents. The biggest mistake the Jedi's made was a) involving themselves in the republic vs CIS dispute and b) giving the command of the clones over to the republic. If they had done at least one of those things, Sheev would have lost.

        • 10 months ago


  4. 10 months ago

    >americans in disbelief this could happen

    >when their country has been hijacked by globalists, zionists and bankers

  5. 10 months ago

    Palpatine bankrolled him.

    • 10 months ago

      This would be like Elon bankrolling a national army with his own personal cash. His entire savings is under half of the national budget for the country. Plus...there is no fricking way people would not notice such an expense. The idea that palpi has that kind of money after being a senator is ludicrous.

      • 10 months ago

        Sheev's father mined ancient sith artifacts

        • 10 months ago

          Palpatine is richer than Elon, and also the national security budgets in Star Wars are much lower. That was a whole plot point, right? That the Republic's army was woefully inadequate to even do basic policing in its own borders, and why the Trade Federation, which was just a private company, would have steamrolled them if not for the clones.

          Dooku also funded it, and if you take the novel as canon Plagueis was still alive at the time. Also, a drug cartel killed the Jedi who started the cloning, so if you really don’t buy anyone else funding it they could have.

          Then what is the point of this elaborate ruse? You subvert institutions when you don't have the strength to beat them conventionally. If Palpi had the money to bankroll his own clone private army...and has the influence to make the CIS do his bidding....why not just conquer the republic/jedi on your own? He means to rule by fear the outcome would be the same.

          • 10 months ago

            The Jedi would have assassinated him if he challenged them openly. He had to get his assassins into place around every jedi first before he could out himself.

            • 10 months ago

              Literally nothing stopping him from controlling the clone and CIS army from the shadows...then emerging from the shadows as Emperor once the jedi and pitiful Republic security force is defeated.

              • 10 months ago

                Too bad the CIS programmed their robot army to be moronic.

              • 10 months ago

                >first Gen of bots needed a control tower to do anything
                >get rid of obvious weakness
                >…and make them all moronic, talk a lot, and incompetent

              • 10 months ago

                His plan worked, so why are you so critical of it?

              • 10 months ago

                Because it's moronic to not take the path of least resistance. Especially when you have underlings like Dooku willing to reveal your plot when you are completely vulnerable.

      • 10 months ago

        Palpatine is richer than Elon, and also the national security budgets in Star Wars are much lower. That was a whole plot point, right? That the Republic's army was woefully inadequate to even do basic policing in its own borders, and why the Trade Federation, which was just a private company, would have steamrolled them if not for the clones.

      • 10 months ago

        Dooku also funded it, and if you take the novel as canon Plagueis was still alive at the time. Also, a drug cartel killed the Jedi who started the cloning, so if you really don’t buy anyone else funding it they could have.

    • 10 months ago

      Sheev's father mined ancient sith artifacts

      are we not forgetting that major publicly traded companies like Kuat Drive Yards were building the ships for the Clones? Did no one notice this?

  6. 10 months ago

    space Wagner

  7. 10 months ago

    They trusted the clones because one of their former masters was the one who put in the order. Yoda was all about detecting the possible future. He assumed that's what the other master had done, seen the need in the future so he put in the order. He had no idea Palpatine was setting up a conflict and creating the solution at the same time which would put him in power

    • 10 months ago

      The dude who put in the order for the clones was the apprentice to Dooku, a well known dissenter to the order.

      • 10 months ago

        >Dooku is connected to the clones
        >Dooku then defects publicly to the Trade Federation
        >Dooku then personally trains up Grevious, the general of the Trade Federation
        >no one ever thought this was very strange that one man was at the center of both sides of this obviously engineered conflict
        >he was a Jedi for like 80 years
        >no one including his own masters or pupils ever thought maybe someone corrupted him or asked who that might be that could also be empowered by a clone army

      • 10 months ago

        No he wasn't, he was the padawan to another jedi around the same time as Dooku was a padawan. The chick who was his master basically treated them both as her padawans when she was only allowed one

  8. 10 months ago

    Order 66 was basically what operation Valkyre was originally designed to do. Legislation that would disarm paramilitary parties if an assiasination of the Führer was successful and a coup was declared. The Jedi did in fact try to murder palpatine. Chips or not...the clones had every right to exterminate the Jedi.

  9. 10 months ago

    >So a rogue member of a paramilitary organization ordered the creation of an army with what credit?

    He didn't. The army was funded, in secret, by a corporation known as "Damask Holding" which was in reality run by Darth Plagueis.

  10. 10 months ago

    when I was a child I liked phase 2 better than phase 1 because they looked like cooler edgier stormtroopers
    now that I'm an adult I appreciate phase 1 as the superior armor because it looks more classically art deco like a 1930s buck rogers serial

  11. 10 months ago

    this is a joke i know but the jedi never payed for it in the first place. it was being funded by sheev and company.
    that said it would have been prudent of the jedi to actually follow that money considering they know they didnt buy it

  12. 10 months ago

    >yes I represent the republic a clone army is your tax

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