So do any of you remember those Mickey Mouse cartoons from the 1930s?

So do any of you remember those Mickey Mouse cartoons from the 1930s? The ones that were just put out on DVD a few years ago? Well, I hear there is one that was unreleased to even the most avid classic Disney fans.

According to sources, it's nothing special. It's just a continuous loop (like Flintstones) of Mickey walking past six buildings that goes on for two or three minutes before fading out. Unlike the cutesy tunes put in though, the song on this cartoon was not a song at all, just a constant banging on a piano for a minute and a half before going to white noise for the remainder of the film.

It wasn't the jolly old Mickey we've come to love either, Mickey wasn't dancing, not even smiling, just kind of walking as if you or I were walking, with a normal facial expression, but for some reason his head tilted side to side as he kept this dismal look.

Up until a year or two ago, everyone believed that after it cut to black and that was it. When Leonard Maltin was reviewing the cartoon to be put in the complete series, he decided it was too junk to be on the DVD, but wanted to have a digital copy due to the fact that it was a creation of Walt. When he had a digitized version up on his computer to look at the file, he noticed something.

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  1. 2 years ago

    The cartoon was actually 9 minutes and 4 seconds long. This is what my source emailed to me, in full (he is a personal assistant of one of the higher executives at Disney, and acquaintance of Mr. Maltin himself):

    "After it cut to black, it stayed like that until the 6th minute, before going back into Mickey walking. The sound was different this time. It was a murmur. It wasn't a language, but more like a gurgled cry. As the noise got more indistinguishable and loud over the next minute, the picture began to get weird. The sidewalk started to go in directions that seemed impossible based on the physics of Mickeys walking. And the dismal face of the mouse was slowly curling into a smirk.

    On the 7th minute, the murmur turned into a bloodcurdling scream (the kind of scream painful to hear) and the picture was getting more obscure. Colors were happening that shouldn't have been possible at the time. Mickey's face began to fall apart. his eyes rolled on the bottom of his chin like two marbles in a fishbowl, and his curled smile was pointing upward on the left side of his face.

    The buildings became rubble floating in midair and the sidewalk was still impossibly navigating in warped directions, a few seeming inconceivable with what we, as humans, know about direction. Mr. Maltin got disturbed and left the room, sending an employee to finish the video and take notes of everything happening up until the last second, and afterward immediately store the disc of the cartoon into the vault. This distorted screaming lasted until 8 minutes and a few seconds in, and then it abruptly cuts to the Mickey Mouse face at the credits of the end of every video with what sounded like a broken music box playing in the background.

    • 2 years ago

      This happened for about 30 seconds, and whatever was in that remaining 30 seconds I haven't been able to get a sliver of information about. From a security guard working under me who was making rounds outside of that room, I was told that after the last frame, the employee stumbled out of the room with pale skin saying "Real suffering is not known" seven times before speedily taking the guard's pistol and offing himself on the spot.

      The thing I could get out of Leonard Maltin was that the last frame was a piece of Russian text that roughly said "the sights of hell bring its viewers back in". As far as I know, no one else has seen it, but there have been dozens of attempts at getting the file on rapidshare by employees inside the studios, all of whom have been promptly terminated of their jobs.

      Whether it got online or not is up for debate, but if rumors serve me right, it's online somewhere under "suicidemouse.avi". If you ever find a copy of the film, I want you to never view it, and to contact me by phone immediately, regardless of the time. When a Disney Death is covered up as well as this, it means this has to be something huge.

      Get back at me,


      I've yet to find a copy of this, but it is out there. I know it.

  2. 2 years ago

    I hate israelites

    • 2 years ago

      Walt was right

  3. 2 years ago
  4. 2 years ago


  5. 2 years ago

    Why do all lost episode creepypastas like act explicitly supernaturally rather than a kinda creepy episode of a show. Like nothing takes me out of it more than something that was very obviously never going to be aired on tv.

    • 2 years ago

      We're just oversaturated with weird and creepy shit now. But when this and Dead Bart first came out, it was very spooky/eerie shit.

      • 2 years ago

        Dead Bart was only scary because of the picture. And then I found it wasn't even a picture of Bart, it was fricking Homer.
        Anyways, LECBFA was the only good "lost episode"-style creepypasta

        • 2 years ago

          I thought the Godzilla NES Creepypasta was really good.

          • 2 years ago

            Yeah, even if the story was somewhat generic, the effort put into the pixel art is top notch.

        • 2 years ago

          The final line of the Dead Bart story is pretty creepy.

          • 2 years ago

            >All of their deaths are listed as the same date.
            I don't understand what that means. Please explain it to me.

            • 2 years ago

              My guess is that it's implying an apocalyptic event that kills off all of humanity in one fell swop. Since the actors are all ones alive at this point in time, it means the event is at best only a decade or two away.

        • 2 years ago


        • 2 years ago

          The only time Creepypasta scared me it was on it's own site, and it had illustrations along with text to read it all you had to scroll down, gave the whole thing an unnervingly jank quality. It was about a person who meets a Kuchisake-Onna-ish Ghost, an eyeless woman desperately asking the protagonist if he knew where there baby was. Perturbed says protagonist said he saw just down the road and kept walking, we were shown an illustration of her walking off in the direction he pointed, until she suddenly said "..My baby isn't here." at which point she TURNS TO FACE THE VIEWER
          The Creator had set the site to Auto-Scroll. Causing the Illustrations to effectly Animate. It was a beautifully executed jump scare.

  6. 2 years ago

    JANNY copypasta is leaking from /x/ again

  7. 2 years ago

    This is pretty spooky, but not as spooky as the Lavender Town theme, which made me poop my pants.

  8. 2 years ago


  9. 2 years ago


  10. 2 years ago

    >I-Is that mouse walking in a loop? While someone screams in the background?

    • 2 years ago

      Oswald is extremely dangerous, don't mention him

  11. 2 years ago
  12. 2 years ago

    A few months ago, I was driving along the streets of Los Angeles with my friend, Zack, until we realize that we were running out of gas.

    We were trying to park somewhere to give our car a rest, but no luck. Then something caught our eyes. It was a McDonald's building with Ronald McDonald at the top of it.

    When we parked by the parking lot, we noticed that they was no customers inside. It was weird, considering that McDonald's is open 24/7. Also. there were no cars either. I could've swore that the Ronald McDonald statue turned its head against me.

    I told Zack about it, but when he he saw it, it was in normal position. He told me I was going nuts, but the statue DID turn it's head. I then heard a faint laugh coming from the inside. We got terrified. I tried opening the door, but it was locked by a rusty Master combination lock. We didn't have time to figure out the combination, so Zack pulled out his gun and shot at it. it was finally unlocked.

    • 2 years ago

      Unfunny shit trollpasta ruined the whole scene.

  13. 2 years ago

    So we opened the door to the inside. What we saw was so horrible. There were dead corpses all over the tables and chairs, and lots of blood in the soda machine. We puked in the trash can that was next to us, but before we did that, I saw mutilated arms and legs inside, which made us puke even more. How did McDonald's end up like this? We were so hungry, so we ran into the kitchen. There were fries and a few burgers, I thought we finally found food, until we saw more corpses.

    This time, they had no eyeballs, juts blood coming from the sockets. Their stomachs have been ripped open with the organs ripped out. I tried ignoring them, but they still bother me. I didn't even have time to eat fries. We tried escaping through the main door, but it mysteriously locked by itself. We were now prisoners inside the building. We got scared just by staring at the corpses. Zack and I spitted up, trying to look for a exit. He went to a door that was covered in oil.

    I didn't want to enter with him, because I felt that danger was lurking behind the door. That's when I saw a small bomb in one of the dining tables. I picked up, fused with my lighter, and placed in the door. After 10 seconds, it finally exploded. I was free to go wherever I want. I tried calling him to come back, but he still didn't answer. I filled up my car with my backup gas supply that I stored in the trunk. I waited for him to go back to my car with me, it was now 7:00 pm. That's when I saw a tall figure coming from the door with a chainsaw. I drove away as fast as I could. I managed to escaped to my house. Zack never came back at all...

  14. 2 years ago




  15. 2 years ago

    Two days later, I received a newspaper with the most disturbing headline of all, it said:

    "2 boys went to a abandoned McDonald's restaurant in the far side of Los Angeles. One manged to get away, with the other one nowhere in sight. Police are still trying to locate the man, but they never found proof. Then they mysteriously disappeared by entering a oil covered door."

    What was behind that door? How did they all went missing? I hope someone would this mystery anytime soon...... And who is the strange figure?

  16. 2 years ago

    reminder that both this and the video were by Cinemaphileners
    and thread archives exist of both

  17. 2 years ago

    Aww, look, it's babby's first creepypasta.

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