So no Cyclops ig

So no Cyclops ig

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Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

  1. 1 month ago

    At this point Marvel is just poison for your career.

    • 1 month ago

      They really shat the bed with not releasing x-men earlier when they had a chance. Now it's going to be diminishing returns at best

      • 1 month ago

        It's X-Men. It was always going to be. It was never going to be the can't-fail billion dollar success story that was going to revitalize the MCU, it was going to perform like the Fox X-Men movies, and not like the one that did twice as well as the others because it got released in China.

        Didn't X-Men 97 do great?

        The first season of What If? had a bigger audience, X-Men '97 just dominated discussion on Comics Internet because those spaces are full of hardcore X-gays.

        • 1 month ago

          Yeah, Marvel's dead. Dead and buried. And if unironically thinks that the Fantastic Four of all fricking teams is the last peg holding up Marvel, then boy do I have news for you, since they've already cast a bunch of middle aged nobodies, that will definitely not be able to keep a hypothetical decade long franchise for Marvel's First Family going, as their Fantastic Four.

          The only thing left to possibly save Marvel that people genuinely give a shit about anymore is Spider-Man, and given the fiasco with his legal rights between both of his parental companies, as well as the Holland movies being mostly mediocre by comparison to other big Spidey projects......yeah don't expect them to last very long for the foreseeable future.

          Disney ever buying out Marvel really did turn out to be a curse, not a blessing.

      • 1 month ago

        You have to blame The Mouse, starving the IP out in all media until they could grab the rights from Fox (which wound up being them grabbing Fox itself) the same way they did to Fantastic Four.

        • 1 month ago

          And now the X-Men and the Fantastic Four don't mean jack anymore because everyone who's sane-minded and has even a shred of self-respect left has totally jumped shark on capeshit and Disney as a whole and neither team are even allowed to interact with the OG Avengers or Spider-Man anymore which is the only other interesting thing about either team's lore.

          And I mean the only shot they have at making that happen is to reboot the entire fricking thing like how some people are saying they might for Secret Wars, and by then who even will still be watching Marvel aside from moronic die-hards and a few select normies who'll watch anything that's playing.

          • 1 month ago

            >And now the X-Men and the Fantastic Four don't mean jack anymore
            You say that as if relaunching them right after they got the rights from Fox would have changed anything at all there. The FF would still have three previous live action movies that nobody cared about, including one bomb. They've literally never meant jack to movie audiences. The X-Men would still have a load of movies that performed worse than MCU characters who were Literally Who? to normies until they got movies, the final X-Men movies were flops as well. They needed the boost the MCU would have given them more than the MCU ever needed them, and with the MCU itself being something audiences are losing interest in, even that's not going to happen now.

            A reboot isn't going to turn things around for the MCU, and "a reboot, but with FF and X-Men there from the start" isn't going to get audiences to start caring about those characters either.

    • 1 month ago

      Glen Powell isn't exactly setting the world on fire regardless

      • 1 month ago

        He's getting there. Hit Man is aparently really good and he helped bring back theatrical romcoms with Anyone But You.
        Audiences are like "hey it's Hangman! I'll go see his movie"

  2. 1 month ago

    X-Men's IP has already been completely fricked by Fox anyway

    • 1 month ago

      Nah, it's still got legs. Just not under Disney.

      • 1 month ago

        Not really
        They're fricked in the comics ever since Hickman's recent shitty run where they became racist terrorists against humanity and they're going to be even double fricked under Disney given they're Marvel's most diverse and "political" team.

    • 1 month ago

      Didn't X-Men 97 do great?

      • 1 month ago

        That's only because they adapted all the old stuff that wasn't shit
        They also nostalgia baited by shoving in a bunch of other unrelated Marvel characters

      • 1 month ago

        yup, and if anything, it proved that people are starved for some x-content. whether marvel will capitalize on it or not, it's their problem

      • 1 month ago

        It being animated helped a ton and I wish Disney would get it though their fricking skulls that people want more decent cartoons instead of every show needing to be live action featuring some celebrity

        • 1 month ago

          I'll never forgive the simpsons matt should be tried for war crimes against cartoons.

    • 1 month ago

      X-Men had enough good movies to be overall favorable to casuals and their comics were doing well. Even Ike's Inhuman campaign failed because X-Men was doing too well and they were getting minimal usage by Marvel at that time.

      • 1 month ago

        More casuals care about Deadpool and Wolverine than the rest of the X-Men now because of Fox
        The X-Men are a dead IP

        The Avengers, who used to be a pack of nobodies and c-listers back in the day, now carried the entire MCU during its prime era a decade before they even bought the rights back to the X-Men
        And now that Marvel has lived past said prime and only releases dogshit like She-Hag and Secret Invasion now, what kind of abysmal pandering do you expect to occur for Marvel's most socially topical team.

        • 1 month ago

          All you need to know is that X-Men as a whole wasn't ruined by Fox, despite Disney's effort to ruin them. Disney even sabotaged Marvel vs Capcom Infinite because of it. What happens next is on Disney and Marvel.

          • 1 month ago

            >What happens next is on Disney and Marvel.
            That's exactly my point. Disney is going to molest the X-Men hard with more pandering and inaccuracy than ever before, especially given what people believe the X-Men are supposed to represent.

            • 1 month ago

              But my point was that Fox didn't ruin the X-Men IP. I don't know why you're focusing on Disney now when I wasn't talking about them except when they were trying to pressure Fox to give them the movie rights back.

              • 1 month ago

                Because they made everything about Wolverine and Deadpool
                They made it seem like any and every other member of the team or any of the villains weren't as financially beneficial nor as important

        • 1 month ago

          And yet, nobody cares about avengers anymore, as people jumped off the MCU bandwagon during endgame, while plenty of people are very excited for the upcoming x-men movies

          • 1 month ago

            Aside from a failed videogame there haven't been any Avengers adaptations outside of comics since Endgame, there's nothing for audiences to care about. The lack of any hype for the upcoming movie is because everyone knows the real Avengers audiences actually cared about are gone, and nobody really knows who we're getting in their place. Add in the well-documented behind the scenes problems since Kang got fired, and general audience lack of interest in the multiverse saga, and no wonder nobody's hyped yet.

            Meanwhile, the people "very excited for the upcoming X-Men movie" aren't normies and casuals, they're X-Men fandom. The exact same people who've been screeching and baying for more X-Men movies ever since Dark Phoenix. They're loud and you're in an online space where there's a disproportionate number of them.

            • 1 month ago

              It's X-Men. It was always going to be. It was never going to be the can't-fail billion dollar success story that was going to revitalize the MCU, it was going to perform like the Fox X-Men movies, and not like the one that did twice as well as the others because it got released in China.

              The first season of What If? had a bigger audience, X-Men '97 just dominated discussion on Comics Internet because those spaces are full of hardcore X-gays.

              Just like how discussion here for the X-Men cartoon died after the finale aired. If there's no actively running media, people just don't talk about it. Nobody talks about Iron Man in the MCU anymore because Iron Man is fricking dead, but this revisionism that nobody talks about Iron Man because it was actually X-Men that people really cared about more is some pathetic fricking cope from people that can't handle that Iron Man was, at one point, more culturally relevant and financially successful than all the X-Men put together.

  3. 1 month ago

    He has a great neck

  4. 1 month ago

    Even Christian Bale caved in and went on to do a marvel movie (shame it was such a dud) this literally is dumb of shutting down an opportunity.

    • 1 month ago

      Bale said he never wanted to do Marvel before?

  5. 1 month ago

    Good man.

  6. 1 month ago

    It's either marvel or dogshit streaming fodder because traditional movies are pretty much dead. no one's going to theaters to watch anything but "event" movies anymore.

    • 1 month ago

      People are lazier now that's why
      Both audiences and directors

      • 1 month ago

        It's not laziness, movie theaters are expensive and unless you're going to a speciality theater like Alamo Drafthouse you have to deal with dirty autotoriums, babies, people on their phones and Black folk loudly talking.
        Not even Imax is safe and I see PEOPLE ON THEIR PHONES even though they paid extra for a better experience. So frick theaters unless they adopt an Alamo Drafthouse model of banning people who do that shit.

  7. 1 month ago

    And you're proof for him being their only pick for Cyclops?

    • 1 month ago

      He was never even in the running. They've only now begun X-Men casting.

  8. 1 month ago

    Of course he said no, anyone with a brain knows that straight white men only exist to be in humiliation rituals that prop up empowered women in these Marvel slopfests

    • 1 month ago

      It's the exact same thing with that Alan Ritchson guy and why he doesn't want to be in any capeshit. Both men probably would've said yes to earlier Marvel. But not anymore.

      • 1 month ago

        Ritchson has deluded himself into believing he has a shot at DCU Batman and just thought shitting on Marvel could give him a leg up on that.

        Whereas Powell is trying to establish himself as an old school blockbuster leading man whose presence is the main attraction, so he's turning down all big franchise projects like Marvel, Jurassic World, Bourne, etc. where the IP is the real star.

        • 1 month ago

          >"big break" was in a pre-existing franchise with an already-iconic leading man
          how's that working out for him

          • 1 month ago

            Yeah, I don't really follow his logic when he's also got Twisters and remakes of The Running Man and Heaven Can Wait on the pipeline, but that's his goal.

            • 1 month ago

              >remakes of The Running Man and Heaven Can Wait
              wait, you mean the one with warren beatty? they're remaking new Hollywood movies now?
              no fricking way

    • 1 month ago

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