>So the Avatar is back??

>So the Avatar is back?? better sit on my ass doing nothing the entire series instead of hunting him down and killing him before he masters all four elements

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  1. 2 years ago

    He was the Emperor so he sent Vader

    • 2 years ago

      >He was the Emperor so he sent Vader
      What if Avatar Studios has Azula get burned like Vader after being left for dead by Zuko and her former friends, only to survive and became a meance who only lives to torment them kinda of what happened with Anakin?

  2. 2 years ago

    They could have killed him before, but the gods used him to send a message.

  3. 2 years ago

    -He sent his son to capture him

    -realistically Aang could do nothing alone and Oozu also grew up in a world with no avatar and thus had no true extenaive knowledge of their abilities

    -Aang was effectively on the run for most of the show and other countries weren't going to do Ozu's dirty for him so that hampered the effort

    -A ruler doesn't conduct a personal manhunt, that's stupid, he delegates the task so he can perform his other duties

    • 2 years ago

      who is ozu?

    • 2 years ago

      >-He sent his son to capture him
      Not really.
      He sent his son away on an unachievable quest where Zuko made literally zero progress for years.
      He was never actually meant to succeed.

  4. 2 years ago

    Ozai probably just wasn't afraid of Aang.
    Ozai has never seen Aang personally and he has no way of knowing just how powerful he is.
    He gets reports, but since he knows he's so much better at fire bending than any other person in the Nation, he doesn't take them seriously.

    And with Sozin's comet coming up, Ba Sing Se captured, he thinks the war has been won and that Aang is an afterthought

  5. 2 years ago

    >be Ozai
    >Be b***h boy compared to your legendary brother the dragon of the west
    >hang around the capitol showing off your prodigy daughter because you have no talent yourself
    >can't bother to even manage a single battalion while your brother is about to take Ba Sing Sei
    >have to threaten your son so you can get your wife to murder your dad who hates your guts
    >take the throne from your brother while he's still grieving over his son's death
    >get rightly shit on for your general's piss poor strategies by your son
    >literally commit child abuse in an arena to make your 2 inch dick seem any less small
    >your brother steals your son
    >promote your loser buddy Zhao
    >have him frick up your siege of the north pole
    >can't even break through Ba Sing Sei with uber expensive drill that could have fed your army 5 times over
    >need to take credit for your daughter's victory overthrowing the Earth Kingdom's shadow government.
    >still can't manage the Earth Kingdom despite overthrowing their king
    >say frick it and decide to yeet your new colonies in fire because who needs raw resources?
    >get beaten by a little boy
    >have bending taken away so you have no chance to redeem your self
    >have to live to see your "worthless" son take the throne and your precious daughter put in an insane asylum
    >manage to lose 95 years of major conquest in less than 5
    Are you really surprised he didn't do shit when he heard the Avatar was back?

    • 2 years ago

      How weak was Lu Ten? We saw Ozai's daughter take on four two prodigies, the Avatar, Iron, and Zuko, and live. How did Iroh's son get got by Earth kingdom goons?

      • 2 years ago
      • 2 years ago

        Getting swarmed by 100 people who suck at fighting is still getting swarmed by 100 people

      • 2 years ago

        >How did Iroh's son get got by Earth kingdom goons?
        Some awful future adaptation will probably show what happened

      • 2 years ago

        He might have just gotten unlucky, or simply not have been a bender.

      • 2 years ago

        >How did Iroh's son get got by Earth kingdom goons?
        Lu Ten was probably at lot weaker than Azula and Zuko considering he wasn't an eugenics experiment and Iroh wasn't a psycho who sought to weaponize his kid from birth like Ozai, meaning that Lu Ten probably wasn't as well trained as Zuko or Azula.

        Note that I am not saying that he was weak, just that he wasn't part of the Top 5-10 firebenders as a teenager/young adult like his cousins.

    • 2 years ago

      >mom only ever really loved your brother and then vanished
      >dad is an butthole who only tolerates you for your talent
      >brother also leaves
      >do your best, but it's not enough
      >go insane
      She didn't deserve this shit.

      • 2 years ago

        yes, she did. she acknowledged she was a control freak and a monster

        • 2 years ago

          >yes, she did. she acknowledged she was a control freak and a monster
          >When her subconscious calls her out for using fear on everyone her whole life, she responds that she has no choice.
          Do people actually watch the mirror scene or do they just get off at the aesthetics of Azula finally getting her just desserts?

          • 2 years ago

            >Zuko was supposed heal Azula and jumpstart her redemption arc according to the Aaron Ehasz
            >he would offer eachother emotional support to prove that his mother and father fricked up by not showing Azula an ounce of geniune love and trust
            >the comics shit on all of that making Azula an psychotic Joker-type who doesn't want to loved nor trusted
            >Zuko forgets his defensive fighting style+lightining redirection technique instead becoming an agressive fighter again

            It still makes me sad.

            • 2 years ago

              >>the comics shit on all of that making Azula an psychotic Joker-type who doesn't want to loved nor trusted
              It is worse than you think; they all but said she was abused in the asylum to the point that it made her spilt personality disorder worse and yet Zuko and no one else find out or asks why is Azula doing worse.

            • 2 years ago

              >>Zuko forgets his defensive fighting style+lightining redirection technique instead becoming an agressive fighter again
              Besides the fact that Azula can actually bend lighting, making it all but impossible for Zuko to redirect it, Azula also can redirect lighting and is so strong that him fighting defensive will get him killed.

              • 2 years ago

                >Besides the fact that Azula can actually bend lighting

              • 2 years ago

                >so strong that him fighting defensive will get him killed.

              • 2 years ago

                Why didn't Zuko just redirect it again?

              • 2 years ago

                >Why didn't Zuko just redirect it again?
                Because he didn't expect her to be able to do it?

              • 2 years ago

                >Besides the fact that Azula can actually bend lighting

                >so strong that him fighting defensive will get him killed.

                >Azula becomes a DBZ character fueled by insanity from months in an insane asylum
                >all this could've been avoided if Aang took her bending away the same day he did to Ozai

                Azula could be a prisoner in the Caldera where Zuko could teach her to be humble and later offer her a job as a firebending teacher or strategetic advisor.

              • 2 years ago

                becomes a DBZ character fueled by insanity from months in an insane asylum
                She spent like a year and a couple of weeks/months in the asylum. But I agree with you it is wild how much stronger she has gotten when by all accounts she should be barely able to walk considering it is implied that she is constantly straightjacketed.

              • 2 years ago

                becomes a DBZ character fueled by insanity from months in an insane asylum
                She spent like a year and a couple of weeks/months in the asylum. But I agree with you it is wild how much stronger she has gotten when by all accounts she should be barely able to walk considering it is implied that she is constantly straightjacketed.

                >Azula becomes a DBZ character
                close but not quite - her and Zuko are respectively Sasuke and Naruto going trough "Sasuke is bad now, but I am going to bring him back home, show him the true meaning behind the Will of Fire and make him good. t.Naruto" arc
                bootleg Akatsuki included

                which is really stupid, but we are talking about the comics that also include Aang wanting to kill Zuko because he tries to stop a genocide and that somehow makes him similar to Ozai, so hey - what can you do?

                I am even pretty sure that the """"writter"""" of the comics admitted in one of the interviews that Naruto was one of his inspirations

              • 2 years ago

                >I am even pretty sure that the """"writter"""" of the comics admitted in one of the interviews that Naruto was one of his inspirations
                Sauce please

              • 2 years ago

                >Zuko gets a direct hit from a lightning bolt
                >doesn't get blown to pieces

              • 2 years ago

                same way Ozai didnt die when he tried to backstab Zuko and failed pathetically at it
                Plot armor

              • 2 years ago

                The comics are giga moronic

              • 2 years ago

                >>Zuko gets a direct hit from a lightning bolt
                't get blown to pieces
                Azula's instant lighting, like the instant lighting in LoK, only acts like a taser. Meanwhile, the lack of power in her quick charge lighting has two possible explinations. First, Azula's teenage power lacks the power to make lethal quick charge lighting her adult father. Second, Azula was deliberately firing a non-lethal bolt since she didn't want to kill or hurt anyone in S&S, only dismantle the NOS while trying to mold Zuko in her image.

              • 2 years ago

                The whole point of lighting was to be the ultimate technique lf firebending, making a "instant version" that isn't lethal is lame as frick

              • 2 years ago

                >The whole point of lighting was to be the ultimate technique lf firebending, making a "instant version" that isn't lethal is lame as frick
                Is it lame as frick if it can stun a Fire Lord or a fully realized Avatar?

              • 2 years ago

                >Is it lame as frick if it can stun a fully realized Avatar?

              • 2 years ago

                Yes it fricking is, even basic firebending can be lethal, like Aang burning Katara's hands, instant lighting doesn't seem to do more than a normal punch

  6. 2 years ago

    Do you have any idea how fricking busy he must be? Running a world-spanning empire is time consuming as shit

  7. 2 years ago

    Who's going to do the paperwork if he's gone

  8. 2 years ago

    Honestly, if he personally hunted for Aang with Azula at the start of B1, would the Gaang survived at all?

    • 2 years ago

      I might be wanking aang but i feel like
      >beats azula if he goes on the offensive
      >Gaang dies to Ozai
      Aang only lost against azula because in both of their fights he uses his worst element, earthbending and immediately jobs with it. ozai just shoots lightning at them and they all die

      • 2 years ago

        Meh, Ozai bottled it and shat his bed the two battles that mattered on all of his life despite spending all of it training, unless you take in consideration
        >nameless royal
        from those VERY early Bryke interviews where they talk about muh agni-kais

    • 2 years ago

      Probably not, but the ruler of a nation personally diving into enemy territory in search of 1 person to kill is a terrible idea.
      If anyone in the Earth Kingdom finds out that the fricking Fire Lord is just wandering around their land, you can bet every soldier is going to be doing everything in their power to find and kill him. He would also have to leave somebody else behind to rule in his place which is politically never a good idea.

      • 2 years ago

        >If anyone in the Earth Kingdom finds out that the fricking Fire Lord is just wandering around their land, you can bet every soldier is going to be doing everything in their power to find and kill him. He would also have to leave somebody else behind to rule in his place which is politically never a good idea.
        So if he realized this in B1, was he so high off his supply to not realize the danger in leading the airship strike himself?

        • 2 years ago

          By Sozin's comet he wouldn't have been afraid, thinking no Earth Bender could match his comet boosted power.
          And my guess is that he just vastly underestimated Aang

          • 2 years ago

            >By Sozin's comet he wouldn't have been afraid, thinking no Earth Bender could match his comet boosted power.
            >And my guess is that he just vastly underestimated Aang
            I guess, but Ozai is such a dumbass to underestimate Aang considering not only did he survive fully charged lighting, but also due to the fact that his son is training him specifically to kill him.
            Not to mention the fact that Iroh stepping in to kill him is possiblity he should have accounted for considering Iroh has repeatedly shown to be on the rebel's side.

            What was anyone in the Earth Kingdom realistically going to do to him while he's 1 mile in the sky, covering everything beneath him in a sea of nonstop fire?

            >What was anyone in the Earth Kingdom realistically going to do to him while he's 1 mile in the sky, covering everything beneath him in a sea of nonstop fire?
            Surely he must have expected either his own brother or Aang to challenge him, right?

        • 2 years ago

          What was anyone in the Earth Kingdom realistically going to do to him while he's 1 mile in the sky, covering everything beneath him in a sea of nonstop fire?

  9. 2 years ago

    His plan was to draw the Avatar and his crew in to the Fire Nation and then take them all out. The Day of Black Sun was almost an extremely successful operation for the fire nation.

    • 2 years ago

      >The Day of Black Sun was almost an extremely successful operation for the fire nation.
      You know what always gets me? When Azula is starting at Appa getting away, how come she didn't go outside and try to shoot them down with lighting?

      • 2 years ago

        It's a kids show. Azula read the entire situation, planned for it and completely decimated the Avatar's Coallition invasion. Ozai didn't even need to be there. If it wasn't a kid's show, Azula shoots Appa out of the sky and the resistance is over.

        • 2 years ago

          >It's a kids show
          So, it has genocide and child abuse front and center, even if they never overtly show it.

          • 2 years ago

            Yeh they didn't overtly show it. That's the key. Showing Appa getting murdered by lightning and the protagonists of Team Avatar being murdered, and the show ending with Azula winning would be extremely traumatic to children.

  10. 2 years ago

    tbf, that's entirely in character for him

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