So, wtf happened to this show?

Season 1 was amazing. One of the best shows ever created even. Season 2 began a massive jump down in quality, but still good/fair, certainly watchable. Season 3, the same quality as Season 2. Later episodes worse, but still watchable.

But, with this new Season, Season 4, the show has become basically unwatchable. It made another massive quality jump downwards. It's basically an action/adventure show with cringe dialogue and voyeuristic action to service the low IQ masses. This show has become unwatchable.

After all of that... what a waste. Why would they do this? What happened?

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  1. 2 years ago

    Season 1 was only interesting because the mystery allowed the audience to assume something more interesting was going on than what actually was. The final episode of the season pissed out the fire on the birthday cake.

    Season 2 had no good premise left, and no sympathetic protagonists left, which is why the decision to play it partially backward. What little potential it had for a robot escape, was left unrecognized by the writers, so they just threw the population of the park onto a random hard drive like a cage of nameless smurfs being rescued from Gargamel.

    Season 3 was just a weird power fantasy, with a plot about how humans are being controlled by subtle manipulation.

    4... it's like the writers can't accept that season 3 had a crap premise, and are trying the population control thing again with less subtlety in can everyone just didn't get it.

  2. 2 years ago

    I want to know as well. Why would they continue with this show and cancel Raised By Wolves when they don’t even market this shit at all. It’s like they are embarrassed of it now

    • 2 years ago

      Why do people recommended that show so much? I wanted to try but the cover was a black dude and white Chick. I didn’t think I’d like some Woke Shit

  3. 2 years ago

    Has taken several turns (in an interesting and engaging way imo)in the plot and I still enjoy it I'm glad the snooze fest that was raised by wolves got cancelled, I got tricked into watching a few episodes zzzzzz

  4. 2 years ago

    shoudl have been a limited series and ended after the season one finale. it was perfect kino.
    hbo needs to stop raping its corpse. i don't see how the new shti is even tangeintially related to WW. only thing i liked about s3 was that paris got turned into a fricking crater
    >pic related

    • 2 years ago

      can you explain how that happened again? I fell asleep halfway through that boring fricking episode.

      • 2 years ago

        what, paris getting nuked? idk, it was part of mr frenchie's backstory exposition when he was talking to... thandie netwon's character (frick, what is her name?)
        something about how people are... LE BAD and there was a war (? it's all fuzzy)

        • 2 years ago

          Fuzzy is Good because it gives the writers an out, they should expand on it and blame Putin for the nuke and make frenchie a white supremacist who is going to build a race of AI aryans and conquer the world. Thats about what I expect from HBO.

          • 2 years ago

            they can't do that because frenchie's gigabrain AI realized the only logical move is not to play and deleted itself. i think he also deleted Dolores so idk what is going on with s4. admittedly, i haven't watched any of it yet

  5. 2 years ago

    JJ ABRAMS effect

  6. 2 years ago

    I am 100% serious but Reddit guessed what happened so the writers scrapped their plans and tried to outsmart Reddit in season 2. They admitted it in interviews. I dropped it after that.

    • 2 years ago

      what did reddit guess would happen?

      • 2 years ago

        The unironic entirety of the story. Season 1 was great because the dialogue was well written and there was proper lead up to its ideas, but it also made the show incredibly predictable considering the attempt at intrigue.

  7. 2 years ago

    >bad to the bone riff plays

  8. 2 years ago

    >What happened?
    Current year happened, many such cases. Sad.

  9. 2 years ago

    Season one was pure kino, ive seen it 8 times. Season 2 ive seen twice, like you said certainly watchable. I barely made it through season 3 and I dont remember it much at all. Now 2 episodes into season 4 im thinking about dropping it altogether. Maybe I'll read the synopsis once the season is over and decide whether or not I want to watch it, but at the moment I cant fathom where the frick they're trying to go with this shit. I have no idea whats going on. This is D&D GOT levels of "subverting expectations" and I cant take another GOT.

  10. 2 years ago

    First season had a real sense of mystery. It got people speculating and built up hype.
    Once we figured out that the shrink ray theory was at play, the writers threw a childlike tantrum, throwing away the only plot line that made sense. The show never recovered from it.

    • 2 years ago

      shrink posting was fun while it lasted

    • 2 years ago

      What? the shrink ray theory?

  11. 2 years ago

    Unironically, the audience changed. You changed.
    Season 2 was weak, there's no doubt about it, but season 3 is, in fact, kino when binged.
    Since 2016 we've become much more used to on-demand streaming as well as single season self-contained stories. And season 3 ticks that box really well IF you waited till the final episode was out before you start it. All of the revelations throughout the series are a buildup to the final showdown between Maeve and Dolores with the fight club homage turning the megaboner the series gives you into a massive hentai cumshot of orgasmic payoff. It didn't even need to be "Westworld" and it would have done that.

    Which means the show currently has two audiences.
    1. The people who are smart enough to wait.
    2. The people who don't actually enjoy it enough to care who are watching it wrong.

  12. 2 years ago

    i've seen every season and the first season is the only one i can remember. i've also seen the first two episodes of the latest season and can't remember anything from them.

  13. 2 years ago

    It was unwatchable from S1E1.

  14. 2 years ago

    Did the writing staff change? They'll often fire some writers to increase the profit margin if the show is doing well.

  15. 2 years ago

    In the first two episodes the only interesting part was the conversation with vice president.

  16. 2 years ago

    The drop off in quality from season 1 to season 2 was more significant than you’re alluding to. Season 1 was a borderline masterpiece with some rough edges like the Maeve subplot. Season 2 was mediocre and disjointed, plus it doubled down on the hamfisted elements from season 1. In comparison it was trash. In my head canon Nolan only conceptualized one season then turned the reigns over to his half chink wife after the show gained an audience, hence the severe decline in quality and excess feminist themes at the expense of coherent story telling. The writing was on the wall after the first couple episodes of season 2 so I can’t imagine what a travesty the show turned into. I forgot it existed to be honest. Nobody talks about it so I assume it continues to exist as a vehicle to employ all the female and diversity hire writers/producers.

  17. 2 years ago

    Oh shit I didn't season 4 was up, also the problem was there was no shrink ray

  18. 2 years ago

    They ran out of ideas and people forgot about the show too.

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