Something something marketing budget. Something something cope.

Something something marketing budget.
Something something cope.

POSIWID: The Purpose Of A System Is What It Does Shirt $21.68

Ape Out Shirt $21.68

POSIWID: The Purpose Of A System Is What It Does Shirt $21.68

  1. 11 months ago

    chuds... we lost... i think we just need to accept that go woke go broke doesn't actually exist...

    • 11 months ago

      If anything, anti-partiarchy films are going to be the new capeshit.

      • 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago

      The Dark Knight released in 2008. If you account for population growth and inflation since 2008, you would realize that flat out comparing box office sales means absolutely nothing.

      You would either have to do number of ticket sales or calculate box office per capita, but you trannies are to stupid to do a honest comparison

    • 11 months ago

      Barbie isn't that woke, it's got feminist slop for fatties in it, but it caters to men as well. If it was full woke and they made Barbie black.. it would have flopped massively. There are tonnes of examples of go woke go broke, and Barbie isn't really that woke so it's hard to put it in that category.

      • 11 months ago

        >Barbie isn't that woke
        It's one of the most woke films ever made. There's almost not a single minute of it that isn't woke.

        >it caters to men as well
        No it doesn't. Nothing in that film was created for men to enjoy.

        >If it was full woke and they made Barbie black.. it would have flopped massively.
        This is beyond idiotic and a pure cope. Barbie is more woke than all of the films you guys frequently cite as bombing because they went woke. The truth is you only want to apply the woke label when it bombs and otherwise you'll do massive damage control to pretend it isn't actually woke. You can always make something "more woke".

        • 11 months ago

          Do you really think for a second, that barbie would have performed the same if barbie was black? This has to be bait. There's no way.

          • 11 months ago

            Does a film have to have a black lead to be woke now?

            • 11 months ago

              It's one of the defining aspects of wokeness, that white people are bad. If they had made her non-white, it would have flopped. So no it's not the wokest thing ever and it would have flopped. Pandering for white women "just like me" never fails and it was riding on perhaps the most popular girls toy of all time. There was no way it'd fail other than alienating white women with a black raceswap.

    • 11 months ago

      Something something marketing budget.
      Something something cope.

      Women hate men
      Women are hysterical and mentally ill

      I already knew of this 10 years ago . Barbie movie just proved it

  2. 11 months ago

    How about +40% of inflation since 2008 so The Dark Knight's Box Office is actually 1.4B in today's money?

    • 11 months ago

      The Dark Knight's record also wasn't adjusted for inflation.

    • 11 months ago

      The Dark Knight released in 2008. If you account for population growth and inflation since 2008, you would realize that flat out comparing box office sales means absolutely nothing.

      You would either have to do number of ticket sales or calculate box office per capita, but you trannies are to stupid to do a honest comparison

      >comparing gross instead of ticket sales
      tiresome, all so tiresome

      You're just coping. What's the point? Just accept that Barbie was a wild success and take the loss with some dignity. It's been weeks now and you gays still can't accept that you were just wrong about this one.

      The film is extremely woke and extremely successful. Live with it.

      • 11 months ago

        It's just the IP. It's first Barbie movie, lots of people like Barbie. They making money but they've killed the IP. Future barbie movies won't be this sucessful

    • 11 months ago

      and you think barbie won't come in higher than that?

  3. 11 months ago

    Honestly, I think people just wanted to see beautiful actors in leading roles again.

    • 11 months ago

      I am also happy for the Goose and Margot. They are excellent, and many times they starred into bombs or underperforming movies even if they did a great job.

    • 11 months ago


  4. 11 months ago

    If they made barbie a Black person instead of a blonde white girl it would have flopped
    Go woke go broke

    • 11 months ago


      • 11 months ago

        If they made barbie a Black person instead of a blonde white girl it would have flopped
        Go woke go broke

        >t-the film could have been even more woke so ill just ignore all of the feminist diatribes, trannies, coloreds, and anti-man patriarchy bullshit
        Top kek. Imagine trying to save face so hard that you keep moving the goalposts about what qualifies as woke just as you can claim your stupid slogan isn't bullshit.

        • 11 months ago

          What trannies? Also the film does a good job showing that women in power, because of feminism, are terrible people and treat others like shit. Also Barbie chooses the real world(the patriarchy) at the end.

          • 11 months ago


            • 11 months ago


          • 11 months ago

            >What trannies?
            Did you even watch the film? There is a troony Barbie that Gosling flirts with. Also a fat Barbie too. But definitely not woke.

            >Also the film does a good job showing that women in power, because of feminism, are terrible people and treat others like shit.
            Barbieworld is a stand-in for men in the real world you idiot. At no point was the feminist director trying to illustrate that women are terrible rulers.

            >Also Barbie chooses the real world(the patriarchy) at the end.
            You're just trying to act stupid and oblivious at this point. She chooses the real world so that she has freedom of choice and isn't the static end thought of a corporate board room full of men. The film literally throws this shit in your face and you still didn't get it lol.

            Nothing, not one thing, in that film was meant to be egalitarian or sympathetic towards men. You have to quite literally be mentally moronic to interpret it that way.

            • 11 months ago

              >Barbieworld is a stand-in for men in the real world you idiot
              No shit. Women think we treat them like that when in reality they're treated better than men. So it's a terrible way to portray it.
              >At no point was the feminist director trying to illustrate that women are terrible rulers.
              I agree with that. I think she unintentionally did it twice. Once by having the Barbies treat the Ken's like shit. "Every night is girls night!" and the second is Alan. His character can easily be looked at as the average guy that all women don't even know exists, let alone don't care if he was dead. Women are terrible people and it shows

              • 11 months ago

                >No shit. Women think we treat them like that when in reality they're treated better than men. So it's a terrible way to portray it.
                Your opinion doesn't matter. They think they're treated that way and the vast majority of viewers who saw it liked and agreed with the portrayal so it was actually a great way to portray it.

                The director did not slip up and make some kind of mistake. Your argument literally relies on you being an idiot.

    • 11 months ago

      so true

  5. 11 months ago

    >The Dark Knight released in 2008. If you account for population growth and inflation since 2008, you would realize that flat out comparing box office sales means absolutely nothing.

    >You would either have to do number of ticket sales or calculate box office per capita, but you trannies are to stupid to do a honest comparison

  6. 11 months ago

    >comparing gross instead of ticket sales
    tiresome, all so tiresome

  7. 11 months ago

    >chuddies have moved the goalposts to "ok, woke is fine as long as the leads are white"
    top kek

    • 11 months ago

      But you are a "chuddie" yourself

  8. 11 months ago

    I thought the movie sucked but the chuds in here freaking out by either saying it wasn’t woke or that they didn’t account for inflation are hilarious

  9. 11 months ago

    Go woke go broke has literally never been the case. There is a reason every single major corporation jumped on the pronouns trend, makes their logo rainbow for pride month, etc. going woke is literally the recipe for success in modern America.

    • 11 months ago

      Correct. Chuds just latch onto the few instances where it doesn't actually work out or where these people overdo it enough to turn off an audience and try to say it's the norm because they're frightened at their own lack of social influence that they wield. They desperately want these companies to think that they're the ones who should be pandered to and they are the ones where the real money is so that they stop making stuff that liberals like, but it's a pointless losing battle. These corporations have their private data and it tells them that right wingers either watch movies regardless, pirate everything, or will tolerate their shit enough that it's most worthwhile to make moderately woke films.

      The only way these chud idiots are ever going to actually win back their social power is by utilizing it for real, growing a pair of nuts, protesting, etc. But they're settled into their strategy of staying home and barking like the ineffectual women that they are.

      They're fighting a losing battle for minds and refuse to change their strategy which is why they'll keep losing forever until they do.

  10. 11 months ago

    >samegay like a maniac
    >mock others for being butthurt

  11. 11 months ago

    A movie carried by misogynist icon Ryan Gosling makes a billion dollars and I'm supposed to be mad?

  12. 11 months ago

    >Highest-Gosling Domestic Release in History

  13. 11 months ago

    The movie was very cleverly marketed. It was absolutely woke in a lot of ways, but in others, extremely traditional. The optics were spot on: a global press tour spearheaded by someone everyone referred to as ‘the ideal Barbie’ (slim, pretty, blonde, white). Margot is paraded in one beautiful outfit after another, and is joined (occasionally overshadowed) by the funny, talented male everyone is raving about as a potential Oscar nominee. Margot and Ryan slipped into seamless conventional gender roles here.

    Of course you had other diverse ‘Barbies’ in the movie, but the movie was able to do that because it presented a conventional front via the two main leads. It toed the casting line in order to subvert the rules in other ways.

    Again, there were other forms of nuance in the movie’s wokeness. The messaging was ‘feminist’, but the whole marketing consisted of a parallel push towards ‘feminine’ modes of expression: dressing up, wearing pink, being unabashedly girly, treating it as an event.

    The movie straddles the line between wokeness and traditionalism incredibly well - epitomised in the “if you love Barbie / hate Barbie line”, and it’s one reason for its success.

  14. 11 months ago

    Preaching aside, it was a fun, creative movie. Additionally the film subverts modern feminism at times (intentionally or otherwise). It also has a distinctly biologically essentialist tone which BTFOs trans activists, regardless of that token piece of casting to satisfy DEI.

    Oh, and Gosling stealing the show to the seething of twitter lunatics is amusing.

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