>Star Wars: The Bad Batch Season 3

>Star Wars: The Bad Batch Season 3
Episode 8: Bad Territory has been released

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  1. 3 months ago

    This is a cartoon for 10 year olds.

    • 3 months ago

      Says the anon browsing Cinemaphile

      • 3 months ago

        I ain’t here for the cartoons, dude.

    • 3 months ago

      Cinemaphile is for people who are mentally children.

    • 3 months ago

      >he confidently typed while posting at Cinemaphile

    • 3 months ago

      Star Wars is for 10 year old kids so nothing new here

  2. 3 months ago

    Who honestly watches Filoni slop anymore?

    • 3 months ago

      He is barely involved with this show at this point

  3. 3 months ago

    I did laugh at the second "who"

  4. 3 months ago

    It was Ventress at the end, it cant be anyone else

    • 3 months ago

      Is that a HECKIN CAMEO??? Oh my Richard Dawkins, I FRICKING LOVE GODLONI

      • 3 months ago

        confirmed for not watching the episode because she doesnt actually show up on screen

    • 3 months ago

      Sounds like it.

    • 3 months ago

      Nah, the theme wasn't hers, sounds more like Sev's theme, could also have been Revan or even HK-47

      • 3 months ago

        the theme is fennec's, but it cant really be anyone else shes talking to other than ventress or cad bane (because we havent seen him yet)

        and given reviewers only saw up to episode 8 and the next episode is episode 9, ventress' return is a big deal to cut off the episodes before that point

    • 3 months ago

      Boba Fett maybe

  5. 3 months ago




  6. 3 months ago


    I'm not sure why you're expecting quality discussion out of Disney Wars, much less a children's show. Look inward, it's not too late to adjust course.

  7. 3 months ago

    Just play Republic Commando.

  8. 3 months ago


    The episode was shit and the show is mediocre. What can you do.

  9. 3 months ago

    they really FRICKED commandos in this show

    • 3 months ago

      Yes. It is embarrassing and painful to watch.

      • 3 months ago

        >36 subscribers
        Why are you shilling your channel on Cinemaphile of all places?
        Also watched 5 seconds and then turned it off to help frick with your algorithm.
        You're welcome.

        • 3 months ago

          I could see desperation kicking in enough to shill yourself on 4chab if you really want to be a YouTuber. Just make better videos that aren't generic

        • 3 months ago

          I could see desperation kicking in enough to shill yourself on 4chab if you really want to be a YouTuber. Just make better videos that aren't generic

          >failing to dispute a point

          • 3 months ago

            Frick off Elias, before I do the same to all your videos.

  10. 3 months ago

    Omega act more like a mom to Crosshair than a sister lol

    • 3 months ago

      Can Omega be Crosshair's mommy?

    • 3 months ago

      Older sister*

    • 3 months ago

      She's older than him

  11. 3 months ago

    Delta Squad kino inbound

  12. 3 months ago

    It's gonna be funny watching Ventress die in the very same episode she appears in.

    • 3 months ago

      Ventress will take the girl to be her apprentice, as it is her last step to fully embrace the light once more and redeem herself since she sees her young self in her, and doesn't want to repeat the same mistake.

      Nah, the theme wasn't hers, sounds more like Sev's theme, could also have been Revan or even HK-47

      It feels like the delta will finally turn their backs at the empire the moment they see the clones and Sev fighting against the empire.

    • 3 months ago

      Nah, Hackloni will not let her die.

  13. 3 months ago

    The Clone Wars, 1313, Darth Maul game and The Force Unleashed 3 died for this.

    • 3 months ago

      >The Force Unleashed 3
      Not a loss.

    • 3 months ago

      I still can't believe they were gonna do the fricking Vong
      That would've been a riot

    • 3 months ago

      All those stories and they did absolutely nothing with them.

      • 3 months ago

        And the ones they did they only did because they served as a pilot for their own series, i.e. The Bad Batch. Siege of Mandalore exists to explain Bo-Katan and Ahsoka's relationship in The Mandalorian which came out on the same year. If it didn't benefit their shit, they would not have done it. They didn't "save" Clone Wars because the fans asked for it. They did it only because it could benefit them, becuase they were launching Disney+ and needed some content for it, but they did the absolute bare minimum. They've made 48 episodes of an all-new show The Bad Batch with new assets, new writing, everything new from scratch. But they could not be bothered to finish stories that had the scripts written, that had a lot of assets developed, some of which already were finished in a story reel form, were already voiced by the Voice Actors. And the ones they did bring back, they fricked with them anyway, altered and censored them. They don't want to work on something that is not theirs, and they won't finance it. They want to create and push their own shitty stories.

        • 3 months ago

          Why not make them into audio dramas like Dooku: Jedi Lost?

  14. 3 months ago

    Why is Omega the only cute and fun Disney Star Wars girl?

    • 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago

      1 it looks like a boy
      2 gays dont know what cute is

  15. 3 months ago

    Don’t care

  16. 3 months ago

    >Thread been up for 8 hours
    >Barely get over 30 posts
    Man this is a dead show. It's amazing that the Bad Batch had actual potential as a really cool show about a group of misfit clone soldiers set during the Imperial Rises era, where old is being replaced with new and where old ideals are being replaced with the Imperial mindset, got turned into a monster-of-the-week/filler bullshit and all the interesting stuff is introduced but then it goes right back to "the gang goes on a treasure hunt".

    God this show is a waste of potential.

    • 3 months ago

      It's just this week episode was mid. Last thread was way bigger.

    • 3 months ago

      Pretty much. Two good Crosshair episodes in S2 don't justify its existence, and now it exists only to explain how Palpatine returned (somehow), and we are still getting bullshit monster of the week trite in the final fricking season. Plotting and writing on this show is so unimaginative and uninspiring, unironically worse than Rebels. This is Resistance-tier of blandness. It is so bad that it made me turn back to the EU. You know, because I wanted a show about Dark Times where we get to explore fricking Dark Times, the shit that's actually interesting and important, and not
      >a monster-of-the-week/filler bullshit and all the interesting stuff is introduced but then it goes right back to "the gang goes on a treasure hunt".
      Omega and this uninspiring Saturday morning cartoon bullshit mission of the week formula killed this, and most of the people checked out during Season 1. Doesn't help that Batch themselves are cookie cutter archetypes with little to no development over the course of three seasons except MUH OHMEGAH.

      Why couldn't they just make a show like TCW, but in Dark Times era? Anthology show with interesting plots, interesting characters, jumping around the Galaxy, and exploring actually interesting fricking stuff? Nah. Also, they raped clone commandos so hard, it's honestly pathetic.

    • 3 months ago

      This. I honestly doubt they will even give closure on these characters at all and that they will never wrap up Rex's storyline. I don't even believe we'll see a clone rebellion at all tbh.

      • 3 months ago

        >This. I honestly doubt they will even give closure on these characters at all and that they will never wrap up Rex's storyline. I don't even believe we'll see a clone rebellion at all tbh.

        It's all because of Rebels. Don't get me wrong Rebels has some great moments but it suffers from the major problem of making sure it's clear that nothing significant happened in the dark times besides imperials being bad guys until the ghost crew came around. From what I can tell Sev was going to be the first Rebel in some EU concepts.

        • 3 months ago

          >I don't even believe we'll see a clone rebellion at all tbh.
          Clone rebellion got fricked twice.
          1st when Kamino got nuked, then when Rex's group got wiped out.

        • 3 months ago

          This. I honestly doubt they will even give closure on these characters at all and that they will never wrap up Rex's storyline. I don't even believe we'll see a clone rebellion at all tbh.

          Watch Hemlock's lab get exposed and reported to all the clones, causing a mass revolt.

    • 3 months ago

      the episode was shit

      we'll probably get a 300+ reply post next episode when ventress shows up

    • 3 months ago

      Always preferred the original intention of Storm Troopers just being rebranded Clone Troopers. Why get rid of the clones? Shit makes no sense.

    • 3 months ago

      It's a boring episode. Fennec isn't a particularly interesting character either.

      • 3 months ago

        It's basically the mid season break episode before they start killing characters off. I really hope that black chick dies in this show

        • 3 months ago

          I hate it when they waste a episode doing dumb uninteresting fetch quest tasks just to get some little thing to advance the plot.

  17. 3 months ago

    Ming-Na Wen's voice is pure sex

  18. 3 months ago

    Omega is a lewd prostitute

    • 3 months ago

      That's her little brother! Omega is a groomer. They Jedi taught her how to.

    • 3 months ago

      >ywn hold hands with Omeega

    • 3 months ago

      Crosshair handholding virginity = TAKEN
      Cheated on his sniper rifle.

  19. 3 months ago

    >come to shand specifically about m-count out of nowhere
    >clam up when she asks about omega later on
    way to go hunter you gave it away

    • 3 months ago

      >Has the means to support clones deserting the Empire and other rebels opposing the Empire
      >Does not lift a finger
      >Only willing to step up and help when either it's a call from Rex (one of the few "regs" he likes) or Omega whips him into doing so with one of her speeches about doing the right thing
      >Just wants to sit around and retire thinking the Empire won't bother them if they go to some backwater planet
      Hunter is unironically the worst member

  20. 3 months ago

    The bad batch is the most schizo shit ever but this episode shafted me the bad way.After the first 3 parters and last week 2 parters and stuff like crossyboi here going back to maydayland is so fricking good but now we get this cringe shit ontop of at the end the b***h goes oh well got nuttin but trust me bruv ill dm you when i find something and then she skype calls cad bane so more moronic shit flinging for no reason will happen(i 100% am calling it out he will mention his head dent with boba cus they all clones)the duo just leave the b***h alone after risking their necks and wasting time only for a bh who clearly is all about my own self and shekels they just left her go and did nothing.This show hurts me so much,its genuinly has amazing shit in it and has so much potential but its just so polarising are they trying to immitate Lucas's style of the way he made TCW and failing or just executives wanting stupid shit or writters being mixed based and cringe there?iCan write for days but dont know where to start with this show,i got tilted when after all that happend she just leaves them hanging and wrecky and rambo do nothing but cuckwalk away and she then does le ima betray them fools(she wont this is just out of context garbage)I know the "bittersweet" ending will be good tho but the pacing is so stupid right now and questionable

    • 3 months ago

      It’s a cartoon for 10 year olds, dude. You ain’t gonna get the writing quality and subject matter that you want, but what’s acceptable to kids only.

      • 3 months ago

        Why are you itt then?

  21. 3 months ago

    Its crazy to think that while the gang are either off hunting a mantis man or meditating, Hemlock is balls deep inside a tied up Nala Se.
    This show is weird.

    • 3 months ago

      >Hemlock is balls deep inside a tied up Nala Se.
      Scorch is probably recording it to upload it to HoloHub or something.

      • 3 months ago

        Tantiss has to get extra funding from somewhere.
        The demand for Kaminoan porn far exceeds the supple after Topica City done got blown up so its a lucrative market.

    • 3 months ago

      >balls deep inside nala se

      he is definitely fricking Emerie Karr
      he's so obsessed with clones that he need to frick clone pussy, nothing else will do

      • 3 months ago

        >no Maori science assistant clone gf

        • 3 months ago

          who you would marry and work together to find a way to stop her accellerated aging

      • 3 months ago

        He's obviously only interested in the Kaminussy
        He makes Emerie clean up afterward

      • 3 months ago

        Hemlock doesn't even get hard from human flesh, he only like thicc Kaminoans.
        >Cuddle Nala Se
        >Hand hold Nala Se
        > Have intimate dinners with Nala Se
        >Try and probably fail to Full Nelson Nala Se
        >Mating Press Nala Se
        That's his motto and the only reason he's working on cloning is so he can make Kaminoan/Human babies with his waifu.

      • 3 months ago

        I feel like the clones aesthetic and the whole theme behind it is like its own universe that kinda got shoved into star wars. I mean the design of Kamino was cool as frick but then the clones as well and the variations of them, some being female is also interesting.

        • 3 months ago

          Some times I wonder how could it be if the Clone stuff from Star Wars had been it's own separate franchise.
          We'd loose some stuff like their relationship with the Jedi, but it would be a very solid piece of military sci-fi.

  22. 3 months ago

    >another random side mision
    >crosshair's hand still shacking
    >ventress is comming i promise!
    Wow, very exciting, I can't wait for the next episode where they change the car batteries for Jabba de Hutt, we might get a scene of Vader looking through a window at the end.

    • 3 months ago

      Even if it was like a filler or bridging episode it was well executed. Bad Batch is literally the only good thing Star Wars has going since Rogue 1

      • 3 months ago

        >it was well executed
        What do you mean "well executed"? You mean it was basically competent (something you ought to expect anyway) and did not have animation errors, like it had in previous episodes? Yeah, I suppose. But it was still a terrible, milquetoast, bland, boring filler, that could be summed up in a 60 seconds exposition scene in an actually interesting episode.
        >Bad Batch is literally the only good thing Star Wars has going since Rogue 1
        It's wasted potential: the show. Has a few solid things here and there, mainly related to Crosshair, mainly in S2. Sucks through and through for the rest of it, though. Just as bad and boring as anything else Disney has done.

  23. 3 months ago


  24. 3 months ago

    They were fighting normal-ass crocodiles in the swamp. Then they jobbed to an oversized housefly.

  25. 3 months ago

    >Not even Phee shows any emotion about Tech
    Okay, I'm enjoying this season on the whole but this is fricking wack

    • 3 months ago

      The voice directors kind of forgot she had a thing for him

    • 3 months ago

      The voice directors kind of forgot she had a thing for him

      You are acting like she was madly in love instead of just flirting with the autistic homie

  26. 3 months ago

    Are people even thinking that is could be anyone but Ventress? She's the only person we have in the non-Imperial cast that would know what an M Count even is, plus her being someone Fennec would be acquainted with

    • 3 months ago

      Why the FRICK would Fennec be acquainted with her? Fennec did not exist during TCW and Dark Disciple. Why the FRICK would Ventress go back to fricking bounty hunting after the events of Dark Disciple? More so, why the FRICK would she be working for the Empire? Yeah, I know how this shit will go. They will not even explain how she returned. It will be like that never happened. This shit is gonna suck so bad, I can't even.

      • 3 months ago

        >Why the FRICK would Ventress go back to fricking bounty hunting after the events of Dark Disciple
        money and thats where people who she can call "friends" are

        • 3 months ago

          That's dumb as shit and does not fit with Dark Disciple and who she was by the end of it. Those people would not be her friends anymore. That's fricking stupid.

          • 3 months ago

            Their own books and comics aren't canon. Reminds me of the EU days

            • 3 months ago

              The difference is that it's not some another random book, it is literally Lucas' story and it was supposed to be animated before Shitsney cancelled the show. It is hard canon and was not supposed to be retconned.

              >"She grew hair! That was something that we had planned to animate in the series. We had several episodes left with Ventress' arc, and when we sat down for the later seasons of The Clone Wars, [George Lucas] wrote this dynamic tale that involved both Quinlan Vos and Ventress. It was something that we were really excited about on the production team because we thought of all the characters developed for The Clone Wars, Ventress had become one of the most interesting.

              >"I thought since Ventress had moved away from being a Sith, and her shaved head really represented some kind of following and loyalty to that way that she would let it grow out... They did this beautiful piece of artwork... rendered beautifully and realistically for how she was going to appear in, I guess, Season 7 it would have been, of Clone Wars. This story is based on the scripts that we had written with George Lucas. Something happens between her and Quinlan Vos. So I'm super excited about this book."

              she literally hires them out in the novel

              just because you've done the right thing doesnt mean you cant be a dick either

              You are a fricking moron, and you can't read or think, it seems. Did you miss the part where I said "by the end of it"? She was FULLY REDEEMED by the end, she literally got an epiphany by the fricking Force, she was literally Anakin Skywalker ROTJ redeemed. She became a Jedi again, the one she was before she got consumed by anger and revenge when Ky Narec was killed. You are so fricking stupid, I can't.

              • 3 months ago

                okay fine

                but dark disciple isnt a good story so who cares

              • 3 months ago

                You have no brain, ventressgay.

              • 3 months ago

                NTA, but Dark Disciple sucked dick. I didn't even know there were people who liked it.

              • 3 months ago

                I'd chalk that up as the fault of the author. Had they gotten someone else, it might've been better.

              • 3 months ago

                Nah, the story was great. Would have been much better on-screen, though. But Ventress' arc was great, as was Vos'. The only bad thing I can say about DD is that Grievous was beaten and not finished off by Vos for some reason. That scene needs to be cut. But who cares anyway, they will never adapt it anyway.

              • 3 months ago

                >That scene needs to be cut
                Just grab the ebook and use the Calibre ebook editor to edit it out. Easy fix.

              • 3 months ago

                Filoni doesn't know how to let shit go. Dude's a manchild.

          • 3 months ago

            she literally hires them out in the novel

            just because you've done the right thing doesnt mean you cant be a dick either

      • 3 months ago

        The difference is that it's not some another random book, it is literally Lucas' story and it was supposed to be animated before Shitsney cancelled the show. It is hard canon and was not supposed to be retconned.

        >"She grew hair! That was something that we had planned to animate in the series. We had several episodes left with Ventress' arc, and when we sat down for the later seasons of The Clone Wars, [George Lucas] wrote this dynamic tale that involved both Quinlan Vos and Ventress. It was something that we were really excited about on the production team because we thought of all the characters developed for The Clone Wars, Ventress had become one of the most interesting.

        >"I thought since Ventress had moved away from being a Sith, and her shaved head really represented some kind of following and loyalty to that way that she would let it grow out... They did this beautiful piece of artwork... rendered beautifully and realistically for how she was going to appear in, I guess, Season 7 it would have been, of Clone Wars. This story is based on the scripts that we had written with George Lucas. Something happens between her and Quinlan Vos. So I'm super excited about this book."

        You are a fricking moron, and you can't read or think, it seems. Did you miss the part where I said "by the end of it"? She was FULLY REDEEMED by the end, she literally got an epiphany by the fricking Force, she was literally Anakin Skywalker ROTJ redeemed. She became a Jedi again, the one she was before she got consumed by anger and revenge when Ky Narec was killed. You are so fricking stupid, I can't.

        wouldn't being literally killed piss anyone off? it'd piss me off and i'd be in a bad mood about it for a while

        • 3 months ago

          No one lives forever, dude.

          • 3 months ago

            Are you a baby or what? Characters have to die. It is a good thing to get a satisfying conclusion, serve the story organically, and go out on a strong note, and not overstay your welcome. Not being able to let go of a character is a weakness and detrimental to the storytelling. This is how Filoni ruined Ahsoka. This is how he ruined Cad Bane. And that's how Ventress will be ruined. It's honestly amazing that he managed to kill Maul and it wasn't undone yet. And it's the only good thing anyone can say about Rebels.

            no as in, YOU die, YOU have been killed and brought back to life

            would it not piss you off being killed in the first place?

            • 3 months ago

              No, because Ventress found peace in death. She *chose* to sacrifice herself, consciously, willingly. She made a truly selfless choice to save other at the expense of herself. She displayed a true unconditional love. She was consumed by revenge and anger her entire life. And she finally let it go. That's the whole point. This is as Star Wars as Star Wars can get. Just like Anakin Skywalker by the end of ROTJ. He finally let go. He found peace.

              This is why this resurrection bs is completely inorganic, ruins the story, the character and it's totally moronic. I hate it with every fiber of my being. Just animate Dark Disciple, you miserable, greedy, pathetic hacks. Oh, wait. You cannot for some reason. You won't. Just like you won't animate Boba Fett vs Cad Bane for some reason, where Bane was meant to die in a meaningful way. Just like you won't animate Crystal Crisis and other arcs. And the ones you did animate, you fricked with them.

              • 3 months ago

                >Just animate Dark Disciple
                Or make it live action. Animation would just make it more kid friendly.

              • 3 months ago

                It was not supposed to be kid friendly. Not under Lucas, anyway. The Clone Wars was moving to Netflix, CN had distributing rights only for the first 5 seasons. We had Cad Bane burning Tusken Raiders alive and teaching Boba that he had to take Tusken children hostage, just like Tuskens kidnap children, if he wanted to achieve his goals. That doesn't mesh with Disney's Tusken portrayal in Book of Boba fricking Fett.

                >“Disney, they cancelled it, I think it was getting a little too graphic — actually, it was getting really graphic,” Logan said at London Comic Con. “Boba was doing some really, really cool stuff. He started actually becoming a bounty hunter.”

                >Logan, who portrayed a young Boba Fett in Star Wars: Episode II — Attack of the Clones before reprising his role in the animated series, added “at the time, it was just too graphic, I think, for what Disney was used to.”

                >“We’d actually recorded seven episodes that didn’t get aired,” Logan said, pointing to an unfinished episode that would have pit Fett against Cad Bane.

                And Disney's live-action sucks fricking wiener anyway. All of it looks cheap as shit, poorly lit, poorly directed mess. And the voice actors would not be able to reprise the roles.

                >Just like you won't animate Boba Fett vs Cad Bane for some reason
                Why'd they never make THAT a book? Or even a comic? In fact, why the frick did they adapt Son of Dathomir into just a 4 issue comic series, instead of a full length novel?

                They were allowed to show the Boba vs Bane story reel only in 2017. Before that, Disney wouldn't let them. Probably because they had plans for Mangold's Boba Fett film, so anything related to Boba was blocked out.
                >In fact, why the frick did they adapt Son of Dathomir into just a 4 issue comic series
                No idea. It was also altered, a lot. Originally, there was supposed to be Dark Side Quinlan Vos in it, too. So who the frick knows. But none of it matters, since we're not getting any of it anyway. We're getting Disney's milquetoast shit instead.

              • 3 months ago

                >And the voice actors would not be able to reprise the roles.
                Who cares? Hayden is Anakin, not Lanter. Same with Ewan being Obi-Wan.

              • 3 months ago

                Ventress is Nika Futterman. Just like Ahsoka is Ashley Eckstein. Animated characters if you can't do them justice in live-action, should stay in animation. I doubt Ventress can be faithfully adapted, and I doubt there is anyone who can give as good of a performance as Nika Futterman.

              • 3 months ago

                Debicki has the looks for ventress

              • 3 months ago

                Literally the same hairstyle she has later on.

              • 3 months ago

                >there was supposed to be Dark Side Quinlan Vos in it
                Because of Dark Disciple?

              • 3 months ago

                There is a time skip in Dark Disciple. Vos falls to the Dark Side and works for Dooku for some time. Son of Dathomir happened in that time skip.

                The Clone Wars, 1313, Darth Maul game and The Force Unleashed 3 died for this.

                He falls to the Dark Side by the end of "Dark Disciple" in Season 7, and "Son of Dathomir" is S7 finale.

              • 3 months ago

                Siege Of Mandalore would have been the final-final TCW feature-length film, then?

              • 3 months ago

                Not a feature-length film, but an arc of four episodes. The story was developed with Lucas and scripts were written by Matt Michnovetz, and it was always meant to be the final arc that tied into Revenge of the Sith and concluded the entire show with Ahsoka and Rex.

              • 3 months ago

                But you said Son of Dathomir is the season 7 finale. Would Siege Of Mandalore be a miniseries?

              • 3 months ago

                Are you fricking moronic or what? There was supposed to be EIGHT seasons originally. Siege of Mandalore was the FINAL ARC OF THE FINAL 8th SEASON.
                SEE THE PICTURE:

                The Clone Wars, 1313, Darth Maul game and The Force Unleashed 3 died for this.

              • 3 months ago

                Don't you get brazen with me.

              • 3 months ago

                Why are they pretending that this chick isn't a villain?

              • 3 months ago

                It's kind of baffling how she ended up being basically a heroine now
                >be associated with actual terrorist group
                >the one in canon and EU to be the instigator of the civil wars
                >the organization that has no problem killing innocents
                >ruin peaceful culture reformists
                >bring civil war back again
                >Mandalore is eventually destroyed because of the result of actions

                Star Wars is about redemption so I suppose there's that
                She also had to become the next Cara Dune too

              • 3 months ago

                Death Watch were rapists too. Pretty sure they also raped Jango's sister. By the way, Omega's blonde because that gene runs in his family.

              • 3 months ago

                >Star Wars is about redemption so I suppose there's that
                She never did anything to redeem herself. Siege just had her as a "good guy" already.

              • 3 months ago

                >She never did anything to redeem herself.
                She saved Obi-Wan, dumbass. And she refused to serve Maul. She's not a good guy, she's a gray guy. At least in Clone Wars. Rebels and Mandalorian are moronic, so I don't care.

              • 3 months ago

                Helping Obi-Wan is like taking a second to adjust a crooked hanging picture after you've taken several days to shit on the floor of every room in someone's house
                The crimes of Deathwatch that she gladly participated in are beyond the scope of that one act. Plus her actions continue to be entirely selfish when she demands help from the Republic to clean up the mess on Mandalore, and has the gall to act holier than thou towards Obi-Wan and Anakin being hesitant to commit their troops to helping bail out a terrorist and murderer

              • 3 months ago

                >Helping Obi-Wan is like taking a second to adjust a crooked hanging picture after you've taken several days to shit on the floor of every room in someone's house
                Yet she did help him. She did not have to. But she did. And Deathwatch hate the Jedi. She helped him.
                >The crimes of Deathwatch that she gladly participated in are beyond the scope of that one act.
                We never seen her personally participating in any of them. At best you can accuse her of being complicit.
                >Plus her actions continue to be entirely selfish when she demands help from the Republic to clean up the mess on Mandalore
                And? Again, she is not entirely a good guy, but she is not a bad guy. Maul is a bad guy. She still wants the best for Mandalore. The whole thing happened because Pre Vizsla and Satine disagreed on how the Mandalore should go forward. Satine was erasing their culture and destroying their identity from their point of view. They were not bad guys for the sake of it.
                >and has the gall to act holier than thou towards Obi-Wan and Anakin being hesitant to commit their troops to helping bail out a terrorist and murderer
                No, she asked them to act swiftly, because Maul was going to escape. Because they were tracking him for months, they finally located him, and had a reliable information that he was there for a brief time. And Obi-Wan himself stated that Maul's presence will lead to Republic invasion, because dealing with the Sith is Jedi's specialty. It has nothing to do with her being a "terrorist" and a "murderer", but it has to do with stopping the guy who murdered Satine in front of Obi-Wan, who imprisoned him, who had attempted to kill him a bunch of times before with Savage, who had killed his master in front of him, and who was a Sith Lord, one of the two, and had connections to the Trade Federation and everything that happened in TPM. And now he was in charge of a massive galactic crime syndicate, in charge of an entire system of planets. He had to be stopped, then and now.

              • 3 months ago

                Quit the simping, dude. She ain't gonna frick you.

              • 3 months ago

                Scrapper, is that you? I don't know anyone else who commits this desperately to creating the lamest excuses to simp for blatantly awful women

                I accept your concession.

              • 3 months ago

                satine was hotter

              • 3 months ago

                She’s a Mary Sue though.

              • 3 months ago

                Perfectly lickable and kissable nose.

              • 3 months ago

                Every part of her is kissable and lickable.

              • 3 months ago

                I can't get over the mushroom nose.

              • 3 months ago

                Scrapper, is that you? I don't know anyone else who commits this desperately to creating the lamest excuses to simp for blatantly awful women

              • 3 months ago

                >And she refused to serve Maul.
                And went against the honor code. She only refused because he wasn't a true Mandalorian. Basically, she's racist.

              • 3 months ago

                Blind allegiance to dogma makes you a sheep, a pawn, and someone who can be exploited with ease. Which Maul did with them. Which Sidious did with the Jedi and their allegiance to the Republic. The Sith played these fools. Sometimes doing the right thing means you have to violate the rules. She knew from the start that Maul was using them, and that they had to be careful, she warned Pre Vizsla, who thought they could use them and then dispose of them first. He was arrogant and he paid for it, he underestimated them. She refused because Maul obviously did not give a crap about Mandalore or its people, because he is a fricking Sith, and not a Mandalorian, he was only using them.

              • 3 months ago

                You’re giving her way too much credit there. Plus, she still did all the fricked up terrorist shit with Death Watch. Still took part in the killing of innocent people.

              • 3 months ago

                >You’re giving her way too much credit there
                I don't. I am just media literate and I am able to understand context and subtext of the story. I haven't made up anything, it's all there.
                >Plus, she still did all the fricked up terrorist shit with Death Watch. Still took part in the killing of innocent people.
                You are missing the part where Deathwatch don't see it as "terrorism" or "innocent people". It was simply a traditional Mandalorian culture. Before Disney sanitized it to hell and turned it into "protect baby yoda" and "don't remove your helmet." God, Mandalorian was shit.

                satine was hotter

                Nah. Bo-Katan was a hot ferocious redhead with a spark. She must have been insanely fun in bed. Satine is passive and boring.

              • 3 months ago

                >prime cate blanchett vs used goods pre vizslas prostitute

              • 3 months ago

                >used goods
                Pretty sure Bo is a lot younger and tighter than that old hag Satine.

              • 3 months ago

                she gotna train run on her by the entire deathwatch, how do you think she "earned" her position of 2nd in command?

              • 3 months ago

                By being Vizsla’s personal wiener sleeve.

              • 3 months ago

                Death Watch in the EU were terrorists, rapists and murderers. They were very much the bad guys. They killed Jango’s parents and raped his sister. They pillaged random towns for fun.

              • 3 months ago

                So? Remember KOTOR Mandalorians. They started a Galactic War just for a challenge, and they killed and enslaved anyone too weak to defend themselves, they glassed entire planets just to challenge the Republic, they did it for glory. Mandalorians were defined by the rule of the strongest. This is their tradition and culture: they are ruthless warriors. And that is what Pre Vizsla believed in.

              • 3 months ago

                >Heh, we refuse to consider it a bad thing so us doing bad things doesn't actually make us bad people
                Lol. Lmao
                Tell me this, people who actually saw Rebels/Mandalorian past season 1. Does Bo-Katan EVER actually express any sort of remorse for her actions?

                Death Watch in the EU were terrorists, rapists and murderers. They were very much the bad guys. They killed Jango’s parents and raped his sister. They pillaged random towns for fun.

                And that's different from the TCW Death Watch how? Did you miss the episode where they kidnapped and enslaved a village's daughters and massacred the entire town when confronted over it?

              • 3 months ago

                >>Heh, we refuse to consider it a bad thing so us doing bad things doesn't actually make us bad people
                From their point of view, yes. Are you a baby, or what? They exercise their right of strength, they see the weak as those who deserve what's happening to them, because they are week and they allowed it to happen to them. Even the Sith don't think of themselves as bad. It's all about point of view. We know, from the story perspective, and from our moral values that we project onto the story, that the Sith and Mandalorians are bad, and that the Jedi are good. But that doesn't mean that those characters go around and proclaim themselves EVIL. In their eyes, their actions are just. "No one can ever do evil knowingly or willingly." It is always justified.
                >Tell me this, people who actually saw Rebels/Mandalorian past season 1. Does Bo-Katan EVER actually express any sort of remorse for her actions?
                No. Mandalorian completely ignored Satine, completely ignored Deathwatch, completely ignored the TRUE Mandalorian culture and history, and it was reduced to baby yoda and never taking your helmet off cringe.

              • 3 months ago

                How are you going on about media literacy and missing what I'm saying here?
                It's not Bo-Katan being an in universe c**t that's the problem in and of itself. It's the series avoiding, if not outright absolving her of those atrocities
                The Jedi bow to a rotten Senate and condone a slave army of clones? Show makes you understand how that's wrong and contributed to their downfall
                Dooku is swayed from a man disgusted with a corrupt Republic to a schemer subservient to the biggest tyrant yet? He's thrown down under the space bus and used as just another stepping stool for Palpatine's rise to power
                Saw Gerrera suffers loss and war and it turns him into a bitter maniac stripped of his soul that even other rebels consider to be going much too far
                But with Bo-Katan, not only is there a follow-up to her crimes, it's like the show decides to insist that they never occurred in the first place. Ahsoka, who WITNESSED Death Watch murder and torch a defenseless village is suddenly sucking on her butthole like her life depends on it in season 7. Anakin and Kenobi are framed as wrong for prioritizing the Galactic Capital being invaded over a band of thugs crying that someone beat them at their own game and wanting others to fix their mess for them
                Star Wars might have a fairly fricky notion of redemption, but there's usually at least a bill that comes due, and from what I've seen, Bo-Katan dashes on that

              • 3 months ago

                They wanted another strong female character and they felt that Bo-Katan fit the bill. So they made her into a good guy without doing the work to get there.

              • 3 months ago

                Again, see:

                >Helping Obi-Wan is like taking a second to adjust a crooked hanging picture after you've taken several days to shit on the floor of every room in someone's house
                Yet she did help him. She did not have to. But she did. And Deathwatch hate the Jedi. She helped him.
                >The crimes of Deathwatch that she gladly participated in are beyond the scope of that one act.
                We never seen her personally participating in any of them. At best you can accuse her of being complicit.
                >Plus her actions continue to be entirely selfish when she demands help from the Republic to clean up the mess on Mandalore
                And? Again, she is not entirely a good guy, but she is not a bad guy. Maul is a bad guy. She still wants the best for Mandalore. The whole thing happened because Pre Vizsla and Satine disagreed on how the Mandalore should go forward. Satine was erasing their culture and destroying their identity from their point of view. They were not bad guys for the sake of it.
                >and has the gall to act holier than thou towards Obi-Wan and Anakin being hesitant to commit their troops to helping bail out a terrorist and murderer
                No, she asked them to act swiftly, because Maul was going to escape. Because they were tracking him for months, they finally located him, and had a reliable information that he was there for a brief time. And Obi-Wan himself stated that Maul's presence will lead to Republic invasion, because dealing with the Sith is Jedi's specialty. It has nothing to do with her being a "terrorist" and a "murderer", but it has to do with stopping the guy who murdered Satine in front of Obi-Wan, who imprisoned him, who had attempted to kill him a bunch of times before with Savage, who had killed his master in front of him, and who was a Sith Lord, one of the two, and had connections to the Trade Federation and everything that happened in TPM. And now he was in charge of a massive galactic crime syndicate, in charge of an entire system of planets. He had to be stopped, then and now.

                Blind allegiance to dogma makes you a sheep, a pawn, and someone who can be exploited with ease. Which Maul did with them. Which Sidious did with the Jedi and their allegiance to the Republic. The Sith played these fools. Sometimes doing the right thing means you have to violate the rules. She knew from the start that Maul was using them, and that they had to be careful, she warned Pre Vizsla, who thought they could use them and then dispose of them first. He was arrogant and he paid for it, he underestimated them. She refused because Maul obviously did not give a crap about Mandalore or its people, because he is a fricking Sith, and not a Mandalorian, he was only using them.

                None of you gaylords have disputed any of it. So your concessions have been accepted.
                >Ahsoka, who WITNESSED Death Watch murder and torch a defenseless village is suddenly sucking on her butthole like her life depends on it in season 7
                She doesn't. Not immediately. I admit, it was rushed, but she wasn't sucking on her butthole right away. Webm related. Ahsoka witnessed the evils Maul was involved with in the Martez arc, and Bo-Katan filled her in on the way.
                >Anakin and Kenobi are framed as wrong for prioritizing the Galactic Capital being invaded over a band of thugs crying that someone beat them at their own game and wanting others to fix their mess for them
                They are framed as wrong exactly because they are "prioritizing." That's not what the Jedi are supposed to do. The Jedi are supposed to help everyone. How can one life be more valuable than the other? This means the Jedi inherently acknowledge that the lives of people on Coruscant are more important than the lives of people on Mandalore, and all those lives that are affected *daily* by the vast Criminal Syndicate of Maul, which is involved with drug trading, slavery on Kessel, trafficking, and all kinds of other terrible things. And it's not like Kenobi and Skywalker were talking about the people of Coruscant, the first thing they were concerned with was the safety of the Chancellor. And it's not like Coruscant did not have the means to defend itself — on the contrary, it had the entire might of the Republic military machine to protect it, and the entire fricking Jedi Temple on Coruscant. Stopping Maul *is* the duty of the Jedi, stopping Sith is their duty and priority, which Kenobi literally fricking admitted to Bo-Katan when she saved him, that they will have to come and get his ass. And Maul had to be stopped now, because he was going to get away, and there might not be another chance. I swear, people are fricking moronic, illiterate monkeys.

              • 3 months ago

                That webm addresses literally nothing I said. They still fail to show how Ahsoka comes to trust her and conclude that Maul is an issue SHE needs to get involved with, much less try to convince other Jedi to help too
                Anakin and Ob-Wan serve the Republic. The center of the Republic, with however many fricktillions of citizens, and the Jedi Temple itself, was under attack
                Why should they have to ignore their own people to bail out some losers on a planet that refused to be part of the Republic? Because one butthole is there? It's not in fact the Jedi's mandate to intervene in every criminal matter on worlds outside the Republic, even if that's one of their moral flaws. Dangerous or not, Dark Side or not, leaving Coruscant to chase after a personal nemesis would be the opposite of performing their duty

              • 3 months ago

                >That webm addresses literally nothing I said.
                It does. It addressed your claim that Ahsoka was sucking her butthole. Which she wasn't - not immediately.
                >They still fail to show how Ahsoka comes to trust her
                That is the part that I said was rushed, but there was enough information to infer why she would. They were working against a common enemy.
                >and conclude that Maul is an issue SHE needs to get involved with
                Are you stupid? Did you even watch that arc? *Everything* that she went through with Martez sisters starting with the Spice delivery was all tied to Maul. Drugs, trafficking, slavery on Kessel — Maul was in charge of all of it, and Ahsoka personally witnessed Maul conspiring with the Hutts, and she knew he was on Mandalore. No one else would give a shit, precisely because the Jedi were so busy with the war.
                Because I already explained why, and you keep missing the point.
                >Because one butthole is there?
                >It's not in fact the Jedi's mandate to intervene in every criminal matter
                Are you purposefully acting obtuse? Not just any butthole, but a Sith Lord, as far as Obi-Wan knew. And Obi-Wan *himself* literally said that Maul's involvement will lead to the Republic's invasion in "The Lawless" episode, when Bo-Katan rescued him.
                > leaving Coruscant to chase after a personal nemesis would be the opposite of performing their duty
                There were enough Jedi and an entire army to protect the Republic. There was no one to save Mandalore. And they had to act immediately, because there might not be another chance. It's the Jedi's duty and the right thing to help those in need, instead of playing politics. It may be their duty and dogma, but following it is not always the right thing to do. Which is a common theme in Star Wars that echoes throughout the OT, PT and TCW.

                You are literally talking shit out of your ass and don't actually know what happens in the story. Just stop.

              • 3 months ago

                >Maul conspiring with the Hutts
                With the Pykes, of course.

              • 3 months ago

                YOU are the one ignoring actual in universe character logic and premising everything on outside information
                Going to get Maul might have been the ideal choice but they're NOT going to logically decide to ignore the center of their civilization being hit with an invasion of that magnitude because "lol I'm sure someone else will take care of it lmao"
                If you're going to just continue plugging your ears and screeching that anyone who disagrees with you is just a meany doodoo head then I'm not going to keep making the effort of humoring your tantrums

              • 3 months ago

                >YOU are the one ignoring actual in universe character logic and premising everything on outside information
                No, I don't. You are literally a fricking moron that doesn't know why would Ahsoka want to go after Maul. I question if you even watched the show.
                >Going to get Maul might have been the ideal choice but they're NOT going to logically decide to ignore the center of their civilization being hit with an invasion of that magnitude because "lol I'm sure someone else will take care of it lmao"
                And where did I say that it was not logical for them? You b***hed about the show "framing" Obi-Wan in the wrong, which given everything that Bo and Ahsoka knew, he would be in the wrong for them. I explained why they thought he was in the wrong, and why they were more than justified in thinking that way. The show presented you with both sides of the argument, and it even painted Ahsoka as somewhat irrational, given her "I am not trying to be [fair]." The show gave you Kenobi's POV. But that does not mean his POV was the right one. And Ahsoka's sense of justice was also used, because Maul set this all up as a bait. In the end, no one turned out to be right. But in principle, going after Maul was the right thing for the Jedi to do, fricktard. And I explained why. You are too obtuse to understand it.
                >If you're going to just continue plugging your ears and screeching that anyone who disagrees with you is just a meany doodoo head then I'm not going to keep making the effort of humoring your tantrums
                Your arguments are just shit. You don't even know what's going on half of the time in the story. Your claims are based on some fading memories that you pull out of your ass. I am the one providing examples, webms and quotes. You suck wieners, homosexual. Get fricked.

              • 3 months ago

                This b***h isn't even real, you freak. Why are you simping for her?

              • 3 months ago

                Oh, and also, it's Obi-Wan's mess. For failing to stop Maul. Numerous times. And the only reason Maul started all of this is to get to Obi-Wan, to fulfill his revenge. All of it is his fault, from a certain point of view. And he knows it. When he held Satine dying in his arms, he knew it, that it all happens because Maul fricking hates him.

              • 3 months ago

                I've heard The Mandalorian was inspired by israeli diaspora or something like that, which is a fricking weird choice because in TCW they were basically neo-nazi terrorists.

              • 3 months ago

                It's because Baby Yoda and Mando were insanely profitable, and you can't admit that Mando comes from a cult of ultra-nationalists that glorify violence and prey on the weak. Mandalorian framed it as if the problem with Mandalorians was their *inner* infighting, and not the fact that the Mandalorian culture *itself* is problematic and it's fundamentally based on violence and war. Mandalorians not only fight themselves, they fight the whole galaxy. And the show never admitted that. Because Mando and Baby Yoda were the front and center of it, and they were turned into some kind of HONORABRU cowboys. Satine was also never mentioned. TL;DR: Mandalorian sucked ass.

              • 3 months ago

                >Just like you won't animate Boba Fett vs Cad Bane for some reason
                Why'd they never make THAT a book? Or even a comic? In fact, why the frick did they adapt Son of Dathomir into just a 4 issue comic series, instead of a full length novel?

              • 3 months ago

                And why the hell were the stories in between ANH and ESB just badly drawn comics? Get your best authors to make some good books in that gap.

              • 3 months ago

                >Son of Dathomir into just a 4 issue comic series
                It's surprisingly the only time Grievous is somewhat competent, taking out Mauldalorians and Mother Talzin. I wouldn't be surprised any other adaptation of that story arc would remove that good shit like how the arcs that finally got animated were fricked with.

              • 3 months ago

                Grievous also killed all of the Nightsisters in TCW.

              • 3 months ago

                Because b-tier stories deserve b-tier depictions. Boba Fett is an A+ character and they're saving that for television, either animated or life-action.

                And why the hell were the stories in between ANH and ESB just badly drawn comics? Get your best authors to make some good books in that gap.

                Because absolutely nothing of note happened to the main cast of characters between ANH and ESB.

              • 3 months ago

                >Because absolutely nothing of note happened to the main cast of characters between ANH and ESB.
                What about Vader finding out Luke is his son? Or the bounty hunter at Ord Mantell? What about a story where Luke learns about his mother and meets his family on Naboo?

              • 3 months ago

                >What about Vader finding out Luke is his son? Or the bounty hunter at Ord Mantell? What about a story where Luke learns about his mother and meets his family on Naboo?
                If those things mattered they would have been depicted in the films. And Naboo should get the Geonosis or Kamino treatment to deepen the tragedy of the galaxy losing something because Anakin lost something.

        • 3 months ago

          Are you a baby or what? Characters have to die. It is a good thing to get a satisfying conclusion, serve the story organically, and go out on a strong note, and not overstay your welcome. Not being able to let go of a character is a weakness and detrimental to the storytelling. This is how Filoni ruined Ahsoka. This is how he ruined Cad Bane. And that's how Ventress will be ruined. It's honestly amazing that he managed to kill Maul and it wasn't undone yet. And it's the only good thing anyone can say about Rebels.

          • 3 months ago

            >It's honestly amazing that he managed to kill Maul and it wasn't undone yet.
            Lucas wanting to drag Maul along for another trilogy of movies makes me laugh every time I think about it.

            • 3 months ago

              Lucas still would have killed him by the end of it, though.

              Because b-tier stories deserve b-tier depictions. Boba Fett is an A+ character and they're saving that for television, either animated or life-action.
              Because absolutely nothing of note happened to the main cast of characters between ANH and ESB.

              >Boba Fett is an A+ character and they're saving that for television, either animated or life-action.
              LMAO, moronic homosexual, hilarious that you think that Book of Boba Shit was an A+ story.

              • 3 months ago

                When did I say that? I said that Cad Bane vs Boba Fett isn't something they'll greenlight in a comic book or paperback book. They'll save it for someone's show, be it animated or live-action.

              • 3 months ago

                >Lucas still would have killed him by the end of it, though
                Sure, after a dogshit trilogy and several retcons later. Maul shouldn't have even survived TPM.

            • 3 months ago

              >Lucas still would have killed him by the end of it, though
              Sure, after a dogshit trilogy and several retcons later. Maul shouldn't have even survived TPM.

              I think Maul surviving is a cool idea. The Sith were supposedly wiped out by the end of RotJ but Darth Maul is a loose end. Rebels showed he could be really cool too, essentially being an underdog villain who was crippled, lost everything, and had to build himself back up as being someone important.
              There's a big difference between him coming back and Palpatine

              • 3 months ago

                Who knows, maybe if they went that direction Lucas and co. could have developed it into a neat idea, but on the face of it it just seems desperate and hacky.

          • 3 months ago

            This. I honestly doubt they will even give closure on these characters at all and that they will never wrap up Rex's storyline. I don't even believe we'll see a clone rebellion at all tbh.

            Pretty much. Two good Crosshair episodes in S2 don't justify its existence, and now it exists only to explain how Palpatine returned (somehow), and we are still getting bullshit monster of the week trite in the final fricking season. Plotting and writing on this show is so unimaginative and uninspiring, unironically worse than Rebels. This is Resistance-tier of blandness. It is so bad that it made me turn back to the EU. You know, because I wanted a show about Dark Times where we get to explore fricking Dark Times, the shit that's actually interesting and important, and not
            >a monster-of-the-week/filler bullshit and all the interesting stuff is introduced but then it goes right back to "the gang goes on a treasure hunt".
            Omega and this uninspiring Saturday morning cartoon bullshit mission of the week formula killed this, and most of the people checked out during Season 1. Doesn't help that Batch themselves are cookie cutter archetypes with little to no development over the course of three seasons except MUH OHMEGAH.

            Why couldn't they just make a show like TCW, but in Dark Times era? Anthology show with interesting plots, interesting characters, jumping around the Galaxy, and exploring actually interesting fricking stuff? Nah. Also, they raped clone commandos so hard, it's honestly pathetic.

            There should've been a Clone Rebellion and it should've ended like

            Just replace Spartacus with Captain Rex and slaves with imperial property, bonus if they die saving Jedi

    • 3 months ago

      If it is then why tease it when they already blew their load about her being in it?

      • 3 months ago

        Because the story writers aren't the marketing team

  27. 3 months ago

    It's clearly going to be Dexter Jettster

  28. 3 months ago

    I really hate Fennec.
    I think it's because in Book of Boba Fett, she completely stole the spotlight but I just really don't like the character and I'm sick of her cameos

    • 3 months ago

      Yeah, she's bland, boring, her design is uninteresting and not memorable. The only reason she is pushed so much is because she was in live-action. That's the reason she appeared in S1, to connect it with Book of Boba that came out on the same year. The reason they reused her in this season is because they already used her in the first one, and this shitty show operates on the Rebels logic, i.e. you see, space whales are not filler, they appeared again! Same with everything here. Everything is reused to prove that those shitty episodes were not filler, like that Devaronian guy who appeared in one of the worst episodes of the show, the one where the Batch had to retrieve spice crates for Cid, and then he appeared in S3E2 again, and you have redditors going, "See! See! This was NOT filler! Every Bad Batch episode is important!1one!"

      There are so many more interesting bounty hunters they could have used, literally anyone from ESB, you know, the guys who are actually currently making a name for themselves, which would warrant them being summoned by the Empire as some of the best. Where the frick is Boba? But no, let's force this nothingburger boring Disney OC.

  29. 3 months ago

    I could have sworn Hemlock was Troy Baker

    • 3 months ago

      I know what you mean, I had a few tickles of that hearing him for the first time

  30. 3 months ago

    >ANOTHER filler "one last job" episode
    We. Don't. Have. Time. For. This.

    • 3 months ago

      Yes, we do. There are 15 episodes this season.

      • 3 months ago

        >There are 15 episodes this season.

        • 3 months ago

          In theory it would keep Star Wars fans subbed to Disney+ for a couple months

  31. 3 months ago

    I just want ventress already
    I dont want to wait another week

  32. 3 months ago

    >it's a greyish Jedi, ancient Jedi or weird kind of evil jedi
    >give them a yellow, orange or silver lightsaber
    Every time but they still stripped Plo Koon of his cool yellow lightsaber

    • 3 months ago

      Because Plo had a blue one in the movie.

      • 3 months ago

        The most disappointing thing about seeing AotC in theaters was when he turned on his lightsaber and it was blue

        • 3 months ago

          That was the most disappointing thing? Not the entire movie being garbage?

  33. 3 months ago
    • 3 months ago

      I don't like how the DC17m isn't a machine gun like in Republic Commando

      • 3 months ago

        It is. When the plot demands it, of course. But for plot reasons and because the writers and directors of this show are moronic, they could not come up with a good action scene that makes sense. No, they made this clone commando stand in place and shoot TWICE at a target running straight into him, when his rifle is fully automatic.

    • 3 months ago

      It is. When the plot demands it, of course. But for plot reasons and because the writers and directors of this show are moronic, they could not come up with a good action scene that makes sense. No, they made this clone commando stand in place and shoot TWICE at a target running straight into him, when his rifle is fully automatic.

      I wonder how Gregor survived getting blown the frick up in a massive Rhydonium explosion, when clone commandos on Bad Batch get knocked out from the smallest tap and the armor doesn't work whatsoever. Oh it's because Gregor's armor worked, like all clone commando is supposed to work. But in this show it doesn't work.

      >For you are a commando — an elite unit, something truly special.
      >Your weapons, your armor...

      we're never gonna see them all, are we commandbros

      • 3 months ago

        The only things these morons were good for in this shitty show: standing around the hallways doing nothing on guard duty, doing basic b***h room sweeps and taking toys from a literal child. That's it. Anything else, any job in the field that we've seen from them on this show, they shit their fricking pants. They are literally TK-trooper tier fodder on this show. Literally no different at all, other than slightly cooler armor. Absolutely pathetic.

        We better not at this point, unless you want to see them going through a humiliation ritual, getting killed by Omega, or in some other embarrassing way this show has been doing. Didn't you get the memo? Clone commandos aren't allowed to be competent on this show, they are barely even treated as fricking people.

      • 3 months ago

        Delta just can't be used for anything but fan service. They're too powerful in the EU

  34. 3 months ago
    • 3 months ago

      >Crosshair, already the second skinniest BB member, after being confined and experimented on, is able to out wrestle a clone commando in armor
      I swear if you homosexuals don't stop using that twitter buzzword though

  35. 3 months ago

    I wonder how Gregor survived getting blown the frick up in a massive Rhydonium explosion, when clone commandos on Bad Batch get knocked out from the smallest tap and the armor doesn't work whatsoever. Oh it's because Gregor's armor worked, like all clone commando is supposed to work. But in this show it doesn't work.

  36. 3 months ago

    >For you are a commando — an elite unit, something truly special.
    >Your weapons, your armor...

  37. 3 months ago

    Crosshair is the only reason to watch this show. He's the only character in the main cast with any depth or potential beyond filling a generic archetype. Episodes focusing on him have consistently been the highest points of each season and his arc has by far been the most interesting aspect.

    • 3 months ago

      Unfortunate he developed Parkinson's disease from getting brain fricked for months

  38. 3 months ago

    The funniest part is that they created a whole new division of clones with shitty designs that do the same job as commandos. Infiltration, assassinations, diversions, recon. Yet this ONE MOTHERFRICKER managed to wipe out 90% of Rex's men and blow up his entire fricking base and almost killed Crosshair. Some MKUltra'd fricking reg who got some extra fast training at Tantiss. Yet commandos, who were literally bred for these things, who trained for 10 years at Kamino since birth with the best instructors, can't do shit on this show.

    • 3 months ago

      Helps that he's a clone of crosshair.
      And commandos have been relegated to being instructors or guard duty.

      • 3 months ago

        >Helps that he's a clone of crosshair.
        That's your theory. The head writer of the show said that he is a new character. All the CX clones we've seen so far have been MKUltra'd regs.
        >And commandos have been relegated to being instructors or guard duty.
        Which is stupid as shit. And the only reason that happened is because people making this show don't know what the frick clone commandos are, what their role is and what they are supposed to do. We aren't given any reason in the show, commandos aren't characterized at all whatsoever. No, they just stand in the hallways all day like a bunch of morons, wearing their very specialized equipment, survival packs that are meant to be used in the field, their modular weapons. They stand around and do nothing. That happens because the writers don't know the purpose of this asset. They see it as a cooler stormtrooper. That's all there is to it.

        • 3 months ago
          • 3 months ago

            Yes. I am seething!

            • 3 months ago

              Well be happy the commandos have something to do and the empire hasn't turned them into janitors. You should be thankful.

              • 3 months ago

                >be happy you were raped in the ass and not beheaded

              • 3 months ago

                You're welcome friendo.

    • 3 months ago

      Because that’s Tech

  39. 3 months ago

    Tech being alive would be so stupid considering they have his cracked goggles which would mean they confirmed he was dead off screen.

    • 3 months ago

      Which is why Clone X being a brainwashed Tech would be the worst outcome.

      Better outcomes are he's Cody or a Clone of Crosshair.

      • 3 months ago

        I don't want it to be my homie Cody

  40. 3 months ago

    Omega is so cute

  41. 3 months ago

    the green dorito won't kill this thread

    • 3 months ago

      I hope so.

  42. 3 months ago

    So Ventress next episode?

    is she the harbinger, as per the episodes title?

    • 3 months ago

      Most likely. The season is past the midpoint, Ventress is slated to make an appearance.

      • 3 months ago

        there was a new trailer with some shots of what is essentially the kraken, people are saying shes in the water with omega

        so maybe she teams up with the batch for the rest of the season?

        • 3 months ago

          >there was a new trailer
          post it

          • 3 months ago

            its not much, just one new shot

            • 3 months ago

              oops forgot to link it


              • 3 months ago

                Ah, okay, I watched the trailer
                my bad

                It's the snow worm from the previous episodes, stupid. It has to be. I refuse to believe that there are more fricking monsters of the week coming the the last 7 episodes.

                Frick this show, honestly.

            • 3 months ago

              It's the snow worm from the previous episodes, stupid. It has to be. I refuse to believe that there are more fricking monsters of the week coming the the last 7 episodes.

              • 3 months ago

                Ah, okay, I watched the trailer
                my bad [...]

                Frick this show, honestly.

                I think it might be part of a bigger episode rather than monster of the week, the environment looks similar to the one shot of hunter with the black armour in the imperial shuttle so it could be related to that

                the main takeaway is that it seems that ventress is teaming up with the batch
                (otherwise this is part of the next episode with ventress but I doubt that)

              • 3 months ago

                It is a monster of the week. It is Bad Batch's fricking formula. The writing on this show is so bland, milquetoast and uninspiring, that the only thing they can come up with as an obstacle for the characters and another boring ass generic action scene to fill time is some giant blaster proof fricking monster. That's their go-to when plotting 80% of the episodes. Frick off with this shit already. So tiresome. Not even funny. Not exciting. Not interesting. Just pathetic.

              • 3 months ago

                maybe, we'll just have to wait and see

              • 3 months ago

                hemlock is going to be a monster of the week when they find him

  43. 3 months ago

    Hunter is such a homosexual this season- I get "why" but it's blows mad loads.

    • 3 months ago

      >Hunter is such a homosexual this season
      He always was a homosexual in this show. He was only ever cool in TCW Bad Batch arc. "The Bad Batch" show made them all pretty much fricking moronic, except Crosshair. But even Crosshair now that he's joined the good guys is becoming more boring.

      • 3 months ago

        Yeah he's not once ever done it for me. Especially w/ Crosshairs back in the squad the absolute juxtaposition between them- he's like a quarter of a character.

  44. 3 months ago

    The show would do well to just be Crosshair and Omega as the leads with various cool clones coming and going.

    • 3 months ago

      It would do even better without Omega. Other clones and other characters might as well challenge Crosshair and others. See: Cody, Mayday, Howzer. No need for the obligatory child character le morality anchor "WE HAVE TO DO THE RIGHT THING HUNTAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!"

      • 3 months ago

        That's not her character anymore but shit dude I was so Goddamn mad when they were introducing all those cool clones knowing they'd be merked by the end of that episode, some inspired armor designs.

        • 3 months ago

          >That's not her character anymore
          It literally is still her character.
          Fricking limp dicked wimp Hunter can't make a single right decision on his own without that b***h making him. She is exactly the fricking same from season 1 to season 3. Omega is not a real character, and she holds the show back, severely, and drags it into the Saturday morning cartoon territory.

          • 3 months ago

            Alright, sounds like a Hunter problem.

  45. 3 months ago

    >final episode of Dark Disciple was called "The Path"
    >Quinlan Vos is involved in the Hidden Path


    • 3 months ago

      No, just Disney pillaging Lucas' shit, as usual. Just like they pillaged all those TCW scripts, Underworld scripts and 1313 for a bunch of their books, comics, TV-shows and movies. Instead of giving us the original thing, they repackage it into their inferior stuff.

  46. 3 months ago

    I hate the b***h so damn much but he's right, she ticks basically every box I have
    Also her slapping those OBC was genuinely based

    • 3 months ago

      Impossible in the current year. Thank you, George.

  47. 3 months ago

    who cares about bo-katan helping obi-wan

    we only care about ventress helping obi-wan fight maul and then fricking him afterward

  48. 3 months ago

    >bad b***hes are so shit and boring that there is literally nothing to discuss, and everyone would just rather talk about something else

    • 3 months ago

      ventress next week, trust the plan

      webms will be made, discussion will be had

      • 3 months ago

        Yeah guys,
        Don't question, just consoom

        • 3 months ago

          moron post

      • 3 months ago

        Ventress should be dead. I am the only anon making webms. The show started sucking ass, and I shall not make any Ventress webms for you to repost. You'll have to do it yourself.

        • 3 months ago

          >i am the only anon making webms

          so explain the webms of the 2 parter? of the scenes of crosshair and hunter talking in episode 5?

          • 3 months ago

            I made them. What the frick do you need explained? Are you moronic? I am literally the only one making webms for this fricking show. And I won't make anything that doesn't personally interest me. And resurrected Ventress certainly doesn't interest me.

            • 3 months ago

              but what if I gave you a cookie?

    • 3 months ago

      >what hitting the wall do to cute pandoran senator

  49. 3 months ago

    Leveling with you guys
    Clones actually getting to do cool stuff is just a bonus

    I'm really here for More Meega at this point

    • 3 months ago

      but when will Boba meet Amiga?

      • 3 months ago

        Either in a future series with Temuera Morrison or some sort of last-minute appearance in the show.

        It will be rather interesting to see Boba and Omega interact, as one has been deprived of love and the other has been given nice and careful familial attention through her brothers.

    • 3 months ago

      I wish the show didn't bait other people with clone and Imperial stuff then. They should have made Meega and Friends TV-Y7 show, where they go on pointless bounties, hug and hold hands. For the rest of us, we are just getting baited with the stuff that is interesting, but it is so few and far in between, because most of this show was designed for women and head-written by a woman.

      • 3 months ago

        So why didn't the city close the gates?

      • 3 months ago

        I think you're just finding reasons to hate at this point

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