>Start watching Glitch Tech. >Get new co-worker during the same week

>Start watching Glitch Tech
>Get new co-worker during the same week
>She's a hijabi cutie just like Zahra from Algeria
>Get a crush on her

>Get out of work
>About to ask her out
>See her bf waiting for her
>He's some tall pakistani, they walk away holding hands

>Never felt so jealous in my life

Life is a comedy, and I am the clown.

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  1. 1 week ago

    Comics & Cartoons?

  2. 1 week ago


  3. 1 week ago

    Faithful wife and doting mother of a large family-coded

  4. 1 week ago

    You are supposed to kidnap her in accordance with ancient nomad tradition, dumbass.

    • 1 week ago

      This. The “get in the sack method” is infallible.

      • 1 week ago

        He will need a dozen mounted warriors for a pre dawn raid.

        • 1 week ago

          >Extended family's men roll up on OP's house with car stereos pounding and guns in hand

  5. 1 week ago

    >be in conservative part of southeast asia
    >but also in a fairly liberal part of the country

    >regularly see a hijabi girls who go around the city with booty shorts and tank tops

    • 1 week ago

      I saw a commercial for a tv series that appears to be about a hijabi punk rock band, one even has a full face veil, whatever thats called.
      Nothing means anything anymore.

    • 1 week ago


      >Start watching Glitch Tech
      >Get new co-worker during the same week
      >She's a hijabi cutie just like Zahra from Algeria
      >Get a crush on her

      >Get out of work
      >About to ask her out
      >See her bf waiting for her
      >He's some tall pakistani, they walk away holding hands

      >Never felt so jealous in my life

      Life is a comedy, and I am the clown.

      Redpill me on the hijab. So long as you keep your hair hidden, Allah isn't mad at you? But thicc thighs are kosher? What's the thinking here, exactly?

      • 1 week ago

        The idea is that every part of a woman is a hidden sexual part.
        Considering Cinemaphile gets armpit threads, it might not be too far fetched.

        • 1 week ago

          Sounds to me like the issue more lies with the men fetishizing goddam wires made from dead skin protruding from someone's scalp, but maybe that's just me

          • 1 week ago

            Long hair is sexy.

      • 1 week ago

        Malaysia, Indonesia and Turkey don’t take Islamic dress as seriously as the Middle East and North Africa.

        • 1 week ago

          Generally in areas where women had more traditional rights pre Islam.
          This also excludes more recent fundamentalist movements.

      • 1 week ago

        It’s basically cover up but some take it to the extreme and it depends on the culture and country.
        I lived in Ramallah for 2 months and some women didn’t wear the hijab(mostly the younger girls) but they always wore pants and shirts that covered up their arms. My sister who was born in California also wears sweaters and pants but doesn’t wear the hijab. Some women wear the whole covering like the afghanis or Somalians. Others just wear the face covering and wear normal clothes. The girls in your pic aren’t even wearing anything that revealing. They look like shorts you’d wear in PE

      • 1 week ago


      • 1 week ago

        Depends where you are, Islam is like any other religion where its adherents can be very flexible in applying what suits them. I remember in Bahrain for example there being at least two Irish bars in the country (a small island in the Persian Gulf fyi), and whilst *technically* you can't buy alcohol there if you're a Muslim... who's going to know? According the Saudis the island is under the toe or foot of Allah and so they drop their wives and kids off on the mainland, dive over the bridge and get royally pissed on Saturday.

        What's really hilarious and revealing I find is that alcohol wasn't banned in Saudi Arabia until 1954 - because a Saudi prince shot a British civil servant after a party when the latter refused to serve him some more booze. The following scandal being so embarrassing the ruling Sauds they had to officially ban booze. That's not to say all Muslims are secret drinkers or anything, rather that human beings are pretty good at changing their attitudes when in a different social environment, which applies to everyone.

        • 1 week ago

          Saudi and the gulf countries are extremely corrupt and will do anything they can to appeal to westerners. Not surprised.

          • 1 week ago

            Ottoman Turks loved to pull a cork too, plenty of Christians and israelites in the empire to but it from.
            Also rampant buggery

          • 1 week ago

            Yes and no, most of Bahrain's tourism comes from Saudi Arabia and they just managed to fill a niche in the market. Places like Turkey and Albania which also are majority Muslim are fairly secular in their social life, it's as much as what people bring to religion as religion brings to them.

            • 1 week ago

              Turks prefer more nationalist Turkish identity because it let's them beat up on their Kurdish co-religionists.
              Albanians are crazy mountain folk who love the blood-feud.

        • 1 week ago

          >Irish bars
          Once again, we leprechauns do our part to bring people together under the universal banner of getting absolutely sloshed. Love it

      • 1 week ago

        It's not even universally agreed that hair is part of the 'modesty' requirement. Hair covering is Arabic in origin and appears to pre-date Islam, so Arabs and those heavily influenced by Arabism go for it.

        • 1 week ago

          It's not even only Arabs; Greeks and Russians cover up in church (and in public prior to the growth of western influenced ideals)

          On the flipside there's the Iranians, who commit to it about as much as the Soviets were committed to socialism.

        • 1 week ago

          It's not even only Arabs; Greeks and Russians cover up in church (and in public prior to the growth of western influenced ideals)

          On the flipside there's the Iranians, who commit to it about as much as the Soviets were committed to socialism.

          Putting something on your head to show deference to God is a pretty universal thing in religious communities. It's you going put of your way to say "Hey, I acknowledge you, oh Creator mine." It's on people's heads likely as a matter of convenience, beats having to carry something everywhere you go

    • 1 week ago

      This is an extremely sexy look to me. I need more muslim girls to dress like this.

    • 1 week ago

      >if you show hair you're a tramp
      >shorts are okay though
      Religion is bizarre

  6. 1 week ago

    I am 1000% sure she likes anal.

  7. 1 week ago

    You are moronic if you're not from Europe and you're especially deplorable if you're from Europe. Your taste is shit in both women and cartoons.

  8. 1 week ago

    Don't worry. A cute hijabi girl will come to you one day.

  9. 1 week ago

    Remember back in the days when a lot of Cinemaphile was just people posting their made up stories? Do oldgays miss those days?

    • 1 week ago

      I miss /b/ actually having fun content like that and I miss the days before everything was /misc/ tainted. Before anyone spergs out about that, which someone usually does, that’s a societal problem and is not just confined to Cinemaphile.

  10. 1 week ago

    Honk honk

  11. 1 week ago

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