>start watching The Mandalorian. >enjoy s1 & s2. >book of boba fett kind of meh but still watch it

>start watching The Mandalorian
>enjoy s1 & s2
>book of boba fett kind of meh but still watch it
>s3 nosedives and i decide to stop watching in the third episode
What happened to The Mandalorian? It had a pretty promising start

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  1. 10 months ago

    Disney kneeled to trannies and libgays

    • 10 months ago

      This b***h was so boring I'm not sure why morons on here are acting like they like her all of a sudden because they found out she's pro chud. She's a shit actor and she shouldn't be able to beat up a man in the strongest armor in the universe with her fists

      • 10 months ago

        We like her because she looks extremely frickable unless you're low T
        It's not very complicated, this is the internet and we are men

      • 10 months ago

        Because she’s hot and I would like to frick her lol

  2. 10 months ago

    They keep trying to make other characters as successful as Mando, so they can make more shows

    but nobody likes the other characters at all

    • 10 months ago

      Pic related

      Disney kneeled to trannies and libgays

      was a pretty good character, no idea why they'd replace her with the redhair Karen

      Favreau got frozen outof the creative decisions. He was the driving force behind it.

      So it's just Fuloni behind the wheel? He's not too bad if you don't count wanting to put Ahsoka Tano into everything

      • 10 months ago

        >Pic related

        Disney kneeled to trannies and libgays was a pretty good character, no idea why they'd replace her with the redhair Karen
        she questioned the COVID lockdowns and was exiled from Disney World

      • 10 months ago

        >He's not too bad if you don't count wanting to put Ahsoka Tano into everything
        He's horrible, he's been rehashing old book/game/comic content and selling it off as his own ideas and yeah as you mentioned he puts his fricking OC into everything and she also survives everything and is almost a literal God in the SW universe by now
        I mean he wrote a goddamn Yog Sothoth plot device into Rebels just to save his OC from getting killed by Vader
        The guy is also a major furgay and puts wolves everywhere
        I'm glad more and more people are noticing that Furgayloni is just a run-of-the-mill hack

  3. 10 months ago

    Favreau got frozen outof the creative decisions. He was the driving force behind it.

    • 10 months ago


      >start watching The Mandalorian
      >enjoy s1 & s2
      >book of boba fett kind of meh but still watch it
      >s3 nosedives and i decide to stop watching in the third episode
      What happened to The Mandalorian? It had a pretty promising start

      Yeah, it was an unexpected hit and attracted all of the lucasfilm parasites like filoni

      • 10 months ago

        This. It was a side project done differently to the disney movies that took off, then the suits and same hacks responsible for the movies were transplanted into the creative process and it went to shit.
        >pimped out to different guest directors each episode, cohesive vision falls apart
        >springboard for now aborted spinoffs to the detriment of its own story
        >cringe cameos and over reliance on shit cgi and memberberries
        What a waste

      • 10 months ago

        >Yeah, it was an unexpected hit and attracted all of the lucasfilm parasites like filoni

        There are multiple photos/videos of Kennedy on-set. Filoni was part of the team since Day 1.

        This. It was a side project done differently to the disney movies that took off, then the suits and same hacks responsible for the movies were transplanted into the creative process and it went to shit.
        >pimped out to different guest directors each episode, cohesive vision falls apart
        >springboard for now aborted spinoffs to the detriment of its own story
        >cringe cameos and over reliance on shit cgi and memberberries
        What a waste

        out to different guest directors each episode
        Every episode of Season 1 was also directed by a different person. Only Filoni directed two. Are you high?

        cameos and over reliance on shit cgi and memberberries
        The first season is chock full of references. One of the points praised was bringing back alien races from both the prequels and OT, for example.
        As for "CGI", you DO know every single episode was filmed using a fully virtual set? The series was used as a testing ground for multiple new filming technologies.

        Jesus Christ, people, at least have a basic knowledge of something you're criticizing.

        • 10 months ago

          Filoni fricking sucks mate. Imagine defending him. He loves the material but is a fan fiction tier writer and never invented a good OC character.
          >One of the points praised was bringing back alien races from both the prequels and OT, for example
          Never heard anyone saying that.

          • 10 months ago

            Who says I'm defending him. I was just pointing out to the moron who claimed that Filoni came in after the first season's success that this is not the case, and he was always on board.

            • 10 months ago

              Yes but the other anon was implying that Filoni's involvement was the cause of the Mandalorian downfall. And you say otherwise. So in a way you are making him look good. However, his OC characters began being present in season 2, even if he was directing in the first season, so it seems his involvement was less important. Bryce Dallas Howard has directer quite a few episodes too but I don't think she is involved in the writing, or at least no one knows what her ideas are. But with Filoni, we do.

              • 10 months ago

                he's not at all defending him, he's pointing out it makes no sense to blame him when his involvement in the series is uniform from the beginning to now

  4. 10 months ago

    >book of boba fett kind of meh

  5. 10 months ago

    >It had a pretty promising start
    did it? it was always pretty trash and the soulless unreal engine 5 cgi didnt help. The writing was below clone wars, a literal kids show. This was pure onions and memberberries

  6. 10 months ago

    Book of Boba undid all of season 2 and brought Baby Yeed back too soon because muh merch sales
    also Mando taking a back seat in his own show and doing frick all

    • 10 months ago

      Mando stole bobas thunder just to have it stolen himself by hoe katan

  7. 10 months ago

    I'm not going to watch another show just to understand this one.
    Apparently lots of people agree, because basically everyone dropped this after season 2.

    • 10 months ago

      Boba Fett would be a good character on his own, but he got the Luke treatment. I don't understand Disney's or Lucasfilm's passion to destroy existing characters and replace them with new awful characters.

      • 10 months ago

        Uhm sweaty, Disney aquire stat wars for 20 billion dollars. They have to pay royalties to existing characters. That's why you get Disney boba show. They save money with their yidsney characters

  8. 10 months ago

    Season 1 worked because it's the classic trope of a lone gunslinger traveling around and having adventures, but in space. But sooner or later they start adding more Star Wars stuff to make it feel like Star Wars. And that brings us back to the same old problem every piece of secondary media has - the Star Wars universe doesn't actually have that much in it. It was never designed to be an expansive universe where everything is connected, and the more you try to join everything up like the MCU, the smaller the universe is. Really the Mandalorian would be better if it only occasionally referenced other things in the Star Wars universe and mainly focused on capturing the OT aesthetic and Seven Samurai/Fistful of Dollars tone. But if they did that, the legion of autists that consume this slop would complain that it isn't "Star Wars" enough.

    • 10 months ago

      They should have had a drawn out wester gunslinger for 3 seasons where he's neither good nor evil.
      He's on no ones side but his own.

      It'll never happen

    • 10 months ago

      They should have had a drawn out wester gunslinger for 3 seasons where he's neither good nor evil.
      He's on no ones side but his own.

      It'll never happen

      Agreed. If he stuck to doing actual bounty hunter stuff while screwing over both sides for his own benefit it would've been top kino.

      • 10 months ago

        Disney didn't like characters who are morally gray. You're either a shining paragon of goodness or a cartoonishly evil villain. I mean look what they did to Boba Fett.

    • 10 months ago

      >It was never designed to be an expansive universe where everything is connected
      >he forgot about the old EU

      • 10 months ago

        >old EU
        >95% of it is pure shit with fanfics written about irrelevant background characters
        Proving the point even mroe

        • 10 months ago

          Mouseketeers deserve the rope

          • 10 months ago

            Both the EU and DIsney are garbage you mouthbreathing nerd

    • 10 months ago

      Agreed. If he stuck to doing actual bounty hunter stuff while screwing over both sides for his own benefit it would've been top kino.

      absolutely correct
      Jango/Boba Fett have always been one of the favorite characters fans have enjoyed speculating on and wanted to see more of prior to Star Wars becoming a trash heap. The armor is top kino and everyone loves rogues. The more they make it about Star Wars the worse it will become ironically

    • 10 months ago

      This so much. When it started roping in Luke, Ashoka, Mandalor, and all the other original trilogy references it narrowed its options. Season 1 was cool because ANYTHING could happen. Now it’s predictable and boring and the 85% of the story is other characters nobody cares about. They made a show about one guy into a movie series.

  9. 10 months ago

    Frick off shill

  10. 10 months ago

    watching The Mandalorian
    imagine being this much of a shit eater

  11. 10 months ago

    Filoni loves himself more than he loves star wars

  12. 10 months ago

    “A team” got split to make Ahsoka. “B team” and leftover scraps from the spinoffs that were cancelled were used for season 3. Its like Dark Souls 2 and From Software.

  13. 10 months ago

    Because Kennedy was focused on her shitty movies, and wasn’t really paying attention to Mandalorian, because it was just this stupid side thing. Then, when TLJ divided the fanbase, TRoS was panned by everyone, and Solo lost money, and Mandalorian ended up being a surprise hit, she shifted her attention over, and elbowed her way into the D+ side of things.

    That’s why almost immediately after S2 of Mandalorian, things immediately dove off a cliff. She fired Gina Carano, and Boba and Kenobi were embarrassing dogshit, and I stopped paying attention after that. From all I’ve seen and heard, I’m not missing much after I dropped off.

    • 10 months ago

      >Because Kennedy was focused on her shitty movies, and wasn’t really paying attention to Mandalorian

      That's probably the dumbest piece of crap people post ITT, and I wish it stopped. Kennedy was closely interested in the series, since Disney used it to test out multiple new filming techniques. For frick's sake, they opened up an ENTIRE SEPARATE STUDIO just for that purpose. Favreau confirmed in multiple interviews she was on set frequently.

  14. 10 months ago

    He delivered the child to the Jedi and his arc ended. Also KK took over and did her thing after. Everything she touches becomes shit.

  15. 10 months ago

    >I liked season two
    Why the frick would you like season 2? Instead of doing its own thing like in Season 1 it was all LOOK AT THIS CAMEO FOR OUR UPCOMONG SERIES. REMEMBER THIS CHARACTER FROM STAR WARS? Giancarlo Esposito is laughable in his role, Mando's taking off his mask all the time. They don't know if they want to do one off bounty hunter episodes like Firefly or do some super serialized storyline.
    Season 2 was so bad I didn't even bother watching any of Season 3

    • 10 months ago

      It had filler episodes and S1 was better, but it was still enjoyable with it's moments

  16. 10 months ago

    Turned into clone wars

  17. 10 months ago

    They keep trying to make it the Backdoor Pilot show, throwing in characters and revolving story arcs around them hoping they end up popular enough to spin off into their own show. In S3 alone, they tried it with Starbuck, the bearded Asian guy, the Jedi homie who was Jarjar and the dyke ex-Imperial. The problem is that none of the characters they keep trying to push are anywhere near popular or interesting enough to carry an entire show and all they end up doing is dragging the show they're being forced into down.

  18. 10 months ago

    Women asking for things no one cared about

  19. 10 months ago

    >mousecuck races to defend disney with plebbit spacing
    You win the internet today, take my gold!

  20. 10 months ago

    You know the fun part?
    If Disney was smart they would have a huge amount of awesome material to use in movies or shows. They could simply pick the best and better rated EU material and make content from it.
    No need to change anything, no need to add shit plotlines and forced shit. Just imagine proper movies with Luke meeting Mara Jade. It could even be from her perspective.
    No one would complain about a hot redhead doing jedi shit.

  21. 10 months ago

    >starts off with a singular vision set in the SW universe with fairly low stakes and interesting characters
    >gets popular
    >suddenly everyone needs their grubby little fingers in the pie
    >too many cooks in the kitchen now
    >show becomes a launch pad for other spin-offs instead of… a show
    >also becomes cameo city for every celebrity they can get their hands on
    >tries to do something interesting by splitting up Mando and Grogu, they get back together in an episode of a different show
    There’s plenty more but basically it got popular and became a victim of excessive executive meddling.

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