steve jobs (2015) is a great movie

i kept getting distracted by how cute joanna hoffman was but otherwise the story, acting and cinematography was great

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  1. 1 month ago

    I liked the part where he died of ligma.

    • 1 month ago

      the movie only goes up to the launch of the imac, its mostly about job's personal life

      • 1 month ago

        I know. I've seen it. I was just joking. Mike's depiction of Steve Jobs is a rare literally me for me. And yes, I thought Kate was super cute in this.

        • 1 month ago

          neither steve jobs (2013), jobs (2015) mention or show his death, probably because how stupid it was

          • 1 month ago

            Yeah how can you even die from ligma balls?

            • 1 month ago

              what are ligma balls?

              • 1 month ago

                Founder of Apple Computers.

          • 1 month ago

            what the hell is "steve jobs (2013)"?

  2. 1 month ago

    seriously look at her, god fricking dammit, and her eastern accent too

    • 1 month ago

      she was that cute irl too, atleast when she was young, she hit the wall hard after that

    • 1 month ago

      She looks like shit

      • 1 month ago

        you are a homosexual

        • 1 month ago

          Yeah which makes my judgement objective

          Your mind is clouded by the pussy

          • 1 month ago

            It makes your judgement gay and moronic.

        • 1 month ago

          >Average looking girl with nerdy haircut and glasses talking to a nerdy computer guy I adore and emulate.

          God, shes sooo hot I'm gonna coom right here

          • 1 month ago

            what the hell does average mean to you?

  3. 1 month ago

    Steve Jobs movies suck ass.

    Steve Jobs was a homosexual, hippy piece of dog shit.

    Nerds will rush in screaming "Steve Wozniak is the real hero..."

    Steve Wozniak is a manlet homosexual that:
    - Played a prank by planting a fake bomb in his school, mocking the principal that took the "bomb" outside and defused it not knowing if it'd kill him, then was sent to juvenile detention for the night where he rewired the switch to the fan to 120v live current to shock the guards (all of this is psychopathic behavior.
    -built and sold devices that made illegal long distance phone calls for free. Never faced any criminal charges for his crime. This was back when telecom companies actually paid decent wages and funded R&D research like Bell Labs--so he was proudly stealing from hardworking American's and had zero empathy.
    -Crashed a plane because he wasn't rated to fly it, didn't calculate his take-off weight and didn't check to make sure the runway was long enough for the plane (all piloting 101 stuff.) After the crash he faked memory problems so he didn't have to answer the FAA questions of why he was flying a plane he wasn't certified to fly, why he didn't calculate his take off weight and why he was trying to fly a plane on a runway that was too short.
    - He endorsed a chinese cell phone manufacturer in 2014, claiming he endorsed it for free. Years later it was proven that company was spying on its users.
    - Defends TikTok, a chinese company thats proven to spy on its users, manipulate kids with violent content and is a psyop controlled by the CCP.

    Wozniak is just as bad as Jobs. They both suck. Woz lacks empathy because hes a math genius, just like the unabomber.

    Frick all those shitty movies worshipping shitty people

    • 1 month ago

      You don't have to be a good person to be the protagonist of a good story.

      • 1 month ago

        Of course not.

        Just not falling into the usual fan service (goes like this... "Job's didn't build anything, Woz did. Woz is the hero of apple.")

        No, Woz is literally a walking billboard that got extremely lucky. He isn't a cutesy prankster, he's an butthole that lacks empathy, mocks consequences you and I obey or pay, and gets worshipped as some kind of visionary.

        The truth is he's one degree away from the unabomber.

        A fat, short manlet that needs to be insulted everyday for the rest of his *hopefully* short life.

        • 1 month ago

          >he's an butthole that lacks empathy, mocks consequences you and I obey or pay, and gets worshipped as some kind of visionary.
          >The truth is he's one degree away from the unabomber.
          >A fat, short manlet that needs to be insulted everyday for the rest of his *hopefully* short life.
          wow i never knew i was literally steve Wozniak

          • 1 month ago

            Rope yourself.

            Its really not funny to shock people with 120v. If you think it is go grab some live 120v wires right now. Make sure you grab one with each hand to get a really good jolt.

            Lying to passengers about being able to fly a plane isn't cutesy. If you boarded a plane and the pilot crashed it because he wasn't qualified to fly it you'd be pissed and would sue him.

            gays identify with Woz because they've fat, short and have ugly faces like Woz.

            • 1 month ago

              what the frick are you even talking about?

        • 1 month ago

          the movie actually says that jobs was important for what apple and next made, in jobs own words
          >i play the orchestra

    • 1 month ago

      And Woz couldn't play the orchestra l.

    • 1 month ago

      the movie isnt even worshipping him, most of the movie is about how much of a dick he was, and wozniak was a b***h in the movie too

      • 1 month ago

        True. Nothing more insulting that Rogan portraying you.

        To be fair though Woz is hideously deformed looking. Like his face is just weird looking, like a moronic mutant.

        But he's really good at math... yeah... so was the unabomber. Unabomber and Woz have similar levels of empathy for all us inferior human beings.

    • 1 month ago

      >defending yourself is psychopathic
      This is the opposite of reality.

      • 1 month ago

        He didn't defend himself.

        Woz was in 12th grade. He made a fake bomb and hid it totally expecting it to be found. When he was called into the office he LITERALLY said "I thought I was called in to be given ANOTHER award for being the best at math."

        In the office the principal explains they found what looked like a bomb in his locker. The principal had taken the device, ran out to the football field with it then yanked the wires. In short, the principal heroically took a presumed bomb, ran it away from the students and disarmed it knowing it could explode in his hands.

        Woz couldn't contain his laughter. Thats an butthole thing for an 18 year old to do.

        Sent to juvenile detention for one day, for a bomb scare. He couldn't accept his stupid "prank" and instead hotwired the switches to 120v current to shock the guards. 120v can be lethal, Woz BRAGGED about doing that.

        Does the butthole ever get in trouble? Nope. Does he ever apologize? Nope.

        He still brags about being a "prankster" to this day.

        Hes an butthole and a psychopath. Death to him. Spoiled short, fat, ugly faced gay.

        • 1 month ago

          how the frick do you type so much bullshit so fast? are you a bot?

          • 1 month ago

            Woz is a raw nerve for me. I HATE Jobs too but he gets plenty of hate as it is.

            Woz is a shitty person. More hate needs to be spread about him.

            The truth will set you free.

  4. 1 month ago

    call it
    i ain't got no agua

  5. 1 month ago

    sweet, the thread is being derailed by a schizo
    can we go back to talking about how hot joanna was and how good the movie is? i need a work wife like her

    • 1 month ago

      Welcome to Cinemaphile.

      Does she get topless in the film?


      Ok, end of subject.

  6. 1 month ago

    is steve jobs the one with ashton kutcher or magneto

    • 1 month ago

      its the one without ashton kutcher, the one with ashton kutcher is just called "jobs." and people say that one is shit

      • 1 month ago

        >the one with ashton kutcher is just called "jobs."
        what pretentious homosexual came up with that

        • 1 month ago

          the same that came up with the script i think, people say its pseudo inpirational garbage, it ends with a cliche speech about how "you should build something that other people can use" or something

          • 1 month ago

            I haven't seen the Ashton Kutcher one because he seems like a gay.

  7. 1 month ago

    her acting is pretty bad

    • 1 month ago

      nah i like it, i saw a interview with the real life joanna and the accent is pretty similar, there is nothing wrong with the acting itself to be honest

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