>Strong female character that doesn't come across as pretentious

>Strong female character that doesn't come across as pretentious

Why is it so hard to create that nowadays?

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  1. 3 months ago

    Her all sweaty working out in her psych cell in Judgement Day gave preteen me weird feelings.

    Today they're too about making it unrealistic. Sarah Connor was at least human and couldn't do EVERYTHING. And such a stark difference from her first movie persona. It's not hard to create they just don't want to bc of a bullshit view of what strong women are

    • 3 months ago

      >you will never get to lick her sweaty, muscular armpits

      why even live

      • 3 months ago


  2. 3 months ago

    Sarah Connor still embodied (and thus promoted) a traditional gender role (motherhood). Artists, writers, and directors working today were trained to always question, critique and break free from traditional gender roles. Their creative process literally involves stopping what they're doing, and asking themselves and their team whether they're doing enough to challenge traditional social norms. The correct answer, according to years of progressive education, is always No.

    • 3 months ago

      This OP
      The whole point of everything she did was to protect others.
      AND she still fails and emotion gets to her.
      That's very realistic because that's literally what men want.
      "I'm trying to protect YOU (And we see she actually tries to do it, but she can't)" disarms the men

    • 3 months ago

      Same with Barbara in the Savini's Night of the Living Dead remake. They're just grounded, realistic characters. These days everything is political or pushing some kind of agenda.

      They weren't trying to peddle the muh feminism or muh first women character route until the 2010s when identity politics consumed the world.

      Blade and Spawn both featured a black superhero but that was never a selling point for the movie. 20 Years later Black Panther comes out and everyone was talking about THE FIRST BLACK SUPERHERO EVER

      Woman and Blacks got too wienery and even if we go back to 80’s standards we can now see the agenda and won’t tolerate it anymore, because we are accurately tuned in to the FACT that subliminal woke messaging is present.
      We need a full decade of total minority submission to straight white men in media and then we can talk about (slowly) having ‘strong’ female characters return.

      • 3 months ago

        Everyone was more willing to go along with 'the fantasy' because everyone knew it was just fiction.

        It wasn't until people started seriously forcing us to believe these things are reality that the pushback started.

    • 3 months ago

      As did Ripley in aliens, where it's adoptive mom vs xeno mom basically.

  3. 3 months ago

    She was hot as frick, that's why

  4. 3 months ago
    • 3 months ago

      I used to be physically repulsed by women with short hair until I watched this show, now I jack off to Vi blender porn at least twice a week.

      • 3 months ago

        Post some. More points if futa.

  5. 3 months ago

    Same with Barbara in the Savini's Night of the Living Dead remake. They're just grounded, realistic characters. These days everything is political or pushing some kind of agenda.

  6. 3 months ago

    They weren't trying to peddle the muh feminism or muh first women character route until the 2010s when identity politics consumed the world.

    Blade and Spawn both featured a black superhero but that was never a selling point for the movie. 20 Years later Black Panther comes out and everyone was talking about THE FIRST BLACK SUPERHERO EVER

    • 3 months ago

      You're moronic. They started doing this in the 70s. Moonraker contains a blatant scene where Holly is like "Yes, I'm a woman! Surprised!?"

  7. 3 months ago

    T2 would be called woke if it came out today
    >black scientist character
    >sarah connor goes on a rant about how men only know how to destroy and don't know what it's like to create life

    • 3 months ago

      If this movie came out today you'd all call it woke, don't kid yourselves

      Except Sarah isnt shown to be a good example of a strong woman. She's a wreck of a human. She's a shitty mother to John, she's violent to everyone around her, and she almost kills an innocent dude in front of his wife and kid. Cameron never intended her to be relatable.

    • 3 months ago

      a woman in an action movie? HAHAHAH

      a woman trying to look like a man? HAHAHAHA

      at least the bad science man was black

    • 3 months ago

      Nah it's different
      >Spends her days being molested by men, controlled by men, and generally just interacting with men she doesn't like
      >Naturally gets butthurt about men
      It's all developed which is why it doesn't feel forced

    • 3 months ago

      There's movies from the 50s would be called woke now. Rightoids are nutcases

    • 3 months ago

      >immediately gets called out by a child because she’s having an unproductive temper tantrum

    • 3 months ago

      You're worse than the "X couldn't be made today" people.

  8. 3 months ago

    If this movie came out today you'd all call it woke, don't kid yourselves

  9. 3 months ago

    Nostalgia-tinted glasses.
    Nowadays people would have their panties in a twist about woke propaganda pushing the idea that the woman can come toe to toe with terminator and that Cameron is a commie cuck for doing that.

  10. 3 months ago

    >Why is it so hard to create that nowadays?
    Because b***hing about woke shit in media has became a grift, and people will be mad out of principle.
    Just like woke shit was never about equality, the backlash is never about integrity/plot/fighting woke narrative/whatever. It's about being mad for clout and taking the brownie points for being an edgy contrarian homosexual on the internet.
    The whole kulturkampf on the internet nowadays, pretty much, can be embodied by some swarthy street interviewer youtuber who wanted to "prove that guys are funnier than the girls" and just fake laughed when the guy he interviewed said anything.
    Everything is just so fake and non-genuine nowadays. It's as if people not just lost, but actively threw away any semblance of principles and beliefs and now if you have any moral foundament/principles, that won't get changed the moment it becomes more profitable for you, you are being considered fricking schizo.
    The average modern man/woman is a hypocritical amoeba that will change their whole system of values at the whim.
    Sorry for the rant.

  11. 3 months ago

    Because she's an actual character that's not just stronk woman. She has flaws and realizes her mistakes throughout the movie and actually tries to overcomes them. If it was made today the scene where she sees the T800 again she would probably try to punch him instead of doing what everybody else would do in that situation and run away traumatized.

  12. 3 months ago

    Because they simply don't even try anymore. Too lazy and stupid to write a complex well-written female character who has both strengths and weaknesses, which is crucial for creating a realistic strong female character.

  13. 3 months ago

    We've now entered the post Love Lies Bleeding era. Get ready for more Katy O'Brian varbiekino.

  14. 3 months ago

    female character that doesn't come across as pretentious
    she is literally a man in every way

  15. 3 months ago

    Because your brain wasn't as rotted as it is now.

    If this came out today it would be ridiculed by the antiwoke brigade. And that's not even mentioning how the brilliant superscientist is black

  16. 3 months ago

    Strong female characters are coming.
    >...Samaire was more than willing to show off her impressive new guns. "Training with Gina [Carano] has changed my life. She's very strict with my diet and routine and it's starting to pay off. I feel like Supergirl!" The outspoken The OC alumna will be starring in her very own action movie in 2024. When asked if she used any supplements, the 41-year-old laughed and assured us that she's "125% natural"...

  17. 3 months ago

    >what if a woman was just written as a man

  18. 3 months ago

    Because modern filmakers don't want their strong women to have flaws.
    Sarah Connor is tough, but she's a complete idiot. She's irreparably damaged her son by behaving like a maniac, she spends all day doom-saying and training to kill a normal guy, and even after years of training, she still doesn't land any of her shots in T2.
    She's completely unlikable, she's a complete psycho, and that's why she's endearing.
    Because she's doing it all to try and save the world, and even if she's not doing a good job at it, she's desperate to try.
    She doesn't just wave her pinky and take down the T-1000 in hand-to hand, she barely managed to kill the T-800 after its legs were taken off. She perseveres because she's the good guy, and that means getting your ass kicked and getting back up.

    It wouldn't matter now anyways. If T2 was released for the first time today, people would hate it because there's been so many horrible women in cinema over the past 10 years that the audience has a Pavlovian response to action girls.

  19. 3 months ago

    Is this the wheyfu thread?

    • 3 months ago

      >tight pants, tight groupings

    • 3 months ago
  20. 3 months ago

    Nothing changed, you just got radicalized. Nice job

  21. 3 months ago

    She had her feminine/damsel in distress arc
    She became the character, she didn't start out as it

  22. 3 months ago

    Because all good badass characters have good motivations: protecting their loved ones.

  23. 3 months ago

    She is still willing and capable of being a mother figure and she has multiple moments of intense vulnerability. Same reason Ripley works.

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