SUPERMAN leaks compilation

>Superman has been active for a couple of years and is struggling to reconcile his human upbringing with his Kryptonian heritage.
>Other superheroes like Mister Terrific, Hawkgirl, Metamorpho, Green Lantern and the Engineer are edgy and kill when necessary. Superman is an outcast among them for his optimism and no-kill rule, and ultimately inspires them to change their ways.
>Lex Luthor is running for President while secretly war profiteering on an armed conflict in the nation of Bialya. When Superman intervenes in Bialya, the U.S. government recruits Luthor to create a Superman clone dubbed “Ultraman” for them.
>Ultraman deteriorates into Bizarro and goes rogue. The other heroes try to stop him but fail, and it is up to Superman to save the world, while the Lois Lane and the Daily Planet staff work to expose Luthor.
>The movie reportedly ends with Superman revealing his secret identity to Lois, Luthor avoiding repercussions and advancing in the presidential race, and Supergirl arriving on Earth.

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  1. 2 weeks ago

    I don't care. Superheroes are homosexuals.

  2. 2 weeks ago

    Holy frick did /misc/ write this?

    • 2 weeks ago

      child groomer james gunn did

    • 2 weeks ago

      No, its mostly based on the Joe Kelly penned issue of Action Comics titles "What's So Funny About Truth Justice And The American Way?" from early 2001.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Easily the worst story Joe Kelly ever penned. I don't know what Kelly was so hung up about the Authority, other that the comic sold a lot better than the Superman comic he was writing at the time.

  3. 2 weeks ago

    Another Superman origin "I'm confused, please hold me" story.

    James Gunn is a homosexual

  4. 2 weeks ago


    • 2 weeks ago

      Bow down to the king, b***h.

    • 2 weeks ago

      That would be kinography

    • 2 weeks ago

      The crossover we really need.

  5. 2 weeks ago

    >superman is gay and sucks dick all day

    • 2 weeks ago

      is gay and sucks dick all day

      >superman is gay and sucks dick all day

    • 2 weeks ago

      imagine how much suck he could do

    • 2 weeks ago

      Nah that’s you

  6. 2 weeks ago

    > Superman is an outcast among them for his optimism and no-kill rule,
    Imaging going out of his way so much to please the no killing nerdggers.
    I imagine the red trousers will be a plot point too. Fricking hack lmao

    • 2 weeks ago

      Seems weird to make most of the superheroes killers just to make Superman seem unique.

      • 2 weeks ago

        I don't know Green Lantern, and I know they're afraid to try again with him as a main character, but I find it hilarious that he's been relegated to bloodthirsty killer to drive home this plot point of theirs.

        • 2 weeks ago

          The Green Lantern in Superman is Guy Gardner who is the "jerk" lantern. He won't be the main GL in the universe.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman don't kill. Deal with it.

  7. 2 weeks ago

    >they resisted the raceswapping urge
    >Superman is optimistic and has a moral code
    >we're actually going to get a live-action Bizarro

    It it possible that it might not suck?

    • 2 weeks ago

      They made him israeli, thry casted a closeted israelite that JJAbrams forced Gunn to hire

      Th see you cast israelites to look white but aren't t hen cast minorities in all the supporting roles to make the white person seem like the outsider

      • 2 weeks ago

        Tf did JJ Abrams have to do with the hiring

      • 2 weeks ago

        >They made him israeli
        SUPERMAN HAS ALWAYS BEEN A israelite.
        >his race experiences a holocaust
        >he goes to live among European (Descent) Whites
        >uses a stolen White Euro name
        >keeps his true heritage secret as he forces his values onto the entire world
        He was created by two israelite men as a israelite power fantasy. The sooner you moronic c**ts understand this, the better.

        • 2 weeks ago

          Yes. Created by israelites but later the character was changed to be brought up as Christian.

    • 2 weeks ago

      its a Gunn film dude its gonna be fricking garbage

      • 2 weeks ago

        His suicide squad movie was pretty good imo

      • 2 weeks ago

        ? Guardians of the galaxy were the best of marvel movies, suicide squad by gunn was by far superior to the previous one, peacemaker is also the only watchable marvel series.

        • 2 weeks ago

          Peacemaker is DC but yea I agree his shit is the only non slop from both studios in the last 4-5 or so years.

          • 2 weeks ago

            ? Guardians of the galaxy were the best of marvel movies, suicide squad by gunn was by far superior to the previous one, peacemaker is also the only watchable marvel series.

            Fricking embarrassing. Gunn is just like Waititi. The definition of gayslop.

      • 2 weeks ago

        good morning sir! so the needful for mistar snyder!

    • 2 weeks ago

      Mister Terrific was race-swapped in the comics and in this movie. Lois Lane is unnecessary, and in this movie. Jimmy Olsen is unnecessary, and in this movie. Perry White is unnecessary, race-swapped to be black, and in this movie. Two characters from Richard Donner's 1978 movie are re-interpreted in this movie, with one of them being race-swapped. From the "leaks" in the first post, this is yet another movie where Superman fights some form of Kryptonian (Superman II, Superman III, Superman IV, Man Of Steel, Dawn Of Justice), and no one else from his rogues gallery.

      How the flying frick is this shit good to you? Point one thing out in that paragraph that seems good to you.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >Lois, Jimmy, and Perry are unnecessary
        Frick off. The problem with this movie is not enough Superman adjacent characters.

        • 2 weeks ago

          You mean man of steel. This movie filled the frick out of the daily planet. It has the most superman adjacent characters of any single superman project I’ve seen to date (other than animated shows that aired for like 6 seasons).

          It’s got Jimmy, Lois, Krypto, Supergirl (since she’s already been cast), Perry white, the sport guy in the daily planet, 2 other chicks in the daily planet, Lex, his 2 parents (alive), and a bunch of superhero’s for him to interact with.

          What superman adjacent character is missing to you?

          • 2 weeks ago

            Watch all those characters get sidelined for all the other heroes they're chucking in there to set up other movies.

            • 2 weeks ago

              This could or could not happen. But I’m not moronic enough to shit on it before it’s been seen. Right now, I’m only going based on what the guy has described is the plan, which is for both of superman’s lived in worlds to be represented well.

              If he fricks it up, then he gets blamed. Same like how snyder was blamed for fricking it up.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Honestly for what it’s worth, based on the set leaks and news we have, I actually have a ton of faith.

                Pictures from the last couple days shows he’s doing an Art Deco, retro futuristic metropolis like we always should have had. With the glove on top of the daily planet and the Batman animated series Art Deco don’t and shit.

                I know the suit wasn’t an incredible reveal, but for what it’s worth I still have faith until I see something totally shit. Like snyder muted colors level of bad.

                Look how and shit is over at marvel and Star Wars. As a DC fan, it could be a lot fricking worse (remember the snyder or flash days).

                At least now there’s a competent architect who’s executing his vision. (And he’s not diehard woke like Kathleen Kennedy or whoever the frick, Jimmy is still white, lantern is white, Lex is white, Lois is white, etc)

                Not that i give a shit about race, but just as examples of where previous projects have race bent the finger to black or made lois asian or some shit.

                I have faith in him. He seems to be a legitimate comic book fan and his movies generally have soul. He can have a cringey sense of humor but I guess I'd prefer that to Snydershit or wokeshit.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >He seems to be a legitimate comic book fan
                I don't know where people get this idea, none of his adaptations are faithful to the characters.

              • 2 weeks ago

                This, they hand him characters, and he stamps them into the same pathetic misfits every single time.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Because he’s only done misfits? When has he put non misfits into the box of misfits?

                Guardians and the suicide squad have always been moronic, throwaway, misfit characters.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >Guardians have always been moronic, throwaway, misfit characters
                try reading a fricking comic

              • 2 weeks ago

                I don’t need your virginass comics. His reinterpretation is miles better than whatever boring ass, slog comic you’re referencing.

              • 2 weeks ago

                One look at his threads or interviews or Twitter would tell you the guy is a comic nerd. He’s read all the DC comics and catches up on newer ones regularly.

                I believe in him like the other guy said because we’ve seen the anti-Gunn (snyder), where the movies were min maxed for cool moments and suits and shit but mid story and we saw how that went. Gunn prioritize a story + soul, which in the movie making business, is more important than just coop suits.

                Cool suits are gravy, and hey, we don’t know if it’s full fricked yet or not. We’ve only seen 1 pic of the costume in shitty lighting while crouched

              • 2 weeks ago

                I'm fine with Gunn making the Skwad his usual pack of buttholes, Losers and Dooduses, but do we we really want that for the League?

              • 2 weeks ago

                No. But there’s no evidence he’ll do that with the league at all. He’s already said the tone of this won’t be jokey and quipu like the other films and that it’ll be different. People just don’t believe him even though his history has shown he can write serious characters and emotional moments.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >People just don’t believe him even though his history has shown he can write serious characters and emotional moments.
                But he can't.

              • 2 weeks ago

                He's never really dealt with iconic characters that people actually care about. Both Suicide Squad and Guardians of the Galaxy were for the most part filled with D list characters that he could change into whatever he wanted with no blowback. Even then I think the only one he really fricked up the spirit of was Drax.

                I doubt he's going to pull Snyder levels of creative liberties with the big names like Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Luthor, etc.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >I doubt he's going to pull Snyder levels of creative liberties with the big names like Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Luthor, etc
                Making all the side characters into jokes is annoying even if you don't care about the specific characters.

          • 2 weeks ago

            The same characters were in Man of Steel.

            MoS started the trend of Perry White being black with the casting of Laurence Fishburne, Steve Lombart was played by Michael Kelly (the based guy from Dawn of the Dead), Amy Adams as Lois Lane, they had a Latina playing a female version of Jimmy Olsen called Jenny Olsen because Jimmy fricking sucks, Richard Schiff played Dr. Emil Hamilton, Christopher Meloni played Colonel Nathan Hardy who in the comics becomes the hero known as The Guardian. not to mention several other characters from that i can't be assed to name.

        • 2 weeks ago

          >Frick off. The problem with this movie is not enough Superman adjacent characters.
          WHO THE FRICK WANTS JIMMY OLSEN OR LOIS LANE?!?!?! Who the frick wants Perry White? Who the frick is paying 20 somethin' dollars to see Otis and Miss Teschmacher from the 1978 Richard Donner movie? Who the frick in 2025 is going out of their way to see any of these so-called "Superman" characters?
          Where are the real cool Superman concepts and characters that can actually help him like Star Labs, Cadmus, John Henry Irons, Steel, Steelworks, the Suicide Slums, the science police, The City Of Tomorrow version of Metropolis, shit like that? Where is all that shit at?
          You frick off. None of that is present here.

          • 2 weeks ago


            Do you like your Batman without any Alfred or Jim Gordon you gay

            • 2 weeks ago

              You god damn dumb gay. Did you see Batman in a story without Gordon or Alfred? You picked Batman of ALL characters to use that example with. Batman, who's been in BILLIONS of plots and stories and issues without Jim or Pennyworth even "thought" of, is your example of someone who can't go a story with Alfred or Gordon in it. Jesus.
              When you saw stories without those two in it, and I know you did and if you tell me you never saw one without them in it then you're lying, when you saw stories without those two in it, did you say to yourself: "This Batman story is so much lesser because fuxking Alfred and Jim Gordon didn't show up."? Are you really gonna lie anonymously on this board?

              • 2 weeks ago

                I ain’t lying. What Batman movie including animated ones is missing both Alfred and Gordon. It’s always got at least one of them. Nolan’s trilogy, reeves movie, the Keaton movies, BvS, mask of the phantasm, all the other animated shit, the animated series, even the Arkham games.

                What have you been watching where they’re left out. Or is this where you tell me to read the goyslop comics like a nerd

              • 2 weeks ago

                Batman is the epstien of dc. Throws party’s for the wealthy actively recruits young boys to live with and play dress up with him. Batman is a pedophile

              • 2 weeks ago

                A single issue of a comic is different from a $200M budget movie. A comic can do stuff the movie can't because there are 12 issues each year. The movie has to include all the foundational stuff because it's what people want to see.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >People want to see Alfred snark at Batman and another car
                >People want to see Luthor's latest real-estate/monster-man plot
                Or maybe WB just has no imagination, so they keep trotting out the same stale formula?
                Batman has fought 4 villains in a row in salvation army coats, trying to blow up Gotham because society.

          • 2 weeks ago

            He’s literally doing the retro futuristic metropolis you moron. As for steel - why the frick would you want that. He’s not cool at all. I’ll take Lois and her big breasts any day over fricking boring ass steel.

            Do you go to captain America movies to see falcon? moron

            • 2 weeks ago

              >retro futuristic metropolis
              People seem to be inferring too much from some meager set leaks. All I saw was some shop fronts and the door of the Daily Planet which did admittedly look retro but what was futuristic about it?

              • 2 weeks ago

                There were some leaks of store fronts with logos that showed the metropolis skyline (with the planet on top of the building).

                And then that hour long Gunn interview with Rosenbaum where he talks about how he loves that DC over marvel and others has fictional, malleable cities that can be defined in universe. Like metropolis and Gotham. He said he doesn’t like how marvel being in NYC limits their creativity a ton and likes that with DC, he can stylise the cities and tones etc

            • 2 weeks ago

              >I’ll take Lois and her big breasts any day over fricking boring ass steel.

              >Do you go to captain America movies to see falcon? moron
              Oh. Oh you really tucked up. I already pointed out how Isabela Moner and all her hotness helped sabotage Madame Web, and Transformers The Last Knight, and now you throw in a lay-up, easy reference to her co-star from Madame Web, Sydney Sweeney? Big breasts? HOW'D THOSE BIG breasts WORK FOR MADAME WEB?! Did you even frickin see Madame Web yet? Both those b***hes were in it, along with another b***h that got named over and over and over in 50 shades of gray. How the frick are you gonna talk about breasts when breasts didn't help half the movies that Sweeney was in perform well? Name a frickin' movie Moner was in that DID perform well at the box office. I'll wait.
              And fricking Sam Wilson's absolutely pathetic ass at least can fight somebody. The flying frick is Jimmy Olsen or Lois LANE gonna do to make you buy a $20-plus premium ticket in 2025?
              This is how YOU promote a movie? With fricking Jimmy Olsen? And black Jim Gordon?
              Ooh I can't wait to see moronic Superman, aka Bizarro. Frick Parasite. Frick Metallo. Let's get another Kryptonian in yet another first Superman movie.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Are you fricking moronic. How can you do a superman movie without Lois Lane and Jimmy. The closest we have to that is Man of Steel and, as good as the action is, we see how devoid of life and soul that movie is. It’s like saying make a Spider-Man movie without a Harry or MJ or make a Batman movie without Alfred. It’s moronic to do.

        That, and Gunn has said many times the main villain is Lex

        • 2 weeks ago

          There are millions of Batman and Superman stories without Alfred or Jimmy or Lois or Perry or Gordon. Batman and Superman have MILLIONS of characters that can more than make up for the absence of these over-used characters. I know you all know that. I don't know why you all act as if it is impossible.
          I keep hearing Batman has the greatest villains, the greatest rogues gallery, yet all we get is Alfred, and Gordon, and Joker, and more Gordon, and more Joker, and more fricking Alfred. If Batman is so great, and Alfred is so great, then why do his goddamn extended cast of characters never get seen and shown the light of day? It's those same three or four characters over and over, but everyone says Batman is the best character because he has the best characters surrounding him. Bullshit! Batman just has the same lame-ass characters because the same lame-ass writers write for the same lame-ass fans over and over.
          Same bullshit with Superman. Same characters used because the characters that try to deepen Superman's lore get left behind for Jimmy fricking Olsen's useless ass. James Gunn is just a likable Snyder. Gunn, Zack, and David Goyer all did the same shit; Bryan Singer and his minion writers too. They all just used tv-tier characters that would use the least amount of creativity and energy to write a story around,
          Writing Steelworks and John Henry Irons takes slightly more imagination than Lois. Writing Cadmus and Star Labs takes slightly more imagination than Perry White. Or fricking Otis. Or fricking Miss Teschmacher.
          This goddamn movie ain't gonna come down to how well Jimmy Olsen is portrayed in it. Frick off.

          • 2 weeks ago

            Well you’ll be happy to know then that he case miss teschmaster for the movie with a hot Latina.

            As for the Batman villains (superman I feel is unfair since there’s been like 2 modern movies, 3 counting BvS), yea the writers are moronic.

            Jim imo is always needed, same with Alfred. Now why they keep doing joker, two face, riddler, and cat woman, I have no fricking clue. I’m not sure where mad hatter and court of owls and deathstroke and shit are. Or freeze and clay face even. That’s a question for the moronic writers and directors. I wish as much as you they’d actually show new villains like hatter or pyg, believe me. But they’re moronic somehow

      • 2 weeks ago

        >Lois Lane is unnecessary, and in this movie. Jimmy Olsen is unnecessary, and in this movie.
        It's a Superman movie

    • 2 weeks ago

      >they resisted the raceswapping urge
      >Superman is optimistic and has a moral code
      >we're actually going to get a live-action Bizarro
      And on top of all that shit in my first post

      Mister Terrific was race-swapped in the comics and in this movie. Lois Lane is unnecessary, and in this movie. Jimmy Olsen is unnecessary, and in this movie. Perry White is unnecessary, race-swapped to be black, and in this movie. Two characters from Richard Donner's 1978 movie are re-interpreted in this movie, with one of them being race-swapped. From the "leaks" in the first post, this is yet another movie where Superman fights some form of Kryptonian (Superman II, Superman III, Superman IV, Man Of Steel, Dawn Of Justice), and no one else from his rogues gallery.

      How the flying frick is this shit good to you? Point one thing out in that paragraph that seems good to you.

      they name Bizarro Ultraman, eliminating any possibility of having an actual Crime Syndicate storyline in the future.
      Hawkgirl is not some 4 foot 9 Hispanic that only appears in movies that bomb horribly. This b***h was in Transformers The Last Knight, and Madame Web. Whose dick did she suck to get that part?

      • 2 weeks ago

        She's hot as frick. Cry more, b***hbreasts.

        • 2 weeks ago

          That’s what I’m saying. Bunch of gays here that wanted some lesbian troony or something instead.

          Be glad we got some ultra hot Latina. It could have been so much worse. Gunn is knocking 2 birds with 1 stone satisfying his diversity requirements by pulling in hotties.

          Look at the women he’s cast. Half of them are Brazilian/South American models. At least we know he’s not a gay

        • 2 weeks ago

          >She's hot as frick.
          How come "She's hot as frick." helped crash Madame Web and Transformers The Last Knight. "Box office poison" is what they call a performer like that. Where the frick did I say I wanted ugly actresses you stupid frickin' idiot? You can cast hot witches in roles that require hot witches. Show me a hot character I've never seen before. Is that too much to ask? With Superman you can't afford to frick up his presentation, considering how badly Superman has performed at the box office in the past WITH Lois LANE, and WITH Jimmy Olsen, and WITH Perry White.
          These hot witches, and these Superman characters, have shown up in movies before, and they all bombed. If those movies were extremely profitable, James Gunn making this Superman movie for release in 2025 as we currently know it would not exist. If Isabela Moner/Merced were a box office magnet, she would have signed a long term contract a LONG time ago, instead of dudding up every project she appears in. How'd Jimmy and Lois work for Batman Versus Superman? Perry wasn't even in 6 fricking hours of the streaming or theatrical version of the Justice League.
          Show me the strengths of these supporting Superman characters and hot casted actresses that I'm missing. Show me the money they've made. Stop being third world country shills and actually show me proof

          • 2 weeks ago

            you have autism

          • 2 weeks ago

            Yea man, a white actress in her place would have totally lifted Madame web from the ashes. Totally. She’s the reason it bombed. Same with transformers, which has captured 0 of the younger audiences and only has gay 40 year olds left in its fandome.

            Jimmy and Lois were barely in BvS. Jimmy had 10 seconds of screen time and the daily planet had a cumulative total of like 2 minutes because Snyder is moronic.

            You’re asking why these characters are important? The same reason the short costume lady in incredibles is important. Or the same reason Jim is important in the dark knight. You need side characters to move the plot forward and to show different sides of superman’s personality. And who better than the people that work at the daily planet to show Clark is also a geek and nerd and shit.

            • 2 weeks ago

              Superman has never been a "geek" or a "nerd".

              • 2 weeks ago

                Daily planet Clark has always been a bit socially aloof

            • 2 weeks ago

              Millions that will never see the light of day, because uber-scared people like you, in much stronger positions of power, think that a Superman movie can't be complete without absolutely worthless Jimmy Olsen and Lois LANE. Superman and Batman and Spider-Man and all these other 60-plus-year-old super-heroes have PLENTY of side characters and supporting characters and sidekicks that can fill that role. You think I wanna see frickin' Steel's corny ass, or Guardianz. Frick no. But ai "do" wanna see a character before that I've never seen before. Jimmy Olsen in your movie takes up screen time, and therefore scenery, as in, locations, from a more interesting, and never-before-seen, Superman character who can support Superman every bit as good as Jimmy Olsen can, and then some. The fact that people blindly defend Lois and Jimmy, and even Perry to a lesser extent, makes me believe that some of y'all are on the movie and defending the script.
              It's nice to have any Superman character or supporting character for any main character be in a story and well-written, and well-presented, but I am saying Superman HAS FRICKING THOUSANDS OF SUPPORTING FRICKING CHARACTERS. Let's be goddamn brave for once and explore that.
              For all the support that Jimmy gives, you can only do so much with Jimmy Olsen. You can only go so far with him, and Lois. Superman is an alien, but is stuck on the planet Earth like gravity. I wonder what frickin' holds him there? Maybe if he had other supporting characters that had flight capability, he could leave the planet, and show us something unprecedented in a Superman movie, especially one where the director tells you it isn't his first rodeo.
              Why would I care about The Daily Planet with a guy that can fly away from Earth with one of the Green Lanterns?

              • 2 weeks ago

                >For all the support that Jimmy gives, you can only do so much with Jimmy Olsen. You can only go so far with him

              • 2 weeks ago

                Jimmy Olsen sucked in those stories written by Jack Kirby, to the point nobody remembers Darkseid and his adjacent characters originally came from Jimmy's spin-off comic.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Frick you, man. Those issues were dope.

              • 2 weeks ago


              • 2 weeks ago

                Imagine being a kid in the 70s and getting brain damage from reading this comic.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >Why would I care about The Daily Planet with a guy that can fly away from Earth with one of the Green Lanterns?
                Completely missing the point of Superman.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Our only source for bizarro being ultraman is some moronic neck beard here. Don’t get so worked up yet

        And Isabela Moner is hot as frick so who cares. It’s better than some nose pierced lesbo

        • 2 weeks ago

          >some nose pierced lesbo
          Someone opposite a little girl that looks like a little girl doesn't have to be a monster. Why are you all doing that moronic extremist shit? No one recommended or even hinted at casting ugly witches. Women in comic books look like hot prostitutes, so why would I want the live-action version of comic book females to look different?
          I said I don't want a b***h who's got a track record of being in "bombs", who is RACE-SWAPPED, and doesn't look or fit the part of Hawkgirl/Hawkwoman whatsoever, to be in this part. There's a million hispanic b***hes they can cast that are better suited, and TALLER, than Moner/Merced. Why cast a girl that looks like a never-aging tanned teenage vampire? They talk that "girl" part in Hawkgirl quite literally.
          This thread is full of dumbass foreigners and non-whites defending this crap. It's always the same people on every site, Cinemaphile or otherwise

          • 2 weeks ago

            Nah this some gay detected if you think she looks like a vampire. Who cares that it got raceswapped from a white to a Latina.

            What, you want 90% of the characters to be white? Better they make the side characters latino/a and black and chill and keep the main ones non race swapped. You can’t have a cast that is 90% white, that’s moronic

    • 2 weeks ago

      That's a good point. Catch is it's James Gunn. Anybody with hair that fake cannot be trusted.

  8. 2 weeks ago

    >Superman not being BLACKED
    What a fricking waste, not seeing this boring garbage

  9. 2 weeks ago

    Agay israeli Superman. Lemme guess what the real villan is gonna be

  10. 2 weeks ago

    >When Superman intervenes in Bialya
    Bialya is one of those fake DC comics countries, which happens to be in the Middle East. Does anyone actually want to see Superman doing War on Terror shit in 2024?

    • 2 weeks ago

      Hack Snyder had him brutally murder a terrorist needlessly, so yes. More of whatever that hack visionary wants.

  11. 2 weeks ago

    >green lantern kill when necessary
    is that GL Guy Gardner?

    • 2 weeks ago

      Yes, played by 53 year old Nathan Fillion because Gunn loves doing favors for his cronies.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Man, wtf he is too old. He doesnt have that Guy swag.

      • 2 weeks ago

        No it's because they want to lure you in with whiteness and kill him off to bring in the fresh black latern

    • 2 weeks ago

      God, I fricking wish. Didn't John Stewart also kill left and right when he had to? I mean the guy was ex-military and became a space cop

      • 2 weeks ago

        Traditionally, Green Lanterns couldn’t kill even if they wanted to due to their rings having a built-in feature that prevented killing.

        • 2 weeks ago

          Yeah, but they got rid of that rule in Sinestro Corp War, just like Rebirth got rid of Hal's green one-piece bathing suit look and the weakness to yellow.

      • 2 weeks ago

        He wasn't an ex-marine until JL/U animated gave that backstory to him.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Maybe its Baz.

  12. 2 weeks ago

    What about the authority? I thought Gunn said they would have a role on the movie.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Gunn said that rumor was false, The Engineer is a member of The Authority so I assume he's setting them up for other movies. It's annoying to me how much of this Superman movie has nothing to do with Superman.

  13. 2 weeks ago

    >ultimately inspires them to change their ways.
    gay gay gay gay gay

    superheroes need to kill im sorry.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Snyder got it right. Snapping necks and cashing checks.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Hey Zach, how is the rebel moon 8 hour cut going?

    • 2 weeks ago

      not non-enhanced individuals if there's another way

  14. 2 weeks ago

    Anyone else think the costume looks terrible? They MCU-ified Superman.
    >Pointless panels and lines
    >Basketball texture
    >High collar and shoulder cape look militaristic
    >Kingdom Come shield logo for no reason
    >Trunks slapped onto the New 52 design that doesn't suit them at all

    The trunks specifically look like Gunn added them at the last minute after he did that poll on his Twitter account.

  15. 2 weeks ago

    No here is the real leak
    >the movie starts out with superman's son
    >he is remembering his father superman
    >he tells about the cool things superman did
    >it's like "how I met your mother" but the kid is talking
    Also there's no hawkgirl - everybody knows this - because Groyer loudly complained to everybody that he didn't get a check from WB for this movie

    • 2 weeks ago

      >No Hawkgirl

      It's already confirmed she's in it.

  16. 2 weeks ago

    Its a plane its a bird no its a Gay Trans Black homie flying

  17. 2 weeks ago

    This is an insult to Snyders vision and everything he built in the DCEU.

  18. 2 weeks ago

    Honestly for what it’s worth, based on the set leaks and news we have, I actually have a ton of faith.

    Pictures from the last couple days shows he’s doing an Art Deco, retro futuristic metropolis like we always should have had. With the glove on top of the daily planet and the Batman animated series Art Deco don’t and shit.

    I know the suit wasn’t an incredible reveal, but for what it’s worth I still have faith until I see something totally shit. Like snyder muted colors level of bad.

    Look how and shit is over at marvel and Star Wars. As a DC fan, it could be a lot fricking worse (remember the snyder or flash days).

    At least now there’s a competent architect who’s executing his vision. (And he’s not diehard woke like Kathleen Kennedy or whoever the frick, Jimmy is still white, lantern is white, Lex is white, Lois is white, etc)

    Not that i give a shit about race, but just as examples of where previous projects have race bent the finger to black or made lois asian or some shit.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Pictures from the last couple days shows he’s doing an Art Deco, retro futuristic metropolis like we always should have had

      That would be nice if it were true.

      • 2 weeks ago

        You should look at the recent set leaks.

        • 2 weeks ago

          I just looked them up

          >retro futuristic metropolis
          People seem to be inferring too much from some meager set leaks. All I saw was some shop fronts and the door of the Daily Planet which did admittedly look retro but what was futuristic about it?

          there's not much to go on.

          • 2 weeks ago

            I’ll admit a lot of what I’m saying is putting 2 and 2 together from his rosenbaum interview and the set leaks and his talk on threads. Which I feel is enough.

            Think about it like this - we have seen 0 evidence to the contrary that it’ll just be Chicago like man of steel. And evidence both from Gunn verbally and from these meager set leaks that it’ll be a real metropolis

    • 2 weeks ago

      Unironically have a nice day

      • 2 weeks ago


    • 2 weeks ago

      >At least now there’s a competent architect who’s executing his vision. (And he’s not diehard woke like Kathleen Kennedy or whoever the frick, Jimmy is still white, lantern is white, Lex is white, Lois is white, etc)
      Why are people acting like there are no goddamn race swaps in this movie? You're wasting yet another Superman movie on a throwaway Kryptonian villain, aka a fricking Superman clone. How the frick can y'all be lookin' forward to that?
      Perry is....Mister Terrific is....Hawkgirl is...Otis is... Miss Teschmacher is...

      • 2 weeks ago

        This will be the 3rd Superman movie where Luthor builds a Kryptonian Monster-Man.
        That exact plot.
        Let that sink in.

        • 2 weeks ago

          >Luthor builds a Kryptonian Monster-Man.
          Isn't that also BvS?

          • 2 weeks ago

            Yes, BvS, Superman III and apparently Gunn's movie, all with the same fricking plot.

        • 2 weeks ago

          It's sunk in. It has sunk in. Ages ago. And it scares me. This guy is re-using Richard Donner characters for a 2025 audience. Why? Zod turned Lord Of The Rings troll-inspired Doomsday. This 2025 movie. You're gonna waste the Ultraman name, and everything that goes with it, on a first movie, throwaway, served-up-on-a-platter, starter kit entry-level villain position of a ("semi") main villain character? If you're semi, we'll then you ain't the main are you?
          Please dear God tell me we don't have another Kryptonian for Clark to fight. Even Parasite, who would temporarily become like Superman, is essentially Rogue, a potentially, depressed Rogue if they go the sympathetic route, or more of a villainous Rogue if they went the straight-up villainous route.

          Superman is so much more than Donner, but all guys like Bryan Singer and James Gunn, and even Snyder's moronic ass know are the Richard Donner movie. This is the frickin' problem with the character. All anyone knows is a 1978 movie, even though people claim to love to shit on old things, and say that old things are too out-dated. The frick they are, y'all can't move on from it.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Perry to black is an adjacent race swap. Nobody gives a shit about it. It’s inconsequential. Hawkgirl is an upgrade unless you’re a gay. Mister terrific has been shown as black 10s of times before. And also gay if you’re not happy with the teschmacher actress, she’s bad asf

        • 2 weeks ago

          Someone above did. It's unnecessary. And it's not the only unnecessary thing in the movie. They've got miscastings with Nathan Fillion, in a DC Comics project. When you've miscast Nathan Fillion as a Green Lantern, you know you've done something wrong. I don't give a frick how old Nathan is, Fillion was born to play Hal Jordan. He IS Hal Jordan, but unfortunately Warner Bros is uber-moronic, and therefore the character of Hal Jordan has been given absolutely zero respect as a result, i.e. resulting in Nathan Fillion cast as a guy, a little Guy, that no true fan sees him as.
          It's like seeing a young actor that would make a great Dick Greyson get cast as Jason Todd and saying it's OK just because they're both designated "Robin". This is the level of fan you experience with live-action comic book adaptations. They have ZERO intelligence.

          • 2 weeks ago

            >I don't give a frick how old Nathan is, Fillion was born to play Hal Jordan
            He's too old, and a clown.

          • 2 weeks ago

            Yeah doing Nathan Fillion as Guy is bizarre when the dudr has been voicing Hal in animated movies for like ten years. Plus he looks like Hal.

            Logically I can see the argument that Guy is a better foil for Superman. Hal is a bit arrogant but Guy is an obnoxious bastard. I think the main conflict will center around Superman confronting immoral heroes. But yeah that fricking casting is like edging and denying the fans its fricking weird

            • 2 weeks ago

              >Plus he looks like Hal.
              Maybe 20 years ago.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Hal has been depicted with salt and pepper gray hair streaks many times

              • 2 weeks ago

                He never read the comics, anon. Specially when he is defending the idea of Guy Gardner BEING OLDER than Hal Jordan.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >Specially when he is defending the idea of Guy Gardner BEING OLDER than Hal Jordan.
                Learn to read, I'm saying Fillion is too old to play either character.

            • 2 weeks ago

              This is going to be one of those Superman stories where a bunch of DC characters are thrown under the bus to make Superman look better by comparison. DC editors and writers love to do this shit. Specially with Wonder Woman.

              Guy Gardner is an butthole, but he got a heart of gold. He's essentially Chris Pratt's Starlord, but in this movie they're going to make him obnoxious.
              Mister Terrific is all about fair play and being the voice of reason, but now he is some edgy hero who likes to get his hands dirty? Get the frick out of here. They also cast a guy that looks nothing like the character. Holt is supposed to be built like a lineback.

              • 2 weeks ago

                > Guy Gardner is an butthole, but he got a heart of gold. He's essentially Chris Pratt's Starlord, but in this movie they're going to make him obnoxious.
                No Guy really is obnoxious. He’s not Chris Pratt. He is way more stubborn / rough n tumble than that. Guy is good deep down but could have a bit of a bullying streak. Humor at the expense of others type. He is closer to Rocket Raccoon if anything. Hal Jordan would be Chris Pratt.

              • 2 weeks ago

                You're talking about the period when writers were purposely writing Guy Gardner as a villain of sorts just so readers would want Hal Jordan back as Green Lantern.

              • 2 weeks ago

                I’m talking about the best version of Guy Gardner from DeMatteis JLI. He is a giant lovable prick.

  19. 2 weeks ago

    Does it explain how shitty his suit is?

  20. 2 weeks ago

    I hope he makes Aquaman an butthole outcast. That's the most kino version of him. Snyder's surfer bro thing was lame.

  21. 2 weeks ago

    That sounds bloated as hell

  22. 2 weeks ago

    Why don't they use the fun Superman characters like Lori Lemaris, Toyman, or Mr Mxyzptlk? Krypto should show up too.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Krypto is in it. But yea I wish they’d use some more out there villains like Mxzypik or parasite

      • 2 weeks ago

        Brainiac is his #2 villain, but instead we get Luthor in 7 of 8 movies.

        • 2 weeks ago

          To be fair, Lithor should always be there in some capacity, but thwy kwep makong him the main if not only villain and it is dumb. Also never quite got him right in live action, even with Hackman being an amazing actor.

          • 2 weeks ago

            >Also never quite got him right in live action
            Michael Rosenbaum and John Shea were the best versions of Luthor.

            • 2 weeks ago

              Too bad yhe shows were kinda mediocre and products of their time. I liked them for what they were, a 90s sitcom and 00s teen drama, but they lacked the timelessness and... well... Superman-ness I wanted. As great as Rosenbaum was... Holy shit did that show reek of the CW.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >Holy shit did that show reek of the CW
                Gunn's superman is the CW with a higher budget.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Krypto is in it. But yea I wish they’d use some more out there villains like Mxzypik or parasite

      You can't open with this dude and you frickin know it.

      • 2 weeks ago

        That I agree would be crazy. I concede that. But would be cool in a third movie or something or in a doctor strange in Thor 3 sort of role.

        But I do agree it would be cool if we could get some variety for the villains. Superman has some good ones to pull from. Toyman, lobo (I remember Jason momoa leaking he got it or something), or parasite would be cool

        • 2 weeks ago

          This is the 8th Superman feature. And they are still trotting out Luthor, Zod, and Luthor's Creature.

          • 2 weeks ago

            In this same # of movies, Spider-Man has fought like three times as many villains.

      • 2 weeks ago

        It would be kino as frick. Visual spectacle that puts Dr. Strange to shame and highlights Superman’s ingenuity. The whole lex/zod thing has been done.

        Then at the end you can pull a “Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow” twist. Amazing

      • 2 weeks ago

        >You can't open with this dude and you frickin know it.
        >rocket raccoon
        >drax's ultra stupidity which damn-near seems to be his super power.
        60% percent of the guardians of the galaxy right there.
        And he pulled the same stunt with the Suicide squad (King Shark and other characters).
        Speaking of same stunts, as I said before, James Gunn is a likeable Zack Snyder, and just like Zack Snyder, he came off a bomb that he made for Warner Bros, only to be handed the keys to the kingdom.

        • 2 weeks ago

          None of those characters are villains. And the first movie opened with the kid from earth.

        • 2 weeks ago

          >and just like Zack Snyder, he came off a bomb that he made for Warner Bros, only to be handed the keys to the kingdom.
          except The Suicide Squad was good, as evidenced by the hot TV show it spun off.

          • 2 weeks ago

            Except not, and the movie bombed, and the spin-off show made for the streamer also fricking bombed. I guess it needed more fat black lesbians and the protagonist being a literal homosexual.

  23. 2 weeks ago

    I've heard the movie will have an all Ska soundtrack.

  24. 2 weeks ago

    >Drumpf allegory
    >Marvel-tier mirror match antagonist
    >Tsuburaya Productions crossover with Ultraman

  25. 2 weeks ago

    If they actually capture the essence of Luthor from the best work done by Azzarello or Morrison it could be really good. I have a feeling they are trying to.

    They seem to be referencing All Star Superman and What's So Funny About Truth, Justice & the American Way? so I think they have at least a better direction than fricking Zack Snyder — a hack who tried to reimagine everything and just burned it to dust

    • 2 weeks ago

      You nailed it

      Finally someone with media literacy

    • 2 weeks ago

      This is exactly the same Hopium we all heard with BvS, almost verbatim.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Snyder literally didn’t understand the subtext of the comic books he adapted. He thought the Dark Knight Returns and Watchmen were just about the fight scenes and some cool one liners. I’m not even trying to say that TDKR or Watchmen is high art or anything. But damn the difference between the comics and movies is night and day.

        • 2 weeks ago

          You're right. BvS was much better than Frank Miller's comic.

          • 2 weeks ago

            okay pajeet whatever you say

    • 2 weeks ago

      >They seem to be referencing All Star Superman and What's So Funny About Truth, Justice & the American Way?
      Black person, they are bringing back Tesmacher and Otis and remaking Superman IV: The Quest for Peace, with added side characters.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >They seem to be referencing All Star Superman
      They'll probably just rip the suicidal girl from that comic and nothing else.

      • 2 weeks ago

        This one?

        • 2 weeks ago

          Yes, that's the only part from the comic I can see them using, the rest of it either wouldn't work with a young Superman or is Silver Age stuff that they won't include because they're afraid of being goofy.

          • 2 weeks ago

            I was hoping Gunn would embrace the Silver age Super Dickery.

        • 2 weeks ago

          lame. jist a buncha pointless talking.

    • 2 weeks ago

      homie, MoS literally lifted straight quote lites from All-Star Superman. If there had a dumb fanboys full of compium before that movie release he'd say the same bullshit "Lets trust Snyder, bro. He seems to getting inspirations from ASS. Fingers crossed"

  26. 2 weeks ago

    Why do comic book movies insist on completely rewriting the source material? They absolutely always make it worse. They should do more faithful adaptations similar to how novels are adapted

  27. 2 weeks ago

    has been active for a couple of years
    Good, everyone knows his fricking origin and it can be told in less than 5 minutes.

    >and is struggling to reconcile his human upbringing with his Kryptonian heritage.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Yep, it's shit. He was raised his whole life as a Kansas Farmer. It'd be like your Mom telling you your Father was really John Redcorn, and suddenly at 30 you are trying to reconcile the "native heritage" of your now extinct tribe.

  28. 2 weeks ago

    >Mister Terrific
    Adults consuming slop with a character with this silly name is why the west is doomed.

    • 2 weeks ago

      I mean it's no Sauron-Man or Slimy Evil-tongue to be sure....

    • 2 weeks ago

      You sound like a pretentious homosexual.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >You sound like a pretentious homosexual.

  29. 2 weeks ago

    It's going to be slop. The only good Superman movies are the Christopher Reeve ones (yes, even including Supergirl and Superman IV).

    • 2 weeks ago

      Not even Reeve would say anything nice about Supergirl or the last 2 movies in the quadrilogy.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Reeve died in 2004, he didn't even get to see any subsequent Superman movies so he had nothing else to compare them to. Of course iII and IV are not as good as I and II.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Those are not good movies either.

  30. 2 weeks ago

    Superman is just hard to adapt. He doesn't have that many great iconic arcs.

  31. 2 weeks ago

    >and is struggling to reconcile his human upbringing with his Kryptonian heritage.
    Why? He's never been to Krypton or interacted with other Kryptonians.

    • 2 weeks ago

      That's the point, he has a whole side of himself he knows nothing about.

      • 2 weeks ago

        The fortress of solitude didn't give him all the information he needed?

        • 2 weeks ago

          Depends on whether he has it. In some versions of the story the Kents find him but the government gets his ship and keep it locked up until Superman finds it again. That's if this version will even have the Fortress.

  32. 2 weeks ago

    >Superman has been active for a couple of years and is struggling to reconcile his human upbringing with his Kryptonian heritage.
    If the movie ends with him building the Fortress that would be cool.

  33. 2 weeks ago

    Sounds gay and moronic. I won’t watch a single second of it. Go woke go broke.

  34. 2 weeks ago

    I only care about one thing, is Bibbo Bibbowski in it?

  35. 2 weeks ago

    I listen to the MoS and BvS tracks when I'm feeling depressed, specially This is My World, Hans Zimmer and Junkie XL are really great

  36. 2 weeks ago

    A reminder, Superboy Prime was right about the modern "heroes" back then and is even more right about them today.

    • 2 weeks ago

      what did he say about them?

  37. 2 weeks ago

    With DC's amazing ability to dodge cultural trend, I predict that there is going to be a rehashing of the edgy superheroes of the '80s & early '90s, while DC would be struck doing a bright and optimistic version.

  38. 2 weeks ago

    >Let's mix up red son and kingdom come

  39. 2 weeks ago

    Too many characters. Gives me Eternals vibes.

  40. 2 weeks ago

    >capeshit capeshit capeshit

    How fricking stupid are you morons to actually never tire of this basic b***h infantile genre? It's the same shit every single movie, Mr. Power Fantasy Man acts like a dense moron for 90% of the movie until he figures out that to beat the villain he has to use the plot device and then punch him really hard, all done in the finest jeet cgi bottom dollar can buy.

    Do none of you ever get embarrassed for liking this slop? Do none of you ever once have that voice in your dull minds saying "Hey Anon, this fricking garbage is all the same and it's clearly made for stupid people, you shouldn't be watching it"?

    • 2 weeks ago

      I’m in medical school and I read comic books on my phone literally every night. Everyone needs an outlet — the world isn’t that serious. It is like video games.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >I’m in medical school and I read comic books on my phone
        Everyone knows doctors are stupid. They're just mechanics of the body.

        • 2 weeks ago

          > Everyone knows doctors are stupid. They're just mechanics of the body.
          Yeah, I’m actually kind of moronic. I have no rebuttal to this. Much smarter people than myself enjoy comics, too.

      • 2 weeks ago

        If any of this is true I'm really happy AI is just years away from replacing you morons.

    • 2 weeks ago

      I realized it. I wanted something different to this Superman live-action formula, and you see how I got scolded throughout the thread for it.

  41. 2 weeks ago
  42. 2 weeks ago

    What I don't get is Superman has had a laughably bad track record due to laughably bad, inept people in charge. Why do the optimistic people all of a sudden have this faith that this is gonna be different? You're showing your age here. You're acting like you never even saw Snyder's catastrophe unfold before your eyes.
    Behold, Zack Snyder, George Miller, Tim Burton, , various tv shows of quality un-fitting and unsuited for a character of Superman's caliber, and somehow you think James Gunn, who's a one-trick pony, is gonna do right by this shit when he's showing you right before your eyes thehis idea of the secret to a watchable Superman movie is copying his Guardians formula, with Richard Donner's characters.
    Jimmy Olsen is gonna make me buy a 4DX ticket. Jimmy and some Latina b***h these guys mentioning her wouldn't give a flying frick about outside of this movie. Ok.

  43. 2 weeks ago

    >struggling to reconcile his human upbringing with his Kryptonian heritage.
    I sleep. I could give a less than a frick about this type of narrative in stories, dude. It always reminds me of fictional kids being written as orphans shunning their adopted families to discover their birth parents aren't shit or whatever. It's just SO FRICKING cliche and no one cares about that aspect of Superman. AT ALL. What the what is there to--who CARES? This homie got powers! Lets see him be the fricking best of all of us and set a stellar example because he's molded by the people in his life! Frick dude just go adapt a comicbook directly it doesn't need all this gay shit.

    The rest of that actually sounds interesting but frick RIGHT OFF with that introspective
    >hurr who am I? Where did I come from?
    Unneeded. We all know who and what Superman is about. Cut the fricking meat and potatoes dude. Oh and if Lois Lane is unattractive or unfeminine or written like a b***h with a dumb opening line like

  44. 2 weeks ago

    I can feel Lex Luthor being used as a blunt stand-in for Donald Trump a mile away, same with the heroes that are edgy and kill being used as a stand-in for Republican and Trump supporters. You know James Gunn would go there. The Suicide Squad and The Peacemaker proved that Gunn will go full embarrassing woke if given the chance.

  45. 2 weeks ago

    Is it so hard to tell a Superman story? It's not difficult at all.

    • 2 weeks ago

      People like you made me hate this page. I actually like this comic, but goddamn i hate people that post this page as the end all, be all of Superman.

      • 2 weeks ago

        It's essential Superman though. His whole schtick is he can save the day no matter what. All the Darkseid or interdenominational threat stuff is just boring. He's just a nice guy

        • 2 weeks ago

          No, frick you.
          Yes, Superman can do anything and he is a hero. He's out there to save people. Still there are more to Superman than being some guardian angel or paternal figure. Everyone reduces Superman to this fricking page.

          I'd rather talk to people posting Superman wrecking cars or punching big villains than obnoxious people that post this shit. Specially because the former ones actually read more than this one Grant Morrison's comic.

          • 2 weeks ago

            So what, you want the Garth Ennis take on Superman? That already exists. Clark Kent and Superman is pure and you want to ruin it

            • 2 weeks ago

              Dude, why are you being so bent out of shape?
              And it is hilarious that you use Garth Ennis as a counter-argument because Ennis wrote Superman before in comics like Hitman and Section 8, and he always write Superman as a the perfect humble immigrant that will sit down with anyone to have a chat and try to see their point of view.

              Here's a page by Ennis.
              By the way, Grant Morrison is an even bigger edgelord than Ennis.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Why are you trying to make me not like the hopeful message of Superman?

              • 2 weeks ago

                Not that, is just that everyone distill Superman to that ONE SINGLE PAGE. It is reductionist. It's almost turning Superman into a meme.

              • 2 weeks ago

                It's a nice page.

              • 2 weeks ago

                No,. I spit on that page. Ptuuu. Blergh. That page sucks.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Its a good page anon.

    • 2 weeks ago

      I hate that stupid fricking New52 take on this image where the author STUPIDLY makes Superman tie up an entire fricking city just to talk to some stupid fricking girl who's on a ledge. Fricking crime can be happening all throughout everywhere that takes serious action but Clark made the entire world stop just to cater to this one bullshit suicidal teenager and it's the gayest fricking thing on Earth.

      • 2 weeks ago

        I mean realistically what is happening in the original picture? He could be using super speed to stop accidents and crime all over the place but is using regular speed to talk an emo out of suicide.

        • 2 weeks ago


          • 2 weeks ago

            Yeah because Superman intentionally ignoring all other major crimes to comfort one emo is way more realistic than him making the world stop. Just imagine while he's talking to her, he is using his super hearing to listen to rapes, murders, death wails, war crimes, genocide, drownings, etc.

        • 2 weeks ago

          The original picture shows Clark saving a life in 4 panels. The New52 comic took this one page and extrapolated it into 22 pages that waste your time with beating you over head with
          >Wow Clark sure is a nice guy to spend day and night not leaving this stupid fricking girl's side just to prove a point to her!
          What he should have done was simply taken her down and place her into custody of the professionals on the ground and then taken off to go attend to ACTUAL crisis. If Superman were real there'd be so many fricking suicide attentionprostitute bullshitters wasting his time and keeping from being of actual use. Clark doesn't spend his time with his cape on 24/7 on purpose because the man needs to pursue his own hobbies and live a life like the rest of us. People eating into his on duty time so they can go
          Would drive him fricking crazy.

          • 2 weeks ago

            >What he should have done was simply taken her down and place her into custody of the professionals on the ground and then taken off to go attend to ACTUAL crisis.

            Unfortunately, the WAAAA WAAAA diaper shitter types of c**toids have pushed the "any physical contact is rape" ideology, so Superman couldn't touch the c**toid even to save her when she plummeted. In fact, the British c**toid prostitutes pushed "any prolonged visual attention" equals sexual harassment law too. So Superman wouldn't be allowed to look in her general direction to talk to her. Plus add in the c**toid prostitutes pushing the "ALL UNWANTED CONVERSATION IS RAPE", so he couldn't talk to the moronic timewasting prostitute for more than a second or two if she deemed him "unattractive", so prolonged conversation these days is equal to full on rape.

            But you might say, Superman has other abilities such as superbreath whereas he could keep the woman afloat and safe on puffs of air until she reached the ground as per classical Superman stories... DID SHE "CONSENT" TO THAT?

            So the answer is simple.
            b***h wants attention and to jump to her death? Let her die. Feminist Ideology demands it and gives no recourse otherwise. Better yet, adopt Canadian israelitecult ideology and legally lethally inject her on the spot as per the MAID LAWS (Maximizing All Inconvenient Deaths). Saves time. If you cannot touch, talk to, or look at females it's better to just kill them or shove them in Muslim Garbage Bags. Because the antihuman toxic creep c**toid Feminist ideology deems them to be predatory biohazards and a danger to all humanity.

  46. 2 weeks ago

    People keep trying to make Superman into a metaphor for God or America when the truth is that Superman is the everyman. He's a guy working a 9 to 5 job, he's got a crush on the girl at work, he has friends, and parents he goes to for advice. He's trying to hold down a regular life while being Superman. They should focus more on Clark Kent, regular guy with larger than life responsibilities. He's honestly more relatable than Batman.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Clark is just a good guy who is just trying to help and be a good man.
      I don't know what the frick this anon's problem is

      No,. I spit on that page. Ptuuu. Blergh. That page sucks.

    • 2 weeks ago

      This is something that always plagued the character.

      The writers of Kingdom Come, for example, fought during the making of that comic and to this day haven't spoken to one another. Alex Ross, the artist and co-writer, wanted to portray Superman as a jaded older hero that ultimately is in the wrong but find his way back. The other writer, that the publisher offered to him as a help, Mark Waid, was one of those Superman fanboys that think Superman is the best hero ever and can't ever be in the wrong.
      Since the comic was mostly a creation of Ross, they fought a lot. In the end the comic suffered for it story wise and they became enemies.

      I am using this example because this perfectly show why Superman has become somewhat of a joke of a character over the decades, when beforehand he was one of the best selling ones. The editors and writers in the past thought of Superman as just another character. The editors and writers of today think of Superman as an icon. So they're always trying to reinvent and prop him up in ways that just come off as lame. Specially because no one can agree what Superman is supposed to represent or be represented as.

    • 2 weeks ago

      No not really. That is more Spider-Man. If you look at the most beloved Superman stories (All-Star, Red Son, Kingdom Come, For All Seasons, Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow, For the Man Who Has Everything, etc)

      it is always waxing philosophical about morality, absolute power, legacy, and heroism — they really aren’t about the relatable every man

      • 2 weeks ago

        You want to know what all those stories have in common? They are mini-series created to be easily digested by absolute casuals. They didn't come from Superman actual ongoing stories. That should tell you something.
        Meanwhile Spider-Man most iconic story lines actually come from his ongoing comic. They weren't one-offs.

        • 2 weeks ago

          I’m not going to pretend to have read every Superman run but I’ve read a share of the runs from Tomasi, Johns, Morrison all on the modern side of things and I would pick the aforementioned self contained elseworld stories every single time. They are just better. Longer does not mean better.

      • 2 weeks ago

        All-Star is about Superman facing his mortality, same goes for Whatever Happened. For all Seasons is about a young Superman trying to deal with his huge responsibilities even in the face of failure, and For the Man Who Has Everything is about him wishing to go back to his lost home and live a normal life. These are all very understandable at a human level.

  47. 2 weeks ago

    >it's an anon doesn't understand Superman thread

  48. 2 weeks ago

    >is struggling to reconcile his human upbringing with his Kryptonian heritage.
    I remember reading a supposed leak about this part, that it would be inspired by the early seasons of smallville, like a lot of things in the movie apparently, where clark learns from his spaceship and other kryptonian devices, that he was sent to earth to conquer the planet originally and that jor-el is an antagonistic figure.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >where clark learns from his spaceship and other kryptonian devices, that he was sent to earth to conquer the planet originally and that jor-el is an antagonistic figure.
      They hint at this in early seasons but ultimately Jor-El is benevolent. They would change how good or evil he was season to season just to create drama.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >where clark learns from his spaceship and other kryptonian devices, that he was sent to earth to conquer the planet originally and that jor-el is an antagonistic figure.
      They hint at this in early seasons but ultimately Jor-El is benevolent. They would change how good or evil he was season to season just to create drama.

      I really fricking doubt that James Gunn would rock the boat and try to portray Jor-El as an antagonist, specially because from everything that we've seen this movie seems to be made by the corporate to please fanboys. You can see that by how they tried to mix the New 52 suit with the trunks. A mismatched combo of references that just doesn't work.

      Thought Gunn loves to write characters struggling with daddy issues that were raised by uncaring, abusive fathers.

    • 2 weeks ago

      I also doubt jor-el will be evil, his character would overlap too much with zod, but I can see at least the first whole movie having clark believing he and the kriptonians are bad people, then kara arrives and she tells him the truth during the sequel or her own movie or something

    • 2 weeks ago

      >>is struggling to reconcile his human upbringing with his Kryptonian heritage.
      I would find it more interesting for Clark to realise he can't save everyone after getting all mentally bent out of shape over Pa's heart attack. Isn't arrogant enough to think he's some God but gets it into his head that if he didn't always know how to fly or the upper limits of his strength, there is so much more he can do to save people. He basically has to comes to terms with the fact he'll always try his hardest but he cannot save everybody.

  49. 2 weeks ago

    >Superman clone
    Fantastic, another superhero movie where he has to fight a version of himself. I hate that shit because it's so fricking lazy.

  50. 2 weeks ago

    It would take an absolute shit ton of restraint not to just laser beam the Washington Monument and chuck it at the Capitol building before heading off to do the same to every major country's monuments. Superman is a saint.

  51. 2 weeks ago

    more like Superisraelite, haha, death to fricking Black folk by the way.

  52. 2 weeks ago

    >is that... superman being nice and saving people??? CRINGE

  53. 2 weeks ago

    Sounds fine, depending on your penchant for capeslop. Mine is medium, as long as the plot is a 5/10, the dialogue 6/10, and the effects 8/10, I'll give the movie a watch

  54. 2 weeks ago

    >Kal-El nooOoOooOo

  55. 2 weeks ago

    I like Superman and I'm trying to keep an open mind about this movie.

  56. 2 weeks ago

    Ugh, troony Rachel Brosnahan israelite as Lois Lane (although that is the penultimate Lois Lane endgame, annoying suicide-addict c**t becoming a literal dude is a dress is ironically quite honest).

    Ugly troony María Gabriela de Faría as "The Engineer". Ugly troony, not even trying to pass as female, Mikaela Hoover as Cat Grant. Why so many gross out troons in DIARRHEA CINEMA these days? Vomit, pure vomit. Gay dudes don't want trannies in visible proximity AT ALL.

    A israeli Superman is ironic given the "No Kill" rule. It's like a vegetarian cannibal, total contradiction.

    Ugh, black Perry White.
    Skipped. Won't see this crap movie.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >They're trannies! They're trannies! They're trannies!
      >Yes, Mr. Anon. Everyone's a troony.

  57. 2 weeks ago

    >struggling to reconcile his human upbringing with his Kryptonian heritage.

  58. 2 weeks ago

    can't wait for high quality articles from forbes and the likes
    >the similarities between lex luthor and donald trump's presidential races should scare you!
    >donald trump is not superman's archvillain, but he very well may be!

  59. 2 weeks ago

    Sounds like a mix of BvS, Smallville, Black Adam and Superman 4.

  60. 2 weeks ago

    ...another anti-Superman villain? Ugh. Get away from same powers bad guy.

  61. 2 weeks ago

    >americans trying to write a story without an election plotline challenge

  62. 2 weeks ago

    I forgot about this place. Why did they even make this shithole? To not offend the brave mujahedeen fighters?

    • 2 weeks ago

      Well, they have Kandaq for that.

  63. 2 weeks ago

    >It's wicked cool and in the end there is a BIG FIGHT
    >You know those superhero powers the MC has learned to use throughout the movie?
    >Well there is a BAD guy that has the SAME POWERS! I know right?!?
    >There is a BIG FIGHT at the end, and good guy with powers SHOOTS CGI LASERS at bad guy with powers, and badguy SHOOTS CGI LASERS back! but get this, the bad guy lasers ARE A DIFFERENT COLOR!
    I'm so sick of this shit.

  64. 2 weeks ago

    Wait, Isabela Moner as Hawkgirl? She's like 150cm tall, how does that make sense? She'd be more like Sparrowgirl.

  65. 2 weeks ago

    Jews have always struggled with their identity. Lots of israelites pretend to be white but have the belief they are superior to every race.
    The problem happens is when they're the only israelite in a room full of whites. Somehow they never speak up about their race and they're force to play along.

    • 2 weeks ago

      That's part of their subterfuge. Infiltrate nations and attack it from within.
      Superman was created by a israelite to show how much superior Kryptonians aka israelites are.

  66. 2 weeks ago

    >the Engineer

  67. 2 weeks ago

    >3rd attempt at rebooting the DCEU in a decade
    >fall, step by step, into the EXACT same fricking pitfalls that killed all of the previous attempts
    WB is working itself into bankrupcy and still wont accept the fact that you cant cram a entire cinematic universe in 1 fricking movie

  68. 2 weeks ago

    >struggling to reconcile his human upbringing with his Kryptonian heritage
    This shit again. I'm already bored.
    Just make a superman movie

  69. 2 weeks ago

    We really, really need a good Superman movie. It feels like a lot is banking on this, not just with DC but with superhero movies being mostly crap lately. Seems fitting to have Superman "save" superhero movies.

  70. 2 weeks ago

    Silver Age references & boomer rock isn't gonna save Superman.

  71. 2 weeks ago

    A joke every 30 seconds & shitty fight scenes.
    Can't wait.

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