SUPERMAN leaks compilation

>Superman has been active for a couple of years and is struggling to reconcile his human upbringing with his Kryptonian heritage.
>Other superheroes like Mister Terrific, Hawkgirl, Metamorpho, Green Lantern and the Engineer are edgy and kill when necessary. Superman is an outcast among them for his optimism and no-kill rule, and ultimately inspires them to change their ways.
>Lex Luthor is running for President while secretly war profiteering on an armed conflict in the nation of Bialya. When Superman intervenes in Bialya, the U.S. government recruits Luthor to create a Superman clone dubbed “Ultraman” for them.
>Ultraman deteriorates into Bizarro and goes rogue. The other heroes try to stop him but fail, and it is up to Superman to save the world, while the Lois Lane and the Daily Planet staff work to expose Luthor.
>The movie reportedly ends with Superman revealing his secret identity to Lois, Luthor avoiding repercussions and advancing in the presidential race, and Supergirl arriving on Earth.

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  1. 2 weeks ago

    This is a very old leak, nothing new.
    I heard James Gunn said the Ultraman shit isn’t happening, but I don’t really follow this stuff religiously so maybe I’m misremembering

    • 2 weeks ago

      He only said Lex was the main villain.
      There's a set photo of Gunn's dog with Ultraman's sheild.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >There's a set photo of Gunn's dog with Ultraman's sheild.
        Do you have it? Can you post it? I haven’t seen that

      • 2 weeks ago

        >There's a set photo of Gunn's dog with Ultraman's sheild.
        Fake and gay

  2. 2 weeks ago

    There really isn’t anything to look forward to when it comes to DC huh? God damn I feel bad, you know everything is shit when the best outcome is the entire company collapsing

    • 2 weeks ago

      >low effort bait is low effort

  3. 2 weeks ago

    My epic source tells me that there's trouble during the shoot because Cornballs and Borsnahan keep having sex on the daily planet globe

  4. 2 weeks ago

    Goku > Superman.
    My Adventures with Superhomosexual ruined Superman forever.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Really because it sort of just made him goku

    • 2 weeks ago

      Superman was always a israeli powerfantasy trying to disguise itself as a middle american good ol boy. There's a reason he character never surpassed the popularity of other heroes in anything but iconography.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >There's a reason he character never surpassed the popularity of other heroes in anything but iconography.
        Ok moron

        • 2 weeks ago

          Minority spotted. Weren't you in the Cinemaphile thread throwing around the word "moron" at every single person that dissed Superman? You can tell the whites from the non-whites. Whites predictably go after the person's race as the first form of attack. Non-whites call someone a non-race-related insult and eventually ease into a potential race-related-insult later.
          You, you fricking idiot, you under-30 frick, you foreign frickwit, are the worst of all types. You're a dirty shill for a shitty corporation.

          • 2 weeks ago

            Ok moron

          • 2 weeks ago

            LMAO every mog on this website who unironically uses the hard N word or some other racial slur has been non white.

            Post skin color and foreskin if you want to prove me wrong "insert non-white name here"

  5. 2 weeks ago

    This sounds better than MAWS looks already, so gonna watch the movie in theathers

    • 2 weeks ago

      What makes you think its better?

  6. 2 weeks ago

    It's going to be good

  7. 2 weeks ago

    I can't stand to fly, I'm not that naive

    • 2 weeks ago

      For me, it’s Superman by REM

  8. 2 weeks ago

    Green Lantern literally was a marine and fights galactic threats, of course he kills.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Hawkgirl is from a warrior race and fights with a mace. Seems like these heroes were picked because they killed but chill out later

    • 2 weeks ago

      That's John, Gunn is using Guy

  9. 2 weeks ago

    >character assassinating other heroes
    >unironic president luthor nowadays
    So glad capeshit flicks are dead

    • 2 weeks ago

      >luthor actually treading a comic and dcau plotline after making him a real estate agent and a sperg

      That's pretty cool. It'd suck if Marvel had gotten to something like that first by adapting Dark Reign.

  10. 2 weeks ago

    Im gonna say something about how i feel about MAWS

    After watching season 1 and into season 2, i feel like supes is heavily nerfed and gets kicked down moreso than ever, just so that his supporting cast gets more of the spotlight. Also not fond of how all the supervillains get their powers from kryptonian tech.

    Personally, i just dont feel the sense of satisfaction when comparing it to STAS or even the ruby spears superman cartoon.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Get the frick out of the american entertainment industry. It's a clownhouse full of satanists and gays promoting cucked men and shit morals.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >After watching season 1 and into season 2, i feel like supes is heavily nerfed and gets kicked down moreso than ever,
      The Fleischer Superman and DCUA Superman got knocked down a lot, but it didn't mattery cause they weren't pussies and knew how to fight.

    • 2 weeks ago

      I don't mind that Supes can't move mountains but the supervillains should have been existing tech based villains than metahumans repurposed as ones (nor flash villains).
      Metallo could have been perfect in Parasite's place (or Cyborg Superman; or Metallo with Cyborg Superman's backstory/origin).
      Or Toyman or The Prankster; that would have been fun. maybe Bloodsport or even Terra-Man

  11. 2 weeks ago

    Actually fun.

  12. 2 weeks ago

    This leak is obviously wrong, too.
    No way Michael "Fair Play" Holt is edgy and kills when necessary. He's the idealized man, the anti-Luthor.

  13. 2 weeks ago

    >Superman is an outcast among them for his optimism and no-kill rule, and ultimately inspires them to change their ways.
    People really got butt-blasted by Zod being killed in MOS. Superman has killed in pre-crisis, post-crisis and post-post-crisis! Superman in the DCAU was ready to kill Darkseid no questions asked, I don't remember Waid crying about that. Even in What's so Funny About Truth, Justice and the American Way, the message wasn't 'killing is bad!' it was 'killing should only be used as a last resort.' and was a critique, parody of the 'modern' edgy heroes who killed first and asked questions never. Batman has a no killing rule, Superman choses not to unless its absolutely necessary.

    • 2 weeks ago

      I think it's going to be more nuanced than that. The other heroes will likely argue Superman can take that position because he's so overpowered

    • 2 weeks ago

      This. The MoS screeching was such a ridiculous overreaction.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Superman being used as the president's attack dog in TDKR. I'm willing to bet he would've killed Bruce if he had to but he just wanted his friend to stand down. Up till that point you see him across seas destroying enemy armies

  14. 2 weeks ago

    Can’t wait for it to come out

    • 2 weeks ago

      me too. i'm still hopeful

    • 2 weeks ago

      I want to be excited but I just don't trust it. It kind of sounds bloated but I'd definetly like for other DC heroes to casually drop in and out without building it up
      I just don't trust Gunn. I didn't think his Suicide Squad was that well done and Guardians of the Galaxy is overrated slop. Scooby Doo was the last movie I liked from him. I can't say i'm optimistic. I'm just nervous

  15. 2 weeks ago

    We aren't safe until they officially cancel the Tanahesi Coates Superman and refuse to acknowledge the "en-gay-ing" of Jon Samuel Kent

  16. 2 weeks ago

    Honestly he keeps namedropping all these DC characters and I'm only reminded how The Suicide Squad had Captain Boomerang and several other characters die within the first 5 minutes and Thinker was in it for 3 minutes. Its gonna be the same shit.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >and I'm only reminded how The Suicide Squad had Captain Boomerang and several other characters die within the first 5 minutes
      Because that was the suicide squad

      • 2 weeks ago

        The leaks and trailer made it seem that Suicide Squad team A and would have a bigger role than what they did. All it became was a bunch of blink and you'll miss it references. Did you know Calander Man is in it? And Double Down?

        • 2 weeks ago

          >The leaks and trailer made it seem that Suicide Squad team A and would have a bigger role than what they did
          Yeah to make it shocking that they get killed so quickly. The suicide squad is supposed to be made up of expendable villain's. I was fine with Gunn actually following through on that. I would have preferred Boomer surviving somehow though

          • 2 weeks ago

            Thats all fine for Suicide Squad. And I'm not trying to imply Gunn's gonna kill Hawkwoman or Green Lantern. I'm just saying seeing all these characters that are supposedly going to be in the movie is a red flag.

            If you told me Flash and Aquaman were in BvS I would be excited. But if their only inclusion was the laptop scene I would be pissed. That's about what I'm expecting from this movie.

            • 2 weeks ago

              I'm expecting them to be in it a lot more than that. More like the JSA in Black Adam but not done poorly

  17. 2 weeks ago

    Honestly, i'd be fine with this. Not a from birth origin story, he isn't the first ever super hero, I'm in. I'm just tired of the exact same beat for beat hero origin story in every single one of these movies. We don't need a rehash of the origin again.

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