The Acolyte

>The universe hates us
>We have been hunted and persecuted across the stars
>The Jedi lie! There is no Force but the Thread! And it is plucked and manipulated to your own ends!
>Now, we have found a hidden, backwater world where we can establish a coven away from those who would judge us!
>Finally, after so long, we can once again perform the old rituals without interference!

At this point I'm thinking they're going to start doing some Sith blood ritual or maybe some kind of Bene Gesserit "Gom Jibbar" style trial by ordeal.
>It's white woman support group bullshit

lmao what? What the frick even is this? Why the frick would anyone care about them chanting "The power of one. The power of two. The power of many."?

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  1. 1 week ago

    >>The Jedi lie!

    The rebels were saying "may the force be with you". It's not a jedi exclusive thing, the jedi were just these monks.

    • 1 week ago

      That's new lore from Disney that I choose to ignore.

      • 1 week ago

        Rebels were saying it in the OT.

        • 1 week ago

          Where? Source? In the OT everyone treated the Force like it was this hokey old religion.

          • 1 week ago

            Rebels were saying it in the OT.

            The Imperials do that. When Luke is getting ready to attack the death star the Rebels say "May the Force Be With you".

            Because we've had so much Jedi wanking for 40 years, people associate the force ONLY with Jedi now but it's really supposed to be something that exists outside of them. They're just holy monk/samurai.

          • 1 week ago

            Pretty sure Ackbar said it in ROTJ.


            And also in 4 the white bearded rebel main dude said it on the briefing.

            • 1 week ago

              Yeah the rebel alliance says it and it's basically them saying "may god be on our side".

            • 1 week ago

              I see, fair enough.

            • 1 week ago

              If I remember correctly, the dude who showed them the plans of the Death Star in the original film, also say the line.

          • 1 week ago

            The only people who treated it like a hokey old religion was Han Solo and that dipshit admiral. The Force is a vague and out of fashion notion of a supernatural force that undergrids the universe, but everyone is aware to some extent that this is a real thing that you can actually see. Jedi are the religious faction that was the most associated with it but it's not like only they believe in the Force, they're just the ones who actually believe that if you trust the force good things will happen, whereas everyone else sees it as a sort of neutral or deistic force rather than something that has a true will or telos.

  2. 1 week ago

    The power of one millennial writer, the power of two critics praising the show, the power of many leaving the show.

    • 1 week ago

      It's feminism, which is now the defacto standard for writing. These used to be niche weird low budget plays in the 80's or 90's, but now it's center stage because they took over the corporations.

      Feminists love witches because they are seen as powerful, are feared, and are the perfect symbol of female oppression so they've built up so much mythology around them. That whole Wiccan shit entirely wholecloth (it was actually created by some guy in the 50's, but whatever).

      You aren't supposed to get anything deeper than this, than the Witches = Queer women = the world's most oppressed people.

      • 1 week ago

        How many layers of feminist contrarianism do you have to be on to start unironically start taking Catholic inquisitors and Puritan fanatics at their word?

        • 1 week ago

          Many. It was a moral panic by religious kooks, seeing Satan everywhere, and they were persecuting fellow Christians, not a mythical Wiccan religion. Non-Christian religions and practices were phased out over 800 years prior. This is mostly a 60's mythology and protest movement, not hard facts and science. Some of them embrace post-modernist historical approaches and praise the fact it's all made up.

          • 1 week ago

            >Some of them embrace post-modernist historical approaches and praise the fact it's all made up.
            How does that work?

        • 1 week ago

          >All the religious leaders were writing factual reports about a Wiccan religion they were oppressing. except they were always talking about them worshipping Satan (a male figure), rather than a mother goddess or something. That's just them being biased.

          So the religious texts are biased but also 100% accurate. ie they're making things up and writing what they want to believe. The alternative is that it was a moral panic by religious crazies and we should discard their ramblings.

      • 1 week ago

        The bitter animosity between wiccans and witches is quite funny to me.

      • 1 week ago

        >Feminists love witches
        Which is ironic because witches themselves are entirely defined by being perpetually oppressed by men

        • 1 week ago
          NtL poster

          that's fine. but i guess they had to put yucky looking Coven members or else their target audience can't relate huh. all 10 of them.

        • 1 week ago

          Witches are primarily defined by being NOT REAL. That is the WHOLE LESSON ABOUT WITCH HUNTS, THEY AREN'T ACTUALLY WITCHES!

          • 1 week ago

            Yes, and the lesson Neo-Wicans took is that Witches are real and were persecuted by the patriarchy just like women are persecuted today. 🙂

            • 1 week ago
              NtL poster

              yes you are because you are cringe

            • 1 week ago

              Feminism is moronic and your mother should suck my wiener

          • 1 week ago

            That's the thing. The overwhelming consensus is that there were never any witches. It was mass hysteria and Christians falsely accusing other Christians of paranoid nonsense.

            The whole "Wicca" religion and all the "witch" bullshit is literally based on the idea that these crazed Christian fanatics were basically telling the truth and accurately describing some sort of secret pagan religion, except for all the parts I don't like like them worshiping Satan or sacrificing children, that was actually just slander.

            • 1 week ago

              >The whole "Wicca" religion and all the "witch" bullshit is literally based on the idea that these crazed Christian fanatics were basically telling the truth and accurately describing some sort of secret pagan religion, except for all the parts I don't like like them worshiping Satan or sacrificing children, that was actually just slander.
              there’s some law of moronation that mandates the slander/rumor/satire/shitposting if one generation becomes the solemn hidden truth of the next, e.g. taking Machiavelli at face value.
              semi-related but most historians and historical fiction writers are weebs for x era/culture, engaging in a similar mythologizing that turns fragmented historical record into some marvel slop. pretty depressing to think about how far our understand of history as degenerated.

            • 1 week ago

              Also, fun fact, I believe the "Wiccans" try to portray their religion as Celtic, but the word "wicca" is literally just an Old English word meaning "sorcerer."

              • 1 week ago

                Another fun fact, modern day witch covens (not wiccans), claim to trace their teachings all the way back to Merlin. As in he was a real person that wrote books on magic, and they've kept and maintained his practices and tradtions.

              • 1 week ago

                wasn't it invented in the past 30 years?
                all bullshit, especially that dumbass druid shit the hippies in england do that goes back a century since they didn't write shit down
                in fact the only record of druids even existing comes from julius caesar in his description of the benighted land that was britain then
                that's it, there's no other trace cept all this modern larp fanfic shit

              • 1 week ago

                >wasn't it invented in the past 30 years?
                Witches specifically? As far as I'm aware, no, wiccan is the recent creation, and all the "witches" I've interacted with despise them.

                We're at the point where no one can pin down anything about Merlin or Arthur at all despite so many attempts at the "real" versions of them being this or that. You basically end up going in circles, and the most likely explanation is some guy just wrote a story whole cloth, possibly loosely based on some oral tradition that had no real specific basis in any facts. Just cool guy did some cool shit people would talk about around the camp fire.

                And yet, certain covens claim to have replicas of Merlin's writings, copied verbatim. It's quite funny.

              • 1 week ago

                yeah sorry messy post, i meant the wiccan shit
                european witchcraft was actually a thing
                wiccan is a modern larp based off of nothing

              • 1 week ago

                Oh, yeah wiccan is just new-agey woo-woo bullshit.

              • 1 week ago

                Merlin is a good example of weebification of history.
                there’s a lot of other comparable figures like him. It boils down to nostalgia for the era with individual warrior nomads had an impact or dominance. this died out with the domestication of horses, which led to bands of warriors rather than individuals.
                he represents that hero worship of a figure from an earlier time who somehow persists now through sheer prowess and fortitude. the magic stuff came later.

              • 1 week ago

                We're at the point where no one can pin down anything about Merlin or Arthur at all despite so many attempts at the "real" versions of them being this or that. You basically end up going in circles, and the most likely explanation is some guy just wrote a story whole cloth, possibly loosely based on some oral tradition that had no real specific basis in any facts. Just cool guy did some cool shit people would talk about around the camp fire.

              • 1 week ago

                There's a period after the collapse of Rome where British history goes dark. Basically, all the educated, literate people in Britain fled or died, and it was centuries before you had people regularly writing and recording things again. If there's any truth to the Arthurian legends, it likely has its roots in that period. Do keep in mind that a lot of Arthurian legend came from English folk tales and its *possible* its a highly romanticized version of historical events, similar to the Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

              • 1 week ago

                I'm no historian, but from what I understand most of Arthur's myth is basically combining several historical people like an ancient Welsh king and a Roman general plus others into a single mythological figure, same for Merlin.

                Yeah, but then... nothing. No one can point to anything at all. The most you can do is if you assume that Arthur is real, you work back to very obscure real figures who sorta kinda have a similar name, and then go "that's the real Arthur" but nothing really lines up. None of these battles lines up. None of the key elements line up.

                Is it that crazy that over several hundred years there'd be some military leaders in Britain with names starting with A, and then hundreds of years later some guy writes a story with a guy named Arthur he made up? Arthur is as real as Goku is.

                Blade was introduced in 1973, he wasn't blackwashed or something to be replaced with at white guy or woman in a movie called Blade. Better make new Underworld movies. I liked the trilogy but the last one was bad. Maybe they could "retry" that attempt

                Blade is a blaxsploitation character made into a comic character, and that's fine.

              • 1 week ago

                I'm no historian, but from what I understand most of Arthur's myth is basically combining several historical people like an ancient Welsh king and a Roman general plus others into a single mythological figure, same for Merlin.

                Yeah, but then... nothing. No one can point to anything at all. The most you can do is if you assume that Arthur is real, you work back to very obscure real figures who sorta kinda have a similar name, and then go "that's the real Arthur" but nothing really lines up. None of these battles lines up. None of the key elements line up.

                Is it that crazy that over several hundred years there'd be some military leaders in Britain with names starting with A, and then hundreds of years later some guy writes a story with a guy named Arthur he made up? Arthur is as real as Goku is.

                Blade is a blaxsploitation character made into a comic character, and that's fine.

                it’s a lot more basic than you think, don’t get lost in the details.
                this type of myth is common among different cultures, why? Because the sense of nostalgia and ideation is shared. you always look back at archetypes that represent some bygone era, and build them into something way different than any actual individual probably was.
                Merlin is among the many examples of pre-donesticization/agriculture nomadic warriors. the early writings on Merlin portray him as some half savage living on the fringes.
                theres this idea of the past, going back, and imagining some heroic figure of that era excelling in our lesser current era.
                a helpful comparison is Conan the barbarian, which is an homage to that—although he’s not a relic living in the current era.
                can see the echoes of it in media where you have some old Knight or other figure pulled out of the past and trying to (comedically) survive in the present. notice they often hold some lost virtuous qualities that other characters learn from.
                planet of the apes is kind of a extension of this concept but taken more literally and extended to a different scenario. you can still see the theme in how impactful Taylor is on the world, and how he inspires a sense of awe, brings the sensibilities of his era to this future time. it’s also sort of a reversal since in that case our current era is the bygone time to the apes.

              • 1 week ago

                I'm no historian, but from what I understand most of Arthur's myth is basically combining several historical people like an ancient Welsh king and a Roman general plus others into a single mythological figure, same for Merlin.

              • 1 week ago

                We're at the point where no one can pin down anything about Merlin or Arthur at all despite so many attempts at the "real" versions of them being this or that. You basically end up going in circles, and the most likely explanation is some guy just wrote a story whole cloth, possibly loosely based on some oral tradition that had no real specific basis in any facts. Just cool guy did some cool shit people would talk about around the camp fire.

                Merlin is nowhere near as old as you’re implying, what the frick. The earliest references to him are all medieval. Arthur was originally some celtic cope against the saxons, merlin wasn’t a thing until geoffrey of monmouth. What the frick is it with redditors and writing blocks of text about stuff they literally have never read about

            • 1 week ago

              It's also a very broad time period we're talking about, there may have actually been pagan weirdos slathering themselves up with nightshade and tripping balls in bearskins or something somewhere in the 1500 years between the HRE founding and finally imploding, but there is something really funny about imagining the Catholic Church having to release retcon statements, "Yeah we thought magic right be real but no, no it's not witches don't exist, you can stop burning them now."

              And now it's like 300 years later, and somehow there is a nonzero percentage of people who somehow missed the last patch notes and still think that witches actually did exist, they were just the good guys.

              • 1 week ago

                the catholic church never said witches exist. augustine back in like the 4th century said their magic isn’t real. you’re blaming catholics for things protestants did in the renaissance. it’s crazy how much morons seem to attribute this stuff to the middle ages where there literally isn’t a single instance of it

            • 1 week ago

              >except for all the parts I don't like like them worshiping Satan or sacrificing children, that was actually just slander.
              feminism is all for that though

              • 1 week ago

                But Statan is a man

            • 1 week ago

              Christianity subconsciously drives people to live out components of its story, much like dreams combined components of experience. Sometimes that means crucifying your neighbors instead of loving them.

          • 1 week ago

            You don’t know that. I wager there must’ve been at least one spooky b***h in the bunch.

      • 1 week ago

        100% correct!!!FACT!!!

      • 1 week ago

        Force birth = IVF

      • 1 week ago

        What til they find out all those “witch trials” were just women who murdered their babies aka those who support abortion

    • 1 week ago

      Underrated post.

  3. 1 week ago

    Sabine ass


    writing >>>>>> the writing of Andor >>>>>>>>>>> the writing of the acolyte

  4. 1 week ago

    I'll be honest, the show was widely said to be shit by even people who are neutral on these issues, so everyone had low expectations. After so much Star Wars slop, no one cares, and it's hard to get worked up anymore. To be honest, the actual series is pretty tame for "destruction" of star wars. I figured they'd do way worse. It's just feminist slop now.

    • 1 week ago

      Is there any chance of Star Wars being rescued?

      • 1 week ago

        It's not just star wars it's everything. The internal politics of corporations means that you are getting the same kind of stories over and over again, which draw heavily from lefist feminist, critical race theory, queer theory, models of writing. These used to be niche beliefs in the humanities departments decades ago, but they're front and center now. Because of diversity quotas, hiring practices, everyone being a twitter addict, every single person now supports these fringe concepts. And they keep changing the rules to hire more of their buddies all the time.

        It can't be fixed internally. All the old corporations are just going to fail. Someone needs to make new stories. We need some A24 style body that makes mid-budget sci-fi and fantasy stories and somehow avoids being pozzed.

        • 1 week ago

          But aren't these companies ultimately driven by profit? Why haven't flops like these sent these fringe writing teams to the unemployment line?

          • 1 week ago


          • 1 week ago
          • 1 week ago

            >But aren't these companies ultimately driven by profit?

            Companies are like a ship, not a single entity. The CEO is the captain and can only do so much if the crew is actively fighting against him.

            Money men are in one corner, and heavily removed from the middle and lower management that actually runs the company. The Money men at Disney a decade ago decided that they should buy marvel and LucasFilm so they could have male heroes to compliment their princess stories. The middle management who actually MAKE the stories now are all women, and lesbians, and feminists, and they decided to turn them all into feminist power fantasies. The Left Hand is fighting the Right hand.

            These women are fine sinking the entire company, and like rats, they will flee the ship and find a new home when it sinks. On paper they will have amazing resumes with years of experience.

            >Some of them embrace post-modernist historical approaches and praise the fact it's all made up.
            How does that work?

            they say that all religions are made up, so we're okay with our mythology also being made up. I had to read a Wiccan bullshit story for my English Lit class that argued just that and have explained how history is a social construciton and we can't trust it.

            • 1 week ago

              >The middle management who actually MAKE the stories now are all women, and lesbians, and feminists, and they decided to turn them all into feminist power fantasies. The Left Hand is fighting the Right hand.
              Eh. It's just another example of "Personnel is Policy." Disney-the-Corporation was a machine built to appeal to children, primarily girls. It was and still somewhat is good at that. But you have people geared toward girl!media take over boy!media, they'll just do what they do best.
              To give a non-political example of what I mean, imagine that Nintendo sold their Zelda IP to Microsoft. You'd still get Zelda games, but they'd be very different beasts because a different studio was at the helm.

            • 1 week ago

              The money men are the ones who pay the salaries and all the bills though, so they should be able to dictate who is getting hired and who is not. Who's at fault when the ones getting hired are a bunch of feminist israelites and talentless morons?

          • 1 week ago

            You have to think about it as the people inside the corporations. They're college educated management, who all share the same social justice politics. They don't want to risk the stigma of being associated with wrongthink in their social circles, so they use their jobs to push the leftist cultural values they learned in college.

            There's a reason college educated voters have rapidly abandoned the republican party. It's because they don't want to be socially ostracized for being part of Team Chud by their other college educated friends. That's what cancel culture truly is: getting cut off socially from your community for saying or believing the wrong thing.

          • 1 week ago

            They have a monopoly on the biggest franchises, production, and distribution. I believe that AI is by far their biggest threat at this point. Or maybe the cultural zeitgeist will shift and they’ll start producing decent stuff again. Nothing lasts forever, everything is cyclical.

      • 1 week ago

        Crossover with MCU where woman jedis fight and kill captain blackmerica.

  5. 1 week ago
  6. 1 week ago

    I like that they did a gender-reversed version of the joke from Oglaf and its completely unironic.

  7. 1 week ago
    NtL poster

    honestly, the Coven force user concept IS COOL. it's just the woke coded SLOP that turned me off from watching it.

    why do producers keep insisting on sabotaging their own product with on screen poison?

  8. 1 week ago
    NtL poster

    Coven Witches done right, pic rel.

    Oh well!

  9. 1 week ago


  10. 1 week ago

    Star Wars first Gay Sex scene for when?

    • 1 week ago

      isn't it already gay for fricking up its' canon and fanbase's buttholes?

  11. 1 week ago
    NtL poster

    i could actually write a script for Star Wars and include all diversity quotas and make it GOOD.

    instead of shoehorning blacks into Covens (White/European Wiccas), I would make the black witches do Force Voodoo. i would make them badass, and the heroes even cooler.

    the older generation of elites knew this well - you must make the dark side seductive.

    • 1 week ago

      Make gritty crime and detective stories. BLADE is a jedi-detective, and goes around detecting shit and slicing off evil SITHs heads off. It's like 85% blacks, asians, women, minorities, gays, etc. The gangster is the gayest guy ever, and even symptathetic at times, altering between flamboyant and serious. There's another gay character who is sympathetic to balance it out, but he's humble and heroic.

      This is basic shit. They jsut write feminist slop.

      • 1 week ago
        NtL poster

        is actually a GREAT FRICKING MOVIE but lemme tell you a secret:

        it was all the White actors who made it good. Snipes was just there to be black for contrast.

        • 1 week ago

          Nah, Snipes is masculine and an authority figure. You plop him in a movie in the 90's and you tell me he's a secret service agent, an FBI anti-terrorist task force guy, and I'd believe it. He also adds levity to scenes by breaking character and cracking wisecracks which end up being some of the most memorable lines in the film. Deacon Frost and a lot of the supporting cast are great too. It's a nice mix.

          Literally put me in control of this shit and I'd make Star Wars blaxsploitation - jsut a modern action shit in the style of Shaft or Blade. But that's "toxic masculinity", so it has to star women, and be about dykes and queers and menstrual cramps.

          • 1 week ago
            NtL poster

            HAHAHAHAHA! you can replace Snipes with a White guy or White woman and Blade would be even better.

            See: Underworld.

            • 1 week ago

              Blade was introduced in 1973, he wasn't blackwashed or something to be replaced with at white guy or woman in a movie called Blade. Better make new Underworld movies. I liked the trilogy but the last one was bad. Maybe they could "retry" that attempt

              • 1 week ago
                NtL poster

                Yeah, but then... nothing. No one can point to anything at all. The most you can do is if you assume that Arthur is real, you work back to very obscure real figures who sorta kinda have a similar name, and then go "that's the real Arthur" but nothing really lines up. None of these battles lines up. None of the key elements line up.

                Is it that crazy that over several hundred years there'd be some military leaders in Britain with names starting with A, and then hundreds of years later some guy writes a story with a guy named Arthur he made up? Arthur is as real as Goku is.

                Blade is a blaxsploitation character made into a comic character, and that's fine.

                >muh comic
                like i could give a goldfish. i am only talking about the movie.

              • 1 week ago

                >the movie called Blade which is based of a comic book character called Blade
                >"I don't care about muh comic, I'm talking about the movie based on that comic"
                goldfish brain take

              • 1 week ago
                NtL poster

                >but the comic!
                again, dont care about comic. you only brought it up because you think it's relevant to the movie. not to me it aint. and yeah, the Blade movie is carried by the White actors. If they remade Blade with all White cast, I'd watch it.

              • 1 week ago

                >If they remade Blade with all White cast, I'd watch it.
                it's only bad when they blackwash white characters, right?

              • 1 week ago
                NtL poster

                where are you going with this? does this look like your little ally support group

  12. 1 week ago

    >you will never jump over a trans rights R2D2 in a power rangers scooter race
    Why live?

    • 1 week ago

      dumbest shit ive ever seen

  13. 1 week ago

    Stop consooming le star wars you dipshit

  14. 1 week ago
  15. 1 week ago

    This lame ass witch coven has given me a new appreciation for how well the Bene Gesserit are written.

    >"I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past, I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain."



    • 1 week ago
      NtL poster

      DUNC kino

    • 1 week ago

      star wars has always been Dune for children.

      • 1 week ago
        NtL poster

        false. nobody knew DUNC in the 90s except as a cool computer game on MSDOS. but we all knew Star Wars and collected trading cards.

        • 1 week ago

          You misread that, anon. He was saying Star Wars was for kids, not Dune.

          • 1 week ago
            NtL poster

            i didnt misread it. you misread my post.

          • 1 week ago
            NtL poster

            i didnt misread it. you misread my post.

            wait wait.. i was a kid when i liked Star Wars. okay point taken.

        • 1 week ago

          >nobody knew DUNC in the 90s
          Did none of you homosexuals ever read books?

    • 1 week ago

      >>"I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past, I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain."

      this is literally cognitive behavioral theory btw.

    • 1 week ago

      Herbert is amazing

  16. 1 week ago

    Genuinely can't imagine even hate watching something like this long enough to get mad at it. It looked like dogshit and is a follow up to several other dogshit streaming shows in the same franchise. Why waste even a minute of your life thinking about it, never mind watching it?

    • 1 week ago

      In this case, because its funny.

      This whole episode is unintentionally hilarious between the goofy rituals and the lesbian reproduction.

      • 1 week ago
        NtL poster

        >unironically dropping the l word
        you know that's a slur. it's "queer"

  17. 1 week ago

    witchcraft is hot among degenerate left leaning prostitutes


    • 1 week ago

      Post the one screenshot when they tried to defeat Allah with their astral projections and lost

    • 1 week ago

      Is that where people keep mining shit like "Witches put hex on Trump"?

      • 1 week ago

        Sort of, there's a multitude of beliefs that fall under 'witchcraft' some do focus on culture political shit though.

  18. 1 week ago

    General reminder nothing produced by disney is cannon.

    • 1 week ago

      Will Lucas ever get the franchise back?

  19. 1 week ago

    >The Eastern mystical influences of The Force? Boring and chud approved
    >Satantic wiccan commie globohomo? That's what modern audiences want

    • 1 week ago

      Jedi are monks that remind millennial writers of christians so now they’re bad. That’s literally all it is. They have no idea about the taoist or buddhist influence

      • 1 week ago

        Calm down you’re gonna have that fedora barge in and start defending the corpo slop of his masters because it pushes his ideology

  20. 1 week ago

    >Not a single one is doing the farming

  21. 1 week ago

    Come. Let us build our hideaway on the top of a mountain to remain cleverly hidden from a universe that hates our kind.

  22. 1 week ago

    what do they eat?

  23. 1 week ago

    >in a galaxy far, far away black children still don't have a father

  24. 1 week ago

    This song will play in the end credits of one of the Acolyte episodes. Thoughts?

    • 1 week ago

      show still sucks though.

    • 1 week ago

      Even with autotune she can't sing. What have we become.

  25. 1 week ago


  26. 1 week ago

    >Blackrock & ESG/DEI shekels

    You think you hate corporations, but it's not even nearly enough - Larry Fink deserves the Black Mirror treatment, s1ep1

  27. 1 week ago

    A little insight in how this garbage is written to cater exclusively to aids-commies, seriously only these types are willing to swallow it. See that last post? They know they've lost on this front but you see it's everyone else's fault, not theirs, not their political ideology and propaganda and extreme toxicity ohhh nooo of course not! Did you forget how virtuous they are??? They instantly turn their backs on "democracy"... but don't worry it's for the best.
    Never believe them when they talk about democracy. They don't want that. They want left-wing brand fascism pure and simple, they'd sew your mouth shut if they could, they'd jail you if they could, they'd execute you if they could.

  28. 1 week ago

    I don't get it. They blew their load on the idea of this being a mystery and there is some clumsy dialogue but there is nothing in this show that compares to Boba Fett doing literally nothing in his own show or "somehow Palpatine has returned" or Jar Jar or Anakin's writing in Attack of the Clones. This feels more like mid than "omg my childhood is raped."

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