The dullest story ever told. You'd have to be an extreme pseud to tell people that you enjoyed this film.

The dullest story ever told. You'd have to be an extreme pseud to tell people that you enjoyed this film.

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  1. 2 years ago

    Another low IQ thread on Cinemaphile, no surprises here.

    • 2 years ago

      Right, so what part of it did you enjoy? Can you name a favourite scene? Was it the scene where nothing happens for two minutes? Or the scene where nothing happens for five minutes?

      • 2 years ago

        >Was it the scene where nothing happens for two minutes? Or the scene where nothing happens for five minutes?

        • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        Film is a visual medium. Get filtered, plotgay.

  2. 2 years ago

    I thought I would hate all asian movies but then I watched The Quiet American. kind of cucky, sure, but at least there is lots of gunfire.

  3. 2 years ago

    Average BR2046 fan.

  4. 2 years ago

    Opinion discarded. How much of a pleb do you have to be to get filtered by Ozu, lmao

    • 2 years ago

      >pleb lacks the mental acuity to articulate his incorrect opinion and justify his inferior taste
      >cries, "F-filtered!"
      So predictable.

      • 2 years ago

        You're not important enough to have people justify their opinions for you.
        And it's especially embarassing since the film in question is Tokyo Story, a classic of filmmaking art a film that has been discussed and analyzed to death. It's like asking someone to justify why they like Mona Lisa or Shakespeare, You're immensely dense, stupid and self absorbed.

  5. 2 years ago

    Tokyo Story's reputation in the West was built up by American film intellectuals in the sixties and seventies, people like Paul Schrader. It's a good "text" for formal analysis, discussions about cultural differences, and clever theories. What it is not is a good entertainment film.. It's repetitive, the plot is de-emphasised to the point that it is almost invisible, and nothing of note takes place. It IS boring, aggressively boring.

    • 2 years ago

      This post reeks of normalhomosexual. You're so detatched from anything beyond Hollywood action entertainment you find difficulty at finding anything else remotely engaging.
      Tokyo Story is not even that unconventional, if anything it's actually very accessible and entry level, no wonder it's Ozu's most famous film.

    • 2 years ago

      >othing of note takes place. It IS boring, aggressively boring.
      Either unobservant or wilfully ignorant and cape-shit brained, don't know what's worse to be honest. You might as well just give up.

  6. 2 years ago

    There are more kino Ozu films

    • 2 years ago

      I liked the one about the brothers and the tv set

    • 2 years ago

      For me it's late spring

      • 2 years ago

        Setsuko Hara was prostitute and a LESBIAN. He couldn't act for shit and always putting the same moronic fricking face over and over. What a fricking untalented dyke jesus.

  7. 2 years ago

    I swear to God some of you people literally don't have souls

  8. 2 years ago

    You are probably a 30+ year old manchild so I won't say "when you grow up". When you "mentally grow up" you will realize that movies do not have to be about concepts or epic multiverses to be interesting / effective, the quaint alienation of aging parents to their children is quite enough to make a hard hitting movie that is universal to all countries, not just japan,

    • 2 years ago

      Tokyo Story was actually inspired by an american film Make Way For Tomorrow which is also great and definitely worth a watch

    • 2 years ago

      >If you don't like the film that must be due to emotional immaturity or a mental defect.

      You people just prove that it's a film for pseuds with a superiority complex.

      Film is a visual medium. Get filtered, plotgay.

      There's nothing special about the visuals here. Frames within frames! Low camera like your sitting on a tatami mat! And the camera never moves! Yawn. I might like it more if he didn't use that same technique for every single shot in the film. The visuals are as repetitive as everything else here.

      • 2 years ago

        >>If you don't like the film that must be due to emotional immaturity or a mental defect.

      • 2 years ago

        >Frames within frames! Low camera like your sitting on a tatami mat! And the camera never moves!
        And what's bad about that? It serves the film, it creates an aura of intimacy for his films which are all about that, personal regular troubles but unlike much social realism without broader social undertones, more personal.
        Also the people who shit on "arthouse" cinema or whatever you want to call it are often the ones with a superiority complex. I don't know how many times I've seen people pride themselves on being a "common man" and purposefully not even trying to get anything that's supposedly not made for them. It is annoying and embarassing. Most people are stupid, that's basically a fact, but they just stay away from the stuff that they don't enjoy and do not talk about it. But there's a special and the worst kind of stupid, people who are aware of their position in the social hierarchy of intellect but also love to constantly jump higher than their heads, hit the celling and then parade around proclaiming how shit everything is above actually and how great they're for seeing through that. Buzzwords like pseuds, pretentious, non-arguments like simply stating "boring" etc. Nothing to say, yet they demand a throughout explanation and elaboration from everyone else.

      • 2 years ago

        >You people just prove that it's a film for pseuds with a superiority complex.
        That's literally the opposite of what he's saying. He's saying any normal functioning adult would be able to appreciate the movie

  9. 2 years ago

    How can one not like AN Ozu movie? His stuff are universal and timeless. Unlike other films, you don't have to understand the lore or scifi tech or get into them too deeply. They're simple movies that anyone at any age or gender should be able to find an angle in which they would be able to relate to and/or appreciate. I'd understand not liking all his movies and saying they're all samey, but to simply dismiss them all as something for pseuds is puzzling.

  10. 2 years ago

    Already was done way better in Make Way for Tormorrow years earlier, even confirmed by Ozu himself that he ripped off that film. He can go frick himself with is closeted homosexual ass.

  11. 2 years ago

    The only people that I know if that don't like this movie (3 people btw) are fans of Villeneuve, Nolan, Everything Everywhere All At Once, Top Gun, and they regularly watch capeshit.

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