the future of DC Comics
Discovery is not selling DC or shutting it down. They know there's too much money to make with these characters.

But there's no way they let the floppies business continue as is.

What do you hope happens?
What do you think is realistically going to happen with DC's new corporate overlords?
What will you be okay with happening to the future of DC Comics?
How soon will this thread be infested with Mouse shills and Snyderschizos?

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  1. 2 years ago

    They're going to sell the gaming division to Microsoft or Sony

    • 2 years ago

      Sony can't afford it

      Microsoft is still in the process of buying Activision

    • 2 years ago

      No one wants it. They tried selling it before and no one wanted to buy it.

  2. 2 years ago

    maybe they could look at what anime/manga's done, reboot the comics with a serialized focused storyline and then immediately adapt the comic into animation and then get people interested in reading.

    • 2 years ago

      the floppies aren't the problem, it's the fact that they're just making stories no one cares for aside from 1 or 2 every once in a while
      they'll hopefully do what and go down a similar route of making stuff that appeals more to a manga demographic
      I'm honestly surprised they haven't bothered bringing over more of their manga stuff besides JL, that recent Joker manga is still Japan only for some moronic reason

  3. 2 years ago

    >What do you hope happens?
    Less floppies. More anthologies like "Batman: Urban Legends" / the return of the Walmart 100 Page Giants
    Expansion of the Black Label, Young Adult, and Kids Graphic Novel lines.
    More WB Synergy with comics/crossovers of Looney tunes, DC, Hanna Barbera, New Line Cinema, etc

    >What do you think is realistically going to happen with DC's new corporate overlords?
    DC Comics publishing is shut down and the future of comics publishing is outsourced to another company like Dark Horse.

    >What will you be okay with happening to the future of DC Comics?
    I'm fine with outsourcing if they find a way to get anthologies stocked in non-comic shops. Somehow get them back into Walmart, Target, Barnes&Noble, grocery stores, etc.

  4. 2 years ago

    Ethan Van Sciver thinks they'll give it all to Todd McFarlane as he's already doing the Toys. Currently working on another Batman/Spawn crossover as well.

    • 2 years ago

      That would be extremely patrician.

  5. 2 years ago

    Its a failure.

  6. 2 years ago

    They'll shut down DC Comics to cut costs, and then sell the license to publish comics with their characters to Dark Horse or IDW or Boom or whatever.

  7. 2 years ago

    hope they fire every single lgbt, women and black person

  8. 2 years ago

    We are winning bros

  9. 2 years ago

    Only publishing trades and cutting floppies

  10. 2 years ago

    >Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths will end up serving as a grand finale to the DC universe before they get sold off
    How would that make you feel?

    • 2 years ago

      Nothing. We all knew what was coming after that 5G shitshow

    • 2 years ago

      I find now interesting that The Empty Hand is involved un this.

  11. 2 years ago

    It's more likely they'll let some comics continue but it'll be scaled back.

  12. 2 years ago

    Why is DC so cursed? i swear it feels like they implode every 5 years

    • 2 years ago

      incompetent people thinking they know better. What happened behind the scenes of BvS and Suicide Squad condemned the movies. Either MoS Snyder should had been fired or let run the show, mediocre movies can be successful, trying to catch up to marvel in the form of course correction and executives meddling with movies? that was never going to work. Everything that happened later was either due to idiots using twitter as a suggestion box, WW84, birds of prey, etc or executives pushing moronic ideas to reboot snyder stuff, like flash, batgirl and supergirl, black superman, etc.

      the floppies aren't the problem, it's the fact that they're just making stories no one cares for aside from 1 or 2 every once in a while
      they'll hopefully do what and go down a similar route of making stuff that appeals more to a manga demographic
      I'm honestly surprised they haven't bothered bringing over more of their manga stuff besides JL, that recent Joker manga is still Japan only for some moronic reason

      Floppies are a shitty, moronic and extremely expensive format that doesn't work. Is impractical for casuals and offers no value to collectors.

      • 2 years ago

        >Floppies are a shitty, moronic and extremely expensive format that doesn't work. Is impractical for casuals and offers no value to collectors.

        Floppies cost almost no money to produce, and if they weren't comics would still be getting released monthly anyway, just digitally. I have no idea why you people want comics to only get one 6 issue length release every 6 months. that's what kills people's attention.

        • 2 years ago

          >I have no idea why you people want comics to only get one 6 issue length release every 6 months.

          Not the anon you're replying to but when I think copying the manga format I think releasing monthly anthologies that are several comics packed together every month/week followed by volume collections of the individual comics. Even better if they print on cheaper paper. These anthologies could be sold at a similar price to an individual floppy so readers would be getting much more content per purchase. Even if they're not interested in every story contained within, they still get the ones they do care about. And if they really only care about one story then they can buy the volume collections which should be kept on a regular release schedule.

          The real reason manga beats western comics ass in sales in the west, even if we don't get the original anthology releases, is really just the price point. You can buy a volume of One Piece or whatever for much cheaper than a big 2 trade.

  13. 2 years ago

    It will be more Batman comics

  14. 2 years ago

    the wallmart books seemed like an ideal format and i was surprised they werent more successful

    >big giant graphic novel book
    >original stories bookended by a variety of reprints

    literally best of both worlds, no?

    • 2 years ago

      They were wrapped in plastic which is like a death kiss for magazines at the racks, also not directly on aisle caps but by the baseball cards.

      • 2 years ago

        no kidding, i didnt realize that. well, that explains shit sales, but seriously, if you threw those MFers in a barnes and nobles i cant believe they wouldnt sell like hotcakes

      • 2 years ago

        no kidding, i didnt realize that. well, that explains shit sales, but seriously, if you threw those MFers in a barnes and nobles i cant believe they wouldnt sell like hotcakes

        No, the 80-page giants weren't wrapped in plastic at all at Walmart

        You're confusing them with the comic packs, which might sometimes have a Walmart-exclusive book, but not all the Walmart books were put in packs.

  15. 2 years ago

    I expect another reboot with #1s.

    New 52 II: Electric Boogaloo

  16. 2 years ago

    DC should take a page from European comics, since they sell so much better.
    Instead of 23-page comics published monthly which contain only one story (where due to decompression nothing even happens) they should instead publish weekly or fortnightly comic magazines that are around 100 pages long and feature several stories. They could do something like this:
    Detective Comics - featuring Batman, each issue has one Batman story, plus several stories featuring the Batfamily and DC's other detective heroes like the Question.
    Action Comics - the 'headliner' is Superman, who always has a story featured, which could be anywhere from 10-30 pages long. In addition to Superman, this title could feature a variety of heroes like Green Arrow, the Flash, and Firestorm.
    Sensation Comics - featuring Wonder Woman, this would be the title for magical and mythical heroes.
    The Brave and the Bold - the headliner would be the Justice League, and the other stories would be a variety of superhero team ups.
    Strange Adventures - this would be the space focused magazine, and the headliner would be Green Lantern. All of DC's space superheroes could be featured here.
    Whiz! Comics - this magazine would feature Shazam, and would be marketed towards a slightly younger audience. Stories feature the Marvel family and maybe other Fawcett characters. (This could possibly be in another universe, Thunderworld from the Multiversity).
    The magazine format has many benefits. Since each issue contains several stories, it's much more cost effective to a consumer. And it would allow lesser-known characters to get the spotlight more - maybe Firestorm doesn't have the sales to support his own title, but if he's featured alongside Superman in Action Comics, that's pretty much a guaranteed sale.
    In addition to the change in publishing format, they would need a change in storytelling conventions - adopt the policy that "every comic is somebody's first".

    • 2 years ago

      And don't do what the homosexualy French are trying to do, doubling the price of single issue tomes/BD/etc. and making them hardcover. Fricking morons.

  17. 2 years ago

    Completely scrap monthly single issue comics. Only release OGN.

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