The King Kong Movies

I'm currently rewatching King Kong from 1976, which is actually a good movie.

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

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The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

  1. 7 months ago

    Jessica Lange <3

    • 7 months ago

      It's okay

      >doesn't go barefoot like the other Kong girls

      • 7 months ago

        Do footgays just not find any other part of a woman's body attractive?

  2. 7 months ago

    I agree. It is a good movie.

    • 7 months ago

      Carlos Rambaldi deserved his Oscar for what he achieved with those full-scale mechanical arms. Fanboys like to give him shit for the full animatronic Kong, but that was mostly done for publicity purposes, and as misdirection to help sell the magic trick.

      The arms had to be strong enough to support the actress, and dextrous enough to safely interact with her. In less capable hands, those things could've been lethal. On top of it all they had to give a performance.

      No one else at the time could've done what he did.

  3. 7 months ago

    1976 is great but 1933 is still the best Kong movie.
    Mighty Joe Young (1949) is by the same creators as the original King Kong and it's also great, basically another Kong movie but with a different gorilla.

  4. 7 months ago

    >best Kong effects
    >great visuals on the island and in the climax at WTC
    >extremely brutal violence
    >Coombait Kong girl

    >no dinosaur fights
    >limited Kong action generally
    >annoying protagonist
    >weak Denham stand in

    '33 is still the best, but I like the way this version took it and did something new, unlike '05 bloating the original out into a lumbering mess with a questionable cast.

    • 7 months ago

      >>best Kong effects
      >great visuals on the island and in the climax at WTC

      Are you kidding me? FX not even close to amazing stop motion of the original. Just a dude in a monkey suit. They could’ve done that in the original but creators demanded new stop motion instead. No way WTC tower climax is even close to original Empire State Building

      The only thing. 70s remake had which Jackson used in his remake is girl bonding with Kong. In the original, Fat Wray was horrified by him. Jackson didn’t go creepy beastality route long a ‘70s one. Shots of Kong leering at Jessica Lang is is just weird

      • 7 months ago

        >They could’ve done that in the original
        NTA but they couldn't have done a monster suit that good in the 30s. The suitmation in Kong 76 is some of the best in the genre.
        Agree that the 30s stop motion is better overall.

        • 7 months ago

          >NTA but they couldn't have done a monster suit that good in the 30s.

          Are you familiar with the work of Charlie Gemora, classic Hollywood's finest Apesuit man?

          No question Rick Baker's work is also excellent, nd infinitely better than the kind of Kong suits used in the Japanese movies.

          • 7 months ago

            Merriam C Cooper was against the monkey suit. He wanted Kong to look like a realistic gorilla. Why what Jackson did in his remake. But Willis H. O'Brien wanted give Kong humanistic traits to make him more relatable. I heard they argued to point Willis temporarily quit. They reached a compromise. Why Kong walks upright and even takes a boxing stance when fights the T. Rex. Willis we’d a ex boxer

          • 7 months ago

            Both Kong suits (although 62 Kong had two distinct heads) looked the way they looked partially because of growing budget (the infamous piece of shit producer John Beck doublecrossed Toho and left them with the bill) but also because they legally couldn't make him look like the original Kong. And for King Kong Escapes they had to make him look like in the cartoon.
            Their apesuit for the 1955 Half-Human is so much better. The man who made it and wore it also worked on the lost King Kong Appears in Edo and later worked on Planet of the Apes.

      • 7 months ago

        >Fat Wray
        Rude. But I agree on the '76 WTC climax being a second rate rehash, although I maintain it is a good and memorable second rate rehash, befitting the modernisation of the premise.

        Hard disagree on the Kong effects. The suit looks really good and gives Kong an emotional range that he lacked in the original, and that the remake uses in its expansion of the story. The effects in '33 are more technically impressive and groundbreaking, but for what '76 was trying to do ie the creepy bestiality route the monkey suit was necessary and worked brilliantly. I will actually walk back on calling the Kong effects the best because Kong does so much more action in '33 and it looks great, but I will settle for most lifelike and convincing Kong effects.

        • 7 months ago

          >The suit looks really good and gives Kong an emotional range that he lacked in the original
          I think the human eyes add a lot to the emotional aspect of the film.

          • 7 months ago

            No. It added to the creepyness. 70s all about sex exploitation movies. So course he decade with beastality Kong. Jackson movie has a lot of flaws but they handled it a lot less creepy. Kong was like a pet loving his owner

    • 7 months ago

      Mostly correct take.

  5. 7 months ago

    we had a thread about King Kong 1976 not so long ago



    I'd rec this blogpost about the movie

    It paints a pic of why its misunderstood.

    • 7 months ago

      '76 being the last proper modernisation of Kong is actually pretty striking, given that it's nearly 50 years ago; closer in time to the original than the present. A new modernisation would run into a lot of issues. For one thing, what building is there for Kong to climb in NYC now? '33 used the then new empire state building and '76 used the then new twin towers, both iconic. What could a new version use? 1WTC isn't iconic and would never be in the same shot as a plane. Empire state has literally been done before.

      • 7 months ago

        Have Kong get sent to the Middle East and climb the Burj Khalifa.

      • 7 months ago

        Kong has been played out. The 8th wonder was an 8th wonder because of the people back then hadn't travelled around the world or flown in a airplane. It could be real. That was the wonder.

        Fast forward to the 50s. The scifi monsters became more fantasy as the science progressed and peoples knowledge improve. Then Kubrick made 2001. It's the sci-fi version of King Kong. That's why 76' had to spin the story politically and focus on the media-relationship. Naturally, Peter Jackson got lost in all this mess, thought he'd redo the '33, only to produce a shittier cgi-infested version. Its impossible to remake King Kong. You'd have to dumb it down to an action-flick like Skull Island which the nostalgic critics will hate. Or you'd have to build a newworld setting with trolls and faeries and shit, or aliens, but the trouble here is that the audience won't realise they're watching a King Kong-movie. It can't be done.

        • 7 months ago

          >You'd have to dumb it down to an action-flick like Skull Island which the nostalgic critics will hate.

          Who cares about them. They dumbed Godzilla down from the original movie

  6. 7 months ago

    ive never seen the 70s one but my ex made me watch the original old king kong and the really bad queen kong movie and the long boring new kong movie. it was a total red flag but i didnt know it then. i said if i have to watch a movie like that i rather watch godzilla since i like things from japan like anime but he said kong is a classic so we watched it. it was fine i guess but i dont understand why in the old one and the new one the film maker guy says "it wasnt the airplanes it was BEAUTY KILLED THE BEAST!" at the end. first of all it makes no sense. it should be beauty that killed the beast but also she literally didnt even kill him if ann is the beauty. in the old one ann is scared of kong and in the long one she likes him but she didnt kill him the Airplanes did. i think if ann pushed kong it would be way sadder like the long one was still sad like he wanted to save her but he fell. but she didnt so why does the film maker guy blame her unless he means New York but a forest is way prettier then a city so kong knows natural beauty. also the first beauty and the beast movie didnt come out til like the 1940s in FRENCH and yes i do like that one so its about the beauty and the Beast fairy tale? but she never killed him at all so it makes no sense. like a better story will be if her bf was turned to a ape and she had to push him to save him from the airplanes or whatever. but i guess the real "APE" was my ex since it turned out he really liked monster movies and saw me as like the monster so yea we broke up

    • 7 months ago

      breasts or gtfo

    • 7 months ago

      Wow. You really missed the point. If Kong wasn’t obsessed with girl he’d never been captured and taken to New York. He’d never escaped to capture her again. That’s why Denham says it was beauty that killed the beast.

  7. 7 months ago

    Tried watching this after the last thread about it. It's bad. Not enough Kong fighting with other island monsters and creatures. Take out that scrap with the snake and you're left with a lame duck.

  8. 7 months ago

    1976 Kong is awful. Everything looks as ugly as 70s America even Skull Island. Instead of a grand adventure they travel for oil in an ugly, rusty ship.Airhead Ann survives because of Deep Throat. There are political messages everywhere. From government corruption to the natives being exploited noble savages. Every subtext people wrongly believed the original had is there unironically. And it's boring too.

    • 7 months ago

      Only based part about the movie

      • 7 months ago

        But she was too ugly. Jessica Lang stomps all over her in the looks department at the time. Streep IS a better actress in the right roles but she isn't looker and that's what they wanted for the kong movie. Just take the L and get over it

        • 7 months ago

          Lange is vastly better looking, and a very fine actress to boot.

          She was clearly the best choice for the role. If Streep had any humility, she would see this and get over herself.

      • 7 months ago

        >and then everyone clapped

  9. 7 months ago

    1. King Kong (1933)
    2. King Kong (2005)
    3. Kong: Skull Island (2017)
    4. King Kong vs. Godzilla (1962)
    5. The Son of Kong (1933)
    6. King Kong Escapes (1967)
    7. Godzilla vs. Kong (2021)
    8. King Kong (1976)
    9. King Kong Lives (1986)

    • 7 months ago

      It wasn't misunderstood. The reasons people hate it have always been valid.

      >a good ranking on Cinemaphile
      Get out, we only post wrong opinions on this board.

      • 7 months ago

        1. King Kong (1933)
        2. King Kong (2005)
        3. Kong: Skull Island (2017)
        4. King Kong vs. Godzilla (1962)
        5. The Son of Kong (1933)
        6. King Kong Escapes (1967)
        7. Godzilla vs. Kong (2021)
        8. King Kong (1976)
        9. King Kong Lives (1986)

        > we only post wrong opinions
        He put skull island too high on the list. Kong skull island is trash.

        • 7 months ago

          It's not. Its main problem is that the last act is a bit predictable but it's beautifully shot and the walk through the island is pretty great. Finally Skull Island with interesting creatures.

  10. 7 months ago

    2005 > '33 > the rest

    • 7 months ago

      >2005 above 1933
      Nah. I'd even put 1976 above 2005, it's not bad but it's mostly a bloated retread of a better movie.

      • 7 months ago

        Most if not all flaws everyone associates with the 2005 movie
        >bloated, bad pacing
        >Black miscast as Denham
        >really sappy and corny at places, which made Ann make idiotic decisions
        Are true. And I still like it the way it is and soon after I rewatched the extended edition I felt like watching it again. Black's Denham is pretty bad at times but it's because they made him too unlikeable. In the original he represented Cooper himself. It's also too sentimental. It's what I don't like about MV Kong. They made him too sappy. Thankfully he's still a killer and we see he dismembered like hundreds of women in his lifetime.

  11. 7 months ago

    What's that supposed to be in his hand? (not da white woman)

    • 7 months ago

      A big broken plane I think.

  12. 7 months ago

    the rape scene was weird

    • 7 months ago

      Well in this movie Kong goes apeshit after sniffing Ann's discarded clothing.

      • 7 months ago

        I don't know, the size difference is too significant
        would you get off on stripping someone the size of smurfette nude?

        • 7 months ago

          >would you get off on stripping someone the size of smurfette nude?
          Yes. And on blasting her off her feet with my, to scale, firehose-like cum stream

    • 7 months ago
  13. 7 months ago

    It's mediocre at best. Awful characters, uneven effects, weird romance between Kong and the girl when the whole point of the story is unrequited romance. Only John Barry's score is good.
    My ranking of the Kongs:
    1. King Kong 1933- in a league of its own and one of the best movies ever made
    (power gap)
    2. King Kong vs. Godzilla- silly fun, very enjoyable
    3. King Kong Escapes- sillier fun, not quite as enjoyable
    4. Son of Kong- mediocre cash-in, barely memorable
    5. King Kong 2005- overlong, bloated, poorly-cast, but with some great scenes here and there
    6. King Kong 1976- already gave my opinion on this one
    7. King Kong Lives- not quite as awful as most say, but still very dumb
    (power gap)
    8. Kong: Skull Island- crass and stupid
    9. Godzilla vs. Kong- pure moronation from start to finish

  14. 7 months ago

    I actually prefer it to the Jackson one tbh, though my memory is hazy, so I may re-evaluate that position on a rewatch

  15. 7 months ago

    Here’s the reason why Kong never has Godzilla success. First movie was so ground breaking and considered to this day one of the best movies ever made. So any lesser sequel wasn’t going to fly. See Son of Kong. Stop motion was too expensive and time consuming. Why Toho didn’t use it. But America audiences weren’t going to a movie to see a guy in a monkey suit. Godzilla was popular with kids ob TV. They rarely got US theatrical run. Soon became a running joke. Jap in the rubber suit.

    • 7 months ago

      King Kong vs Godzilla was by far Toho's most successful Godzilla movie, and the reason they made Godzilla into an ongoing series. They would've made an ongoing Kong series if they could've.

      Even Peter Jackson's King Kong outgrossed every modern Godzilla movie, and Kong Skull Island outgrossed that.

      Kongchads, we won.

    • 7 months ago

      There were supposed to be more sequels but RKO was constantly near bankrupt so only Son of Kong was made. Then Cooper was busy with developing technicolor and widescreen, O'Brien did other things and introduced his King Kong vs. Frankenstein concept too late for any American studio to be interested. But Japan had a booming monster movie business.
      So timing killed Kong's chances. That and also that 1954 Godzilla is a genuine masterpiece. Even if nothing could compare to it other movies that Toho made were crafted with skill and they're genre classics to this day.
      So yeah bad timing and also the competition successfully filling the niche because it always takes luck and real talent.

      • 7 months ago

        Again, RKO wouldn’t even consider making a Kong movie with a guy in a monkey suit even though it’d been cheaper. And could’ve gotten a better suit than Toho one. Fact is, if they made a Godzilla movie in the US with a guy in a rubber suit, it’d bombed. Japs weren’t that picky. Would Jurassic Park been a mass success if they used stop motion? Doubt it. Audiences were already done with stop motion after T2 and Spielberg damn near used it

        • 7 months ago

          It's not about special effects. Stop motion has its advantages and drawbacks and so do suits and miniatures. Godzilla looks great as it is in elegant black and white and great cinematogrpahy. I would never trade it for stop motion.
          Just like people wouldn't want to see 1933 Kong colorized and with CGI Kong replacing the old one even though that would make him up to date.

          • 7 months ago

            I get that. I’m talking general audience not Goldizilla fans. Notice every American Godzilla movie they use CGI Godzilla. Only now is Toho using a CGI Godzilla

            • 7 months ago

              Sucks that digital revolution came as suitmation and miniatures reached their absolute peak in the 2000s. Not to take anything away from the old masters. Their work is incredible to this day and took staggering effort but technology moved. And then it had to be replaced with CGI and we're just getting out of this awkward early period.

              • 7 months ago

                >even the telegraph pole is electrified
                Never noticed that before holy frick.

              • 7 months ago

                Check out this 70s King Kong VW commercial. The girl is Fay Wray’s daughter

              • 7 months ago

                I think it's David Allen's. This reminds me that The Primevals was released this year at last. 24 years after Allen's death his work was finished. If you ever had a dream that there would be some previously unseen O'Brien or Harryhausen movie that was discovered this is it.

              • 7 months ago

                Definitely checking out

              • 7 months ago

                Fun fact: Part of this is a pitch made by Hammer to remake Kong in stop motion back in the 60s/70s.

                The rights owners shot it down ("no remakes"), so they added some more stuff to it and made that commercial.

              • 7 months ago

                Than we got shitty monkey suit remake sold over a lie it’d be 40 foot robot uh

              • 7 months ago

                My understanding is DeLaurenwhatever was a friend of whoever owned Kong, so he smoothtalked him into letting him make the 76 movie.

              • 7 months ago

                And Universal too. Then everybody sued each other and the judge ruled RKO didn't own the rights to Kong but the Cooper estate. Then the Cooper estate sold the rights (most of it anyway) to Universal but Paramount was still allowed to produce their Kong movie. Not sure where King Kong Lives fits into that.
                Universal still has those rights so they can make all the Kong movies they want, actually call them "King Kong" and don't need to ask anyone's permission to use elements from the original movie.

              • 7 months ago

                Kong goes into public domain in literally a couple years. End all red tape shit

              • 7 months ago

                RKO was bankrupt and stopped making movies but they still had the audacity to do shit like that? I don't even know how Toho managed to make a deal with Universal and then Rankin-Bass to use Kong in their movies because the producer John Beck wasn't from RKO. But never mind then it bit them in the ass because they lost the rights after they let both Universal and Paramount produce their remakes of King Kong.

              • 7 months ago

                I think it's David Allen's. This reminds me that The Primevals was released this year at last. 24 years after Allen's death his work was finished. If you ever had a dream that there would be some previously unseen O'Brien or Harryhausen movie that was discovered this is it.

                In the 1990s Dave Allen again animated Kong, this time filmed on large format 65mm film with an Imax camera for the documentary Special Effects: Anything can Happen.

                I was lucky to see this on the Imax screen at the science museum and it looked incredible. It can only be seen today in a VHSrip.


      • 7 months ago

        >so only Son of Kong was made
        Flopped, too.

        • 7 months ago

          Well they gave them a few months and almost no money. And that was it for Kong as a franchise for a while. It really became messy in the 60s and into the 70s when Cooper tried to prove he owned the rights. It was never meant to be. Kong was just too expensive for its time and its studio. Everyone started investing in cheaper gothic horror instead. It's so sad that War Eagles was never made.

        • 7 months ago

          Sad, it's a fun movie.

  16. 7 months ago

    Theres something really freaky about Kong's face on that poster.

  17. 7 months ago

    This movie isn't that good.
    Same as Godzilla 1997.
    They just came to be aided by nostalgia.

  18. 7 months ago

    This movie proves my point. To sell it and get people excited De Laurentiis brothers claimed Kong would be a 40 foot robot. Even put huge article in Starlog. Instead as we know, it was bullshit. Just Rick Baker in a monkey suit and robotic Kong was just a prop in a few scenes

    • 7 months ago

      De Laurentiis wanted to use the robot more but it was impractical.

  19. 7 months ago

    We live in a world where Harryhausen didn't participate in the King Kong remake, and that makes me sad.

  20. 7 months ago

    What’s funny is Donkey Originally a Peopeye game. Pic related was the design. Couldn’t get rights. So switch Brutus out for Donkey Kong and Popeye out for JumpMan aka Mario. They than get sued by Universal for using Kong name and likeness and Universal loses. I think that’s when Univeral through up their hands bad gave up on Kong

    • 7 months ago

      Not really. They spent all of the 90s trying to get a reboot off the ground, but then Godzilla 98 killed all enthusiasm for monster movies.

      • 7 months ago

        Lmao that was a shitshow. Emmerich and Devlin were the biggest names in Hollywood at the time attached to every important project and this movie ended it all. It was also supposed to make Godzilla an international brand but that only happened after 2014. But it's ok. Jackson himself admitted that the hiatus made the movie better. So everything turned out ok.

        • 7 months ago

          Well thats what happens when you give an IP to two directors who publicly admitted to never liking it in the first place.

        • 7 months ago

          Except Jackson’s movie sucked

  21. 7 months ago

    My ideal 1970's King Kong remake.

    >Special effect
    Ray Harryhausen
    Jim Danforth
    Phil Tippett
    David Allen
    Dennis Muren

    Don Chaffey

    >Ann Darrow
    Barbara Bach
    >Jack Driscoll
    Robert Redford
    >Carl Denham
    Orson Welles

  22. 7 months ago

    One of the nice things about how much Hollywood sucks these days is that movies that seemed just meh when I watched them as a kid back in the 90s seem positively brilliant now compared to modern crap

  23. 7 months ago

    is this the worst frickup in history?

    • 7 months ago

      It’s awful even for Toho standards

    • 7 months ago

      I like how they're both dumbasses in this movie.

    • 7 months ago

      I like that both of them are stupid in it

      • 7 months ago

        Yeah KKvG has a unique tone with both of the kaiju being comedic dumbasses in it, fun movie.

  24. 7 months ago

    Anyone remember this kino game? Best character read King Kong knock off. Kongar. He had this sonic roar that destroy shit like Rodan flying by

    • 7 months ago

      Didn't play it but I did play the Pipeworks Godzilla games. Too bad rights issues got in the way of King Kong being in those, would've been cool.

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