The Krakoa era has too many good ideas not to be a (possible) canon ending to X-Men as a narrative.

The Krakoa era has too many good ideas not to be a (possible) canon ending to X-Men as a narrative. The problem is that capeshit never ends.

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  1. 2 years ago

    It's a terrible ending, the best possible narrative ending is 500 years later in some Space colony where Spider-Man's grandkid is working a EVA job next to a dead celestial being mined and some mutant wonders what the frick it is as he gets ready to weld something with his co-worker.

  2. 2 years ago

    Krakoa is the kind of story arc that could be legendary and genre-defining if handled by people with intellect, foresight and subtly.

    But all we have is Marvel Editorial so they'll almost certainly frick it up.

    • 2 years ago

      It's funny you act as though they haven't already.
      For God's sake have you people read what they've had the mutants do in these stories?
      It's fricking awful, they've tried to go EMMA DIDNU NUFFIN as she girlbosses her way through life, then there's the shit where some goddamn wannabe terrorist keeps attacking blue-collar workers just because they're the ones who happen to sell the shit she's butthurt about.

      • 2 years ago

        >It's funny you act as though they haven't already.
        I'm not. I'm saying it's going to get worse. They're going to lose the plot but they're going to double down anyway because Mutant Sex Cult Island is such obvious shallow wish fulfillment for Tumblr queerbos.

  3. 2 years ago

    Now that she lives on Krakoa and is out of the vault, who is Laura's frick buddy?

    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      Synch... because black

      • 2 years ago

        She thinks he’s creepy because he can’t let go of the vault

    • 2 years ago

      I'm going to guess
      Primal (Hope's fight or mate teammate)
      Sunspot (He is a ladies man and his bro Cannonball is married)
      Warpath (because muscles but Dani and those girls have dibs)
      Cyclops (But Logan and Jean poly relationship is a minefield best left alone)
      Adult Angel (He knows what she likes and could be a good FWB)
      Pyro or Empath (Laura has a thing for blonde pretty boys but these ones are bad)
      Wildchild (challenge accepted same idea as Primal)
      Kurt (Logan's best friend makes it seem bad)

    • 2 years ago

      Anyone who can pay

      • 2 years ago
  4. 2 years ago

    The potential is like, at most as big as Utopia could be 10 years ago.

  5. 2 years ago

    The only ending Krakoa deserves is a black hole that swallows the island and everyone on it.

    • 2 years ago

      No, no, see, the X-Men office writers should be forced to write about how psychopathic and frankly shitty the mutants have become, almost as though they were influenced by reality warpers who were too moronic to understand they were making the X-Men act like villains.
      Then the reality warpers should be fought and they should have the name of the writers responsible for the Krakoa era.

  6. 2 years ago

    Would have had no problem with Krakoa if mutants were segregated to their own universe. It just don't work in a shared universe setting.

    • 2 years ago

      Yeah, the mutant writers just keep trying to twist things so that everything becomes about the poor mutants and how no one is helping them while also trying to steal popular characters from other offices.

      • 2 years ago

        Hickman's ideas might have been a lot more tolerable if he'd used OCs in their own setting, but characters who've been around for decades have been twisted to fit into this narrative, and even for many years before Hickman, the X-book writers just don't play nice with the rest of Marvel.

        You like the Avengers?
        >Get ready to enjoy seeing the X-books use them as the establishment's heavies that try to stop the X-Men from doing whatever they want whenever they want
        >Get ready to see mutants calling them "cops" as an insult. Even to characters who used to be an Avenger 20 years ago.
        >Get ready to see that awful b***h Emma Frost yell at the Avengers for not being there to help every time she broke a nail or burst an implant

        You like the Fantastic Four
        >Get ready to enjoy Reed getting dragged into 'morally ambiguous' Hickmanian mutant storylines by sub-Hickman writers
        >Get ready to enjoy X-Men fandom trying to lay claim to Franklin Richards and seething over how Dan Slott retconning him into not being a mutant is like a hate crime

        You like the Inhumans, the Eternals or the Scarlet Witch?
        >God help you, because Marvel won't.

        • 2 years ago

          >Get ready to enjoy X-Men fandom trying to lay claim to Franklin Richards and seething over how Dan Slott retconning him into not being a mutant is like a hate crime
          This, I hate this shit. Every single time Mutant shit happens it's clear these writers want to dictate shit and have everything revolve around the X-Men.
          I swear, they're such salty fricks just because the Marvel movies meant that Wolverine and co weren't the center of the universe anymore.

          • 2 years ago

            They're going to be like this forever about Franklin, and about Wanda and Pietro, and unless Disney keeps a boot on editorial's neck, eventually they'll get what they want because it's like the universe itself bends to the will of the X-gays, like with this recent Kamala nonsense. They didn't need that, but they wanted it and so they got it.

            >I swear, they're such salty fricks just because the Marvel movies meant that Wolverine and co weren't the center of the universe anymore.
            And all the conspiracy theories because it just can't be that those MCU characters that normies had never even heard of had movies that performed better than most of the X-Men movies, even though the X-Men had a massive head start on them and had all those cartoons, toys and games since the 90s. There are just so many older fans from the 80s and 90s who keep insisting X-Men and Spider-Man are the only Marvel characters that matter, and are losing their minds because these other characters aren't "supposed" to be popular and it shouldn't be allowed. I hate that mentality where it's not enough for them to have things, for them to feel like their winning, everyone else has to get nothing.

            • 2 years ago

              I mean I figure Disney isn't going to let them take everything at least, if for no other reason than they want IP stuff free to pump out movies that wouldn't all be tied into mutant shit.

        • 2 years ago

          >Frick the Avengers, they're all cops!!!
          >But also, Apocalypse, Selene, and Cassandra Nova are just misunderstood individuals, mutant and proud!!

        • 2 years ago

          >You like the Inhumans, the Eternals
          lol, these fricking posters
          Nobody on this board has ever read the Kirby, Gaiman, or Gillen Eternals.
          Nobody on this board has read the Paul Jenkins or any other Inhumans comic book besides the few people who fap to Kamala.
          Stop acting like Eternals and Inhumans are some sort of sacred cow in the Marvel cosmos.

          • 2 years ago

            Don't be that guy, anon. There aren't many of them, but there are a few Inhumans fans on Cinemaphile. Even if most Inhumans threads are started by that one ESL anon who actually liked the 2010s OCs and waifus Kamala, the others seem fairly knowledgeable and genuine fans of the older comics. There are a few genuine fans of the Kirby Eternals here as well.

            You don't have to treat them as untouchable sacred cows, but no matter how small their fanbases are, they do have some fans, and they don't deserve to be turned into the antagonists of X-Men stories that rile up a massive fanbase to hate them. Nobody deserves that.

            • 2 years ago

              It's genuinely weird to see people get so up in arms about the Inhumans and Eternals, frankly, especially the Eternals. It's not like the Inhumans showed up out of nowhere, they've repeatedly done stints with the Fantastic Four, Avengers, and Cosmic Marvel as a whole. And being mad at the Eternals getting the spotlight for once in their extremely bleak history is like being pissed at Alpha Flight or the Midnight Sons, like seriously, just let them have this for once.

              • 2 years ago

                X-homosexuals are just mad that other superhuman races are actually getting attention as oppose to the mutants.

              • 2 years ago

                Before the 2010s, there were several older stories where the X-Men met the Inhumans, one important X-Factor story where they teamed up with the Inhumans, there was even a team of Inhumans who worked for Apocalypse, but 2010s X-gays honestly seemed to think the Inhumans were something Marvel had literally just created to replace the X-Men. And that they were aliens. I can't understand it at all.

                X-homosexuals are just mad that other superhuman races are actually getting attention as oppose to the mutants.

                There do seem to be a lot of fans who really believe Marvel should just publish X-Men and Spider-Man and nothing else ever.

              • 2 years ago

                You don't need to be a top seller with hundreds of comics to have people give a frick about you anon. Besides Inhumans unironically were around a lot in 00s. most of the minis came from that decade, a part of several events, BB in the illuminati, Medusa in Beyond. They only slowed down when D&A left and nobody knew what to with the Inhumans while Black Bolt was dead.

              • 2 years ago

                Honestly the inhuman I knew and liked died when they started pushing them and they became second-rate x-men, I never managed to give a shit about any of the nuhuman character.

    • 2 years ago

      This. Most of the shit they're doing to be impressive is shit other characters would be doing if it wasn't for the "world outside your window" stuff. Wakanda apparently has super medication that they hadn't been releasing until recently, Jackal has been doing near-perfect cloning since the 80s, the Avengers were terraforming Mars before they stopped for no reason, and Reed Richards and Tony Stark could revolutionize the technological level of the world several times over if Marvel wanted them to. But they're basically being extolled for catching up to what everyone else is doing in the span of, like, years. Which I guess would be more impressive were they not outright being handed everything on a silver platter.

      • 2 years ago

        The constant victim status is what really fricks it up. All the heroes have to be in the wrong against them. X-gays swear that the narrative was against the X-men in IvX but it ends with the Inhumans doing exactly what the X-men want because they realized they were wrong. I'm wonder how long until we get a spiderverse vs X-men event

        • 2 years ago

          meant for

          Hickman's ideas might have been a lot more tolerable if he'd used OCs in their own setting, but characters who've been around for decades have been twisted to fit into this narrative, and even for many years before Hickman, the X-book writers just don't play nice with the rest of Marvel.

          You like the Avengers?
          >Get ready to enjoy seeing the X-books use them as the establishment's heavies that try to stop the X-Men from doing whatever they want whenever they want
          >Get ready to see mutants calling them "cops" as an insult. Even to characters who used to be an Avenger 20 years ago.
          >Get ready to see that awful b***h Emma Frost yell at the Avengers for not being there to help every time she broke a nail or burst an implant

          You like the Fantastic Four
          >Get ready to enjoy Reed getting dragged into 'morally ambiguous' Hickmanian mutant storylines by sub-Hickman writers
          >Get ready to enjoy X-Men fandom trying to lay claim to Franklin Richards and seething over how Dan Slott retconning him into not being a mutant is like a hate crime

          You like the Inhumans, the Eternals or the Scarlet Witch?
          >God help you, because Marvel won't.

        • 2 years ago

          >X-gays swear that the narrative was against the X-men in IvX but it ends with the Inhumans doing exactly what the X-men want because they realized they were wrong.
          Apparently the Inhumans should have destroyed all of their Terrigen the moment they learned it was poisonous to mutants, rather than their attempts to evacuate anyone, human or mutant, who didn't want to risk being exposed to the Terrigen cloud, which these fans probably don't even know about because they would never read an Inhumans book.

          The books and the fans have spent years insisting that mutants being deprived of their powers is "genocide", but if the mutants deprive the Inhumans of their powers, well, it's OK when mutants do it. And that's the problem with a lot of the Krakoa books, too. Characters doing awful things, including awful things real governments, corporations and intelligence agencies do in the real world, but most of it presented with an "it's OK when mutants do it, because they're better than you" level of morality.

          >I'm wonder how long until we get a spiderverse vs X-men event
          Marvel are playing with fire with this Dark Web event. This could be a fandom war worse than AvX or Civil War.

          • 2 years ago

            >"it's OK when mutants do it, because they're better than you" level of morality
            It's some real "we're the master race, bow down and die off already you disgusting flatscans" shit, yeah.

            • 2 years ago

              It's just israeli Stereotypes played straight. They fricked up hard because Mags quoted the protocols of Zion, Judenraus'd Wanda, and even threatened Israel as he's the new Chosen People/God now. Funniest thing is that Mags is a b***h now since he let Krakoa which houses more mutants than Arrako be under the control of Evil Nazi Sinister and Mutants who's entire MO is backstabbing/selling out their own kind so he can't even pull the "I did it for Mutant kind" schtick. He ran when the heat was too hot until they can whitewash his bullshit as always. Krakoa's right to self-determination for all mutants is just a plagiarism of Zionism and even the Quiet Council admit they're only fake woke/trying to control the world through publicity and fake victimhood since the majority of Mutant Death has been caused by Mutants themselves. X-Desk writers are idiots but whether on purpose or not, they've gone full /misc/ with Krakoa.

  7. 2 years ago

    Didnt claremont already write xmen: the end?

  8. 2 years ago

    they made them so fricking evil and irredeemable, that anyone that thinks this is a good story let alone great ending to the franchise is a fricking moron.

  9. 2 years ago

    Nu Marvel is a mistake

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