The Krakoan Era is ending

The closing mini's will release at the beginning of 2024. What does Cinemaphile think/want the next status quo to be?

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  1. 8 months ago

    The mansion is back, Everything will be reset to TAS status

    • 8 months ago

      this the mansion is even in the background. of the most recent promotional spread

    • 8 months ago

      Yep, they're going to gall all in on that D+ promotion.

    • 8 months ago

      This. Just literally erase everything that happened after 1988 or so.

  2. 8 months ago

    >The Krakoan Era is ending
    Didn't that happened already like 20 years ago?

  3. 8 months ago

    >/want the next status quo to be?
    complete mutie extermination

    • 8 months ago

      This. Just end it.

      • 8 months ago

        I want robots to fully buckbreak mutants to the point they kneel to passing roombas.

        Remember that it is canon.
        That 99% of mutants can’t do SHIT about Nimrod bodyslamming them from on high.

  4. 8 months ago

    Whelp, that's it. There will be nothing left for me. Weekly storytimes are drying up and Western animation is dying. X-men storytimes were the only source for consistent quantity threads Cinemaphile. Damn you status quo cucks, damn you Marvel editorial, and damn John Hickman for leaving us!!!!

    • 8 months ago

      Good riddance to your shit taste.

    • 8 months ago

      I would prefer quality, not quantity cuck

  5. 8 months ago

    Restart back with the mansion to tie into the movies coming up

  6. 8 months ago

    So what was the point of all this? Why wouldn't the loser writers at Marvel let Hickman finish his story?

    • 8 months ago

      His story sucked.
      >Inferno was supposed to have Mystique holding mutantkind hostage via the reveal that Sinister had a backdoor in place to kill all of the cloned mutants (hence why Hickman called the mini "Inferno"). Mystique gets killed and Destiny doesn't come back to life period and Moira never gets depowered/forced to flee.

      >Krakoa was supposed to fall under Hickman via the Nasty Boys working with ORCHIS with Jean being poisoned and causing a massive telepathic bomb go off with her death, taking out most of the islands population. Moira would mercy kill Xavier and go on the run with the Cerebro Sword, which would contain the last surviving back-up as Orchis would destroy the back-ups save for it.

      >While this is all going on, the Children of the Vault would break free and start going on a killing spree that threatens to wipe out all life on Earth. Orchis, X-Men, and earth's heroes all have to put aside their hate boner to stop the COTV and save Earth....

      >Only for the Phalanx (who got to their black hole and know about Moira) to show up when everyone's barely survived the COTV fight to kill a now weakened Earth and are the power behind Omega Sentinel, who betrays Nimrod and Orchis in general. To beat them, Earth needs the Wakanda space empire's help because all of the other major space empires abandon Earth after Abigail Brand's schemes get exposed. But to do this, Storm has to retrieve her bastard son (conceived off-panel from a booty call she had with Black Panther) from the Weapon Plus project's "World" where she stashed him in when she got pregnant and people tried to kill her and her unborn kid.

      >The Bastard unites the mutant and Wakanda empires to beat back the Phalanx and gets declared God Emperor of the solar system.

      >Everyone rebuilds Earth and forgets that Orchis tried to kill mutantkind

      I don't care for Duggan at all, but Gillen is a vast improvement over this.

      • 8 months ago


        • 8 months ago

          Spread all over but here's the one about BP and Storm's son

      • 8 months ago

        I will not rest until medical science can remove all of Gerry Conway's cancer and put it in Jonathan Hickman

  7. 8 months ago

    >Professor X in a wheelchair
    >Cyclops dates Emma Frost exclusively
    >Jean Grey dates Wolverine exclusively
    >Dani Moonstar teaches a new new new mutants team at Professor X's school for gifted youngsters
    >Beast gets reset and joins Jed MacKay's Avengers
    >X-Men roster: Cyclops, Jean Grey, Wolverine, Emma Frost, Nightcrawler, Storm, Colossus, Rogue, Beast
    >X-Men: Red continues as the only Krakoagay legacy title and crosses over with Guardiains of the Galaxy for big cosmic events

    • 8 months ago

      They are setting Emma and Tony together, Emma will be "fixed" by Stark because he is fricking Tony Stark and Pepper Potts is dead.
      It will always end with Scott and Jean.

      • 8 months ago

        Somehow there are still otherwise intelligent and normal-seeming people who genuinely ship Cyclops/Emma, genuinely want the Diet Magneto version of Cyclops, and are never going to stop. There's nothing you can do to cure or help them.

        • 8 months ago

          Those never read x-comics at all and posted their dilatation periods at tumblr when it was a thing.
          Those are the same people who praised hank McCoy's character Assasination and Morrison's run, bonus for the Children of the atom and "Pixiv
          Hentai" era

          • 8 months ago

            Pixiv hentai era?

            • 8 months ago

              The one where all girls dressed like taimanin bawds with black leather, mainly emma

          • 8 months ago

            >Morrison's run

            You mean the run that saved the franchise from the absolute creative bankruptcy it had fallen into by the end of the 90s? What about it?

            • 8 months ago

              Was that when Jubilee became a vampire, or did that happen afterwards?

              • 8 months ago

                that was after Morrison's run after decimation and that random New Warriors book she was in

              • 8 months ago

                Jubilee should become a vampire again. Some of the most fun X-men comics I read were the ones with Vampire Jubilee and Prostitute Laura interacting.

              • 8 months ago

                She doesn't have to be a vampire for that, just drawn by Sana Takeda.

            • 8 months ago

              It's weird how people around here say it ruined the X-Men when it did the exact opposite. I assume it's just classic contrarianism

              • 8 months ago

                Morrison's run was pretty miserable and Quesada immediately zagged in the complete opposite direction. After House of M, its only legacy was Scott/Emma.

              • 8 months ago

                Did you like X-Men because it was the biggest and best superhero book in the 80s and 90s or did you like X-Men because Muh Metaphor. Ask yourself that question and your answer will likely determine whether you think Morrison ruined the X-Men forever or improved them.

        • 8 months ago

          I love the Rightclops era but it had its time. Even Gillen said that if he had stayed on the title, he was going to have Emma backstab Scott.

        • 8 months ago

          Their Rightclops is him being exactly like Magneto, my Rightclops is Scott flying around with a jetpack who always has a plan, we are not the same.

          • 8 months ago

            Are you certain that's not Flyclops

      • 8 months ago

        >Pepper is dead
        Wait, what?!

        • 8 months ago

          One of tony's nightmares during the anual shit with agatha harkness vs storm had a undead Pepper and Happy Chasing him and blaming him for what happened to them.
          So she probably died offscreen since she has gone missing for almost 2 years.

    • 8 months ago

      >Cyclops dates Emma Frost exclusively
      Why do you freaks hate Cyclops? Emma does nothing but bring out the worst in him

  8. 8 months ago

    IMHO, it was doomed form the start. Isolation & forced acknowledgement NEVER end well. Clearly nobody learned from the disasters that were Asteroid M, Utopia, & The Savage Land eras

    But still, Orchis is going to get the pounding it deserves....

    • 8 months ago

      >disasters that were Asteroid M, Utopia, & The Savage Land eras
      >Asteroid M, Utopia
      My mugga, Utopia was great. It was a breath of fresh air after the misery of Decimation.

      • 8 months ago

        I agree Decimation was a nightmare.

  9. 8 months ago

    Back to the mansion of course.
    Back back back to the mansion.
    Teenage mutant homosexual people.
    Playin' baseball in every new issue!
    Exciting fights with bank robbers!
    We are superheroes now!
    Just like Avengers!
    Just like MCU!
    Also please watch the new but not that new cartoon.

  10. 8 months ago

    Also: Duggan announced on his substack that he's leaving the X-office when Krakoa ends. Rumor is that Gillen and Ewing are also leaving. It looks like Brevoort wants a clean slate for his tenure as X-editor.

    • 8 months ago

      Just let them stay there and have the new stories be non canon spinoffs.

      • 8 months ago

        Gillian has said he's pretty. much done. with Marvel (for now) and will be focusing on. creator owned books in. the future, and Ewing already got to much on his plate with. Thor, Avengers, Venom, and X-men Red for that to be too sustainable

  11. 8 months ago

    Mutant hate is back at full force all across the Marvel Universe. Xavier creates the mansion again as a temporary home for whatever mutants are still around. Hank gets replaced with out of time young Hank while regular him will go full villain mode. Magnus return as a villain will be because "mutant hate lebad" again. Scott and Jean will be leading a new X-Team however I full like this new team will act as a jumping on point for new readers so I'm expecting possibly a couple of new characters being main members. Kurt will get an ongoing where he isn't being Spider-Man. But overall this will just act as a resting ground for Disney to see how they can soft reboot the X-Men into the MCU.

  12. 8 months ago

    >oh cool the mutants have a homeland again, hopefully this one doesn't end in tragedy like all the other times oops looks like it ended in tragedy like all the other times.

    unless they retake their homeland then it was a cowardly and derivative decision

  13. 8 months ago

    I know everyone complains about arrested development in Spider-Man but Professor X should be long dead at this point

    • 8 months ago

      What is X dying supposed to achieve? No one but the original team and their immediate counterparts/children/siblings/lovers/clones are that close the Prof and his message. Inevitably Logan and some other vets frick off in and return, the students become teachers but there's never any real lessons or classes being emphasized on. Just
      >Xavier was good. We follow his example
      And the mutants who are opposed to his doctrine running one another into the dirt.

      His story sucked.
      >Inferno was supposed to have Mystique holding mutantkind hostage via the reveal that Sinister had a backdoor in place to kill all of the cloned mutants (hence why Hickman called the mini "Inferno"). Mystique gets killed and Destiny doesn't come back to life period and Moira never gets depowered/forced to flee.

      >Krakoa was supposed to fall under Hickman via the Nasty Boys working with ORCHIS with Jean being poisoned and causing a massive telepathic bomb go off with her death, taking out most of the islands population. Moira would mercy kill Xavier and go on the run with the Cerebro Sword, which would contain the last surviving back-up as Orchis would destroy the back-ups save for it.

      >While this is all going on, the Children of the Vault would break free and start going on a killing spree that threatens to wipe out all life on Earth. Orchis, X-Men, and earth's heroes all have to put aside their hate boner to stop the COTV and save Earth....

      >Only for the Phalanx (who got to their black hole and know about Moira) to show up when everyone's barely survived the COTV fight to kill a now weakened Earth and are the power behind Omega Sentinel, who betrays Nimrod and Orchis in general. To beat them, Earth needs the Wakanda space empire's help because all of the other major space empires abandon Earth after Abigail Brand's schemes get exposed. But to do this, Storm has to retrieve her bastard son (conceived off-panel from a booty call she had with Black Panther) from the Weapon Plus project's "World" where she stashed him in when she got pregnant and people tried to kill her and her unborn kid.

      >The Bastard unites the mutant and Wakanda empires to beat back the Phalanx and gets declared God Emperor of the solar system.

      >Everyone rebuilds Earth and forgets that Orchis tried to kill mutantkind

      I don't care for Duggan at all, but Gillen is a vast improvement over this.

      Wow yeah I was only really aware of Moira and Nimrod. I didn't know about ORCHIS or COV. A back-up to kill the clones sounds great but Mystique getting cucked Moira gets to have her playtime is kinda gay.

      >Storm and T'Challa's bastard has to Mount le World
      >declared God Emperor of the Solar System
      And this is why I always drop Hickman's shit. He always elevates his narrative to a point where it reaches celestial sclock power ranking that's going to disrupt the flow. How the frick is a know-nothing come-from-nowhere kid be the fricking "God Emperor" of the 616 solar system like that isn't supposed to have far reaching ramifications for Cosmic Marvel runs. I hate Super Special "who the frick is that?" people falling out of creator's asses just to plug holes in their story and have the power of the power to do anything.

      • 8 months ago

        But it's okay when Reed or Tony does it, huh?

        • 8 months ago

          NTA but Reed should of fricked off for good when he remade the universe and not made dupes in 616. Tony doesn't need Scientist Supreme wank either and honestly Gillen's limey bullshit in AvXvE with FemAjax like his Wicked & Divine/DIE bullshit. Cosmic Marvel is already shit with King in Black/Venim bullshit, no need to add more fuel to the trashfire.

  14. 8 months ago

    I dropped this shit as quick as a New York minute when they brought those untalented autistic black women as authors. Heard nothing but terribly mediocre and boring bullshit going on under their pen so I dipped out. If the mutants are finally back to status quo then I wonder if this was Hickman's grand design winding down or Marvel going "we lost the fricking plot just...just get them back into the school. Reset and carry on."

    • 8 months ago

      >I dropped this shit as quick as a New York minute when they brought those untalented autistic black women as authors.
      wtf are you talking about? Jonathan Hickman, Gerry Duggan, Kieron Gillen, Al Ewing and Ben Percy are all white men. They wrote the main and/or best selling books for the entire era. There was one black woman who wrote a sidebook, but that's it.

      • 8 months ago

        >There was one black woman who wrote a sidebook, but that's it.

        You underestimate the autism of /misc/tards.

  15. 8 months ago

    I like when they fight magneto and then juggernaut appears and there's always some new teen with weird powers tagging along who ends up saves the day and cyclops and wolverine to always fight

  16. 8 months ago

    What I WANT is for mutants to not be treated like a separate species by everyone. Especially by themselves and other characters who are supposed to be heroes. Obviously they won't get rid of the prejudice entirely, that's what X Men is about, but have more people who aren't mutants realize that it's dumb to hate mutants just for being mutants, and treat them the same as all the non-mutant superhumans.

    • 8 months ago

      >and treat them the same as all the non-mutant superhumans.

      But they aren't. The problem has always been that you know your kid isn't Thor or Spider-Man. You know super people exist but they're other people running around somewhere out there. But your kid could wake up a mutant tomorrow. That's what causes the fear, that it could be anyone anywhere anytime.

      • 8 months ago

        People also inexplicably get powers from freak accidents that are implausible. That shit can happen to anybody, and they aren't mutants. It just isn't super common, but it still happens and has pretty much the same result. If you're gonna fear a person with powers, it shouldn't matter if they're a mutant or not unless you're either a moronic butthole who buys into propaganda from a sentient colony of bacteria, or just a shitty person who probably hates at least one group of non-mutant humans.

  17. 8 months ago

    The Krakoan Era was KRAPOLA

  18. 8 months ago

    Thank God.

  19. 8 months ago

    Every mutie dead except Rogue and Gambit, who discover they're both sterile and they just frick like crazy

  20. 8 months ago

    Want: A status quo where the X-men are treated by the mutants with near-similar contempt to factions like the Hellfire Club and the Brotherhood as despite all their talk about making a utopia for mutants they proved to be just as selfish and vile as everyone else, making the X-men have to actually work towards everyone's good will if they actually want it.

    Think: X-men either squatting in the X-mansion or squatting on some rock in the middle of nowhere, seething about how they had it all and how nobody wuvs them while still simping for Magneto and Emma Frost...and then going out and punching Unus the Untouchable in the dick for jaywalking or beating up more rednecks or some other loser in order to make themselves feel better

  21. 8 months ago

    I'm amazed that people still read X-Men.

    • 8 months ago

      The last four years were weird enough to make people interested to see what the fuss was about, since it sounds from the outset like the X-men have seemingly abandoned their mission to protect both mutants and humans alike in favor of protecting themselves and their people without becoming tyrants like Magneto or Apocalypse would want.

      Most normal people dropped it once it becomes apparent they're still the same as they've always been, they just dropped any pretense of civility to anyone that ever treated them fairly. The rest are the weird self-inserting losers who love this shit and the people who are dissecting these comics to understand what the hell is going on anymore in them.

      • 8 months ago

        Gillen, Spurrier, Percy, and LaVelle have all been critical of the Krakoa premise. But Orchis is much much worse because ultimately the X-Men still have to be the heroes in their own book.

        • 8 months ago

          Orchis is a fricking joke of a villain organization. I don't begrudge any of the writers using them as villains, since the X-men books are still capeshit and thus need actual antagonists to stand against them instead of just a bunch of redneck racists who complain about dem muties taking their jerbs away, but Orchis is just so fricking BAD at what they do even when they're "winning" that it's not even remotely enjoyable.

          • 8 months ago

            Well of course they're jokes, Hickman established that the entire organization is an evil future AI's ruse cruise.

            • 8 months ago

              They're jokes that the narrative wants us to treat with deathly seriousness with how far and wide their operation spans, when in fact they seem to have about as dangerous to the X-men (and frankly any other superhero) as the Putty Patrol were to the Power Rangers.

          • 8 months ago

            Duggan's Nimrod is...weird. It completely ignores how he's been written by other writers this era, and just copies the future Nimrod's personality from Powers of X.

        • 8 months ago

          Spurrier and Percy's critiques of Krakoa have been "it's just a few bad apples" types of criticisms which also applies to Ewing. You're right about Gillen and LaVelle which makes it funny that X-gays still slobber over Gillen but froth at the mouth at LaVelle.

          • 8 months ago

            >which makes it funny that X-gays still slobber over Gillen but froth at the mouth at LaValle.

      • 8 months ago

        Normal people wouldn't pick it up.

  22. 8 months ago

    I stopped reading after Mystique and Destiny unmasked and chased Moria but couldn't kill her.
    Did they ever caught her or something?

    • 8 months ago

      Nope, Moira is dead and the one who is roaming right now is a AI made by Orchis made with corrupted memories of hers after Mystique and Destiny got scot free thanks to chuck and Sinister.
      Real Moira is a braindead clone at the hands of SHIELD right now thanks to Wolverine and Steve Rogers who rescued her from a clandestine auction of all of Krakoa's assets.
      She will obviously play a future role if they restore her soul and mutant powers since no one knows the truth yet.

      • 8 months ago

        >two moiras
        >her powers could comeback at any point
        It wouldn't not surprise me if they return and cause yet another timeline reset to tie-in with the X-Men 97' revival or whatever Marvel is planning with them.

        • 8 months ago

          Robo AI Moira is corrupted thanks to her rightful hatred of Raven Darkholme and Irene {{{Adler}}} psycopathic lesbian shit that caused all of the modern shitshows at Marvel universe post Morrison and secret wars 3
          Clone Moira has no idea of anything yet since she is still in stasis inside the egg.

          If clone moira returns is all thanks to Nick Jr. and S.H.I.E.L.D. who is after ORCHIS and this timeline shitshow right now at 616.

  23. 8 months ago


    And this is the Hank people loves, the psychiatrist, scientist, and Diplomat who loves philosophy and is cultured, aka Beast Frasier.

    • 8 months ago


      Based Beast Frasierbros

      • 8 months ago

        Can't they make a Beast spin-off where he has a radio show?

      • 8 months ago

        Can't they make a Beast spin-off where he has a radio show?

        >"Mutants calling themselves homosexual Superior is where it led to this disaster, we are all homosexual Sapiens born with a Mutation that may come for good or bad, on which is why Professor Charles Xavier has been working on this for years, to help these people to develop and control these powers with responsibility so they may return to society as common citizens, but some doesn't see this and is easy led to hate even our own super heroes out of fear by a sinister hand with a dark agenda behind this, Even Captain America was called a mutant by those people for the was the first human infused with the original super soldier serum, While other mutants uses these born gifts for evil and their own selfish designs like the Brotherhood of Mutants."

        • 8 months ago

          booo, i was hoping for Frasier Beast script
          >Good morning Krakoa. This is Beast and my producer Emma Frost. Emma, who's our next caller?
          >His name is Lo- I mean, Hugh. He's having relationship problems with his girlfriend.
          >What's the problem Hugh? I'm listening.
          >You see Dr. Beast, I'm in a slump. Me and my partner, let's call her Marvel, have a polygamous relationship with another guy, let's call him Nathaniel, k? You see Marvel is now spending more time with Nathaniel and I feel like an outsider.
          >Well, you see Lo-, I mean, Hugh, issues like those can be so-
          >Our rooms are next to each other and sometimes I can hear banging on their room. They don't even invite me to watch like they used to!
          >Ummm... Hugh, I think...
          >Frick you Scott, do you think I can't hear you two? I love you Jean why can't you see that? I'm much better than Scott!

  24. 8 months ago

    Should’ve let Hickman cook

    • 8 months ago

      Seriously you can't keep just pulling him from projects. If he's the visionary then he has to complete the work.

      • 8 months ago

        It breaks my heart that I'll never see the Hickman X KINO be completed by him. If it hit like his Avengers run, he'd be the GOAT which he already is but twice as much or even...dare I say it...x as much.

    • 8 months ago

      Seriously you can't keep just pulling him from projects. If he's the visionary then he has to complete the work.

      No. See

      His story sucked.
      >Inferno was supposed to have Mystique holding mutantkind hostage via the reveal that Sinister had a backdoor in place to kill all of the cloned mutants (hence why Hickman called the mini "Inferno"). Mystique gets killed and Destiny doesn't come back to life period and Moira never gets depowered/forced to flee.

      >Krakoa was supposed to fall under Hickman via the Nasty Boys working with ORCHIS with Jean being poisoned and causing a massive telepathic bomb go off with her death, taking out most of the islands population. Moira would mercy kill Xavier and go on the run with the Cerebro Sword, which would contain the last surviving back-up as Orchis would destroy the back-ups save for it.

      >While this is all going on, the Children of the Vault would break free and start going on a killing spree that threatens to wipe out all life on Earth. Orchis, X-Men, and earth's heroes all have to put aside their hate boner to stop the COTV and save Earth....

      >Only for the Phalanx (who got to their black hole and know about Moira) to show up when everyone's barely survived the COTV fight to kill a now weakened Earth and are the power behind Omega Sentinel, who betrays Nimrod and Orchis in general. To beat them, Earth needs the Wakanda space empire's help because all of the other major space empires abandon Earth after Abigail Brand's schemes get exposed. But to do this, Storm has to retrieve her bastard son (conceived off-panel from a booty call she had with Black Panther) from the Weapon Plus project's "World" where she stashed him in when she got pregnant and people tried to kill her and her unborn kid.

      >The Bastard unites the mutant and Wakanda empires to beat back the Phalanx and gets declared God Emperor of the solar system.

      >Everyone rebuilds Earth and forgets that Orchis tried to kill mutantkind

      I don't care for Duggan at all, but Gillen is a vast improvement over this.

  25. 8 months ago

    I want it to stop. I want the whole X-Men brand to just cease and frick off forever.

    • 8 months ago

      So many things have outstayed their welcome for far too long.

    • 8 months ago

      Wanda was right

  26. 8 months ago

    The real question we should be asking is how will Brevoort handle the titles since he's taking over once Fall of the House of X/Rise of the Powers of X (FoHoXRoPoX? HoXPoX 2?) ends

    He already stated in his subtack that he submitted the outline for how he's going to handle the X-Titles last week

    • 8 months ago

      With how the X-men have been going, expect the worst of both worlds. The preview images are evoking the old X-mansion era imagery, but the books are treating the mutant nation of Krakoa like it's still a thing that's going to be remembered and not just retconned out and ignored.

  27. 8 months ago

    I wouldn't mind Kang arc next

    • 8 months ago

      Remender already did this.

      • 8 months ago

        When, show

        • 8 months ago

          Uncanny Avengers.
          >The story starts in an alternate future where all the world's mutants are living on Planet X following the destruction of Earth by the Celestials. While most of the mutant population has accepted the new status quo—believing that the Scarlet Witch died willingly to save them, while the Avengers tried to stop the inevitable—the remaining free Avengers (Havok, Thor and Wasp, aided by Beast) must work with Kang and his Chrono-Corp to defeat Eimen. Having rescued Wolverine and Sunfire from being tortured on the Apocalypse Ark, the Avengers use Kang's technology to project their minds back into their past selves and stop the Celestials before they can strike.

          >The timeline is successfully altered by the Avengers, when Rogue, empowered by numerous heroes, and Sentry slow Exitar's descent long enough for Thor to slay Exitar using Jarnbjorn, preventing the Earth's destruction. Despite Kang's attempt to steal the power of the Celestial for himself, the tables are turned when Havok and Sunfire steal the Celestial's cosmic power and use it against Kang. Kang retreats as Immortus appears with his Chrono-Corps, but Sunfire is converted to an energy-based form when his body is destroyed, Simon's essence is trapped within Rogue, Havok is left badly burned, and Havok and Wasp are left devastated by the apparent loss of their daughter (conceived in the future and taken by Kang to protect her from the change in the timeline).

          • 8 months ago

            Thanks anon. None of that sounds like my cup of tea.

      • 8 months ago

        I don't remender.

  28. 8 months ago

    The X gene has become an XXX gene, with mutants becoming uncontrollably horny.

    • 8 months ago

      That happened day one.

      • 8 months ago

        This is how Hickman thinks a mother and her son talk to each other.

        • 8 months ago

          They're not a normal family.

          • 8 months ago

            What happy did that story and did Mystique become Nightcrawler's dad yet?

            • 8 months ago

              Nightcrawler's dad is still Azazel and if Marvel retcon this they are fake and gay.

          • 8 months ago

            Nightcrawler and Mystique are in no way a normal mother and son.

            I know, but they're not that distant.

            • 8 months ago

              They kind of are. Mystique has never treated Kurt as her son out of motherly affection, she chucked him off a bridge and they've been enemies for their entire lives. They know each other, they're aware of their connection, but Kurt has no reason to respect the psychopath that gave birth to him.

              • 8 months ago

                Right now she's in better standing than his adopted mother who turned him into a monster and took his hope away from him to turn into a sword.

        • 8 months ago

          Nightcrawler and Mystique are in no way a normal mother and son.

  29. 8 months ago

    have we found out who captain krakoa is yet

    • 8 months ago

      Not til December

  30. 8 months ago

    after being Mutant Israel, I want them to be Mutant Palestine

    • 8 months ago

      >after being Mutant Israel, I want them to be Mutant Palestine
      Except it was anti Israel stereotypes with did it happen anything to do if we already besides projection of the Islamic law World they don't want there so-called Progressive allies know they do all the time..

      • 8 months ago

        Are you having a stroke?

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