The most underrated comic book movie of all time?

Without a doubt, it's Man of Steel. This is criminal. This score is absolutely crazy. This movie starts off with the most amazing world building of Krypton that we've ever seen. The costumes, the design, the attention-to-detail. Zack Snyder, this is a masterpiece. And the constant tension that Clark Kent has to grow up with God as a father and a farmer as a Dad always hearing the 2 voices of his Dads "Hide away! Don't let the world know about you. This will change everything! Religion, even." and, "No, stand out! Be proud! Protect the people of Earth! Let them come join you as Heroes." Beautiful.

And Clark has to go on a journey to figure that out. Will I become a Kryptonian God? Will I listen to that Dad? Or will I become a servent to humanity? One of the best written and acted villains in the history of movies. General Zod as a baby was bred to be the defender of Krypton that's all he knows that's built into his genetics. He will do anything to revive krypton. even if it means wiping out other worlds. It's beautiful.. And also disgusting. The performance of Henry Cavill in this is stunning. Every single scene this man's pouring his heart and soul into his role. Superman's first flight scene if this doesn't move you to tears and give you chills and one of the most underrated Hanz Zimmer scores in the history of movies. This movie is constantly full of metaphor in almost every scene.

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  1. 2 years ago


  2. 2 years ago

    It's a good movie and the best Superman movie. Metropolis get rekt

    • 2 years ago


      Without a doubt, it's Man of Steel. This is criminal. This score is absolutely crazy. This movie starts off with the most amazing world building of Krypton that we've ever seen. The costumes, the design, the attention-to-detail. Zack Snyder, this is a masterpiece. And the constant tension that Clark Kent has to grow up with God as a father and a farmer as a Dad always hearing the 2 voices of his Dads "Hide away! Don't let the world know about you. This will change everything! Religion, even." and, "No, stand out! Be proud! Protect the people of Earth! Let them come join you as Heroes." Beautiful.

      And Clark has to go on a journey to figure that out. Will I become a Kryptonian God? Will I listen to that Dad? Or will I become a servent to humanity? One of the best written and acted villains in the history of movies. General Zod as a baby was bred to be the defender of Krypton that's all he knows that's built into his genetics. He will do anything to revive krypton. even if it means wiping out other worlds. It's beautiful.. And also disgusting. The performance of Henry Cavill in this is stunning. Every single scene this man's pouring his heart and soul into his role. Superman's first flight scene if this doesn't move you to tears and give you chills and one of the most underrated Hanz Zimmer scores in the history of movies. This movie is constantly full of metaphor in almost every scene.

      Brown hands wrote these posts

  3. 2 years ago

    that would be pic related

    • 2 years ago

      I love this movie but is it underrated? William Hurt got an Oscar for 15 minutes of work, I think he has less than that total screen time. Either way yearly rewatch for me, I’ve loved it since I saw it when it came out.

    • 2 years ago

      this isn't underrated it's pretty highly regarded

  4. 2 years ago

    >is not an S
    >in a faaaaam?
    >what is terraforming uuuuga buuga,explain it in amurican please
    >flying dildos

    it had some very good memes thats true.

  5. 2 years ago

    Based. Every onions criticism of Man of Steel has a straightforward explanation

    • 2 years ago

      Explain to me why Cavil has no charisma and as an awful superman. Sure he kinda has the look but the guy is a plank with no warmth and hardly any humanity. Is it because he's British?

      • 2 years ago

        I will fight to my dying breath on this point here, Henry was a shit superman. He had no emotion, no empathy, and felt less human. Superman, more than most other superhero's in the DC universe, should be the most human in personality. Unlike Batman who is basically a traumatized schizo who beats homeless or moronic people on the streets up in a fursuit, or Wonder woman who is Goddess trained in war who spent her entire life living in an island filled with w*man, Superman was raised first and foremost as a human and should therefore act like one, the best Superman stories don't feature him like an emotionless robot like this movie does. human traits and having him be more grounded, relatable, or humorous would help leagues in terms of making him more likeable by general audiences, sorta like what happened with Thor in the MCU.

        • 2 years ago

          >human traits and having him be more grounded, relatable, or humorous would help leagues in terms of making him more likeable by general audiences, sorta like what happened with Thor in the MCU.
          Thor isn't human in MCU. He's a sociopath jokester that can't help but joke around and laugh while his father, mother, and friends die. You don't want a human character. You want a one-dimensional robot who can fake smile and make quips.

          • 2 years ago

            Thor in retrospect was a bad example, but when I say "Human" I meant somewhat expressive and fun to watch like Thor was in ragnarok, that movie turned a character most audiences weren't that attached to into one audiences actually enjoyed seeing. I don't want Superman to be a quip machine, but I also don't want him to be a robot.

            • 2 years ago

              Thor Ragnarok was when shit started to go badly and it's precisely when Thor started to act from a normal person into a psycho that can't stop quipping.
              The guy lost his father, his sister starts to kill everyone he grew up with and all he can do is make moronic jokes during the whole movie.
              Not to mention that movie grabbed in two great comic stories (Planet Hulk and Thor Ragnarok) and turned them into a single mediocre movie. Love and Thunder in comparison only fricked a single story since the Jane Foster arc was pure garbage.

              • 2 years ago

                >Thor started to act from a normal person into a psycho that can't stop quipping.

                Implying Thor acted like a "normal person" in the first 2 movies is laughable the first movie was literally a fish out of water story with a norse god.

                > his sister starts to kill everyone he grew up with and all he can do is make moronic jokes during the whole movie.

                The alternative would be to have him remain stoic and boring throughout the entire movie which would've made it on par in tone with the other 2 (and that isn't a good thing) and both a comical tone and a dark/serious one can mesh well and ragnarok did a decent job of it (not great, but decent). Regardless of that his whole motive throughout the movie was hunting down his sister, so he wasn't completely bumbling throughout the entire thing...

            • 2 years ago

              Again you don't want someone human. You want someone "fun". Sociopaths and psychopaths can be fun, because they are all about displaying a disarming charming personality. Humans have more than a single emotion or two. They get sad, they get angry, they say shit, they make mistakes. All the things that aren't "fun" to be around.
              Superman was exactly like Thor in the theatrical cut of Justice League by Joss Whedon. You had him smiling and making corny speeches as if he was reading from a prompter. It felt fake, but it was everything the WB execs thought the Superman fanboys wanted.

              • 2 years ago

                >You had him smiling and making corny speeches as if he was reading from a prompter. It felt fake, but it was everything the WB execs thought the Superman fanboys wanted.

                It's what we wanted but not in the WAY we wanted it. A fun superman is ideal, but without any of the emotion or humanity to back it up you can tell it's synthetic of course. We wanted (or at least I wanted) a superhuman with human problems (or in this case different emotions other than flaccid smiles or blank stares). People have been getting this shit right with characters like Spiderman for decades so why couldn't Zack have done something even remotely on par with Superman?

        • 2 years ago

          >filled with w*man
          You're a homosexual and your opinion is therefore wrong and irrelevant.

  6. 2 years ago

    The DC movies in general are leagues above the goyslop MCU.

  7. 2 years ago

    Agreed. The soundtrack is 10/10.

  8. 2 years ago

    The trailer lied. It had a dark, sad musical score when Krypton was in civil war.
    Then in the movie the civil war had a pulsating hurried beat, totally different tone.
    I really didn't like the movie much because it just probed so many un-necessary topics, that and the intelligent monsta terraformer was stupid.

  9. 2 years ago

    Its pretty fricking good. Ive seen it plaguarized multiple times now by the disney gays

  10. 2 years ago

    do the needful sir

  11. 2 years ago

    I still don't get why he didn't save his father from the tornado, he could have swished in and out so fast that nobody would have even realized what happened.
    Its just stupid.

    • 2 years ago

      It's garbage.
      >Hey dad I'm gonna let you die when I could have saved you without revealing my powers or better yet I could have went there to get the dog and in case I get caught I can claim I survived by miracle without a scratch as do many people that show on the news.
      >I just came back from discovering an AI that has my father personality and the history of Krypton and now a group of Kryptonians appeared and issued an ultimatum who should I go to for advice? The AI? Nah better go to a random priest because of Snyder's muh religion.
      >Hey Zod I'm gonna go apeshit on you for threatening my mom while I leave her alone with a few of your goons let's hope they don't hurt her or make her hostage. Meanwhile I'm gonna fly you from a desert location into the middle of populated city because of Snyder's muh porn destruction.
      >Hey Lois let's make out in the middle of this destroyed city, it's not like I have super hearing to hear all those trapped people in the middle of the destroyed buildings.

      If those brainless greedy suits at WB weren't so starving to jump into the MCU's market and also profit from those sweet millions they would realized that movie was a moronic way to establish Superman of all heroes in a new cinematic universe.

      People assume he can move faster than the blink of an eye at this point but there's no evidence for this. He can't even fly at this point. The most we've seen him do is push the school bus out of the river. It really isn't a big stretch to assume his powers weren't developed enough to grab his dad without anyone noticing. In hindsight, if would have been a better choice to have his dad die of cancer or some other human disease that Superman is powerless to stop but people seethe way too much over the tornado scene.

  12. 2 years ago

    It's garbage.
    >Hey dad I'm gonna let you die when I could have saved you without revealing my powers or better yet I could have went there to get the dog and in case I get caught I can claim I survived by miracle without a scratch as do many people that show on the news.
    >I just came back from discovering an AI that has my father personality and the history of Krypton and now a group of Kryptonians appeared and issued an ultimatum who should I go to for advice? The AI? Nah better go to a random priest because of Snyder's muh religion.
    >Hey Zod I'm gonna go apeshit on you for threatening my mom while I leave her alone with a few of your goons let's hope they don't hurt her or make her hostage. Meanwhile I'm gonna fly you from a desert location into the middle of populated city because of Snyder's muh porn destruction.
    >Hey Lois let's make out in the middle of this destroyed city, it's not like I have super hearing to hear all those trapped people in the middle of the destroyed buildings.

    If those brainless greedy suits at WB weren't so starving to jump into the MCU's market and also profit from those sweet millions they would realized that movie was a moronic way to establish Superman of all heroes in a new cinematic universe.

    • 2 years ago
      Schizophrenia disrespector

      >>Hey dad I'm gonna let you die when I could have saved you without revealing my powers or better yet I could have went there to get the dog and in case I get caught I can claim I survived by miracle without a scratch as do many people that show on the news.
      you never had good father who you actually respect and it shows
      >>I just came back from discovering an AI that has my father personality and the history of Krypton and now a group of Kryptonians appeared and issued an ultimatum who should I go to for advice? The AI? Nah better go to a random priest because of Snyder's muh religion.
      sociopathic atheistcuck

      >>Hey Zod I'm gonna go apeshit on you for threatening my mom while I leave her alone with a few of your goons let's hope they don't hurt her or make her hostage. Meanwhile I'm gonna fly you from a desert location into the middle of populated city because of Snyder's muh porn destruction.
      emotionscel and testosteroncel

      >>Hey Lois let's make out in the middle of this destroyed city, it's not like I have super hearing to hear all those trapped people in the middle of the destroyed buildings.
      definitely testosteroncel!

  13. 2 years ago

    the zod fight could've save it if it went full dbz

  14. 2 years ago

    Why did Zod pick earth? They had admitted they colonized many planets, they could have picked any one of them in the galaxy.
    He could have even picked Mars.

    • 2 years ago

      >Why did Zod pick earth?

      Did you even watch the movie?

      He was obsessed with Kal-El, because Jor-El constantly mogged him.

  15. 2 years ago
  16. 2 years ago

    It's great, one subpar scene doesn't change that. It underperformed because mcu cretins can't comprehend a movie without snarky quips in every other scene.

    • 2 years ago

      The MCU wasn't even at it's peak when this movie dropped, stop scapegoating MCUcks for why this movie fails, it's just overly pretentious tripe

      • 2 years ago

        The MCU had just had massive success with the avengers and was into phase 2, not peak but still mainstream. People were already addicted to their brand and formula.

  17. 2 years ago

    Whether or not the rest of the Snyderverse worked so well, I will always see this movie as absolute Kino. Humanity DOES need an ideal to strive towards, and I think the dark setting made Superman shine all the brighter as his hopeful self.

    • 2 years ago
      Schizophrenia disrespector

      Plus Superman was dark before Batman was even created

      Unfortunately, I will never taste her.

      you never know, you never know...

  18. 2 years ago

    Wait till you start digging into the metaphors that are interwoven into the worldbuilding. Krypton is a dead culture that surrendered to determinism and propped up science as a false god. You could(and I do) make the case that what kryptonite really is is the crystallized myth(magic) of Krypton's past. It is a potent source of power, but also poisonous to them. This is why Krypton has grown stagnant - it is mining the wealth of its own mythic past and making no new myths to replace them.

    In contrast, Earth is a world where magic is still alive even if it's slumbering beneath the rational surface of modernity. As Krypton is Kal's father(Osiris), Earth is his mother - Isis, the goddess of magic.

  19. 2 years ago

    I only watch it for Faora.

    • 2 years ago

      Good taste.

      • 2 years ago

        Unfortunately, I will never taste her.

    • 2 years ago

      That woman is liquid sex. That german accent.

    • 2 years ago

      >Evil woman is cuter than main love interest
      I fricking hate the fact that this happens so goddamn often.

  20. 2 years ago

    >The most underrated comic book movie of all time?
    it's tank girl, sorry

  21. 2 years ago

    I like man of steel

  22. 2 years ago

    It's good. The seething/cherrypicking manchildren who say otherwise are doing so out of philistinism and not grasping the movie's visual beauty and symbolic undertones

    • 2 years ago

      superman isn't supposed to be a metaphor for jesus
      snyder sucks ass

      • 2 years ago

        >superman isn't supposed to be a metaphor for jesus

    • 2 years ago

      >not grasping the movie's visual beauty and symbolic undertones
      Only scene that isn't an ugly, dark nightmare scape are the initial flight scenes which are beautiful, tbf.
      The idea that people "don't get" the christ imagery has always been laughable. We get it, it just isn't impressive. Snyder is a fricking hack and the only good DC movie he's ever put out was done after multiple years of hindsight allowing him to take into account the complaints people had of the theatrical JL cut when making the Snyder cut. And the rough outline he released for what would've been JL 2 and 3 were awful and had such "wonderful" ideas as Superman raising the cuck baby Batman made with Lois. You homosexuals are pathetic for dick riding Snyder like he's your e-daddy.

      • 2 years ago

        >Snyder is a fricking hack and the only good DC movie he's ever put out was done after multiple years of hindsight allowing him to take into account the complaints people had of the theatrical JL
        The Snydercut was 99% the original cut made before Joss Whedon was called to butcher the script and reshoot a bunch of new scenes.
        The only thing new Snyder added was the epilogue which he shot on his driveway in secrecy.

  23. 2 years ago

    Not perfect, but I like it a lot. I think I was so glad to not see shit villains and quips every second.

  24. 2 years ago

    >See Man of Steel in IMAX
    >Enjoy it
    >First time I've ever enjoyed something Superman related
    >Everyone else hates it
    >Cinemaphile mocks it relentlessly
    >a decade later we've somehow entered a reality where its become cool to say you always liked it

  25. 2 years ago

    He's a nice israeli boy

  26. 2 years ago

    It's among the Top5 films adapted from a comic book.

  27. 2 years ago

    For those that say Superman was meant to be Jesus Christ, you're all wrong. Superman is meant to be King Arthur. His costume is meant to resembling the chainmail of a knight and several scenes are meant to be a straight up callbacks to Excalibur.

    • 2 years ago

      he's both, there's a lot of similarities between arthur and jesus. Snyder is a hack and his allegories are all over the place

  28. 2 years ago

    That's not Scott Pilgrim vs. The World

  29. 2 years ago

    Snyderkino isn’t for everyone anon. Some people haven’t evolved enough yet to full grasp his work.

  30. 2 years ago

    Best fight scenes of any superhero movie I've seen. Best soundtrack. Great cinematography. Story is meh but who cares it's capeshit. 8/10 decent flick.

    • 2 years ago

      It just fricks with me that nobody else can do cool superhero battles other than Snyder and the Wachowski brothers.

  31. 2 years ago

    Its Hulk 2003. Its almost criminal. MoS is also kino.

  32. 2 years ago

    Snyder should have complete creative control over the entirety of the DCEU and should be given control of the MCU going forward. Imagine how great a movie we could have gotten if Zack Snyder directed Thor 4 instead of a guy who is doing a very poor job of convincing me hes not an actual pedophile. Snyders Gorr the God Butcher would have been just that, a butcher of Gods and we would have seen all of it. Snyder would have given both us the viewer, and the character of Thor, a moral/ethical/philosophical challenge and forced us to question our own beliefs and religions. This movie could have been a case study on the philosophy of religion and the relationship between the so-called gods, and their worshippers. People could have left the theaters and had deep discussions for weeks over the themes this movie SHOULD have presented. Instead we got the further himboification and downright mockery the character of Thor.

    Also frick the goats. Werent the screaming goats and sheep shit from like 2013 or something? Actual ear rape everytime they were on screen inb4
    >le heckerino awesome sauce goat bois. I laughed, i cried, i cheered for excitement. Sorry all you chuds hate fun
    If youve ever even thought something like that you should pull a Vlad the Impaler and butter your butthole and sit yourself on a pike.

    • 2 years ago

      No one was having "deep retrospective thoughts" after seeing "MaN oF StEeL" dude...

      • 2 years ago

        Not him, but you're out of your mind. When it premiered everyone I knew was talking about it and we were all excited and hopeful because we believed we were entering the golden age of comic book movies. The "You're not alone" trailer was one of the most shared trailers in this site ever, AFAIK only after the 300 one.

      • 2 years ago

        No one with room temperature IQ at least. People that dont need help putting a square block through a square hole tend to have conversations about stimulating content. Its ok though, Thor 4 is there for you. You can bring the rainbow and laugh at jokes written by and for 3 yr olds.
        >dude did you guys see the god of rocks was sitting on a throne of scissors. Taika is a genius. 10/10 would watch again

  33. 2 years ago

    Somehow Man of Steel was the first time Superman was portrayed accurately.

  34. 2 years ago

    Without a doubt, it's Man of Steel. This is criminal. This score is absolutely crazy. This movie starts off with the most amazing world building of Krypton that we've ever seen. The costumes, the design, the attention-to-detail. Zack Snyder, this is a masterpiece. And the constant tension that Clark Kent has to grow up with God as a father and a farmer as a Dad always hearing the 2 voices of his Dads "Hide away! Don't let the world know about you. This will change everything! Religion, even." and, "No, stand out! Be proud! Protect the people of Earth! Let them come join you as Heroes." Beautiful.

    And Clark has to go on a journey to figure that out. Will I become a Kryptonian God? Will I listen to that Dad? Or will I become a servent to humanity? One of the best written and acted villains in the history of movies. General Zod as a baby was bred to be the defender of Krypton that's all he knows that's built into his genetics. He will do anything to revive krypton. even if it means wiping out other worlds. It's beautiful.. And also disgusting. The performance of Henry Cavill in this is stunning. Every single scene this man's pouring his heart and soul into his role. Superman's first flight scene if this doesn't move you to tears and give you chills and one of the most underrated Hanz Zimmer scores in the history of movies. This movie is constantly full of metaphor in almost every scene.

  35. 2 years ago

    What's the point of the fire/water symbolism?
    I heard that the scenes with fire represent the destructive nature of Krypton and the destructive potential kryptonians share, while the scenes with water represent the nurturing nature of Earth.

    • 2 years ago

      It is telling that Superman can only use his freezing breath at the end of ZSJL, when he is finally able to accept himself fully, as being both man and kryptonian.

    • 2 years ago

      >man of brooding

  36. 2 years ago

    I enjoy this movie, but I watched it recently and holy shit, this thing is a mess. It is very very far from being underrated. It's an objectively dumb movie.

  37. 2 years ago

    Whatever you may think of MoS as a film, the scene were the Faora-Ul kills all those soldier is the closest any movie has come to properly portraying a comic book's super powers. Iron-Man 1 and Captain America 2 also did a pretty good job, and it's a pity Marvel shed what they did right and exchanged it for quips.

  38. 2 years ago

    The music that plays in the final fight against Zod is pure kino

  39. 2 years ago

    Man of steel was the only good thing Snyder did dc wise. Everything that followed was trash.

    • 2 years ago

      BvS is a fricking masterpiece.

      • 2 years ago

        I can say the ultimate edition is good.

      • 2 years ago

        >snyder cast KAL NO as wonder woman
        >snyder cast redditor spastics as lex luthor jr
        No, it had plenty of flaws.

        • 2 years ago

          Lex Luthor was great and i will forever stand by it.

          • 2 years ago

            It was a horrible miscast and you will forever be a moron for defending it.

            • 2 years ago

              No, it wasn't. You just wanted a Terry Savalas copy.

              • 2 years ago

                Yes, it was. I don't know who that is, nor care. Eisenberg is nothing like either Lex in the comics and neither is Gal Gadot, they both got in solely due to ~~*connections*~~ and that hurt the film no matter which way you want to look at it. homosexual.

              • 2 years ago

                why don't I sound like this?

          • 2 years ago

            You are insane

  40. 2 years ago

    >The most underrated comic book movie of all time?

    MoS isn't underrated, morons NEVER stop talking about it.

    • 2 years ago

      Underrated =/= unpopular / unknown.
      Underrated means people think it doesn't get the recognition it deserves.

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