>The movie is just Jesse rearing up an apartment for money, remembering getting dicked by Todd and shooting some guys in a garage.

>The movie is just Jesse rearing up an apartment for money, remembering getting dicked by Todd and shooting some guys in a garage.
What a fricking waste of potential and time

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  1. 5 months ago

    you can break down every movie in existence like this. moron.
    I agree that Jesse didn't need closure, and the flashbacks with waltuh, walled jane and old mike were cringe, but everything else was well-written and shot.

    • 5 months ago

      >you can break down every movie in existence like this. moron.
      No you can't because real movies have an actual plot, El Camino doesn't. It's an extended Breaking Bad episode, it's not structured like a movie at all.

      • 5 months ago

        because thats what it is?
        if you didnt saw bb you dont need to see it
        nothing wrong with it

        • 5 months ago

          >because thats what it is?
          Yes it is, that's why sucks. It's not a movie, and yeah, you do need to watch Breaking Bad to give a shit about Jesse or what's going on. The film doesn't give its own context for who Jesse is. Without that context, it's just some guy trying to find money, remembering scenes from the show, and that's essentially it. Even the guys he gets into a shoot out with are tied to shit specifically from the show. It doesn't stand on its own, but it could have at least been an interesting film set in the universe of Breaking Bad by giving Jesse more to do. It has at least the structure of a Breaking Bad episode, but as a movie, it falls flat because it's not set up with a narrative drive, revelations, inciting event, it's just not a movie. That's what makes it lame and boring to watch, it's a bloated, unnecessary epilogue when it could have easily been more.

          • 5 months ago

            it's just a postscript episode to breaking bad, why would it be different

            • 5 months ago

              >A Breaking Bad Movie
              That's why. A movie implies an intense narrative drive, a complete story stand alone, and a character arc. El Camino is a movie and should be judged by the standards of a movie. Being an epilogue to Breaking Bad is a determent to itself rather than a satisfying movie. And it did have the potential for that.

      • 5 months ago

        >because thats what it is?
        Yes it is, that's why sucks. It's not a movie, and yeah, you do need to watch Breaking Bad to give a shit about Jesse or what's going on. The film doesn't give its own context for who Jesse is. Without that context, it's just some guy trying to find money, remembering scenes from the show, and that's essentially it. Even the guys he gets into a shoot out with are tied to shit specifically from the show. It doesn't stand on its own, but it could have at least been an interesting film set in the universe of Breaking Bad by giving Jesse more to do. It has at least the structure of a Breaking Bad episode, but as a movie, it falls flat because it's not set up with a narrative drive, revelations, inciting event, it's just not a movie. That's what makes it lame and boring to watch, it's a bloated, unnecessary epilogue when it could have easily been more.

        >A Breaking Bad Movie
        That's why. A movie implies an intense narrative drive, a complete story stand alone, and a character arc. El Camino is a movie and should be judged by the standards of a movie. Being an epilogue to Breaking Bad is a determent to itself rather than a satisfying movie. And it did have the potential for that.

        Are you some kind of autistic person who watched this without watching breaking bad or something? What's your problem?

        • 5 months ago

          I did watch Breaking Bad before watching this, you homosexual and I still don't like it, kek
          The irony of calling me autistic when you can't accept someone not liking your shitty fan service film.

    • 5 months ago

      >fat Todd
      >fat head Jesse
      >beard way longer than in BB finale
      >Walt's bald cap showing looking like a conehead
      >etc etc

      Was every movie as lazy a piece as this one? Was nothing more than a cash grab then quickly forgotten w no lasting impact at all.

      • 5 months ago

        weirdest shit is they all got on ozempic and tlost the weight after.
        so the fatness in the movie is extra egregious

        • 5 months ago

          Yeah, they couldn't even be bothered to take literally a few weeks to drop some weight, and Vince didn't care. Nobody cared in this "film" & its all there in the final product.

  2. 5 months ago

    after my third time watching I stopped considering this movie pointless, it's kind of kino and a nice epilogue.

    • 5 months ago

      That's how I look at it. It's not needed, but it's just a fun little extra story for Jesse.

    • 5 months ago

      My problem with it is it could have been a kino story about Jesse being hunted by the DEA. The movie we got doesn't have that conflict/drama that makes a crime film interesting, it's main villains are characters that made Jesse's slave rig from the show because there's literally no characters left from the show that would antagonize Jesse. Except the DEA, which is why they should have been the villain. I think it would have been awesome if it was like the Fugitive, Heat or No Country for Old Men, other films where a character is one the run. Watching Jesse tearing up an apartment isn't interesting, seeing unnecessary flashbacks that add nothing to the story is tedious.

      • 5 months ago

        >I don't want the movies I watch to try something different
        come on now

        • 5 months ago

          I never said that, homosexual. I said the film could have had an actual plot instead of none. I named those other films as an example of a similar premise done actually right. Heat, the Fugitive, No Country are very different film tonally, direction-wise, and narrative-wise. El Camino doesn't do anything interesting. It doesn't do anything different. It's a big boring slog of Vince's autism.

  3. 5 months ago

    Cant watch this homosexual after he took part in this humiliating WHITEY STOP BEING RAYCIST ritual. Anyone got the same?

  4. 5 months ago

    Movies don't need to be "necessary" lmfao so funny seeing all these "muh narrative" plebeians crying over this mid-tier movie

  5. 5 months ago

    i intuited it would be like that so i just hard skipped it. never thought of checking out if i missed anything. thanks.

  6. 5 months ago

    Sorry they could't find a reason to get Jesse to blow up a Death Star

    • 5 months ago

      >*Sorry they couldn't make a good movie instead of Marvel-tier fan service

  7. 5 months ago

    >pay hundreds of thousands to some homosexual who gets you a cleaning job in nebraska and says that your name is now toby
    I don't think he was very good at his job.

  8. 5 months ago

    I've been rewatching Breaking Bad since I hadn't seen it since it first premiered. I forgot how much of a fricking cartoon it is. There are times when it feels like a Looney Tunes short brought to real-life. There's also no way all these hispanic dudes would be so open to letting a gringo cook for them regardless of the purity. IRL Walter would've been shot and killed outside of Tuco's headquarters in the first season.

    • 5 months ago

      >There's also no way all these hispanic dudes would be so open to letting a gringo cook for them regardless of the purity.
      It makes sense with Gus because he's also a gringo.

  9. 5 months ago

    I've watched BrBa four times and still never seen this movie. Should I?

  10. 5 months ago

    I liked Jesse's ending much more in the show. Laughing hysterically as he headed out towards a vague chance of escape fit his character arc much more. Instead with this movie he gets the fan service ending where he makes it to Alaska AND sends Brock a letter.

  11. 5 months ago

    It was still a better ending than BCS.

  12. 5 months ago

    'El Camino' was nothing more than a love-letter to all the fans of the show. It's a good proper ending for Jessie, who (if we're being honest) was cheaped out in the final season of the show, being held captive, while the Walt ran around everywhere tying up his loose ends, Jessie didn't have much of an 'ending', other than escaping.

    At least this movie (which I agree is a glorified two hour episode) at least give a proper closure to the character, by allowing him to reflect on his misdeeds, redeem what he could, take back what is his, and then escape to Alaska.

    It's a smarter movie than what plebs give it credit for.

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