The office hootenany is CANCELLED

The office hootenany is CANCELLED

CRIME Shirt $21.68

Tip Your Landlord Shirt $21.68

CRIME Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    How does Cinemaphile respond?

    • 2 years ago

      >*catches breath*

    • 2 years ago

      I mean I probably would be just like Helly R and just try to figure out how to an hero

    • 2 years ago

      I don't take orders from Black folk, now get in the barn.

      • 2 years ago

        Out, Satan. Milchick would send you to the break room with that attitude.

    • 2 years ago

      The hootenanny is never cancelled.

  2. 2 years ago

    The show was comfy. Would've preferred if they explored more of the offices.
    Season 2 will most likely be shit.

  3. 2 years ago

    I don't get why these characters didn't complain more... And come to think of it, they are 1:1 with prisoners... But at least prisoners would be beaten up or isolated if they act up too often... Come to think of it.. They'd probably punish them without physically harming them but what's stopping someone born in a prison from lashing out 247? They are assured they will never taste freedom so why not just keep trying to kill themselves? Is this how lunatics in facilities live? They want to die 24 7 but they're not allowed to... Because?? What a shitty existence mang

    • 2 years ago

      What even is freedom?
      An element that I feel a lot of people miss is that their jobs are relatively comfy. They do a pretty mundane task for 7 hours while casually conversing with their friends. It's like being in early years of school, only they have even more freedom than that.
      Plus they never have to worry about sickness or rent/housing or bills or any of the bullshit of modern life.
      I wouldn't go as far as to call it fun, but for someone born into that environment it's probably not too bad for most of them

      • 2 years ago

        >Plus they never have to worry about sickness or rent/housing or bills or any of the bullshit of modern life.
        I would worry if I had no control over the matter.

    • 2 years ago

      Did you even watch the show? They explain why they don't physically hurt them and how they actually do keep them in line. They also would make changes whenever someone would break the rules (they put someone to watch the elevator after the suicide attempt, for example). But I know this is your typical "I think I'm smarter than the character and whoever writes this show" Cinemaphile post

    • 2 years ago

      They're clearly mindbroken by the whole situation anon. Dylan is obsessed with getting his shitty bonus perks and Irving recites the company policy manual like it's the fricking bible. It's their whole existence so it took the major shakeup from Petey dissapearing and the new girl arriving for them to realise how fricked everything is

      • 2 years ago

        >Clearly mind broken
        I have a good feeling that the company that is lobbying for it doesn't want people to know about the fact that there is history of employees snapping and murdering everyone

        • 2 years ago

          >employees snapping and murdering everyone
          I hope we get a flashback of the O&D MDR war in S2. Could be part of Helena Reiners story.

    • 2 years ago

      they literally dont know anything about the outside world, there may be another world right now, outside of this reality we are currently living in but the vast majority of the population arent aware about alternate worlds and even if they do they wont kill themselves over it

      • 2 years ago

        Religious nuts kill themselves for another world outside this one that is likely fake.

    • 2 years ago

      The innies have no comparative experiences of the outside world to compare.
      A lot of the procedures of the company are intricately tied to building loyalty and altering personalities.
      The wellness room is 100% Pavlovian programming.
      Pay more attention dude

  4. 2 years ago

    How did Apple produce something that isn't woke? For All Womankind is so woke.

    • 2 years ago

      This is a show about the evil of capitalism and what it does to our souls. It's about as woke as it gets

      • 2 years ago

        t.good muttgoy Dylan lookalike

        • 2 years ago

          >we have to create a science fiction scenario to show how evil capitalism is in real life

          Move to China if you want to see a country without capitalism.

          • 2 years ago

            I live in Europe. Our capitalist system doesn't allow Amazon to put our wagies in anti suicide booths and work them out 12 hours a day with no pee time.
            My country is moving to working only 4 days a week kek.
            Keep being a nice little slave and paying 200k to study pozzed gayBlack person classes while I can get an engineering degree for FREE.

            • 2 years ago

              enjoy your stagnant economy, shrinking slice of the global pie, and shrinking population in spite of rampant immigration with immigration policies and integration failures so catastrophic you have more immigrants joining terrorist organizations than your own militaries
              >like I care about the future. lol. lmao.

              • 2 years ago

                >thinking any of this shit you said doesn't describe the US
                Stick to the BBC worshipping threads, it's what your kind know best.

              • 2 years ago

                We may be stagnating but you're freefalling past Brazil and are having a civil war within the next decade fatso.
                Europe has been a top tier comfy continent for 5000 years non stop, we'll probably be fine and reinvent ourselves.

              • 2 years ago

                >full of Muslims
                You are either islamic or just too stupid to notice

              • 2 years ago

                You're a moron that takes everything on pol at face value. Get a passport and travel more.

                We definitely have common ground there, it's a sad conclusion but one that seems increasingly inevitable and honestly that's where my mind has been going for the last few years. The only real question that remains is if there's any chance of the US being saved and if it's worth fighting for? I think it/there is but it's going to take a lot more gusto than the establishment will allow. This is why Glormph is so important to "us" - at a microcosmic scale it seems that the only viable solution is comparable to South Africa - where (and I'm really not racist, seriously) the benevolent White Man has to abandon their post and leave the world to its own devices, until the rest of the world comes clawing and begging back for their return.

                I don't think there's a chance of saving it honestly, unless you go split and create new ethnostates herr and there, like around Boston, in Maine/Vermont etc, maybe Florida and the Oregon - Washington area, including mormon country and such, and some of the Canadian frontier hick states. Most of the South and the megapolis of the north east are past redeeming it seems like, if we go by sheer numbers. In Europe only some UK cities are fricked as badly. Paris still stands at 70%+ white for instance.

              • 2 years ago

                Again, this is why Glormph is so important. It really doesn't take much less than a little bit of balls. No one's talking about killing people here. You restrict immigration, adopt a relatively isolationist foreign policy (i.e. only intervening when it's actually necessary, not just when you feel slighted) and occasionally remind the world that you have The Button. I'd love to be wrong and think there was a masterplan to all of this but it increasingly seems like TPTB of the US are either more concerned with short term politics/profits or letting their own racial/privileged guilt (that doesn't apply to the vast majority of the population) cloud their judgement. It's why every Trump supporter knows that sometimes he's moronic or says insane shit but he's the closest thing to a speedbump we have on this seemingly predetermined road to ruin.

              • 2 years ago

                >it increasingly seems like TPTB of the US are either more concerned with short term politics/profits
                That's exactly what it is in my opinion. Countries are basically treated like companies, leaders are CEOs and citizens shareholders that expect higher dividends each year which is why the GDP has to go up, like stocks and PNL balances.
                It explains why the US dominated west doesn't understand why Japan doesn't take immigrants to accelerate their GDP rise or why everyone was saying Russia would never invade Ukraine because the latter is poorer and would damage the Russian economy a lot even if they took it without firing a shot. Those people have no long term vision and don't see how Japan will have it better after their baby boomer generation has died off while we're permanently pushing the inevitable with more and more migrants, while destroying the local culture by over mixing it in the process. They don't fricking see how conquering a huge farmland with access to warm ports and 20 millions people could be a positive addition to a country in the long term either.
                There's no conspiracy, just a shitty system on auto run that promotes mediocrity and short term reactions with no long term objectives or inamovible moral guidelines.
                That's what's wrong with capitalism in the long run, it has no ideology behind it. It can never be nothing more than a tool to promote better quality products/services in a given sector. It shouldn't be the main rule of a country because some actors will get too rich and powerful and eventually turn the whole country into a big corporation.

              • 2 years ago

                Not that I necessarily disagree but I detect a socialist tinge to your comment. Not that there's anything wrong with that. I see capitalism as an extension of human nature and that's why I'd say that it's very relevant your reference of Japan in that that they are not an ostensibly socialist country. They (in blunt terms) simply have their heads screwed on whereas I agree that the US and much of the western world seems to be functioning as a giant corporation. This again just reinforces why Glormph is/was so important. For all his warts he was a stalwart against this kind of behavior which is exactly why the entire mainstream western establishment was so hellbent on stopping him. He was a wrench in their works, big time. This again is why he's so important. It's not necessarily that capitalism is bad (it allows evil just as much, probably arguably less so than socialism) but that the establishment are bad actors. Hence you need a good actor to stop them. On this note I was never particularly opposed to Bernie Sanders as a candidate. I don't think he understands economics, I don't think he'd a good representative - but at least he's not one of them.

              • 2 years ago

                I'm more of a monarchist, or a falangist if we really push it. Full blown capitalism always leads to monopolies and Medici death spirals.
                I agree with you on a lot of things but Trump was part of the problem here. He gave free reign to certain corporations, and didn't will a state policy on certain issues, just bent to corporate wills and acted as a CEO by saying X or Y will create jobs so it's all fine.
                While you might not consider certain areas such as soil pollution or airborne cancer as important, it still is something that the state and its leader should retain a grip on. And I'm sorry but Trump didn't give a frick about that, because he's a politician and new his base. A good leader would want his subjects healthy and cut corporate greed whether they're in his camp or not.
                I'm more or less fascist as far as normies are concerned when I explain my positions yet I lobby for green energies because I think it's important to leave a good land to our descendance. So you might get mixed signals from my posts but don't confuse me with a bleeding heart socialist. Some policies are needed in some sectors, and I don't know enough about everything to have a stance on some issues, be it socialist or otherwise. I do know enough about environment and energy infrastructure to understand that the EU is acting more responsible and as an enlightened tyrant would act in that sector. I'm highly disappointed with the execution though as they're banking on importing half of the hydrogen volumes from Africa where it can be made cheaper, basically replacing a dependancy on Russia and Saudis with a dependancy on nafri monkeys. Long story short : they have a good intention of preserving our nature and health, they botched the execution by thinking short term once more.

              • 2 years ago

                Trump is no tree hugger I'll give you that and I respect your stance on environmental concerns, though I wouldn't go as far to say he disregarded the health of the populace. Like I said, wrench in the works. I also just can't abide by the stance that he was a politician. He definitely knew how they operated and utilized their same bag of tricks but it's just not applicable as far as I'm concerned. On that front, he didn't move until he was pushed and there's hours of audiovisual evidence to support it. Pivoting to the environmental concerns though, I do think it's admirable but I would say it's a bit naive. Of course we shouldn't act with wanton disregard for the planet and I'm against factory farming. Far as I know or am concerned that shit is worse than any depiction of hell for those animals and I always spend the extra buck or few to buy free range etc. I would say on the larger scale though that the planet and its environment is going to change, humans or no humans. Thousands and thousands of species have come and gone before us and in due time humans will be the same barring interplanetary. You can't freeze time. I would also say that big picture in terms of survival of the West and the immediate issues facing us as humans, it's splitting hairs. No major disagreement though, I love animals so I'm a sucker particularly on that front, so long as you aren't doing something stupid like chaining yourself to farm machinery. As far as energy goes though, you're pretty much SOL short term until viable alternatives come along, which they will.

          • 2 years ago

            Is he the guy from the A-Team series?

        • 2 years ago

          Why do chuds intentionally refuse to admit what media is about

      • 2 years ago

        >we have to create a science fiction scenario to show how evil capitalism is in real life

        • 2 years ago

          Its honestly more akin to communism which is just late stage capitalism

      • 2 years ago

        Not really. It is about the concept of splitting your mind and all the questions of morality and freewill that come with it.

        Your essentially enslaving yourself, but it isn't you and is you at the same time.

        • 2 years ago

          That's the literal concept, yes. Are you too dumb to realize it's also a satire about working culture and what it does to our personal lives or?

      • 2 years ago











      • 2 years ago

        sounds like proper christianism, no wonder it gets you Mammon worshippers so buttflustered

    • 2 years ago

      Apple pretty much only funded it

    • 2 years ago

      It has "born this way" gay moment, I don't think you are intelligent enough to realize how woke this show is in reality.

      • 2 years ago

        >It has "born this way" gay moment, I don't think you are intelligent enough to realize how woke this show is in reality.
        If you keep up with wokeism then you'll know it is no longer "born this way".
        Nowadays it is that you can choose whichever gender and sexual preference you want.
        It is called bigotry and transphobe to assume you are born some way because you can choose any side you want at anytime you want.

        • 2 years ago

          it's both at once

      • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      For all Womankind is a SNOY show, like The boys

  5. 2 years ago

    i have not seen this show? how many blacks and gays in it? any good booba? your answers will inform me whether i should bother.

    thanks in advance

    • 2 years ago

      personally i think youre probably too mindbroken to enjoy anything and should find a new hobby

      • 2 years ago

        this is NOT looking well for the possibility of me watching this show. i can enjoy shows with blacks in it unless it's the dey here type the israelites put in.

        its a decent watch anon, but i suspect if you head over to /gif/ youll find something more suited to you

        i don't go on /gif/. however i do go on /wsg/ and look at the white fever threads

        • 2 years ago

          Don't watch it then. Back to Chris Pratt moronic flicks where he's an amerimutt hero or something.

        • 2 years ago

          bro.. chill the frick out.. it's a good show. if it had annoying token black characters people this board wouldn't say it was a good show, not because they hate black people, but because that type of thing shows a lack of care by the writers

    • 2 years ago

      its a decent watch anon, but i suspect if you head over to /gif/ youll find something more suited to you

    • 2 years ago

      Gilf Patriqa arkwette has huge cans and flops them about that's about it in the booba front helly has a nice ass.
      It's pozzed but there's only one gay dude/dudes and it's only his alter ego
      No trannies. It's anti Wagie skitzo anti lockdown anti vax anti brainwashing.
      As usual S2 will be shit so watch it and enjoy it for what it is a nice 2022 time capsule set in a 70-2010s malese era it's similar to maniac 2018 and deus 2020

      • 2 years ago

        He's gay in the outside world too.

        • 2 years ago

          >He's gay in the outside world too.
          So it's just walken and jesus Kek who cares its literally the least pozzed show I've seen since the 90s

    • 2 years ago


      this is NOT looking well for the possibility of me watching this show. i can enjoy shows with blacks in it unless it's the dey here type the israelites put in.

      i don't go on /gif/. however i do go on /wsg/ and look at the white fever threads

      • 2 years ago

        Why is he like this

        • 2 years ago

          It was the Music Dance Experience what is he supposed to do, not dance?

          • 2 years ago

            it was harassment and kind of rude too

        • 2 years ago

          Soulless corporate middle man. I got a feeling he's now been promoted above his level of competence and will frick up hard next season

      • 2 years ago

        We can have all these philosophical discussions or we can just enjoy Milchick dancing

        • 2 years ago

          what if.... the real severance was us enjoying the show and returning home to Cinemaphile to complain about blacks and gays.... woah.....

          • 2 years ago

            Only our severed self would have to experience blacks and gays in this scenario. Therefore, we would have nothing to complain about.

      • 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      >Black person with authority
      >strong female who need no man
      That's woke as frick, shill, also trying to be a black mirror episode but dragged for an entire season with no content and were nothing happens is stupid as frick

  6. 2 years ago

    ugly garage show for women that just got dumped

  7. 2 years ago

    Is this about liminal spaces?

    • 2 years ago

      It is very much liminal space kino.

  8. 2 years ago

    >Looking forward to film "severance", think it will be very good
    >Turns out mediocre
    >Not looking forward to tv programm "severance", think it will be mediocre
    >Turns out very good
    Haha 🙂

    • 2 years ago

      pottery, Lucas was right all along

  9. 2 years ago

    you know im really worried about what they will do for season 2, the gang is already performing endgame shit by being in active rebellion,temporarily breaking free and telling the truth about severance, the other seasons cant get this far again up until the series finale, so either theyll do a copout and make all of that action in season 1 worthless by because lumon knew they will do that, or punish the gang extremely harshly and restrict their movement, which i dont think would be entertaining, either way, the cast will go back to square one after this

    • 2 years ago

      New cast

  10. 2 years ago

    >everyone in stressful situations trying to expose innie abuse
    >gay guy looks for his boyfriend

    • 2 years ago

      Did you get to the end of the first season, champ? He's on board with burning the place to the ground now, and is extremely emotionally fricked up

      • 2 years ago

        I was talking about the end.
        Fatso is holding on to dear life trying to keep the innies conscious topside, girly is making a public speech addressing the world about the truth, main dude is talking to his sister and talking about connections they have with reporters/publishers whatever.
        Gay guy is... looking for his boyfriend? I don't get it tbh. Seems so inconsequential compared to what the others are doing

  11. 2 years ago

    I'm pretty confident I could kick Milchick's ass, so it'd be 50/50 whether I frick Helly or kill Milchick

    maybe both

    • 2 years ago

      Do you think you could 1v1 a chicken? I once said that and a guy kept telling me how a chicken would definitely win

  12. 2 years ago

    amazing show
    as someone who worked some years in an open space office i could relate to the insanity of it all

  13. 2 years ago

    So this dude cut his brain in half to forget abut his wife, but I don get it.
    Doesn't the outie version of him still remember his waifu?
    Like as far as he is concerned, the time spent at work doesn't exist no?
    How does this help?

    • 2 years ago

      He kept fricking up at work due to his depressive episodes. This lets him have a stable job basically.

    • 2 years ago

      Because its still him inside the job. For 8 hours a day he thinks he can forget about the pain and just be normal, it's an escape from the pain and suffering.

      Of course avoidance is a terrible way to deal with loss and mental health issues, and he will have to confront it eventually to come to terms with it. Or I guess not since his wife is alive, or at least her body is some kind of company frick doll that they programme

    • 2 years ago

      Instead of escaping the pain for 8 hours a day while sleeping he gets to escape it 16 hours a day.
      Also it not really helping at all is kind of the point. Hes in denial.

    • 2 years ago

      >Doesn't the outie version of him still remember his waifu?
      Do you not see all the alcohol he's guzzling on the outside? Innie Irving even remarked that Mark looked hungover and what Peaty visited him at the bar he said Mark looked like absolute shit out there compared to his innie

  14. 2 years ago


    >Black person love interest for the protag

    bro.. chill the frick out.. it's a good show. if it had annoying token black characters people this board wouldn't say it was a good show, not because they hate black people, but because that type of thing shows a lack of care by the writers

    i just want to know if the show has dey heres in it or not. not a difficult question

    • 2 years ago

      There's two black people in the OP pic just shut the frick up now okay

      • 2 years ago

        have a nice day homosexual

    • 2 years ago

      No it's WMBF so it's ok

  15. 2 years ago

    season 2 when

  16. 2 years ago

    why do they all look like the budget version of some more famous actor?

  17. 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      love the way she walks
      i knew she was someone important kek

    • 2 years ago

      brap posters should get the rope

  18. 2 years ago

    >named Britt Lower
    >makes my peanus go Higher
    why is this allowed?

    • 2 years ago

      >AND I CANT... REMEMBER!!!!!

  19. 2 years ago

    I dont get this show. You go to work, you shut your brain off, you go home and live. That's how it is, that's how it's always been ever since we moved up from hunter gatherers and people got jobs instead of surviving. Who would complain about this? I already live this life. The moment I get home from work I forget about the entire day I spent in the office. It may as well have no existed. The only difference here is they have no choice to remember or forget the day. Absurd stuff. Comfy show though despite the nothingburger of a McGuffin driving the plot

    • 2 years ago

      Good job missing the entire point of the show. It's not really about what their "normal" selves feel about the situation, it's that their working selves have free thought like individual people and can't escape no matter how much they try. How are you missing this? Are you just refusing to accept the premise or something? You would have a second self that was suffering in this context, and if you say that "person" isn't "real", then congrats, that's the fricking point and you got it.

      • 2 years ago

        What do you mean? I'm not missing anything it's just a non issue like I said in my post
        >second self
        Ummmmmm no. Lol I forgot how dumb the people that watched this show are. The premise is dumb that's what I'm saying.

    • 2 years ago

      Except you can't go home moron. Imagine an existence where you never clock out. You just get suddenly refreshed every 8 hours and start working again

      • 2 years ago

        that would suck bro even with all the melon bars and stuff

      • 2 years ago

        The innie and the outie are the same person. He clocks out every day.

        • 2 years ago

          The innie functions as a separate individual, though? Are you intentionally disregarding what the show tells you for your own thoughts or something?

        • 2 years ago

          The whole point of the show is that they aren't the same person. They share the same body but have entirely different lived experiences.

          • 2 years ago

            Yes I'm aware that the premise of the show is flawed, they are the same person. Doesn't stop it from being a comfy show to watch.

            • 2 years ago

              Lol this is fricking Cinemaphile in a nutshell. "Nah I'll just believe whatever I want. Doesn't matter what the show says. I'm smarter than they are. Trust me."

              • 2 years ago

                Ummmm they are literally the same person. No matter what you say they are the sane person. It doesn't matter that they cant know what goes on during the other half of their lives, they are still only a singular entity and nothing will ever change that

              • 2 years ago

                they have the same body, but does that matter? An "entity" that is aware of itself is purely defined by its mental state. Why is this so hard for you to understand?

              • 2 years ago

                Lol... they exist regardless as a singular entity, our ability to understand the world doesn't actually change what is. Read your neetche your mouthbreathing homosexual

                Why ignore what is the objective story of the show? I don't understand the purpose of this.

                The story isn't them being 2 different people it's that they feel they are losing a part of their life dhe to severance. Feeling isn't reality, it's just a feeling. They are one individual. If I developed amnesia, am I a different person compared to who I was before I lost all my memories of my life? No, that's a moronic thing to suggest.

              • 2 years ago

                God you are fricking stupid. You're literally too dense to see your opinion is actually what the whole show is about.

              • 2 years ago

                >one guy says I don't get the show
                >another guy says I do get the show I just don't realize it
                Hmmm sounds line typical pseudistry since you both can't be right.

                I always believed it was in the stomach. some people say heart, but I'm pretty sure mine's in my stomach.

                Very smart. The heart reacts to stimuli before the brain and the stomach reacts to stimuli before the heart.

            • 2 years ago

              Why ignore what is the objective story of the show? I don't understand the purpose of this.

              • 2 years ago

                What do you mean by objective story? The show as far as I am aware presents it exactly like this

                They aren't two different people. They are the same person, who have access to different kinds of memories by artificial separation. There is a whole arc about a person who is able to break the separation.

                Nowhere in the show is it stated that there are multiple people inside a body.

            • 2 years ago


        • 2 years ago

          you could sever the direct connection between your hemispheres and have two different conscious subjects inside the same skull, theoretically
          who knows what kinda techno-magic they're doing to accomplish their shit in the show but if it was something like that it literally would be two different people, they just share the same body and lower brain functions

          • 2 years ago

            They aren't two different people. They are the same person, who have access to different kinds of memories by artificial separation. There is a whole arc about a person who is able to break the separation.

          • 2 years ago

            No you can't because consciousness isn't in the brain moron

            • 2 years ago

              I always believed it was in the stomach. some people say heart, but I'm pretty sure mine's in my stomach.

    • 2 years ago

      What do you mean? I'm not missing anything it's just a non issue like I said in my post
      >second self
      Ummmmmm no. Lol I forgot how dumb the people that watched this show are. The premise is dumb that's what I'm saying.

    • 2 years ago

      >Who would complain about this? I already live this life.
      That's the point moron. The entire premise is how dehumanizing office jobs can be. You don't know what you're doing, for what purpose, and everything is about boring work related platitudes elevated to gospel. They even have a CEO cult which is something that exists IRL. I worked in one of the biggest corporations in the world, at their headquarters, and people always obsessed over their CEOs, board etc. Like celebrity gossip but within the company. Some would brag about crossing a board member in the lift and getting a smile back.

  20. 2 years ago

    "This shit is officeally cancelled."


  21. 2 years ago

    >/pol/tards deny themselves kino because it has a black and gays in it

  22. 2 years ago

    Wouldn't even be so bad to work as innies if they let you order pizza or some shit like that.
    Also what the frick were the goats for?

  23. 2 years ago

    aint no hootenany
    it be a office hoedown, Black

  24. 2 years ago

    you could do a lot to improve the lives of innies while still keeping them isolated from the outside world. having scheduled naps, being able to see the sun, having the lights in the office set to a warmer setting(which we see they're capable of doing during the music dance experience), just little things that could make things less like torture. obviously that's not the point of the show, but I can still see this actually being a thing in real life in a hundred years or so, so maybe it'd be good to start thinking about how to make it less horrifying now.

  25. 2 years ago

    The therapist /dead wife is one of the hottest women I have ever seen. I'm in love with her face

    • 2 years ago
      • 2 years ago

        oh baby

      • 2 years ago

        Yeah something about the slanted eyes..

    • 2 years ago

      And the weirdest part is that I don't care for her in other roles, they just really nailed the look of this one. Hell I don't even like asian women. Thanks for reading my blog

      • 2 years ago

        >Your outie has an asian gf
        >Your outie has sex

        • 2 years ago

          >your innie has more sex than you

        • 2 years ago

          Laughed out loud

      • 2 years ago

        I remember some autist constantly shitting up threads with pics of her in Altered Carbon, she looked weird in those images. But yes she looks really nice in this show

  26. 2 years ago

    legit thought Stiller was at least semi-based but after his meeting with Zelenstein I'd bet money on the redhead sucking the black guys wiener next season. Shame since the show was good til this point

  27. 2 years ago

    I'm a moron. At then end when they go up the elevator why are they essentially teleported to their outtie, isn't that body literally just leaving the elevator? Feel like I forgot a major detail.

    • 2 years ago

      no they were still their "innies" in the real world so when they go back to the office they'll forget what happened when they were outie

      • 2 years ago

        >no they were still their "innies" in the real world
        But their body is at work? Like in the intro when the MC goes to work, we see the transition between his innie and outtie, but once he(his body) is in work, his outtie can't exist at the same time, right?
        Once they left the elevator, why weren't they directly outside their workplace WITH their innie conscious?

        • 2 years ago

          Umm.... anon innie and outie aren't actually two different people. Neither of them exist. Only mark exists. When I was a teenager there was school me and home me, home me did not cease to exist when I went to school because home me never existed. Only I existed. Man this show brings out all the morons

          • 2 years ago

            I don't know why people continue to reply to this guy when he won't even be objective about the plot of the show

            • 2 years ago


          • 2 years ago

            Do you actually think you're smarter than the show anon. You don't just get to make up your own plot like Homer

        • 2 years ago

          Because the fat american hadn't launched the protocol yet. He was eating waffles and enjoying satanic prottie porn dances.

        • 2 years ago

          what the frick are you talking about? the conscious experience switches in the elevator, it's really not that complicated of a concept

          • 2 years ago

            I know, so why did the girl essentially transport to that big event as opposed to leaving the workplace only this time with her innie conscious?
            I'm honestly not trolling, like I said I think I'm missing something or not explaining myself right.
            I know they're not separate people, there is only one body was my point, if that body literally just left work, how is it now appearing at the event?

            • 2 years ago

              Did you even watch the show?

            • 2 years ago

              how fast did you speedwatch ?

              • 2 years ago

                One night lel, I'll have to rewatch it

        • 2 years ago

          look dude, the guy at the helm of the show met zalensky and said he was his hero. if youre expecting anything above 2 digit IQ out of this show you're a sucker. just saying it how it is

          • 2 years ago

            >Taking war propaganda at face value
            You're the brainlet Anon. Everyone praising Zekensky knows that he's a corrupt eastern clown of a politician, just like they knew the Taliban were dirty goat frickers from day 1 or like they knew the south Vietnam leader was a cringe protestant homosexual more than happy to betray his country.
            The propaganda is for the masses, which you're painfully a part of.
            Every politician knows that Putin is much more competent and articulate, but also an enemy so they have to say mean things about him and positive things about his enemy. Do you also think Bush really went in Iraq to free the population, give them democracy and rid the world of weapons of mass destruction?

            • 2 years ago

              Yeah gosh bro, if Putin wins he might enforce a world that disputes 5 year olds being fed wiener Sucking Hormones and what could be worse than that? So archaic. The future of the world is kids fondling and sucking drag queens balls and if you have a problem with that you're just a heckin' nazi bigot. Shoulda voted for Hillary

              • 2 years ago

                I'm not american and I personally think Putin is not wrong in Ukraine, though the execution is a bit botched (europeans dying is never a good outcome). He was in the wrong in other instances, but he's not here.
                I don't even get how you got that conclusion from my paragraph that was very neutral.
                Frick your gay country btw, I hope China pwns you some day. Both your political movements are cringe and gay. Trump and his cohort are moronic, Biden and his cohort are pernicious and vile.

              • 2 years ago

                Isn't even my country (thank god, we aren't trying to enforce state sanctioned pedophilia yet) at this point China conquering "my country" would be a blessing since they actually have brains and don't concede to the dumb c**ts who cry the most at behest of "them", why don't you go ahead and entertain me by telling the worst thing that Glormph ever did

              • 2 years ago

                >why don't you go ahead and entertain me by telling the worst thing that Glormph ever did
                I'm not American, so again, I don't care about your internal politics. But he was unnecessarily belligerent with Europe, which had a good side effect of us taking distances with the US at last. He didn't improve relations with Russia at all, unlike what he promised, and kept trying to undermine NS2. He fricked around with China, blaming them for doing the exact same thing with Huawei that the US had been doing with apple and Windows for decades, and in doing so finally gave them a good excuse to act openly hostile and court away client countries in Asia and Africa. Basically he was a moron that made the US position in the world more feeble, which ironically was good for us, Europe. So he was a good american president for Europe, but a bad US president for your own standing in global politics. He was also a moron at personal level, saying some wild shit like confusing african countries, calling other countries by the wrong name, thinking Syria was all desert, etc. His son in law was a dirty israelite and his wife a cheap slavic mail bride. So I had no respect for the man from day 1. But he was entertaining, I'll give you that.

              • 2 years ago

                >he was unnecessarily belligerent with Europe
                Wah fricking wah
                >He didn't improve relations with Russia at all, unlike what he promised
                Hence why they waited until Biden got in to do Ukraine
                >He fricked around with China
                Again, wah fricking wah
                >Basically he was a moron that made the US position in the world more feeble
                You don't even believe this, you'll have to do better
                >He was also a moron at personal level, saying some wild shit like confusing african countries, calling other countries by the wrong name, thinking Syria was all desert, etc. His son in law was a dirty israelite and his wife a cheap slavic mail bride.
                An actual fricking lol implying Biden is any better on this front, have you been severed?

                Basically face it, for all the "le orange man bad" indoctrination you've swallowed over the last 8 years he was immeasurably better than not only Obama, Biden or Hillary but Bush as well. Even when I ask you to spell it out your criticism comes down to "he wasn't perfect"

              • 2 years ago

                meant for

                >why don't you go ahead and entertain me by telling the worst thing that Glormph ever did
                I'm not American, so again, I don't care about your internal politics. But he was unnecessarily belligerent with Europe, which had a good side effect of us taking distances with the US at last. He didn't improve relations with Russia at all, unlike what he promised, and kept trying to undermine NS2. He fricked around with China, blaming them for doing the exact same thing with Huawei that the US had been doing with apple and Windows for decades, and in doing so finally gave them a good excuse to act openly hostile and court away client countries in Asia and Africa. Basically he was a moron that made the US position in the world more feeble, which ironically was good for us, Europe. So he was a good american president for Europe, but a bad US president for your own standing in global politics. He was also a moron at personal level, saying some wild shit like confusing african countries, calling other countries by the wrong name, thinking Syria was all desert, etc. His son in law was a dirty israelite and his wife a cheap slavic mail bride. So I had no respect for the man from day 1. But he was entertaining, I'll give you that.

                obviously but worth correcting for a decent convo here

              • 2 years ago

                >Basically face it, for all the "le orange man bad" indoctrination you've swallowed over the last 8 years he was immeasurably better than not only Obama, Biden or Hillary but Bush as well. Even when I ask you to spell it out your criticism comes down to "he wasn't perfect"
                All Americans are moronic queers to me, and that includes their presidents. I'm not even saying X was better than Y. You're bringing up supposedly worse candidates to make him look better by comparison. You're a country of brainlets and your best president in a while was also a brainlet. Your last good president was Nixon.

              • 2 years ago

                meant for [...]
                obviously but worth correcting for a decent convo here

                For the record, our leaders in Europe aren't good leaders, but they're a bit more articulate at least. Even the british homosexual that just got fired had a classical education and speaks latin and ancient greek. It may not be apparent but he has some depth. Americans haven't had a truly smart president of the calibre of Putin, De Gaulle or Schröder since Nixon.

              • 2 years ago

                I'm respecting your post for the sake of discussion but that's an absolute cop out. I like Nixon as well but the fact is you deal with the hand you're dealt and The Orange Man was the best hand "we" have had in a long while so of course it makes sense to go all in on it. Look where the alternative has got us. Even ignoring the fact that the economy is in shambles, here the western world finds itself yet again being World Police for the sake of what? Showing Putin what for? I couldn't give less of a shit about that. Fact is the US has raped and pillaged every sovereign nation it can get its hands on for the last 60-80 years and now they're going to send an entire nation of men do die for the sake of dick measuring. When was the last time Russia nuked anyone? It's a load of shit. The more the people in charge of the world show that what they'll do with that power is make you children chug sex chaning hormones and hate themselves via original sin, the more they'll continue to lose. You're better off speaking up about that than waiting until there's a revolution against it as so many comfortable people would like to

              • 2 years ago

                I have nothing but two things to say Anon.
                1- accelerate : the sooner the US runs its course, the sooner the world will heal and we'll resume pursuing science and deep space exploration, leaving queer and gayBlack person problems behind
                2 - come home : if you're a European, with European origins and ethos, come home. The US is no longer a place for you, it was poisoned and subverted from the inside, not that it didn't start as a mason scheme allowing rich merchants to betray their nation and get even richer by paying less taxes. Come home and be with your brethren.

              • 2 years ago

                We definitely have common ground there, it's a sad conclusion but one that seems increasingly inevitable and honestly that's where my mind has been going for the last few years. The only real question that remains is if there's any chance of the US being saved and if it's worth fighting for? I think it/there is but it's going to take a lot more gusto than the establishment will allow. This is why Glormph is so important to "us" - at a microcosmic scale it seems that the only viable solution is comparable to South Africa - where (and I'm really not racist, seriously) the benevolent White Man has to abandon their post and leave the world to its own devices, until the rest of the world comes clawing and begging back for their return.

    • 2 years ago

      it's not a teleporter, it's a people shrinker
      they save money on real estate and furniture that way, real dark corporate stuff

  28. 2 years ago

    He is the most based black guy I have seen in television in some time

  29. 2 years ago
    Helly Autist


  30. 2 years ago

    hope the gay and fatty die next season

  31. 2 years ago

    do they have a well-thought out plot for the goats or was it haphazardly thrown in to create intrigue?

    • 2 years ago

      I hope they never tell us

    • 2 years ago

      None of the jobs matter, they've been assigned random tasks but they are all part of a severance procedure case study.

      • 2 years ago

        Have you read The Lexington Letter? It makes you think that MDR isn't pointless and they're unknowingly committing acts of terrorism.

    • 2 years ago

      goats are the pièce de résistance of the waffle party, he just didn't get to it.

  32. 2 years ago

    I dropped the show at episode 5. Did they ever explain the shrink ray?

    • 2 years ago

      the shrink ray?

    • 2 years ago

      >shrink ray

      I haven't even watched that show and I know you're talking about Westworld. The image in the OP is from Severance.

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