The only reason why this is a show is because the characters are non gendered and they don't speak using pronouns

The only reason why this is a show is because the characters are non gendered and they don't speak using pronouns
There is something incredibly dystopian about it, reminds me of the fairly odd parents episode were Timmy turns everyone into a grey clump that looks the same

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  1. 10 months ago

    For reference

    • 10 months ago

      Those are gendered tho, the woman has eyelashes and lipstick.

      • 10 months ago

        >even the gray blobs from FOP over 20 years ago are gendered

  2. 10 months ago

    I don't think this is the reason why people love it, I'm sure it benefits the creator to avoid any potential drama by essentially walking around the eggshells, but I don't think it was a conscious choice

    No, IMO the reason people love this show so much is because it follows every inane trend young adults are into nowdays- relatable humor, observational humor, basically just 'pointing things out' combines with cutesy confused "heckin pupperino" speak, constant discussion about 'adulting' and all that crap
    It's like if they made toddler cartoons for adults

    • 10 months ago

      >he creator to avoid any potential drama by essentially walking around the eggshells
      Didnt he make an anti abortion comic or something at some point which got reddit fuming mad at them?

    • 10 months ago

      It's like a shit version of Seinfeld. Seinfeld pointed out the pointless but this takes it to an unexplained next level of insufferable. The kind of shit of "dude, you're a magic mech skeleton!" Bullshit that makes you want to punch someone in the face.

  3. 10 months ago

    yeah, the speaking pattern gimmick got old by episode 3 for me and the rest is boring, look-out-the-window normal human drama plotlines.

    • 10 months ago

      We need to stop giving cartoons to people online with a gimmick, especially when it's evident they have nothing else going on.
      This is just the cartoon version of his comics, which are exactly the same.
      >"We are partaking in normal human activity."
      >"Yes, but we are elaborating on it verbally in great detail as if we were mentally impaired."
      >"This is certainly entertaining, I am exhaling air out of my facial features in amusement!"
      You can't do much more with it

  4. 10 months ago

    This is just the modern version of Garfield blowing up. Theres always a demographic for cutesy, safe, pointless drivel

  5. 10 months ago

    This feels almost depressing, that THIS is the kinda media people over the age of 2 wanna watch nowadays
    Whether it be kids or adults, I can't believe such a large portion of the population wants to sit down in the free time and consume entertainment this pointless
    It feels like the cartoon version of a hospital room, everything is just flavorless, cushioned and safe

    The fact that we have a format in which we can create literally any story we wanna tell, and not only do adults use that format to create twee shit like this, but they also tell kids that this is what THEY wanna be watching as well

  6. 10 months ago

    Reddit Planet.

  7. 10 months ago

    Isn’t the creator a pro-life Christian?

    • 10 months ago

      So? Some Pro-life Christians can also be pro genderqueer stuff
      Tbf, I don't know that he is, but It's stupid to imply it's impossible because he fits into some group
      Don't fall for the "us vs them" "everyone is either 100% CONSERVATIVE EVERYTHING" or "100% LIBERAL EVERYTHING" Reddit meme
      The real world isn't a political cartoon

      • 10 months ago

        Unrelated but can you imagine troons getting rib removal surgery to become bible accurate women?

        • 10 months ago

          I was wondering how long this thread can go before the inevitable happens

          • 10 months ago

            Mate the point of the thread was the show got picked up because there are no genders or gendered anything beyond the voices and you can imagine the characters being any gender or sexual orientation

            • 10 months ago

              Yeah, so? When people react because someone scores a goal in soccer, do you go "pfft, idiots, of course someone was gonna put the ball in the net eventually, that's what this game is all about."

              • 10 months ago

                I will if the goalie left because he has dhiarrea

        • 10 months ago

          >getting rib removal surgery to become bible accurate women?
          But Adam was the one who had a rib removed.... That either implies, if we reeeeally wanna go down the 'the bible is 100% physically literal, and not just metaphorical myth' route, it either implies men have less ribs than women, or Adam had an extra useless rib that got removed and now nobody has it

          • 10 months ago

            Right, I guess they need to remove one of their hands to build an artificial rib then

            • 10 months ago

              please, anon, stop trying to make this thread about your weird niche fetish

              • 10 months ago

                I don't know what you are talking about

  8. 10 months ago

    The animation on this show is of higher quality than most western adult animation, probably because they can save a lot of time on character rigging since only 1 in 5-10 end up with more unique designs that aren't just added props. Not enough use of unique expressions for my liking though. This is a great situation to push goofy/over the top expressions on and they're wasting it.

    The writing is bland af and it's otherwise toothless and unfunny. Bluey takes more risks with its humor and portrayals of morality.

  9. 10 months ago

    So what's gonna happen to this show? You can only stretch "haha what if we said things using FUNEE WORDS" for so long... Is it gonna get it's one season in the spotlight and get cancelled like it should? Are they gonna keep it going? Maybe force a new gimmick? Is the last episode of the season gonna hint at some 'DEEPEST LORE!!!!1!1one!' shit and inevitably go down the same road as every other subpar cartoon, where they have to arbitrarily force it deep dark drama towards the second season

    • 10 months ago

      How many times has Garfield eaten lasagna?

      • 10 months ago

        And how many Garfield superfans can you name?

        How many times do we have to go thru the "Oh It's bad when [modern cartoon] does it? Well, how come [old cartoon] did something similar!?" charade, before you accept the answer that people keep giving you, which is "Yeah, and we weren't fond of that back then, either"

        • 10 months ago

          People shit on Garfield but It has both produced gems like the cartoon or the Christmas special or fan made content
          For some reason the longer it goes on the higher the chances something actually good gets made under the Garfield brand

        • 10 months ago

          Garfield has or can have conflict and drive. This show is just them pointing out and over explaining their actions. There is not conflict or plot. It's just them being super meta and self-aware of their actions and that's it.

          • 10 months ago

            People fricking love meta stuff rn, huh? I wonder why that is
            I get the feeling that it's this common belief that it's newer and more advanced, therefor it's better and everything needs to be meta
            Kinda the same way that they think that 3D > 2D because the former is newer, or that newer cartoon visuals always look better than older ones just because they have better technology than wasn't around before, like brighter colors or gradients

            This idea that "duuude meta is like, the next step in evolution, so now everything needs to be meta, we can't go back that'd be like going backwards!"

            • 10 months ago

              To clarify, meta is absolutely not new, but it IS new in how much more common, available and possible it is in new media

  10. 10 months ago

    I loved the comic, but I refuse to watch the show because the animation director is an butthole.

  11. 10 months ago

    This is the first time i ever heard about this shit. These characters remind me of the huggstables from regular show.

  12. 10 months ago

    You're misunderstanding 'the joke' entirely. The show isn't about a genderless world, it's about a world where everything is seen through the eyes of total autists.
    The dialogue is like:
    >right now i am using buttons on a rectangle to dispute a point of contention with another individual over an electronic communication medium. how strange!
    That's it. That's the joke. If they did an episode on genders it would be something like
    >I am the egg producer. This means I am to wear a skirt and play with dolls.
    >I am the sperm producer. This means I am to wear pants and play with cars.
    That's it. It's just the most obvious statement in the world, and that's somehow considered funny.

    • 10 months ago

      true, but his stuff also sometimes have a "society, amiriiiiite?" spin to it
      so it would probably be more like

      >i am the egg producer. it is expected of me to wear a skirt and play with dolls
      >what correlation does the production of eggs have with rectangular cloth units with one hole in them instead of two?
      >strange, i do not know

      • 10 months ago

        But it's not done out of any political agenda, that's my point. It doesn't make any political statements, it just is one giant "I BET YOU NEVER THOUGHT OF IT LIKE THAT :^)" meme.

        • 10 months ago

          what i said isnt really political, its entry level observation
          god yes, it reeks of that kid in school that JUST found out tomatoes are fruit or something, and just feels like the biggest intellectual telling the world about it
          its incredibly annoying and inane

        • 10 months ago

          >"I BET YOU NEVER THOUGHT OF IT LIKE THAT :^)" meme.
          its like the shower thoughts thing back on leddit/tumblr, where someone would post something that feels like it belongs in a Lil Cutie strip, like "paying for glasses is like paying for eyes maaaang" and everyone would pretend its something shocking and super profound

    • 10 months ago

      >it's about a world where everything is seen through the eyes of total autists
      oh, so this is just more media thats gonna make normative children think theyre autistic because they make totally normal observations about the world

    • 10 months ago

      So it's the Big Bang Theory, only they're mocking autists exclusively instead of nerds.

      • 10 months ago

        Just because it's unfunny doesn't mean it's targeted harassment.

  13. 10 months ago

    There's absolutely nothing in this show, nor his comic, that couldn't be written (and probably drawn) by just about any individual with IQ above fridge temperature

    >"What are you doing on the electronic stationary personal computing device?"
    >"I am communicating with other sentient beings over a great distance using a discussion forum of east Asian origins."
    >"Haha, how does it work?"
    >"I do not know."

  14. 10 months ago

    What show is this?

    • 10 months ago

      This thread is like walking to an alternate dimension Cinemaphile. I have no idea of who the frick those aliens are, but everyone here keeps talking as if they were already famous characters. The name of the show hasnt even been mentioned yet in any of the responses.

      Strange Planet

  15. 10 months ago

    honestly, watching this show makes me feel like it was written by an AI being told to use synonyms for everything

    • 10 months ago

      oh god, you probably COULD do that to make endless comics
      quick, give me a line, i'll see if i can reconstruct it using an online dictionary

      • 10 months ago

        go nuts

        • 10 months ago

          This is my first time actually seeing a clip from this show
          Idk how I expected them to speak but certainly not like this, the woman's voice feels like AI. The man is clearly trying, but he's trying too hard and it sounds like he's reading a Powerpoint presentation.

          There's no humor, there's not even a joke or a pun or much cartoony hyperbole, it's just... a regular boring everyday event.... but spoken in synonyms

          I thought some of the humor would at least be "hey isn't this everyday situation kinda weird when you think about it", like they'd point out how they're flying in a big metal tube or how everything is fifty times more overpriced than it is on land
          But no, it's just "I need things" "Here's things" "Yes thank you" with more words words words words words

          • 10 months ago

            It's based on a simple gag-a-day Twitter welcoming, so yeah, there isn't any substance beyond the intentionally complicated observational humor.

    • 10 months ago

      having to adore the coding master
      baby US terror

  16. 10 months ago

    This thread is like walking to an alternate dimension Cinemaphile. I have no idea of who the frick those aliens are, but everyone here keeps talking as if they were already famous characters. The name of the show hasnt even been mentioned yet in any of the responses.

    • 10 months ago

      Agreed about the alt dimension Cinemaphile thing, but moreso because people aren't really biting at OP's gender pronoun comment, and are actually discussing the show itself
      It's like we're back in an era where people on Cinemaphile
      Liked cartoons

    • 10 months ago

      The comic was already pretty popular and widespread, its surprising you havent even heard of it in passing

      • 10 months ago

        Maybe in the united states, never heard about it in my country.

  17. 10 months ago

    Hate the voices too much.
    I wanted them to sound like aliens.
    This isn't even voice acting, it's just... Voicing.

    • 10 months ago

      Yeah same, I expected them to be all blippy-bloopy like cartoon aliens

  18. 10 months ago

    It reminds me of that thing people used to do on Tumblr where they'd say things like "My fellow humans" or refer to kids as "miniature humans"

  19. 10 months ago

    They're animating this shit? This steaming turd israeliteel on the crown of relatability?

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