The Raid Pt. 2

>Baseball bat

It's a 1v1, you have one, your opponent has the other, you have the same height, weight and reach. Which is more useful/dangerous?

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  1. 1 week ago

    My martial arts Sensei once discussed why the basball bat is about the worst self defense weapon ever and it drove Sensei nuts that it's always shown in media as being effective and how many people IRL think a bat behind the door is a good plan.

    In reality the bat is an unwieldy weapon that takes a LARGE amount of time, energy, and vulnerability to swing. When you pull the bat back to swing you are wide open for a frontal attack, say from a much faster weapon like a blade.

    When you are having these types of weapon on weapon encounters speed and distance are important factors. As is the capabilities of your weapon. The baseball bat has basically a single attack mode, draw back, swing, hope it connects. The machete has multiple ways to attack under both "stab" and "slash" as well as being metal it can be a blunt force weapon. The butt of the machete is an impact weapon. You can even use the blade of the machete to block or deflect incoming bat blows, a metal bat might block a few blows from a machete but it's steel vs aluminum., bat will not last long or the blade will slide down the bat and cut the bat holder's hands. There is no protective guard on a bat's hand grip as it is not a sword but a sports tool. The bat also makes recovery for follow up strikes hard and drawn out, the weight again. Where as the machete can spin and flail and is light as shit. It can reset and attack 6 times in the span it take a bat to strike twice. It's VERY easy to close the distance as someone winds up to strike or is recovering from an attempted strike and imobilize the bat. Bats are only dangerous when in motion and even then only when they are at the end of the arch does most of the energy enter the bat so you can even grab a bat with one hand and stop it at the beginning of the swing, it will be weak and have no momentum to fight.

    Someone even lightly skilled with a large blade like a machete could slash you 3+ times before you did one swing of a bat.

    • 1 week ago

      Sorry went over the post limit.

      Machete is also able to be used one handed as the free hand attacks, defends, or captures the bat. It's no contest, machete wins.

      • 1 week ago

        how much do you think a baseball bat weights?

    • 1 week ago

      I could knock that machete out of your hand. I can use the bat defensively. I can butt you with the bat, etc. You don't have to load up a huge swing to be effective with a bat, your sensei sounds biased.

      • 1 week ago

        maybe against someone that just picked up a machete. ANY training they will destroy the bat wielder. how's your snap cuts? I can take your bat fingers off in seconds. how's your range judgement? even if we are far enough our out stretched weapons don't touch all it take for me is a quick step or lunge and you have blade in your belly.
        in the time it takes you to windup and swing I've already done the much quicker thrust.
        how are you at reading feints? your footwork?
        I could arm block a baseball bat, might shatter my arm but if you arm block my machete I'm taking it clean off and your bleeding out(in untrained people it's a natural response to raise your arms to protect your head, even against bladed weapons)
        in this scenario we are evenly matched in height and reach so if we both swing from the right and get eachother in the neck/head I have a much higher chance of walking away from the bat strike

        • 1 week ago

          Stop listening to old men who never fought a day in their life.

        • 1 week ago

          A lot of edgy bullshit to say that you are confident in your ability to wield a machete.

          That's good. I think the matchup is such that the more confident and aggressive attacker will win no matter what.

          If the batter is confident and knows his distance, timing and so on, he will take the head/knees of a weaker machete attacker.

          If both are equal in athleticism and expertise it will come down to who makes the first mistake.

          I don't think you will bumrush a guy that is on your level, but you can certainly try and see if you win the coinflip.

          • 1 week ago

            yeah for sure if both people know what they are doing it can go either way. I'm not just saying bat=bad, just my preference is machete

    • 1 week ago

      Your "sensei" probably had his ass pounded with a bat and is still seething about it.

    • 1 week ago

      yeah maybe if you swing it like you are playing baseball. You can grip it in many different ways and use the entire thing for attacking, not just baseball swings.
      Put a sock on it too so when the other guy grabs the bat you can just pull it away and all he has in his hand is the sock.

    • 1 week ago

      If I have a bat, and you have a machete, and you try to use the machete to stop my bat swing, you're going to be disarmed and then you're going to get your ass beat to death. Unless you get lucky, one machete cut is not going to kill anyone. A single bat strike can paralyze you from sheer pain. After that it's game over.

    • 1 week ago

      >wind up bat at a distance
      >teleports behind you mid swing
      >connects full force behind your head as I come out of teleportation
      >you're instantly knocked out
      Wow that easy.

    • 1 week ago

      Which McDojo did you find your shit ass "sensei"? Bats are handy enough weapons, you just don't know how to use one.

    • 1 week ago

      Nice try, machete salesman.

    • 1 week ago

      >"bro my sensei told me a welterweight can easily destroy a heavyweight, just land highly-specific shots without making any mistakes and..."

    • 1 week ago

      The benefit of the bat is that you can frick someone up without necessarily killing them and getting blood all over your house

      • 1 week ago

        Or if it's wood and you do kill them, hello Mr fire.

      • 1 week ago

        Just use a sack full of nickles, a makeshift flail can’t be grabbed and the momentum would be more damaging than a bat someone could block.

      • 1 week ago

        The pro-machete strategy seems to be "take a hit or two and hope it doesn't knock you out or shatter your hand, then you can get in close and stab!". Which altogether seems ridiculous.

  2. 1 week ago

    >be big guy
    >little asian dude runs up with a bat
    >laugh while I shove it up his ass

  3. 1 week ago

    The hammer chick was hot

    • 1 week ago

      No she was not, did you somehow miss the scene with her shades off

      • 1 week ago

        Yeah she had beautiful eyes. What a hottie.

  4. 1 week ago

    I liked Redemption better than 2. 2 is still 8/10 actionkino though

    • 1 week ago

      2 would have been better if they cut out the part about the homeless wondering samurai. That was pointless and took over 20 mins of screen time.

  5. 1 week ago

    >Which is more useful/dangerous?
    The cricket bat.

    • 1 week ago

      Baseball bat*

  6. 1 week ago

    A baseball bat seems like it'd be useless vs a machete, it would just cut the bat especially if it's those aluminum bats

    • 1 week ago

      This homie thinks shits and anime

      • 1 week ago

        An anime*

      • 1 week ago

        Considering they use machetes to chop down small trees....

        • 1 week ago

          >A small wooden tree that's static and being hit at the optimal angle to be chopped
          >The same as an aluminium bat being swung at speeds to smack that shit out of your hand or bust open your head

          Do you people just not have working brains or something?

          • 1 week ago

            Right so if the bat was being swung at high speeds than it would be even easier to chop. I think you're the one missing a brain or any real life experience

            • 1 week ago

              >Ignores the difference in material between a tree and an aluminium bat
              >Ignores the angles of incidences being completely different
              >Ignores the fact that the machete wielder won't be striking as if he's striking an inanimate object

              Naturally stupid and willfully ignorant too. Not a good look. I'd smack the shit out of you with a bat while you think you're peacefully cutting trees lmao

              • 1 week ago

                I'm not surprised you don't know than an aluminum bat would be easier to cut than a fricking tree. And why the frick would the machete guy not be striking the bat in a fight you absolute dumb frick.

              • 1 week ago

                Lmao if you ever get into a battle with weapons you gon' find out real quick.
                >Muh machete will merely slice the bat in half

              • 1 week ago

                An aluminum bat is completely hollow you dumb frick! Have you never used a bat before? Like I said. 0 life experience. 0 knowledge. 100% dumb as frick. That's you.

              • 1 week ago

                Lmao this guy is seething because he's realising a tree stump won't frick you up like an aluminium bat will, and he's too stupid and insecure to admit it.

                It would be hilarious to watch you get fricked up thinking you can just slice things in half.
                >"But muh tree stumps... They never hit like thi-ACK".

              • 1 week ago

                >And why the frick would the machete guy not be striking the bat in a fight you absolute dumb frick.
                people that strike the weapon are dumb as frick and don't know how to fight. hitting the weapon is sparring and Hollywood shit. the hands are the target when you see weapons clashing.
                if the enemy cannot hold a bat then he can't use it against you.
                the best scenario for a weapon against weapon would be a block where machete has the advantage by having the bat force itself onto the blade giving you seconds to redirect, disarm, counterattack

    • 1 week ago

      all you need is one good hit with a bat and they're crippled or dead.

      • 1 week ago

        As opposed to the machete.

    • 1 week ago

      I'm on machetes side but that is unrealistic video game Hollywood bullshit.

  7. 1 week ago

    A machete requires much less force and wind up to be an effective weapon, but the bat can be much more effective at quickly disabling your opponent.

  8. 1 week ago

    I wouldn't mind getting killed by Hammer Girl tbh

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