The secret to adapting an unadaptable novel is dropping all the weird/unadaptable elements

Bravo Villeneuve.

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  1. 3 days ago

    he did a decent job cramming everything into two 3 hour movies, other than a few bad casting choices I thought they were solid movies.

    • 3 days ago

      Did he? He covers less ground in 6 hours than Lynch and the miniseries did in terms plot.

    • 3 days ago

      >Cramming everything into a 3 hr movie
      Uh actually a 2 hr movie which was mid
      >Few bad casting choices
      You mean literally the main characters and casting someone in those roles who can't even act except Rebecca Ferguson
      >It was solid movie
      No it was mid. Just technically brilliant but as a film well let's just say Villeneuve pulled a Villeneuve.

    • 3 days ago

      Sure, they're alright movies (far from the masterpieces some zoomers think they are) but they aren't a great adaptation of Dune at all. The way the books are written, so much of the story happens outside of the dialogue, which isn't easy to translate to film. Denis' solution was to just drop most of it. The movies then become something like a highlight reel of big moments from the books (or at least the ones they could fit in) without any of the significance or meaning the original might have had.

      The biggest problem here is time. No one would expect the plot of a Song of Ice and Fire to neatly fit into a 2.5hr movie. You'd end up with a narrative frankenstein, far from a faithful adaptation that conveys the ideas the original work was constructed from.

      Dune should have been a 4 season streaming series with the budget of HOTD

      • 3 days ago

        Making it a show wouldn't have worked either. Sure, it would have been better than the movies, but adapting Dune to the screen is impossible.
        There are hundreds of very long internal monologues and narrator explanations of the abilities and phenomena that happen.
        You literally can't translate that to the visual medium. In that way, it's nothing like ASoIaF.

        • 3 days ago

          So basically both the literature and the film sucks. Thank you.

  2. 3 days ago


    • 3 days ago


  3. 3 days ago

    I think the movie was pretty weird.
    What did he drop?

    • 3 days ago

      the quality.

    • 3 days ago

      The entertainment

    • 3 days ago

      Biggest thing he dropped was probably Alia. I figured the film wasn't going for a close adaptation when I saw Paul clean shaven, doing spinning knife attacks in the trailer, but when there was no casting announcement for Alia I knew Villaneuve was going to pussy out on a lot of shit.
      >Jamis' funeral
      >Spice orgy
      >Leto II
      >St Alia of the knife
      >Harkonen strategy
      >Spacing guild
      >Emperor Shaddam
      no idea what happened there. The suspiciously young emperor trapped by greater forces become Joe Biden

      • 3 days ago

        you dont explain any of the shit, so i have no idea what you talking about

        • 3 days ago

          Shit that got dropped from the book
          >Jamis' funeral
          After killing that guy at the end of part 1 the troop have a funeral for him where they all give a eulogy. Paul gives a brief but powerful eulogy for jamis, showing how much their fight changed him. He cries a little and this moves the fremen (including chani) and gives further insight into them and their culture. A rare display of emotion from the main cast here

          Jamis' wife. As part of tradition, beating a fremen in ritual combat entitles the victory to all of his possessions, paul gets Jamis's wife
          >Spice orgy
          The scene where rebecca ferguson drinks juice and freaks out isn't in a random cave, it's a group affair and the entire sietch is involved. Chani isn't a fedora wearing atheist here, she's a preistess and assists with the ceremony. Everyone get's high and Paul and Chani fall in love
          >Leto II
          Paul and Chani's son, born in the two year timeskip. He dies in during the raid on sietch tabr
          >St Alia of the knife
          Paul's sister. She's about 3 by the second half of the book but has the mind of an adult. This terrifies everyone around her. She get's the name St Alia of the Knife after she uses a knife to kill the Baron and any wounded soldiers she finds
          >Harkonen strategy
          The Harkonens are all constantly plotting against each other, which leads to the final battle. The Baron purposely forces Rabban to oppress the people so he can later install Feyd as his preferred ruler with popular support. The Emperor suspects this is the Baron trying to replicate the process by which the Sardukar (his special army) are produced.
          >Spacing guild
          The most powerful faction in the Dune universe due to their monopoly on transport.

          • 3 days ago

            most of these are moronic anyway, the movies did good in cutting them lol

            • 3 days ago

              nah i was really looking forward to the space nomad diddy party

      • 3 days ago

        >Harkonen strategy

        The Baron's plan was to have Rabban terrorize Arrakis, then introduce Feyd as a benevolent ruler. In the movie Irulan is the one to offer this plant but to her father.

        • 3 days ago

          Which means Rabban is just terrorising arrakis with no greater purpose, the baron seems like a moron and Feyd is licking knives and stabbing staff for some reason, as opposed to scheming against the baron himself

          • 3 days ago

            Feyd and Baron are also manipulated into mistrusting each other by Thufir Hawat ....who got cut from the second film entirely. The Arteides who wasn't drugged and almost killed Feyd was part of that plan. In the movie, they have that scene but not Thufir which makes it almost entirely pointless.

  4. 3 days ago

    I only read the first book and I distinctly remember only two fights, the Fremen guy and Feyd Rautha.
    For some Reason the kino man Denis decided to include a dozen pointless fight scenes. When I was watching part 2, I was dumbfounded by the ornithopter fight scenes specially. They felt like generic action movie slop, and took a lot of minutes that could have been spent in actually important content.

  5. 3 days ago

    Bing Jizzumbutt

  6. 3 days ago

    WHy cannot people just read the book ?

    • 3 days ago

      The books are not literature.

  7. 3 days ago

    I've been blackpilled about the upcoming third one today, what do?

  8. 3 days ago

    >No Spacing Guild
    >No Count Fenring
    >No CHOAM
    >No Landsraad

    >no Paul inner struggles
    >no prescience visualization
    >Harkonenn are non-existent and dumbed down
    >No Alia killing Vladimir

    • 3 days ago

      >no prescience visualization
      There was prescience. It's always signaled by a red flare wiping the screen.

  9. 3 days ago

    Yeah Jackson already did that when he cut out Tom Bombadil

  10. 3 days ago

    They kept the undercurrent of romantic tension between Paul and his mom. Which is both weird and so obscure it's not even much recognized in decades of book discussion.

    Bravo Villeneuve

    • 3 days ago

      >Which is both weird
      Yeah sure, mommy fetish/incest is weird in the current year of our lord.

  11. 3 days ago

    Its dishonest.

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