The series just doesn't work when the dinosaurs get off the island, the setting just feels really dumb.

The series just doesn't work when the dinosaurs get off the island, the setting just feels really dumb. Also I don't believe a small handful of dinosaurs that arrived on a cargo ship is capable of causing a worldwide infestation.

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  1. 2 years ago

    This isn't your blog homosexual.

    • 2 years ago

      we're talking about movies here

  2. 2 years ago

    That's not even REMOTELY the plot you fricking moron.

    At least watch the movie before shitting out a baseless opinion. Yes it's pure fricking shit, but it's shit because it didn't touch the dinosaurs off the islands. They went TO a new dinosaur island and ignored the other ones completely.

    I want to reiterate again just how fricking stupid you are for thinking the trailers held true to what they said and thought you could make a convincing complaint. Unfortunately for you the movie isn't about those dinosaurs and indeed takes place on an island

    • 2 years ago

      >it didn't touch the dinosaurs off the islands
      oh sorry, I guess I just imagined the scenes of the black market dinosaurs and all

  3. 2 years ago

    Why the frick did they go with fricking locusts of all things as the big finale story of the franchise?

    • 2 years ago

      I get giant insects are part of prehistoric dinosaurs but they still feel like weird sci fi shit

    • 2 years ago

      This guy watched the movie.

      It reminds me of the thread earlier with another dipshit who didn't watch the movie but thought he should comment anyway.

      He wanted to know why everyone was calling the grasshoppers locusts, because according to him they were dragonflies. He said they're dragonflies and that locusts were grasshoppers who ate crops. He was genuinely confused. Imbecile.

      >it didn't touch the dinosaurs off the islands
      oh sorry, I guess I just imagined the scenes of the black market dinosaurs and all

      Yeah you did because that was a set piece and bringing it up because you heard about it doesn't somehow tell you what the movie is about and doesn't retroactively make you NOT look like a dipshit talking shit on the internet.

      I know some homosexuals dress like morons and dance around attacking people in a clockwork orange. That doesn't mean I am willing to comment on the film and it's plot. I don't know shit about it, so I'm not saying shit about it. You should follow that advice

      • 2 years ago

        >dinosaurs being exploited on the black market
        >t-t-that doesn't count ok!

        • 2 years ago

          Yeah see this just proves it. Anyone else would've given specific examples of the film to prove they watched it and then apologized for miswording the OP. A homosexual with nothing better to do would instead double down and keep attacking from the angle of someone not at all trying to prove they know what they're talking about.

          You're an idiot and now everyone knows it. My job is done. And please, do keep trying. The more you shitpost the dumber you look.

          • 2 years ago

            I'm literally watching the movie right now moron, the feathered raptor just went swimming under the ice

      • 2 years ago

        >didn't watch the movie but thought he should comment anyway.
        I won't watch it, you're gay, and I commented.

    • 2 years ago

      Why were they glowing?

  4. 2 years ago

    They don't even do "dinosaurs off the island" the main story is...dinosaurs in a containment valley. It's fricking AWFUL

    • 2 years ago

      >dinosaurs in a containment valley
      No it's not. They were on a new island. Valleys had nothing to do with it. And it's not even about the dinosaurs on the island either. You also didn't watch the movie

  5. 2 years ago

    >clone e-girl was created because grandfather was sad his daughter was killed
    >ACTUALLY the original was a strong independent woman who cloned herself to cure a genetic disease who was best friends with Ellie

  6. 2 years ago

    >barely any dino kills
    >locust shit in general
    >as long as you are a named character on the good guy's side you get to live
    >too much fricking focus on the humans
    >barely any injuries despite everyone but the OG cast being in actual fatal worthy accidents or at least crippling ones
    >they kept the moronic lasers from the last movie
    >too much nostalgia bait instead of actually making the movie interesting
    Actually incredible that they managed to make an even worse movie than the last one.

    • 2 years ago

      >they kept the moronic lasers from the last movie
      wasn't this universally hated? Don't they listen to critical response at all?

      • 2 years ago

        At least this time they weren't actual guns. Guns would have still worked better but then there would be even less dinosaur kills in a movie already barren of it.

      • 2 years ago

        These movies are intentionally stupid. They’re made for foreigners.

        • 2 years ago

          That's every movie in a franchise basically. It's not made for you.

  7. 2 years ago

    it doesnt work when they shit them out for mass diversity esg scores and green screen shit with garbage dinosaurs and the same fricking story over and over. SOTP FRICKING HOLDING YOUR HANDS OUT AT EVERY FRICKING DINOSAUR AND TAKING YOUR GLASSES OFF YOU FRICKING buttholeS JESUS CHRIST STOP JUST COPYING THE ORIGINAL MOVIES OHHHH AAHHHHH ITS A FRICKING DINOSAUR SHIT YOU buttholeS

  8. 2 years ago

    The original idea behind the lasers was that the clone girl was actually part dino and could control the dinosaurs like the indomindus, that's why she was so important. Test audiences didn't like it however and they reshot it to be a laser.

  9. 2 years ago

    What the fricking shit is that long fingered dinsaur? Did the Trex seriously do some Marvel team up with it so they can take out the other dinosaur?

    • 2 years ago

      I expected them to high five at the end lol

  10. 2 years ago

    I didn’t see Fallen Kingdom. Why was this entire movie about locusts and a clone girl? How the actual frick did the clone girl story get greenlighted? And why did the OG cast have such bad acting?

    • 2 years ago

      >clone girl story get greenlighted
      The original book and film had a point about genetic power. The new series is trying to have it as a theme but it comes across as silly. At this point it is a bit like Alien and how Weyland Yutani constantly want to control the alien for vague military purposes.

      • 2 years ago

        how long until we get these?

  11. 2 years ago

    >Also I don't believe a small handful of dinosaurs that arrived on a cargo ship is capable of causing a worldwide infestation.

    This isn't Jurassic Park 2 though.

  12. 2 years ago

    >First film is a classic and timeless.
    >Lost World is alright, fun and people are nostalgic for it.
    >Third film is kinda meh but seems like a classic in comparison to films now.
    >Jurassic World captures a lot of the original nostalgia and people watched it with good faith yet it is still messy in places.
    >Fallen Kingdom feels completely unnecessary considering how World ended, the characterisation makes no sense and they shit on some characters. Really lays on a "point" to the series.
    >We don't need more, no one cares about Blue, please stop.
    If they stopped at Jurassic World and waited to try something new I don't think anyone would have minded. More pointless franchise building.

  13. 2 years ago

    >Also I don't believe a small handful of dinosaurs that arrived on a cargo ship is capable of causing a worldwide infestation.
    Life uhhhh finds a way.

  14. 2 years ago

    did Dr. Wu seriously get a redemption arc?

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