The Swimmer

Just saw this movie after seeing a thread about it on Cinemaphile yesterday. I thought it was kino. Do you guys want to talk about it?

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  1. 1 week ago

    It was alright. I kinda don’t like Burt Lancaster, but this is his best movie I’ve seen so far probably.

    • 1 week ago

      The Leopard is his best in my opinion.

      What do you think the movie's trying to say?

      We all get old eventually and it's fricking painful. What do you think?

      • 1 week ago

        >We all get old eventually and it's fricking painful. What do you think?
        That is one way to look at it: after the heyday there is a gradual twilight.
        But the movie seems to highlight one specific aspect: our past choices come back to us and if they were wrong they bring regret even if a person tries to live in denial. This realization is brutal but necessary, and it has a silver lining: after watching The Swimmer we can make better life decisions.

      • 1 week ago

        Watch Sweet Smell of Success.
        Dude is a vainglorious bullshitter who destroys every relationship that he touches, who lives in the delusion of who he really is. It's a takedown of the post-WWII American bourgeoisie and patriarchal family. Basically, Mad Men, but without all the fluff. Not much a fan of the film myself.

        Watch his other movies (Frank Perry).


        Okay those are on the list then for someday. Another movie of his I watched was the Devil’s Disciple with Kirk Douglas on TCM and that movie was about the American revolutionary war and okay, but a little silly. I also saw a movie called The Scarlet Coat at about the same time on TCM (I think it was around July 4 hence why these movies were played) and it was revolutionary war kino (no Burt in it).

    • 1 week ago

      Watch Sweet Smell of Success.

      What do you think the movie's trying to say?

      Dude is a vainglorious bullshitter who destroys every relationship that he touches, who lives in the delusion of who he really is. It's a takedown of the post-WWII American bourgeoisie and patriarchal family. Basically, Mad Men, but without all the fluff. Not much a fan of the film myself.

      • 1 week ago

        >Dude is a vainglorious bullshitter who destroys every relationship that he touches, who lives in the delusion of who he really is. It's a takedown of the post-WWII American bourgeoisie and patriarchal family. Basically, Mad Men, but without all the fluff. Not much a fan of the film myself.
        It's not political. It shows a man whose mistakes are coming back to haunt them-- not outright crimes but more like cheating, being less than dependable as a businessman and so on.

        • 1 week ago

          I don't know what you consider "political," but if what I said is political, then it is. It's very clearly representative of America itself, and the idea of the American Dream following WWII.

          • 1 week ago

            >It's very clearly representative of America itself, and the idea of the American Dream following WWII.
            Resenting it is political.

            • 1 week ago

              Okay then. I didn't see it as "resenting it," but whatever pal.

              • 1 week ago

                >vainglorious bullshitter
                >American bourgeoisie
                >patriarchal family
                You sound like a female who chose gender studies at college and now seethes because you can't pay the rent

              • 1 week ago

                It's what the film is focused on, not me. Hate to break it to you, but these are popular concepts and writers use them for their work, whether you think it's stupid or not. The Swimmer is very clearly about class, the American dream, and the patriarchal male. As was something like Mad Men. Get over it.

              • 1 week ago

                >popular concepts
                No, this is woke jargon. And no, The Swimmer isn't about class or the "patriarchal male", sister

              • 1 week ago

                Woke jargon? It was popular among certain circles, especially back in the 60's. This is the problem with you morons who always cry about wokeness, aside from the fact that you can't even define what woke is - movies have always had ideological stances. You just didn't notice. Like I said, get over it. A movie doesn't agree with your worldview... who cares. But those things are exactly what the Swimmer is about, unfortunately. You are either very dense, or in complete denial, to think otherwise. It ain't exactly a subtle movie.

        • 1 week ago

          >whose mistakes are coming back

          The centerpiece of the movie is that he has suffered some sort of financial misfortune and no longer belongs in the upper class but as far as I remember they dont really say what caused it. Maybe he was laid off or forced out by office politics and did not do anything wrong. Nevertheless he is unable to accept his expulsion from the american dream and is living in a delusion.

          • 1 week ago

            >The centerpiece of the movie is that he has suffered some sort of financial misfortune and no longer belongs in the upper class but as far as I remember they dont really say what caused it.
            Nothing is clearly laid out about his past except for the fact that he lived in that neighborhood, had a big house and friends.
            It's implied that he swindled some people financially, had a bitter ex-lover and also that he was estranged from his family. It's also hinted that not everybody knew about his issues. This type of fragmented/allegorical approach was brilliant because we have to see the big picture even if some details are unclear.

            • 1 week ago

              I don't really see that as brilliant. Lots of movies aspiring to be important art go that route.

              • 1 week ago

                >Lots of movies aspiring to be important art go that route.
                Perhaps but not with the same amount of qualities, from cinematography to acting to subtlety and tonal balance. The fact that it eschews cheap exposition/cliches makes it stand above most drama movies.

              • 1 week ago

                You're just saying words. The Swimmer is not subtle at all. The cinematography is at times atrocious. What the Swimmer has that is genuinely brilliant: Burt Lancaster and its premise. It's a middling film though.

              • 1 week ago

                You just sound low IQ. "Saying words" is a defensive 14 yo non-argument.
                >The cinematography is at times atrocious.
                You have awful taste and know nothing about movies, my friend. Educate yourself

              • 1 week ago

                I'm not playing defense here.
                Well, it's not an argument. Maybe non-criticism is what you meant? You were just saying thing without substantiating. Came off as begging the question.
                >You have awful taste and know nothing about movies, my friend. Educate yourself
                Not a controversial view. The Swimmer has some very dated 60's flower power camerawork which absolutely drags the picture down. It's got some good looking stuff as well, but it's a particularly interesting film in terms of cinematography. Very of its time.

    • 1 week ago

      Watch his other movies (Frank Perry).

      The Leopard is his best in my opinion.

      We all get old eventually and it's fricking painful. What do you think?


    • 1 week ago

      generally love lancaster is it any good?

      >he hasnt seen his shark grin in vera cruz

  2. 1 week ago

    What do you think the movie's trying to say?

  3. 1 week ago

    >I'm gonna piss and shit in all the pools in the neighborhood .

    • 1 week ago

      I watch a lot of movies. Does anyone else feel like they have to buy a pool.

      • 1 week ago

        >mommy! daddy! I want a pony!
        Well, at least that one didn’t work.

  4. 1 week ago

    This kino worth buying?

    • 1 week ago

      100%. The Grindhouse Releasing edition is like 3 blu-rays and literally dozens of extras including I think a CD with the OST. The image quality is phenomenal.

  5. 1 week ago


    • 1 week ago

      literally me

  6. 1 week ago

    >just chilling and minding my own business
    >some guy way over his prime trespasses on my property and swims in my pool because he wants to go down "the river" to the bottom of the hill

  7. 1 week ago

    Interesting movie, unfortunately stuck inbetween old and new Hollywood, which make it feel kinda awkward. If it was made just a few years later with a less stiff approach it could have been a masterpiece.

  8. 1 week ago

    The plot of the film is interesting and engaging enough. The whole concept is amusing, but I think the visual style, and dreaminess of the film is what makes it work.

    Watching this film feels like a nostalgic dream, lush and vibrant green suburbia of a bygone era where also Burt Lancaster is hopelessly and desperately clinging on to the past, his own bygone era. And we see him living out his fantasies. Coming back to the old neighborhood after losing everything and just desperately wanting to return to his own nostalgia.

    It is a great character study, but for me personally this movie captures a certain piece of America that makes me nostalgic for a time and place I was not alive to experience for myself. Burt Lancaster's character being like a dreaming vessel for me to experience this. It is in my top ten. I love this movie. And it is endlessly rewatchable.

  9. 1 week ago

    why do boomers always have to do a boring, unfunny lie when they start threads?
    >hey guise. i just saw this movie for the absolute first time. can we have a thread about it?
    learn to post, moron

    • 1 week ago

      Dont' be a cringe edgelord. The guy might be telling the truth as there was a big thread about The Swimmer yesterday and that's not uncommon on Cinemaphile: some anon sees a post about a movie, watched it and then makes a post himself to exchange views and ideas

    • 1 week ago

      There was a Swimmer thread on here all day yesterday, dipshit.

    • 1 week ago

      its not his fault that you're a tourist summergay who doesn't keep track of good threads on here

  10. 1 week ago

    Sounds like a thread about mental illness

  11. 1 week ago

    Sorry I meant sounds like a movie about mental illness.

  12. 1 week ago

    I love how it transitions from old Hollywood to New Hollywood, good metaphor.

  13. 1 week ago

    Anyone who thinks the swimmer is middling or anything less than great has no soul and is probably 13-23 years old. The film is truly something special and unique.

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